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Thread: The Lesser of Two Evils - NC-17, Chapter 56 (May 27, 2016)

  1. #141
    Destroyer of Mullets
    Join Date
    04 Jan 2004
    Originally posted by TheDragonLady@Jan 3 2005, 11:01 PM
    I have a pineapple in hell with the MB's name on it...
    Heh. Does the MB have to wear a French maid's outfit when said pineapple is introduced to him?

    Update? *peers upwards hopefully, whimpering like a puppy and threatening to ruin the carpet in excitement*


  2. #142
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    10 Apr 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    Even though the main subject being dealt with at the moment is heavy, the story is great to read because you aren't too graphic with the descriptions.
    The situation that you have made between Chloe and Lionel is a first, that I have read and to me makes a lot of sense.I really like the way that you wrote Lionel's thoughts as well.
    The link between Lex and Chloe is intriguing to read as it develops. The last chapter was so great in a way that has them giving something to the other. The way that Lex gave himself to Chloe was stunning with a tender moment of Chloe denying him the role of a slave but giving him the role of someone who comes to protection. I'm excited to read how this relationship will continue to develop.

    Eagerly awaiting the next update.
    'I build you out of nothing to have you near
    I remembered you on trains
    So now you're on every train I hear'
    Something For Kate: Old Pictures

  3. #143
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    Pleeeeeeeeease with hot chocolate, whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherries on top can we have an update?? uppyeyes: :cryblue: uppyeyes: :cryblue:

  4. #144
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    The Lesser of Two Evils
    NC-17/ Angst

    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    Spoilers: All up to Season 4, except things will be twisted to the tune of Lex having never moved to Cowtown, U.S.A.

    A/N: What would Chloe Sullivan have had to do to get from under Lionel Luthor’s thumb if Lex had never moved to Smallville? What would she have had to sacrifice to earn the son’s help against the father?

    The really rough stuff is over for the moment, but still references to nonconsensual sex and ChLionel. As previously discussed, he’s quite the genuine bastard in this one.

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chloe was surprised that the motion continued on its own for a minute or so, her hips swaying gently forward and back as her shoulders slumped down into exhaustion. She heard Lex exhale long and slowly and realized she was breathing heavily.

    It shouldn’t have felt like that.

    The thought propelled her back up to her knees and she fumbled her way off of him. Her body didn’t like it and there was a weird sucking noise as her muscles protested, but she closed her eyes and raised herself painfully. Rolling to the side, she shifted away from him and turned to face the wall. Her own arms wrapped over her chest and she tried not to mind that there was no one else to hold her as she calmed down.

    Lex moved on the bed and she tensed, but the motion didn’t bring him nearer.

    “Are you alright?”

    She closed her eyes against his voice and nodded, exaggerating the motion so he didn’t have to ask her again. She didn’t know what to say.

    Lex felt humiliated by her actions, though he wasn’t sure why. He hadn’t intended to spend hours stroking her back and whispering compliments to her, but she didn’t need to reject him so obviously. It was only with the women who really bothered him that he demanded they keep their distance after he came. It wasn’t as if he would shove her aside if she didn’t get away from him.

    He finally got his hands untangled from the shirt and brought his arms to his sides. Chloe was curled up on the far edge of the bed, huddled into herself like she was crying. His fingers stretched toward her but she all but recoiled and he stopped.

    Her answer to his question was convincing as far as it went, but he wasn’t easily fooled. He didn’t lack emotions, simply repressed most of them, and could recognize them in others. He also knew when he wasn’t wanted.

    Lex felt he should do something for Chloe, maybe put a blanket over her. Instead he eased off the bed, took off the condom and pulled on his pants, trying not to alarm her. He walked out into the living room and sat on the sofa, staring vaguely at the reports he’d been pretending to read before she arrived.

    He could make her cum, but she found him repulsive. The strictly physical aspects worked only because she braced herself for everything before it happened, and the only emotional component was fear and distaste. It was empty and he knew it was empty, but it was also the only real sex he’d had with a real woman in years. Maybe forever.

    How did life come to this?

    He remembered having a mother who loved him sometimes, and who ignored him and flinched away from his childish hugs on other days. People at her funeral had told him he would eventually forgot all the bad memories about her and only have the good times. They had likely been referring to his memories of her illness, but she had been his safe haven inconsistently and there were plenty of daily slights to recall.

    Seeking her out was always an anxious pleasure after he had returned home from school, but he was turned away with harsh words as often as he was given a kiss on the cheek. Her disgust for Lionel spilled over to her sons and Lillian Luthor had been suffering as much from insanity as from cancer when she died.

    He remembered the times when she had stood up to his father and protected him from the ambitions that were being pushed onto him. Lex also remembered the night he had found his younger brother dead and his mother’s silence as Lionel accused him of killing the baby.

    He had never learned how to tell by looking when his mother was really present, but he’d never been able to give up trying to approach her. She’d died whispering about evil and he had known she was talking about his future. In the years since, he’d realized both his mother and father had left scars on his childish mind, and that neither had been there for him when he had needed them.

    Lex picked up the white silk blouse from the floor, fingering the fabric and holding it up to inhale Chloe’s perfume. It was nice, a lighter scent than most women preferred. Many of them seemed to be trying to make the entire world hold their perfume years after they were out of the picture.

    He shook the wrinkles out of the garment and reached down to do the same with the pants. The shoes were black patent leather flats, and he tried to remember the last time he’d seen a woman wear sensible shoes.

    She’s practical, he thought.

    He liked it. They were upholding a pretense, so it was important that she appear well-dressed and coifed, but the suicide shoes weren’t necessary. Chloe had taken what she needed and disregarded the rest of the image.

    About twenty minutes after he left the bedroom, Lex heard the shower start. He put the clothing on a chair in the room and put on a fresh shirt, then went to his office. He sat behind his desk and tried to feel capable and in charge, but the gnawing guilt was back. He wasn’t even angry, just sorry that another innocent life had been swept up in the constant game of one-upmanship between himself and his father. The Sullivans and the people of Smallville didn’t deserve to be pawns. She shouldn’t have to be the human sacrifice on the chessboard that Lionel made of the world.

    He listened as light footsteps made their way from his bedroom to the living room, hesitated, then continued on out the door.

    And didn’t know if he was relieved or disappointed.


    Chloe didn’t go home that night. She called Lois and arranged to crash on her couch. As usual, her uncle was out of town and her cousin was mainly operating under her own recognizance. The Metropolis apartment rented by Sam Lane was more Lois’ than anyone’s.

    Once she was settled on the couch, Lois watching television and talking online with a guy she had met in Germany, the blond was lost in thought. She sipped the coffee she had managed to find in the cesspool that was Lois’ kitchen and tried to find some kind of peace.

    Lex Luthor, the man who had hurt her terribly only days ago, had just given her the most stunning pleasure she had ever known.

    She wasn’t a hopeless romantic and Chloe knew sex and love were not synonymous, but she had thought sex would have to go along with trust for her. When she made herself consider a future without Clark she allowed for the possibility of being swept away by a strong case of lust. She was only human, and there were guys who she could appreciate. Love didn’t preclude a physical attraction for another person, but it did hold her back from pursuing anyone else. They all had too much or too little in common with Clark and they all had to meet criteria based on him.

    But with Lex it was impossible to compare him to her longtime friend. He was too overwhelming and so different from anyone she’d ever known. She was starting to wonder if the feelings she’d considered her cross to bear were less deep than before.

    It was odd. She didn’t want to sleep with Lex and had a clear resentment toward Lionel for creating a situation that prevented her from making her own choices. At the same time she didn’t hold it against Lex that he was the one fucking her. She feared him, but it wasn’t the same fear as when he was hurting her. There was more unease than terror.

    Along with the fear and anger, there was a persistent languorous pleasure in her soul. She was satisfied in a way there were no words to describe, but it transcended all the horrible circumstances of her life. Adrenaline had taken her over the top and pushed her into an abyss of sensation where the harsh realities got buried in feeling everything in a single second. It was like being burned up, except she was still walking and talking. She was a phoenix risen.

    Chloe still didn’t like Lex, and she knew the pleasure would fade into the soreness of unfamiliar muscles and dread that was nibbling on the back of her mind. When she woke up she fully expected to feel wretched. But sitting safely on Lois’ couch, replaying the better parts of her night, she was okay and maybe a bit better than that.

    “Perky there, Chloe. Are you thinking about Clarky?”

    Lois smirked as she prepped a few choice insults for the boy she thought was far too dumb and boring for her pretty cousin. Her girl was going places and the only way the flighty farm boy would go anywhere but Smallville was on a scholarship to some kind of agricultural college. He was as small town as Chloe was big city. He might be inexplicably hot, but he wasn’t much for an intelligent conversation. Her cousin needed a hot, sexy, smart older man to really appreciate her.

    Chloe moved over on the couch to let her cousin pile in next to her. Lois had no concept of personal space bubbles, and she was evidently finished with the German hottie for the night.

    “No, actually,” she said, and smiled wryly.

    Whether it was a good or bad sign was anyone’s guess.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  5. #145
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    27 Dec 2003
    :worship2: :worship2: So glad you updated this. That was an excellent chapter. Loved how you described Lex's emotions after Chloe's 'rejection' :cryblue: and gave us insight into his character. (that boy needs a hug). Also like Chloe's reflection on the events as well, totally in character.
    Can't wait for more.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  6. #146
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    hmy: :blush: meep! this keeps on punching you in the gut, but its just fantastic!! wonderful! :

  7. #147
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    Wonderful update!!!! :yay2: :yay2: :yay2: Lex's emotions were so sad, I like your take that Lex's mother was abusive as well. I agree with lexchloe....Lex really needs a hug. I liked Chloe musings too, I'm glad she's not as terrified of Lex, just uneasy. :yay:

    :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

  8. #148
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    20 Apr 2003
    Excellent way to edge in the potential for friendship slowly.

  9. #149
    Destroyer of Mullets
    Join Date
    04 Jan 2004
    Both Lex and Chloe are portrayed as very strong characters most of the time so it's good to see you writing them as having a fragile side. Especially since it points up their similarities, both being abused by Lionel and unable to truly be themselves outside the strange relationship they have.

    I really love the idea of Lex as Chloe's soldier as well and it links up with the chess analogy (the knight sent out to protect the queen in a game of tactics).

    I love, love, love this fic and have no shame in begging for more. Pweeeease?


  10. #150
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    I know they are supposed to go slow but come on Chloe. He likes you. :
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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