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Thread: Thank You (PG-13)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Thank You (PG-13)

    TITLE: Thank you.
    DISCLAIMER: if they were mine, that’s the way “Asylum” would have ended.
    A/N : ok guys, sorry for those of you who’ve been waiting for a new chapter of “toute la vérité”, I just needed to get that short piece out of my system before doing anything else. Here’s the deal: I’ve just seen “Asylum” (I know, I said I didn’t know what happened in the third season, but let’s say I decided to make an exception for this one, and I’m glad about it) and can I say how much I hated and loved this episode at the same time? Didn’t think it was possible. Anyway, here’s my version of what should have happened at the end of the episode. This fic starts right after the last Clark/Lex scene. Oh, BTW, did anybody enjoy the angry Lionel sight at the very end as much as I did? I mean... what a bastard (yeah, we already knew that, but still...), what he put his son through, then realizes if he hadn’t done that he’d had a chance to discover Clark’s secret... serves him right for all he’s ever done to Lex! I’m gonna stop rambling now. Let’s start with the fic (at last&#33 :biggrin:

    “You know, Clark, there is one thing I’ll never forget.”
    Clark felt his heartbeat increase. ‘Please, don’t let him remember...’ He turned to face Lex. When he saw the look on his friend’s face, he understood. He didn’t know how it was possible given what he’d been through, but the billionaire remembered... there was only one thing that could have brought this much seriousness and accomplishment in his friend’s features.
    “What’s that?”
    “How important your friendship is to me.”
    Clark didn’t know how he managed to hold back a relieved sigh, but he did. He watched, stunned, as Lex walked toward him and hugged him. Showing emotions was something he’d fast learnt wasn’t associated to Lex Luthor. When he pulled back, he offered him a small smile and finally left the room.
    Once Clark had left the room, Lex let the smirk he’d been concealing for the past few minutes show on his lips. Oh... how he loved messing with his friend’s mind!
    Lex’s smirk quickly disappeared as he thought back on the recent events... yes, the recent events. He remembered everything that had happened in the past few days. Including discovering he’d always been right about Clark. Including his father’s involvement – not that he should be surprised. Including the fact that if he ever told anyone he knew what had happened, he would most likely have a very nasty and very lethal accident.
    And most of all, including the feeling of betrayal he’d felt when Clark had decided not to tell him the truth... once more.
    He’d throw as many hints as he could, even saying how grateful he was to his father for trying to help him, but still the farmboy had stood there, not saying a thing, not showing a thing... well... actually, more trying not to show a thing, because his look when he’d faced him and asked him what he’d never forget was something Lex would definitely remember until his last breath.
    He understood Clark didn’t want to tell him his secret. He really, truly did. He knew he wasn’t considered as trustworthy, and it was only logical that someone would hide something like that from him, even his best friend. But it didn’t hurt any less.
    Sighing, he took a sip of the drink he’d just poured himself but put the glass back on the table when his housekeeper came in.
    “Sir, there’s a Miss Sullivan here to see you.”
    He raised his eyebrows, wondering what she was doing here. Probably come to discuss some business. Because it’s all it was about, with her. Business. It wasn’t at all about the growing attraction he hadn’t forgotten either. It wasn’t about the way her smile could lit up a room. And it wasn’t at all about the fact that he’d been betrayed too many times by a woman to allow her in. Of course not.
    “Show her in.”
    The housekeeper merely nodded and left. Less than a minute later Chloe walked in and offered him a smile he could only think of as... shy? Since when did Chloe Sullivan do shy?
    It seemed she had something to tell him but didn’t know where to start. He waited patiently for her to make up her mind, knowing it would be harder for her if he didn’t ask questions, but also knowing he enjoyed the sight of a normally self-assured woman looking like she was wondering if she shouldn’t run away. It was kinda... endearing.
    “I... your housekeeper told me Clark was here before I arrived.”
    “He was.”
    Chloe rolled her eyes. Damnit, wasn’t he going to make things easier for her? She looked directly at him for the first time since she’d got in. Noticing the obvious amusement in his eyes, she instantly knew the answer. Nope. Fine! She’d do it his way.
    “What did he tell you?”
    Lex hid a frown by turning his back to her to take his glass. What was she getting at?
    “Other than he was glad I was back?”
    “Nothing, really.”
    He turned again to face her and raised the glass to his lips, sliding his other hand in his pocket. She looked stunned.
    “What do you mean ‘nothing’?”
    “I mean he didn’t tell me anything that could explain your present behaviour. Are you fine, Chloe?”
    “God! I can’t believe he didn’t tell you! Well, that’s Clark for you, I was half expecting this. But still, I thought he would, seeing as how he’s your friend and all...”
    “Chloe, what are you talking about?”
    She looked shocked that he had dared interrupting her during one of her rants, but then her expression softened and she asked:
    “You don’t remember anything, do you?”
    This time, Lex didn’t try to hide his frown and he shook his head, lying easily.
    “Why don’t you tell me why you’re here?”
    Chloe hesitated for a second. She wasn’t sure he’d believe her, he had no reason to do so, but she had to do it. She couldn’t stand the idea of anyone being lied to the way he’d been... and it was even worse when it was someone she’d come to respect and care about in the space of a few weeks.
    “I came to tell you what really happened. I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you that, Lex, but... your dad had you drugged. He’s the one whose responsible for your commitment, for your loss of memory, for almost everything that’s happened to you in a month.”
    “For almost everything that’s happened to me in two decades, actually.”
    Chloe nodded once. Just like everybody else in this state, she knew Lex Luthor’s history. It was true that... it then occurred to her that he didn’t seem upset by what she’d just told him.
    But before she had time to finish her sentence, Lex shrugged and cut her off – it was fast becoming a habit of his.
    “Doesn’t matter. Tell me what you know, Chloe.”
    “It’s not much. Nothing really specific. Only that what you were told isn’t the truth. That your dad took the risk of damaging your brain to make you lose your memory – which worked, by the way, and... I have something to show you.”
    He motioned for her to go on, so she took a videotape out of her bag and handed it to him. When he raised a questioning eyebrow, she shrugged.
    “You should watch it.”
    “I assume you’ve already seen it.”
    When she just nodded, he walked away from her and toward the video equipment at the other end of the room. She followed him and sat down next to him on the couch, wanting to see the images once more. Actually, she wanted to see them until she believed that they were real, which meant watching it over and over again, a few times a day, until her 50th birthday. Lex hit the play button and watched with amazement as the white and black video appeared on the screen and he could see and hear the conversation he’d had with Clark a little over a week earlier.
    “Clark... I was wondering if I’d ever see you again.”
    “I’ve been trying to visit you for the last month. The doctor said you weren’t ready to see anyone... you okay?”

    Lex stopped the tape at this moment. Chloe raised her eyebrows. She’d thought curiosity would get the better of him, as it had for her. She spoke up after a few seconds of an awkward silence.
    “There’s more.”
    “I know.”
    How the hell could he...? He was probably just playing one of his mind games with her, there was no other possible explanation. It’d been hard – even close to impossible – for her to get her hands on this video and to improve the sound, and she knew the only other person who’d got it was Lionel Luthor. She hadn’t been able to prevent him – well... his security guards actually – from finding it.
    Lex could read in her eyes that she didn’t believe him. Well, if she needed a proof... He quoted:
    “‘I know your secret, Clark.’ That’s when our common friend looks up at the camera with worry and I tell him ‘don’t worry, I haven't said a word to anyone.’”
    Chloe’s eyes widened as realisation drowned over her and she whispered:
    “You remember...”
    He simply nodded.
    He shrugged.
    “I have no idea. I just do.”
    She nodded, letting him know she accepted his answer as a valid one even though it didn’t completely satisfy her. She was still trying to process what he’d just told her when he spoke.
    “Thank you.”
    She shook herself out of her thoughts and locked eyes with him, knowing he could read confusion in hers.
    “What for?”
    “For telling me the truth. You’re the only one who’s done it for me.”
    “You’re welcome.”
    She stood up to leave, but he did too and caught her arm, making her turn around to face him.
    “Why did you do it?”
    She lowered her gaze, refusing to meet his eyes, refusing to let him read the real reason – that she liked him and didn’t want to see him get hurt by trying to figure out what had happened to him.
    “I thought you deserved the truth.”
    He nodded, letting her believe her answer was enough for him, and released her arm. Relieved that he didn’t press the matter, she walked to the door, but just as she was about to reach out for the handle, he called her back from where he was, next to the couch.
    “Since we’re playing the truth game, why don’t you tell me why you really did it?”
    “What makes you think I didn’t do it for the reason I just gave you?”
    “The fact that you didn’t face me when saying it among others.”
    A small smile graced her lips at that. He was way too smart for his own good, and read people way too easily for hers. She turned, not wanting to let him know he was right, and saw him coming closer to her.
    “Just because you Luthors always have an ulterior motive doesn’t mean other people do as well.”
    “Of course it does. It’s just that sometimes, those people aren’t aware of it. Not that it’s a bad thing.”
    He was dangerously close to her now and she had to focus all her thoughts on their conversation in order not to wonder too much what his lips tasted like.
    “How does the fact that you don’t do good for the sake of it can not be bad?”
    She’d first noticed there seemed to have a certain tension around them whenever they were together when she’d come to ask for his help, but she had been unable to recognize it. But now... well, now, she knew for sure what it was. His voice was husky when he answered. She was glad to see that she wasn’t the only one affected by their proximity.
    “Because if your ulterior motives are what I hope they are, only good things can come out of it.”
    “Really? Like what?”
    She didn’t even know how she managed to speak when he was so close to her that his scent was overwhelming her senses.
    “Like that.”
    And with that he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She let out a surprised gasp, a fact he took full advantage of, gently pushing his tongue into her mouth. She moaned softly at the sensation. Even as she pressed herself against his body, their kiss remained slow... so how could she explain the way they both panted when they pulled apart? And why did her heart feel like it was going to break her chest? She opened her eyes to stare into his and smiled hesitantly. He released his grip on her and for the first time in months, a real smile graced his features.
    “Thank you, Chloe.”
    She silently nodded and he watched as she left, the smile never leaving his lips.


  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    that’s the way “Asylum” would have ended.
    Yeah, Chloe would never keep quiet if something like that happened to one of her friends - or even just one of her acquaintances, come to think of it. Let's hope the WB wisens up to that in the next episode.

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Originally posted by sylvia@Jan 21 2004, 07:03 AM
    Yeah, Chloe would never keep quiet if something like that happened to one of her friends - or even just one of her acquaintances, come to think of it. Let's hope the WB wisens up to that in the next episode.
    I completely agree.

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    That was great. :clap:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    Great fic - and I totally agree with the sentiments that that's how Asylum should have ended because Chloe wouldn't let something like that go.

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    What a beautiful story!! That is so the way the episode should have ended!! But isn't Lex worried now for Chloe's safety? Please write a sequel!! :biggrin: :chlexsign3: :biggrin:

  7. #7
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Thank You (PG-13)

    that was great i realy enjoyed reading it.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member ~*~Tasha~*~'s Avatar
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    Re: Thank You (PG-13)

    Now this was a MUCh better way for this episode to end!!

  9. #9
    NS Full Member Nonhalema's Avatar
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    Re: Thank You (PG-13)

    Loved it...great work...

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: Thank You (PG-13)

    That was awesome!
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
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    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

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