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Thread: Do I have to say the words? (NC-17)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    16 Nov 2003
    raaaa g vu ke ça parlé en franC alors c ki moultipass??? lol je peu savoir en attendant c net sab a raison c pa une fic ça ni une partie de fic c qqs frases moi je veux une grde fic alors dépéche toi de posT la suite parce ke mem ac c qqs frase ça sannonce Krémen bien!!! (ok I don't know who spek french here but please an upddate soon, this beginning is too short I want more:!&#33

  2. #22
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    04 Nov 2003
    alors c ki moultipass???
    Ca, c moi ! mdr!
    ouais ben tu ferais mieux de ne pas oser ma vieille
    G pas osé, tu m'as fait trop peur. :biggrin:
    Hey guys, sorry for the french conversation! : Anyway, here's the next chapter, hope you like it, it's a bit longer... I love life way too much to take the risk of writing another part as short as the first one! :lol:

    Chapter 2: Very simple words

    With your arms open wide
    Want you here by my side
    Come to me, darling rescue me

    One week later
    “Here’s your coffee, Chloe.”
    Lex sat down next to her after handing her her cup and took a sip of his own latte. Glancing at Chloe, he noticed she looked ill at ease, but he had no idea why.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “What makes you think there’s something wrong?”
    “You mean other than the fact that you’re looking at me like you’re afraid I’ll kill you if you say what you wanna say?”
    “Actually I was more thinking of something along the lines of... torture.”
    “Whatever. Tell me.”
    “Why should I?”
    Lex raised an eyebrow.
    “Because I’m the only one you can talk to since Pete’s at practise and Clark and Lana are on a date.”
    “Yeah, like I’d confide in them anyway.”
    “Why, is it X-rated?”
    “Why wouldn’t I want to share with them if it was?”
    Lex choked on his coffee and Chloe offered him a smug smile. He quickly regained his composure and put the cup back on the table.
    “So, it’s something you can’t tell anyone?”
    “Well... to be honest, I guess I could talk to you about it, but I’m not exactly sure how to do it.”
    “And since when does Chloe Sullivan hesitate before speaking her mind? And even more so when it’s to me?”
    It was Chloe’s turn to raise her eyebrows, then an evil smile appeared on her lips... after all, he was asking for it. He wanted honesty? He’d get it.
    “What are you doing here, Lex?”
    Lex frowned. Was she changing the topic of their conversation? His answer came out as a question.
    “Drinking coffee?”
    She shook her head.
    “No, I meant what are you doing here, with me, at this table?”
    “Well... you’re the only one here I consider as worthy of my glorious presence, so...”
    She playfully hit his arm, and the waitress who was walking toward them at this moment suddenly stopped. What the hell...? Lex Luthor wasn’t the kind of person who was comfortable with physical contact unless it was strictly necessary – or unless it was under certain circumstances, preferably with a brunette – everybody knew it. And yet he didn’t seem bothered by the familiarity Chloe’s hit implied. Strange.
    “The truth, Lex. You wanted to know what’s bothering me? Well, that’s what’s bothering me. We’ve barely even spoken to each other in months, and since last week it feels like you’re everywhere I go. I...”
    “Are you complaining?”
    She smiled.
    “Not as long as it grants me free coffee, but still... I’d like to understand.”
    Lex nodded. He knew eventually, they’d be getting there, he’d just hoped it wouldn’t be today.
    “Do you want an honest answer, or the kind of answer that would be accepted in the Kents’ farm?”
    “I think the truth would be nice.”
    Lex smirked. He knew his answer was probably not the one she was expecting.
    “I want you.”
    Chloe’s eyes grew wide at his blunt statement, and at the fact that he’d said it in a perfectly normal voice, like he was just saying it was raining.
    “I... I don’t understand.”
    Lex’s smirk grew in what could almost be considered as a smile at that.
    “Those are very simple words, Miss Sullivan. I would have thought that someone who loves language as much as you do would be able to...”
    “I understand those words, thanks. Probably better than you do, cause if you did, I don’t think you’d have said them.”
    “Why not?”
    She was taken aback for a second, but she quickly recovered and shook her head before shrugging.
    “Because... well... no real reason, I guess.”
    Lex smiled.
    “So, what do you think?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Your place or mine?”
    Once again, Chloe’s eyes grew wide at his words. Was the man really that... that... self-assured? Chloe rolled her eyes at her own thoughts. Of course he was. He was Lex Luthor, he was used to everything being handed to him on a silver platter, including women. Well, she intended on being the exception that would make him realize some things can’t be bought. She stood up and gathered her things hurriedly.
    “I can’t believe you just said that!”
    He just watched her, smirking. Oh... what wouldn’t she give to wipe that smirk off his face?
    Now, she was furious! Sure, he was sexy as hell, there was no use in denying that, but that didn’t give him the right to be such an arrogant bastard!
    “Why? You’re asking me why?! Because, Mister Luthor, there’s no way on earth I’ll ever sleep with you!”
    She left, unaware of his eyes following her until she was out of sight. Lex threw a glance at a few patrons that were looking at him, stunned, and they quickly turned away. One of his eyebrows raised and he said, not paying attention to the fact that he spoke loud enough for the waitress to hear him:
    “Now, there’s a challenge if I ever heard one, Miss Sullivan.”


  3. #23
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Excellent chapter!! I don't think anyone will complain about this one!! I love honest Lex!! I can't wait til he makes Chloe take back her words!! :chlexsign4:

  4. #24
    NS Senior Member Senior Member carebear72884's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Nov 2003
    ok, ok, i understand chloe, when lex is being so self-assured, it can be as annoying as hell, so i can understand making him have to work for it. but saying you would never sleep with the man?!? I think that is going a little to far, i mean come on, he is lex luthor...you can't turn that down..

  5. #25
    Just a Guest!
    Ooeeee!!!! We loves you! Yes preshesss...nice little moultipasses. More. We wants more! My preshesss, yes, my pressess fanfic. Give preshesss to Smeagol! We wants it, we wants it! Nice Choeses! We have little hair, come with us not big menses!

    Ahem! Sorry he still won't go away. He seems to have developed a Chloe obsession resently.

    cearbear, the way to real get lex to go away is to tell him his daddy is so cute and sexy. The way to win him is fight him at first. Luthors alway win battles. If they're fighting for a heart it has to be a great stuggle or it won't be enough to be worth keeping always.

    The Lark

  6. #26
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Go Chloe :clap: Lex deserved that. :lol:

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #27
    Just a Guest!
    Yeah...he really did deserve that.

    Let the games begin.


  8. #28
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    I'm glad Chloe isn't giving in so easily. Lex has to work hard to get our favorite intrepid reporter.


  9. #29
    * gina's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Dec 2002
    Yeah, you tell him, Chloe! Although I have a feeling she's gonna go back on her word.

    Can't wait to see how Lex will attempt to woo her. Please update soon!

  10. #30
    Just a Guest!
    *evil cackle*

    Lex should have really known better...

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