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Thread: Choose Your Own Chlexventure (PG-13 to R)

  1. #11
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    Oh, I hate little children. Especially long-dead ones. Still, I agree with Hope -- there's no way Chlex would leave without at least trying to get some answers.

  2. #12
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    27 Dec 2003
    I'm a big scaredy cat girl so I'm gonna go with B. RUN YOU FOOLS!!!!
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  3. #13
    NS Full Member
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    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Sabby: Here's the next part, no one dead yet *g*

    A/N: Blue: I can't believe you people think we would kill them off......so soon. Choice A won so here's what we did with it.

    Again, Chloe ran through the list of horror movies that included creepy children. Her first instinct was to run but she knew that she’d never live it down with Lex so she stayed where she was. Besides, it would be stupid to give up such a golden opportunity for a story. The girl was still looking at them expectantly and Chloe supposed it would be rude not to answer. She wasn’t about to go and piss off some demon and/or ghost child.

    “Hi.” That was all Chloe had. But, she figured she should give the whatever it was a little more to work with. “I like your rocking chair.” There, that was good. Be friendly, open up a conversation.

    Lex kept one eye on the girl as he turned his head towards Chloe. He would have shot her an 'Have you lost it?' look, but since she'd made the decision for both of them he resigned himself to fate, and to deal with this ...whatever the hell it was in the shape of a girl, of course. The thing in question was still silently rocking back and forth. “Do you belong here?” He stepped in front of Chloe, inevitably drawing closer to the apparition, if anything happened, Chloe could make a break for it.

    At the same moment, Lex cursed his upbringing, it would be much easier to be a coward, but no....he had to be all heroic. What the hell had gotten into him? 'Maybe you wouldn't like to be responsible if anything happened to the girl? And you get a kick out of being all manly.' Lex shrugged to himself; he couldn't argue with that.

    Speaking of manly. He chose to remember at this moment that he had brought his gun. It would at least be worth a shot - pun intended - when it came down to it.

    The little girl tilted her head and looked at them quizzically. "Of course I belong here, silly." She rocked back and forth with more force and started to laugh. "You do, too." She stopped rocking, her hair a little out of place by now. "And so does she." She pointed at Chloe.

    Even though Lex was standing between her and the girl, Chloe still felt vulnerable and exposed when the girl pointed at her. Her laughter was high pitched and there was something off about it. Chloe was now kicking herself for the decision to talk to the girl.

    The girl jumped off the rocking chair and walked over to one of the other lumps. She yanked off the sheet and Chloe could see that there was a toy box under it. The girl opened it and pulled out two dolls. Or, more accurately, one doll that looked like Lex and another that looked like her. This had just gone from bad to worse.

    Chloe had started to move away from the girl. There was another door to their left and Chloe intended to use it before the girl got all voodoo on their asses.

    Lex took a slow step backwards and gave the girl a wide berth, then shot a look in Chloe's direction, behind her was a door, if they were lucky it wasn't locked. The girl seemed to be distracted with her dolls for the moment, making them face each other and then away walking them around the edge of the box she'd pulled them from. “Ok, what do you mean, we belong here?” Behind his back he motioned for Chloe to move as he tried to focus the girls attention on him.

    Chloe’s eyes widened as she watched the Lex doll make the same hand motion that Lex just had. She put her hand to her mouth to keep from making some damsel in distress girly noise and realized her error when her doll did the same.

    The girl looked back at Lex. “You belong here like they did.” Chloe now noticed that there were other dolls that were leaning against the toy box. “I used to play with them, but then they went away.” A small pout appeared on her face. “I hate it when they go away. But, I always get new toys.” She turned the two dolls towards one another and Chloe watched as Lex spun around to face her.

    Lex hadn't intended to spin on his heel, yet there he was, facing Chloe, trying hard to remain composed. His heart was trip hammering in his throat and he slowly spun back around to face the girl, watching with narrowed eyes as the puppet turned in her hand. “I'm sorry to hear that. And I must apologize, but my companion and I really have to get underway now, so have fun playing.” While he spoke in a calm voice, he slowly stepped backwards, closer to Chloe and the door behind her. “Goodbye,” he said steadily as his hand closed around Chloe's elbow. The puppets were still imitating their every move. This was fucking creepy.

    “No,” the girl stood up and stomped her foot. Chloe felt herself pulled away from Lex as the girl ripped the two dolls apart. “We haven’t played my favorite game yet.” Chloe watched as the girl pulled a doll sized wedding dress out of the toy box. Then, she watched and felt as the buttons of her shirt were undone. She tried to pull her shirt shut but the little girl was stronger than the doll that was held in her hand.

    Lex's eyes shot from the puppet in the girl's hands over to Chloe. She was positively horrified and trying to clutch her blouse together. “Wait.” His tone was cold and threatening. The girl's hands stilled on the Chloe puppet. “What do you think you're doing?” Internally, he willed Chloe to at least move closer to the door.

    “We’re playing wedding,” the girl explained as if Lex were an idiot.

    Chloe started to move a little closer to the door behind her as the girl continued to talk. “See, I have her dress and,” she brought out a powder blue tuxedo, “your big boy clothes.”

    Lex was following her lead and they were almost to the door. The girl chattered on.

    “Then, you kiss, like this.”

    Lex felt himself being yanked around and literally thrown at Chloe. “Fuck!” He was able to turn his head to the side at the last moment before colliding straight on with her face. The force that pulled them together could have easily broken both their noses. He brought his arms up to Chloe's shoulders, pulling back and straightening himself as much as her. Chloe's eyes were wide as saucers as she looked up at him. “Let's get the fuck out of here,” he whispered harshly.

    Chloe heard the girl making kissing noises behind Lex and kept feeling her head being whipped from side to side. If they didn’t get out of here soon, she may very well suffer from whiplash. “No argument here.” Chloe pulled away from Lex, grabbed his hand and lunged for the door. She heard the girl screaming and felt her body being pulled back but fought against it. She felt a weight leave her body and looked behind her. They had made it through the door and it has slammed shut behind them.

    She dropped Lex’s hand and ran one of hers through her hair as she took a few deep breaths.

    Lex leaned against the wall and let go of a long breath. “That was...” He shook his head. Taking in his surroundings as his eyes adjusted to the light, something seemed definitely off. He couldn't put his finger on it though. “Ok, now let's find a way out of here. One thing is for sure, there's no way either of us will go back through this door.” He stepped further into the room and turned back around to look at Chloe. “Are you alright?”

    “Yeah, I’m fine. Now.” She looked back at the closed door. “Remind me never to have children. Or, if I do, to never give them possessed dolls.” She walked towards Lex and focused her attention on the floor, making sure that she wouldn’t stumble on the floorboards that were splintered.

    When she'd turned back towards the door, Chloe's shirt had gaped open a little and Lex's eyes immediately had riveted to the stark difference between her pale skin and the dark color of her bra. Ignoring her jibe, he cleared his throat. “Chloe, you might wanna rebutton your shirt.”

    “Oh, god.” Chloe had forgotten that she was giving Lex a free show. Even though it was dark she was certain that he could still see her blushing furiously. Making sure that they were all properly done up she mumbled a thanks and then squinted at something that was at the end of the hall. Then, she looked to her right and noticed another door.

    “Lex, there’s something down there.” She motioned to the end of the hall and he turned around to look. “So, we can either go and see what’s down there or take Door Number Two right there.” She pointed at the door. “What do you think?”

    A: Continue down the hall

    B: Take Door Number Two

  4. #14
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    I hope I'm not the first one to pick, but I guess I'll vote for A again?!! I just don't want to be responsible for Lex getting hurt!! :crygreen: Thanks for the update!! :chlexsign4:

  5. #15
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    Damn, that's a hard one... I'd say... choice A, down the hall? Doors are strange. I don't trust doors. Something can hide behind doors. What? You mean something can hide down a hall as well? Well... They'll just have to live with it, won't they? Definitely A.

    Great job girls. :

    Oh, and btw, I thought the kid/ghost/thing/doll playing girl had good ideas! Play wedding? With Lex? Why not? lol

    Thanks for the quick update! :biggrin:

    Moultipass :chlexsign4:

  6. #16
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
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    No more doors, only bad things can be found behind that door. Take the hallway. hmy:

    Great update :yay:

  7. #17
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Hey, I actually kinda liked the freaky little girl. She wanted them to get married, after all.

    Anyway. Typically I'd choose A, because hallways offer more options of escape, whereas doors could be the only way into and out of a room. Yes, I am a coward. However, since Lex's gut feeling tells him there's something not quite right about the hallway, I'll go with B this time.

  8. #18
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    :biggrin: Very very cool!!!!! I love this so much, and the freaky voodoo was fantastic!

    I say...

    DOOR NO. 2!

    so B for me please.

  9. #19
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    I choose A. I dont like doors.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #20
    NS Full Member LaLa's Avatar
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    France, Evreux
    ok, so i'll take the same decision as moultipass, seing as how we're well coordinated lol A, first door...
    for the doll thing: can i do that with my own lexy doll?...with me, not chloe (hide for objects thrown her way)

    xoxo LaLa

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