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Thread: Surge - Complete

  1. #21
    * gina's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Dec 2002
    Aww, so cute that Chloe's thinking of Lex in her sleep

    I'm very curious to see where this is going... please upate soon

  2. #22
    NS Full Member Gemkat5's Avatar
    Join Date
    30 Sep 2003
    At least Lucas didn't have to suffer through the entire flick!!! :biggrin: Lex needs to get his butt back to Chloe and give her something to REALLY dream about! More Chlex!!!! :chlexsign1: Great fic by the way!!!! Update soon!


  3. #23
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Manila, Philippines
    Thanks for reading despite the slow updates

    V. Lex

    Chloe shivered under her thick jacket. She held the cold metal in stiff hands, carefully turning the cylinder at the end to focus on the blurry spot of light that stood out against the black velvet sky.

    “Do you see it?”

    “That’s a little hard to do considering I have the phone clutched at the crook of my neck and the telescope in my hands. But I’m getting there,” she answered. “But I appreciate the thought. It’s very ‘Somewhere Out There.’”

    Lex’s voice on the phone was still silky even as he laughed. “I’m looking at the same star right now. I know that deep down, you’re a romantic, Sullivan.”

    “And that’s why I said I appreciate your effort, Lex.”

    “You don’t sound like a woman melting under the intense glare of romance,” he commented.

    “Maybe I will be if I weren’t on the rooftop of your building, with a cellphone and a telescope, desperately looking for a star that’s supposed to bring me closer to the man I’m in love with, but really won’t.”

    “Maybe,” he replied, “it would help if you really saw the star, Chloe.”

    “Oh really. Well thank you very much, Lex. Unlike you, I didn’t not spend most of my childhood looking up at the sky. I’m not used to doing this. I can’t just conjure up a star no matter how much a girl inside me wants to experience being foolish and sickeningly sweet with you.”

    “You were always looking down on the ground, looking for stray meteor rocks.”

    “Not always,” she sighed. “I’m sorry. I just miss you so much. I was so excited at the prospect of acting like an idiot, staring up at the sky and knowing that even as far away as we are, we’re connected by that stupid senseless dot. Together.”

    “You’re frustrated.”

    “And I’m freezing my ass off.”

    “Maybe I can help you,” he offered.

    “Oh really,” she responded, a bit exasperated by the situation. It was never this hard. She’d been in love before. Despite the eternal insecurity that came with being involved with Clark Kent, she had not experienced the same highs and lows that being with Lex brought her. She had felt as abandoned with Clark longing for Lana as with Lex leaving for work. “How would you do that, Lex? Are you going to call your brother from the ground floor and ask him to set the telescope for me?”

    “I’m starting with your ass, Chloe.” Her breath caught when she felt warmth around her. Soon, another body was pressed against her, one so familiar that the simple act of his moving against her brought tears to her eyes. Gentle, cool hands removed the phone from her shoulder. His lips teased her ear when he murmured, “I hope I’m warming you.”

    She sniffled as answer.

    Chloe could not move. His hands soon curved around the telescope. With swift, precise movements, Lex manipulated the lens and Chloe was looking at the brilliant star. It would have been clear had moisture not flooded her eyes. She didn’t care about the star anymore. She didn’t even care that she was on the rooftop of LuthorCorp. Right now, Lex was so close, and they were finally alone together.

    She pushed away from the telescope and turned in his arms. His eyes smiled down at her. Chloe bit her lip and grabbed his face with both of her hands, pulling him down to catch his lips in a long and lingering kiss. “I’m never going to allow you to leave me again for such a long time, Lex,” she gasped. “I hope you know that.”

    Lex’s lips brushed the edges of her mouth, her cheeks, her eyelids. “I missed you too.”

    “That’s good,” she answered.

    “I take it Lucas was not an interesting companion.”

    “Lucas was fine. But he’s not you.”

    Lex wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “I still have to thank him for watching out for you.”

    They had been apart for so long. Chloe did not have the urge to talk about his brother. “So you’re really not leaving again?”

    “Not unless you agree to come with me,” he promised.

    Chloe nodded, satisfied. “Come on. We have to go home. And please send your brother home. I think I can take care of you for the night.”

    Lex closed his other hand around hers as they headed towards the elevator.


  4. #24
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    That was a gorgeous chapter!!!

    Chloe was absolutely spot on! She's not comforted by hypothetical romantic notions - she needs her man with her, and she needs him now!!! I loved Lex turning up to warm her arse! :lol: What a classic!

    I can't wait to see Chloe "taking care" of Lex! :satanwink: so update soon!

  5. #25
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    *sniff* that just brought a tear to my eye *sniff*

    *sigh* That was such a beautiful chapter *sniff*

    Damn, I'm going need a hanky. *sniff*

  6. #26
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Oh wow that was :crygreen: beautiful just beautiful. :crygreen:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #27
    hide the rum randa's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    that was so sweet :blush:
    so it would be much appreciated if you so and write another chapter and post it as soon as possible *g*
    loved it


  8. #28
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Manila, Philippines
    VI. Lex’s Dream

    Back to the time of the party

    His hawk eyes immediately recognized the change. Lucas kept his eyes trained on Chloe as she made her way to the party. Lucas walked slowly. Quick movements told potential enemy that he was losing control. With his eyes, he spoke to the guards posted. Something shattering had happened. Chloe was heading straight towards it.

    He followed closely behind her. The moment he saw the party, he knew. People were in groups speaking loudly, speaking fast. Lucas searched the crowd for his brother and saw him in a close meeting with Senator Kelly.

    As if he felt her, Lex’s eyes rose to the doorway where Chloe stood in front of Lucas. Lucas saw how the lines of his brother’s face smoothened at the sight of his fiancé. Lucas understood the effect. Chloe was the most beautiful woman his brother had ever dated. Lex’s hand rose to call her attention. Once she saw Lex, Chloe brightened. She made her way down the steps towards Lex.

    Lucas saw Lex’s attention shift momentarily from Chloe to him. Lex nodded in thanks and Lucas merely grinned. It was not as if Lex thought that Chloe would not listen to him. Lucas would not have stopped until Chloe forgave Lex. It was the part of his job that Lucas would make certain he performed well.

    Lex excused himself from the senator and headed towards Chloe. Lucas walked a few feet away.

    “Can we talk?” Lex asked Chloe.

    Lucas followed as the two of them made their way through the crowd. He stopped outside the French doors that led to the balcony. Often, Lex made it very hard to protect him. He told his men to scan the perimeter because Lex was out in open air, exposed to lurkers outside. Lucas melted into the shadows.

    He watched the way Lex wrapped his arms around Chloe, and the way that his brother kissed her ear. The two talked quietly. He saw how Chloe’s eyes grew moist at something that Lex said. The breeze carried bits of their conversation to him.

    “—a fool to have said—“

    “You were.”

    “—can think of nothing else I would rather be… moment I met you, I knew you would be special. And then when I saw again… the mother of my children—“

    “I don’t want you to think you’re trapped, Lex. But it happened, and I won’t pretend that I’m sad about it.”

    “And I’m not. Thinking about it, about having a baby with you, fills me with an amazing sense of peace. In fact,” Lex took a deep breath. “Our party’s candidate has pulled out of the race. Senator Kelly was talking to me about running in his place.”

    “It’s your first time running for public office,” Chloe said.

    “But I apparently have everything they need from a successful candidate—the money, the charisma, the popularity, the leadership experience.”

    Chloe nodded. Even Lucas, immersed in the dark, agreed. Lex had all of these and more. Thinking of everything in store for his brother in the future, he knew that Lex had the world.

    “But I told him that my life will be devoted to my family. And I’m not running for presidency.”

    “Lex,” she gasped. Chloe’s hands cupped his face.

    The mobile in his pocket rang. Lucas moved away from the balcony.

    “It’s your dream.”

    Lex shook his head. “You’re my dream. And I’m not giving up what could be a beautiful life with you for a term or two in the White House.” He laid his palms on her stomach. “I’d rather be there to watch my baby’s first steps. I want to be the first man in the baby’s life, not Lucas. My brother’s been around you more often than I have the past year. And I hate that. I hate not being with you.”

    Chloe gave him a tremulous smile. “I don’t want to be the reason why you never became what you’re meant to be, Lex.”

    “And what’s that?”

    “The most powerful man on earth.”

    “I already am, Chloe. With you, the universe pulses through me.” He took her hand and placed it over his chest. “Feel my heart, Chloe?” She nodded. It pounded heavily under her palm. “That’s the effect you have on me. I won’t ever be as fulfilled in office as I would be with you.”

    She shook her head. “I won’t be selfish, Lex. I won’t leave you if you decide to run.”

    “I would love to be president,” he admitted. “As a child I’ve dreamed of being one. But I’ve found a better dream. And I don’t have enough room for the country because this heart is too full of you.”

    “I’m depriving close to more than two hundred eighty million people the right to have the best leader they can have,” she said softly, smiling. “But I don’t feel guilty at all.”

    Lex grinned and kissed the edge of her lips. “Good. Because you own me, Chloe. When I gave you my heart, I gave you all of me.”

    “I love you, Lex,” she breathed.

    Lex gazed at her face illuminated by light. She was lovely, and she glowed either with her pregnancy or with her happiness at his decision. Suddenly, a shadow blocked the light. The two of them looked at the doorway.

    A grim Lucas stood there with his mobile phone in hand.

    Lex’s brows furrowed. “What is it?”

    “My security head found one of the windows upstairs broken. I sent two more people for confirmation and they are looking around for the intruder. We need to evacuate you, Lex.”

    Lex tightened his arm around Chloe. “All right. I want you to take Chloe outside.”

    “Come with us now, Lex,” Chloe said.

    “I will. But I’ll give Senator Kelly my answer first. I will not have this threat hanging around us.” Lex placed a kiss on Chloe’s palm and closed her hand around it.

    Lucas nodded and took Chloe’s hand. “My car, Lex. You are the main target and we don’t know what they could have done to yours.” Lucas calmly walked Chloe out of the party. Before they passed through the door, Lucas told his men to converge around Lex.

    Outside, they headed to the black Honda briskly. Chloe turned around, focusing on the door, waiting for Lex to walk out. “Lucas, make sure the backseat is empty. Remove your jacket and put it in the trunk. Lex and I are staying there.”

    Lucas quickly opened the door and took his bag and jacket out. He placed both in the trunk and looked at Chloe. She seemed apprehensive. “Do you want me to get him? You’ll have to lock yourself in the car.”

    Chloe nodded and looked at him. “Will you?”

    Lucas started back to the house. His instincts glued his feet to the ground. He looked up at the house. One second, he saw Lex, surrounded by the bodyguards, walking out and heading towards them. The next, there was an explosion that came from the house. The force threw them several feet away from the source. Even Lucas found himself facedown on the ground. When he looked at Chloe, he saw her half-sitting on the ground, bleeding from cuts all over her body, staring mutely at the scene in front of her.

    He felt himself grow cold all over. Lex’s twisted body lay in a bloody heap in the middle of shards of glass and wood.


  9. #29
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.
    :crygreen: Oh! Oh! Oh! How could you!?!!! There I was all happy thinking that Lex was being so wonderful and that everything was now gonna be alright and then you go and blow him up!!! :crygreen: Oooooh I knew as soon as he didn't follow them that something would happen.....ohhh I hope you realise I'm not gonna be able to sleep now! Oh my poor Lexy!!!

  10. #30
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    Catheryne!!! After that lovely scene about family and commitment you go and do this!! :crygreen: Please, please let Lex be okay.

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