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Thread: Beloved - NC-17 - Complete

  1. #91
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Oh my God, that's was the funniest thing ever! :lol: Poor Chloe having to deal with dumb and dumber. Hehehe, I really liked this chapter! :yay:

  2. #92
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    Why does Lana always stick her nose where it doesn't belong? But, I loved their reactions to her coming back. The shopping spree ought to be very interesting. And, I love that Chloe is now used to her own way. Maybe she'll stick with the attitude and Clark will acutally listen to her from now on.


  3. #93
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    *grumble, mumble* Bloody Lana! *mumble, grumble*

    ...so are we gonna get some Chlex soon? Pretty please?

    I luv this fic!

  4. #94
    Just a Guest!
    Chloe bit her lower lip, tuning out everything else as she assessed the damage to the front of her car.


    “Hmm?” she responded absently. The dent wasn’t large, but she knew she would get a nice long lecture from her dad when she got home about it. ‘Don’t miss those,’ she thought to herself.

    “What happened to your car?”

    The sound of Lex’s smooth, yet amused voice filtered into Chloe’s ears and she finally turned around to look at him.

    “I think I hit something,” she admitted with an uneasy grin.

    Lex was coming closer to her and despite the fact that she knew he didn’t see her as anything more than a friendly acquaintance; she still wasn’t entirely comfortable in finding out whether she shared the same kind of chemistry with Lex as she did with Alexander. It would only mean problems either way.

    Lex came up right next to her and grinned before crouching down to look at the dented front bumper and broken headlight.

    “I don’t see any blood.”

    Chloe glared at him and placed her hands on her hips.

    “I didn’t hit a *person*, Lex.”

    Lex smirked at her as he pushed his hands off his knees and rose to full height again.

    “Why did you hit anything at all?” he asked.

    Chloe suddenly became very aware that he wasn’t stepping back from his position and was standing only a couple of inches away from her. Her heart started to beat rapidly in her chest and she wiped her now sweaty palms against her curve-hugging suede skirt before giving him a hesitant grin.

    “I haven’t been driving in a while,” she said.

    “Ah. Perhaps I should have someone chauffer you around for a while then. I don’t think your dad would look too kindly on you getting hurt so soon after you got home.”

    Chloe narrowed his eyes a little at his teasing tone and before she could think about what she was doing, she backhanded his arm playfully.

    “Jerk,” she said with a smile.

    Lex looked down at the part of his arm where the contact had been, his eyes fixed to the where the strange tingling sensation now coursing through his body had begun. Chloe cleared her throat and Lex looked up at her.

    “So, where’s Lucas?” she asked uncomfortably. Lex’s face fell from dumbstruck to displeased in the space of half a second.

    “In the house,” he responded gruffly and then started to walk in that direction, Chloe following closely by his side. Careful not to let any other emotions through, he quickly added, “He’s having…difficulties…with the staff.”

    Chloe surprised him by letting out a loud, hearty laugh.

    “Why does that not surprise me?” she asked.

    Lex grinned at her, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that had moved through his body and created such warmth only seconds ago. He couldn’t help wondering if that was the same connection Chloe had with Alexander. If so, it certainly explained why Alexander had been willing to go to such extremes to keep Chloe with him – and why he would probably go to any lengths to bring her back to his world.

    “Chloe,” Lex started seriously. “I know you don’t want to talk about this, but I think we should discuss what the plan is if…Alexander…finds a way back over here.”

    “You’ve been talking to my dad,” she said in an observant tone.

    “No. Why? Did you already discuss this with him?”

    Chloe gave him a small nod of her head and he opened the front door for her.

    “He wants to move – or at least have me think about it.”

    “Oh,” Lex responded, unable to keep the disappointment he felt from leaking into his voice. He understood Gabe’s position, but he didn’t want her to leave.

    “I told him no,” Chloe said.

    “You *would* be safer,” Lex pointed out. Chloe shook her head.

    “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “It was my decision to bring Lucas with me. I’m not going to just desert him like that.”

    Lex had to push down the swell of jealousy that arose within him. For now, Chloe didn’t know of his feelings for her; and since it looked like that was the only reason that Lucas was letting him live, he wasn’t in a hurry to state otherwise. Lex Luthor was not a patient man, but he could bide his time, slowly dropping hints to Chloe until she realized that she should be with him instead of Lucas; making her fall for him before quietly sending Lucas on his way back to his own world and finding a way to seal the gate so it couldn’t be opened again.

    “Do you like him?” Lex asked quietly.

    “Lucas?” she asked. Lex nodded and noticed the way that Chloe ducked her head so she wouldn’t have to look at him as she spoke.


    “I like him – as a friend,” she said so no one else but Lex could hear her.

    “I see.”

    “But I’m going to give him a chance,” Chloe added. “The way Clark stomped on my feelings – God. I could never do that to Lucas. He’s been the only *real* friend I’ve ever had and I --- he deserves better than me, but he also deserves the opportunity to figure that out for himself instead of just having me tell him.”

    ‘There is no better than you,’ Lex thought to himself. ‘And if Lucas is as smart as I think he is, then he’s already figured that out. Better not say that though.’ “Have you seen Clark?” He immediately regretted his choice for change in topic when he saw her straighten her spine.

    “He was at the house last night when we got home.”

    “And judging from your tone, I’m going to guess it didn’t go well,” Lex said.

    “You could say that,” Chloe said and then shook her head lightly. “I just never realized how sanctimonious he can be. Like his way is the only way. God, if that were true then we’d all be wearing flannel.” Lex snickered and Chloe broke out a small smile. “Has he always been that way?”

    “As far as I can remember, but I think friendship helps people overlook each other’s faults.”

    “I guess,” Chloe said sadly. ‘And I guess that means Clark and I have really stopped being friends – not that we weren’t headed in that direction anyway.’

    “I suppose you heard that we had a bit of a falling out,” Lex said. Chloe snorted.

    “Lana went so far as to warn me away from you,” she said. Lex grinned.

    “And yet, here you are,” he pointed out. “Curiosity as to what I did that was so bad as to be put on Clark’s ‘bad list’?”

    “Hey – I’m here to see Lucas,” Chloe retorted with a teasing smile.

    “Ah yes. How could I have forgotten?” Lex asked, mimicking her joking tone.

    “Of course, now that you mention it…”

    Lex chuckled and showed her a real smile.

    “What’d you do? Kill someone?” she asked.

    Lex was about to answer with, ‘nothing quite that sordid,’ when he thought better of it. That answer would only make her keep digging for the truth, and that probably wasn’t the best idea if he wanted to eventually win her over.

    “I’d tell you, but I’d rather not scare you away like I did with Clark.”

    Chloe gave him a tight grin.

    “If I can still be friends with Lucas after he killed Nudd, then I’m pretty sure whatever you have to say isn’t going to affect our relationship,” she said, blushing with embarrassment after the last word came out of her mouth. ‘Good one, Sullivan. Now he’s going to think you like him like every other lovesick girl or gold-digging model likes him.

    Lex felt his heart pump faster when Chloe made a slip of the tongue and then blushed about it, but his thoughts were drawn to the fact that she had said that Lucas had killed someone – and she had forgiven him for it. He was about to ask her about it when Lucas bounded into the room and swept Chloe off her feet as he twirled her around in a large hug. Chloe laughed and Lex frowned.

    ‘Great,’ he thought sarcastically.

    “I have missed you,” Lucas said before setting Chloe’s feet down on the floor. His gaze moved over her body and Lex clenched his hands into fists. “You look…nice,” he said with an appreciative smirk. Chloe, used to Lucas’s compliments, simply smiled. She let own eyes run over him and her smile broadened.

    “You too,” she said when she saw the outfit he was wearing. A tight long-sleeved coal colored shirt with nicely fitting black jeans. Chloe shook her head. “Did the people bring clothes with them or something?”

    “My brother left some of his things here,” Lex answered.

    “Oh,” Chloe said. “I’m sorry.”

    Lex nodded once.

    “It’s okay. At least they’re being put to use, right?”

    Chloe gave him a sad grin, and much to Lex’s surprise, moved away from Lucas to give him a small hug. She pulled away before Lex could wrap his arms around her and he suddenly felt a complete lack of warmth where her body had just been. He cleared his throat to cut through the now uncomfortable atmosphere around them and motioned with his arm to the room where they would get their measurements taken.

    “So – shall we?”

  5. #95
    NS Full Member marrycherry's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    they're so cute together :chlexsign1:
    i love this fic...i really do....but i would really like to know what happen to the other Lex.. and when this lex is gonna make a move on Chloe.

    update soon.. :chlexsign3:

    p.d: did i tell you that how much i love this fic

  6. #96
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    I don't know why but now i kind of like this Lucas! I feel really bad for Alexander though...will he come back? Great chapter!


  7. #97
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Nice update, but hey that was way to short, and you know I want more! So come on, give Lex and Chloe a couple of minutes alone so he can tell her what the fall out was about and for a little more UST!


  8. #98
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
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    02 Mar 2003
    This story is one of my favourites. Although Lucas is a pyschopath, he does really care about Chloe. And I just know that Prince Alex will not give up Chloe so easily...it's so exciting. :yay:

  9. #99
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    Lex can bide his time, huh? Hope he doesn't have to bide too much of it. And, really, Chloe is too good a person giving Lucas a chance when Lex is all hot and sexy and standing right in front of her.


  10. #100
    Just a Guest!
    The ride into town was…torturous.

    Chloe hadn’t even considered the probability that Lucas might get motion sickness as he had never been in an automobile before and she was sure that the limo driver was going to be less than pleased when he saw the streak of vomit along the outside of the car on the driver’s side.

    They finally pulled to a stop in the street in front of the Talon. The chauffer held Chloe’s door open for her and she had barely gotten out when Lucas quickly came scrambling out after her, making his way to a section of sidewalk to the side of the Talon’s front door, where the remainder of his stomach’s contents were promptly exhumed.

    The driver grimaced and Chloe looked at him apologetically.

    “You’ll – uh – want to visit the car wash, I’m guessing.”

    He grimaced again, but gave her a polite nod and left them standing in front of the building that had become one of her second homes when she had still been living there.

    She frowned at the thought. Did she not consider self a resident of Smallville anymore? She hadn’t been over in Lucas’s world that long, she couldn’t possibly…James’s words rang in her ears. She *technically* wasn’t from the world that she was now in. Maybe that’s where all of this doubt about being there was suddenly springing up from. She shook off the thoughts and turned her attention to Lucas.

    “Feeling better?” Chloe asked sympathetically and rubbed Lucas’s back. He grunted and she began to usher him toward the Talon’s front door, handing him a Kleenex out of her purse so he could wipe his mouth. “Guess it’s a good thing that Lex insisted on the limo since it went a lot slower than *I* usually drive.” Lucas arched his eyebrow and Chloe smiled at him before offering a light one-shouldered shrug. “You get used to it.”

    Lucas grimaced as he looked over toward the section of sidewalk that he had just thrown up on.

    “I do not believe I shall ever become used to that.”

    “Oh. Well, no. I meant, you’ll get used to being in the car – you won’t get carsick after a while,” Chloe said.

    Lucas nodded once and placed his hand on the small of her back as he opened the door for her.

    If she had any doubts about bringing Lucas back with her, they were all dismissed the second Chloe saw Lana’s face. The brunette girl’s jaw dropped to the floor, quickly followed by the tray of coffee mugs and glasses she was carrying.

    Chloe had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, but Lucas had no qualms about showing his amusement with the situation. He threw his head back and let a deep laugh erupt from his throat, causing Chloe to snicker as well.

    ‘Too bad I didn’t have him here when I hate her,’ she thought to herself. ‘Ooh – or the jocks – I could have had him get rid of them for me.’ Chloe ran her bottom teeth over her upper lip after the thought drifted through her mind. ‘Probably not a good idea to encourage his homicidal tendencies.’

    “I – um – hi,” Lana stammered, giving Chloe a little wave as she approached the couple. Lucas growled at her and Lana’s eyes widened, her feet taking a step back out of instinct.

    “Hi Lana,” Chloe replied with a beaming smile, more than a little entertained by Lana’s reaction. She then rested her hand on Lucas’s waiting bent arm, an action she had come to get used to when she had been in the other world. “Lucas, this is Lana Lang; Lana, this is Prince Lucas of ---”

    “We’ve met,” Lana interrupted and then scrunched up her face. “Or, sort of anyway. I met Lex’s brother while he was here.”

    Lucas raised a disdainful eyebrow and gave her a mocking look.

    “We are different people, and I am certain that my double held you in the same regard that I hold Julian’s fiancée.”

    “Uh, well,” Lana said in flustered discomfort and then looked away and at the floor as she started to speak again. “We didn’t hit it off as well as we could have, but he had a hard life, and ---”

    “And tolerating you did not make it any less difficult,” Lucas said pointedly. He leaned his head toward Chloe and placed his hand on top of the hand she had resting on his other arm. “May we be rid of this place now?” Chloe smirked up at him.

    “That anxious to get back in the car, huh?” she teased.

    Lucas gave her a tight grin which quickly turned into a mischievous smile, and within the blink of an eye he moved his hands to her sides to tickle her unmercifully. Chloe yelped and Lana watched on in confusion as her friend started to giggle. Chloe *never* giggled.

    The giggle turned to a full-blown laugh and Chloe started to playfully try and push Lucas’s hands away from her.

    “Stop it!” she squealed.

    Lana blinked and took a few steps back further away from them, stumbling a little on the broken cups she never picked up.

    After thinking that she was dead, even after the coroner said otherwise, Chloe was alive and home. And despite what she had said the previous night, she seemed…happy. It was the first time Lana had seen her like that in a long time.

    ‘Since before Clark and I really started even becoming friends,’ she thought to herself with a tiny frown on her lips. Her ears perked back up when she heard Chloe start talking again and her gaze moved over to where her friend stood with her hands against Lucas’s chest.

    “…Besides, you said you wanted to meet Clark,” Chloe said. The words set off warning bells in Lana’s head and she quickly rushed over and grabbed Chloe by the arm. Chloe merely raised an eyebrow at her. “Can I help you?” she asked with a slight laugh. Lana tugged on her arm and Chloe gave Lucas a grumbling apologetic look as she let the dark-haired girl pull her away.

    “Chloe!” Lana hissed in a hushed voice, her eyes darting over to Lucas to make sure her life wasn’t in immediate peril. “What are you doing?”

    Chloe tore her arm away from Lana’s grasp and rubbed it.

    ‘She just had to grab my *wounded* arm,’ she inwardly chided. “What do you mean?”

    “I mean ---” Lana trailed off and motioned to Lucas with her head. Chloe narrowed her eyes at her.

    “I told you that I was bringing him to meet you, Clark, and Pete today,” she responded, meeting Lana’s almost venomous tone. “It’s not *my* fault if you didn’t ‘hit it off’ with this Lucas either.”

    Truth be told, Chloe was glad. Ever since she had moved to Smallville the summer before eighth grade, Lana Lang had been worshipped like a goddess who could do no wrong – even when her faults and misdoings were blatantly clear. It was nice to see someone who didn’t put Lana up on that pedestal, but instead placed *her* there. It was nice to be the princess. And Chloe wasn’t about to let Lana’s fragile ego ruin that.

    Lana blinked, startled by Chloe speaking to her like that. In Chloe’s absence, she had forgotten that the blonde girl had been the only one to ever stand up to her, to call her on not being perfect. Although she had always been the center of attention, Lana had gotten used to her false glory not being called into question while Chloe was gone. And now that Chloe was back, Lana had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that things were about to take a definite turn for the worse.

    The girls’ heads turned when the bell above the Talon’s front door chimed and they watched Clark and Pete walk into the establishment. Lana gave Clark a nervous smile and started to move toward him.

    Chloe, on the other hand, had a completely different reaction. She rolled her eyes in partial disgust at her former crush and then covered the space between her and Pete to give her friend a warm hug. Pete hugged her back, his arms wrapped tightly around her as if he were clinging for dear life. Chloe pulled away and Pete smiled broadly as he unashamedly looked over her body.

    “Clark told me, but I didn’t believe it,” he said. “I can’t believe you’re actually here - *alive*.” Chloe chuckled and then noticed Lucas’s raised eyebrow. “So, tell me all about your adventures as Princess Chloe.”

    “In a sec, Pete,” she said, grabbing his hand to drag him over to where Lucas stood. “First, there’s someone I want you to meet.” Pete smirked and gave an upward nod of his head to Lucas.

    “We’ve met,” he said casually. “Long time no see. What’s been goin’ on?”

    Lucas glanced over at Chloe, who snickered into her hand.

    “Pete, this is Lucas.”

    “Yeah, I know,” he said. “I ---”

    “Not the Lucas you met Lucas,” Chloe clarified. Pete furrowed his brow until understanding dawned on him and his eyes grew large.

    “You brought him back with you?” he asked in surprise. Chloe nodded and Pete blinked a couple of times, unsure of what to make of this newest development.


    “I gather that Clark didn’t fill you in on everything?” Chloe asked with amusement. Pete shot a small glare at Clark, who ducked his head sheepishly.

    “Apparently not,” he answered. “But that’s Clark for you.”

    Lucas looked over to the young man who Chloe’s friend had glared at. So that was Clark. Tall and good-looking - the boy that Chloe used to like. He would need to be taken care of.

    Clark, of course, chose that exact moment to step forward and extend his hand.

    “Clark Kent,” he greeted. Lucas glanced down at the hand and then back up to Clark disdainfully. Clark pulled back his hand uncomfortably and narrowed his eyes questioningly at the prince. “Sorry. Have I done something to make you not like me already?”

    Pete snickered.

    “The other him didn’t like you either. Remember?”

    Clark gave Pete a warning glare, but Pete shrugged it off.

    “Hey, just sayin’ – kind of funny is all,” he said.

    Lucas sneered at Clark.

    “You chose…*her*,” he said, spitting out the pronoun with disgust as he glanced at Lana, “over the princess. You. Are. *Nothing*.”

    Pete’s lips formed a perfect ‘o’ and he cleared his throat. If the situation wasn’t diffused soon then people were going to end up getting hurt.

    “So, hey,” Pete said, jerking Lucas away from his feral glare, “do you have a title too or is Chlo slumming it?”

    “Pete!” Chloe exclaimed with a smile, backhanding her friend on his upper arm.

    “I am a prince,” Lucas replied, a hint of a smirk on his lips as he addressed Chloe’s shorter friend. Unlike Clark, Pete seemed to pose very little threat to his burgeoning relationship with Chloe and he realized that it could only be to his advantage to try and get along with the boy.

    Pete let out an impressed whistle.

    “Nice,” he said. Lucas’s smirk grew larger, but it quickly turned smug when he noticed Clark and Lana watching him uneasily. Pete slapped a hand onto Chloe’s shoulder. “So…*adventures*?”


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