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Thread: If Looks Could Kill (NC-17)

  1. #101
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 1 6/17/06 (NC-17)

    Excellent chapter!!!!!!!! It made me smile to think that Lex wants to take a real trip with Chloe after all of this is over. I hope that Zeus didn't shoot Lex & that Clark will be back to help Lex & Chloe. Can't wait for more.

  2. #102
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 1 6/17/06 (NC-17)

    That was a great update. I can't wait to see how Clark fits into this.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #103
    Join Date
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 1 6/17/06 (NC-17)

    Great story! I can't wait to see what happens next.

  4. #104
    NS Full Member teb85's Avatar
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 1 6/17/06 (NC-17)

    I can't believe I missed the last chapter ,where have I been !! Anyways it was great as usual and I can't wait for another update !!

  5. #105
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 2 8/11/06 (NC-17)

    Notes: Sorry, I suck. I should have updated part two of this a long time ago. Keep in mind Lex still doesn’t know Clark’s secret. He is suspicious but he doesn’t know. Also keep in mind that in this AU fic, Chloe and Clark don’t know each other. As a hit woman, Chloe doesn’t trust what she doesn’t know.

    Chapter 12 Cornered Part 2

    The smoke from the gun fire cleared. It wasn’t obvious to Chloe then but, something that had nothing to do with her just happened. She walked right into Lex’s world and it was one she realized she knew very little about.

    Chloe’s first instinct was to make sure the target was down and, right now, her target was Zeus. Looking at the doorway for him, Zeus was faced down and looked as if he was knocked out.

    Confirming that the target was immobilized for the moment she turned to look at Lex. “Lex, are you all right?” His hands were covering his face and he was hiding from the gun fire as best he could. Once she spoke, he moved his hands away to look at her.

    “What happened?” He questioned and looked to find the same things she did. Somehow Zeus was knocked out. “Clark.” He groaned through clenched teeth then, jumped up from the ground.

    Chloe thought to the man that was there when they arrived at the temple. He was big but there was no way he could have taken out Zeus on his own when he opened fire on them. “What do you mean Clark?” Lex reached his hand out to her and Chloe took it without pause to get off the ground. She reached down to pick up her gun and started to make her way to Zeus’ body with her gun aimed and ready.

    Zeus had to find them by Lao. Damn Lao had trusted Ares with the information and now lead him right to her. Even though Aphrodite said they were not to be harmed anymore, Zeus still opened fire. Bringing her and Lex in alive was good enough for him as not harmed.

    “Come out here Clark!” Lex was yelling behind her and Chloe ignored it. Who ever Clark was to him didn’t matter at that moment. Zeus was down but, that didn’t mean he was no longer a threat to them.

    Standing by his feet, Chloe had the gun aimed at his head ready to deliver a killing shot if she needed to. She reached down quickly to check his pulse and he was still breathing.

    “Clark!” Lex shouted again. Chloe looked beyond her and saw Lex circling the temple.

    “Lex he’s gone.” Chloe saw he was frantic and needed his help. “Get over.”

    “He did this. He stopped him. I don’t know how but I know it was him.” Lex argued with himself walking towards her at Zeus body. “He does this all the time to me.” How one man could dodge bullets then knock out one of strongest men Chloe had ever met in a matter of seconds made no sense. Lex was hiding something from her or Clark was hiding something from Lex.

    “We should eliminate him.” Chloe didn’t want to kill Zeus but she wouldn’t put it past him to wake up and try and kill her. She took his gun and stood back up with Lex now at her side.

    Her father’s words were starting to sink in. A dead enemy was a better one. Getting rid of the Gods left nothing in her path for getting away from the network.

    “Do it.” Lex didn’t seem phased by her omission. He said he was okay with her job but he was showing it right now.

    “We can leave the body here to be collected by officials.” Chloe readied her gun and aimed. Squeezing the trigger, she was about to shoot when someone yelled out.

    “Don’t!” Chloe turned to see the brown haired man coming out from behind the center wall of the room. “He’s knocked out there is no need to shoot him.”

    “Where the hell did you come from Clark?” Lex’s attention was fully on Clark again and he wanted answers.

    “I was hiding from the gun fire.” Clark adjusted his clothes and walked towards them. He was acting as if he was naïve and had no idea what happened. “Who stopped that guy.?

    “You did this!” Lex moved toward him and they met half way. “Stop playing dumb Clark and admit you did this.” They started starting at each other again.

    Chloe sighed deeply and didn’t know what was going on with the two of them and didn’t care. She didn’t know if Zeus was knocked out and still alive or what but, she didn’t need a witness a murder. So, she put her plan on hold for now. She placed the safety on her gun and put it in the back of her pants. Then, she took the clip from the semi-automatic and placed it in her back pocket and dropped the gun on the ground. “Lex, we need something to restrain him.”

    “I’m sure Clark can do it.” Lex didn’t turn to look at her but answered as if he heard her.

    “Who is that guy? Why was he shooting at us or, should I say, shooting at you Lex?” Clark looked just as angry as Lex did. His question went unanswered and was going to stay that way.

    Chloe had to put a stop to this and now. They came there for a key and they weren’t leaving without it. If there was another player in the game she would take care of him.

    Chloe left Zeus’ body and trusted that he was out for while. “Look, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with the two of you but we have a killer over here that could wake up any minute.” Chloe’s hand touched Lex’s arm; getting her his attention.

    Clark was looking at her now and Chloe didn’t like it. She didn’t trust who ever this person was because Lex didn’t trust him. Lex looked back at Clark and glared once then turned back to the body.

    “We can use the ropes tying back the curtains.” Lex answered, he was still in this with her.

    They left Clark behind and went for the ropes. They moved back to Zeus; it was like they were one. Both went to move his body to the nearest pillar in the room.

    They were struggling a bit, seeing as how Zeus was a very large man, and Lex made it known. “Are you going to help?”

    “Not until you tell me who he is?” Clark answered them.

    Chloe stepped right into the middle of this and putting herself on one side of this fight. She pulled her gun out and pointed it right at Clark. “Get over here and help us.”

    “Bastet …” Lex tried to say something but she stopped before he could start.

    “Do you trust him?” She didn’t take her attention off Clark. His hands now raised, he didn’t seem afraid that his life was in her hands.

    “No, but…” Lex started and was stopped again.

    “Don’t worry Lex. We’ll just tie him up with my old friend.” Chloe moved away from Zeus who was still out like a light. Whatever happened to him was sticking. “Come on over Clark and help move the body.” She waved the gun in the direction she wanted him to move and Clark followed orders.

    It was starting to get to her that Zeus was knocked out with no signs of getting shot by any type of tranquilizer. She didn’t like the location they were in and wanted to get out of it right away.

    She watched Lex and Clark tie up Zeus as he started to wake up. His eyes shot opened but it was too late for him to try to get up. “Where did he go?” He screamed looking around him then got his bearings and focused right on Chloe. “Bastet, I thought I shot you.”

    A devilish grin crossed her face and she shook her head no. “Sorry Zeus looks like your aim is off these days.”

    “How did you knock me out? Come on tell and old friend a secret.” His eyes bore into her, Chloe’s gun had left Clark as her target and went back to the real threat in the room.

    “You tell me Zeus.” Everything else fell away and Chloe was in her world. A part of Lex’s life and hers had collided into one big mess.

    “I don’t know but whatever it was it was fast.” The conversation was calm and light hearted, as if he hadn’t just tried to kill them.

    ”Lao sent you?” Chloe moved in, getting closer to her target.

    “He gave the location to Ares. He seems to know where you are when no one else can find you. Ares really has a talent don’t you think?” His deep voice was calm. It was like he wasn’t unconscious a few moments ago. To suppress pain was the mark of a good operative. No matter what, you couldn’t show your enemy that you were injured.

    “It was nice seeing you; sorry we have to leave you here but you’ll have company.” The talk was over and it was time for Chloe and Lex to move on. “Have a seat Clark.” Her gun went back to the man she now knew as Clark Kent who was Lex’s enemy, so that made him hers. “Are you okay with this Lex?”

    She glanced at him and he was grinning, still holding on to some of the rope. “I think this is a wonderful idea.”

    “Who are you?” Clark whined to her as he moved to the pillar and slid down to the ground.

    Lex was right on him with the ropes and hooked him to the pillar and then to Zeus.

    “She’s a killer kid. Don’t you see it?” Zeus answered and let off a deep chuckle at the end.

    “You don’t look like one to me. Who ever you are, you shouldn’t be with Lex. He will…” Clark was going to start a speech Chloe didn’t want to hear. He was going to try and poison her against Lex. It wasn’t going to work.

    “Lex I think your friend here needs a gag as well.”

    Lex smirked down at Clark as he spoke “I have been waiting for years to shut him up.”

    Clark protested the suggestion but it wasn’t going to help. “The key is not meant for you Lex. You won’t find what you’re looking for. You won’t….” His voice was muffled by a handkerchief being shoved into his mouth then held in place with some of the rope.

    “Who is that Bastet?” Zeus spoke up. “Apollo made no mention of a third party.”

    “No one for you to be concerned about.” Chloe lowered her gun at last, feeling more at ease now that her targets were secure.

    “You think this is over?” Zeus questioned losing his reasonable tone from before, he sounded rather irritated. “Ares will come for you if you…”

    Without a second thought to him, Chloe took the handle of her gun and hit Zeus with all the strength she had in her. Her back was starting to hurt and that big swing didn’t help but Zeus was back the way she wanted him; asleep.

    “So where is this key?” Chloe looked to the right and Lex was standing next to her.

    “Are we going to leave them like this?” A moment ago he didn’t care about Clark and now he seemed worried about him.

    “Yes, that was the plan.” Chloe turned to look at him, studying his face, and his grin returned.

    “Good, it’s the perfect test for him.” Lex moved away from her, a move that would have to be explained but, not now. “Did you notice the round door?” He was moving towards the center of the room and Chloe followed. They were back on track.

    She didn’t have time in the moment of chaos to see the door but now it was clear. At the center of the round down was small tree carved into a rock embedded in the larger stone door.

    They both reached the door, staring at it, looking for clues. While Lex felt around the side of the door Chloe was focused on the small middle stone. It looked like a switch of some kind. When she really looked hard she got a glimpse of the painting.

    “Lex, look at this.” Chloe moved toward the image and placed her hands over the top brush of the tree and the bottom attached to what should be the ground. The path in the forefront of the painting underneath was exposed. The lines of tree and the curve of its branches were just like in the painting.

    “The painting?” He muttered moving closer to her hands to study the image.

    “I think this is where your key is.” Chloe moved her hands away then, did something she’d never done before. She was about to rob her first temple.

    Her palm covered the embedded rock and pushed it into the door. A loud rumbled sounded and the round down started to roll on its own. Behind her was muffled yelling of Clark but, it was too late. They both stood back and waited for the door to revel its secrets.

    Inside the room were green rocks on a table and at the center of it was a round disk sitting up for display. Green rocks shimmered when the light hit them; they weren’t stones Chloe had ever seen.

    “Meteor rocks.” Lex said and moved into the room the door revealed. He was in a zone now and Chloe just watched him like a kid in a candy story retrieving what he worked so hard to find.

    “Is this what you’re looking for?” Chloe moved behind him, studying the green rocks he dubbed meteor rocks.

    “Yes, exactly what I was looking for.” Lex turned back to her in the room with the key in had. The metal desk didn’t look like much but he pocketed the prize then pulled her close to him. His mouth fell on her quickly, laying an urgent kiss on her lips. Chloe felt herself a bit spun by the gesture but Lex was happy and he was letting her know it.

    Her arms wrapped around his neck to allow her fingers to stroke his smooth scalp feeling some of perspiration that had formed there. Chloe let him assault her lips for a few moments before nudging away from him. “We can celebrate elsewhere. I suggest we get out of here.”

    She looked at him, his eyes were still closed. His arms tightened around her; it would hurt but the commanding move was more arousing then painful. His eyes opened slowly and he let go finally. “Let’s go.”

    Chloe moved out the door first and Lex moved ahead of her. She watched Lex kneel down in front of Clark to say some final words. “I would say good luck but I know I’ll be seeing you in the caves soon enough. I’ll see you and then I’ll know for sure that you’re more then just a mild mannered farm boy.”

    They had what they came for and it was time to go. Chloe grabbed Zeus’ gun and headed out of the place followed closely by Lex.

    She was cornered again by her father and still got out of it some how. How Zeus was stopped was still beyond her but she and Lex had some talking to do. Clark Kent needed to be explained. Lex’s assurance that Clark would break free once they left needed to be explained. Today’s events left her with so many questions.

    One good thing came out of today’s mission and they had the key Lex spoke of. Now that they had it, the door in Smallville could be opened and all of Lex’s questions could be answered. Most likely both their fathers would be waiting for them because Zeus was right. Ares, her father always knew where she was.

    Chloe could take care of the things in her world. Zeus was a minor problem that may come back to get her later on but she would be ready for him. Lex’s world was lot trickery it seemed.

    They turned the corner leading away from the temple and didn’t stop moving until they were back in Kansas. This life Chloe was living was getting harder and harder. She started to wonder about Lex’s offer of a vacation after all of this was done. It was a nice idea. She shot her father not long ago and started to wonder had she taken things to far with this job.

    She was in a corner now and there were several ways out of it. Her father would do his best to keep her locked where she was but Chloe wouldn’t be taken out easily. They may have wounded her but she was a good operative and could hide her pain until all her enemies had been taken out and she was the last woman standing.

    Before Lex could find the answer he so desperately needed, there was one more corner Chloe had to turn. One in which she would find out who her father’s real associate was. This person identity would turn her world upside down

    Smallville was waiting for them and the tiny town was holding all the answers to Chloe questions. And to some she never asked.


    Chapter 13 Answers

    Notes: I know this story has been running for awhile now and I have several going on the board but my plan is to finish Water Runs Dry then come back to this one. So please bear with me for those who like this one because I’ll be back to it soon (with smut if that does anything for you).

  6. #106
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 2 8/11/06 (NC-17)

    Great chapter!!! I wonder who Chloe's father's real associate is? Chloe & Lex definitly need a vacation together. Can't wait for the next chapter!

  7. #107
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 2 8/11/06 (NC-17)

    Awesome...............Could it be that Chloe's father associate is actually....LEX??? That will kill Chloe...........Please update soon..........I love this story; and the wait is killing me............

  8. #108
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 2 8/11/06 (NC-17)

    Woohoo that was a great update. I can't wait to see what answers they will find in smallville.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #109
    Kill Lana
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 2 8/11/06 (NC-17)

    Uh! just finished reading all of this. the plot turns. on the edge of my seat... I can't take it. This story makes my stomach all twisty turning! you're killing me here. More soon i hope???

  10. #110
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Re: If Looks Could Kill Chapter 12 Part 2 8/11/06 (NC-17)

    I am sorry I have missed the last 2 updates, but I am still here and enjoying it so please, please come back and update soon I want to know what happens next

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