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Thread: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] completed: 25-04-2013

  1. #11
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 04-05-2013

    Ah, I thought that you meant M&S preprepared salad and waitrose lasagna etc. Low calories but low protein and some preservatives. I didn't even think of fast food although that does give me an idea for a ficlet/scene. I want to see what his reaction to her eating habits is, it always interests me how much husbands, male friends fixate on such things. I have one who is constantly trying to get more protein and fat into me.

  2. #12
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 04-05-2013

    Quote Originally Posted by HotCrossedBunny View Post
    Ah, I thought that you meant M&S preprepared salad and waitrose lasagna etc. Low calories but low protein and some preservatives. I didn't even think of fast food although that does give me an idea for a ficlet/scene. I want to see what his reaction to her eating habits is, it always interests me how much husbands, male friends fixate on such things. I have one who is constantly trying to get more protein and fat into me.
    Yes, I noticed that you pay attention to food
    I eat healthy, not too much, and really not think about it though my guilty pleasures are peanut butter and plenty of coffee
    Last edited by TrinityR; 9th April 2013 at 21:55.

  3. #13
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    Yep, that is because I am food obsessed and because when I was in my early teens I had an eating problem - not a disorder but not good either - which I hid from my family and one of my acquaintances a boy a couple of years older than me noticed it we had a huge row and he helped me get over it so I probably do pay more attention than is strictly necessary to food because I know how easy it is - especially for 13/14 year old girls - to end up getting in over their heads in just a few short weeks.

    I eat too healthily, I have to remember to have my three table spoons of peanut butter (organic 100% peanut) per day or my fat and protein levels don't get into the healthy range. Plus chocolate is good.

    Okay, back on topic. I love this story!

  4. #14
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm glad you're ok now and you can never be too careful with what you eat, so it's good that you pay attention

  5. #15
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    Hmm that's funny! Chloe daydreaming about Lex in the middle of a delicious dinner. What's even funnier is the great Lex Luthor sleeping on the floor. Lex will have to step up his game to win Chloe back because he is running out of time.

  6. #16
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    Oh man I feel so bad for them. I hope they can resolve this soon and get back together.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #17
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    Thank you, HotCrossedBunny, trckyrcky, hfce for your comments!


    Part 4

    She was standing in the middle of nowhere. For a moment there she was sure she saw trees and thought that she was in the forest. But no, the trees were gone. Maybe there weren’t there in the first place. It was getting darker and darker, she was growing more cold and she still couldn’t find her way home. It was then, when she heard him.

    She turned around, trying to penetrate the darkness with her eyes. Panic growing inside her, adrenaline pulsing through her veins.

    “Where are you?!” she yelled.

    The voice called her again, but still, she wasn’t able to tell where it came from.

    “Chloe! Help! Chloe!”

    “Lex!” She turned around again and finally, she decided to go left. Only there was even more darker there. She so wished she could just go right as she could feel that her home was there. The protection she sought for.

    he needed her help. She would not leave him. She had to found him.

    “Lex, where are you?!”

    “Chloe, it hurts! Help me! Please!!”

    “I’m coming!!” she yelled back. “Lex, hold on! I’m coming! I love you, I’m coming for you!”

    Suddenly, she was surrounded by the impenetrable darkness, so much worse than before.

    “Where are you?!” she cried out as she couldn’t hear him anymore. She was afraid he didn’t make it. She was terrified she came too late. Her heart pounding so fast she thought it would burst.

    Then, suddenly there was no ground underneath her. She made another step forward, desperate to find him anyway. She would look for him forever. As she did so, she plummeted down, stright into cold, frisky water. It pulled her in as it had a strength itself.

    She couldn’t breathe. She was struggling, but it was all futile.

    She didn’t know how deep the pit was, but the water was still pulling her in. It was like she was falling in it. Down and down…


    Chloe woke up bathed in sweat. Her breathing as erratic as it was in the dream.

    “Lex?” she pleaded, calling his name and immediately sitting on bed.

    Then she took a closer look at the room. She remembered where she was and what had happened. She was getting a divorce. She had no right to call Lex like that.
    The covers on the ground were empty, so she just slumped back into pillows with relief that Lex didn’t actually hear her. She would be so embarrassed if he did and now was holding her in his arms. She knew he would. She knew him. Or at least she’d known him before he’d taken control over the LuthorCorp. Now it wasn’t the same Lex she’d fallen for. That Lex had always put her first. The new one didn’t. Maybe he just got used to her or got bored with her. Took her for granted. Stopped caring? She so didn’t want to get there.

    She covered her face with her hands and sighed heavily.

    She hated that mornings. She hated having all those nightmares and then waking up without Lex. Dreams were supposed to be fake, especially the bad ones. She should wake up next to the love of her life and let him cradle her in his arms, make he believe the nightmare wasn’t the reality, just the worst fears she had deep down in her subconsciousness.

    Now they became the reality. She’d been having them ever since she’d spent her first night away from Lex, from his bed, away from their apartment. They were all slightly different, but nevertheless the same. She always heard Lex calling her, but never saw him. She also could never find him. Either it was at sea, in the forest, tundra, at the Arctic… either she was drowning, being pulled into a swamp or falling down from a rocky cliff… She never found Lex and she knew deep down that it was too late to help him.

    Chloe moaned silently and turned herself on the bed, her face now buried in the pillow.

    And it’d been so wonderful…

    Past tense playing the main role here…



    It was just another of their mornings. Nothing new, but yet it was still so exciting. It was still a promise of their life together, a reassurance of their love, a declaration.

    She usually woke up feeling very hot as Lex was either spooning her or she was snuggling to him.

    This time he was behind her, his front to her back, his arms around her tightly. She could feel his breath on her cheek. And she was happy. So happy.

    He usually woke up before her, so then he just waited for her to open her eyes or show him that she wasn’t sleeping anymore. At some point she begun pretending.
    She was awake, but just laid there in his arms, trying to fool him that she was still sleeping. But somehow he always knew.

    She still had no idea what always gave her away, but he knew she was awake the moment she woke up. Even when she didn’t move.

    He guessed it now just as perfectly and she felt his kiss on her neck, then he was tracing a path until he reached her cheek and finally, her lips.

    She shifted uncomfortably.

    “Your penis is poking into my butt,” she complained.

    “Good morning to you, too,” he whispered into her ear, his breath sending shivers down her spine.

    “I’m serious, it’s not that much comfortable when you hold me so close,” she complained as she loved teasing him.

    “I can’t help it. My body knows what it’s doing when I’m asleep. You’re next to me, so it’s only natural to get it up... And do you actually think I feel better? The pressure of your delicious body, especially your backside, is very torturous to my penis,” he told her.

    She chuckled and turned onto her back.

    “So I guess we’ll have to do something about that predicament,” she said, sending him a cocked smile.

    “Oh, yes, we certainly have to,” Lex agreed and started working on kissing her body again.

    “Mhhmm… yeah, Lex…” she hummed, “good morning.”

    “Very nice morning,” he agreed as she spread her legs, already wet for him, so he slid himself home.



    Chloe felt like crying again.

    Why did she keep thinking about that old times with Lex? Now he was different. He hurt her. And she would hurt herself even more if she kept pondering over the past.

    “Stupid, stupid idiot,” she mumbled to herself, not even noticing that those words were practically synonyms. It happened to her a lot when Lex was concerned. Her broad vocabulary was reduced to silly phrases.
    Or she just wasn’t writing enough. Only what could she write when being a Luthor by marriage?

    She stepped out of bed and waddled to the bathroom.


    “Good morning,” she said, doing her best to sound cheerful. “Have you, by any chance, seen Lex?” she asked. Her grogginess this morning could be easily explained by the absence of her husband. Actually, that wasn’t even a lie, but the context was different.

    “Yes, he got up at six and left for jogging,” Gabe informed Chloe. “Honestly, your husband is such an early bird. Would it kill him to sleep in?”

    Chloe had an answer for her father at the tip of her tongue, but stopped herself in time. Lex had slept in, but he’d done it only for her. At least he told her so…

    “Well, sometimes when he’s tired I get him to sleep in,” Chloe said instead.

    “I won’t even ask what gets you both tired in the morning,” Gabe said.

    “Ah, lovebirds,” Tina sighed when entering the kitchen. “I remember how it was to be so young...” she said wistfully.

    “You’re not old,” Chloe said, “you’re forty. That is not old.”

    “It is, honey.”

    “It was,” Chloe corrected, “like thirty years ago, but now… forty is the new thirty.”

    “And in the next ten years it will change again?” Tina asked. “Will it be the new twenty?” she joked.

    Chloe laughed, but it was forced. She didn’t want Tina to worry.

    “I’ll go for a walk,” she said when she ate a toast.

    “Honey, you barely touched your food,” Gabe told her.

    “Dad, I’m not a child anymore. I can take care of my own nutrition.”

    “You don’t really seem to that much thinner,” he said while looking at her body closely, “but you do seem a little ill-looking. Are you sure you’re alright?”

    “Yes, I am alright, dad, don’t worry.” What was she supposed to tell him? That she’d stopped paying attention to what she was actually eating? That she’d been visiting fast foods more than she should? No, that would be bad. He couldn’t be worried about her when his own health…

    “Dad, what about you? Are you taking a proper care of yourself?” she asked.

    “Don’t turn it around, miss, I’m really worried about you here. Are you pregnant?”

    “What?!” Chloe sputtered, looking at her father like he was crazy.

    “What? The fact that you don’t eat much doesn’t mean anything. When your mother was pregnant with you, at the beginning she hardly even ate, she felt so sick. So, are you?”

    “No, dad, I am not pregnant. I just need some fresh air. It’s been a really hard week for me. Lex was overworking himself and I’ve been worrying about him.”

    “That does sound like you,” Gabe nodded. “Promise me you’ll take a better care of yourself and him.”


    “Gabe, just leave her be. She wants to go for a walk, let her go for a walk. I will make sure she’ll get a very rich lunch.”

    Chloe was relieved to actually leave the house.

    She didn’t want to bump into Lex, but even that alternative seemed better than to stay at home and keep pretending. To be honest, she hadn’t thought it would be that hard. And for how long should she keep the truth from her father? Few more months? Until she would be absolutely sure he would not have a heart attack on hearing the news?

    Her life had used to be a fairy tale, but now… it got so hard.

    Maybe right after the divorce she should write an expose on Lex? There was nothing illegal going on in the LuthorCorp now, but after all, she could write something. She wouldn’t be legally bounded to him anymore. And maybe, while using her ex marriage, she would be able to get a position at the Daily Planet? She knew it was cruel and wrong, but he’d hurt her. And hell hath no fury as a woman scored.

    “Oh, my god! Chloe!” she heard a very well-known voice. Suddenly she really preferred to just meet Lex on her walk, not… Lana Kent.

    They’d used to be friends, but then it’d all ended as Lana had finally landed Clark and Chloe, well, Chloe had fallen for Lex.

    But before all that had happened they’d been both in love with the same farm boy.

    It wasn’t that Chloe didn’t like Lana, after all she wasn’t the one that had a better life now. Chloe knew Lana had wanted to travel the world, maybe live in Paris, do something connected to art, but got stuck in Smallville instead. No, really, Chloe shouldn’t feel so annoyed by meting her, after all she had a better life. She had a billionaire…
    She’d had. Didn’t anymore.

    “Lana,” she greeted the old friend anyway, giving her a hug. “So nice to bump into you!”

    “Have you come with Lex to spend Christmas with your father?” Lana asked, smiling broadly.

    “Yes, that is exactly while we’re here.”

    “So, how are you? Where’s the loving husband? Last time we saw each other you two were like one person, he didn’t want to leave you even for a second.”

    “Yeah, we’re still like that,” Chloe assured, “only he felt like jogging this morning. Me? Not much of an exerciser.”

    “Yeah…” Lana admitted and Chloe suddenly felt offended. Maybe her “friend” didn’t mean it, but it did sound rude. Chloe didn’t feel fat. Especially Lex had never thought of her that way, he loved her curves.

    “Anyway…” Lana started again, “it would be great if you two could come to the farm tonight. What d’you say? We’ll have dinner. I’m sure Clark will be thrilled to see you.”

    Lex and Clark weren’t close anymore, but they’d grown apart naturally and there was no grudge between them.

    Correction, Chloe thought, when Clark finds out about me filing for a divorce… he will know it was all Lex’s fault…

    Not that she was going to tell. She would just have to ask Lex for one more favor…

    “We’ll be there.”


    When she got home she was informed by her father that she’d apparently missed Lex, because he was now taking a shower upstairs.

    She went there and, as she entered the room, Lex just left the bathroom. Fully clothed, fortunately.

    “We’re having dinner with the Kents tonight,” Chloe informed without saying ‘good morning’. Maybe she wasn’t being polite, but she didn’t care.

    Lex just looked at her.

    “Good morning to you, too,” he said.

    Chloe wished he hadn’t. that just stirred the memories she’d freshly dug up this morning.

    “I’m sorry, I know it wasn’t a part of the plan, but I would really appreciate if you came with me. And, of course, play my loving husband.”

    “Of course,” he just said.

    Chloe was surprised that he agreed to it so easily, but after all, he must’ve been feeling guilty.

    She didn’t know that the dinner invitation was only at advantage to Lex. He could go on with his plan further thanks to it.

  8. #18
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    TrinityR: Lovely, another great chapter! Keep up the good work. Nice to see questions answered and Gabe daddying.

    Lex: *Waggles finger" You should have known that Chloe was going to have a nightmare and be there. Don't make me come in there and kick your ass, I'll do it!

    Chloe: Ahh, *hugs*

  9. #19
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    Quote Originally Posted by HotCrossedBunny View Post
    TrinityR: Lovely, another great chapter! Keep up the good work. Nice to see questions answered and Gabe daddying.

    Lex: *Waggles finger" You should have known that Chloe was going to have a nightmare and be there. Don't make me come in there and kick your ass, I'll do it!

    Chloe: Ahh, *hugs*

    that's a great comment

    Yes, I figured, I would put the nutrition there just for you, Bunny
    Last edited by TrinityR; 12th April 2013 at 21:02.

  10. #20
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: To Find a Way Back [chlex NC17] updated: 09-04-2013

    You don't think that I am over using the words lovely and great? I need more words!

    Thank-you, I appreciate that.

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