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Thread: Do I have to say the words? (NC-17)

  1. #121
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    A/N: remember when I put a angst warning before chapter 7? Well, it was nothing compared to this one...


    Chapter 10: Breaking the rule

    Three months later
    “But we watched it yesterday!”
    “No, we didn’t.”
    Lex read the title again and raised his eyebrows.
    “Right. I think I’ll need a translation then... doesn’t ‘Back to the future’ mean ‘Back to the future’? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure it does, and yesterday, we watched something called ‘Back to the future’.”
    Chloe chuckled. She knew they were going to watch it anyway, Lex always let her pick the movie. Although if she was totally honest, she didn’t really care about the movie as long as he was here with her. She frowned at this thought. She’d decided that tonight... she shook her head. Better not to think about it.
    “Yep. You’re a genius. Except yesterday we watched ‘Back to the future’. And this is ‘Back to the future 2’. See the difference? One, two. One is different from two. Are you still with me or is it too difficult for you?”
    “So I take it tomorrow we’ll be watching ‘Back to the future 3’.”
    “Here goes my plan to surprise you!”
    “What’s so great about that film anyway?”
    “Two words: Steven Spielberg.”
    “Yeah... say you just wanna see Michael J. Fox in tight jeans.”
    “Damn, you caught me!”
    Lex smirked and put the DVD on, then he sat down on the couch and motioned for Chloe to sit next to him. He put an arm around her shoulders as she snuggled closer to him and she let her head rest against his chest, letting out a contented sigh. It was one of the few things she enjoyed as much as sex with him: just let him hold her.
    Two days after she’d come to his office, they’d decided they had nothing to hide and they’d told their friends they were together. Lana had jumped everywhere and told everyone she knew, a knowing smile had appeared on Clark’s lips, making Chloe wonder what he knew that she didn’t, and Pete had almost had a heart attack, but he hadn’t said anything, and for that she’d be eternally grateful. As for her Dad... well, as usual, he’d approved. He approved everything that could make his daughter happy anyway.
    Lex smiled when he felt Chloe chuckle next to him. He was sure she knew the dialogues as well as the actors did, but that didn’t matter, she still laughed as much as the first time when Brown explained paradoxes, and she still cried as much as the first time when Marty found out his father was dead. He found he enjoyed watching movies with her, it was refreshing, and he got to spend time with her. He saw her hold back a yawn and asked her if she wanted to stop.
    “Are you kidding? And miss the part where he sees his past self?”
    He just smiled. He knew she was exhausted, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty about that. She still worked hard on the Torch, staying late, she had school, and since they were together, she spent most of her free time at the mansion, going home late at night and leaving early in the morning. That is when they weren’t in Metropolis to visit a museum, go to the theatre or simply drive around commenting on how the city was growing bigger each month.
    When the end credits rolled on the screen, Chloe raised her head, but she was too tired to move, so she just decided she’d stay like that a bit longer.
    “Did you tell your Dad you were going back home tonight?”
    “Yeah. Why?”
    “Well, it’s Saturday. You don’t have school tomorrow, you can stay here if you want. I’m going to call him.”
    She smiled tiredly.
    “Thanks Lex.”
    He nodded, got out of her embrace, placed a pillow under her head and went to the phone. When he came back, he saw she was already half asleep. Smiling softly, he took her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and took off her clothes. When she felt a hand run down her leg, she opened her eyes.
    “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”
    “It’s ok.”
    He handed her one of his t-shirts and she pulled it over her head, smiling when his scent invaded her. He was already wearing the sweatpants he wore to go to bed. He climbed on the bed next to her. When she saw his soft smile, she suddenly remembered what she’d decided. She hesitated for a second, then she took a deep breath, feeling her heart pound furiously in her chest.
    “Lex... I... There’s something I need to tell you.”
    Surprised to hear the nervousness in her voice, he frowned.
    “Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
    “No. If I don’t do it now, I don’t think I’ll ever...” She paused and shook her head. “Anyway, promise me you won’t freak out.”
    “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing. Just promise me.”
    “Lex...” she shot back, matching his tone.
    He nodded.
    “Alright, I promise.”
    She swallowed hard and whispered:
    “I love you.”
    There, she’d said it. Not daring to look into his eyes, she stared at her hands, waiting and dreading his reaction. She knew she was taking a risk by telling him how she felt. It had always been clear: no love in their relationship... but she needed to get it out. She needed him to know. It was killing her to keep it to herself. He could reject her for breaking the rule they had both agreed on, that wouldn’t change the fact that she was in love with him.
    It seemed the only thing he could do was blink. Then he shook his head in a vain attempt to clear his thought. Had he really heard what he had? Yes he had. He could deny it all he wanted, but he had. Fuck! It wasn’t supposed to be that way. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him. And he wasn’t supposed to care enough to want to comfort her for the fact that he didn’t love her back. He loved spending time with her, he loved watching movies with her, he loved speaking with her, he loved having sex with her, but he wasn’t in love with her... He got out from under the sheets and sat on the edge of the bed.
    Hearing him move, she finally looked up at him only to see him turning his back to her. She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes. Shaking her head, she furiously blinked them away.
    “Lex... you promised you wouldn’t freak out.”
    Not looking at her, he answered:
    “I’m not freaking out. I just...” and for the first time in his life, he was at a loss for words.
    When she understood he wasn’t going to finish his sentence, Chloe only nodded once, willing herself to be brave. She knew what this meant. It was over. Despite the rational part of her that knew he didn’t love her, she had hoped. She hadn’t even allowed herself to think about this hope, but it had been there. And it had just been taken away.
    “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you. I knew you’d be mad at me.”
    Those words seemed to snap him out of his trance and he turned towards her. When he saw she was still avoiding eye contact, he put a finger under her chin and forced her to look at him. Emotion made his voice hoarser than usual when he spoke.
    “Chloe, I could never be mad at you. And I could never ever be mad at you for loving me. I wish I could make it easier for you. I wish you didn’t love me, but only because I know I’m going to hurt you. I... God! I’m so sorry Chloe. I care about you, more than you know, but...”
    “But you don’t love me” she finished.
    “I’m sorry.”
    She nodded, trying not to let the tears fall down her cheeks.
    “So am I.”
    He hesitated, then asked:
    “Can I hold you, Chloe?”
    When she closed her eyes and shook her head, he felt his heart constrict.
    “Let me make it better for you. Please.”
    Her first thought was ‘you can’t’. Her second thought was ‘well... he finally said please.’ Reluctantly, she gave in. He put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him. When he began gently stroking her hair and whispering soothing words right next to her ear, she finally let the tears roll and the sobs shake her body and she buried her face in his chest. Long minutes later, she fell asleep in his arms, exhausted, her forehead burning, her eyes red, and her heart broken.
    He held her close as he laid back on the mattress. It was a long time before he drifted off to sleep. His mind was too busy trying to find how he could make her feel better. Busy wishing he had been with her the bastard people thought he was. That way, she wouldn’t have fallen in love with him. And most of all busy cursing himself for hurting her.



  2. #122
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    Luthor's manor
    why can't he love her
    why can't he LET himself fall in love with her
    uis he so afraid to be hurt again that he don't ever want to fall in love
    sha love him damnit
    more please

  3. #123
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Paris, FRANCE
    Awww Poor Chloe! :crygreen:

    I am sure Lex is in love but he doesn't want to admit it. That's all!
    C'mon Lex! Repeat after me 'I.love.you.Chloe' Look! it's easy.

    Well, please update soon. Please! :biggrin:

  4. #124
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas, USA
    I love that you're still holding out on Lex being in love with Chloe...really well done! Especially since he so desperately wishes he could love her..

    more soon, please!

  5. #125
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Lex :rage: and Chloe :crygreen:

    Hope :tease:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #126
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    Why did Chloe have to tell him? I really wish she would have kept that information to herself!! Poor baby!! What a sad chapter!! :crygreen: Maybe Lex could learn to love her? Please!! Thanks for the updates!! :chlexsign4:

  7. #127
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    A/N: hey look! Smart Clark! Yeah, I know, that doesn’t exist. Well, it does in my fic. :biggrin: Anyway, in this chapter, I think they’re all kinda OOC… I just hope they’re not too much! :unsure:


    Chapter 11: ‘friendship + like + care + desire = ?’ The big L word

    The day after
    “Mister Luthor, Mister Kent is here to see you.”
    “Show him in.”
    Clark entered seconds later, looking more determined than he’d ever seen him.
    “Clark. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
    Lex closed the file he’d been reading and leaned back in his chair. He had kind of expected this visit.
    “I see.”
    “I’ve never seen her that down, Lex. But she wouldn’t talk about it. I want to know what happened.”
    Lex hesitated. Could he really confide in Clark? Sure, he was his best friend, but he was also Chloe’s, and he knew he was very protective of her. If he knew he had hurt her... on the other hand, Clark deserved the truth. As if that explained everything, Lex simply said:
    “She loves me.”
    Clark raised his eyebrows. He knew that. And he really didn’t see what was the big deal. Wasn’t it great?
    Lex didn’t answer. He couldn’t. Just the thought of how lost Chloe had looked when she’d said the three words was enough to make him want to jump off the bridge where Clark had found him a few years ago. He wanted to beat himself for what he was doing to her. When Clark saw Lex close his eyes in an attempt to gain control over his emotions, he frowned. What the hell was wrong? Suddenly, realisation drowned on him.
    “You told her you didn’t love her.”
    Once again, Lex kept quiet. No need to say it, Clark knew.
    “God Lex! You’re worse than me.”
    Clark shook his head. He couldn’t believe he, of all people, was about to give Lex advices about his feelings.
    “Alright Lex, I’m gonna ask you a few easy questions, I’d like you to answer honestly.”
    Not knowing where Clark was going, Lex only nodded, letting him continue.
    “Are you friends with Chloe?”
    “I hope so.”
    “Do you like her?”
    “Do you care about her?”
    “Of course I do.”
    “Do you desire her?”
    “You know that.”
    Clark nodded while Lex stood up to pour himself a drink. He needed it now more than ever.
    “Why those questions, Clark?”
    The farmboy smiled and didn’t answer. Instead, he told Lex:
    “I’d just like you to think about it. Friendship + like + care + desire = ?”
    The only answer he could come up with was a word he didn’t even want to think and he shook his head. Clark let out a sigh. Lex was way too bull-headed. He shrugged.
    “Deny it if you want to. Are you... are you still going to be together?”
    “I don’t know. I... I want to, but... Chloe, she...”
    “She wants to as well, Lex.”
    “How do you know?”
    “She loves you. No matter what she thinks you don’t feel for her, I know her well enough to know she’ll want to be with you.”
    A sigh escaped Lex’s lips as he raised the glass to his mouth and took a sip of his drink.
    “It’s a choice she shouldn’t have to make. She shouldn’t have accepted when I offered her a relationship with me.”
    “But she did. And I had never seen her as happy as she’s been for the last three months, Lex. Because of you.”
    Lex let out a bitter laugh.
    “Yeah... and it’s because of me that she’s going to cry herself to sleep tonight.”
    They stayed silent for a while until Lex spoke up again.
    “I never meant to hurt her, Clark.”
    “I know.”
    Clark turned to leave, but before he reached the door, he had one last thing to say:
    “I’m gonna tell her you want to see her. Do whatever you have to, but when I see her tomorrow at school, I want to see Chloe Sullivan’s famous smile. I know you know what I’m talking about.”
    Yes. Yes, he did. Chloe had this ability to light up a room with one of those smiles. Clark finally left the room and Lex sighed once more. He wanted to scream and shout, he wanted to destroy everything in his office, he wanted to hurt himself like he had hurt Chloe. He silently counted to ten, in french, german, latin, japanese and spanish, but that did nothing to ease his temper. Two things Clark had said were repeating over and over in his head. ‘No matter what she thinks you don’t feel for her.’ What the hell did he mean? No, scratch that, he knew what he meant, he just didn’t want to admit it. And then, there was this ‘friendship + like + care + desire = ?’ The big L word. That was the only thing he could think of. But... It meant too much. He had always been good at controlling and analysing his feelings, so what had gone wrong this time? Why was he that confused? What was different?
    Without warning, he threw his glass against the wall, directing his anger at the only thing within his reach. It shattered into pieces that fell to the ground with a funny noise.
    Until Clark’s visit, he’d been angry, and sad. Now, he was angry, sad, and confused. Not a good combination.
    And he didn’t know what to do.

    A few hours later
    “Lex? Clark told me you wanted to see me.”
    “Actually, Clark wanted me to see you.”
    Chloe raised an eyebrow and sank into one of the guests’ chair.
    “Doesn’t really matter. Chloe... I... I’d like to talk about...”
    Confused, he frowned. Not looking at him, she took a deep breath and explained:
    “If you want to talk about what I said yesterday, don’t. I don’t want to hear you say you’re sorry. I don’t want to hear you say whatever you have to say about it.”
    She shook her head and stood up to come closer to him. Once she was in front of him, she locked eyes with him, making sure he knew she meant everything she said.
    “This is the last time we are going to talk about it. I told you yesterday, I’m telling you again, I love you. I just needed you to know. You can do whatever you want to with that knowledge. You can use me, you can push me away, we can go back to where we were yesterday, we can go back to where we were four months ago. It’s your choice to make.”
    She didn’t add what she was really thinking. That she was letting him decide because she didn’t know what to do, because she had no strength left to make a decision. She was completely drained, physically and emotionally. Since the day before, it felt the only thing she was able to do was cry. When Clark had told her Lex wanted to see her, she’d decided she wouldn’t cry anymore and she would keep that promise made to herself. Which meant using everything she had in her to prevent the tears from rising to her eyes.
    But even if she didn’t say it, Lex understood. He swallowed hard, trying to decide what to do. God, why was she letting him do this? She would be hurt whatever he did. Either way, it was going to be the same result.
    “Chloe... If... If we stay together, you’re going to suffer so much... I can’t...”
    “I’m going to suffer if we don’t, Lex. Don’t make your decision according to me. I’m asking you to be selfish. If you want to be with me, I’m here. If you want to be alone, I’ll leave. As simple as that.”
    When she saw he was still struggling to decide what to do, she let her lips curl up into a small smile.
    “Looks like I wasn’t that wrong when I said I’d be at your beck and call after all.”
    Her attempt at lightening the situation didn’t work and she fell silent, waiting for Lex to say something. She closed her eyes when she felt his hand gently cup her cheek and she leaned into his touch. It felt so good... so soothing. Like when he was touching her like that, everything that had happened before and everything that was going to happen didn’t matter. At the idea of loosing this touch, this feeling of safety, she had to hold back a sob. Then she felt his lips brush against hers in a whisper of a kiss and she opened her eyes to see him smiling softly at her.
    “I want to be with you, Chloe.”
    All she could do was nod and pull him down for a proper kiss.



  8. #128
    NS Senior Member Senior Member carebear72884's Avatar
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    13 Nov 2003
    Lex, you big dummy(hmm..that is something i thought i would never call lex luthor) can't you relize that your in love with chloe?? even clark can tell and he is pretty dence...you.love.chloe. it is'nt that hard to understand...

    Update soon

  9. #129
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas, USA
    argh.....*sighs* Poor Lex...can't open him self up to realize he loves Chloe!!

    Oh, and this line?

    He silently counted to ten, in french, german, latin, japanese and spanish, but that did nothing to ease his temper.
    *grins* Nice touch! It's so Lex to know all those languages.

  10. #130
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Lex :rage: tell her you love her damn it.

    Hope :nobad:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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