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Thread: Power Play NC17*Completed*

  1. #1
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    20 Apr 2003

    Power Play NC17*Completed*

    I do not own any characters from Smallville This is purely for entertainment purposes and will contain descriptions of sexual situations and occasional strong language.

    Power Play

    When Lex called, as always, it was at the worst time. Chloe was just getting ready to go out and meet some friends for cocktails. He'd asked her to come to his inner office at Lexcorp, located in the heart of Metropolis’ business center. It was eight-thirty and though the building was far from deserted, it looked fairly quiet. She stepped out of her cab and onto the snowy sidewalk, gazing up at the hundreds of windows that faced the street. Only a few were lit up above the first floor, but she knew the top floor was occupied, even if she couldn’t detect any lights from the street.

    The security tag Chloe waved in front of the scanner inside the front doors hadn’t been used in about three months. She rarely came here after closing. Only on these special occasions when she was summoned by her old friend. She flashed her ID to the guard who nodded her though and walked to the express elevator; her security pass gave her access to this as well. The sleek, narrow cylinder only went to the top two floors of the building; it moved extremely fast and she hated riding in it. When the elevator neared the top, it stopped abruptly and she reached out to press a small, brass button next to a speaker.


    “It’s me.” That was it. He had to buzz her up to the top floor. Unauthorized individuals who tried to enter would be stuck in the little room until removed by police. Security was tight these days and Lex Luthor could afford few chances when it came to safety. The stainless steel doors opened and Chloe stepped out. Her heels echoed around the floor, reminding her of another time she’d been summoned to his side. The outer offices were completely dark, and more than a little creepy; the only light was coming from a small, discreet hallway off to the left. She walked toward it and when she caught sight of the open door in front of her, she got another shiver of deja vu.

    Soft music reached Chloe’s ears. She tightened her jaw and reminded herself that she was angry at Lex for disrupting her plans. She’d had to call and cancel with her friends. She knew she’d probably be here a long time. She pushed open the door and looked around Lex’s private office. He had a portable fireplace in one corner that was burning, and the lamps were turned low.

    “Glad you could make it.” The voice came from near the fire, but all Chloe could see was a pair of expensive shoes resting on the arm of an expensive-looking leather couch.

    “You make it sound like I had a choice.” She said to the shoes. Then walked over to the couch, unbuttoning her jacket. It was warm near the fire and her lined, corduroy trench coat was a little uncomfortable. She wasn’t angry, just a little annoyed at his timing. She came around the side of the couch and the rest of Lex appeared. He was dressed in black dress pants and a white shirt. His tie was gone and the top two buttons were open. His head was resting on the padded leather arm and his eyes were closed.

    “We all have choices, Chloe,” he said. Lifting his glass and taking a swallow of what looked, and smelled, like scotch.

    “You think so?”

    “It would be easier sometimes if we didn’t.”

    Oh God, here he goes, she thought.

    “No, Lex,” she said in a firm voice. “That’s just what people say when they’ve done something and feel guilty about it; but not guilty enough to do change it.”

    Lex’s eyes opened and he looked at her, taking in her brown pumps, tweed skirt, and beige top. She was dressed sensibly now, more simple, elegant. She was always classy, but now just a little more tame.

    “New jacket?”

    “You care?”

    “Ouch!” he sat up and put a hand to his chest. “Chloe, you give me heartburn with your acid.”

    “Yeah yeah,” she said, dryly. “I’m 'the cup of orange concentrate that you drink without mixing in the water', I know.” She made little quotation marks with her fingers.

    “Did I say that?”

    “Last time.” She removed her coat and put her purse with it on a nearby table. She stood in front of the fire and rubbed her hands together. January in Metropolis could get windy and bitter. “Should I have brought my collar and rosaries?” she asked, not turning around to face him. He usually started easier if she wasn’t looking at him. Experience taught her this.

    “It’s been a while.”

    “I just saw you last week at that luncheon...thingy.” The company that she did PR for had attended a luncheon at Lexcorp, but she’d barely been able to share more than a few pleasantries with him.

    “You know what I mean.”

    “Yeah,” she said, nodding. “About three months.”

    The sound of fabric sliding against leather told Chloe that he’d moved his legs off the sofa. She heard the ice clink in his glass as he took another drink.

    “So there was this girl,” he began. “She was a little young for me but she was really determined to prove what a big girl she was to her family.”

    “How young?”

    “Legal, I’m no pedophile.” He sighed, then continued. “We dated for a little while and I allowed her to think it was more than it was. Her father owned a company that I wanted to acquire, and her whole family worked there so there was little information she didn’t know; about their finances, that is.”

    “She confided in you.”

    “I encouraged her to talk to me about her problems.” His voice was filled with self-disgust. “She opened up to me in bed one night after...uh-“

    “Don’t need the details.” Chloe interrupted.

    “Right. Well, anyway I used the information she gave me about how troubled her father and brothers were regarding their credit with the bank. It wasn’t anything serious, but after a few calls from Lexcorp, no one would extend them any more leniency.”

    “Could they have pulled out of this problem?”

    “With a little discreet spending, yeah. They had a product coming out soon that was going to make them lots of money. They’d only needed a little extra time.”

    “But you moved and closed on the company and bought it out.”

    “Only the President and his two son’s knew about it. It was done in 48 hours.”

    “No wonder I haven’t heard about it yet.”

    “I don’t think any of the employees have any idea what happened. They’ll find out on Monday. I just signed the papers an hour ago.”

    “What happened with the girl?”

    “She came to see me.” He shrugged audibly and Chloe turned to look at him. He was rubbing his eyes. “She said her father was furious with her. He was saying that she’d betrayed the family and she’d lost her inheritance in order to cover some of their losses.” He finished his drink and stood up to get another. “Most of their employees will lose their jobs because we’re absorbing a lot of the technology, but not the staff.” Chloe intercepted him smoothly and took the glass from his hand. She pointed at the couch and he backed down again. “I don’t like to have bitter employees on my hands. Better to keep the ones we really need and let them feel lucky.”

    “You were talking about the girl.”

    “She asked me to call her father and tell him that nothing she’d said had made any impact on the takeover; that I’d done my research and it would have happened anyway.”

    “What did you say?’

    “I told her that she’d been paramount in the takeover and that I couldn’t have done it without her help.” He leaned back and spread his arms across the back of the couch. “I had my secretary cut her a check for a finder’s fee. Same as I would for one of my own executives.”

    “I hope she tore it up and threw it in your face.”

    “She couldn’t, she’d been cut off by her family and she has no money.”

    Chloe shook her head. Then she walked over to the mini wine cooler he had under his bar. She pulled out two flutes.

    “I guess this calls for champagne, then?”

    “Very funny.”

    “You’re right,” she said, standing up and putting her hands on the counter. "I’m not helping very much. You do this for a living and I can’t say that in the same position I might not do the same thing.”

    “But you think I’m an asshole?”

    “I’ve always thought you were an asshole, Lex,” she said, returning the flutes to the bar and pulling out a wineglass instead. “Do you have a Riesling?”

    “No, I have real wine.”

    “Asshole.” Her voice trickled from behind the bar. She rummaged around until she came up with a bottle of red wine. “You only keep red at the office?”

    “I’m the only one who drinks in here.”

    “Real men don’t drink white?”


    “It’s why you called.”

    “Bottom shelf, there’s a bottle of Dom on the far left. You can have that.” He got up and walked to the bar. “And pour me another scotch while you’re there.”

    “What’s the magic word?” she asked, standing up and holding the bottle of expensive champagne victoriously.

    “I just said it.” They scowled at each other for a moment. “Do you really think I’m an asshole?”

    “I think that you’re a business man,” she said, wrestling with the cork. “I think you have been raised with certain expectations in your own life that you pass on to those around you.” She handed the bottle to Lex who twisted the cork between his thumbs and popped it out. He poured her a glass, then accepted the scotch that she poured for him. “I think you can be insensitive and a little arrogant at times, but it makes you good at what you do.” She raised her glass to him briefly before sipping the champagne.

    “That’s not what I asked.”

    “Yes, Lex. I have always thought you were a bit of an asshole, but I liked you anyway.”


    “I knew your father; and I figure you could have been a Hell of a lot worse. Besides, you so obviously admired the qualities in Clark that you lacked in yourself. And I think one of the reasons you hung out with him so much was in the hope that he’d have a good influence on you.”

    “You think I wanted to be Clark Kent?”
    “Only a masochist would really want to be Clark Kent,” she mumbled into her glass. “Now, as much as I know you must have hurt that young woman, what’s the real reason you asked me here tonight?”

    “You don’t think it’s enough?” He sipped his scotch, thoughtfully before staring her in the eye. Chloe saw something hidden in his gaze. There was something else going on, and he was inviting her to figure it out. Usually, when he’d done something particularly foul, he called her up; she dropped whatever plans she’d made and came to listen to him confess his transgressions as to a priest. He didn’t ask her for absolution or forgiveness; he wanted her to tell him how horrible he was.

    Honesty came naturally to Chloe with Lex when she thought he’d done something wrong. And he’d seemed to need it sometimes. If he was hiding something bigger, she wanted to know, out of her own twisted curiosity.

    “I don’t think it’s up to your usual standards,” she replied. “You grew up in a family run business, you know that it’s never easy to work with people you’re related to. I know; I see the conflicts and personal issues that come up between my boss and his oldest son-”

    Lex looked away from her quickly and a horrible thought occurred to her. “Oh, Lex,” she whispered. “Tell me you didn’t.” He returned his gaze to hers, stoic and unemotional. He kept his eyes on her and slowly took a swallow of scotch. He didn’t speak. “Tell me,” she said, her voice getting louder, “that you didn’t just pillage the company that I work for!”
    Lex reached forward and lightly clinked his glass to hers.

    Last edited by zelda; 20th May 2005 at 06:14. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    NS Full Member LaLa's Avatar
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    France, Evreux
    :huh: errr ok! i liked it, really, fantastic verbal judo, Chloe stood her ground, she's not afraid of Lex but, where's the smut? (what?! no, i REALLY didn't sound eager... :biggrin: )

    next part please?

    xoox LaLa

  3. #3
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Not sure what to make of Lex and Chloe, but I'm enjoying it anyway. Great beginning.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  4. #4
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
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    Please add in a rating in the topic title or topic description. I suggest you go take a look at the forum rules to make sure you don't break any other rules in the future.
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  5. #5
    Procrastinator :)
    Join Date
    07 Oct 2004
    very interesting...

    now did Lex buy the company ONLY because it'll increase his profits or does it also have something to do with Chloe?.... hmmm....

    more please....


  6. #6
    NS Full Member Rae's Avatar
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    Craptown, USA
    <Gasp> Lex is such a bad boy&#33; I think Chloe should punch him. Hmmph.

    Anyway, loved The Wish and now I&#39;m just as addicted to Power Play. Great fics&#33; Can&#39;t wait for the next update. :worship2:

  7. #7
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    Interesting start. Did Lex ask her to see him because he wants to give her a job??? More soon please.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  8. #8
    Corrupted by the smut Janet's Avatar
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    DAMNIT&#33; Need more.

    Great twist, can&#39;t wait for the follow up.

    Get to your computer and type type type&#33;

    ...... please? uppyeyes:

  9. #9
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Oh no Lex why? Bad boy . I hope Chloe kicks him where it hurts.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    YAY Thank you for making a sequel to &#39;The Wish&#39;. I can&#39;t wait to read more. :chlexsign2:

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