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Thread: How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

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    How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

    I straddled the line between Lana like and Lana not like. How'd I do? Enjoy.

    Title: How We Never Met Series = Part 11 - "Something Unique"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13 (slight language)

    Category: Friendship, Chlex, Lex's POV, AU

    Spoilers: Nothing that I can think of.

    Summary: Lex meets the woman what is his equal and has to come up with a unique date to impress her.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, Dr. Watson, Old Spice, and Cosmo, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in the story, so don't sue me.

    Archive: At BAFsFF, BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and fan_fic_central, for the time being. If somebody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: This is dedicated to all the wonderful writers of Chlex out there and also to my best friends, David, Esther, Jay, and Yasmine. You guys keep me writing with your support and love. And to Tasha---a belated birthday present. Enjoy.

    How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" - by PMD

    Luthor Mansion

    I was stuck in another dead-end party---the brunettes all giving me the eye and the others, ignoring me. What is it with the brunette curse and me?

    "Sir, would you like to try a canapé?"

    "No," I say absentmindedly.

    "Okay---but they're good."

    "I said no."

    "Yes, sir."

    I turn around to the window and look out the glass, letting out a sigh.


    "Sir, would you like a glass of champagne?"

    "No thank you."


    Who is this person?

    I stare out the window even harder until.


    Oh god, please not her.

    "Lex---you haven't come over to say hi."

    I turn around to see Dara---the bane of my existence. Then I notice somebody else walking over---a petite blonde, carrying another tray.

    "Excuse me," I state, moving around Dara.

    "Eh?" she asks, as I walk over to the woman carrying---what the hell is that.

    "Sir, would you like---"


    "Yes, me. So---would you like---"

    "Who the hell are you---and what the hell is that?"

    "Are all billionaires so rude or just you?"

    I feel myself wanting to yell at her and yet, proud for her standing up to me.

    "Come with me," I state.


    "Just come with me."

    "Okay---just so I don't embarrass you with my quick wit, I will."

    I snort at that and gesture to the door out of the room. She walks towards it, handing off the tray to another waitress. I grab one of the things off of it and then bit into it, as we enter the corridor.

    "That's right---don't offer something to a lady."

    "Wow---what is this?"


    "No---what is this?"


    I glare at her, as I finish it off.

    "Take me to---"

    "---your leader?" she quips.

    I chuckle at that. "Well, more like your boss."

    "That would be you at the moment."

    "Your caterer boss."

    "Oh, Mrs. Kent---sure she's in the kitchen---you know where that is, don't you?"

    "I have seen it a time or two."

    "Good---you can find it---I have to get back to work."

    "No---you are coming with me too."

    She sighs. "Listen, I'm sorry I got punchy with you, Mr. Luthor. It's just been a bad day is all."

    My face softens and I sigh. "I know that feeling---you saw that girl out there. She's been a pain in my butt since I met her."

    She softens too. "Awwww---I'm sorry. I guess the rich can have their problems too---and sometimes money can't buy you happiness."

    "And you can't rent it either."

    She nods and then:

    "Come on---you'll love Mrs. Kent. She's the best caterer in Kansas."

    "I can see that---from that wonderful thing I tasted---what was that?"

    "That was my own concoction----lemon and mandarin in a cream sauce, surrounded by a light pastry."

    "You can cook?"

    "Actually, that's baking but I can cook---boy can I cook."

    I give her an evil grin and she rolls her eyes.

    "Mind out of the gutter, Sir, or you'll see a side of me you don't want to see?"

    "Birthday suit, maybe?"

    She snorts at me and walks away. I follow quickly, finding this woman intriguing just for the fact she doesn't want to go to bed with me.

    "Hey, wait up!"

    She turns around. "Yes?"

    I'm at her side now. "I'm sorry. I'm just---"

    "---used to women who want you for your body and money?"

    I nod. "You forgot power too."

    "Its okay---I don't want you for anything---except maybe we can be friends?"

    "Okay, friend, what's your name?"

    She puts out her hand, smiling. "Hi, my name is Chloe Sullivan."

    "Hello, Chloe Sullivan," I state, shaking her hand.

    She takes back her hand and then turns to walk towards the kitchen again. I catch up with her and silence is golden until we get to the place and hear noise and some voices.

    We walk into chaos with a calm red head in the middle of it.

    "Mrs. Kent?"

    She turns to Chloe's voice and smiles. "There you are---we need more of that wonderful pastry you created, Honey."

    "Good thing I made more---it should be on the top shelf of the fridge, behind the canapés."

    "Top shelf---of course. Sorry about that."

    She puts her attention on me and smiles. "So, you've found my best waitress and baker, have you, Mr. Luthor? You can't have her."

    "What?" I ask.

    "You can't have her for your own pastry maker---she's loyal to me."

    "Oh, I would never do that. However---"

    Chloe turns to me.

    "Yes?" Chloe asks, intrigued.

    "Could I borrow you one night? Mrs. Kent, would that be okay?"

    "Why?" Chloe asks me.

    "For a date, if you do date."

    "For a date, sure," Mrs. Kent answers.

    Chloe glares at her. "Hey, I'm in the room---what if I say no?"

    "Then you are an idiot."

    "Mrs. Kent!"

    She smiles at her and then at me. "Sorry about that---my charge can be very stubborn."

    "Charge?" I ask.


    "Let me tell him."

    "Okay," she states at Chloe.

    Chloe turns to me. "See, my dad died when I was 8 and I came to live with the Kent's. So, they've been my parents for a few years, even though I retain my own last name---for business purposes mainly."

    "So, if we married, you would keep your maiden name?"

    "Excuse me? We haven't even gone on a date and we're married?"

    "So, come on a date and then we'll get married."

    "Man, you billionaires work fast. Mom---help me out here."

    "That's Mrs. Kent to you, until we finish this job."


    She turns to me. "What does a date entail?"

    "Dinner, dancing---a good night kiss?" I ask.

    "Boring," she states, walking towards her mother. "Want me to get the pastries?"

    "Why do you find that boring. I am a billionaire you know. You might be doing this is Paris or Rome."

    She turns to look at me. "True---but I want something unique---something that is you."


    "Yes, you."


    She rolls her eyes and turns to her boss and mother. "So---I'll just get them and take them out."

    I watch her walk to the fridge and open it. Then she tries to reach them and can't.

    "Here, let me help," I state, walking over to her.

    She moves away but still, the brush of our arms cause us both to shiver. I take the plate out and hand it to her.

    "Thanks---I owe you one."

    "A date---a unique date---you won't be disappointed."

    "All right---if it'll get you off my back, I'll go," she sighs. "But it has to be unique---no traveling on a plane to exotic places---just something to be remembered for it's one of a kindness."

    "Fine---be here, next Saturday and you will be amazed."

    "Where have I heard that line before," she snarks, before walking out the door.

    "Something I said?" I ask Mrs. Kent.

    She walks up to me, glaring. "My husband owns a gun."

    Then she walks away to check on her other workers, leaving behind a very stunned and yet understanding man.


    A Week Later - Lex's Study In The Mansion

    "Thank you---that's fine--7 o'clock---we'll be there. Goodbye."

    I hang up the phone and:

    "Son, you look happy."

    I look up to see my father walking in. "Hey, Dad. Where's Mom?"

    "She took the twins to New York, remember?"

    "Oh, right---poor Lucas. Mother's not so bad but Lana---shopaholics praise the princess power shopper."

    "I'm surprised I'm still a billionaire with her ability to shop, Son. Does she dream about shopping?"

    "I don't even want to know if that's true or not. So, nothing going on for you tonight?"

    "I was going to go to the movies but then people would stare."

    "How about going to the Talon and terrorizing the new waitress."

    "Son---that's Lucas' job, not mine."

    He sighs and I give him a sympathetic look. "He doesn't really."

    "No---but he does like to date them all."

    I sigh and then smile, remembering mine coming up. Then:

    "Son, you're smiling again. What's going on?"

    I watch him sit down and I lean over the desk. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

    I back away to a subtle grin from him. "Ahhhhh---but I do know. You're going on a date with a very petite blonde."

    I raise an eyebrow. "Okay---so glad we are both on the same side, Dad. How---"

    "Easy, my dear Watson. Mrs. Kent came in for her check and she started to tell your mother about how you and Chloe were going out on a date next Saturday. And you know your mother and I don't keep secrets so---"

    "Lucas doesn't know?"

    "Heaven forbid---he would try to horn in on your action."


    "Date---your date. And no Lana doesn't know either. She would be all---why can't I come too---why can't I bring a date on this unique date."

    "He can be a pain and she can be a pest. Thanks, Dad. I owe you one for getting Mother to take them to New York."

    "You can pay me back by telling me how a billionaire's son does something unique."

    I lean in and he leans over the desk. I whisper and then back away.

    "Well done, Son. She will be amazed."

    "I hope so," I say, a little nervous.

    "Ahhhhh---she's very special."




    "Yes very special. I was nervous with your mother too. And now look what we have."

    "An older son that's nervous; a daughter who shops till she drops, and a son who's quite the ladies man?"

    "That about says it all."


    Saturday Night - 7:00

    I was getting worried about Chloe. She said she had a job to do in Metro in the morning---some kid's party. I hoped she didn't get into an accident or something.

    I walk back and forth on the front steps, stewing until I hear the crunch of the gravel and look up, watching a red beetle make its way to a final stop.

    The engine turns off and the driver gets out and my heart beats faster---it's her.

    She stands beside her car, wearing a simple black dress that shows off all of her to perfection.

    "Sorry I was late."

    I walk down the steps and up to her, taking in all that she is---a sprit sent to this world to make all who know her happier.

    "It's okay---I wasn't worried," I state, taking her hand and kissing it softly.

    "Liar---you so were worried," she states, as I back away.

    I smile. "Nice dress you are almost wearing. Don't you think you might get a little cold?"

    "What---the unique date is in the drafty castle---oh, that's really original."

    I chuckle at her. "No---but it is a surprise so close your eyes and I'll guide you to our destination."

    "Can I trust you not to toss me in the moat?"

    "Heavens---what makes you think we have a moat?"

    "Ahhhh---castle, genius."

    I start to laugh and she sighs.


    "Usually at this point the guy runs like hell to find somebody less---pointed."

    I stare into her eyes and see sadness there. I want to take it away and I hope I do.

    "Chloe, I'm not running anywhere. After what I paid for this date---are you kidding me."

    The sadness is replaced by something happy and carefree. "Thanks."

    "For what?"

    "For easing the tension and not running away, Mr. Luthor."



    "Shall we?"

    "No water, right?"

    "No water."

    "Okay then---lead on, Alex."

    "Hand please."

    "You will give it back to me, right?"

    I grin. "Maybe; maybe not."

    She grins at me. "Maybe I shouldn't."


    "Okay," she states, placing her hand and trust in me.

    We walk along the gravel and onto the grass. As we're about to go along the side of the mansion, she shivers.


    "A little."

    "Let's stop for a second."

    "Moving makes me warmer."

    "This will make you even warmer."

    I move away from her and take off my jacket. I then move closer and place it around her shoulder. She opens her eyes.

    "Aren't you going to be cold?"

    "Haven't you heard---Luthors don't feel the cold."

    "Oh, that old wives tale," she quips, pulling the jacket on.

    She sniffs in my scent and sighs. "Old Spice?"


    "Something somebody created just for you?"

    I nod my head.

    "I like it---it's you---very sensual and yet smart too."

    "Sensual? You think I'm sensual?"

    She moves close to me and up, placing a soft kiss on my lips. Then she backs away to my questioning glance.

    "Just getting the awkward feeling of our first date out of the way."

    "Ahhhh---well then, let me help."

    I lean down and capture her lips with blinding speed. She gasps and then whimpers, as I back away.


    "Later. Come on."

    She smiles, closes her eyes, allowing me to lead her, not with just my hand but my arm around her waist now.


    The Unique Date

    We're finally at the back of the mansion and I smile---perfect.

    "Ah---can I open my eyes now?"

    "Yes, you may."

    She does that and then gasps. "Oh my God---Lex."

    "Unique enough for you?"

    She walks away from me towards the basket of the balloon, touching it, gently---probably making sure it's not an illusion.

    It's big enough for the both of us and the accompaniments to the evening in the stars. And the balloon---an amazing splash of colors and lines.

    "It's beautiful."

    I walk up to her, her eyes still on the balloon. I whisper, "Not as beautiful as you are."

    I sense her smile. "Oh, you silver-tongued devil you."

    She turns around, smiling up at me. "You do know that won't get you into my bed, right?"

    "I wasn't planning on that tonight---maybe just some conversation and a goodnight kiss or two."

    "The last gentleman left in Kansas and I have him standing in front of me. Thank you, God."

    I help her into the basket. "Well, you do know my rep?"

    "Bull all of it?"

    "Some but not all."


    I get into the basket and she looks around. "Where's the guy who runs it?"

    "You're looking at him."

    "My, my, a man of many talents. Is there nothing you can't do?"

    "Well, I do have problems driving under the speed limit."

    She laughs. "Well, you couldn't be a playboy billionaire if you didn't speed."

    I turn away from her, checking to see if the balloon is ready to take flight. I sense her behind me, before she touches my arm.

    "Lex, I'm kidding. That's your brother."

    "I know," I whisper, starting our upward flight to the stars.


    The Rainy Season

    We're up among the stars and I'm not even looking up, just at her. She shines far brighter than anything dazzling in the sky.

    "You want some more wine?"


    "Lex, do I have something on my teeth?"


    "Lex, I'm from another planet and I'll fly out of this balloon if you don't come back to Earth yourself?"


    "Lex!" she states, before hitting my arm.

    "Ouch---why'd you do that?"

    "To get your attention."

    "A kiss would have worked better," I grip.

    "Awwwww---did I hurt the billionaire?"

    "No---just would have been more enjoyable the other way."

    She leans into me and I smile---works every time.

    "Bet you say that to all the girls who hit you, don't you?"

    Say no.

    "Yes. Sorry about that."

    She looks up. "Honesty; I love that in a man."

    "Honesty turns you on?"

    "Very much so---what turns you on, Alex?"

    "People who don't judge me before knowing me."

    She leans into me again. "Yeah me too. All some people see is a blonde that has a body that won't quit. And I'm more than that."

    "I know."

    She looks up again. "You do?"

    "Yes, I do."

    "So what else do you see when you look at me?"

    "A beautiful soul that will outlast your beautiful body."

    She smiles and then leans up and kisses me softly on the cheek. Then she leans back into my body.

    "What do you see when you look at me?"

    "I see a very interesting and intriguing man that would take me several lifetimes to explore."

    Before I can say anything, we hear a rumble and look at each other.

    "Well, we've both eaten," I state.

    She looks up. "The sky is cloudy. Just my luck---rain."

    We get up and look towards the rumble---then we see lightning and sigh.

    "Guess we head back home," I state.

    "I guess so. Think we can beat it?"

    "The winds are with us," I state, going over and adjusting things.

    I feel her beside me. "Need some help?"



    We're almost home, when I feel a drop on my head.

    "It's starting," she whispers to me.

    I turn around to look at her.

    "You're not a witch are you?" I ask.

    "No---why do you ask?"

    "You won't melt then."

    She laughs at me and I have to chuckle. "I love that."


    "How you laugh."

    "Women don't laugh much around you, do they?"

    "Well, my sister grips; the maids just smile; and the other girlfriends, I think they wanted to do other things than laugh."

    "You mean like doing the horizontal Mambo?"

    I cringe, turning around to check on something.

    "Hey, it's okay. Who wouldn't want to go to bed with a big viral man like you."

    I turn around. "Excuse me?" I ask, shock on my face.

    She starts to laugh again. "You should see your face, Mr. Prude."

    "Chloe---don't play with me," I growl, trying to intimidate her.

    "Awww---doesn't Lex want to come out and play tonight. Geez---I must not be his type---wait, I'm not, I'm a blonde."

    I back her up to the edge of the basket and smile, evilly. "That was my type."

    "What's your type now?" she squeaks.

    "Blondes who don't know when to stop talking and take action."

    "What? I---"

    Before she can say another word we hear a thud and see we're on the ground. I turn away and shut off a mechanism. Then I turn back and grin.

    "Now where were we?"

    "About to get out of the basket before it rains, Son?"

    Damn it---I knew I should have locked the old man in his bedroom.

    "Hello, Dad."

    She turns around and sighs. "Hello, Mr. Luthor."

    "Well, she is as pretty as you say, Son. And very gracious too. You know, if I wasn't happily married to your mother, you might have some competition here."


    "I was kidding. Lex, you really should get a sense of humor, you know."

    She laughs and then I sense sadness. "I miss this."

    "What?" my father asks.

    "My dad and I used to be like this---it's the only thing I can remember. I mean, I love the Kent's but sometimes my adopted father gets so serious, I want to shake him up a bit. But you and Lex---could be a comedy team if you wanted to be---course, Lex is the straight man."

    "That's true. I'm so sorry about your father, Ms. Sullivan. I---"

    "You checked me out to make sure I wasn't after Lex for the money."

    "Yes, I did. I'm---"

    "No, don't be---it shows that you love your son very much."

    He looks at me and smiles. "Yes, I do. And I'm very proud of him and his choice in women too."

    "Thanks, Dad. I love you too."

    "Ahhhh, family bonding---gotta love it."

    Before I could answer her snarky response, we see the lightening and the thunder follows closely. There's a drop and another. My father helps Chloe out and I pass the stuff to them. Then I jump out and my father and I deflate the balloon, tie down the basket and place the tarp around all of it, just in time for the heavens to open and the rain to come down.

    "Come on," he shouts to us. And we all make a run for it.


    Meeting Lucas

    We can't run fast enough---all three of us are soaked to the bone.

    "Let me go get some towels for you two," my father states.

    "You, Mr. Luthor?"

    "Lionel, please, Ms. Sullivan."

    "Chloe, please."

    "Yes, Chloe. I gave the staff the night off."

    "Oh, so you two are just one of the ordinary masses tonight."

    We both laugh and she smiles.

    "Actually, include me too."

    We turn to see Lucas walking into the room. My younger brother---the playboy of the family---me gladly handing over the title to him, even before I met this wonderful beauty with a wit that equals my own.

    "Well, I'll leave you three to talk while I go get the towels. And Chloe, I insist that you stay the night---the weather is not good out there."

    "Okay, Lionel."

    My father walks out of the room as my brother walks in.

    "Wow---who are you, Gorgeous?"

    I turn to look at Chloe, rolling her eyes. "Let me guess---this is the guy who hits on all the Talon waitresses and yet, never gets a date from them?"

    "Ouch---have you been telling stories out of school, Lex?" he asks me, as he walks over to her.

    "Actually, I believe she knows on her own, brother. You aren't that discreet you know."

    He ignores my response---just stares at Chloe who glares at him.

    "Wow, he's trying to figure me out, Lex. Wondering why I would fall for you and not him, I bet. You want to know, Lucas."

    "Sure---whomever you are?" He gives her a dazzling smile.

    "Less is more."


    "You overcompensate with the charm, buddy. Your brother on the other hand, can melt the polar ice caps with just one word. So, if you want to date somebody at the Talon---and I know they think you are a little cute, you just be more subtle and you'll find the gal of your dreams. However---" She moves away from Lucas and puts her arm around my waist. "---I'm taken."

    He walks over to join us. "Teach me?" he asks.

    "Which one?"

    "Both of you?"

    I look down at her and she looks at me. Then we both look at him. "Okay---but not tonight."

    He smiles a happy smile. "Thanks."


    "I want to see her---Mother---please."

    "Lana," I state.

    "Hey, I'll get her away from you---payment for helping me."

    "Why the hell did you guys come back so early?"

    "Lana forgot about a hair appointment."

    "And she doesn't know about hair stylists in Metro?"

    "This one is *special*."


    "She's getting closer," I growl.

    "Okay, okay, I'm going."

    "Nice meeting you, Lucas," she states.

    "Chloe, nice meeting you too. Lana---I think there's something you need to see," we Hear Lucas say, as he runs out of the room to catch her.

    "Whew---saved by the baby brother, I see," she states, with a grin.

    "He does come in handy sometimes---"

    "---as does your father," I hear my dad say, as he walks in, placing the towels on the table nearby. "Here are the towels and when you are ready to go, Lex will show you to the bedroom, far away from Lana and close to his, won't you son."

    I nod.

    "Well, goodnight you two," my father states, giving us both a quick hug and then is gone, leaving two very wet and quiet people behind.


    Getting TO Know You

    It's been a half an hour since I've led her to her bedroom, with the offering of one of my long t-shirts to cover her nubile body. She didn't want anything pink from Lana and well, that color does get old really fast. A plain white T was all she asked for and got, willingly.

    I'm walking around my room, wondering how I can ingratiate me back into her company. I want to learn more about her. I mean we didn't establish much during the flight, what with eating, looking at each other and stuff. I wanted to know everything about her---what she does in her off-time, what is her favorite color is, what makes her happy and sad. Everything. Damn it---I'm going over there right now and find out what makes me want her so much---beyond the dazzling smile, the verbal judo, and her generosity and sense of humor.

    I walk over and open my door, making my way across the hallway, until I notice somebody outside of it.

    "Lana!" I warn.

    She jumps and turns around. "What?"

    "What are you doing?"

    "I was going to welcome our guest."

    "You were going to spy on our guest."

    "No I wasn't. Why do you always think that?"

    "Listen, sister of mine, I love you but sometimes you just drive me crazy. Leave Chloe alone and if you are a good little girl, I'll introduce you to her tomorrow, okay?"

    "But Lexxxxxx!"

    "Leave now and I won't tell father."

    "Okay---spoiled sport."

    "You are over 21, right?"

    "Yes, why?"

    "Okay--just checking--now scoot."

    She gives me a look and then a sigh, turning away from me and making her way down the corridor.

    I turn to the door and knock.

    "Come in," I hear a muffled voice say.

    I open the door and walk in, closing it behind me.

    "Lex? Why are you here?"

    I'm dumbfounded for a moment, just staring at this natural beauty in my white T---such a lucky shirt.

    "Lex---why are you here?"

    "Oh, right---I'm here to make sure you have everything that you need."

    "Oh, okay. Well, I do have most of it except one thing."


    "You---I want us to have a nice long chat about things. Is that okay?"

    "Chloe you read my mind," I answer, walking over to the bed and pulling back the cover.

    I get in and she snuggles close to me. "Okay--what do you need to know?"

    "What's your favorite color? Mine is black."

    "Black too."

    "Okay---what's your favorite food? Mines pasta."

    "Mine too---Chloe?"

    "Yes?" she asks, looking up.

    "Is this a Cosmo test?"

    "What better way to find out if we're compatible."

    "Well, we could just kiss again and find it out."

    "Yes, we could. But I don't want this relationship to be all physical---I want to get to know all of you. Like for example---what is a secret that only you know?"

    "You first."

    "Me first?"


    She looks away from me and sighs. "Fair enough."

    Then she comes back, her eyes serious. She lets out another sigh and then:

    "This is serious, right---no talking out of school or anything. Between the two of us---I trust you, Lex. I don't know why, but I do. I just want you to know how serious this is."

    "Right---serious. Chloe, you aren't dying, are you?" I ask, worried.

    "No, no---but my father might want to kill me---just kidding."

    "So, we won't tell him you told me. So---"

    She takes a deep breath and then:

    "My brother's different."


    "Yeah, different."

    "He wouldn't go by the name of Clark Kent would he?"

    "Yes, that's him."

    "Chloe---I know he's different."

    "You do?"

    "Yes, I do---and so do my parents."

    She sits up straight to look into my eyes. "How?"

    "Remember that bank robbery a year or so ago."

    "I seem to recall it. Wait---you were there---you saw what Clark did---and you didn't say anything to anybody."

    "Chloe, why would I. He saved our lives---I didn't want to pay him back by putting him in a room to be experimented on."

    She smiles and then her eyes widen. "Your parents and you---your Clark's guardian angels---paying off people to keep anything they saw quiet---keeping his secret safe---it's you guys, right?"

    I nod and she pulls me close into a hug. "Chloe---can't breathe."

    She backs away and before she can say a word, her cell rings.
    She turns from me and picks it up:

    "Hello---Clark, calm down. I'm okay---yes I am. I'm sorry I didn't call---geez---you would think I was some little kid the way you're going on. Clark, listen to me---I'm fine. I'm at the Luthors---you know that big castle you see when we're driving. Yes, Yes, yes, I had fun tonight and I'm staying here because if you didn't notice, you big duffus, it's raining cats and dogs. Hey, Clark---I want you to meet somebody---your guardian angel."

    She turns towards me, handing me the phone. "Time to tell the big truth to my brother---don't worry, he only hurts people who are evil---and you are far from that, Lex."

    I give her a smirk and a growl but she just laughs. "Yeah, you really are evil, Lex."

    I take the phone and:


    'Hey, Mr. Luthor. Is my sister being a pain in the ass?'

    "No, but she does have a nice one."

    'One what?'

    "Never mind."

    'She said you were my guardian angel---I don't get it.'

    "I know, Clark. So do my parents."

    'Know what?'

    "That you are special---we were in the bank when you saved the people a year or so ago. Since then---"

    'You're the ones who have been protecting me?'


    Silence is heard and then:

    'Thank you---for telling the truth---for protecting me---and I'm thinking, loving my sister.'

    "You are thinking correctly my friend."

    I hear a sigh. Then:

    'You are so much better for her than any of the others. But remember this---you hurt her, you answer to me.'

    Protective brothers---I understand with my sister, Lana.

    "I won't. Listen, I'll let you say goodnight to her and come over tomorrow---we'll play a game of pool."

    'Yeah, I'd love that. Bye, Mr. Luthor.'



    I hand the phone over to her and get out of bed---so she has some privacy. I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror. I've changed---love has done that too me---she's done that too me. I'm no longer a puzzle with one piece missing---searching for it in endless relationships destined to end. This one won't be ending--I pray it won't be.

    "We're whole," I hear from the doorway.

    I sense her walking towards me. She wraps her arms around my waist and looks into the mirror.

    "What I see are two very happy people."

    "What I see are two people very much in love."

    "That's what makes them happy, Lex."

    I back away and look into her hazel eyes, sparkling. "And this makes me happy too."

    I tilt her head and lean in, kissing her gently---my tongue laving her lips. She moans and the kiss is deepened until we have to back away to breathe.

    "So, was this something unique?" I ask her, as we leave the bathroom and head back to bed.


    I watch her get into bed and pat my side. "Almost?" I ask as I get in.

    "Well, what would be really unique is making love on the first date."

    "You never made love on a first date?" I quip at her.

    "Well, never got past second base with those jerks---and okay, had sex once but it was so awkward---he kept missing the target."

    I start to chuckle and she smiles. "God, I love to make you laugh."

    "And I love you."

    "I know. So---"

    "Come here," I demand.

    She comes willingly and wantonly---plying her magic to soothe my troubled soul---healing us both with this act that's older than time and afterwards, as she sleeps, I whisper:

    "Something unique has turned into something to last for the rest of our lives. I love you, Chloe."

    And I hear her whisper in her sleep, "Love you too."

    The End.

  2. #2
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    15 Feb 2005

    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

    Awww. This story was so amazing and very sweet.
    Good Job

  3. #3
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    27 Apr 2003
    Estonia; UK

    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

    I knew it was going to be a balloon! My dream date.....

  4. #4
    Summer1 summer_enchanted's Avatar
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    11 Dec 2004

    Cool Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

    Great fic as usual. I love this series

  5. #5
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

    loved it very sweet.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member Nonhalema's Avatar
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

    And again a happy luthor family; Lana as Lex's sister and Chloe as Clark's-just brilliant

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    San Luis Obispo, California

    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 11 - "Something Unique" (PG-13)

    Lmao Lana the bratty sister... love it. Great job.
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