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Thread: The Lesser of Two Evils - NC-17, Chapter 56 (May 27, 2016)

  1. #31
    I dont like this whole unfeeling lex, especially around chloe. Poor chloe, lionel is a bastard. However you story so far seems interesting and its not the usual lex and chloe romance.

  2. #32
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    That chapter was extremely hard to read, very realistic. I feel so, so sorry for poor Chloe!! Please, please don't have Lex be mean to her now!! Can't wait to read your next chapter!! Please update soon!! :crygreen: :chlexsign4: :crygreen:

  3. #33
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what I feel. Typically a story like this would have me well...not reading. But I find myself interested in where you take this.

  4. #34
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Wow--gripping, and disturbing, and powerful.

    I'm dying to know what Lex's reaction will be now.

  5. #35
    NS Full Member nokchan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by nokchan@Dec 20 2004, 04:30 PM

    Maybe I'm twisted and sick, but I love it!!!
    Okay.. I'm definitly sick and twisted but nonky... this is sooo good!

    It screames: "YAY!ME nonky writes me! Go down on your knees fuckers and love me, because I'm great and georgeous and ... hey... I need an update!"

  6. #36
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    The Lesser of Two Evils
    NC-17/ Angst
    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    Spoilers: All up to Season 4, except things will be twisted to the tune of Lex having never moved to Cowtown, U.S.A.

    A/N: What would Chloe Sullivan have had to do to get from under Lionel Luthor’s thumb if Lex had never moved to Smallville? What would she have had to sacrifice to earn the son’s help against the father?

    AU for Season 3 and 4, and strongly rated for a good reason:

    I’m posting in very short chapters so readers can choose when enough is enough for them. This probably classifies as darkfic, so it won’t be sunshine and roses, but this chapter is a bit easier to take than the last.

    Chapter Six

    Chloe had collapsed on the floor next to the bathtub, her head slumped against the side. Her body was nothing but jarring trembles and she pulled her bloody legs closer to her chest when he burst into the room. She didn’t know what to do, and the cramping pain was sapping what little energy she had summoned to get away from him the first time. She put her head down and sobbed.

    Lex turned on the light and he flinched to see the amount of blood on her pale skin. She was hunched in on herself and crying. She looked broken.

    I did this.

    He had never hurt a woman, not like this. Their feelings, and their egos, maybe the occasional bruise from a careless grip, but the little blond was sobbing like he’d robbed her of her soul. He had known he was being rough, but she hadn’t said anything, hadn’t asked him to stop. He tried to remember if she had pushed him away and didn’t think she had until the end. But it was pretty clear he had been misinterpreting what she had been doing from the beginning.

    “Chloe,” he said, trying to be considerate. Her eyes were shut tightly and he said her name louder. “Chloe!”

    He looked down and swore. He didn’t know what she was feeling but it couldn’t be very reassuring that he was looming naked over her. He grabbed a towel and ran it under the tap, not waiting for the temperature of the water to heat up. He scrubbed the cold cloth viciously over himself and got rid of enough blood to go back to the bedroom and pull on his slacks.

    Lex kept an eye on her through the open door, but she didn’t seem able to move at all. He went back to stand in the far corner of the room and tried to decide what to do. The random spots of blood on both of them and various parts of the room reminded him of a horror movie, but he was fairly certain she wasn’t in danger of dying. She was still sitting up and clutching her knees to her chest tensely. As long as she didn’t pass out it was probably just a minor wound.

    He took another towel and ran it under water, waiting for it to warm up this time. He knew a doctor who would make a house call discreetly, but ideally it was to be avoided. The fewer people who knew about this the better. He also wasn’t sure she would let a man touch her intimately.

    “Chloe, I need to find out how badly you’re hurt. Will you let me wash the blood off?”

    Her green eyes opened in a wan face and he felt like the worst kind of man. They were accusing, and he realized they had been since she had walked into the penthouse. She had been blaming him before he even touched her.

    Her body unwound and he tried to hide his shock at how much more blood there was on her. It was on her face and arms, with flecks over her chest and down to her knees.

    Chloe grimaced as she pulled herself up by the edge of the tub. His concern was far too late to impress any kind of gratitude from her.

    “I can do it myself,” she said, and he handed the towel to her slowly. He seemed to think she was about to bolt, but her legs wouldn’t carry her to the next room, let alone out of the penthouse and downstairs to her car. The light hurt her eyes and her vision was blurry.

    Lex stepped back as soon as Chloe was up off the floor, but she paid him little attention as she ran the towel over her stomach and between her legs. Her face was expressionless, but his mouth twisted into a deep frown as he saw the towel go from white to a reddish-pink colour. She ignored it and kept turning it to a clean area as each was saturated with blood.

    She had to keep one hand wrapped around the lip of the bathtub to stay seated, and there were headachy spots floating in her vision. Lex was watching her like a hawk and she wondered what he must be thinking. She looked at his face and saw remorse before he broke away to take another towel off the shelves.

    Her eyes hit him - physically caused an ache in his chest as he recognized the deeper wounds he had caused. He wondered what had really led to her career choice. Lex wasn’t ignorant of the fact that many sex workers were victims of abuse and she was acting very much like a habitual victim. The stiff acceptance of his body even as she hated him with her eyes or did her best to ignore him had been odd at the time, but now it was ripping through his conscience. He had written it off as the effect of whatever drug she was on to get her through the night.

    She was trying to regroup as she took a last swipe over her shaking thigh. He was looking at the towel in his hands as she dropped hers into the bathtub and stood up slowly. She still hurt, but the panic was gone. It was pretty clear that Lex didn’t want to touch her anymore.

    Chloe hobbled out to the bedroom with her hands covering her abdomen. It was like very bad menstrual cramps and she felt just as bruised as she could remember feeling after being in an accident that had wrecked her car. She felt like she’d been beaten, one particular area most of all. She was every bit of her pain but her body didn’t feel familiar at all.

    She hadn’t expected it to be that bad. Her fingers wrapped around the dress and she fought a hysterical giggle as she realized she matched it now. Blood-red Chloe.

    Lex followed at a long distance as she plodded out slowly and picked up her clothes. She was hunched over and holding herself together with her arms around her waist.

    “You can’t leave.”

    Her back tensed and he gritted his teeth. The terse words hadn’t been right, hadn’t been what he meant. He wasn’t used to being moved by the pain of another person and he was clumsy in it.

    “I didn’t mean - I’m not going to keep you here against your will and I won’t hurt you, but I can’t let you try to drive,” he said, and his voice got very quiet. “You’ve lost a lot of blood.”

    She shrugged and the hurt little animal slump of her shoulders made him feel like a bully.

    Lex opened and closed his fists in an attempt to drain off some tension, but the numb lack of response from Chloe was frightening. Real pain didn’t dissipate when you cried it out, and he remembered that all too well.

    “Okay,” she said, and he saw that victimized stance return. It said without words that she would obey him as long as there was some kind of hope that he wouldn’t hurt her again. He’d never felt so low.

    “Can you . . . Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you some water?”

    She did so, her eyes on her knees. Apparently she didn’t care if she was nude, but Lex inched up next to the chair and draped the bath towel over her shoulders without touching her skin.

    Chloe heard him leave the room and licked her lips, feeling the burn of her own bite into the flesh. She’d forgotten. Her hands hurt too, and she opened them on her lap to study the curved cuts of nails into her palms. It was just as well that he had stopped her because someone else would have noticed how much of a mess she was.

    She wondered if Lex would agree to help her, but the plan didn’t really seem to be as important anymore. Lionel seemed very far away at the moment, but so did her father and her friends. There was barely enough air and she yawned, pulling the towel around to cover herself.

    He’s probably not a bad person, she thought, he can’t be all bad. No one is.

    Then she thought about his father and reconsidered. Started shaking again and quelled it by reminding herself that he was genuinely upset that she was hurt.

    Lex came back into the room and held out a bottle of water, but hesitated once he saw the cuts on her hands. Chloe had to reach out and take it from him, and he dropped two white tablets into her other hand.

    She glanced up quizzically.

    “It’s just a painkiller,” he said.

    Chloe took them one at a time, but she needed three or four sips of water to swallow. Crying had swollen her throat and her eyes.

    He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall, and her eyes fell on him briefly. He really did look like he cared that she was hurt.

    “Is this your first job,” he asked, clasping a hand to the back of his neck.

    God, if he’d taken her like that her first time out . . . It was repugnant.

    She wasn’t sure if he was referring to the bleeding or the whoring, or what answer she should give. Ultimately a lie was beyond her.

    “It was my first . . . everything,” she said, and her face crumpled into a mask of grief as new tears started.

    She might as well have kicked him in the head and Lex’s stomach churned. He had just brutally, unknowingly and without consideration, taken her virginity.

    This time he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  7. #37
    ChLex Schadenfreude Senior Member crankychick's Avatar
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    Widow, Lionel Luthor
    “It was my first . . . everything,”
    :cryblue: :cryblue: :cryblue:
    We seriously need a 'pass the tissue' emoticon. Amazing work, nonky and excellent writing as always.

  8. #38
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    Thank you so much for having Lex feel so bad about what he had done!! Now he really needs to help Chloe!! Poor, poor baby!! I hope the pills Lex gave her will help!! Please post more soon!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  9. #39
    NS Full Member nokchan's Avatar
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    *comes back like a phoenix to read the next update*

    Update Hun!!! So great!!!

  10. #40
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    wow. I liked that lex is having such a serious reaction to chloe.

    I can't wait for the next update. I hope it is soon.


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