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Thread: Yearning (NC-17)

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    Yearning (NC-17)

    Title: Yearning
    Author: scifichick774
    Rating: NC-17
    Category: Chloe/Lex R/Angst
    Spoilers: Um, none really. But to be safe, anything through the second eppy of the second season is fair game.
    Summary: Challenge fic, short and no real plot, but still very shippy. Chloe/Lex
    Disclaimer: Not mine, no infringement intended, please don’t sue.
    Feedback: Yes please.
    Archival: Go ahead, just let me know where.
    Author’s Note: Response to a challenge from a friend. Must include the lyrics to the song “Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground” by the White Stripes, Chlexy goodness, some smutty innuendos, and a dream or reference to a dream involving the Powerpuff Girls. And yes Sami, I realize I need to seek professional help for actually taking you up on this challenge while still working on other fics. Hopefully it will be worth it – and so help me, you’d better review even if it’s not.


    Chloe sank down into the comfortable chair at The Talon. She generally liked The Beanery better, but they were temporarily closed for some routine maintenance on their machines. At least her chair was facing only one other chair in a corner. Lana walked over to her with her typical bright smile and Chloe grinned.

    “Uh-oh,” Lana said, noticing the dark circles under Chloe’s eyes. “You haven’t been sleeping well?” Chloe nodded sleepily. “You want me to steer people away from your corner so you can cat nap?” Chloe gave a broad smile.

    “That would be great Lana, thanks,” she said, truly appreciative for the effort. Lana started to leave. “Oh! And coffee,” Chloe chirped. Lana shook her head and laughed.

    “That’s probably why you’ve been having trouble sleeping,” she mused. Chloe gave her a fake glare and Lana rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll bring you your usual.” A half an hour passed and Chloe realized she had dozed off. She shook her head and stretched her arms as she woke up. Her eyes then grew wide at the site in front of her. Lex Luthor was sitting in the chair opposite her, his patented smirk on his face.

    “If it means anything, Lana tried to warn me away from sitting over here,” he said smugly.

    “And yet here you are,” she said. “Taking me on when I haven’t had any caffeine. You must have a death wish.” She brought her cup up to her mouth and made a face when the lukewarm coffee touched her lips. He smiled.

    “I imagine it’s pretty cold by now,” he said as he motioned for the waitress to bring another cup of coffee. She glared at him.

    “Did you want something or are you just engaging in this conversation to taunt me?” Chloe asked bitterly. He smirked again.

    “What were you dreaming about?” His voice was serious and Chloe grinned.

    “I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you,” she answered. He leaned forward, his eyebrows arched and his interest piqued.

    “Try me,” he replied. “Of course, if it has anything to do with us involved in some sexual situation, I expect unedited details.” Lex leaned back and Chloe laughed.

    “Nothing quite that stimulating, uh, you know what I mean,” she tried to keep the blush from rising to her cheeks. He nodded once, a smug grin of approval on his lips. The waitress came over and gave Chloe the new cup of coffee. “Thank God,” she murmured as she brought the hot liquid up to her mouth. She took a few sips and then held the mug in her lap.

    “You still haven’t told me,” he reminded her. She smiled.

    “Nor do I have any intention of doing so,” she replied. He grinned.

    “Ah. So am I to take it from your smile that I’m not the one starring in your sexual fantasies?” He teased. “I’m hurt.” Chloe laughed and took a drink of her coffee. She eyed him over the rim of her cup.

    “I didn’t say that,” she teased in return just as he was taking a drink from his mug. He choked on the liquid and eyed her thoughtfully as she chuckled. “Ooh, I like this song,” she said, changing the topic. Lex was looking at her like he was willing to take her right there, and she got a bad feeling in her gut when she realized she didn’t dislike that look. He strained to listen to it.

    “I can barely even hear it,” he said.

    “All those years of clubbing probably killed your eardrums,” Chloe snarkily observed. He gave her a forced grin and motioned for Lana to come over. She gave Chloe an apologetic expression.

    “I told him not to sit over here, I honestly did Chloe,” she babbled. Lex impatiently interrupted her.

    “Can you turn the music up please? She said she likes this song and I can’t hear it.” Lana happily nodded.

    “You want me to restart the song too?” She asked, the smile back on her face. Lex looked at Chloe, who just shrugged.

    “Sure,” he responded. Lana moved quickly to the stereo and restarted the song on the cd, turning up the volume. Chloe started to sing along as the music drifted through the old building.

    Dead leaves and the dirty ground
    When I know you’re not around
    Shiny tops and soda pops
    When I hear your lips make a sound

    Thirty notes in the mailbox
    Will tell you that I’m coming home
    And I think I’m gonna stick around
    For a while so you’re not alone

    If you can hear a piano fall
    You can hear me coming down the hall
    If I could just hear your pretty voice
    I don’t think I need to see at all

    Soft hair and a velvet tongue
    I want to give you what you give to me
    And every breath that is in your lungs
    Is a tiny little gift to me

    I didn’t feel so bad till the sun went down
    Then I come home
    No one to wrap my arms around

    Well any man with a microphone
    Can tell you what he loves the most
    And you know why you love at all
    If you’re thinking of the Holy Ghost


    Lex looked at her in amazement.

    “I didn’t know you were such a romantic Miss Sullivan,” he commented.

    “I’m willing to bet there’s a lot you don’t know about me Mr. Luthor.” She sipped her coffee. He eyed her thoughtfully.

    “Only one way to find out,” he replied. She rolled her eyes.

    “I hope you’re not going to give me all of that ‘dreams are the windows to the soul’ crap,” she said. He smiled. A genuine smile. Interesting.

    “I wouldn’t have to if you would just tell me,” he said. She smiled and put her empty mug on the small table in front of her. She stood up to leave, but turned around to face him.

    “And what would my personal dream analyst say if I told you that I had a dream that Clark was fighting the Powerpuff Girls?” She asked. He looked at her in disbelief.

    “The cartoon characters?” He clarified. She nodded.

    “I’d say you have some issues to work out Sullivan.” Her body shook with laughter. She stilled herself and stepped closer to him. She leaned down to whisper in his ear.

    “And if I said that I dreamt about you?” She asked huskily. “Naked, sweaty, thrusting in between my legs on that office desk of yours?” He hid his surprise well and turned it into a smirk. He moved his mouth to her ear.

    “I’d say that can be arranged.”

    Ch. 2

    Chloe retained her cool demeanor. She had a feeling that she knew Lex well enough to know that he would never go through with such a thing. That banter, flirting, and sexual tension were all acceptable, but that he wouldn’t carry through with actually agreeing to have sex with her. She smiled and stepped back a little.

    “Okay, arrange it,” she said firmly, issuing the challenge. He arched an eyebrow in surprise, but didn’t let the emotion completely take over his expression.

    “When?” He asked. Chloe smiled. She could play this game just as well as he could.

    “Doesn’t matter,” Chloe answered. “You arrange it, I’ll be there.” He didn’t get a chance to react. Lana came over to see if they needed refills.

    “Arrange what?” She asked. Chloe and Lex shared a look. He obviously didn’t believe that she would tell Lana the truth. ‘Well screw him,’ Chloe thought, and then immediately cringed at the double entendre. Chloe flashed a smile in Lana’s direction.

    “We were just talking about him making love to me on the top of his office desk, he said it could be arranged, and I said arrange it,” Chloe said. Lex choked a little on the sip of coffee he had just taken. Lana rolled her eyes.

    “Fine. If you don’t want to tell me then don’t tell me,” she said, indicating that she didn’t believe what Chloe had just said. Chloe laughed.

    “No refill for me, I was just leaving,” she said. Lana smiled and nodded. “Mr. Luthor,” Chloe said and nodded her head once to acknowledge that she was saying goodbye to him. “Bye Lana.”

    “Okay. Have a good day Chloe,” she said as Chloe started to walk away. “Oh! Call me later!” She chirped. Chloe smiled in agreement and waved as she walked out the door. Lana turned to Lex, who was now getting ready to leave as well. “So what were you two really talking about?” She asked, her eyebrow arched. He smirked.

    “I’ve never known Miss Sullivan to be a liar. Have you?” He walked out of The Talon without looking back. Lana stood there watching him, her eyes wide and her mouth open.

    ‘They were just kidding,’ she told herself. Unfortunately the devil’s advocate within her sprung up. ‘And if they weren’t?’


    When Chloe got home she was in a significantly better mood than when she had left. Her dad smiled at her.

    “The coffee helped huh?” He asked. She smiled.

    “Always does,” she answered. ‘That and other things,’ she thought. He nodded.

    “Lex Luthor called for you while you were out,” he said. The statement made Chloe feel like she was kicked in the gut.

    “Oh?” She asked feigning innocence. He grinned.

    “I can’t believe you managed to talk him into doing another interview, especially after how the last one turned out,” he said. Chloe meekly grinned. At least Lex was a good liar, which she mentally berated herself for considering to be a positive quality.

    “Oh, well, you know me,” she said. He smiled.

    “He said tomorrow night is open for him, around seven.” Chloe paled. “I didn’t think you had any plans, so I told him that should be fine, and if it wasn’t that you’d call him.” Chloe nodded dumbly.

    “I’m still pretty tired, so I’m going to take a nap,” she said. Her dad nodded.

    “That’s a good idea. You haven’t been looking your best lately,” he agreed. She glared at him, but decided to let the comment slide. She made her way to her room and crashed on her bed, silently wondering why she had found it so important to get into a battle of wills with Lex Luthor anyway.


    Her dreams filled her head as she drifted to sleep. Naked, writhing in pleasure under muscle, mmmm, an image of Lex pressing his lips against hers and darting his tongue into her mouth. Startled at the imagery, she woke up. She was sweaty and aroused and gave a defeated sigh as she buried her head in her hands. ‘Crap.’

    She needed to talk to someone. Someone sane who would tell her how crazy this whole thing was. It was times like this that she wished she had a therapist. She sighed again as she went through her friends’ names. Clark. Hmmm. She doubted that would go over well. ‘By the way Clark, Lex and I were exchanging sexual innuendos, and I had a dream about him. Oh, and did I mention that we made a date for him to screw me on top of his desk tomorrow night?’ She laughed out loud. Pete. She snorted at that possibility. Given the facts that Pete hated Lex and had a crush on her, it would be a volatile combination if she told him anything about it, even if it was just about the dream. Lana. Chloe frowned. She did say to call her later, though she doubted that’s what Lana had meant. She was running out of options unless she wanted to call one of her cousins in Metropolis, and she was pretty sure her dad wouldn’t be pleased with the long distance phone bill if she did that. She rolled her eyes. It’s three hours away, it shouldn’t be considered long distance. Stupid phone company. She took out her cell phone and dialed Lana’s number.

    “Hello?” Lana answered in her cheery and upbeat voice. Chloe sighed. How was she even supposed to start this conversation?

    “Hey, it’s Chloe,” she said.

    “Chloe! Hi,” she responded.

    “I need to talk to someone,” Chloe confessed. Lana nodded with a smile.

    “I’m someone,” she said. Chloe laughed.

    “Strangely enough, I already knew that,” she kidded.

    “What did you need to talk about?” Lana asked.

    “Um,” Chloe let out a breath. “Okay, you know earlier at The Talon when you asked what Lex and I were talking about?”

    “Uh-huh, and don’t worry, I know you were just kidding,” Lana said. Chloe cringed and let out a fake laugh.

    “Well, that’s the thing,” she said. “I wasn’t.”


    “I don’t know why, but every time I’m around him, we just get into this snarky conversations, and this one kind of turned to, you know…”

    “Uh-huh,” Lana said, prodding her to continue.

    “Well, he caught me sleeping and asked what I was dreaming about, blah blah blah, and the next thing I know we’re in a battle of ‘who’s going to give in first’ and you know how I am about winning,” Chloe rambled.

    “Chloe,” Lana said. “I’m sure he was just playing with your head. It’s not like he’ll actually call you to set up a time.” Chloe frowned.

    “He already did, he left the message with my dad,” Chloe said, bracing herself for Lana’s reaction.

    “Oh my God! Your dad knows?!”

    “No, he thinks it’s an interview,” Chloe said. Lana snickered. “Not funny.”

    “I’m sorry. What are you going to do? You’re just going to have to call him and cancel,” Lana said in a reassuring voice. Chloe sighed again.

    “That’s just it, I’m not sure I want to.”

    Ch. 3

    Lex absently gazed out the window, thinking about what he had done. He had very little doubt that Chloe would call and cancel the ‘appointment’ he had set up. The only reason she had let it escalate to that point is because she was like him, she didn’t want to lose. Only a small part of him was happy with the knowledge that she would eventually concede defeat. The larger, nagging part kept telling him that he should do everything he could to ensure that she still came over, that he wouldn’t be content until that image she had placed in his head had been taken care of. He sighed and leaned up against the glass.

    Even if she didn’t concede defeat, he wouldn’t take advantage of her without her being a willing participant, which he knew she wouldn’t be. She had told Clark that she thought they were better off being friends, but when Clark told him that, he knew that she had lied to him to salvage their friendship. She still loved Clark though, or thought she did. There was a knock on the open door and Lex spun around to see who it was.

    “Hey Lex,” Clark greeted.

    “Clark,” Lex said dryly.

    “I was just dropping off some produce, thought I’d come up and see how you were,” he said with a smile. Lex nodded once. Clark furrowed his brow. “Are you okay?” Lex sighed. How was he supposed to respond to that? ‘No Clark, I’m not okay, I think I’m in love with the girl that you seriously considered dating for a while?’ He doubted that would be a good thing to say. He decided to broach the subject carefully.

    “Tell me Clark,” he said, avoiding Clark’s question. “What do you think of Chloe?” Clark smiled and sat down. Lex took his own chair behind his desk.

    “I like her, she’s my friend, you know that,” he answered. Lex gave him a neutral look.

    “That’s not what I meant.”

    “Oh,” Clark said with some embarrassment. “You mean do I still have feelings for her? Like more than friend feelings?” Lex nodded. Clark looked down for a moment and then back up at Lex. He seemed unsure. “I don’t know. Sometimes I think I do, but she doesn’t like me like that anymore.” Lex furrowed his brow.

    “What do you mean?”

    “Well, she said she just wanted to be friends, remember?” Clark asked. Lex nodded and clasped his hands together.

    “Have you talked to her about it since?” He asked.

    “No.” Clark shook his head. “You think I should?”

    “That’s the moral dilemma isn’t it?” Lex mumbled. Clark raised his eyebrows and Lex sighed.

    “Do you still like Lana?” He asked. Clark smiled. “I thought so. I think you should just be friends with Chloe then. She deserves someone who’s going to give her his full attention.” Clark frowned at this.

    “You sound like you know something I don’t,” he replied. “Does she like somebody else?” Lex eyed him hesitantly.

    “Someone else likes her,” he said, clarifying the situation. Clark looked like a truck had just hit him.



    “So you know who it is?” He asked. Lex nodded once. “Oh.” He paused. “And you think he’d be good for her?” The phone rang and Lex let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding in. He held up a finger to Clark to indicate that he would only be a moment and Clark nodded.

    “Luthor,” he answered.

    “Nice way to answer your phone,” Chloe said. Lex grinned.

    “Calling to cancel?” He asked, trying to hide any disappointment from slipping into his voice. Chloe bit her lip.

    “No actually, but I already have plans for tomorrow night. I was hoping we could reschedule,” she said. Lex’s eyes lit up.

    “Really?” He asked dryly.

    “Unless you’re not interested,” she said.

    “I’m definitely interested,” he corrected. “When did you want to reschedule for?” There was a brief pause.

    “Um, would tonight be alright?” She asked shakily. Her heart rate was substantially elevated just from making the call. Lex sneered.

    “Any time would be alright,” he replied. “In fact, if you could come over now, we would have even more time for the ‘meeting’.” Chloe was glad he couldn’t see her blush over the telephone, but she was determined to stand her ground.

    “Give me twenty minutes to get over there,” she said. He smiled.

    “No problem,” he said and hung up the phone. He looked at Clark, who seemed bored listening to only his side of the phone call. ‘He wouldn’t be so placid if he knew who it was and what we were talking about,’ he thought to himself. He stood up and Clark did the same. “I hate to cut this short, but…”

    “You have a meeting,” Clark motioned to the phone with his head. “I heard. I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. I don’t think I could handle last minute meetings like that.” Lex had to bite back a laugh and instead just smiled.

    “Thanks for coming by,” Lex said. Clark nodded and left. Lex shook his head after Clark left his office. ‘If he only knew.’


    Lex waited rather impatiently, watching the minutes tick by on his clock. She was late, not that late, but still late. Was she not coming? He doubted that she would call just to tease him. He stopped himself when he realized that he had been pacing. There was a knock on the door and he looked over expectantly. It was the butler. ‘Damn.’

    “Yes?” Lex asked.

    “There’s a Miss Sullivan here to see you sir,” the butler said.

    “Why didn’t you just send her up?” Lex asked. The butler looked at him skeptically.

    “She’s not a regular visitor and she doesn’t have an appointment Mr. Luthor,” he responded. Lex grinned.

    “She does have an appointment, I just forgot to inform you.” The butler nodded and turned to walk away. “And she will be a regular visitor,” Lex said to himself.

    Ch. 4

    Lex was leaning up against his desk when the butler showed Chloe into the room. He looked at the butler.

    “We’re not to be disturbed,” he warned. The man nodded and shut the door as he left. Chloe raised an eyebrow.

    “I’m disappointed,” she said as she walked over to the desk.

    “Why?” He asked, his gaze unmoving from her form. She smiled as she looked up at him.

    “You’re neither sweaty or naked,” she responded. He smirked and leaned across to speak into her ear.

    “And you’re not writhing beneath me… yet,” he said huskily. She fought the blush that was rising to her cheeks. There was a lapse in the conversation as she looked around the room.

    “So…” she started. She felt his presence behind her and then felt his fingers rising the bottom of the back of her shirt. Lex felt her body stiffen and he smirked. He brought his mouth to her ear and half whispered in a voice that made her shiver.

    “We can stop this any time if you’re not comfortable,” he said. She closed her eyes and silently cursed him. He was giving her an out, and if she took it, he won. Damn. For Lex’s part, he thought he was being reasonable. He knew she was apprehensive and that she had just agreed to do this because she didn’t want to lose, and he was letting her off easy. He underestimated Chloe’s stubbornness. She turned around to face him and ran her hands up his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to kiss him. Lex was in shock. He hadn’t expected her to even go this far. He lost his stream of thought when she slid her tongue into his mouth.

    His grip around her waist tightened as he tried to pull their bodies closer together. She grinned and began to suck on his lower lip, eliciting a deep moan from radiating from his chest. Chloe pulled back as much as she could to breathe, but Lex refused to loosen his hold on her. He swiftly pulled her lips to his again and backed her toward the desk. Chloe bumped into the desk and Lex began to lay her down when she pulled her mouth away again. His eyes were filled with passion and lust, and Chloe doubted he would honor the ‘stopping at any time’ thing, even if she wanted to. He looked at her questioningly and she smirked.

    “I believe the terms clearly stated naked,” she said as she unknotted his tie. He grinned and shrugged off his jacket. She threw his tie aside and unbuttoned his shirt. He lifted her shirt off of her in one smooth motion and started to kiss her again, this time knocking the items off his desk as he lay her down. He removed the rest of their clothing quickly and wove a hand into her hair as their tongues continued to battle. He took his lips away from hers and slowly began kissing his way over to her neck and then down to her breast. He took one nipple in his mouth and rolled the other between his finger and thumb. She arched her back as heat swept through her. When she started moving her hips rhythmically against him for friction he brought his mouth to hers again, while he positioned his shaft at her moist and warm entrance. He thrust into her and Chloe gripped the desk as she let out a small scream.

    He balanced himself on his forearms as they moved together. She arched her hips to meet his thrusts and they both breathed heavily as the sweat glistened on their bodies. Lex could tell that she was close to orgasm. He leaned on one arm and moved his other hand along her body. With all the skill of an experienced lover, he rubbed hard circles on her clit with his thumb and she gasped. Her nails dug into him as her body shook, the pleasure encompassing her being. Her walls clasping around him caused him brought him to his release as well and he collapsed on top of her, burying his head in her neck, and taking large gulps of air. Lex raised his head to look at her face. Her eyes were closed and her lips were swollen. He smiled to himself in satisfaction. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

    “I hope I lived up to my dream self,” he joked. She laughed and shook her head.

    “Nope,” she answered. He furrowed his brow and leaned on his elbow, removing himself from her body.

    “Any particular reason why?” He asked. Her smile grew larger and he cocked his eyebrow.

    “Your ‘dream self’ was good enough to make me scream his name,” she said, closing her eyes again. He moved his body directly over hers again and ran his tongue along her bottom lip lightly. Chloe’s eyes opened with a questioning look. “What are you doing?” He smirked.

    “I don’t think I can live with the fact that your dream was better than I am,” he said. She laughed.

    “Oh please. You were still good.”

    “Good?” He sounded offended. Chloe rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

    “Better than good,” she said and brought his mouth down to hers. His tongue explored every recess of her mouth and she let out a small moan when she felt him getting hard against her. She willingly opened her legs for him, needing to fill the ache inside. He pulled his face away from hers and smirked. She looked at him questioningly. He lifted her legs and placed her ankles on his shoulders. She closed her eyes and grinned. “Different position huh? You think that will make me scream your name?” She teased. He said nothing and entered her. The pain mixed with pleasure from the new position made her gasp. He leaned down on her slightly and she opened her eyes.

    “I guarantee it,” he said. He began pumping into her with almost an animal like ferocity. She gripped the desk as she moaned and panted.



    Clark went into the Talon and smiled at Lana over the counter.

    “Hi Clark,” she said with a smile.

    “Hi Lana,” he said and sat down.

    “Have you heard from Chloe?” She asked in a somewhat worried voice. He kept the smile on his face and shook his head.

    “No. Why?” He asked. She frowned at sat next to him.

    “We just kind of had a disturbing conversation earlier and I was wondering what she decided to do,” she said. Clark furrowed his brow.

    “About what?” He asked. He noticed the rosy hue rise to her cheeks and she looked away.

    “Uh, nothing. I don’t think she’d want me to say. Can I get you anything?” She changed the topic and he tilted his head at her.

    “Lana? Is Chloe in some kind of trouble?” He asked. She nervously looked around and refused to make eye contact.

    “Only if she does what I think she’s going to do,” she mumbled. He raised an eyebrow.

    “Lana?” He asked again. She cringed and looked at him, fidgeting with her fingers.

    “Um… she and Lex were here and they were talking,” she started.

    “Uh-huh,” he said, motioning for her to continue.

    “And they were, you know, how they are,” she said. He smiled and nodded.

    “And when I asked them what they were talking about they made a reference to sleeping with each other,” she rushed out the last part in a quieter voice.

    “What? I’m sure they were just joking,” he said. She paled a little bit.

    “I thought so too, until Chloe called me later,” she admitted. Clark’s eyes grew a little wider.


    “And, I think she’s actually considering having sex with him,” she said hesitantly and looked at Clark’s face to see his reaction. His mouth dropped open and he blinked quickly.

    “Why? I mean, why would she do that?” He asked.

    “Well, there has always been that sexual tension between them, but I honestly didn’t think she was over her crush on you enough to do anything about it,” she said. Clark looked horrified.

    “Do you think she’s doing this to get back at me? I mean, because, I tried when she came back and she didn’t want to be more than friends and…”

    “Clark, you’re rambling,” she said sweetly. He frumped in his chair.

    “So when is this supposed to happen, you know, if it’s happening?” He asked.

    “She said Lex called her dad and told him it was an interview, jerk. And it was supposed to be for tomorrow night, but something tells me that she wouldn’t wait that long if she was going to actually go through with it.” Clark paled as he thought about the phone call Lex had received when he was there.

    “Oh God,” he said. Lana looked at him.

    “Are you okay Clark? You look kind of… green,” she said. Clark felt ill and his face had actually turned a light shade of green.

    “I have to go,” he said, rushing out the door. He only hoped he could get there in time.

    Ch. 5 - The End

    Clark opened the front door himself and sped up the stairs. The butler didn’t even know he was there. He scanned the office with his x-ray vision and saw Lex and Chloe fully clothed, although Chloe seemed to be putting on her shoes. He frowned and knocked on the door. Lex grumbled and went over to open it.

    “I thought I said… Clark? What are you doing here?”

    “I, uh,” he paused and kept his gaze focused on Chloe. “I thought you had a meeting.” Lex arched an eyebrow.

    “So you came rushing over here to interrupt it?” Lex asked, a bemused grin on his lips.

    “No,” Clark shook his head. “Lana said that Chloe…” Lex noticed him staring at Chloe and glared at him.

    “Lana said that Chloe…?” He prompted Clark to continue. Clark ducked his head and blushed.

    “She said that you and Chloe were, um…”

    “Involved?” Lex supplied. Clark eyed him suspiciously and nodded. Lex nodded once, confirming the suspicion. Clark paled.

    “So when you were saying earlier that someone was interested in her…” Clark trailed off as he looked over at Chloe, who for some reason looked amused with the situation.

    “He was talking about himself,” she said as she walked up to them. She raised an eyebrow at Lex and grinned. “Unless there’s someone else you’re not telling me about?” Lex smirked.

    “I’m sure there are plenty of young men who are interested in you, but you’re no longer available,” he replied. She smiled and crossed her arms playfully.

    “I don’t remember agreeing to that,” she said. He placed a hand on the small of her back and leaned down to speak into her ear.

    “I could remind you if you’d like,” he said. Her eyes grew a little wide and Clark winced. He waved a hand in front of them.

    “Hey! Still in the room,” he reminded them uneasily. Lex turned his head to look at him.

    “So you are,” he observed. “Why is that?” Clark looked at him in disbelief.

    “This means what? You guys are going out now?” He asked. Lex looked at Chloe expectantly.

    “Yes,” he answered firmly. “As soon as she gets rid of the other man.” Clark raised his eyebrows in surprise.

    “What other man?” Chloe asked. Clark noticed that Lex hadn’t moved his hand from Chloe’s back; in fact, he seemed only to be getting closer to her.

    “You said you were busy tomorrow night,” Lex said. She smiled.

    “Ah. Well, I’m not sure you can call Whitney a man,” she answered. Lex and Clark both looked at her in shock.

    “Whitney?!” They both repeated. She looked at them like they were idiots.

    “Yeah, he’s coming back tomorrow, there’s a big welcome back party for him at the Talon...” Chloe looked back and forth between them, surprised that they didn’t remember. “I can’t believe you guys forgot! I don’t even like the guy and I remembered.” Clark ran a hand through his hair as he blushed.

    “Must have blocked it out,” he said. Chloe laughed.

    “Okay, I’ll buy that as an excuse, seeing as how you’re in love with Lana.” She rolled her eyes and then pointed a finger against Lex’s chest. “You however, have no excuse.” He grinned and leaned closer to her.

    “My thoughts have been occupied with something else,” he said in a sultry voice. She blushed.

    “Oh,” she said. He smirked at her reaction.

    “If you don’t like him, why are you going?” Lex asked. Chloe opened her mouth to respond, but he cut her off. “Because I can think of much better things we could be doing with our time than going to a party for Whitney Fordman.”

    “We?” Clark questioned, reminding them that he was still there. Lex smiled at him.

    “You don’t actually think I would let her go to a party full of hormonally charged teenage boys without an escort do you?” He asked. Clark smiled.

    “I’m her friend. I could take her,” he offered. Lex glared at him for a moment.

    “I was including you in the teenage boys category Clark.”

    “Right,” Clark said and nodded his head once. His expression was crossed between confusion and surprise. “I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.” He turned to Chloe. “You haven’t developed some special abilities due to the meteor rocks have you?” He was only half kidding. She smiled.

    “Sadly, no,” Chloe answered. Lex chuckled. Clark frowned.

    “Was Lana right?” He asked. Lex gave him a deadpan expression.

    “I already told you that we’re involved Clark,” he said. Clark shook his head.

    “That’s not what I meant,” he said. “Before I came over, were you…?” He mentioned between the two. “You know?” Lex arched an eyebrow. Chloe covered her face with her hand. This couldn’t be happening. Maybe they were in the Twilight Zone, after all, it was Smallville – anything could happen there.

    “Yes,” she muttered. He looked between both of them.

    “Really?” Clark sounded surprised, but he couldn’t explain it. Lana had told him that they were probably sleeping together, that was the entire reason he had come over, but it seemed like such a strange situation to him. What was even stranger is that Lex seemed to actually care about Chloe. He could tell from the way he was looking at her. He shook his head. “So is he the reason that you just wanted to be friends?” Lex grinned.

    “No, that’s because you couldn’t choose between her and Lana Clark,” he answered. Clark slumped his shoulders. “Women like men who are decisive about what they want.”

    “Oh,” he said. Lex patted him on the back and smiled.

    “Are you going to be okay?” He asked. Clark smiled and nodded.

    “Yeah. It’s just going to take some getting used to,” he admitted. Chloe smiled and gave him a hug.

    “I’m glad you’re okay with it,” she said. Clark shoved his hands in his pockets.

    “I should get going, see if Lana needs any help for tomorrow,” he said. Chloe nodded.

    “I’ll go with you,” she said, and brushed her way past the two men. Lex grabbed her arm and spun her back around.

    “Goodbye Clark,” he said looking over her shoulder. He pulled her closer and looked down at her. “I don’t believe our interview is over Miss Sullivan,” he said with a smirk.

    Clark felt oddly optimistic on his way out of the house. He was going to see Lana, finally having made his decision.

    The End

  2. #2
    NS Full Member Blu_FireFly81's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Somewhere out there.......
    Every time I read this or any other fic’s of yours I never grow tired of them because I know that you put a lot of time and effort into your work and it shows. :chlexsign2:

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    :lol: when I read the part about the powerpuff girls. That was original :biggrin: !!

    I really do enjoy reading your fics. I wish I could keep up :chlexsign1: ! I hope your muse will never get tired of giving you ideas; hence, you will never get tired of writing. Good stuff !!!!


  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    You're an awesome writer, i loved it!! :chlexsign2:

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    clark and the powerpuffs lol :biggrin:

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Sep 2003
    I have been read this ff yet, but I don't remember where
    Anyways is very good :yay:

  7. #7
    .......eh? Jen1388's Avatar
    Join Date
    18 Nov 2003
    United Kingdom
    Oh Bravo! *claps*

    How can this be on page 7?

    *bump bump bump*

    Everybody should be able to read this little beauty!

    Loved loved loved it! Whenever I see your name, I get all excited, cause I know it's gonna be brilliant!

    Jen x

  8. #8
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    Luthor's manor
    that was a bloody marvelous fic i loved it :yay: :yay:

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    I love this story!! And I think that the powerpuff girls could kick Clark's butt!! :biggrin: :chlexsign3:

  10. #10
    Zannie's video bee-yatch Senior Member becky's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Mar 2004
    Yorkshire, England
    I really liked this fic!

    Lana is such a snitch

    Can't wait to read more of your work...

    Becky xx

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