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Thread: Taking Over Me (NC-17) (complete) - Part 6, 'Always With You' series

  1. #11
    Just a Guest!

  2. #12
    NS Full Member
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    15 Oct 2003
    Ah! You can't stop like!!! I need to know more!!! Please update soon!!!
    By the way great chapter!!! Love this story so much!!!


  3. #13
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Cambridgeshire, England.
    hmy: OH MY GOD!!!!!!! :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

  4. #14
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
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    Kansas, U.S.A.
    A/N: Thanks so much for the reviews so far guys. They're fantastic. But I've noticed a common idea running through them that . . . well . . . maybe it's not the best idea to have. I'm just going to give you the very valuable advice that you should never jump to conclusions. All right, here's Chapter Two.

    Chapter Two

    Have you forgotten all I know, and all we had?
    You saw me mourning my love for you
    And touched my hand
    I knew you loved me then

    Every so often Lex would glance down at the carpet in his office, certain that he was wearing a path with his pacing. So far there was no evidence of it, but it was surely only a matter of time. Beruche was due to call sometime in the next hour, and the anticipation was rapidly eating away at what little self-control Lex had left. The man had been working for two weeks now, and so far he had come up with next to nothing. Lex didn’t know how much more waiting he could take; and the longer it took for Beruche to find anything, the less chance there was that Lex would ever find Chloe. He had hired the man before, and even in what he had considered to be hopeless cases Beruche had gotten him his information in a day or two at most. That he was taking so long this time . . . it wasn’t a good sign.

    It had occurred to him several times by now that perhaps Chloe didn’t want to be found. He always dismissed the thought, but that became harder and harder to do each time. After all, Chloe may have been attacked by the odd meteor mutant in her day, but she had never been the target of such a deliberate, obviously personal attack before she had met him. Perhaps she had decided that it was better if she simply disappeared from his life altogether.

    The sound of a vase smashing against the wall echoed through the still air before Lex had even realized he had thrown it. His chest was heaving, panting breaths fueling the fiery rage burning through his mind. He struggled to calm himself. Chloe hadn’t forsaken him. She had been taken. Long past the point of being afraid of his own violent intentions, Lex let his hands clench, imagining that they were locked around the throats of the men back in the alley. When he found them they would pay for taking Chloe from him. The memory of Chloe’s dead body in his arms flashed through his mind, spurning on his desperate need for vengeance

    No. Lex shook his head, doing his best to clear it. Not her dead body. He may not know what had happened to her, but she wasn’t gone. That much was certain. There was any number of explanations for where she could be now. Amnesia. That was an angle he hadn’t had Beruche explore as of yet. God, for all they knew Chloe could be wandering some strange city with no idea of who she was. Lex’s blood chilled as another thought occurred to him. She could have found someone else. His hands curled into fists again at the thought of his fiancée wrapped around some nameless, faceless man.

    Lex took a deep breath and raised his hand in front of his face, watching as it shook. He had to get a hold over his thoughts again. Without Chloe there to balance him, Lex had felt himself slipping further and further towards a complete loss of control. And he knew somehow that once he hit that point there would be no turning back.

    A sharp ringing came from his left jacket pocket and Lex shoved aside all other thoughts at the sound. There was only one person who had the number to his second cell phone; he snatched the phone from his pocket and opened the line with a sharp stab of his finger.


    It felt as if a hand were clenched tightly around his heart when Beruche began to speak. No news. Again. He let the man ramble on for a while, only half-listening to the mention of records and paper trails. Lex didn’t want to hear excuses. He wanted to hear that he had found Chloe, that he didn’t have to be without her any longer. Finally Beruche ran out of things to say and Lex severed the call. The walls of his office seemed to be closing in around him. He needed to get out of there.

    Lex stalked out of the office, barely stopping long enough to tell his secretary that he would be gone for the rest of the day. The air outside was heavy, oppressive, and a hot wind slammed into his face as soon as he stepped through the doors of the plant. Within seconds he was behind the wheel and peeling out of the parking lot. Fields and lanes rushed by his windows, blurring together until he could barely tell one from another. A tiny voice in his head was saying that he should slow down, that if he drove his car off the road this time, Clark probably wouldn’t be around to save him. But the larger, less rational part of him couldn’t escape the need to run as fast as he could, until the pain that was dogging his heels was left gasping in the dust.

    Lex let up on the gas slightly in order to make the turn into the manor and finally came to a screeching halt outside the front doors. He sat there for a moment, trying to slow the adrenaline that was racing through his blood after the drive. When he had calmed himself enough that he was sure that he could make it inside with no problems Lex got out of the car and, taking the stairs two at a time, all but ran to the front door.

    As soon as he stepped inside every muscle in his body tensed. Something was off. Lex frowned. After he had started seeing Chloe he had bowed to her wishes and hired more stringent security for the mansion and penthouse. There shouldn’t be any reason for this feeling of unease; but there it was anyway. Slowly, cautiously, Lex made his way upstairs. Instinct led him to his study, and what he saw there made the bottom drop out of his stomach before he covered his surprise with an impassive mask.

    “Clark. Is there something I can help you with?”

    Rather than look embarrassed at having been caught snooping, Clark held up the sheaf of papers he had clenched in his fist.

    “What is this, Lex?”

    “I’m disappointed, Clark.” Lex sauntered into the room, stopping halfway with his hands in his pockets, his stance deceptively casual. “I would have thought that as the new half of the great team of Lane and Kent you would at least be able to read.”

    “I’m not joking, Lex.” Clark’s voice was hard, angry. “You told me—hell, you told all of us—that you were moving on.” He shoved the papers at Lex’s chest, forcing Lex to grab them before they fell. “This isn’t fucking moving on. How long have you had this Simon Beruche guy working on finding her? A month? Two? Since the beginning? We’ve been trying to help you, and you’ve been lying to us.”

    “Careful, Clark.” Lex didn’t raise his voice, didn’t move in any way except to toss the stack of progress reports aside. “I don’t think you really want to start throwing stones about keeping secrets, do you?”

    Clark paled slightly, and his aggressive stance loosened. He took in a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.

    “Lex, I don’t think you should be getting your hopes up like this. I know it hurts, but the truth of the matter is that Chloe’s gone.”

    Lex shook his head. “She’s not.”

    Clark hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to continue. He couldn’t tell Lex the real reason that he couldn’t believe Chloe was out there somewhere. After the attack he had scanned the area more closely than the police ever could have. He had examined her car when they pulled from the river, had even flown around the area on the slim chance that he would spot her somewhere. But in all his searching he had found nothing. All of the evidence led to exactly the same conclusion that the police had reached; the men had picked up Chloe’s body and dumped it in the river, left it there to rot like so much garbage.

    “You’re going to have to accept it, Lex. This obsession you’ve developed . . . it’s not healthy.”

    Lex chuckled silently, shaking his head in disbelief. “Of course it’s not healthy.” He walked around Clark and moved to the windows, looking out of one of the few clear panes of glass. “But it’s all I have left, Clark. I know you’re all worried for my mental health. And I appreciate the concern, I really do. But if I believed that Chloe was never coming back . . .” Lex paused for a moment, and when he continued his voice was uncharacteristically strained. “It feels like I can't breathe, Clark. Do you have any idea what that's like? Do you know how hard it is to live, day after day, when you can't even fucking breathe? She is my breath.”

    Lex’s words sank slowly into Clark. He thought of all the times that Lana had been in danger, how frightened he had been that she would be taken away forever. Then his mind shifted, and he thought of Lois. If it had been Lois instead of Chloe . . . his blood ran cold at the thought. He wasn’t sure where his feelings for her had come from—especially since it seemed as if she hated him with every fiber of her being—but he knew that they were real. And if something like this happened to her, he was damn well sure that he’d go to the ends of the earth to get her back.

    “What can I do?” Lex turned around, looking at Clark as if he had grown an extra head. Clark continued. “I want to help. Tell me what to do.”

    The ghost of a smile played at Lex’s mouth for a moment before he nodded.

    “There’s really not a lot you can do, Clark. Beruche is the best there is when it comes to this. But any extra research you want to do . . . I’d appreciate it.”

    Clark nodded and pushed his glasses farther up onto the bridge of his nose. “I’ll see what I can dig up.” He tilted his head at Lex. “Have you been sleeping ok, Lex? You look tired.”

    “It’s nothing,” Lex waved the question away. “It’s just taking longer than I thought it would to get used to the sounds of country life again.”

    Clark grinned at that. “Stay at my parents’ house sometime. By morning this place will seem silent.” He glanced at his watch. “Speaking of my parents, I’d better get going. Since I’ve been in Metropolis I think my mom’s been going nuts cooking for just her and my dad. Every time I come back to visit she makes enough food to feed an army. We’re having pot roast tonight; do you want to join us?”

    “Thanks for the invitation, but I’m having dinner with Gabe tonight. I don’t see him nearly often enough since . . .”

    “Does he know? About Beruche, I mean?”

    “No. He seems to be more or less moving on, and I don’t want to hinder that if . . .” He took a deep breath. “If Beruche can’t find anything.”

    “All right. Try to get some sleep tonight, Lex. I’ll talk to you later.”

    Lex waited until Clark had left the room, then glanced at his watch. Just enough time before he was due to meet Gabe to grab a quick shower and change. Doing his best to push all thoughts of the search for Chloe from his mind, Lex walked from the study. It was time to put on another show.


    Lex gave a sigh of contentment and tightened his arms around Chloe. She was perched in his lap, her hands resting on his shoulders as she nibbled lightly on his ear. The scent of her surrounded him, dizzied his brain in a way he hadn’t even realized how much he had missed. His hands skimmed over her sides before one of them reached up to the back of her neck, pulling her back so that he could claim her mouth with his. She pressed closer against him, weaving her own arms around his neck. Lex let himself sink into the kiss, into the heat of her mouth against his. They both leaned back at the same time, and Chloe placed another, lighter kiss to his smiling lips.

    She was gone from his arms. Lex looked around in confusion; he heard a giggle and glanced towards the door just in time to see Chloe disappear through it. A smirk crept over his face. If she wanted to play hide and seek, he was more than willing. He rose from behind his desk and crossed the room with swift, sure strides, stepping through the door she had used.

    Lex looked around the Talon, scanning the crowd for Chloe’s blonde hair. He spotted it, finally, as she slipped around the corner towards the back entrance. Fighting his way through the mass of people, Lex followed her. He pushed open the back door and stepped through.

    The lingering smell of her perfume drifted through the cool air of the penthouse. A trail of clothing led him across the apartment towards the bedroom. Lex’s blood began to pump faster at the sight and, already anticipating the feeling of Chloe’s bare skin, he strode quickly towards the closed door. He paused for a moment outside, drawing out the anticipation. His hand closed around the doorknob and he turned it quickly, stepping eagerly into . . .

    The cemetery. There was a cool breeze blowing, and Lex thought vaguely that he shouldn’t have left the house without a coat. He began to walk, weaving around the tombstones as he went. It wasn’t until he stopped in front of one that he realized where he was going. His heart fell like it was tearing in two as he gently placed his bouquet of white roses on top of Chloe’s grave.

    Someone took his hand in theirs. Lex glanced down and saw the ring he had given Chloe, the one that now hung from a chain around his neck. It was back on her finger now, where it belonged. As he looked up at her she smiled sadly and gave his hand a comforting squeeze. A wave of love swept over him, so strong that he almost couldn’t stand it.

    I believe in you
    I’ll give up everything just to find you
    I have to be with you to live to breathe
    You’re taking over me

    Lex opened his eyes to the darkness of his bedroom. The satin sheets on the bed were cool against his skin; he clenched them in his fists, trying to banish the memory of Chloe’s tombstone from his mind. Unable to lie still any longer Lex threw back the covers and got up, walking out onto the balcony and looking out into the still summer night.

    The urgency that had been driving him for the past few weeks was stronger than ever now. He didn’t know how, but he had to step up the search for Chloe. There was no more time to waste.


    There were times when Lex couldn’t help but wonder where he got the drive to continue reading the business section. As it was, he couldn’t deny that since Chloe had disappeared he had been focusing less and less on work. And while he knew that that certainly wasn’t what Chloe would want, he simply couldn’t bring himself to care. It didn’t matter what he had to give up, what he had to sacrifice, so long as he got her back. If his business had to take a few hits in order for that to happen, so be it.

    Still, more through force of habit than anything else, Lex continued to keep up with the business world. He couldn’t help but smirk when he saw the article on how Lionel Luthor had engineered a hostile takeover of Harding Industries. HI had been an up-and-coming giant, and Lex found himself almost wishing he could have seen that particular battle. All the same, a wave of unease swept through him. He knew that his own business was teetering on the edge, yet there had been not even a whisper of action from Luthor Corp. This was just the sort of opportunity that Lionel would normally be jumping at, and the quiet on his father’s part was beginning to make Lex nervous.

    He shook off the feeling of unease and tossed the paper onto his desk. He would deal with Lionel when and if he made a move. For now all he could do was to try and shore up Lex Corp as best he could. Lex turned to his computer and pulled up several windows, planning on skimming over the last few quarterly reports while he waited for the call that was due from Beruche.


    Lex glanced up to see Clark standing uncertainly in the doorway. Though he smirked at the sight, Lex couldn’t ignore the feeling that something was drastically wrong. Clark hadn’t been this nervous about showing up at the manor since the first time Lex had met him. That he was obviously hesitant about being there now sent a cold shiver down Lex’s spine.

    “Clark, aren’t you supposed to be in Metropolis? This is a workday, after all.”

    “Yeah. Yeah, it is.” Clark ran a hand nervously over the back of his neck and shifted his weight. “But I . . . do you have a minute?”

    Lex nodded and gestured for Clark to come into the room. As he walked forward, Lex’s eyes fastened on the folder that Clark had clutched in his hands. Lex stood, rounding the desk to lean against it. Clark stopped a few paces away and simply stood there for a moment, apparently unsure of how to begin.

    “I found something,” he blurted out. Lex felt his spine go stiff, his breath stall in his chest.

    “You know where she is?”

    “No.” Clark shook his head, an apprehensive look still plastered over his face. “It’s not about Chloe. It’s about Simon Beruche.”

    “Beruche?” Lex frowned as the tension left his body. “Why were you looking into him?”

    “I just . . . I got a bad feeling, is all.” Clark shifted again, and Lex felt his skin start to prickle with unease. “I looked into him, and I didn’t find a whole lot. It’s like he barely even exists.”

    Lex smirked, relaxing slightly again. “He wouldn’t be able to do his job very well if everyone knew who he was, Clark. It stands to reason you wouldn’t be able to dig up too much.”

    “I know,” Clark said morosely. “But I still had that bad feeling. So . . .” He took a deep breath. “I followed him.”

    Lex’s eyebrows shot up. “You followed Simon Beruche? Christ, Clark, do you have any idea how paranoid that man is? You’re lucky you didn’t get yourself killed.”

    “I know how to keep out of sight.” Besides, people don’t generally look for people trailing them from 150 feet in the air. “I’d been following him for a few days, and I was about to just write that feeling I had off to paranoia. But then today . . .”

    The unease that had been flirting with Lex’s system rushed over him in a wave, and he felt the beginnings of a cold sweat break out on his skin when he saw the mix of sorrow and pity on Clark’s face.

    “Spit it out, Clark,” he rasped, wondering on some distant level why his voice didn’t seem to be working quite as it should.

    “I saw him talking with . . . god, Lex, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

    Clark finally held out the file that he was holding, and Lex took it with hands that he was doing his best to hold steady. He opened it and his world narrowed down onto the stack of photographs inside. It felt as if his heart had simply stalled in his chest. The small phone on his desk started to ring. Lex picked it up and answered it mechanically, never taking his eyes from the pictures he held.


    Beruche’s voice was a buzzing in his ear, one word indecipherable from another. Lex was only vaguely aware of the red that had begun to creep in at the edges of his vision as the man continued to talk, unaware of the rage sweeping through Lex’s body.

    Only one word ran through Lex’s mind as he stared at the pictures of his father and Simon Beruche.


    TBC . . .

  5. #15
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    This is how this story is making me feel :cliffhanger:

    Hope :cliffhanger:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #16
    NS Full Member Lulucifer's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Go Lex! Make them pay....

  7. #17
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    17 Sep 2003
    Revenge? REVENGE? Revenge on WHO?! Lionel? Oh please let it be Lionel! And you have to come back here and update RIGHT NOW or I'm going to get violent and believe me, it's not pretty when I get violent!!!
    :die: :die: :die:

    Or maybe I'll beg, plead, bargain, SOMETHING to get you to update soon!!! And it isn't pretty when I beg, plead, or bargain either.
    :cliffhanger: :suckup: (<----- i laughed SO hard when i saw this&#33

    Please update&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;


  8. #18
    * gina's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Dec 2002
    I just read all the parts in this series and I truly adore this fic&#33; I can&#39;t wait to see Lex take his revenge&#33; Please update soon&#33;

  9. #19
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
    Join Date
    24 Oct 2003
    I loved that update&#33;&#33; You write Lex&#39;s thoughts and emotions really, really well.

    So. Now that that&#39;s done with... how about another update? :) :) :)

  10. #20
    Just a Guest!
    Ah, revenge. Beautiful revenge. More soon please.

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