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Thread: Blank (NC-17)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    United States

    Blank (NC-17)

    Title: Blank
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Lex has a very interesting business encounter.
    Disclaimer: Not mine, but if they were, this should give you some idea of what I'd do with Lex :
    A/N: I read all of this wonderful smut here and I wanted to try some of my own. However, neither of the stories I'm currently working on have a place for it, so I decided to write a little PWP. I have to thank Blue and Sabby for their inspiration in yesterday's update to Playing House for the "news" at the end - I wasn't sure what it should be, and then I remembered something Lex said in that one.
    ************************************************** ****************

    Lex was deep in a moment of genius, his pen scratching frantically in the margin of a report. He wanted to make sure he got down every detail before the moment passed. He was just to the most important aspect when his intercom buzzed.

    “Mr. Luthor, your 2:00 appointment is here.”

    Lex swore under his breath. He was just about to tell his secretary to cancel when he glanced at the Outlook calendar open on the monitor. 2:00 was…

    …Lois Lane. Chloe would be pissed if he cancelled on her cousin, knowing she’d driven three hours from Metropolis to speak to him. Lex was going to be even more pissed if the woman just wanted another interview.

    “Send her in.” He returned to his notes, trying to outline the remainder of the plan before he had to put it aside. He ignored the soft click of the door closing for a few moments. Finally, satisfied that he’d written enough to remind him later of what he wanted to do, he reached for his coffee and stood to greet his cousin-by-marriage.

    Were he not a Luthor, he most certainly would have spit the lukewarm liquid across the top of his desk. He didn’t remember Lois Lane being so curvy… or having such bright burgundy hair. He was positive that the prim reporter didn’t own a black vinyl mini-trench or thigh high boots to match. A full-length trench coat lay on the floor where she must have tossed it upon entering. Clenching his jaw to hide his smirk, he walked around to the front of his desk.

    “Miss Lane... to what do I owe the honor?”

    “Mr. Luthor, I have some very important news to share with you. However, I need to be absolutely certain you are giving me your full attention when I tell you, because it would be quite tragic if you should happen to forget.”

    “Oh, you’ve got my attention, I can assure you,” he replied. His eyes were running appreciatively up and down her body, and he had no plans to look elsewhere for some time – he could work out the finer details of his report in the back of his mind without looking at a piece of paper, after all. He felt his pants tighten just slightly when she began to move toward him.

    “Not good enough. I want your mind completely cleared of everything but me.”

    She reached him and pushed him backwards. He felt the edge of the desk on the back of his thighs, and then her lips were on him. Her mouth tasted like chocolate, which he knew from experience was her favorite aphrodisiac. Lex’s hands wandered down her back and gripped the slick material that barely covered her bottom. When her hips arched up into his, he groaned. He hadn’t counted on so much blood leaving his brain at once, and he realized he might have to put his business plan on hold. Leaving his mouth, her teeth scraped across the sensitive skin of his neck, and his head dropped back to allow her easier access.

    Nimble fingers made quick work of his jacket, tie, and shirt, and he pulled her hips into his once more as her tongue slid down the skin of his chest. He groaned again as she sucked one nipple into her mouth, her fingers pinching and massaging its twin. Her tongue laved the small nub while her teeth delicately rubbed its edges. He ground himself against the thigh that she slipped between his legs. The action caused the vinyl of her jacket to ride up, and he rhythmically kneaded the bare flesh under it, forcing her to tease her wet center against his own leg.

    Finished with her ministrations on his chest, she slowly licked and kissed her way down his stomach. She paused briefly at his navel, her tongue flicking lightly into the opening before she blew cool air against it. She giggled at his shiver, then proceeded on her journey. Lex sighed with relief when she undid his pants, and he rocked his hips off of the edge of the desk as she pulled them down. She reached for the waistband of his boxers, and he moaned at the feel of the soft silk sliding across his throbbing cock. She pushed him again, and he gasped when his bare ass hit the cold glass surface of his desk. She started to kneel before him, then backed away. He was about to protest when he realized she was dragging a chair in front of him. She carefully knelt in the seat, then bent her head into his lap. He couldn’t contain the groan that escaped when her tongue danced over his tip, swirling precum over the head before she took it between her lips and sucked it like a lollipop. Taking the shaft in her hand, she licked the underside from base to end, then carefully took him into her mouth. His breath hitched as he felt his head rubbing against the back of her throat. He gripped the edge of the desk with one hand while the fingers of the other attempted to curl in her hair. She swatted them away, and he breathed a sigh of relief that the purplish hair was a wig, not a dye job. He settled for digging his fingers into her shoulder, silently begging her not to stop sucking him off. When she reached underneath him to gently massage his sack, his entire body shuddered in preparation for his release.

    And then she stopped. His eyes popped open to glare at her, but she just smiled and stood. She untied the belt of her coat, then started on the buttons, and was soon standing in the chair before him clad in nothing but her shiny boots. She stepped down and reached behind him to clear a space on his desk, then pushed him onto his back. Climbing up after him proved more difficult than she’d anticipated with her extra weight, though, so he sat back up and half-lifted her on top of him. Giggling, she shoved him back down and reached for the phone. She easily removed the cord, then caught one of the hands that was attempting to grope her breasts. She wrapped the cord around his wrist, then pulled his hand over his head to loop it around the handle of the drawer on the opposite side. His other hand was soon similarly trapped, and she grinned at him wickedly. Still bending over him, she lowered herself until her breasts dangled in his face. She swayed, lightly dragging her hard nipples over his nose until he tipped his head to catch one between his teeth. She squealed, then pressed against his mouth, moaning at the pleasurable warmth that spread from his mouth through her body. Her hips undulated against the air, and Lex arched against her to get her attention. She carefully lowered herself on top of him, then shifted herself to masturbate against his hard shaft. He groaned at the sensation, trying to maneuver himself inside of her, but she wouldn’t let him. Instead, she pressed her other nipple against his lips and teased the one that had just left his mouth with her own fingers. He sucked on the sensitive skin, rubbing his tongue against the tip of the hardened pebbled until her fingers dug into his scalp. Her hips picked up speed as she neared orgasm, and he knew that if she came against his dick, he probably wouldn’t be far behind.

    And then she stopped again. Lex was partly relieved that he wouldn’t be embarrassing himself all over his desk, but at the same time was disappointed because his restrained hands couldn’t grab her hips and ram her down onto his now painfully swollen cock. As her breasts left his face, he realized she was trying to reverse her position without losing her balance. It would have been almost comical if he hadn’t been eagerly anticipating what came next. When her wet curls neared his face, he lifted his head and greedily lapped at the juices running down her thighs, following them to the source. His tongue quickly found its way inside her hot core, then slid back out to run up and down her swollen clit. Her back arched as he massaged the bundled nerves, and he saw her shift her weight to one hand while she reached for her own breasts with the other. He closed his eyes and concentrated on licking harder and faster, excited by the movements she made against his mouth, barely aware when her stomach rested against his chest as she bent over further. His eyes flew back open as she again took him into her mouth, and the gentle thrust of his hips soon matched the rhythm of her own. His tongue once again found its way inside her, mimicking the movements he’d like to have been making with the shaft that was now pulsing against her lips. He could tell she was nearing her limit, and he returned his attention to her clit, anxious to taste her orgasm.

    “Dammit,” he groaned as she pulled away. Carefully, she made her way back to her original position.

    “Are you ready for me?” she asked sweetly. He thrust against her in reply, and she lowered herself onto him slowly. Impatient to be buried inside of her, Lex thrust again and groaned when her bottom rested against his sack. She braced her hands on his stomach, then lifted her hips and rammed them back down against him. His hands curled into fists as he watched her ride him with abandon, her breasts bouncing to the rhythm. His eyes snaked down between her legs, and the sight of his dick, coated with her juices as it slid in and out of her, snapped his last bit of control. He thrust into her harder and harder, faster and faster, desperate to get her off before he exploded inside of her. She leaned back, and he was soon rewarded by the feel of her walls spasming around him as her scream reverberated in his ears. Spots appeared before his eyes as he came, and it seemed like the ecstasy would go on forever.

    When he’d finally caught his breath, he opened his eyes to find her smiling down at him. She leaned over and released his hands from the phone cord, and he sat up to pull her into his arms and kiss her deeply. When she pulled away and leaned her forehead against his, she laughed softly.

    “Are you ready to pay attention to my news now?”

    “I am.”

    “Then listen closely. Today is our anniversary. Don’t even try to speak, I know you forgot, even though I reminded you this morning at breakfast. We have reservations at 8:00 in Metropolis. The helicopter will be ready to leave at 7:00 sharp, and you are to meet me and the limo in front of the LexCorp building as soon as you arrive. If you forget-” she cupped his face and forced him to look into her eyes. “If you forget, this will be the last bit of lovin' you get for a very long time. Do I make myself clear?”

    “Yes ma’am.”

    “Good. Now help me get off of this desk.”

    Lex gently eased her off of him and held onto her arms until he was sure she was steady. He then knelt on the floor and picked up her coat, pausing to kiss her prominent belly before he rose. Suddenly, he froze.

    “I forgot the ultrasound this morning.”

    “Yes, you did.”

    She took the coat from him and wiggled into it as he pulled up his pants.

    “Was everything okay?”


    “Is it a boy or a girl?”

    She grinned at him and kissed him lightly.

    “I guess you’ll have to show up for dinner to find out.” She retrieved her long coat from where she’d dropped it by the door, and Lex helped her into it. She was reaching for the doorknob when he caught her wrist.



    “Using your cousin’s name to open doors for you is going to get you in trouble one day.”

    “Obviously not this day,” she replied with a smirk. Then she was gone.

    After he’d gotten dressed, Lex returned to his desk. He picked up the report he’d been working on and tried to decipher the notes he’d made in the margin.


    His mind was completely blank.


  2. #2
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    LOL.............Now that was hot.... and totally made my Sunday....Silly Lex forgetting such important things LOL

    Nice one..... :worship2: :yay: :worship2:


  3. #3
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    29 Mar 2004
    yeah you should have seen my eyes narrowing but then it hit me

    it's a CHLEX site

    then i got it

    great smut btw

    love lea

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    that was just WoW!! :smut:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    West of Gotham
    Ooooh, that was fun! You should write more smut, dear!

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    That was a lovely fun romp... and good for Chloe, making Lex remember like that. <eg> Definitely looking forward to any more smut you might feel like gracing us with... this was HOT&#33;&#33;


  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    I love this story&#33;&#33; Of course, Chloe made it so fun for Lex he&#39;ll want to forget anniversarys and ultrasounds all of the time&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Thanks for this great story&#33;&#33; :chlexsign2:

  8. #8
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: CLASSIC&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

  9. #9
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    WOW :smoker:

  10. #10
    Let's rub Lex's head! TheDragonLady's Avatar
    Join Date
    29 Jan 2004
    Whew&#33; The lovely smut&#33; It&#39;s beautiful&#33; LOL :chlexsign4:

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