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Thread: The Lana Zone (Completed) PG-13

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    The Lana Zone (Completed) PG-13

    Title: The Lana Zone
    Author: scifichick774
    Rating: PG-13
    Category: Chloe/Lex (of course) UST
    Spoilers: No references to any specific episodes that I’m aware of.
    Summary: Chloe convinces Lex to play a game with her.
    Disclaimer: Not mine, no infringement intended, please don’t sue.
    Feedback: Yes please.
    Archival: Go ahead, just let me know where.
    Author’s Note: Dedicated to NickyJean, because this idea popped into my head after I read your latest (and wonderful) fic.


    “Miss Sullivan,” Lex greeted.

    “Mr. Luthor, and it’s Chloe.” she replied. He grinned.

    “Chloe, and it’s Lex,” he corrected. “May I?” He asked and motioned to the spot on the couch next to her. There wasn’t much of a crowd at the Talon, but she figured that nobody liked to drink alone, so she nodded her head. He followed her gaze to where Clark was talking to Lana.

    “Just because he’s there doesn’t mean you have to moon over him,” he said. Chloe turned to face him and smiled.

    “You know, in some ways, you and I are very different people,” she retorted. He grinned.

    “You’ve taken to quoting Homer Simpson,” he observed.

    “It scares me that you recognized that,” she kidded. “And I wasn’t mooning over him.”

    “What were you doing then?”

    “Actually, I was wishing that Pete was here so I could have someone to play with,” she said, and then took a drink of her coffee.

    “Play with?” He repeated. She tilted her head at him.

    “Lana zone,” she responded. Lex looked at her questioningly.

    “You’ve never played Lana zone? Oh my God! Will you play with me?” Chloe seemed entirely too excited by the prospect.

    “That would put me at a bit of a disadvantage, seeing as how I’m not familiar with the game,” he answered. She moved her body sideways, so she was completely facing him.

    “It’s easy,” she urged. “Clark is in the Lana zone,” she said and pointed at Clark. Lex nodded. “All you and I have to do is take turns making comments in an attempt to get Clark’s full attention.”

    “Rules?” He asked.

    “You can’t say his name loudly or touch him,” Chloe responded. Lex arched an eyebrow.

    “Those are the only rules?”


    “What do I get if I win?” He asked as a smirk crossed his lips. Chloe looked thoughtful.

    “Hmm. Usually the loser has to pay for dinner, but that obviously won’t work in this case,” she said.

    “Why not?” Lex asked in a humored voice. She grinned politely at him.

    “Because we’re not friends, we’re just friends of a friend,” she answered. He nodded once.

    “Acquaintances,” he agreed. She smiled and nodded. “Acquaintances are allowed to have dinner together Chloe.” She rolled her eyes.

    “Allow me to explain,” she said. “Pete and I have very little money compared to you. Which means that if, by some fluke, you win, then we’ll end up having dinner at the local burger joint.” A look of displeasure spread across his face. “Exactly,” she said at his expression.

    “I could let you win,” he said. She shook her head.

    “I want an honest game or nothing at all.” She smiled brightly as a thought occurred to her. “The loser could buy the winner coffee.” Lex smiled.

    “If I lose that might bankrupt me,” he teased. She playfully slapped his arm. He grinned.

    “Deal or not?” She asked. He nodded and picked up his cup of coffee from the small table in front of them.

    “Deal. But how is he going to hear us from over here?” He asked. A sly grin crept across Chloe’s lips. A simple expression, but it caused Lex to have a reaction he wasn’t expecting. He enjoyed bantering with Chloe, but lately it had become more flirtatious. Which, in general, he had no objection to, but he didn’t want to end up being pummeled into the sidewalk by her protective best friend.

    “Don’t worry,” she answered. “He’ll come over here in just a minute, when Lana gets too busy to give him her undivided attention at the counter.” Lex noticed that she seemed rather sure of what was going to happen. She had probably observed the same situation several times. He held in the urge to tell her to forget about Clark and notice the other man right in front of her.

    “Okay,” he said, and then noticed Clark walking over toward them. ‘She’s good,’ Lex thought to himself.

    “Hey guys,” Clark greeted and placed his coffee down on the table. He sat down in one of the chairs across from the couch. Chloe plastered a smile on her face.

    “Hi Clark,” she said. Lex grinned and nodded once.

    “Clark,” he replied.

    “So what are you talking about?” Clark asked. He then spotted Lana going over to serve a nearby table and his eyes locked on her. Chloe grinned and whispered to Lex.

    “And the games afoot,” she spoke into his ear. He almost choked on the coffee he was sipping. Her comment didn’t catch him off guard, but her close proximity certainly did. She cleared her throat. “We were just talking about my newest crush,” Chloe said in a perfectly level voice.

    “Uh huh,” Clark said, still focused on Lana. Lex raised an eyebrow. The boy was oblivious.

    “Chloe said he’s great in bed,” Lex said. Chloe covered her mouth to keep from laughing, but her body shook even with the muffled sound. Lex smiled at her reaction. They both looked at Clark following Lana with his eyes. She disappeared into the back room for a moment and he turned back to them with a smile.

    “That’s great,” he said with a smile. Chloe and Lex both smiled broadly and shared a look that escaped Clark’s attention. Lana came back into view and, as expected, Clark became her own personal satellite with his eyes again. Chloe rolled her eyes and Lex looked at her expectantly. It was her turn.

    “Yeah,” Chloe said. “Would it be okay with you if I just straddled Lex’s lap and had my way with him in front of all these people?” Clark’s head whipped around.

    “What?” He asked. Chloe smiled and looked at Lex.

    “I win,” she announced. Lex grinned and nodded.

    “You did,” he agreed. He leaned over to speak into her ear. “And, just for the record, I would prefer a less public area if you decide to ever actually do that.” Chloe felt the blood rushing to her cheeks as Lex stood up and walked over to get her another coffee. When she noticed that Clark was looking at her and giving her a strange expression, she cleared her throat and shrugged.

    “I guess he’s not into public displays of affection.”

    Ch. 2

    Lex strolled back over to the couch and handed Chloe her new cup of coffee before sitting next to her again. Clark observed the two of them with suspicion. He leaned forward in his chair and looked at Chloe.

    “What did you mean before?” He asked her. She looked at him over the rim of her cup. Lex raised an eyebrow. He was interested to hear what she would say.

    “Can you be more specific?” She asked after she took a swallow.

    “You said that you won,” Clark clarified. Chloe and Lex exchanged a look of relief.

    “We were playing a word game,” Chloe smoothly lied. ‘It’s not a complete lie,’ she thought to herself. One corner of Lex’s mouth turned upward. Clark smiled broadly.

    “That’s why you bought her coffee,” Clark stated, as if it was a monumental revelation. Lex nodded and grinned. He stretched his arm out comfortably over the back of the couch, and behind Chloe, as if it were nothing. He looked at her.

    “I want a rematch by the way,” he said. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

    “I suppose that could be arranged,” Chloe replied. Clark grinned ear-to-ear, oblivious of the underlying situation. His friends were getting along, that’s all that mattered to him.


    A few days later, Lex was sitting alone at the Talon when Clark, Chloe, and Pete walked in. Clark waved at Lex raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement of their presence. Chloe told the girl at the counter her order and immediately went over to Lex. She smiled and he motioned for her to sit in the chair next to his.

    “You’re in for a tougher competition tonight,” she said as she sat down, skipping the usual hellos and other pleasantries. Lex grinned and leaned back in his chair.

    “Is that so?” He asked. “Lana’s not even here, I don’t think we can have another game without her.” Chloe shrugged.

    “She’ll be here soon. Her Aunt Nell made her spend some quality family time with her, her fiancée, and his son today,” she said. Lex seemed amused that Chloe knew so much about what went on in people’s lives. He never pictured Chloe and Lana as good friends, but from what he had heard from Clark, they were getting along pretty well. Lex had a feeling that couldn’t be easy for Chloe, seeing as how she was in love with Clark and Clark only had eyes for Lana.

    “I see,” he said. She faced him and smiled. “And why is the competition going to be more challenging? Last time was a blow out if I remember correctly.”

    “Pete’s here so he’ll be playing too,” she answered. As if on cue, Clark and Pete arrived at the table with their coffees in hand. Clark handed Chloe her cup and she smiled, at the cup, not at Clark. “Ahh, many thanks,” she said absently to Clark. She sniffed the hot liquid and then let it slide into her mouth and down her throat. Clark and Pete seemed to think of it as a perfectly normal ‘Chloe’ thing to do, but Lex observed the scene with a hint of sexual arousal. He shifted in his chair. Clark and Pete sat down across from Chloe and Lex and Lex snapped back to reality.

    “Chloe tells me that Lana will be stopping by later,” he said to Clark. Pete chuckled and nudged his best friend.

    “Yeah. You’re not looking forward to that at all are you Clark?” Pete asked sarcastically. Clark had the grace to blush, but tried to cover it by burying his face in his hands. Lex saw the way that Chloe was avoiding the conversation and just kind of staring into her cup of coffee, but said nothing at that point. He noticed Lana come in.

    “There she is now,” Lex said, and motioned to her with his eyes for Clark’s benefit. Clark’s head turned around for a second, and then he turned back to his friends.

    “Be right back,” he said with a smile. He was already out of his chair before anyone could comment. Lex leaned over to speak to Chloe, who was still moping.

    “Mooning,” he half-whispered in a teasing tone. Her eyes shot up to his and he saw that they were getting wet. ‘Damn,’ he thought to himself. He gave her a placating grin. “Would it make you feel better if I let you have your way with me?” Her eyes widened and she burst out in laughter, spilling a little of her coffee on her shirt. She put her cup down on the table and proceeded to dab off the spots of liquid. “I’m sorry,” Lex said. “I’ll pay for the shirt.” She rolled her eyes at him.

    “Don’t bother, it’ll come out,” she said. Pete, in the mean time, was looking at both of them with a horrified expression on his face. Chloe glanced up and just noticed it. “What?”

    “He… you…” he stammered, pointing back and forth between them. Chloe laughed again and Lex chuckled.

    “No, no,” she said and shook her head. “He was just referring to what I said to win the last game of Lana zone,” she explained. Pete looked relieved for a moment, but then furrowed his brow.

    “You played Lana zone with him?” He asked. He seemed a little hurt and she gave him a small compensatory grin.

    “You weren’t there,” she said. “And I won.” She said the last part with a smile and a cheerful voice. Pete smiled and shook his head.

    “That’s the reason you won,” he said. She rolled her eyes.

    “Chloe tells me that we’ll have a more difficult game with you here,” Lex said. Pete smiled at Chloe.

    “You’ve been bragging about me,” he said, pumping out his chest. She smiled and shook her head.

    “Nope,” she said in a chipper tone. “Just warning him.” Pete shrugged.

    “Same thing,” he teased. “So what exactly did you say to win the last time?” Chloe looked at Lex and he smirked. She bit her lip in embarrassment and turned to look at Pete again.

    “Something along the lines of straddling Lex and having my way with him,” she mumbled. Pete’s eyes widened, and for a minute Lex thought that he was going to attack him, but he ended up laughing.

    “Oh man,” he said. “You play dirty.” Chloe ran a hand over her face and smiled. Pete leaned forward. “Did Clark freak out?” Chloe’s smile faded.

    “Of course not,” she answered somewhat bitterly. Lex tilted his head at her.

    “You did get his full attention,” he reminded her. She shrugged.

    “So how come you never say anything like that when we play?” He asked. Chloe laughed.

    “What can I say Pete?” She answered. “Lex brings out the worst in me.” Lex let a self-satisfied smirk crawl across his face.

    “Speaking of which,” he motioned to Clark, who was now on his way back over. Chloe and Pete both smiled when their friend came back to sit with them.

    “So how was the ‘family time’?” She asked Clark. He sighed and shook his head slightly.

    “Not great,” he replied. “It sounds like Nell’s fiancée wants to move them out of Smallville.”

    “Bummer,” Pete said.

    “Sorry Clark,” Chloe added. “But you never know, just because he has plans, it doesn’t mean things will turn out that way.” He grinned a little and nodded.

    “You’re right,” he agreed. Clark’s eyes soon found Lana talking to some guys from their school and a stab of jealousy moved through him. His face took on a forlorn puppy dog expression and Pete shook his head and looked at Lex and Chloe expectantly. Chloe nodded. An evil grin came onto Pete’s lips.

    “So you guys are together huh? That’s great,” he said in a passive voice. Lex grinned and Chloe tried to hold back her oncoming laughter. No response from Clark. It was Lex’s turn next.

    “I’m glad you approve,” he said. “I was a little worried about what her friends and her dad were going to think when they heard about us.” He reached over and grabbed her hand. She seemed startled by the action and tried to pull away, but he winked at her and she got the hint. Clark’s eyes were still following Lana as she walked around the room. If she didn’t notice the completely obvious way he was stalking her with his eyes, then she was blind.

    “I was a little surprised when you decided to take me up on the offer,” she said in a normal voice. “Most guys in town seem to be scared of me.” Lana went out of view and Clark just barely heard the last part of what Chloe said.

    “That’s not true Chlo. We love you. You know that,” he said. She nodded and looked at Pete who shook his head to her unspoken question of whether she won or not. She frowned. Clark didn’t notice that Lex was still holding Chloe’s hand, because Lana came into his field of vision. He looked up at her in hopes that she would notice him and she did. She flashed a smile at him and he smiled back. Chloe leaned back in her chair. The expression on her face was pure exasperation. Pete decided to help her. Time to up the ante.

    “So Lex, I’ve always wanted to know, what’s Chloe like in bed?” He asked, the evil grin back on his face. Lex and Chloe both smiled as Clark immediately turned around to look at them. His mouth dropped open a little, but he couldn’t come up with any words. And then he saw what Lex and Chloe had forgotten about, that they were holding hands. Clark’s face went pale.

    Ch. 3

    Pete smiled and raised his hands in a victorious gesture.

    “I am the king!” He pronounced. Clark looked over at him like he had lost his mind, and then he looked back at Chloe and Lex, who were both smiling. Clark got a bad feeling in his gut when he saw that real smile on Lex’s face. It wasn’t his trademark smirk or even a grin, but an actual smile. And he was still holding Chloe’s hand.

    “You’re dating?” Clark choked out. Pete chuckled and slapped him on the back.

    “You really haven’t been paying attention have you?” He teased. Clark looked horrified.

    “And you’re?” He looked at Chloe. “You’re sleeping with him?” The question came out meekly. The evil grin crept across Pete’s lips again and he winked at Chloe. She rolled her eyes.

    “You didn’t know?” He asked Clark. “She said you were with her when they started talking about it.” Lex grinned at Pete’s comment, but frowned when he noticed that Chloe had ripped her hand away from his. He hadn’t realized how comfortable the contact had been, how right it had felt, until it was taken away from him. Lex forced himself not to think about it. If Pete was going to keep teasing Clark, far be it from him to stand in the way. ‘And if I play my cards right, I’ll have her hand back in mine in no time,’ he thought to himself.

    “Really Clark? It seems like it’s the only thing we’ve been talking about for days now,” Lex said as he played along. Chloe shook her head a little in disbelief at what Pete and Lex were doing. She stood up and grabbed her bag, readying herself to make a hasty exit. Pete cleared his throat.

    “Oh no you don’t,” he said and walked over to her. Clark and Lex stood as well. “I believe something was said about you and Lex treating me to dinner tonight.” Pete’s smile beamed, even with the glare that Chloe was shooting at him. Lex turned to Chloe, not bothering to force down the amusement that showed on his face.

    “He’s right you know,” he said. She glared at him as well and he had to keep himself from laughing. She was so cute when she got angry. He wondered how Clark could be so blind to what was right in front of him. “How’s Italian sound?” He asked. Pete smiled and nodded.

    “Sounds good, I’m starving,” he answered. Chloe couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips.

    “You’re always starving,” she said. He shrugged.

    “Growing boy,” he offered. She rolled her eyes. Clark looked back and forth between his friends. He felt like he was in a parallel universe. Since when did Pete and Lex get along, let alone agree to have dinner together? And Chloe and Lex were seeing each other? And she had slept with him? Clark felt sick. Chloe gave him a sympathetic grin. She knew she should put an end to this and tell him the truth, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

    “You’re welcome to come with us Clark,” she offered. He looked at her and nodded.

    “I’d like that,” he said. Pete grinned.

    “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather stay here and Lana watch?” He teased. Clark looked surprised and responded in a hushed voice.

    “Chloe is dating Lex and you want me to stay here to look at Lana?” He asked in disbelief. Chloe sighed and shook her head. This had gone on for long enough.

    “Clark?” She asked. Pete moved out of the way as Clark pushed his way past him to get to Chloe. She took a deep breath. “Oh boy. How do I say this?” He looked at her with a confused expression and she forced an unsteady grin onto her face. “None of that stuff that they were saying is true,” she paused, “well, except for the dinner part.” Suddenly Chloe found the floor fascinating. “Lex and I aren’t going out.” Clark seemed somewhat suspicious.

    “Then why were you holding hands?” He asked. She rolled her eyes.

    “It was part of the game,” she responded. Clark looked to Pete and Lex for an explanation and they both looked away in other directions.

    “Game?” He asked. Pete got a nervous smile on his face.

    “Heh, heh, uh, yeah. We’ve been playing a game to see who can get your attention away from Lana,” he explained, subconsciously stepping back from Clark so he wouldn’t get hit. “We call it Lana zone.” Clark narrowed his eyes at him and then looked at Lex.

    “And you needed to hold Chloe’s hand for this game?” He asked him. Lex smirked when he saw the battle of emotions that Clark was dealing with. Maybe he actually did notice that Chloe was a female, there might be hope for him yet. ‘Of course, not with Chloe,’ he thought.

    “Not everything in this world relates to need Clark,” Lex said. He sighed when his friend’s glare became more threatening. “No Clark, I didn’t need to hold her hand for the game, I just wanted to,” he admitted. Chloe looked over to him and smiled.

    “You’re such a liar,” she said. He smiled too and Clark shook his head.

    “So you two aren’t going out?” He clarified.

    “We’re not going out,” Lex confirmed. He smirked at Chloe, who just rolled her eyes at him in return.

    “And you’re going to stop this game now that I know about it?” Clark asked. Chloe, Pete, and Lex all exchanged looks. “Guys?” Pete grinned.

    “I don’t know man, it might just make it more fun that way. You know, more challenging,” he said. Clark opened his mouth to talk, but no words came out of his mouth. Chloe laughed.

    “We could probably tone it down and not make any more comments about, you know,” she said. Pete smiled.

    “No more comments about you and Lex dating,” he filled in. Lex furrowed his brow in somewhat mock hurt.

    “I’m not agreeing to that,” he said. Chloe looked at him.

    “Why not?” She asked.

    “What if we actually do start dating?” He responded. Pete snorted and slapped him on the back.

    “Then you’re a dead man, because Clark and I would kill you,” he said. Lex arched an eyebrow. He had no doubt that Pete meant every word of what he just said, even if it had come out in a joking tone.

    “I don’t suppose we could stop talking about Chloe being with Lex?” Clark asked. The subject was becoming entirely too uncomfortable for him. Chloe chuckled at his reaction.

    “I don’t know Clark,” she said in a teasing voice. “Part of me would have loved to see if you would have even noticed if I had straddled Lex the other night.” Pete laughed and Lex smirked.

    “You still could,” he suggested. Pete shook his head.

    “Give it up man,” he said. “Anyway, changing the topic, I’m still hungry, and you and Chloe owe me dinner for winning the game.” Clark shook his head. At least his friends were getting along. ‘That’s something right?’ He thought to himself. Clark and Pete started to walk toward the door first, and Lex fell behind to talk to Chloe. She grinned at him.

    “You seem glad that everything is out in the open,” he observed. She nodded.

    “As much as I like having fun at Clark’s expense, he’s still my friend,” she explained. She noticed the look he gave her and slowed down. “What?” She asked. Lex shrugged and leaned over to speak into her ear.

    “Have you ever thought about liking someone who’s actually aware of the fact that you’re a woman?” He asked. Chloe laughed.

    “Constantly,” she answered. “Know any guys in town who would fit that description?” He grinned.

    “Not every man in Smallville is as oblivious as Clark is Chloe,” he half whispered into her ear. Clark overheard Lex say the last part and turned around.

    “Hey!” He objected with somewhat false hurt. Lex smiled at him.

    “No offense,” he retorted. Chloe just shook her head, a little stunned by his innuendo.

    “You’re really something, you know that Lex?” She asked. He smirked.

    “I was wondering when you’d notice.”

    The End

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    I read this before the script crashed but I don't think I left a reply. *slaps forehead*

    Anyway, I thought it was great and well written and a whole bunch of positive adjectives.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    This is a fav of mine! Hehehe, it was just so funny :biggrin:

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    sigh. This is a wonderful one. It's just loverly.


  5. #5
    NS Full Member Sunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 May 2003
    Great fic! Very funny and sweet!


  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    23 May 2003
    That´s really one of my favorites. I laugh everytime I read it. :yay2:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    31 May 2003
    HAHA! Hilarious, wonderful, great.... as all your stories are. Kudos. :hehe:

  8. #8
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    You know I loved it, and I think I already told you, but I thought I could bloody well tell you again. You are definitely one of the gals with the most individual ideas out there


  9. #9
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    This is such a crack up. I could not stop laughing (not out loud; at least I tried not to be). Good job. I am not sure if I had left a review somewhere for this story but just in case I did not, this is really funny :worship2:

    Now, I'm off for now but I will be back to read the sequel. As always, very well written.

    Hope you are doing okay, Kris.

    Take care,

  10. #10
    Just a Guest!
    HAHA! falling out of chair.... sigh* great story! :chlexsign3:

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