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Thread: A Sparrow Mends "R" (completed)

  1. #21
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    Originally posted by sylvia@Jul 6 2004, 12:04 AM
    Aha. The plot thickens. Love it, and love the way you told it in such a suspenseful manner. More please!
    Ditto! You've clearly struck a nerve with us, Kit. Now get to work...please. :biggrin:

  2. #22
    Let's rub Lex's head! TheDragonLady's Avatar
    Join Date
    29 Jan 2004
    You update now, yes?


  3. #23
    NS Full Member
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    15 Aug 2003
    By golly would you look at this another reply, I must be on a roll.... But enough about me...

    Intriging story, looking forward to lots more... I have my theories on what really happened and whp killed the good doc, but i'm not saying anything.

  4. #24
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    WOAH! How the hell did I miss *THIS* little jewel of a fic? Holy Moly, Kit, this is beyond amazing!

    :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

    You have me literally on the edge of my seat with this! More soon? Please?uppyeyes:


  5. #25
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    A/N: This is the part of the story where things will go slightly AU from Smallville’s Season 3. Chloe and Gabe were never taken into protective custody, and therefore, never blown up. YEAH! Also, special thanks to newbatgirl for the superb beta-reading :biggrin:

    Chapter 3

    The morning found Chloe, awake, dressed and ready to go by 6:00am. This would have been a shock to many people, with no one more shocked than Chloe herself.

    After all, it was a Sunday morning, and nobody in his or her right mind was awake before 9am on a Sunday. Then again, not many people discovered the day before that their mother had been accused of murder.

    Gabe was not surprised that Chloe was up early, and he knew that she would have more questions for him. Chloe didn’t want to bring up painful history again, but she had to have all the facts to continue her investigation.

    What took her by surprise, though, was her dad’s beating her to the punch. Chloe found Gabe in the kitchen, sitting at the table waiting for her, with papers spread out on the table. He smiled tiredly at his daughter and asked her, “I’ll bet you’re wondering why I never visited your mom at the hospital. This is the reason why.”

    On the table, he had a copy of the divorce decree and the name and address of the lawyer who sent it. After Chloe looked over the documents, Gabe continued, “Your mom was barely gone a week, when I received her divorce papers in the mail. The return envelope was addressed to a lawyer in Metropolis. That entire week, I had tried calling the facility to speak to her, but every time I got through, Dr. Baxter would take the call and tell me that she didn't want me disturbing her patient. When I received the papers, I figured that your mom didn't want to have anything to do with me, and rather than fight it, I signed the papers.”

    Gabe paused in his story, and he looked at his daughter carefully. He didn’t want to hurt her anymore; yet, he didn’t want her harboring any daydreams about his former wife. “I never would have thought that she’d drop off the face of the planet, and never get in touch with you again. Sparrow, I wish, for your sake, that I had tried harder to find her when she first left.”

    Gabe looked like he wanted to continue, but Chloe stopped him. “Dad, you did the best you could. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad, and I’m sorry for putting you through this, and making you worry, but I have to know what happened to Mom. Please understand.”

    Gabe took one look at his daughter’s determined face, and he knew she wouldn’t stop till she was satisfied. He stood up, hugged her, told her to be careful, and left the room.

    Once she was alone, Chloe’s eyes filled with tears, and she allowed herself to wallow briefly in self-pity. Chloe was shocked that it still stung when she thought about how casually her mother walked out of their lives. She looked down and tried to blink back the tears that burned behind her eyes.

    She wiped furiously at them with her balled up fists, and took several ragged breaths, trying to calm herself. She would not get the answers she needed by becoming hysterical. She took one final deep breath and steeled herself for the call she had to make next. It was now 7 am and she didn't even pause before she started to dial the phone. She knew that he'd be awake.

    "Lex? It's Chloe. I need to talk to you."

    ************************************************** *********************

    Chloe arrived at the mansion in fifteen minutes. Her mind whirled about how she was going to ask for Lex’s assistance without telling him about her mom. It was not that she didn’t trust him; it was more along the lines that she didn’t want to bring up painful issues involving his parents and the death of his baby brother.

    She and Lex were close, but it was a closeness born of fighting a common enemy. Yet, she did find comfort in being with him, and sometimes, just near him. Chloe tried not to dwell to often on this too often, but, sometimes, all she needed was to hear his voice or smell his cologne, and she felt safe and protected.

    Chloe and Lex had formed a bond when she agreed to help him fight Lionel. They had finally succeeded in gathering enough evidence to get Lionel indicted, but Chloe knew the war was far from over. Lionel still had resources that the Feds were just learning about, but Lex seemed unsurprised at how far Lionel’s reach extended.

    There was only one other person who knew that Chloe and Lex were partners in crime. Her dad knew from the beginning that she was helping Lex. She was overwhelmed with guilt that her moment of weakness might have placed her father in jeopardy.

    Thankfully, Lex had formulated a plan to ensure her and her dad’s well being. Lex’s firing of Gabe was all part of a carefully orchestrated plot designed to convince Lionel that Lex was completely under his thumb. It had worked beautifully, because Lionel was behind bars, awaiting his trial, Lex was running Luthor Corp., and Chloe and Gabe were safe.

    Chloe smiled grimly to herself and marveled at her own lousy timing. Life should have finally been looking up for the Sullivans, and instead, she had the specter of her mother having killed someone looming in front of her.

    She only hoped that Lex wouldn’t be averse to using his influence to help her. She knocked on the front door, and smiled in relief when Lex opened it himself, welcoming her with a warm smile. He took one look at her tense expression and bypassed the pleasantries, opting to take her directly to his study, where he had coffee waiting for her.

    Once Chloe was seated with a steaming cup cradled in her hands, and she looked calmer and more like the Chloe he knew, did Lex finally decide to speak. “On any other day, I enjoy it when you visit, but somehow, this visit seems more professional that personal. What’s going on?”

    Chloe was grateful for Lex’s bluntness, it made things easier for her. “Lex, I need your help getting an interview with Dr. Dana Baxter.”

    Lex tried not to let his shock show on his face, but he tried to maintain a calm demeanor. Dr. Baxter’s name brought up memories that he had tried to bury, along with the remains of his brother and mother. He remembered his mother’s long crying jags, and then Julian would start crying as well, affected by his mother’s unhappiness.

    Lionel would get disgusted, and hide in his study, and Lex would be left trying to sooth both his mom and baby brother. Some of his pain must have shown on his face, because Chloe took a few steps forward, and placed her hand on his arm. “Lex, are you okay?”

    Lex could hear the concern in Chloe’s voice, and it helped to bring his mind’s eye back to the present. That, and the feeling of her hand on his arm filled him with warmth that he had forgotten existed.

    He focused on Chloe and smiled at her, one of his rare heart-melting smiles that very few people actually got to see. Chloe willed herself not to swoon, and to focus on the words Lex was speaking. “Yes, Chloe I’m fine, my mind just drifted for a second. Now tell me why you want to interview Dr. Baxter.”

    Chloe answered quick and to the point. “I’m doing a history project that involves a patient formerly treated by Dr. Baxter. I’m going to see what the doctor will tell me about her. However, I don’t think she’ll be to impressed with a high school student, but if Lex Luthor, the man who made several steep financial donations to the University wanted to speak to the doctor in charge of the research directly, I doubt he’d be turned down. ”

    Lex looked unconvinced and a little skeptical. “I appreciate your flattery, but aren’t you concerned about Dr. Baxter’s doctor/patient confidentiality? She might not answer any of your questions.’’

    Chloe dismissed his question with a wave of her hand. “It shouldn’t be a problem. The people involved are either dead or MIA.”

    Lex’s eyebrows rose at the “dead or MIA” comment but he decided not to press the issue. He knew that if Chloe needed his help, whether it was financial or emotional, she wouldn’t hesitate to come to him, and he would help her anyway he could. He trusted that she would know when she got in over her head, and, until then, he’d wait for her call.

    Lex nodded his head in acceptance and said, “Okay, Chloe, I’ll set up the interview for tomorrow. We’ll leave for Metropolis at 8 am. Sound good?” Chloe sighed audibly when she heard his words and smiled gratefully in agreement with his plan.

    Lex walked over to the door, and held his hand out to her. “Now, how about some breakfast. I’ll bet you’re starved.”

    Chloe took Lex’s offered hand, and suddenly realized she was famished. “I’d love some breakfast.” The pair grinned at each other and Chloe led the way to the dining room.

    She couldn’t quite keep the hopeful expression of her face. Tomorrow, she’d start to unravel the mystery of her mother’s disappearance, and, with any luck, be on her way to uncovering why she left in the first place.
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 7th June 2009 at 21:00.

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  6. #26
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    I love how you show the trust both Chloe and Lex have for each other!! Lex helps Chloe just because she asks, and Chloe knows she can always go to Lex for any kind of help!! Thanks for the excellent chapter!! I can't wait for your next update!! :chlexsign2:

  7. #27
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    I love how Chloe feels she can depend on Lex. He is a good friend. I wish more people would give him a chance.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #28
    Just a Guest!
    Very intreging update. Makes you wonder what'll happen next with Lex finding things out. Update soon!


  9. #29
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    That's it. I'm writing TPTB's of Smallville and demanding they let you on their writing team. You'll be in charge of writing all Chlex scenes and story arcs. *sigh* The show would be so much better if there were scenes like *this* in it. Chloe and Lex's trust in each other is so refreshing. More soon, please!

    ~Manda :

  10. #30
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    Excellent update. I loved the Chlex scene, especially the way you wrote the beginning of their interaction, when Lex was thrown off by the mention of Dr. Baxter. Also loved how Lex so easily deducted that Chloe would be starving -- love the way both their minds seem to run on the same lines.

    More soon please!

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