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Thread: Wicked Thoughts: Sequel to Wicked Dreams - (NC-17)

  1. #31
    Members Sandi's Avatar
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    sitting in a comfy chair
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    Great chapter (just like the previous ones). But you've done it so often, making us believe it's for real, and then it turned out to be a dream, that I'll believe now it's a dream (only to prevent myself from screaming 'DAMMIT' again..). But I'm with Kris: If it is one, it should be Lex' dream...so that Chloe's not the only one suffering..

  2. #32
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    :biggrin: you know how good your are!!! loved it!

  3. #33
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    This was great!! I hope it is not another dream, and I want Clark to find out that he can't have Chloe now--SHE'S LEX"S--WOO HOO :biggrin:

    Please update--SOON!!

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  4. #34
    hide the rum randa's Avatar
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    bouit damn time is sooo right!
    i love this sequel and it better not be another dream...
    more soon


  5. #35
    Members Lady Aquitaine's Avatar
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    Hi All...I'm so very sorry I was extremely late with this part...Please forgive me...

    So here it is...Hope you all enjoy...


    Part 4

    Chloe awoke slowly with a lazy smile on her face. Last night had been the most amazing night she has ever experienced. Even in her realistic dreams. Lex was wonderful. They made love two more times before exhaustion finally claimed them both and she fell asleep with his arms wrapped securely tight about her. Mmm…Lex…

    Her back was to him and smiling wickedly she moved herself closer to him with the intention of wiggling her ass against him. He warned her stop that after their second bout. Mentioned something about not being able to sleep. She found herself stifling a very un-Chloe like giggle. The man is turning her into mush. But when the man in question happens to be Lex…who in their right mind can blame her.

    When she didn’t come in contact with him she moved again. Nothing. Her body stiffened instantly. She moved again, nothing. Closing her eyes slowly, Chloe turned around to face him. She opened them.

    Nothing. He wasn’t there. NO! Shit! NO!

    “It can’t be! Fuck! Not again!” Chloe screamed. Tears welled in her eyes and began to fall instantly.

    “It just fucking can’t be.” She began to hit the bed with her hands.

    Darlin’…Evil Chloe said softly.

    “No! No! No!” Chloe cried even more.

    Chloe…Evil Chloe tried a little louder.

    “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Her sobs grew louder. Chloe was not a girl to give in to hysterical bouts but this was just too much.

    Just then she heard the door burst open but was too upset to care. Probably Lana or her dad coming to see what was the matter.

    CHLOE! Will you get a grip! Evil Chloe yelled.

    She felt strong hands upon her and she willingly went into the arms of her father.

    “Chloe? What’s wrong? What happened?”

    Chloe stopped crying immediately. She looked up quickly into the blue-gray eyes that she loved so well. It wasn’t a dream. He was there. It was real.

    If you had just shut the hell up…I would have told you…Evil Chloe chuckled.

    Chloe was so relieved she didn’t care how she looked. She threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight. She never wanted to let him go.

    Lex let himself be hugged tightly. No one’s ever just held him tightly before and he was humbled by it.

    “I thought it was another fucking dream.” Chloe said in between sniffles. Now that she realized the he was real, embarrassment began to set within her small frame. Chloe had never, ever given into hysterical fits. Hell, she ridiculed women who did that, and now look at her.

    “Ms. Sullivan, you and I are going to have a serious talk.” Lex said in mock seriousness as he ran his hand softly down her cheeks trying to clear the moisture.

    “I know. I don’t blame you if you think I’m a candidate for the loony bin.” Chloe chuckled.

    “Oh, I already know that. Why do you think I fell for you in the first place?” He teased. Chloe felt more tears begin to well up in her eyes.

    Aww…That’s so sweet…Evil Chloe squeaked.

    Great. I’m turning into a sap.

    “Now, perhaps we should start with this drinking problem you’ve suddenly developed.” He said with an arch of his brow. Chloe looked at him and felt laughter bubble up inside her. It spilled forth until the tears falling from her face were from laughing so hard. Memories of the Randy Cock floated in front of her and her laughter soon turned into hysterical fit.

    “Do you think I’ll ever be let back in the Randy Cock?” she giggled.

    “Maybe. In a few years.” Lex grinned.

    “Well, then, let me tell you about a horrible dream I had. But before we get into it, I really need some coffee.” Chloe said when she was able to get herself under control.


    A few days later…

    Chloe was sitting at her desk in the Torch office desperately trying to concentrate on the article before her. It wasn’t working. The image of Lex smiling at her made her sigh.

    Well, what do you expect? The man’s gorgeous… Evil Chloe chuckled.

    This is not helping. How am I supposed to work like this?

    You know…You could always scrap work and pay him a visit…Evil Chloe purred.

    Chloe stopped for a moment and stared. It would be nice to go see him. A mischievous smile formed on her face. The image of her and Lex on his chair brought up interesting possibilities. Should I?

    Do you really need an answer? Evil Chloe cooed.

    “Hey Chloe.” Clark said as he stepped in the Torch office. He stopped still and stared at the petite blonde. There was something different about her but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He did notice that she looked exceptionally pretty today.

    Okay…Something really has to be done about him…Evil Chloe growled.

    “Hi Clark.” Chloe responded silently agreeing with her inner voice.

    “So what’re working on?” Clark asked grabbing a chair and positioned it right next to her. As he sat down, he noticed that she smelled like apples. Her scent totally complemented her and since her attention was focused on the computer screen, Clark took the opportunity to study her profile closely. Her blonde hair was in wild disarray which surprisingly enhanced her beauty. She was biting her lips which he noticed were fuller and an intense frown marred her pretty features.

    Wow! He really never noticed how pretty Chloe was. When she finally turned her attention to him, Clark found himself mesmerized by her sparkling green eyes and bright smile.

    “Nothing much. I’m doing research on the new CEO of the new corporation that’s moving to Metropolis.” Chloe’s eyes began to sparkle even more as her investigative senses began to pick up on a story.

    “CEO? Sorry. I know I’ve been out of the loop lately. But I promise, as you’re partner-in-crime, I’m at your disposal.” He gave her his mega-watt grin and Chloe was momentarily thrown off. He didn’t seem to be acting like himself. Usually he yelled at her for her nosiness. Or so he called it.

    “Ah…Yes. He is very reclusive and private and very, very adamant about not giving any interviews.” Chloe said warming to her subject. Something was going on with the recluse. She could almost taste it and was looking forward to doing some investigating.

    “Perhaps he just doesn’t like the limelight. What’s his name?” Clark asked as he to another opportunity to scoot closer to her and look over her shoulder at the computer screen. He felt his blood begin to heat at her nearness and her scent was even more powerful to him.

    “Warren Worthington, III. His company is originally based in New York but he’s been branching out. Worthington Industries will officially open their offices next week. There’s a big gala event scheduled for this Saturday to celebrate the event.” Chloe grinned.

    “Let me guess. You’re going.” Clark grinned back, his blue twinkling merrily.

    “Of course. I just have to figure how to get in. It’s closed to the press.” Chloe eyes drifted towards her computer screen yet again. Her eyes glazed over as thoughts began to race through her mind. She might have to get a maid’s uniform or maybe she could pretend she’s one of the guests. Right! That will go over real well.

    “Well, I’ll be happy to help you in any way.” Clark offered graciously.

    Chloe turned to look at him in surprise and only just realized how close he was sitting to her. There faces were inches away from each other. His blue eyes stared intently at her and she began to fidget.

    “Thanks, Clark. That would be great.” She smiled weakly. Space. Need space.

    I think you need to whack him…Evil Chloe quipped.

    What he’s not doing anything? He’s just sitting there.

    Two words…Personal Space…

    “Okay…” She said quickly standing up. She started to move around the office. She walked toward the filing cabinet and began to filter through the files.

    Clark watched her as she rose. He noticed her face flush as she passed him. He grinned widened. So she’s not as immune to me as I thought, Clark thought.

    “Chloe…What are you doing tonight?” Clark asked as he also stood and quietly walked towards her direction.

    “Don’t know. I was going to see if I could dig up any more information on Worthington. Why?” She asked as her attention was focused on the file before her.

    “I was wondering if you wanted to study for the trig test.” He said still inching towards her.

    “Oh…Sure. That would be great. You know how horrible at math I’m at.” She said quickly. When she looked up and turned she didn’t realize that Clark had been standing right behind her. She backed up quickly and crashed into the cabinet.

    What in the hell is wrong with him? She thought.

    Does this seem familiar to you? Evil Chloe murmured.

    Too familiar. But that was Lex and this is Clark. He can’t be putting the moves on me.

    I don’t know…Farmboy is acting strange…

    “Clark, are you okay? You seem a little --- strange?” Chloe asked holding the folder before her as if it were a lifeline.

    “No. I’m fine.” Clark said. He was about a foot away from her when a sudden desire to kiss her arose within him. She really was cute.

    Chloe saw his eyes darken. That was not a good sign.

    Space…Would be a good thing...Evil Chloe warned.

    Chloe scooted away from Clark just as he was about to descend. She tried to regain her composure but found it completely lost.
    Okay. He’s gone crazy!

    Ha! Maybe now you’ll listen!

    Chloe turned around intending to speak very firmly with Clark but didn’t realize he followed her. She crashed into his hard chest. She almost fell backwards but his strong hands gripped her elbows and held her to him firmly. His hands moved to hold he loosely about the waist.

    “Ah…Clark? What are you doing?” Chloe asked weakly.

    He stared down at her intently. She noticed his head was descending.

    Oh no! He’s going to kiss me…

    Chloe…The knee…Use the knee…Evil Chloe yelled.

    Before Chloe could do anything, a familiar voice called from behind her…

    “Am I interrupting?” Lex asked with a hard edge to his voice.

    Shit! Chloe silently screamed.


    What do you think? hmy:

  6. #36
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    damn you clark!!! fuck off and die farm boy!!! Kck him chloe!! fantastic update!! :yay:

  7. #37
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
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    ARggghhhh!!!! I hate stupid farm boys!!!

    PLEASE tell me that Lex is smart enough to realized that Chloe is struggling to get out of Lex's arms!!!

  8. #38
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    DAMN YOU CLARK KENT!! UGH!!!! He needs to die :die:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #39
    NS Full Member
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    *cracks knuckles* he is going to die a very slow and painful death, :die: anyone have some kryptonite? *wheedles* i'll let you help :biggrin:

  10. #40
    Duchess Gonzo
    Join Date
    22 Jun 2003
    Over there, no there

    stupid dumb beastiality advocate of a farm boy!!!! :rage: it was going all good then ugh!

    he must :die:!

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