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Thread: The Billionaire Muggings, PG-13 to R, Ch. 42(update Feb. 22, 2016)

  1. #101
    NS Full Member Rae's Avatar
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    <Presses fingertips together> Exxxxcellent.

    Anyway, loved loved loved the update&#33; So sexy & so funny. Oy, you&#39;re making me laugh too much. Stop that&#33; Oh, and good luck with your exams&#33;

    By the way...

    Smut, smut, smut, smut, smut, smut, smut, smut, smut, smut, smut&#33;

    I told you I could do this all day.

  2. #102
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    Um, I dunno how I missed this but it&#39;s effing hilarious. I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever laughed so hard at a fic before.

    More soon&#33;

    Manda :

  3. #103
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Okay, I think this one really needs an update :biggrin:


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  4. #104
    Join Date
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    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    The Billionaire Muggings
    PG-13 - R

    SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release.

    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    A/N: No, I’m not going to write about Pete and Lex’s conversation immediately, and you can wonder all you want about what happened in the bedroom after Lex stopped looking. You won’t get to find out in this chapter. Because I’m mean. But funny.

    Chapter Eight

    Clark Kent wasn’t stupid. He knew how to detect undercurrents of tension and secrecy as a survival skill. Unfortunately he couldn’t decode many people, and Lex was probably the most inscrutable person he’d ever known. He had a million ways to smirk and Clark was certain each way had a particular meaning. He just couldn’t work with that.

    He had to use his rational mind in dealing with what he had witnessed between Lex, Chloe and Lucas; no wonder it wasn’t getting him anywhere. Any one of them defied logic, all three in an unknown combination was a nightmare of reasoning. The odds of head injuries or hostage situations alone was staggering. Clark was preternaturally good at math, but they were incalculable.

    He had already called Pete, but he had been unwilling to discuss Chloe’s association with the Luthors. He had muttered something about dire consequences and hung up quickly. Clark wished he had the luxury of not talking or thinking about it, but there was something very strange going on and it was quite likely to escalate.

    He had spent hours in the barn trying to think about a worst and a best case scenario. Worst cases were easy: Chloe and Lex were sleeping together, Chloe and Lucas were sleeping together, Chloe was sleeping with both Lucas and Lex-

    “Euuugh&#33;” He shuddered dramatically and decided mulling over the situation wasn’t getting him anywhere. He would have to brave The Talon. Maybe his mother would be able to point out a silver lining.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++

    “Dawn light smiles on you leaving my contentment . . . “

    Lex glared at the south wing of the mansion, wondering when it had turned into Lucas’ dorm room. Eric Clapton’s White Room was blaring through the stone hallways, echoing and twanging on his last nerve.

    Lucas had Chloe in his bedroom, they’d been in there all afternoon, and the music choices had been both loud and suggestive. There was some Barry White to start things out, then Nine Inch Nails and the finale was a classic rock tribute to Cream. It seemed if there was a song about being naked in the sun with a beautiful woman, Lucas had played it in the past hour.

    Maybe he has CDs burned for the different moods of the lady, Lex thought cynically.

    He frowned and looked back to his paperwork. He could move to another room or send one of the staff members to tell Lucas to turn it down. He could go himself and find Chloe in any number of infuriating positions of sordid nudity with a half-brother he’d never really been fond of. Then he could eviscerate the little pissant with a fire poker. Of course, that would leave her a witness and he’d have to keep her in the castle and make sure she kept her mouth shut. He had plenty of ideas that would work.

    Plan C it was.

    Lex walked through the hallways sedately, shoving his hands in his pockets to make sure he had a key to open the door if Lucas was being obstinate. Or if he was too busy to hear a knock. As he neared the door feminine laughter sounded, frantic and breathless, culminating in a squeal and a thump.

    Damn Lucas, leave some Chloe for the rest of us.

    He cringed at the thought and shifted his shoulders uncomfortably. She would kill him where he stood if he had voiced that thought, and rightly so. Growing up Luthor encouraged a lot of attitudes toward people that were less than kind, and he had worked hard to move past those. Unfortunately it was a challenge to respect women when most of his choices ended up with him in a hospital.

    But he did respect Chloe, very much so and enough to worry more about her with Lucas than about Lucas with her.

    Keeping that in mind, he knocked loudly.

    “Lucas&#33; Open the door.”

    Lex didn’t know what he was expecting to see, but when Lucas opened the door he was irrationally disappointed. There was no sordid nudity or any other reason for an emergency evisceration. Just Lucas holding the door open to reveal a giggling Chloe sitting on a barely rumpled bed.

    Plan C sucks ass, Lex decided. I don’t even have a justifiable homicide defense here.

    “Hey, Big Bro&#33; Something I can help you with?”

    The smarmy little jerk actually used his own smirk to mock him, and Lex scowled. “The music’s a little loud and I believe Chloe’s father is likely expecting her home soon. She should leave before it starts snowing.”

    He leaned comfortably in the doorway and planted his feet, staring at both of them.

    The two teenagers exchanged a look that seemed heated, and Lex suppressed a groan. The last thing he needed was a pregnant Chloe Sullivan crying all over him when his brother got tired of her. Unbeknownst to him, his face took on a wolfish look that had both of them moving quickly to get Chloe off the bed and into her coat.

    “I’ll call you,” she said, kissing Lucas’ cheek and brushing past the billionaire on the way out. She could feel him watching her all the way down the hall, but stubbornly kept her eyes forward.

    It had been three days since the car filled with frogs had led to the blow job misunderstanding and she was successfully avoiding Lex, Clark and Pete’s calls. Lucas, pest that he was, knew enough to stop prying and he was still in her good graces.

    Lex wondered what it was that made Chloe so myopic when it came to the men she was attracted to. He didn’t think Lucas would hurt her in a meteor freak way, but he was the latest in a string of poor choices on her part. He knew she wasn’t shallow or unintelligent, so it puzzled him that she didn’t find someone better suited for her.

    But who’s worthy of that much woman in a 17 year old body, he asked himself. Maybe she can’t find someone because he doesn’t exist for her.

    It was a thought a bit too close to his own experience, and Lex forgot to cover up the sadness it evoked. When he turned back to berate his brother the younger man frowned sympathetically and he barked at him.


    Lucas jumped and held up a placating hand. “Nothing, I just didn’t realize . . . “

    He tried to think of a way to broach the topic carefully, but there wasn’t one if his suspicions were true. “Listen, I didn’t come here to steal Chloe from you. I thought she was single and you didn’t say anything to the contrary,” he said bluntly.

    Lex waited for the rest of the defiant statement, then prompted his brother. “And?”

    “I saw the video of your library a few days ago, man. If you feel that way about her I’ll back off so you can try and get her back,” Lucas said. “I like Chloe a lot, but we’re brothers . . . and I’m not in love with her, yet.”

    Lex felt a hearty chuckle tickle his throat, but he pushed it down. This was priceless. Chloe thought he was up to something and Lucas thought he was heartbroken over her. Clark was not nearly as guileless as he made himself look, and he was the key to make it a very hot situation for the reporter.

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lucas,” he said, slipping on the Luthor mask, but keeping a hint of ire in his voice. “My relationship with Chloe Sullivan has never been romantic.”

    He let a slump angle his shoulders as he walked away, and Lex knew he was set to win the entire game with very little effort.

    Bite me, Goldilocks.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    Lucas swung one leg over the windowsill and balanced carefully on his hands to keep his crotch from connecting with the stone. He could go out the front door, but it was more satisfying to bypass the security cameras and he was accustomed to sneaking around. Just because he was on the straight and narrow didn’t mean he wanted to get staid and predictable like his yuppie brother.

    Although he wouldn’t mind the money.

    Lucas pulled the window mostly closed and prepared to lower himself to the ground. Even the first storey had a four foot drop, but he could handle it. His foot slipped on the sandstone and groped for a new place to anchor the toes of his boots. His fingers were slipping as well and he was trying to brace for a fall when a metal clang met one of his kicks. He cautiously looked over his shoulder to find a metal step ladder conveniently located to save him from a snowy ass.

    “Bonus,” he said, climbing down to the ground. He adjusted his leather jacket and fixed his hair. Giving the ladder a pat, he praised it. “Thanks boy, I’ll look for you the next time I’m trapped in a well.”

    He shivered and gave a baleful look at the snow circling his feet. Stupid winter, stupid snow, stupid snowy footprints-

    Hold on, he thought, this is a very conveniently placed ladder for a garden that doesn’t need gardening.

    Lucas tracked the footprints and saw they led back around the perimeter of the house. He narrowed his eyes at the ladder and noted it was in a perfect position to look inside the window.

    Big Brother’s quite the freaky deaky. I’m a little proud.

    He picked up the ladder carried it around the house, following the footprints. As he went, Lucas glanced into windows, most of them dark. At the first set of lighted windows he stopped and considered. At worst it could be pointless and at best he could catch a look into the maids’ locker room. He grinned and set the ladder down.

    Looking in he saw a fireplace, a desk, and some book shelves. It was the first floor office, the one Lex used occasionally. He sighed and leaned against the panes, the snaps of his cuffs scraping over the glass. Debating whether it was worth the wait, Lucas slumped down and continued watching.

    Lex walked into the office and immediately felt prying eyes. He checked the corners of the room but there was no one. Sharp blue eyes sweeping the details of the furniture, he caught movement outside the window.

    There’s only one person I know who would bother spying on me, he thought. Well, get an eyeful, Lucas.

    He set the files carefully on his desk, stacking them neatly. Coincidentally the top one contained just the prop to make his performance Oscar-worthy, and Lex slouched into his desk chair and picked it up.

    Lucas’ eyes widened as his brother held up the eight-by-ten photo of Chloe. She was relaxed and laughing, blond hair flying in a frozen breeze. Lex stared at it for a long ten minutes, then put it down gently.

    Damn, he’s gone on her. Nice to know I’ve still got it.

    He watched as Lex put his head into his hands, and Lucas rolled his eyes.

    You’re too old for teen angst, Lex.

    There was a resounding crash as the contents of the desk were pushed onto the floor. Lex stood up and attacked the bookshelf, overturning it and sending hundreds of books flying across the room. Lucas gaped as he destroyed everything he could move, the normally calm expression replaced with a look of torment.

    When there was nothing still standing, Lex righted his desk chair and sat back down, fishing the photo out of the wreckage. Lucas watched as he stroked a gentle finger down the creased image.

    What the hell did I get in the middle of?


    Lex stayed in the office for most of the next day, drinking and napping on the sofa. He knew Lucas checked back at least five times, and made sure to have some kind of dramatic gesture ready. He burned photos of Chloe, staring sullenly into the flames. He drank heroic amounts of hard liquor and barked for more to be brought in. He yelled at a maid for trying to announce a telephone call from work. He called for some staff members to clean up the mess and then screamed at them when they entered the room.

    Mostly he just tried to look preoccupied and irrational, and all that really took was reminding himself of Chloe’s various pranks and the fact that she was dating his brother.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  5. #105
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Ok, Lex is just evil&#33;&#33; :biggrin: I love this chapter, with Lex faking his anguish&#33;&#33; Hopefully Chloe won&#39;t fall for it though&#33;&#33; Excellent update&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  6. #106
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    :lol: Lex you are so bad.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #107
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    Great chapter. I can hardly wait for the next one. I am dying to know what Lex is up to. Is it going to inclued pete as in he is help him :eyebrows: . Lex going off and having a fit was great.

    Hope you update with more soon.


  8. #108
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    :lol: :lol: :lol: Lex. that was great. Lex is so evil. He does the &#39;pining&#39; for chloe very well (am I nuts to hope that deep down a little of his act is genuine?) Can&#39;t wait to see how Chloe reacts if Lucas tells her.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  9. #109
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    made sure to have some kind of dramatic gesture ready. He burned photos of Chloe, staring sullenly into the flames. He drank heroic amounts of hard liquor and barked for more to be brought in. He yelled at a maid for trying to announce a telephone call from work. He called for some staff members to clean up the mess and then screamed at them when they entered the room.
    I LOVE THIS&#33; Evilly melodramatic Lexy&#33; Can&#39;t wait to see how Chloe reacts when Lucas lets his brother&#39;s lovelorn behaviour slip. And Lucas is so in character, too. Great, hilarious writing. More soon?

  10. #110
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Manipulative Lex. I like it&#33;&#33;&#33;

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