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Thread: Doubt's Captive (NC-17)

  1. #21
    NS Junior Member squeezumstang's Avatar
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    08 Apr 2003
    oh. fuck. that was the hottest thing i've ever read.

    ::gripe:: ::gripe:: now why the hell can't i have
    sex like that, dammit!!!??? ::gripe:: ::gripe::

  2. #22
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    Well OF COURSE Chloe can't help herself. What red-blooded female could when Lex was giving her THAT?

    I am not only surprised that Chloe still walked down the aisle with Clark after that, I am absolutely stunned that she was able to walk at all.

    Good God you are a smut writing machine, B! Excellent work!

    Now I can't wait to see if Chloe's big dumb ox of a husband realized that she was not a virgin on their wedding night!

  3. #23
    NS Full Member
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    I'll get back to you with my opinion after I get my giddy slack-jaw under control. :worship2:

  4. #24
    NS Full Member
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    By now, Chloe was used to tasting herself. At first, it had been on odd sensation, but she had acclimated to it quickly. Lex took his fingers away from her mouth and started to steer her towards his desk. She was actually surprised that they had never had sex on it yet.

    Lex usually insisted upon taking her to his bedroom. She was sure it had something to do with having her in his inner sanctum or some crap like that. She really needed to stop doing this. And, she would. After tonight.

    When the back of her legs hit the glass, she hopped up onto the desk. As Lex divested himself of his shoes, socks and pants, Chloe thought about her wedding day and the ensuing weeks afterward.

    As she walked down the aisle on her father’s arm, Chloe sneaked a peek over at the man. He was beaming and trying not to cry. She could tell that it was the happiest that he had ever been. If only she could say the same for herself.

    The nausea she was feeling only intensified when she met the end of her long walk. Her father kissed her cheek and handed her over to Clark. His smile was blinding and she attempted to return it. She tried not to look at the man standing to his right, but found it impossible. Lex had an unreadable look on his face. He merely stared back at Chloe.

    The ceremony itself blurred together and before she was really ready, she found herself saying, “I do.” Clark looked exuberantly happy as he placed the ring on her hand. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him and realized that this was what she had always wanted. She had Clark after decades of chasing him and nothing was going to spoil the happiness that she was entitled to.

    Chloe was able to keep focused on that thought until Lex walked over to them to offer his congratulations. She took a step closer to Clark and accepted Lex’s thanks a little woodenly. Clark was already on his way to getting drunk, grinning like an idiot at anyone who spoke to him. “You don’t mind if I kiss the bride, do you?” Lex asked the question smoothly and didn’t wait for an answer before giving Chloe a chaste kiss on the lips. One of his hands made its way to the cutout in her lower back. He stroked her skin and Chloe had to resist the urge to bat his hands away from her.

    After that, Lex had walked off and Chloe hadn’t seen him the rest of the day. She was looking forward to going on her honeymoon and getting away from all things related to Lex Luthor, Smallville or Metropolis. While Chloe had wanted to go somewhere like Egypt for the trip, Clark had his heart set on Maui.

    Upon arriving at their hotel, there was a note from Lex. He had arranged for them to stay on a private island. Their bags were already on their way there. Clark went on and on about how nice it was of Lex while Chloe searched for some ulterior motive.

    The island was beautiful and had pristine beaches and clear water. There was a hut, if something with twelve rooms could be called that, complete with all the creature comforts one could want. As their first evening there drew to a close, Chloe noticed that Clark seemed nervous.

    She realized he was thinking about what would be expected of him that night. He didn’t fumble as much as she expected, it was still terrible but not unbearably so. It was almost over before it started when she tried to put the condom on him. She had faked pain and discomfort when they started, Clark apologizing for it immediately. That wasn’t all that she faked that night. Clark hadn’t lasted long and had practically collapsed on top of her.

    During the day they went scuba diving, enjoyed the champagne that Lex provided, Chloe sunbathed in the nude and they had numerous massages from the small staff that populated the islands. Their nights were spent the way that was expected of any honeymooning couple. Chloe convinced herself that, with a little practice, Clark would eventually be able to please her.

    The two weeks passed rather quickly and they returned home to their apartment in Metropolis. They weren’t there long. The next day, they were expected back in Smallville to visit with the various in-laws. Chloe was looking forward to seeing her Dad and even the Kents, they had all been so happy when she and Clark got together. Now, they would be ecstatic and no doubt start questioning them about grandchildren.

    They had been at Chloe’s house when Clark was called back to Metropolis for an assignment. He told her he couldn’t talk about it and apologized to his parents and Gabe for having to run off. Before he left, he pulled her aside and asked her to go and visit with Lex.

    Apparently, she had made a face because Clark looked at her with that, ‘Why can’t you be as good and pure as I am’ face. “Chloe, I don’t understand why you have to be like that with Lex. He’s always liked you. I thought it would only be proper to go and thank him for all he did for us. You’d think I was asking you to cut off your ear or something. Forget it, I’ll just drive back here sometime tomorrow and do it myself.”

    He tried to huff off but Chloe grabbed his arm. “I’m just tired. But, I’ll do it, Clark.” He still seemed angry. She did the only thing that knew would shake him out of it. “You’re right, Clark. I’ll go and thank him.”

    Clark smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek before leaving. She spent the next few hours with the Kents and her dad. Once Clark’s parents left, Chloe told her father that she had to go over to the Manor. For a moment, she hoped that he would tell her that Lex was in Metropolis, but it was not to be.

    “Sounds good, sweetie. I know that he’d never admit it but I think he came back here just to see the two of you. It’s the first time he’s been back since you guys left.” Chloe merely nodded.

    As she drove over to the Manor, she rehearsed what she was going to say. Just a quick thank you and then a goodbye. There was no need to stay for coffee or anything like that. Besides, she doubted that he’d offer her anything. Anything that she was willing to take, that was.

    The same servant met her at the door as the last time she was at the Manor. He informed her that Mr. Luthor was working on something in his bedroom. She followed him up the stairs, telling herself that it didn’t matter where the conversation was going to take place. She’d say what she needed to and then she would leave.

    The man opened the door and motioned for her to go in. He closed the door behind her and Chloe saw that Lex was sitting at his desk. He wore the usual business attire but the first two buttons of his shirt were undone and his tie was thrown on a chair along with his shoes and socks.

    This time, he wasted no time in addressing her. “I hope your honeymoon was enjoyable, Chloe.” She clenched her jaw at his tone of voice. He seemed as if he was laughing at her.

    “It was, very. Thank you for asking, Lex. I’m here because Clark wanted me to thank you for all of the arrangements you made for us.” She crossed her arms over her chest, daring him to push her.

    “Where is Clark,” Lex leaned back in his chair and linked his hands behind his head as he asked the question. The epitome of casualness. It was beginning to annoy her.

    “He had to go back home to Metropolis. Some sort of emergency.” Which he couldn’t tell me about, Chloe thought. She had assumed that once they were married, he would become more open with her. If the past few days were anything to go by, she had been wrong.

    “That’s too bad,” Lex commented as he ran his eyes over her body. “You got a nice tan.”

    Chloe stood still as his eyes continued to roam over her chest and then up to her shoulders. A small smile appeared on his face. “You don’t have any tan lines. I see you took advantage of the private beaches. Tell me, did your husband take advantage of you on those beaches?” His tone of voice hadn’t changed at all. He might as well have been discussing the weather or a boring movie he had taken in.

    Keeping her face neutral, Chloe stared at Lex. Clark had, in fact, not done so. He thought it was too public. He didn’t really have an adventurous streak where sex was concerned. She was hoping she’d be able to chip away at that, as well. She had no intention of having boring sex.

    “That’s none of your business.” It was a lame retort but all that she was going to give him. Her eyes slipped to one of the clocks in the room. She really didn’t need to get back but she figured the less time spent in the web of Lex, the better. “Goodnight, Lex.”

    She quickly left the room and jogged down the stairs. Chloe had begun to shake, mostly from rage at his questions and attitude towards her. She nodded at the man that had let her in and was fishing her keys out of her pocket when she heard footsteps on the gravel behind her.

    Chloe saw Lex coming towards her, his eyes fixed on her face as he kicked up the gravel with his bare feet. He looked determined and she knew what he wanted. She glanced over her shoulder. Clark’s truck was close, she should be able to make it. She looked back at Lex and found that she couldn’t move. She watched as he came towards her, accepting what was about to happen.

    His lower half freed of all constraints, Lex gestured to his shirt. He loved watching Chloe undress him. The way her eyes took in his body was a huge turn on.

    Her nimble fingers worked at the buttons, they moved quickly and expertly, she had done this numerous times before. He shucked the material off of his shoulders and Chloe ran her hands up and down his torso.

    Noticing that she was still fully clothed, Lex slipped off her shirt. She wore a black, lacey bra and he could see her nipples through the sheer material. He bowed his head and took one of the peaks into his mouth, sucking and biting on the flesh as Chloe pushed her chest towards him.

    The door to his study was open and his staff was around somewhere. He had no idea if they all knew he was fucking Mrs. Clark Kent, but he wouldn’t be surprised. They hadn’t been exactly discreet when they were together at the Manor.

    When she came to him after her honeymoon, he had taken her in the driveway. True, there hadn’t been many servants in the house. But, if any were looking out of the window at that time, they would have gotten quite a show.

    Chloe appeared to be frozen, but Lex could see her eyes following the moves of his body. When he got to her, he didn’t break his stride as he picked her up over his shoulder. He felt her fists pounding on his back and she almost caught him in the nose with her foot, but he held onto her tightly.

    Maintaining his hold on the woman in his arms, Lex was able to drop down the back panel of the truck before laying Chloe down on it. Her legs hung over the edge and she hissed when her skin came into contact with the cold steel. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a sleeveless shirt. In her struggles the shirt had ridden up out of the jeans.

    “Lex, what in the hell are you doing?” Chloe sat up and tried to glare at him. It wasn’t working. He could tell that she was excited by this. She wasn’t telling him no and she wasn’t screaming for help. Lex got what he wanted but he wasn’t a monster. If either of those things occurred, he’d back off.

    Instead of answering her question, he started to unbutton her jeans. He pulled down the zipper and caught a glimpse of her red panties. “I’m going to have sex with you here, on your husband’s truck. Then, I’m taking you into the house. I’m assuming that no one expects you back any time soon.” He looked up from his task and waited for her response.

    Chloe shook her head. “No, no one’s expecting me.” Lex knew that it wouldn’t be seen as strange if she spent a few hours here. After all, he was the best man at her wedding, he could be trusted. As could Chloe. She had wanted Clark for her whole life, she would never cheat on him. Lex marveled at the perfection of the situation. He watched as Chloe took her shirt off. She was wearing a matching bra and as her hair became tousled he caught a whiff of her shampoo.

    “Good, than we can take our time. I was rushed during our last meeting.” He slowly slid a hand up her body and deftly opened the front clasp of her bra. She shrugged out of the material and his hands began kneading at the flesh. Chloe threw her head back and arched into his touch. He tweaked her nipples and her hips arched up in response. After one last pinch, his hands made their way to her hips.

    With Chloe’s help, he was able to get her jeans and panties down to her knees. He pulled her to the edge of the truck and positioned himself between her thighs. He quickly undid the button and fly of his slacks. Chloe’s hot hands took care of his boxers. She ran her hand over his shaft and licked her lips as she watched him twitch under her ministrations.

    “Lean back,” he instructed. With a nod of her head, Chloe laid down in the bed of the truck. Lex braced most of his weight on his arms, which he placed on either side of Chloe’s head. Opening her eyes, she said, “Lex, do you have any…” She was gesturing to his cock.

    Before she could complete the sentence, he eased slowly into her. He closed his eyes as her wet, warm heat engulfed him. He wanted to feel her without anything between them. Besides, he had checked out her medical records and a few months before the wedding she had gone on the pill. They were protected. He moved languidly in and out of her body, rocking the truck on its wheels.

    Chloe was panting his name and he silenced her with his mouth. Her tongue met his and they dueled for dominance, he let her control the kiss and her hands went to either side of his face. As her teeth, tongue and mouth became more aggressive, Lex sped up his thrusts.

    He broke their kiss, “I hope you’ve got the parking brake on,” he groaned out. He leaned down and brushed his upper body against hers. He had learned that her nipples were sensitive and she hissed when the silk of his shirt came into contact with the flesh.

    He felt her try to wrap her legs around him but she was hampered by her jeans. Her internal muscles were already quivering. He guessed that she was primed and ready when she arrived and was already ready to come. Lex pushed into her harder, burying himself to the hilt inside of her before pulling back.

    Chloe was writhing beneath him, her face contorted. She looked like she was in agony. Lex knew better. “You’re a great fuck, Chloe.” She whimpered and turned her head away from him. She was ashamed of what she was doing. But, Lex knew she couldn’t stop herself. He felt the same pull between them that she did. The difference was that he embraced it instead of fighting it.

    “Just,” she breathed out, “oh god, just make me come.” She spat out the last few words and arched against him while raking her hands over his back all the way up to the nape of his neck. Chloe started to run her hands over his scalp and Lex’s cock pounded into her. “Yes,” she hissed.

    Lex felt the tingling in his lower back start to spread to the front of his body. An in command Chloe was a hot Chloe. He braced himself on his forearms and rolled his hips, reaching that spot inside of her that made her scream.

    This time, he couldn’t make out what she was saying. It didn’t matter now. She knew who was inside of her and wasn’t thinking about anyone else.

    Her cunt closing around his shaft was enough to send him over the edge. Chloe moaned when she felt him come inside of her and he kept pushing into her, giving her every last drop.

    Lex rested his forehead against the crook of her neck and attempted to get his breathing under control. Chloe was quickly becoming the best lay he’d ever had. She was still holding back, but that would pass in time. He felt her hands pushing against his chest as she tried to get out from under him. He sighed, knowing what was going to happen now.

  5. #25
    NS Full Member
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    While Lex could spend hours kissing and nipping at her flesh, and had in the past, Chloe didn’t need the foreplay right now. She rarely did. She was usually at the ready for him. Plus, she didn’t know how much time she had. She and Clark were supposed to meet up with the Kents later on. They needed to get to the main event, so to speak.

    Chloe reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra, Lex pulled back enough to let her take off the material but then returned to her breasts. His talented mouth worked at one nipple while his long fingers rolled the other. She gasped his name and he bit down hard on the peak in his mouth.

    She started to lean back on the desk and he followed her lead. Lex was good at sensing how fast or how slow to go with her. It was unnerving that he knew her body and her mind so well. She shut her eyes, trying to also shut out those thoughts.

    But, just when she was thinking that she couldn’t take the slow torture anymore, Lex started to move down her body. Kissing his way past her navel, dipping his tongue briefly into the indentation before moving further down her body. He pushed her skirt up to her waist and blew on her through the flimsy material of her panties.

    Gripping the desk firmly till her knuckles turned white, Chloe pushed herself towards Lex. He had indoctrinated her to this experience. It was the same night that they had had sex on Clark’s truck. She had pushed him away and hastily thrown her clothes back on.

    “This was a mistake.” She couldn’t believe that she had allowed it to happen again. But, she could rationalize her behavior. She had been a virgin with Lex, that’s why it seemed so much better than with Clark. He was her first and she was romanticizing it. This had happened because she wanted to prove that Clark was just as good.

    It hadn’t worked, but that’s why this had occurred. But, now that she knew what was what, she could stop her insane behavior. She ran a hand through her hair and glanced at Lex. He hadn’t bothered to cover himself yet. He hadn’t said one word.

    “It will not happen again.” She buttoned up her jeans and put her hand in her pocket, looking for the keys to the car. Lex’s silence was driving her crazy. “It was a mistake,” she muttered again.

    “A mistake that you seem to enjoy repeating.” Lex’s voice was smooth and even. He went on, “Do you really think that you scream that loud or come that hard for your husband? I doubt it.” He was leaning against the truck and Chloe refused to meet his eyes.

    ‘Where are the damn keys?’

    “I believe you dropped them somewhere over there,” Lex gestured to a few feet from where they were standing. About at the spot where he had picked her up.

    Without a word, she turned around and started searching the ground for the metal objects. If need be, she’d try to hotwire the damn truck to get out of here. She heard footsteps behind her but ignored them. She needed to find the keys and leave. Chloe also needed to try to ignore the fact that her body was still humming from what they had just done.

    Ignoring the fact that Lex gave her just what she needed was a good idea, too. Recently, she had tried to show and tell Clark what she liked for him to do. But, he had stopped the conversation. Sure, what did he care, he got off every time. He wasn’t the one that had a huge person flopping down on them all sweaty while still unsatisfied.

    “I could call a locksmith,” Lex said, from behind her. She turned and saw that he now looked presentable. “It’s dark and who knows how long it will take you to find the keys. They’ll come out here right away if I call.”

    Chloe hesitated. She didn’t see the keys anywhere and what Lex was saying was logical. She really didn’t feel like crawling around in the gravel to search for them. “Fine.” Lex started walking towards the house, but Chloe stood her ground.

    After a few minutes, she began to shiver. The temperature had dropped considerably and her attire wasn’t the best for keeping out the cold. She looked at her watch, it still wasn’t too late, but she wanted to get home and shower.

    Giving up, she walked back into the Manor. She didn’t see any of the random servants so she couldn’t ask them what was going on. She searched through a few rooms and couldn’t find Lex. When she peeked into his bedroom, she found him standing by his closet. He had taken a shower and a towel was wrapped around his waist.

    Of their own accord, Chloe’s eyes roamed over his body. Clark was big and bulky whereas Lex was toned and sleek. He didn’t say anything to her as she crossed the room. She could sit at the chair of his desk. She should sit there.

    Chloe sat down on his bed. “The locksmith should be here in twenty minutes. Believe it or not, he was out on another job.”

    “You could have come outside and told me so,” Chloe said. She stared at Lex’s back as he picked through his clothes. She noticed the red marks she had made. They stood out prominently on his skin.

    Lex picked out a suit and hung it on the closest hanger, no doubt intending to wear it the next day. “I knew you’d come inside sooner or later.” He took off the towel and walked to the other side of the room. Chloe’s eyes became fixed on his dick. It was already semi-erect. Lex caught her looking and she started to blush.

    She could feel him studying her and she saw a grin break over his face. “Jesus, I bet he doesn’t let you go down on him, does he?”

    She didn’t bother to respond. Chloe wouldn’t say anything else to him. She didn’t even know why she hadn’t waited outside, or downstairs. Though, that wasn’t entirely true.
    Lex walked over to her and she continued to stare at his closet. “I would say that it’s also fair to assume that he wouldn’t do the same for you then.” Chloe looked back up at him. He was standing about two feet away. His erection had grown and he was staring at her lap. She tried not to react, but after a minute, she shifted around on the bed.

    Her panties were already damp from earlier and she was getting more uncomfortable from the new wetness that had sprung up. “Chloe,” Lex’s voice was low and seductive and she closed her eyes. “Let me show you. It’ll be so good. I promise.” She heard him take a step closer and felt his hands running through her hair.

    She opened her eyes and saw that Lex’s cock was directly in front of her. It was leaking and she reached out to run her hand over it. Lex threw his head back and Chloe felt something surge through her. She was in control of him this way. She had already broken the rules once tonight, so why stop now?

    Chloe made a big show of licking her lips once Lex looked back down at her. He tried to bring her head forward but she shook it and moved back. Her hands went to the front of her jeans. “Me first.”

    Lex grinned down at her and helped to rid her of her jeans and panties. She was so on edge that when she felt him between her thighs, she cried out. It became a pattern for the next half an hour.

    Chloe screamed, grunted and moaned. Lex worked her body in just the right way. She had three huge orgasms that rocked her body and was coming down from the fourth when Lex viciously entered her. Her clit brushed against his cock and she came again.

    For leverage, she held onto his shoulders and pushed against him. She loved feeling him fill her completely. He was much thicker than Clark and could reach all of the right spots, too. Lex’s thrusts became more erratic and she knew that he was close. Soon, she’d feel his come streaming into her body.

    Blinking, she said, “Stop, Lex.” Though she could see it almost killed him to do so, he complied, pulling out of her. He was panting and his eyes were screwed shut. He got control over himself and then asked, “What’s wrong?”

    “Nothing, but this isn’t what we agreed to.” Part of her couldn’t believe that she was going to deny herself another orgasm. But, another stronger part of her wanted Lex to lose all control because she had him in her mouth.

    Nodding, Lex moved off of her body and stood up. Chloe sat up and Lex’s hands immediately tangled in her hair. She licked her lips and said, “Tell me what you like.”

    Lex did just that. He gave her direction and encouragement as Chloe learned how to please him. Though she tried, she couldn’t relax enough to get him as deep as he wanted to be. Lex didn’t seem to care once she started massaging his balls.

    She bobbed her head rapidly as his hips sped up and moaned when he barked her name and cursed as she flicked her tongue over his slit. She sucked him as hard as she could and she felt and heard him come. The hot, white liquid streamed down her throat and she tried to swallow it all. With a few of his last spurts, some escaped her mouth. After licking him clean, she cleaned up herself.

    With what appeared to be the last of his energy, Lex flopped down on the bed. She heard him murmur, “That was amazing,” into the mattress.

    Chloe was rather pleased with herself. She ran her hand over Lex’s back and looked over at his desk, checking the time. It had been a lot longer than twenty minutes so the locksmith should already have been here.

    Her car keys were sitting on top of the desk.

    Chloe pushed away from him, but not before smacking his back. Lex rolled over and looked up at her. “What are my keys doing on your desk?”

    Evenly, Lex said, “I put them there.”

    “You fucking bastard!” Chloe couldn’t believe that she had fallen for that. That she hadn’t searched Lex to make sure that he didn’t have them. God, how could she have been so unbelievably stupid?

    Chloe stalked over to his desk and picked up her keys. She looked back at Lex, who was smirking at her. “What does it matter, Chloe? That was the last time.” He looked so smug that Chloe thought that she would actually attack him. But, she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

    She leaned close to him. “Don’t contact me. If you see Clark, make sure it’s when I’m not around. I don’t want to even *see* you in the same room as me.” She hissed her last sentence and then pushed him for good measure before stalking out of the room.

    Driving home hadn’t helped her nerves any. She had driven like a madwoman, parking cockeyed next to her father’s car. Luckily, her father slept like a corpse so she didn’t have to worry about the screeching rubber waking him up.

    She jogged up to her room and almost screamed when she saw a figure standing there. “Clark?” she squeaked out.

    “Hi,” he said, looking up from her bed. He was working on his laptop, his glasses perched on his nose. “The emergency wasn’t such an emergency. They sent me back early. Your dad told me you went over to Lex’s. I really appreciate that.” He smiled up at her but when he looked at her closely, he frowned. “What happened to your shirt?”

    Chloe looked down at the front of her pale blue shirt. It had been a present from Clark. There was a stain right above her left breast. “Must have spilled some food on it,” Clark muttered.

    “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ll send it to the dry cleaners in the morning. I have to take a shower.” She grabbed everything that she needed and hurried out of the room. She scrubbed madly at her skin, trying to get Lex’s touch and scent off of her.

    When she went back into the room, Clark was still working at the computer. Making a decision, Chloe opened the top drawer of the dresser next to her bed. She took out a condom and reached over Clark, shutting the top of the laptop. She took off her robe and started to open the foil packet.

    She could see that Clark was about to protest. “You can finish it in the morning. My dad won’t wake up, I’ll be quiet.” Chloe paused, she was never really loud for Clark anyway. “I want you to fuck me, Clark. Now, get over here.”

    He took off his glasses and did as he was told. When he entered her, Chloe closed her eyes. As he moved in her, Chloe moaned where she should. She didn’t need Lex, she had Clark.

    For the next few weeks, she tried to avoid Lex. It was made difficult by the fact that he showed up at every gathering that Clark and she attended. They were both active in the Metropolis community and had numerous events that they regularly went to. Slowly, Lex became a regular as well. He was blatantly disregarding her direct order.

    But, she refused to speak with him about it. He would make his way over to Clark and she would find some other place she needed to be. Clark was getting annoyed by it, not understanding why she couldn’t try and get along with Lex. He pointed out that they had been friends in high school. So, the next time Lex sauntered over, Chloe had stayed. She had been civil, but nothing more.
    It was ridiculous. It was actually making her sick. Almost every day, Chloe threw up because of her frazzled nerves. This had to stop. But, it was a Catch-22. She couldn’t tell Lex to stop seeing her without her having to see him first. And, she knew how it would end up.

    When the next luncheon was scheduled, Chloe begged off, pointing out to Clark that she wasn’t feeling well.

    After he left, she stewed over what Clark had said before leaving. The idiot actually asked her if it was PMS. Firstly, you never asked a woman that. Secondly, nausea wasn’t a PMS thing it was more of a……

    “Oh, crap.” Chloe’s heart started to beat rapidly and she threw the covers off of the bed. She had been laying down to rest but now she was running about the room. She jammed her shoes on her feet and scrambled through the rest of the apartment. Glancing at the clock, she saw that the drug store should still be open.

  6. #26
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    : :chlexsign4:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #27
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Paris, FRANCE
    WTF is she doing with Clark? because right now I can 3 good reasons to leave him. One, she loves Lex and he loves her. Second, she's carrying his baby. Third, Lex is much better to make her scream than Clark. So... Why? :lol:

  8. #28
    this side of crazy S.Ann Smith's Avatar
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    British Columbia, Canada
    : you know I love this fic

    eagerly awaiting an update

  9. #29
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    A/N: The saga of denial continues...yell away at Chloe. Enjoy

    Lex closed his eyes and breathed in Chloe’s true scent. He just couldn’t get enough of tasting and teasing her this way. She was just so responsive to his touch.

    As he lapped at her through the soaked material of her panties, Lex had to try not to grin against her. The way she panted his name and clawed at him told him all he needed to know. She could protest all she wanted. Truth was, she would never be able to stop what was happening between them. And, sooner rather than later, he would make her face that fact.

    The woman was a conundrum. She was passionate in all parts of her life and went after the truth except in what she protested was the most important aspect of her life. Her marriage. Lex was amazed at how deep her denial went.

    It was beyond his comprehension that her pregnancy hadn’t been some sort of wake up call for her. It had been for him, that was for damn sure.

    Chloe and her husband had been suspiciously absent from society functions for the past few weeks. Also, Lex had found out that she had called out sick at her job for the past week. Lex’s curiosity was about to get the better of him. He was at his desk in the Metropolis office and decided to give his old friend a call. Just to make sure that everything was ok.

    Feigning interest in what Clark was doing was becoming more and more difficult. Lex was just hoping that he would mention Chloe so he wouldn’t have to ask. He doubted that the man would ever suspect what was going on but one couldn’t be too careful about it.

    Just as Lex was about to end the call, Clark piped up. “And, Chloe doesn’t want me telling anyone just yet..”

    Which is, of course, why you’re telling me and betraying your word, Lex thought.

    “But, we’re pregnant.”

    Lex quickly swallowed the bile that had risen up in his throat. He heard Clark saying his name. “Yeah, sorry, Clark. That’s wonderful, you both must be so happy. I’m just surprised. I didn’t know that you two were already trying.” Good, keep it supportive but try to get something out of him.

    Clark lowered his voice again. “I understand. You should have seen me when she told me. We, uh, um..” He stammered and Lex let him hang out in the wind. He wanted to see what Clark was trying to say.

    “We were taking all of the necessary precautions, if you get my drift.” Clark stopped, and Lex said, “Yes, Clark, I get your drift.”

    “But, I guess these things just happen,” Clark finished. If that was the way that he had put it to Chloe, Lex was shocked that he was still alive. Lex needed some more information before he got off the phone.

    He jotted what Clark had already said down on a pad and then asked, “How far along is she?” It was a question people usually asked. He hadn’t seen Chloe in the past few weeks so if it was still very early, he wouldn’t need to investigate any further.

    “About five months,” Clark said.

    The timing was right. Five months ago was their wedding and the start of Lex’s affair with Chloe. God, if she thought that he was going to allow this to happen, that woman was sorely mistaken.

    Lex finished up their conversation and closed out his computer. The apartment that she and Clark lived in wasn’t too far from his office and Chloe was about to get a visitor calling. It would only be polite to congratulate her on the upcoming child.

    When Chloe opened the door to him, he knew that she hadn’t looked through the peephole. She had answered the bell quickly and there was no mistaking the look of surprise on her face. Also, she tried to slam the door on him.

    Lex braced his arms against it and easily made his way into the apartment. His eyes took in the décor. All Chloe, bright colors and comfortable couches.

    The door slammed loudly behind him and Lex turned to face Chloe. His eyes didn’t linger long on her face. They went directly to her abdomen. She tried to cover her stomach with her hands and arms but Lex saw the small bump.

    When he looked back at Chloe’s face, he could see the determination that she was feeling. Neither had spoken yet. Instead, he walked over to her and pried her arms away from her body. Without asking permission, he placed his left hand over the protrusion.

    “Your husband told me the good news. I came right over to offer my congratulations.” His voice was tight and he was trying to keep his anger reigned in.

    If Chloe chose to ruin her own life by staying with Clark, that was a decision she had the right to make. Theoretically, at least. But, bringing a child into this was something else. At least, a child that was his. He wasn’t about to have Clark Kent raise his son or daughter.

    Chloe pushed his hand away from her and turned around, walking towards the kitchen. “Thank you, Lex. Clark and I are very happy. As are our parents.” She fixed him with her eyes. “My father has already bought half the toys in Smallville.”

    Her message was clear. Everyone was happy with this development and it was none of his business. A thought struck Lex. It was so simple.

    “You think it’s actually his, don’t you?” God, how could she be so dense? Chloe was actually a genius. Lex had looked at the IQ tests that she had taken when she was younger. But, she refused to see reality.

    “I don’t have time to discuss this with you, Lex.” He noticed that she didn’t answer the question. He also noticed that her eyes had been following his every move. She had been taking in his form hungrily. It was obvious that it had been too long for her as well.

    Plus, he knew that being pregnant had a certain effect on some woman. Chloe loved sex when she wasn’t pregnant so he could only imagine what the new hormones were doing to her sex drive. Lex also could guess that Clark wasn’t giving the kind of attention to his wife that she needed. Attention that any man in his right mind would gladly give over and over.

    Chloe wanted him. Lex would use it to his advantage. She wasn’t going to budge on this issue right now, that much was clear. But, that didn’t mean that his visit had to be a total wash.

    She turned and began to wash the few dishes that were in the sink. Lex merely watched her. He took in her appearance more closely. She hadn’t gained much weight and she did have a little of that glow that people spoke about. Then again, Chloe always looked edible to him.

    After drying the dishes, she turned back to him. “Can’t you find the door by yourself?” Her eyes were hard and her body tense. He smirked at her and said, “I could if I wanted to.”

    The banter, the goading, it was all part of the little dance that they did. He just needed to get her worked up enough to pounce on him.

    Chloe shook her head. “Why are you always so damn impossible?” She stalked over to him, standing toe to toe with him. At least as much as she could with the height disadvantage.

    “You’ve given us your congratulations, I think we’re done here. I told you that I don’t have time to talk to you, Lex.” Before she could pull away from him, Lex snaked his arms around her waist. The feeling of her stomach against his was new and different. But, not necessarily a bad thing.

    “So, shut up.” He registered the indignation on her face before swooping down and kissing her.

    Previously, Chloe had put up token resistance when he had started his seduction of her. Not this time. Instead of pushing him away, she pulled him closer.

    When the kiss was broken, Chloe was panting. “Bedroom, now.” She grabbed his hand and led him down the hallway.

    Chloe supposed that it was only fair that Lex was slowly driving her insane. He had said on many occasions that she was doing the same to him. Only, they used different methods. Lex always took his time when he was between her thighs.

    Maybe it was because he knew that he was the only one that did this to her. Maybe he just liked it. Chloe could really give a damn what the reason was. She arched into him, hoping that he would, at the very least, take off her panties. They were sticking to her uncomfortably.

    “Lex, take them off.” She tried to keep her voice firm and strong but even she could pick up on the desperate tone that she used. She felt his hands travel up to the waistband of the panties and she moved her hips up so he could slide them down and off of her legs.

    Being pregnant had done something to her. She had never been so horny in her entire life. And married to a man who was so not interested in helping her out with that problem was torture. After the baby was born, she assumed that her hormones would go back to normal. Mostly, they had. But, she still had swings in which she *needed* someone inside of her.


    True, she hadn’t gone to random men. Just one. The one that was currently sliding two of his fingers inside of her.

    When she had found out she was pregnant, she had vowed to cut Lex out of her life. She was pregnant with Clark’s baby. She couldn’t continue to see him. For once, she had been strong and held out. Until he showed up at her apartment, that was. Seeing him, watching him move and being able to smell him had snapped the thin thread of control she had.

    Hurriedly, Chloe led Lex to the bedroom. Part of her had rejoiced when she saw him at the door. She knew that he would eventually find out what was going on with her. She just hadn’t been prepared for it. Or, for the question that he had asked. The baby was Clark’s. It just had to be. She couldn’t be married to her high school love and be pregnant with his best friend’s child. They didn’t live in Falcon Crest, The O.C. or Melrose Place so it just wasn’t possible.

    She had pushed all thoughts of Lex out of her mind. Instead focusing on the new person that would be in her life. She was actually more excited than she thought possible. This baby would change everything and she should have been totally scared, but she wasn’t. She made a promise to be the mother that she never had.

    The first few months had been rough. What with the morning sickness and her body totally changing on her almost daily, it seemed. Clark had tried to help, but he was busy with work. There was one thing that he could do to help her, but he refused.

    Even though the doctor told them both that sex during pregnancy posed no threat to the baby, Clark wouldn’t touch her. She was finally able to browbeat him into admitting that he just thought it was strange. And that there was something unnatural about it. That comment had gotten him relegated to the couch for a week.

    So, this was really all Clark’s fault. She wouldn’t have been practically ripping off Lex’s shirt if Clark had just done what a husband was supposed to do and put out.

    Lex quickly shrugged out of his shirt and pulled hers over her head. He took in her fuller breasts and gently covered them with his hands. When she closed her eyes and arched into his touch, he began to knead them. One hand made its way down her body, briefly resting on her stomach before returning to her breast.

    “Beautiful,” he breathed out before kissing her. “Pregnancy looks good on you, Chloe,” he murmured in her ear as he undid the clasp of her bra. God, he was making her hot. Her husband never gave her compliments anymore. Just looked at her oddly when she had some trouble getting out of the deep couch they often sat on while watching movies.

    “I love what its done to your curves.” Lex ran his hand down the side of her body and then rested it on her hip.

    She swallowed thickly. Chloe was ready to burst. She pulled away from Lex and said, “Get undressed. Quickly.” She sat down on her bed and took off the sweatpants that she was wearing and shucked down her underwear as well. Around her husband, she was self conscious about her body. But, Lex was looking at her like he always did. In fact, he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her.

    Lex’s pants, boxers, shoes and socks were quickly thrown from his body and he crawled onto the bed. When he got close, Chloe wrapped her hand around his erection and he hissed as she pumped him. Chloe watched his reaction closely. She loved seeing what she did to Lex.

    Chloe spread her legs wider, trying to give him more room. Lex looked down at her and grinned, he was up to something. “You game for something different?” There was a challenge in his eyes and Chloe knew she was in trouble. No matter what he suggested, she wouldn’t back down from it.

    “Depends what it is,” she said. She was curious but she needed more information. Or, at least needed to pretend like she wouldn’t just do what he was about to suggest.

    “Ever been taken from behind, Chloe?”

    Lex had lowered his voice and his eyes bore into her. The cadence of his words and the way he was looking at her…she wouldn’t be able to deny him anything. She shook her head and started to sit up. Lex moved back and she turned around, settling herself on her hands and knees.

    She closed her eyes, trying to get control of her breathing. She had suggested this once to Clark and he had refused. Chloe wanted this, wanted Lex, so badly that she could feel her body shaking.

    Lex ran his hand up her legs and then over her ass. “How can he leave you at home when you’re like this? He’s insane. I bet you’re ready all the time, aren’t you Chloe?” She remained silent. She could tell that Lex didn’t really expect an answer. He had something to say and was working up to it.

    He leaned over her body and opened the top drawer of the bedside dresser. He chuckled and took out a condom. “What are you doing?”

    “Nothing.” Lex kissed her shoulder and said, “This kid must really be something. What with you being on the pill and your husband mentioning to me that you always use protection.” Lex positioned himself at her opening. He gripped her hips tightly and Chloe waited for him to enter her.

    She took in a deep breath, trying to ignore Lex’s point. That very thought had occurred to her but she pushed it aside. Instead, she pushed back against Lex, trying to get him to shut up.

    Lex groaned as he slid against her folds. Chloe knew just how to distract him. She tried again, but he gripped her tighter. “I’m the only one that’s ever really been inside of you, Chloe. Remember that.” If Lex didn’t get inside of her soon, Chloe knew that she’d beg.

    Thankfully, she didn’t have to. Lex slid inside of her and paused once he was buried to the hilt. “Oh, yes.” She realized it was her who had spoken. God, it felt good. Chloe braced her hands on the wall and moaned Lex’s name. He seemed to like it when she did that.

    Chloe didn’t have long to wait for his reaction. Lex began to pump into her. His hands rested on her belly as he moved in and out of her. The bed was creaking under them. It wasn’t used to this kind of treatment. She encouraged Lex by pushing back hard against him.

    His voice was soon in her ear. “Missed me, didn’t you?” Chloe refused to nod or give any affirmation, instead she thrust harder against Lex. She had never felt so full, the new angle caused him to penetrate her deeper than ever before. “Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing plenty of me now, Chloe. Now, no more talking. Let’s see about getting you to scream.”

    Apparently, Lex had been treating her gently, letting her get used to the new angle. Not any more. He pulled her towards him and thrust forward. Chloe screamed and he did it over and over again. Lex pitched her hips up at a higher angle and thrust down. “Fuck.” She screamed the word at the top of her lungs and was thankful that her neighbors were all at work.

    Lex kissed and sucked at her neck. His left hand cupped her belly before moving downwards to her clit. He had barely touched it before Chloe was coming. He was still hard and pumping in her when she started to come down and he pinched the bundle of nerves again. This time, as her cunt closed around him, his come filled her.

    He grunted her name in her ear and stilled his movements. Lex pulled out of her and she sank down to the bed. She turned over and came face to face with Lex. She was still shaking slightly and she felt Lex move his hand between her thighs. He locked eyes with her and worked at her clit until another smaller orgasm took over her body. Finally sated, Chloe let her forehead rest against Lex’s chest.

    She moved her eyes to the clock on the dresser and they happened upon her wedding picture. She and Clark were smiling at each other. That had only been a few months ago. How could she be doing this? Focusing on the clock, she realized how late it was. Sitting up, she announced, “You have to go.”

    Lex barely had a reaction as he stood up and got dressed. He made his way through the apartment and Chloe trailed at his heels. As he went for the door, she said, “It’s over, Lex.”

    He turned back towards her. “Really,” he asked. He clearly did not believe her.

    “It has to be. Clark and I are having a baby. This ends here and now.” This wasn’t the best way to do this. Lex would want to talk about this and she didn’t have time for it. Clark was already on his way home.

    “No, it doesn’t.” Lex’s voice was devoid of emotion. “And, what’s more, you know it. I’ll see you soon, Chloe.” Lex opened the door and walked out.

    After he was gone, Chloe kicked at the door for good measure. In her current state, she knew she wouldn’t be able to turn down what Lex was giving her. She ran back to the bedroom and threw on her robe. She looked at the sheets of her bed. Their bed. God, she had screwed someone else in her and Clark’s bed.

    Chloe heard the front door open and close a few minutes later. Clark walked into the bedroom as she was stripping the sheets. She looked at him and froze, the place still smelled like sex. He’d have to notice that.

    “Hey, babe.” He walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead. He had the mail and was going through it. “How was your day? Feeling better?” Clark was not really paying attention to what he was asking her so Chloe just gave a “Yeah” as her response.

    “Good, I’m going to catch the news.” Clark walked out of the room and Chloe sank down on the bed, letting out a huge sigh.

  10. #30
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Darn I thought it was a new update. Can you give us a new update please..... :biggrin:

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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