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Thread: Fallout (NC-17) 8 September, 2009 - Complete

  1. #21
    Just a Guest!
    More please! Soon!!!!!


  2. #22
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas, USA
    Oh, I love how you're making us unsure as to what exactly happened between Chloe and Lex...his thoughts and memories are so jumbled that we're not sure what is a fantasy and what was reality.

    Great touch! Also, neat how much you guessed as far as the storyline of the show without having watched recent episodes. Of course, I'm loving your Chlexy spin on it!

  3. #23
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Oh more please....

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #24
    Just a Guest!
    (joining the chorus) ...more, more, more, please, oh great one! :worship2:


  5. #25
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Penn's Woods
    This is a great update! I like Lex telling off Lionel, and Chloe getting the goods on him :biggrin:

    Now, Lex's dream about Chloe--it actually happened right? This isn't another mindbending twist of yours, is it??

    Upate soon-PLEASE!!

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  6. #26
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    This is really such an intriguing story!! I can't wait until Chloe gives Lex some of the answers he's been looking for!! Will he still continue with the treatments? Will Chloe be completely honest with Lex, or will she lie to protect him? Will Lex and Chloe start to work together again against Lionel? Sorry for all of the questions, but this is such a great story and I can't wait to read more!! uppyeyes: You are such a great author!! Thanks for all of your wonderful stories!! :clap: :heart: :chlexsign4: :heart: :clap:

  7. #27
    Just a Guest!
    Great! ... Great ... Have I already said your story was great? Please update ( and the sooner's the better).

  8. #28
    NS Full Member
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    30 Jan 2004
    United States
    I guess I never replied to this the first time I read it. It's really an intriguing plot, I can't wait to see where it goes!

  9. #29
    Just a Guest!
    By the time Lex finally arrived at his office, he was thankful that he had told his butler to wait ten minutes before showing Chloe there. Though he was still slightly dizzy, some of his strength had returned to him – and he knew he was going to need every ounce of it if he was going to go out on a limb and confront Chloe about something that may or may not have happened during his missing time.

    So wrapped up in his own thoughts and going over all the possible ways she might react when he brought up the topic, he was ill-prepared for how seeing her in person was going to effect his emotional state. The very sight of the fiery blonde nervously pacing his office, clad in black attire that clung to her like a second skin, was enough to make him freeze in the office doorway. Chloe seemed to sense his presence and swung around to face him.

    He hoped he wasn’t drooling. Literally. The pharmaceutical therapy he’d been subjecting himself to didn’t do wonders for keeping even the most basic bodily reactions in check. Casually, he pretended to yawn and lifted a hand to his mouth to cover it – and check to make sure there wasn’t anything dripping out.

    “Hey,” Chloe greeted with an upward tilt of her head. But no smile, Lex mentally noted. “Sorry to wake you up, but this couldn’t wait.” Without waiting for a response, she walked over to him and held out a disk. “You’ll want to look at this.”

    “Alright,” Lex replied, taking the disk from her. “I don’t suppose I get a hint as to what this is about?”

    “I found it.”

    Lex had already started toward his desk, so he was forced to glance over his shoulder at her to shoot her a questioning look. “It?”

    “The evidence you need to connect your dad to his parents’ murder. I found it,” Chloe rushed out excitedly.

    Whoa. Whatever he’d been expecting to hear, that wasn’t it.

    Lex’s heartbeat sped up, pumping an inordinate amount of blood and endorphins through his veins. If Chloe had really located the elusive missing evidence, then very soon he could be out from underneath his father’s thumb once and for all.

    The computer whirred as it opened up the contents of the disk, and Lex’s eyes grew wide with excitement as he enlarged each of the pictures one by one that had been taken and read through the documents that would bring Lionel Luthor to justice.

    True to her word, Chloe had done it. Where a mere twenty minutes before Lex had felt like he was ready to die, he now felt like he was on top of the world and completely invincible. He was smiling broadly, and somewhat manically, but Chloe didn’t back away. She shared his joy in this moment of triumph.

    “There’s an open ‘twenty-four hours’ rush delivery service in Metropolis, so I took advantage of it and sent a copy to the FBI agents we talked to,” she said, glossing over the fact that she had paused instead of coming directly there, so she could upload the memory card to her laptop and made multiple disks of the material from that. He didn’t need to know how deep her paranoia concerning his father ran and she felt no immediate need to enlighten him. “I guess I could have waited to tell you, but I thought you’d want to know.”

    “Yes,” Lex agreed. “Thank you, Chloe…for everything.”

    Chloe gave him an imperceptible nod of her head and a tired smile before glancing over at the door and then back to him.

    “It’s late. I should go,” she said. “You should probably expect a call from one of those agents some time tomorrow. Good night, Lex.” She hadn’t taken more than two steps toward the door before Lex called out to her.


    She stopped and turned, the look on her face one of concern; reflecting the tone he had used himself, Lex supposed.

    “I wanted to ask you something,” he said. Chloe raised her eyebrows in an unspoken motion for him to continue. “I’ve been having these…not memories exactly, but…flashes…of things that might have happened during my missing time.”

    “Oh?” Chloe said, hoping that the dim light of the room would hide what she knew was her rapidly paling skin.

    “This might sound strange, but…were we…did we…?” Lex trailed off uncomfortably. Confronting someone about a sexual encounter was one thing; not knowing whether it really happened was another. “Did we sleep together?”

    “Once,” Chloe said quietly after a moment went by and she got up her nerve to actually answer him.

    “Once,” Lex repeated. And she was just now telling him this? Just now telling him that they’d been involved in a physical relationship, regardless of how brief it was? “Chloe…”

    “There were extenuating circumstances,” Chloe interrupted shortly. “You had just gotten into a big fight with your dad and …it doesn’t matter. It didn’t happen again and it doesn’t change anything.”

    Lex felt his stomach drop out. Chloe was being delicate with her words.

    Chloe was rarely delicate with her words.

    When residing in a place like Smallville, it was best to get to the point and get to it without skirting the issue. Which made Lex wonder why Chloe was speaking the way she was now. She’d admitted that they’d slept together, so her honesty wasn’t in question, but her carefully chosen words made him think – made him know – that there was more to it than what she was telling him.


    “Like I said, it’s late and I should go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Lex.”


    Fifteen minutes and Chloe was still shaking uncontrollably. Of all the things Lex could have remembered, his mind has chosen that particular memory. Still, he must not be recalling it with any sort of accuracy or he wouldn’t have brought it up. Or maybe he would; maybe it was different from a man’s perspective, especially one who had been so hopped up on rage-like adrenaline that he couldn’t think straight at the time.

    Chloe winced and tried to regain control of her own body’s reactions. She could get past this. She had once before and she could again. It wasn’t Lex’s fault that his father had his psychiatrist prescribing who the hell knew what for him, or that Lionel had taken advantage of that chemical reaction and continually provoked him until he got the response he’d been looking for and Lex had eventually gone off the deep end.

    Absently, she lifted one hand off the wheel and brought her fingertips up to the jagged scar that was concealed well by the flippy ends of her blonde hair. Her pads of her fingers quivered over the mark as if it were some secret that was never to be spoken of; which, in this particular instance, it was.

    Instinctually, she stepped back from the personal space she so easily invaded when she saw the feral look in his eyes. She’d never seen him like this; he was always in control, even when he was angry. But now his composure had been replaced by something unrestrained, something wild…something dangerous.

    A long, manicured hand reached out and roughly grabbed the back of her head; its fingers tangling into her hair so if she moved any direction but forward and quickly, she would feel a stinging pain on her scalp from her hair being tugged and torn.

    Wide eyes begged Lex to answer questions she never got a chance to ask, as he slammed his lips down against hers and pulled the rest of her body flush against him with his other hand. With one simple yank of her hair in the exactly the right spot, her head leaned backward just enough to open her jaw and Lex drove his tongue inside with a ferocity that had less to do with passion and more to do with an internal hunger that needed to be satiated.

    It was when she felt her tongue start to act of its own volition and barely start to slide against his that she began to fight. She might be attracted to Lex, but his actions were too sudden and too out of control to entirely be his own; and she didn’t cherish the thought of her first time being with someone who was clearly under some kind of chemical influence assisted by restrained rage at his father and may or may not really know who she was at the moment because of it.

    She pushed against his chest, but he was too big, too strong, and the only gain she made wasn’t more than putting an inch of space between them before he growled warningly and brought his mouth to hers again. Then she kicked him. Because they were so close together, it didn’t do as much damage as it could have, and it only seemed to fuel the anger that was going on in his mind.

    Chloe ripped her lips away from his and reveled in her moment of victory until she realized it was just that; a moment. Lex’s lips found her neck and his teeth and tongue soon followed, earning a gasp from her throat and enough time for him to move her back toward his office desk without her realizing it.

    “Did you let him touch you?” he murmured menacingly into her ear, sending a shiver through her body that was equal parts pleasure, fear, and confusion.

    “What are you talking about?”

    A fierce push behind her knees brought her back to seeing the whole situation rather than concentrating on his words like she had developed a tendency to do whenever he spoke. You missed a lot if you didn’t pay strict attention to every inflection and innuendo that the Luthors infused their sentences with.

    Like now, for instance. Lex wasn’t horny, he was angry; livid even. Chloe still hadn’t figured out why, but since he had started to assault her when they’d never had a physical relationship and was now uttering insanely jealous questions at her while pushing her back onto his desk, she assumed that her previous thought was correct and he didn’t realize who she was.

    One glance at his eyes seemed to confirm it. His pupils were dilated to the point where barely any of the grey-blue that usually lay there could be seen and small red blood vessels had begun to show themselves in the increasingly smaller white areas.

    She knew that he’d been talking – fighting – with his father directly before her visit and although she didn’t believe Lionel would forcibly administer any sort of drug to his son, she didn’t put it past him to work with Lex’s therapist to give him medication that wasn’t what she said it was.

    In fact, that was the reason for her visit in the first place. It paid to have friends in every sort of job possible and her friend, Sean, had been able to confirm with a little lab work that the capsule she’d stolen from one of the many prescription bottles Lex had been given wasn’t what the label claimed it was.

    Damn. In retrospect, she probably just should have called to tell him, but she hadn’t wanted to risk the phone being bugged and Lionel hearing the conversation.

    It was when Lex lifted her longer skirt and grabbed her bare thighs to push them apart that her true sense of self-preservation kicked in. Taking advantage of the fact that Lex had brought her legs up and bent them for easier access, she repositioned them and kicked both of them hard against his chest.

    The movement took him off guard and sent him stumbling backward, but the kick wasn’t strong enough to send him far and he was back gripping her arms hard and shoving her back down from the half-sitting up position that she had been able to raise herself into.

    If possible, he seemed more determined now; his mind so fully focused on his task that he didn’t realize he’d forced the back of her head to hit the sharp frame of his flat-screen computer monitor, or that the impact was enough to slice long and deep through her skin and draw a hefty amount of blood from the wound.

    Pain shot through her and she wailed out a sharp cry that went unheeded and quite probably unnoticed. Chloe closed her eyes, stopped fighting, and lay completely still. Resisting Lex’s drug-induced mania only hit her back ten-fold and though she obviously didn’t want to be raped, she definitely didn’t want to die.

    Cool air danced over her exposed skin and licked at the edge of the crimson liquid streaming from her head wound. She was rapidly becoming dizzy and disoriented and absently thought that she might be losing more blood than she initially believed.

    She didn’t remember her panties being removed from her body, but the sensation of him punishingly thrusting his stiff cock into her unaroused body was unmistakable and unforgettable. She tried to scream again, but the cry stuck halfway up her throat as if strangled by the pain she felt. Lex pushed in and out of her; his fast and frenzied thrusts thankfully bringing him to climax quickly.

    When Chloe awoke after blacking out, she found herself in a dark bedroom lit only by a dim crescent-moon hovering in the sky outside. Her heart raced in panic as she turned to see Lex’s face attached to the body that was curved up against her with one arm draped lazily over her torso. Whatever high he had been on before, he seemed to be fast asleep now.

    That evening’s horrifying events flew through her head and she sorely scrambled away from him and off the bed. She lifted a hand up to the back of her head and felt the sticky, congealed blood that had matted her hair over her wound and helped it forma still liquidy, gel-like scab over the wound that laid underneath. Unfortunately, she knew if the cut had been severe enough to drain an amount of blood that would make her pass out, then it would need stitches to heal completely.


    She couldn’t think straight. She was too dizzy and an overall soreness complimented the bruising pain she felt in most parts of her body. But instinct quickly took over rational thought and she threw on the clothes she could find before darting out of the room, her heartbeat thumping loud and fast in her ears as she tried to close the door without waking Lex up.

    Chloe rested her forehead on the steering wheel and breathed deeply to try to calm herself down while waiting for the late night train to hurry up and get out of her way so she could go home. She didn’t need this now. She didn’t need to remember when she’d gotten so good at forgetting.

    She rushed to his office, grabbed her purse, and sped away from the Luthor Estate as fast as she could possibly go. She could already feel that the temporary scab was giving way to the new swell of blood brought on by the surge of panic and adrenaline, and she’d need to get help soon or she’d lose more blood than she could replenish on her own.

    But, she also knew they’d ask questions that she couldn’t answer if she went to the hospital. She didn’t have a choice. She didn’t want to die and lying to the doctor on call would be a hell of a lot easier than trying to lie to her dad about it; especially when he’d wind up taking her to the hospital anyway.

    She took a sharp turn onto the road that led to the hospital and prayed that no one she knew was working the graveyard shift.

    The railroad blockers went up and Chloe pressed on the gas pedal. She’d been startled and shaken when Lex brought the whole thing up. Except he hadn’t; not really. Who knew what he really remembered and what his mind had delicately conjured up so he wouldn’t lose his weak grasp on sanity again? She didn’t – and she wasn’t about to ask.

    Besides, she’d managed to push the memory aside before, she could do it again. She’d kept her part of the deal and found the information that could bring down the man who she truly blamed for everything, even if he wasn’t physically responsible. She wouldn’t need to consort with either one of them again and there was no reason to force Lex to live with something he had no control over at the time by telling him the truth.

    She just hoped he saw it the same way.

  10. #30
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    hmy: Oh Damn, now this is one fic that just riped me in two! Great wrieting. :worship2:

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