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Thread: Will The Real Girlfriend Please Stand Up. (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
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    05 Mar 2003

    Will The Real Girlfriend Please Stand Up. (NC-17)

    Title: Will the real girlfriend please stand up.
    Author: CC ~Queen Of Tact~
    Rating: NC17
    Summary: Lex and his girlfriend reveal some shocking news, and have a little fun doing it.
    Spoilers: None that I know of.
    Disclaimer: Believe me when I tell you I don’t own then. I’m only playing with them for a little while.
    Distribution: If you want it you can have it, Just please let me know.
    Feedback: yes, please… It’s like a drug and I crave it.

    A/N Ok, first off this is my first time trying to smut. So if it really bites the big one I’m sorry.
    Second. This is for Blue and Sabby, and their evil evil ways… I so better get and update from you two…

    “You know you really shouldn’t be here.” Lex said not even bothering to look up from his desk. He knew who it was without looking. From the moment she got to the mansion he could sense her.

    “I know, but I couldn’t stand it any longer.” She pouted walking closer to the desk.

    “This was your idea remember?” Lex said leaning back in the chair with a smirk on his face.

    “Don’t remind me.” She said genteelly tracing her fingers on the desk, as she joined Lex on his side. “This has been the longest month of my life.”

    “Oh now has it?” Lex asked as he lifted her up and sat her on the desk in front of him.

    “You know it has.” She said opening her legs, and pulling him closer to her body. “Seeing you everyday, and not being able to touch you… Not being able to feel your touch.”

    Lex could feel the heat coming from her body. Her smell was intoxicating. He knew it would have to have her soon. From the moment she walked in the room he felt him becoming aroused.

    “I need your touch.” Her lips only inches from his. “Please touch me Lex.”

    He didn’t need to hear another word, as he brought his lips crashing to hers. Their tongues dancing with anticipation of what was to come. Not separating once as Lex managed to clear everything from his desk. Then covering it with her body. Finely the need for air became too much. Breathing hard they separated. Their lips red, and swollen from the kiss.

    “God I missed you.” Lex said as his lips crashed agents hers once more.

    Slipping his hand under her shirt he started massaging her breast. Gentle pinching her nipple, while he worked his way down her neck with his tongue. She moaned with pleaser, as Lex began to rub her breast harder. Her hands sliding down his back pulling out his shirt.

    “To many clothes.” She said huskily into his ear.

    “I agree.” Lex said pushing her shirt up, taking her nipple into his mouth. Causing her to let out a low moan.

    “I was talking about you.” She rasped as she slip her hand under his shirt. Running it over his toned stomach. “Off now.” She said ripping it open, not wanting to waist any more time.

    “I liked that shirt.” Lex said pushing her skirt up.

    “Add it to the ones I still owe you.” She said letting out as gasp, as she felt Lex discover she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

    “Your so hot.” Lex said sliding a finger into her.

    “Oh yes, that’s it.” She said as Lex began insert a second and third finger. “Give it to me.”

    Lex could feel her mussels tighten around his fingers as he pushed them deeper into her. He knew she would last much longer. He wanted to be inside her when she came. His cock was acing, he wouldn’t last much longer himself. Withdrawing his fingers from her, he brought them to his mouth and began to lick her juices off. She was so turned on that she took the last finger into her own mouth nearly causing Lex to cum right then.

    Lex quickly undid his pants, and pushed them down along with his boxers. Releasing his throbbing cock. Then pulled her closer to the edge of the desk.

    “Only you." Lex said putting her legs over his shoulders as his manhood guided its hard mass into her body in one thrust. Making her cry out pleaser

    “Your so tight.” Lex panted huskily.

    “Fuck me Lex!” She screamed.

    Lex buried himself deeper and harder with each thrust. Causing her body to fill with more ecstasy then she thought possible. They’re kissing becoming more urgent. Like water in a desert they couldn’t get enough.

    “Oh god Lex.” She gasped. She could feel her body getting close.

    “That’s it baby. Let it go.” Lex said bringing his hand over her sex, and rubbing her clit with his thumb.

    That was all she needed to send her over the top. Her mussels clamped down on Lex. She began to shack as the orgasm ripped through her body. Lex couldn’t hold back any longer. Thrusting one last time, as he filled her with his seed. Still inside her Lex clasped. Both of them desperately trying to catch their breath.

    “I love you.” She said softly.

    “I love you more.” Lex said gently kissing her lips.

    Standing up Lex pulled his pants up, and helped her off the desk. She fixed her Clothes and smiled.

    “I guess I should be going. It’s getting late, and we don’t want anyone to find me here.”

    “You’re right.” Lex said quietly tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. “Only for a couple more days I promise.”

    “I know.” She said kissing him softly goodbye.

    Two days later at the Tolan.

    Lex was waiting patiently for Lana to bring him his coffee while he talked with Clark, Chloe and Pete. When Helen Bryce stormed in.

    “Who the hell to you think you are!” She screamed.

    “Would you mind telling me what you’re talking about?” Lex asked coolly.

    “You know damn well what I’m talking about.” She sneered. “Did you really think you could get away with it?”

    “I didn’t try get away with anything.” Lex said smugly.

    “You bastered ” Helen hissed slapping Lex in the face.

    “Get your hands off my boyfriend.” Chloe said standing up. She had seen just about all she could take.

    “Excuse me.” Helen asked confused.

    “I said get your hands off my boyfriend you stupid bitch.” Chloe repeated herself.
    “You’re crazy.” Helen laughed. “Lex would never go out with a little school girl like you.”

    “That’s enough Helen.” Lex shouted.

    “No, I can handle this Lex.” Chloe said moving closer to Helen. “Your wrong Lex would and is dating a school girl like me. However he is not dating a to bit tramp who is paid off by his father.”

    “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Helen laughed.

    “You’re right I don’t Helen… Do you mind me calling you Helen?” Chloe asked snidely. “We only have you on tape sleeping with his father, and might I add ewww. But, I’m sure you are already aware of that, seeing how we sent it off to the medical board. I mean sleeping with Lionel Luthor to further your career, how scandals.”

    “You bitch!” Helen raged. “Do you really think that will be enough to stop me?”

    “No, but that will.” Chloe said bring her fist back and punching Helen in the face sending her crashing to the floor. “Plus it will hurt like hell.”

    Clark, Lana, and Pete were in shock at everything that was going on. Since when had Chloe and Lex started dating?

    Lex grabbed Chloe, and looked at Helen. “I suggest that you get out of here now, before I’m not able to stop Chloe.”

    “You both will regret this.” Helen said picking herself back up and storming back out of the tolan.

    “Ok will someone please tell me what just happened?” A stunned Clark asked.

    “I’ll take this one.” Lex said giving Chloe one of his trademark smirks.

    “Chloe and I stared dating when she was doing her internship in Metropolis. About 3 months ago I found out my father was going to use Helen to try and take over LexCorp. So, Chloe came up with a plan to turn it around on them.”

    “You’ve been together that long and you haven’t told anyone!” Lana all but yelled.

    “We’re sorry.” Chloe said honestly. “We wanted to tell you guys, but we didn’t know how you would take it.”

    Pete who had been quiet up till now looked at Chloe. “I’m cool with it. I’m your friend Chloe and I only want to see you happy, and if he makes you happy then so be it.” Turning to Lex. “But if you so much as hurt her, I’ll kill you.”
    “I wouldn’t expect any thing less.” Lex answered.

    “Well, as much fun as this as been guys.” Chloe said smiling. “Lex and I really need to get going.”

    “Oh, no you’re not going to get away that easy Chloe.” Lana said sharply.

    “Lana, I promise I will fill you in on everything later, but Lex and I need some alone time.”

    “Fine.” Lana muttered. “But you better, or no coffee for a week.”

    “Your evil Lana, you know that right.” Chloe laughed.

    “Damn right I am.” Lana said with a big smile on her face.

    “Well, if you will excuse us, we need to be going.” Lex said taking Chloe’s hand, and leaving the tolan.

    “Alone time?” Lex asked once in the car.

    “Well, I couldn’t tell them we have a month of sex we need to start making up for now could I.”

    “You’re right. Alone time is much better.” Lex laughed as he sped off for the mansion.

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  2. #2
    Queen of Lurkdom Sezza's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003
    I loved it, i loved it, i loved it. You should definetly write smut more often.

    Definetly loveing the way you had us guessing at the beginning, i actually thought it was helen at times, but as this is a chlex board, i knew that our fav couple would prevail.

    Can't wait to read more of your fics.


    Chlex is my obsession

  3. #3
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Oh my God that was drool: that was HOT! :yay: Are you sure that was your first smut fic? You have got to do more.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    For a first time smut, not all that bad *G*
    I wanna see more

    Oh btw. there is an update waiting for you *smirks*


  5. #5
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    loved it. And if feedback is what it will take to encourage this board to produce more and more smut authors, hey, I'm willing to leave some. So there it is...loved it, wished it were me...had plot and smut and some oh so very very good chlexiness...nice...do more soon!


  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    :read: Good stuff Q :eyebrows: - great job !!! :read:

  7. #7
    Just a Guest!
    *evil laugh*

    Chloe punching Helen. Too priceless. Now, why can't they have that on the show? Come on! People would pay to see that!

  8. #8
    Just a Guest!
    I totally agree! The punch was utterly delightful- same goes for the sex! :yay:

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    CC, I knew that you had it in ya, girl! See, something good came out of sabby and I being 'evil'. Smut.


  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    Boy that was good for a first timer !! Could not tell at all.....

    Smut, luv it so keep them coming (no pun intended) !!! Punching Helen was a classic. Wish it happened for real in the show...oh well. I guess, really can't have everything. **bummer***

    :chlexsign1: for me, all the way.

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