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Thread: And Then (sequel to "A Girl's Best Friend") (PG)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member campbti's Avatar
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    And Then (sequel to "A Girl's Best Friend") (PG)

    Title: And Then
    Author: Campbti
    Rating: PG
    Spoilers: Through Bound (Season 4)
    Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue!
    Category: short little something, drama?
    Feedback: Please
    A/N: I read Rae's beautifully done "A Girl's Best Friend" and this just came out the second I stopped reading. She has graciously allowed me to post this as a sequel of sorts to her piece. Please read hers first, it's amazing and this will make more sense. Hope you like it. As always for Mary, who encourages me to write.


    He sat in the leather chair and swirled the scotch around the glass again. The sun was gone and he sank further into the darkness of the room. Even the heat from the fireplace could not take the chill from the room, Lex had lived without warmth for a while and it seemed strange to him that today was the day that he had begun to notice.

    He came back after his talk with Clark and pouring the smooth brown liquor into the crystal container seemed as much a part of him as breathing. What he found however this night as on many others was that the alcohol did not dim the pain, it couldn’t salve the hurt, and gave him no peace. His mind drifted to the women, the ones he remembered and the ones that were only vague flashes in his mind. Honestly there weren’t all that many, he knew plenty of playboys and actors who went through three or four women in a weekend. The number wasn’t the problem it was that he didn’t even enjoy it much any more and still he did it. He was like a broken record that couldn’t stop repeating itself. Lex knew the real problem though, he knew the moment where it took the wrong path, it wasn’t sending this set of earrings, it was another pair, ones he wanted desperately to take back.

    Lex didn’t really remember the drive, barely remembered getting into his car, it was as if he had simply appeared on her doorstep. His fingers pushed the doorbell before his mind could stop him and then she was there staring up at him with a confused look on her face.

    “Lex, are you ok?”

    “I want them back.” He blurted out, his chest heaving from something akin to an anxiety attack. Lex had never felt more lost in his life, but he knew that this is where he could be found, in her hazel eyes.

    “Want what back?” Chloe had never seen him look so unhinged. She knew he must have been shaken up from the attack of that woman, nearly being burned alive would freak a person out, but she never thought Lex would behave like this.

    “The earrings Chloe, I want them back, I want to take them back. Please, let me take it back.” He was practically pleading. He wasn’t sure whether it was the alcohol or the near death experience of just the realization that some things in life required extreme measures.

    She just stared at him for a while, she knew what he meant. He wanted to take back casting her off, but what she couldn’t figure was why. Why her. The ‘why now’ answer was clear. Having a woman you tossed away try to kill you could be a sobering experience. But should she forgive him, could she. She saw the list of diamonds, the ones that had come before her, and the ones since. Those had hurt the most, to know that she was merely another pebble in the road. The problem was that she wanted to forgive him, wanted another chance at whatever they could have. Yes the sex was amazing, but really it was about how he made her feel. When they spoke or even when he just looked at her across a room, she felt like a queen. But was it worth it, she remembered the names of the women that came after her; they were emblazoned on her brain. Could she forget them, pretend they never happened. No, but she could move on. She had to try, had to give them another chance, she owed it to herself to see if they could be happy.

    Lex had almost stopped breathing, her face was sad but her eyes never looked away from his. He prayed there was a glimmer of hope somewhere in the depths of her soul for him.

    She reached out and took his hand, pulled him through the doorway and up the stairs. Chloe never spoke a word just kept a hold on his hand and walked into her bedroom. She let his hand drop once they reached the middle of the room. Continuing to the far wall she opened a panel in the corner and reached back to a crevice and pulled something out, then replaced the panel. Walking back to him, she again took his hand and placed something in his palm and closed his fingers over it.

    He felt the softness of the velvet box and his breath caught. He started to speak but she cut him off.

    “Promise me, no more …ever.” Her voice was strong and hard, her eyes pinned him and dared him to move or question.

    He had almost been afraid to hope, to believe that he could be given redemption. He had taken so much and was asked to give so little. He could give it, he would, now and forever. “I promise,” he whispered and pulled her close to him and felt the warmth again.


    She glanced at her watch and realized it was almost midnight. She was definitely ready to leave, and already making a mental note to cancel the engagement they were attending next week. Mentally going over in her head the things she needed to do tomorrow, most importantly making sure that Landon had new uniforms that fit for school. He was growing so fast. And if Lorilei didn’t stop pulling on her ear she was assuredly going to the doctor. Suddenly Chloe couldn’t think of a single reason to be standing here and not be at home looking in on her children.

    Shifting her gaze around the room she found him talking to three men, two of whom she knew were important business contacts. Normally she was much more patient, but this was the third one of these little soirées that they had attended in the last two weeks and her patience was at and end. She caught his attention and he smiled at her. He took one look at her face and realized he needed to leave. She sighed and turned to find the exit when a sweet faced pudgy lady stepped in her path.

    “Why Mrs. Luthor you look just beautiful tonight, as always my dear.” The lady gushed, but unlike most people who greeted her, Chloe knew she was sincere. She was the university dean’s wife and really just as nice as she seemed.

    “Thank you Mrs. Williams, it is always nice to hear.”

    “Well those earrings are just beautiful. I wish my husband would buy me diamond earrings, Mr. Luthor certainly has good taste.” Mrs. Williams smile threatened to overtake her face.

    Lex had reached her then and took her hand with a nod to Mrs. Williams and began to lead her to the door. Chloe turned to the woman and smiled warmly touching her hand to her ear. “I do love them, I bought them myself. My husband doesn’t buy diamond earrings Mrs. Williams, not anymore.”

    And he didn’t.

    Last edited by tigerbaby; 15th January 2006 at 16:19. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Oh my God that was so sweet. I loved it. I am glad they solved it and are together and have kids...

    Hope :chlexsign4:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love your sequel to Rae's story!! I'm so glad that Chloe had to buy her own diamond earrings!! Great story!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
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    Very nice!

  5. #5
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    This was a fabulous sequel!

    I love that Lex realized his mistake :biggrin:

    Well done!

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  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    That was great. I'm so happy this got a happy ending because A Girl's Best Friend made me so sad.

  7. #7
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    :biggrin: lovely!! :chlexsign2:

  8. #8
    NS Full Member Rae's Avatar
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    Yay! Have I mentioned lately how much I love this fic? Campbti, this is better than any sequel I could have written. I can't wait for your future stories. :worship2:

    Happy endings rock! :clap:

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    29 Mar 2004
    ooo wonderful

    love lea

  10. #10
    ...sleep all day. Senior Member Ainur's Avatar
    Join Date
    21 Oct 2004
    Very good sequel. I like Lex again. Iloved the ending. Great job!!! :chlexsign2:

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