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Thread: Dorian Gray (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Silly Sphinx
    Just a Guest!

    Dorian Gray (NC-17)

    ::Screams:: Don't hurt me!!!!!!

    Summary: A new face is in town, a deceptive face. Lex claims that Dorian is a sexual predator, and a rapist. Will someone fall into his clutches before Lex is able to stop it?


    Ahem...sorry. Now that I got that out of my system, R&R SVP!

    Disclaimer: WB and DC owns Smallville and credit is owed to 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde.

    Dorian Gray
    by Silly Sphinx
    (AKA Red Ribbon Lioness)

    All of the girls at Smallville high seemed to stop and stare at the man who was languidly stolling down the hall. Clark only noticed it because both Chloe and Lana had stopped in the middle of a conversation to stare at him. Turning around, Clark raised an eyebrow and caught a smoldering look. It was obviously directed at Lana, and he was not about to go swinging fists since she was not his girlfriend, but jealousy reared its ugly head.

    Chloe and Lana shared a secretive look that Clark didn't even want to guess at its meaning. "Wow, that must be the new guy." Chloe's face turned a shade of red that was suddenly very fascinating. "Well dressed, huh?"

    Clark rolled his eyes and slammed the locker shut, "I think every girl in the hallway would agree with you on that." He chuckled and shouldered his backpack. "Now, Lit class." He reminded the two girls and headed towards the classroom.

    Settling himself into the desk, Clark pulled out books and set them on his desk. He couldn't help but be a little surprised as he was met by an intense pair of brilliant blue eyes. "Hello..." he trailed off lamely.

    "Hello." The boy's voice had was soft and it seemed like every word rolled right off of his tongue, "I am Dorian, and you are...?" He offered a hand, and a smile that showed perfect white teeth.

    "Clark. Clark Kent." He took the hand and shook it, "Nice to meet you."

    Dorian's smile seemed to transform itself into a grin, "Nice to meet you too, Clark." He said and turned in his seat to face the front as the teacher rushed in with a stack of sheets under her arm.

    "Alright, class. Pop Quiz." The entire class groaned in unison as the teacher began to hand out sheets of paper.

    It was a long class, but Clark was grateful for the bell. Throwing his things into his backpack and standing up, he was yet again met by Dorian's alluring smile. "I was wondering if you could show me around. I have not a clue where anything is."

    Clark smiled and nodded. "Sure." It was the last class of the day and as they walked out to the parking lot, they were met by Lana, Chloe and Pete. After hasty introductions, Clark spoke, "I am going to show him around town, okay?"

    "Well, I have nothing better to do, so I'll come too." Chloe piped, her eyes on Dorian.

    Dorian nodded gracefully, his head inclining. "It would be a pleasure to be graced with such lovely company." His gaze fell on Chloe and then he turned to Clark, "Shall we be off, then?"

    "Sure, if you want." Clark walked towards the parking lot, digging his keys out of his pocket, "It's going to be a little crammed." He said apologetically as he unlocked the door.

    "Well if you want, we could take my car." The other boy offered, pointing to the black BMW with tinted windows. "It is probably more spacious than this, and if you want I can drop you off later."

    Clark grinned, and Chloe 'wowed' as Dorian took his own keys out of his coat jacket and started the car by remote. "I am not used to driving such posh things, and I stick out terribly when I drive it into the school parking lot, but it is either this or I take the bus." He got into the car, and Chloe picked up the pace and got into the front passenger seat, but not before flashing Clark a grin.

    Leather interior, heated seats, air conditioning, a three disc cd player, mahogany panelling and much more dazzled and amazed Chloe, but Clark frowned. If Dorian's family was this rich, why didn't he hear about their arrival. It was a small town, and another prominent family in Smallville would set tongues wagging quicker than a humming bird could blink. "So what brings you into town?"

    "Oh, just needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. In was quite monotonous." Blue eyes held his in the reflection of the rear-view mirror. "I find once and a while I need to escape my father's bleak business ventures."

    "Sounds familiar." Clark said, staring out the window. He knew that he had caught Chloe's attention and woke the Journalist beast within her.

    "A lot like Luthorcorp." She added, smiling at Dorian.

    Dorian looked at Chloe, "Yes, I picked this town because my dear friend, Lex Luthor is said to reside here, is it true?"

    Nodding, Clark glanced at Chloe, "Yeah, he lives in the castle outside of the town."

    "I should like to go and meet him, would you mind showing me the way?" Dorian asked, and seeing Clark's hesitance, he offered, "I'll let you drive."


    So after a shuffle, Chloe was sent to the backseat, and Dorian in the passenger seat with Clark driving. He grinned like a fool as he rolled through town in the car, and finally ended at Lex's massive estate. "Here it is."

    "Good." Dorian smiled and undid the seatbelt, "I want to visit him, I am sure you know him?"

    "Yeah, he's helped us out on occasion." Clark turned the car off and got out, "He's my friend."

    Lex appeared at the door just as Clark was about to push the bell. Lex's eyes narrowed at the smiling man, his mouth turned down. "What are you doing here?" Obviously, Dorian wasn't a friend.

    "I have come to see how my dear friend is, won't you invite us inside?" Dorian asked, giving Lex a disarming smile.

    Reluctantly, Lex let them in and they stood in the entry hall to the mansion, "You haven't aged a day, Dorian."

    "I would say the same about you, my dear Mr. Luthor, but then again, that would be a lie, wouldn't it?" His voice sounded like honeyed barbs, and both Clark and Chloe were beginning to shift uncomfortably.

    "Get out." the bald man snapped, pointing to the door. "Get out of my house, Dorian. Now."

    "Well, that's no way to treat family, Lex. Since after all, we are almost family, aren't we?" Dorian narrowed his eyes.

    "Maybe we should go..." Clark spoke up, glancing from Lex to Dorian.

    Lex broke the staring contest with Dorian to look at Clark, "No, you two will stay here and I will drive you home." He commanded and then roughly took Dorian by the arm and escorted him out of the building. Slamming the door shut, he whirled on the two teens, "Do you have any idea who that man is?" He asked softly, rubbing his temples. His bad day had just turned worse.

    "Yeah, he's in my lit class."

    Giving a derisive snort, Lex walked through the old fortress, and into his office. He turned and watched as Chloe and Clark followed him slowly, "That man is 35 years old."

    "What!? You gotta be joking me!" Laughed Clark, but the smile slid off his face as he looked at Lex. The man raised non-existant eyebrows and stared at Clark.

    "I am dead serious." Opening a folder on the desk, he handed papers to both Clark and Chloe, "His family owns Gray International."

    "That's the big medical company that researches genetics and the ageing process, right?" Chloe skimmed through the pages.

    Lex gave her a curt nod, "Right. Dorian's father was David Gray, he was accused of using his own family as genetic experiments. Dorian's mother died of leukemia when he was 12, some suspected the after-affects of David's cellular meddling, but they couldn't prove it because Dorian was perfectly fine and hadn't suffered any ailments until his 18th year."

    "What happened?" Chloe asked, her eyes leaving the paper to study Lex.

    "Well, isn't it apparent? He stopped ageing." Lex leaned against the desk and crossed his ankles casually, "Now, since his father passed away, the formula for ageing went with him. No one knows how Dorian is able to stop ageing, we suspect that not even David Gray himself understood exactly what he did to his child."

    "The meteor shower?" Chloe suspected.

    Lex shrugged, "No clue. It could be a possibility, but again who knows?"

    "Another article for the wall of weird." The young woman looked at Clark, who was deep in thought, "What are you thinking, Clark?"

    "Oh. Nothing...just..." he contemplated saying it, but shook his head as he decided not to, "Never mind."

    Shifting his weight, Lex leaned his hands on the desk, "Well, I think I should take you guys home. I have a lot to do."


  2. #2
    Ummm.. .Chlex jaded-swan's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Jun 2003
    Dorian Gray!!! I love the story of dorian!!! I'm so glad you are doing a chlex piece on it! :yay:

  3. #3
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    you will continue, because i say so, and you promised smut, so you have to.

    or i'll throw a tantrum, and it won't be pretty.

    but i like it so far...and the slash isn't with lex is it? it isn't lex and clark is it? if it if, you should probably say who the slash implies.

    cuz i wanna know.

    ...........loving it.


  4. #4
    Silly Sphinx
    Just a Guest!
    Sorry...I forgot to add that.

    There are mild undertones of rape. Lex/Dorian AND Clark/Dorian.

  5. #5
    NS Full Member Pieper's Avatar
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    30 Aug 2003
    interesting story. Please update soon.

  6. #6
    Silly Sphinx
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: I decided NOT to put in the slash part with Clark thinking of Lex. Its going to change the story somewhat, so I have to go back and revise it a little...
    AND I promise that there will be SMUT in around the forth chapter. Enjoy.

    Questions swirled in his mind, and he tossed and turned in bed thinking them over. When he could no longer contain his curiosity, Clark dressed and grabbed the keys to his truck.

    "Where are you going?" His father asked from the living room where he was watching TV.

    "Just going to go out for a drive...I can't sleep."

    Jonathan nodded, "Alright, just be careful, okay?"

    He nodded and left the house, getting into his truck It was a while later that he found himself pulling into Lex's driveway. He got out of the truck and walked swiftly to the door, he felt guilty as he rang the doorbell. "Who is it?" Lex's voice called over the intercom, he sounded tired.

    "Sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to talk to you." Clark responded, there was a silence and the door's locks clicked open. He walked into the castle and made his way to Lex's office, where he knew the man kept vigil over his work in the wee hours of the morning.

    Peering over his laptop, Lex smiled, "So what do I owe this late night rendezvous?" He asked.

    Clark slumped into the chair, "How do you know Dorian, personally?"

    Lex chuckled as he rubbed the heels of his hands in his eyesockets, "We went to Met Academy together." He stretched luxiorously, and responded after settling back in his chair. "He was a pain in the ass, and a rival so to speak. We never got along." Clark knew instinctively that Lex was hiding something. As his view flickered into X-Ray vision, he could see that Lex's beating heart speeding up. "Was there anything else? I was thinking of going to bed."

    Biting his lip, Clark met Lex's eyes. "No, I'll talk to you later then." He made his exit swiftly, closing the door behind him. He got into the truck and drove home, 'Lex, you are hiding something from me.' the young man thought, frowning.

    Later that night, Clark lay in bed listening to the house settle. His thoughts spun so quickly that it was making him fusterated for milling out the same answers time and time again. The look on Lex's face when Dorian met him, scared him. He never seen him that furious and he had seen Lex in a lot of different modes. Rolling over onto his side, Clark let out a loud sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

    He jerked awake when his alarm clock starting buzzing obnoxiously. Slamming his fist down on the clock, he heard the plastic crack and yanked his hand away before completely destroying yet another alarm clock. Clark climbed out of bed and literally stumbled into his jeans and t-shirt.

    "Morning, son." Jonathan called cheerfully from the kitchen as he trudged down the stairs.

    Giving his father a sleepy smile, he slumped into the chair and yawned. "We need a new alarm clock." He said, not completely done yawning. Filling a glass of orange juice, he gulped it down greedily and filled it again.

    "Another one? That is the third one in a month, and it's only the 15th! You are going to have to start putting money towards them, or start waking up when I do." Jonathan warned his son over his newspaper.

    "Hey Dad, what do you know about Gray International?" Clark asked, taking a bite of toast and setting it on his plate.

    "They are heavy into cosmetics, and ageing. Why?" Jonathan set his paper down and took a sip of coffee.

    Clark shrugged, "Because the Grays have moved here from Metropolis."

    "No they haven't, the Grays have lived here for as long as I can remember. They were a contributing factor to the clean-up after the meteor shower." Martha corrected him, carrying her plate of toast and coffee to the table.

    If the Gray family were here during the meteor shower, was there a possibility that Dorian could have been affected by the mysterious meteor? Clark asked himself. Deep in thought, he took a bite of his toast and chewed slowly.

    "What's on your mind, son?" His father asked, leaning his elbows on the table.

    "Oh nothing, I met Dorian at school the other day."

    Martha raised an eyebrow and looked at Jonathan and then back to her son, "I didn't know Dorian taught there."

    "No, he's a student there." Clark snapped out of his thoughts and watched his mother raise an eyebrow.

    Martha smiled and responded, "Clark, Dorian must be going on his late thirties by now." She took a sip of her coffee and continued, "He helped out when the meteors hit."

    So it must've been the meteors that triggered the genetic reconstruction, Clark thought, taking another bite of his toast. "It must be another Dorian, then."

    "Do you think that maybe the meteors did something to him...maybe to keep him from ageing?" Jonathan asked, peering at his son intently.

    Clark shrugged, "Might be. Lex told me that Dorian's father, David was working on an experiment and had his son and wife involved. She died of Luekemia, but he lived. It was said that he was blamed for his wife's death, but how could that be if Dorian lived?" Now he was wondering out loud, and his parents were listening to every word.

    "You are becoming more of a journalist every day, Clark." Chuckled his father, who got up from the table and set his cup in the sink. Kissing his wife, he said his goodbyes and left for the barn.

    He gave his mother a lopsided grin before following his father out of the house to do the morning chores. Clark stopped and could do nothing but be surprised as Lex's flashy sports car sped into the driveway. He got out of the car, smiling in all of his magnificent glory. As he walked towards Clark, he gave a curt nod of greeting to Jonathan who quickly disappeared around the corner of the house. "It's 7:30 in the morning, Lex...I didn't think you even knew what morning looked like." Joked Clark as he pulled on his work gloves.

    "So this is what a Saturday morning looks like. I thought it would have been a little less shiny." Lex squinted at the sun before turning his gaze on Clark. "I was thinking about what you asked me last night, and I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't hurt to tell you about the precarious relationship Dorian and I have. Come over to my place tonight, maybe around 8 o'clock, alright?"

    Clark nodded, "You know, I do have a phone, you could have called."

    "I have somewhere to be in around fifteen minutes ago." He walked towards the car, his car keys jingling, "Clark, the world doesn't revolve around you, you know."

    He gave a snicker and called to the man, "What was I thinking...you are the one the world revolves around."

    Lex grinned and opened the car door, "Now you're learning." He responded before getting into the car and speeding off down the road.

    Clark chuckled as he walked to the barn, thinking of Lex's witicisms. He was a really funny guy once he knew a person. With a demeanor that would relax even the most nervous person, but if the theme suited him, he could make that person want to run screaming from the room. He had a powerful, commanding aura and even without speaking could grasp someone's attention just by looking at them. Shaking his head, Clark went into the barn and began the ritualistic Saturday chores.


    "You know, you had me before, but I won't let you touch them, Dorian." Lex said calmly from across the table.

    Dorian raised his eyes from the menu and smiled, "I am doing nothing. My intentions were pefectly innocent, Mr. Luthor."

    Lex leaned back, his fingers steepled and his chin resting on his thumbs, "I know precisely what you want, Dorian. I know that you showed up in town, hoping that you could find someone to dig your claws in, but it won't happen. I'll tear your empire down around your ears if you mess with me." His voice was low and deadly, only Dorian could hear what he said.

    Only someone like Dorian would have the audacity to laugh in the heir of Luthorcorp's face, and he did just that. "My, my, reduced to strong-arming me now, Lex? Seriously, you know me better than that." They paused their discussion to order and turned back to business when the waitress left, "I am just looking at the fresh faces here in Smallville."

    "No, you are looking for fresh meat." Lex retorted, hissing under his breath, "Listen to me, Dorian. You come near any of those people and I will make sure that your life is a living hell. This is not a threat, its a promise. I can't sit by and watch you prey over them like you did to me."

    The man sat back and rested one arm on the chair rest. "Tending the innocent sheep like a faithful sheperd, right Lex?" He lifted his hand to his mouth and rubbed his bottom lip, "And here I thought that you liked what I did to you. You were pretty convincing at the time."

    Lex grit his teeth to keep from loosing control. The man's non-chalant attitude made him want to tear his head off and shove it up his prosterior, but a Luthor was not drop himself to the level of muscling anyone to have their way. It would take cunning, well thought out planning, and swift vengeance. Those were the tools of the powerful Luthors, and they were keener and sharper than any blade. His father's lessons kept him in check with his irrational ideas, much to his chagrin. He looked into Dorian's blue eyes and smiled. Taking a sip of his red wine, he set the glass down without breaking the eye contact. "You touch them, Dorian and I will kill you with my very own hands."

    "I think that's a challenge." Dorian grinned, his eyes followed the pretty young waitress as she came towards them, plates of food in her hands, "Oh good, the food is here. I am ravenous."

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Silly Sphinx
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: I usually don't lay the cards on the table so quickly, but I am anxious to see what people think. This is my very first Smallville fiction...soooo R&R SVP! Feedback is always appreciated, and it bloates my already swollen ego did I admit that out loud?

    It was five past eight when Clark pulled into the drive way of Lex's manor. He got out of the truck and stuffed the keys in his pockets before making his way to the front door. Lex opened it before he could ring the bell, and ushered him quickly inside.

    They chatted casually about random things as they sat on the couch, music playing softly in the background. Finally, it was Clark that breeched the subject first. Setting his elbows on his knees, Clark looked over at Lex and frowned, "So tell me, what is it between you and Dorian?" he asked and took his glass of cola from the coffee table.

    "Well," Lex sighed noisly and sat back, his arm resting on the top of the couch, "We went to boarding school together and at the time I was unaware of Dorian's true age. Not even the teachers knew how old he really was, or if they did they didn't tell anyone.

    Anyways, he and I became close friends. Both of us believed that we had a lot in common. We both had incredibly powerful companies within our grasp, fathers that despised us and lots of money to spend. One night we were at a party and he drugged my drink. I didn't know it until later on, when some of his conspirators confessed. But, I woke that morning completely oblivious to the fact that he had raped me. I couldn't believe that I was naked in the same bed as him....it was all that I wrapped my mind around, not the possibility that maybe my friend was more of an enemy than anyone else in the world."

    Clark's mouth had dropped open, and he forgot about the drink in his hand until Lex stopped to take a breath. "So you went on believing that...you were gay...and that you and he were...were..." He spluttered and took a drink. Not trusting his hands, Clark put the cup on the table before he slopped any on himself or Lex.

    "Again, you presume, Clark." Lex smiled, "Not gay...I like women. I do. Just a victim perhaps?" He suggested calmly, "Dorian is a sexual predator. He's in that highschool to get something, or someone. I don't want to think what he'll do if he gets a hold of Lana, Chloe, or even Pete or you...but I know he'll try something. He always does."

    "How did you take it, I mean, afterwards? You said that you didn't find out until later."

    Taking his own drink from the table with considerably more control, Lex took a sip, "I secretly denied that I had even done anything with another male. Dorian obliged my reluctance to discuss it, and we drifted apart somewhat. I didn't like the fact that if my father found out, or if this was leaked into the press, I would certainly never gain a hold on the company that my father has now." he snorted loudly, and stared at the remants of liquor in his cup, "It was completely natural to be so defiled by a wolf in sheep's clothing." His voice quivered for a second, and then the usual over-confident, impervious Lex was back and smiling at Clark.

    Clark cleared his throat and found the words he was searching for after closing and opening his mouth repeatedly, "What happened after you found out?"

    Abruptly Lex stood, and walked over to the bar to refill his glass with scotch. "I almost killed him." He took the crystal stopper of the decanter and poured a unusually large amount into his glass before setting it back on the bar and restopping it. "I did something that I have never done to another human being before. I struck him with my fist. Someone dragged me off of him, I don't know who but by the time I was completely out of the room, I had broken his jaw, nose and burst an eardrum in the process of dislocating his knee, breaking two ribs-one of which knicked his lung and he caught pnuemonia from it, and bruising his brain bad enough that he was in a coma for two days." He listed off the injuries from memory, almost proud of the damage he had done. "After that, I never spoke to him." Lex said simply, sitting back down on the sofa.


    Clark sat in his fortress, staring out across the farm yard. He had a vacant look on his face as he thought deeply about what Lex had said, and his own feelings about the situation. The thought of being violated by another man was enough to send shivers down his spine.

    "Hey, Clark...You up there?" It was Chloe.

    He looked at her as she climbed the stairs, she was decked out in a light sun dress that was white with red flowers. Her hair was flipped out nicely and she had make-up on, "Hey, why are you all decked out?" He asked, turning back to stare out the window.

    "Well, crawling through this barn in the Sunday's best sorta sounded fun." Chloe retorted light heartedly.

    Clark grinned weakly and turned around to lean against the railing, "Party?"

    She blushed, "With Dorian."

    "After all that Lex had told you, you still want to go out with this guy? He's a 35 year old man!" Clark frowned, and walked over to her desk, "Do you think that he's interested in you because of your personality? Or maybe its the fact that he just wants to get laid?"

    Chloe narrowed her eyes, "He invited me out to company party after I questioned him about his age. He was completely open with it, and told me how old he really was. Dorian promised me that he would take me out and he wouldn't try anything! But why do you care, Clark? All you do is mope about and dream about Lana! You have to make sure that everyone else is miserable too?" She snapped, stabbing her finger at his chest, "Get a life, Clark!" Chloe stomped down the stairs, before he had a chance to answer.

    He ran out of the barn, just in time to see the black BMW speed out of the driveway. Getting into his own truck, he sped down the road, turning off to Lex's castle. "Lex!" Clark pounded on the door, shifting from foot to foot in his anxiety.

    "What's wrong, Clark?" Lex opened the door and frowned at Clark.

    "She has gone to a party with him!"

    Grabbing his keys from his pocket, Lex ran out of the house with Clark at his heels, "How long ago was it?" He got into the car and waited for the other man to get inside before speeding onto the road.

    "It was probably 15 minutes ago. She came to speak to me and then left in his car."

    Lex gripped the steering wheel and pressed on the gas, they sped through the contryside until finally they neared a sprawled out mansion, hidden in the dip of a hill. "If anything happens to her, I'll kill him!" He hissed, Clark pretended not to hear and soon forgot the comment as they pulled into the driveway.

    "Sir, this is invitation only." A man greeted them at the doorway.

    "Greet this." Clark punched him, the man slid into a boneless heap against the wall, other people entering the building gasped and sidled away from the duo.

    They ran into the building, body guards were everywhere but Lex knew that they had already been notified to stand down. "Keep calm, Kent." He said under his breath as they walked passed crowds of people, dressed immaculately.

    "What is this all about?" Dorian asked, seemingly materializing from behind a wall of black suited men.

    "You know what this is about, Dorian. Where is she?" Lex asked, his voice was dangerously low.

    "Mr. Luthor! I am so delighted to see that you have made it! And with a surprise guest, Mr. Kent!" With a guesture, the bodyguards moved out of the way and both Clark and Lex followed the man down a set of dark stairs. "Chloe will be delighted to see you." He kept the sickly sweet facade up until they were down at the bottom of the stairs.

    Pushing the door open, Clark didn't know what to expect. It was like a dungeon. People stood and stared as they entered the room, their identities were concealed behind black feathered masks. As they neared the table, they saw Chloe laying lifeless and naked, her hands, feet and mouth bound by silk rope. Lex shoved his way past the other young man, and with shaky hands began to untie the ropes. "I'm going to get you out, Chloe..." Lex whispered softly in her ear, as he wrapped her in the silk sheet she was set on and cradled her in his arms.

    "Now, you honestly don't think I am going to let you go, do you?" Dorian asked, standing in the middle of the room with his arms folded.

    "You will if you know what's good for you." Clark growled, clenching his fists at his side.

    Dorian threw back his head and laughed petulantly, "Please do inform us what you will be doing." He raised a blond eyebrow at the two.

    He couldn't possibly hit anyone without drawing attention to himself, so Clark stood silently looking at Lex. In a silent agreement, Lex charged for the door, Clark shoved off anyone who tried to get at the man desperately holding the unconscious girl. "Go!" Clark called, watching the man run up the stairs.

    "What a dear sweet child, sacrificing himself for the sake of his friends." Dorian purred, the crowd parting as he stepped closer. "I wonder if you will try and follow, Clark." He leaned in, hissing in his ear.

    Clark gave the man a puzzled frown, "What are you talking about?"

    "Lex...he's such a handsome man, isn't he? I had him you know."

    "You raped him." Clark corrected him, trying not to shy away from the man.

    The man leaned even closer, his lips brushing Clark's earlobe, "How can you rape the willing?"

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    I knew that Dorian had raped Lex!!! Poor Lex!!

  10. #10
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