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Thread: Undecided (PG-13 to NC-17 )

  1. #1
    this side of crazy S.Ann Smith's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Apr 2003
    British Columbia, Canada

    Undecided (PG-13 to NC-17 )

    Disclaimer: I own nothing :goof: ... except for maybe... no, wait that’s not mine...
    Rating: PG-13(for language) - NC-17 don’t really know where my muse will take this
    Feedback: if you hate it, love it, or want to kill me, review and let me know
    A/N: My muse woke up!! hmy: I’m so excited.


    By S. Ann Smith

    Chapter one: Stupid Mailbox

    She was going to be late for school. The bus had already left and her Volkswagen was in the shop.

    ‘Stupid mailbox just jumped out of nowhere Chlo’. I’m sorry.’ Her dad’s voice echoed through her mind.

    “Sorry my ass.” Chloe mumbled, shoving a piece of muffin into her mouth. She picked up the phone and dialled Pete’s number.

    “Hello?” Came her best friend’s voice.

    “Hey Pete,” she said, “Can you come by and pick me up?” Pete agreed and, with no questions asked, hung up. Five minutes later, Pete, and his newest car, his birthday present, arrived. Chloe met him outside, and opened the car door.

    “Hey Chlo’ -- where’d the bug go?” He asked as she sat down with a dull thump.

    “Dad hit the mailbox before supper. He took it to the shop last night.” Chloe said leaning into the back of the seat as Pete backed out of the driveway.

    “I thought Gabe wasn’t allowed to touch the bug?” Pete started onto the main road.

    “He’s not, because he’d, well, break it. But he backed out of the driveway and hit the mailbox. Thus I’m car-less, we have no mailbox, and I would have been stranded if you almost been late yourself.’

    “Yeah, well, be grateful.” He smiled at her affectionately.

    “Oh Peter Ross,” Chloe’s voice dripped with a falseness comparable to the notorious love interests of Lex Luthor, “you’re mah hero!” She laughed.

    “I’d better be!” He said puffing out his chest, “’cause if it wasn’t for me you’d be late.” He exclaimed parking in the student parking lot. Pete turned to the passenger side and noticed Chloe leaning into the window from the outside.

    “And it’s because of you I’m going to be late,” she laughed, standing up. “Come on!” She turned and walked towards the school.

    Pete was soon beside her; but as they opened the doors, the class bell rang. Pete ran down the hall and towards his English class. Missing the door, he slid along the freshly waxed floor. He then scrambled along the brown linoleum and into the classroom.

    Chloe sighed and crept down the hall to her doomed fate: math.

    “Sullivan,” the teacher Mr. Bordan, said glancing at her with angry eyes, “it’s nice of you to join us this morning.”

    “The pleasure’s all yours.” She shot back, taking her seat behind Derek, the jock who took Whitney’s reign when he left. His green eyes shamelessly raked over her before they met the anger filled hazel eyes of Chloe Sullivan. He quickly turned around. When Bordan wasn’t looking, Derek turned towards her again.

    “I--uh, thought your-uh-- I read your article for the Daily Planet,” he smiled a toothy grin. Chloe resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

    “Good for you.” She said continuing to look at the text book with a blank stare. ‘Just turn around and leave me the hell alone.’ She thought angrily.. It wasn’t that she thought he was an idiot--well he was--she knew why he was talking to her.

    “So, you and farm boy friends again?” he asked disdainfully. She wasn’t even sure herself, but she replied anyways.

    “Yes.” She smiled. ‘That would keep him away.’ She looked at her textbook.

    “Oh.” She could hear the obvious disappointment in Derek’s voice. She watched turn around from the corner of her eye. ‘Finally.’

    As class finished, with more than a dozen glances from Derek; Chloe gathered her books and meandered her way through the forest of desks.

    The hall was packed with chattering students, and, as Chloe worked her way to her locker, she caught a glimpse of Clark. Their eyes locked, and , though neither of them spoke, they met a uncertain understanding.

    “Chloe, wait!" Clark said turning around to follow.

    “Actions speak louder than works, Clark.” She replied. She knew he held back, even without turning around and acknowledging his existence. ‘He had no right to overstep his boundaries like that.’

    “But, Chloe--”

    “You already know how I feel.” She said more sternly and continued to walk towards her locker. She needed to be someplace that was away. Away from him, and away from Lana. Lana would just try to be overly sympathetic, and rattle off another story of how she’s all alone, and happy, but she has Pete. When does Lana ever make sense?

    Once at her locker, Chloe left her Math books and decided to head to the Torch office. After locking her locker, she turned around and met face to face with none other than the bane of her past existence: Lana.

    “Chloe, do you have yesterday’s Biology notes?”

    “Yeah,” Chloe turned back to her locker and retrieved her notes. “Here you go. Why weren’t you in class yesterday? If I might ask. If it’s about you and Pete, I don’t want to know.”

    Lana flashed her a devilish smile. ‘Eww, so didn’t need to know.’ Chloe grimaced.

    “I had to open up the Talon yesterday, what did you think?” Lana asked innocently. ‘That might work for Clark,' she thought ‘but Lana’s not getting my notes that easily.’

    “And Lex couldn’t do that?” Lana gave Chloe a blank expression. “You know, your silent partner, bald, rich, about yey high?” ‘Dead sexy,’ Chloe held her hand above her head. ‘Oh God! Did I say that out loud?’ She studied Lana’s expression carefully.

    “I know who Lex is!” She said like it was the stupidest question in the world. Chloe breathed a sigh of relief, she didn’t say it aloud. “But he’s a *silent* partner. you know, only there to drink coffee, and help pay the rent.” ‘God she’s dense.’ Chloe inwardly rolled her eyes.

    “Listen Lana, love to chat,” ‘not’ “but I have to go do-something.”

    “Okay,” Lana smiled a chipper smile, and went on her merry little pink way.


  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Poor Chloe is so crabby!! I think she needs Lex to help put her in a good mood!! Please!! Excellent beginning to your story!! Is Derek going to appear again? :chlexsign1:

  3. #3
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    :lol: I love this please more :clap:

    Hope :applause:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    Hee hee. Really nice beginning. Looking forward to more.

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    hmy: I know whats wrong, she didn't get her coffee because she was running late!!!!
    She needs cafine and some Lexie and everything will be all better.

  6. #6
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
    Join Date
    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: excelent beginning, hope to see mor soon! :yay:

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    15 Oct 2003
    Interesting beginning... More soon please!


  8. #8
    NS Full Member
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    Chicago, Illinois, USA

  9. #9
    * gina's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Dec 2002
    Nice beginning! Hehe, I loved all the Lana snark. This fic has me very much intrigued and I can't wait to see it all play out!

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Jul 2003
    Paris, FRANCE
    nice beginning... but I want more. :yay:

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