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Thread: Sinful & Forbidden - NC17/ completed: 17.01.12

  1. #21
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11

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    Last edited by TrinityR; 22nd May 2012 at 18:46.

  2. #22
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11

    Interested what would happen in Lex was disinherited by Lionel permamently? (reffering to the episode "Prodigal" S2). Check up new story: http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/...059#post276059


    When I opened my eyes and remembered the whole previous day, I got scared. I'd finally admitted what I'd been afraid to admit for so long and how would it affect my relations with Lex now? What would I feel when I would see him this morning? I was scared of the answer.

    All my life I'd been and I still was loyal to Clark and he'd been the reason why it hadn't worked out between me and Lex in the first place. After I'd 'come back from the dead' I'd completely given myself up to Clark, not in the way I would've probably liked but to our friendship. This friendship had been always so important to me that I couldn't had let go of it. If that meant suffering, broken heart and all of those stuff… I hadn't cared, I'd been ready for that pain just to be there for him.

    So many years of total and complete devotion… I couldn't back out on Clark. He was still my friend but it was different now. All those romantic feelings I'd had toward him were gone for so long… now it was only friendship although he was the only good and constant thing in my life. I couldn't lose him.

    I had no idea when exactly I'd stopped caring about him that way… I guess… after I'd met Jimmy? Or maybe not… I was pretty sure that the time when I'd passed him had come when Oliver had appeared in my life.

    How screwed up was I? I'd been married and the man I'd been married to had been killed by the man who couldn't had accepted the fact that I would've never loved him. Then, when I'd finally thought I could be happy again… it'd happened all over… Ollie had died.

    And now I was thinking about LEX? I couldn't even go there! Earlier before I hadn't known that all my relationships would end so badly but now… THIS ONE would certainly end like that.

    I sighed and got up.

    I hit the shower and when I dressed up I went downstairs.

    "Oh… you're already up," I said instead of 'good morning' to Lex who was sitting in the living room watching TV.

    "Good morning, Chloe." He smiled to me and turned the TV off. "I had difficulties with sleeping."

    "Really?" I bobbed my eyebrows. "After so much of alcohol I was sure you would be sleeping like a baby."

    "Well… I wasn't…" he sighed. "It was so strange… I mean… I have no memories so my dreams are weird. Like a lot of blurry stains and some buzz in the background. Nothing concrete. It's all gone. Just shattered remains."

    "I'm sorry…" I yawned. "Sorry…" This time I was apologizing for the yawning what made him laugh. "I'll try to do something about that. Are you hungry? Let's make some breakfast."

    "Ok." He stood up.

    "First, I need corrected," I decided. "Then, let's have breakfast."

    "It's fine by me."

    "I'm a coffee lover."

    "So, I see."

    "I used to be a reporter and coffee was the only thing that kept me going."

    "Used to? What happened?" he asked.

    "Well… you fired me," I answered.

    "Excuse me?"

    It was really funny to watch his face right now. He was so confused.

    "Yeah, you owned the Daily Planet and when I pissed you off, you fired me."

    "I'm sorry."

    "Don't be, I turned out alright beside… now you're not the exact same person I used to know. It's so confusing..."

    "You told me I was myself."

    "You are but without… all those bad things that happened to you… all those things you've done… it's like tabula rasa. I like you now. I think I like you more than I ever liked you and I would like you to stay that way." Jeez, I was telling him too much. Could I deny how I felt in his presence? Could I ignore the obvious tension between us?

    "I'm sorry but I will have to disappoint you, I need to know everything about myself. I need to have my memories back."

    So damn persistent!

    "We'll see if you can," I sighed.

    Don't look at me like that, your eyes are so… deep… I thought. I could sink in them.

    Then, I heard my phone ringing.

    Oh thank God for that!

    Lex was closer to the table so he reached for it and looked on the screen.

    "Clark's calling… who's Clark?" He was just about to pick it up.

    "Give it to me!" I yelled and jumped to him taking the phone from him.

    He looked at me surprised.

    "I'm sorry… I didn't want to…"

    "It's ok… you could… go and make some coffee…" I pointed the kitchen. "I need to take that."

    He listened so, I picked up the phone.

    "Hey, stranger," Clark said joyfully. "Lois told me you left Smallville. Everything's alright?"

    "Yeah, it's fine, I needed to be alone but as you can tell… not in Smallville."

    "I see… I've told you it wasn't a very good idea."

    "I had to see for myself."

    "Do you want me to come over or…?"

    "No!" I said too quickly. "I mean… I still need to be alone, Clark. It's very nice of you to be concerned about me but… I'll come back when I'm ready and I'll call you when I want to, ok?"

    "Ok, so I see you're not very happy that I called… I just…"

    "I know. You've been worried about me. You're worried about the whole world."

    "Yeah, Lex is still out there somewhere, hiding. I wonder why…"

    "Yeah… me too… I just got up and I really need coffee so…"

    "Call me!"

    "I will…" I hung up.

    I hoped he wasn't suspecting anything and I would not see him in this house in the next hour.

    I turned my phone off and went to the kitchen.

    "Wow…" I said when I saw that Lex was not only making coffee but he'd already prepared breakfast. "How did you do it so fast?"

    "I just put a lot of things from the fridge on the table. That was no work at all," he winked at me.

    God, I could get used to that Lex.

    And then, when I was watching him in the kitchen – pretty unusual sight because he'd always had servants for that – with that black glove still on his right hand...

    It struck me.

    "What happened?" he asked me when he finally sat by me. "Chloe? What happened? You look… disturbed."

    "It's all my fault," I finally whispered.


    "It's all my fault," I repeated a little louder looking into his eye. I remembered those eyes watching me when they'd been hazed from ecstasy…

    "What is your fault?" he asked leaning over the table to me.

    I couldn't breathe… he even smelt the same… God, I forgot how much I'd loved the way he'd smelt back when I'd been hiding… cologne and something else… something that was only his.

    "You were made that way because of me," I said.

    "I don't understand. You killed me?"

    "No…" I bit my lower lip. "Ok, what I'm going to tell you may hurt you and you may be angry with me but please, just listen until I finish."

    "I'm listening."

    "You were killed by my… dead husband."

    He was watching my face for a while without saying a word and then…

    "Excuse me?"

    "I mean… we weren't together back there, me and my husband… he killed you… blew up the van you were in… he thought that you were so evil that… he would do the world a favor… I was the one who brought him back from that dark times in his life… when he got better and realized what he'd done… he was finally a better man but I want you to know that he always regretted what he'd done to you… he died a few weeks ago…"

    "I see… but… how that makes you the one to blame?"

    "That went well… you're not mad at me…" I was relieved.

    "For what? Marrying my killer? Come on. He's dead. I'm alive and without my memories… I have just the fact with no emotions. It's not like I can do something about that. I can't even meet the man."

    "I am the one to blame because I think I was the one who pushed you away when you needed somebody like me the most."

    "I don't understand," he admitted wrinkling his forehead.

    "I pushed you away when you were still a good person because I was scared what might've happened with us."

    "I thought you said we weren't together that way."

    "We never had any relationship. Just an episode."

    "A small episode?" he almost laughed. "That's it?"

    "Two small episodes, actually, but yes, that's it."

    "Don't worry. You are not guilty of anything."

    "If you remembered… if you remembered the time when it happened… when you lost your friends… when your father was in jail… you were all alone. All you had were money and power but that's never happiness, Lex."

    "It's better than not having it."

    He was so close… not even mad at me… how could he?

    Because he was a tabula rasa, that was the real pure Lex with no burden on his shoulders, something told me, that was the real him.

    "You could be so wonderful... such a wonderful person… if only you were raised by different people…" I sighed. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

    He was strangely quiet…

    I wanted to kiss her so badly… I wanted to have her so badly… but how could I? If she knew what was hidden under that black glove and under the clothes I was wearing she would run away…

    I needed to keep myself straight.

    But it was so hard.

    All those things she'd been saying to me… it was terrifying but yet I didn't care about them so much like I cared about her at the moment.

    I would give everything up just to be a normal man with her.

    I would stop pursuing the truth, I would give up all my memories that I wanted to restore just to be normal, just not to have those scars all over my body, just to be with her.

    "Lex?" I asked. "Are you alright?"

    He didn't answer.

    I could notice some longing, yearning… for something he could never had. What was it all about?

    "You know I always considered myself brave," I started all over again. "I overcame the feelings I'd been having for my best friend just to stay being his friend… it took a lot of effort, heartbreaks and pain but I did it and we're still close now. For better and worse. He thinks I'm one of the bravest people he knows but it's not true. I was never brave enough. I could've stopped denying those feelings I'd been having later for you and just let you in but I didn't. I was too afraid that I might've lost all my friends and also you in the end. I was too afraid that you would've been the bad one later. Sometimes it's even easier to deny some feelings like I did with those toward you and toward my friends than to accept them and do something about it… If I did… it could've all worked out differently…" I was right. Maybe Clark would've never have to suffer over Lana's lost? Maybe she would've never been with Lex in the first place. Maybe Oliver and Jimmy would've never died… Maybe Davis wouldn't have even appeared in my life… Maybe Lois wouldn't have been with Clark right now… Maybe Lionel wouldn't have died… maybe Lex wouldn't have killed him…

    One simple choice.

    Just to have enough courage to do this.

    Lex was still silent.

    I was abashed.

    "Look at yourself now… you're a killer… you died and cloned yourself… you were brought back by some evil force… maybe this is the time to make it all right. To straighten things up."

    "What did you just say?" he finally spoke.

    "What?" I looked at him and got perplexed. Did I just… Fuck!

    "You just said that I am a killer." He leaned back in his chair. "What did you mean? Who did I kill?"

    "I… I… I told you before that you weren't exactly saint…"

    "Not being a saint doesn't mean being a killer. Who did I kill?" he stood up demanding an answer. "That is why you were acting so strangely last night! I know I told you I didn't want to know anything more… it was too much, but now… I need to know!"

    "Lex… I…"

    "If you started… please finish," he just said with his normal voice again, supported his hands on the table and bent over to me.

    "I… you…" I swallowed. "Promise me you'll stay the same…"

    "I can't promise you anything anymore."

    "You killed… you father," I finally spoke and his face couldn't get any paler in that moment.

    He slowly moved back straightening himself up.

    "He was worse than you ever was… I know there's no justification but I know that you had some remorse..."

    "Some remorse," he snorted looking at me. "Some?" He raised his eyebrows.

    "You killed him because he was standing in your way. Then, few weeks later you almost died."

    "And then the van I was inside of was blown up," he finished after me.

    "Yes, that what happened."

    "I see… so, your husband was right after all… I deserved it."

    "Nobody deserves to die, even the worst ones. If we killed everybody who's done something bad… we would be nothing more than them."

    "I am a monster. Why did I even come back?"

    "Your father brought you back."

    "You just said I killed him… don't make me crazy."

    "You already believe in supernatural, why wouldn't you believe in the existence of the other dimension when we're all in there but as different people?"

    "Am I there too?"

    "You're dead there."


    "But your father got to this world and brought you back. He's given up his life… literally his heart to you… so you would raise again."

    "I killed him and he gave me life in return?" he rose his eyebrows again. "Chloe… are you writing some crazy science fiction book and using me to be your lab rat?"

    "No, it's all true."

    God! Her face couldn't be more honest in this moment… how was that possible?

    "This world is seriously…"

    "I know. Tell me about it," I sighed.

    "Why would my father do something like that for me if I killed him?"

    "Well… you killed the other version of him, he was even worse than you. He raised you but never really loved you, maybe he thought he did but a father who loves his son doesn't act like that. He was pushing you over the edge, wanted to make you strong, he didn't want you to be weak or full of emotions. He wanted to make you hard…"

    "To make me… him?"

    "Exactly. If you don't believe me, go see in the Net. Just type Lionel Luthor."

    "Thanks but I think I had enough and... I lost my appetite."

    He walked right by me and disappeared in the hall.


    "Leave me alone!" He ran upstairs.

    "Lex!" I couldn't abandon him in that moment.

    "LEX!" I got to his room. "I screwed up all over again. I'm sorry!"

    "No!" He turned to me. "You did the right thing! You finally did what I'd asked you for! You told me the truth!"

    "I didn't want to tell it… like this."

    "It's too late now. You were right. How can I be a better person if… what I know it's enough to break me. Even without my memories I don't think I can ever be better."

    "You can… let me help you!"

    "You can't!"

    "Didn't you hear what I said to you about my feelings?"

    "Even if you had some feelings toward me… it will be all gone in a second! Maybe they are already gone!"

    "No, they are still there and I'm really tired of denying it." Maybe that was what I needed to do? To be finally brave enough? Not to hold myself back anymore?

    "Maybe they are but in a second… they will be gone! Chloe, I'm a monster inside and now I'm even a monster on the outside!"

    I was so angry. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted her to hate me, not to feel sorry for me, I wanted her to despise me. To just confirm that I was evil.

    I reached to my glove, took it off and dropped it on the floor with fury.

    "See who I am?" he yelled to me throwing the glove on the floor. "See for yourself! I'm nothing more than an ugly villain! Just like a villain from some childish fairytale!" Then, he ripped his shirt open.

    I was standing there, watching him.

    I saw his hand… it was like he had no skin on it or… like it got burned…

    Then, I looked at his chest and saw the awful scars where his body had been brought together from clones' body parts.

    All I could feel was compassion. No disgust. Just compassion.

    "Don't look at me like that!" he yelled. "Don't you try to feel sorry for me! Show me what you're really thinking! Show me that you're disgusted! Come on! Hit me with your best shot!"

    "I am not," I just said.

    He looked at me perplexed.

    "What?" he asked in surprise. "How can…"

    "You really thought I would care? It's you, Lex and I can be finally brave enough."

    "Brave enough to do what?"


    I ran to him and took his face in my hands.

    Then, I crashed my lips against his.
    Last edited by TrinityR; 25th May 2012 at 18:17.

  3. #23
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11


    "What are you doing?" Lex put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away keeping me at his arm's length.

    I looked up on his face to see how confused and full of conflict he was at the moment.

    "What's wrong?" I asked him.

    "Chloe…" When had I started loving the way he was saying my name? I could listen to his voice forever. "I don't think it's a good idea," he looked deep into my eye.

    "How come? I can see that you're doing everything in your power not to show me how much you actually want me… it's ok… I want you too…" I couldn't not notice the obvious budge in his pants. He did want me.

    "It's not that… Firstly… I don't want you to see me like this… I just showed you my chest and my hand and the rest… it won't get any better."

    "I can see that everything's on its right place and working properly," I smiled to him.

    Lex sighed and took his hands off me.

    "I understand your willingness to see past my body but I also realize that the other reason why you're doing this is because of guilt so, please, stop torturing me," he admitted turning his back on me.

    I wouldn't give up so easily.

    "Lex…" I reached my hands to him to put it around his chest from the back. "Your body isn't ugly, it's beautiful and you know why? Because what happened to you… it's a miracle. You came back… to me…" Those last words came out as a choke.

    He didn't say anything so, I continued:

    "There's nothing from guilt in my actions," I reassured him tracing my way down his chest, down his stomach and I stopped just by the pants he was wearing. I could feel his heart beating too fast while he inhaled the air deeply into his lungs. "I'm doing it because I want to. I know that I've told you that it's my fault… that everything that happened to you was my fault… not totally but I had my part in it. With me by your side you would've never had to go through all of this that happened to you… now, it's in the past and I'm looking forward into the future. Before you reappeared in my life I'd been a ghost, living, breathing ghost. I'd even lost my friend who'd got into a relationship with my cousin and I'd felt like the third wheel. I cannot deny that I didn't feel scared when I saw you in that cave and I cannot hide from you the fact that I wasn't ok with the idea of you coming back to my life with no memories… I was constantly afraid that you would remember something that would turn you against me and finally we're here. I want you. I need you, Lex. If you leave me now… then I'm alone again and I have no purpose to live on."

    He turned back to me, his face worried.

    "Chloe…" he whispered and stopped for a moment. That whisper made me shiver. I loved the sound of his voice. When had it happened? When had I fallen for him all over again? "How can you feel something for me if I killed my own father?"

    "You regretted it."

    "But I'm still the one who did it."

    "I still feel for you because I knew you back in the times where you were so good and sweet and you wanted to fight your destiny so badly. You were willing to do anything in your power not to become Lionel. I know you better than you know yourself right now, do you realize that?"

    "I still cannot have sex with you. This belongs to the past. Now I…"

    "Why can't you have sex?" I bobbed my eyebrows and put my hand on his crouch. "I can certainly tell you that you can." Some devil must got into me because I was so brave in that moment.

    "Well, I'm capable of that, of course, but… I don't want any woman, especially you, to see me like this." He was obviously doing everything he could to stop himself from thrusting himself on me.

    "Oh my God." I took my hand away. "You know what? You're acting like some narcissistic, self-centered type who cares only about how he looks. Hello? You spent your whole life… well, almost whole… being bald and it didn't bother you… well… it did but you learnt how to transfer that into your strength, not your weakness so, stop acting like an ass and let me take care of you."

    I looked at his face seeing deep emotions on it.

    "Lex… what is it?" My tone was more subtle now. "Are you ok?"

    "I don't really want to cry right now but you just made me feel like crying and I'm a strong grown up man."

    "And you are Lex Luthor, you don't cry," I noticed almost smiling.

    "Exactly… and I'm tired of resisting such a beautiful, georgeus woman like you." He put his hands on my face brushing it gently and then he finally kissed me.

    While kissing him with my whole heart I started sliding my hands through his chest again and soon explored it all. I still loved it, he had nothing to be afraid of. I would never be disgusted by the way he looked.

    Somebody once said that it was the inside what we loved, not the outside, it was proven right once more but in the same time it made me scared… did I really love Lex Luthor? Did I love his inside? Right now – of course yes, he was so pure... he was like the Lex I'd met long time ago in Smallville... but what if he would remember… what then? Would I still love him? I was too scared of the answer because deep down inside I knew I'd always loved him but never admitted it. I'd loved Ollie and I'd loved Jimmy but the feelings I'd had toward Lex had always been there. I'd just suppressed them because it'd been so wrong while being Clark's best friend, while being on the side of the good, not the evil.

    Right now I didn't care, I put all my doubts aside, I was so lonely that it didn't matter to me anymore what was wrong or right. I lived in the moment.

    I moved my lips lower and kissed Lex's chin, then I traced my way down through his neck and chest… he hissed when I kissed his scars with no revolt and finally lowered his pants down to gain access to his cock that had been alive for the last few minutes.

    When I took it into my hands and then into my mouth gently stroking it through its length… Lex moaned deeply… I put my tongue around it and obviously, he loved it.

    In some strange and bizarre way the fact that he had no recollection of ever having sex made me think… he was like a virgin.

    Who would ever think that Chloe Sullivan would have to teach Lex Luthor how to give each other that basic sexual pleasure?

    I felt him getting even more harder and heard his panting…

    Soon enough he was so close to…

    "It's ok, Lex," I stopped for a while to say that. "You can come in my mouth if you want," I smiled to him and got back to my job.

    He did and then he took another deep breath when I stood up.

    "Ok, now I think I deserve some good time," I told him taking his hand and leading him toward the bed. "Do you know what to do?"

    "I think so…" he answered looking at me in a way…

    I felt the hotness inside and outside of me… I was burning up. He desired me, wanted me and I almost forgot how good it felt when you were wanted.

    I laid on the bed and Lex soon found himself lying on me, kissing me again while taking off my clothes.

    My whole body shivered with sweet anticipation when he finally took off my bra and touched my breast playing with my nipples.

    "Oh wow… you know, you're doing pretty well…" I sighed with pleasure and moaned when he kissed it and then licked.

    "I think it's instinct…" he whispered and sucked my right nipple while playing with the other one using his fingers.

    "Yeah…" I panted. "Definitely… nobody never taught animals how to do this… and somehow... they do."

    He soon moved downwards pulling my panties down and when I spread my legs he found himself between my tights licking my pussy and playing with my clit while using his tongue.

    "Oh God… Lex…"

    "I like it," he said stopping for a while, "the way you're calling my name…"

    "Just don't stop…" I yearned writhing with his tongue inside of me. "I can't wait any longer… let's do it already…" I added when he slid his fingers inside of me. "I mean… if you can so soon…"

    "Baby… of course I can…" he said faking to be a little offended and his face soon was just over mine. He was kissing me with all his force and passion, our tongues entwined, we were panting into each other's mouths and were so hot…

    Then, he slowly slid himself into me and I felt my inner muscles clenching over him rhythmically.

    "Oh, I feel that once won't be enough for me…" I said having my first orgasm almost immediately.

    "That's even better…" he said wincing his face. "God, it feels so fucking good!"

    "I know!" I had to admit that. It was surprising but… that was like the best sex of my life. Even Ollie hadn't managed to give me an orgasm seconds after entering me… I'd always had great sex with him but with Lex… it was like going to heaven and hell in the same time… too good.

    "Oh fuck…" he panted when he started moving faster.

    "I know!"

    After couple of minutes I screamed through my second climax.

    Then, I heard his growl and he also came.

    "Chloe… I…"

    "Don't say it," I warned him.

    "How do you know what I was going to say?" he asked crashing on the bed right beside me.

    "You wanted to say that you loved me but I don't buy it in bed. Guys always say stuff like that after having sex."

    "Oh really, and who makes you an expert?"

    "I'm sure I have more experience here than you," I noticed. "Since you don't remember all your sexual partners."

    "Were there a lot?" he asked teasing me. "Are you jealous?"

    "I don't know how many you had because, believe me, I had much more important and exciting things to do than monitoring your sex life."

    He laughed and supported himself on his elbow to look at my face, he kissed me again.

    "I think you're the best."

    "You don't remember," I suddenly saddened.

    "Hey… I don't have to remember to know it." He brushed my face with his hand. "What is it? Why are you being so worried?"

    "I wished you remembered me," I confessed. "Only me, I don't care about anything else, I want you to have all the memories of me. I want to know what you were thinking about me back then… in the very beginning and later just before you died… I would give up a lot to know that."

    "You don't have to…" he said looking deeply into my eyes. "I don't have to know to feel," he reassured me and kissed me again. Then, he laid down. "I'm so tired…"

    "Men are usually sleepy after sex and you didn't get much sleep last night…" I noticed snuggling into his cut body.

    In the daylight the scares were very visible… he had them almost on his every joint. They were red but smooth.

    "Still doesn't bother you?" he asked me with his sleepy voice.

    "No… never…"


    I was watching him while he was sleeping… I knew I could do a lot in that time but I just couldn't go. I wanted his face… his body… to sink into my mind. I wanted him all and had no boundaries right now. Maybe I'd been vulnerable and that was the reason why it'd taken me such a short period of time to give him access to my heart… but it was too late anyway… I could just hope for the future… that it would be much better... this time.

    There was also no point in denying our relations and encounters from the past anymore. As reluctant as I'd been before, now it was all relevant.

    We'd had sex twice in the past.

    And when he'd been hiding me from Lionel… that had been just once…

    I looked at his closed eyes and went back in time in my head… to relive it all over again…
    Last edited by TrinityR; 25th May 2012 at 18:18.

  4. #24
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11


    It was the day of the second meteor shower… I came to Lex's mansion to save Clark. I got there just in time to pull his body away from kryptonite and when he healed himself he was gone.

    Then, Lex entered.

    "Lex… I was looking for Lana…" I told him the first excuse that came to my mind.

    "She's already left," he answered with his usual sharp voice which started becoming angrier and angrier when he discovered the open hidden chamber and lack of element he'd been hiding there.

    Of course, it was all Clark but how could I tell him that? I reassured him that I was only looking for Lana and it'd already all been like than when I'd come.

    I'd never seen him that angry. I was quite scared of him and didn't know what to do.

    Then, he got to me and shook me putting his hands on my arms.

    "Who took the element? TELL ME!"

    "Lex… I don't know what you're talking about…" I answered with rather shaky voice. I really didn't want to be with him alone right now. Since that time when he'd been hiding me… after all that had happened between us back then… we'd never talked about it. We'd been acting normal like always but I could've sworn that he bore a grudge against me. Maybe it was his offended pride or something else, something more… I didn't really want to think about it. I just wanted to get out of there before he would do something to me or… no, I didn't want to admit that there was still something between us. Chemistry.

    "We need to get out of Smallville before the meteor shower hits…" I just wanted to get out of there! Of this room, of this freaking mansion!

    "We'll find that stone, Chloe, even if that means dodging a few meteors in process."

    I looked at him puzzled and scared in the same time. I needed to get out of there! Away from him!

    "Come…" he told me brutally taking my arms and pulling me to the exit.

    "Lex… I don't know what you're talking about…" I tried one more time.

    He was too strong for me, he was in rage and had resentments toward me. Those weren't my assets.

    All the way to the caves I was even scared to breath. I didn't know what he was going to do to me but suddenly… my own reaction scared me. I didn't care anymore. When I was around him I felt save and it didn't matter that it had no sense at the time when he was angry with me and when the meteor shower was about to hit.

    "You know as well as I do! It's the epicenter!" he said harshly when we got there.

    "Of WHAT?" I finally raised my voice. Why was he so stubborn? Why hadn't he said anything if he'd thought that we… oh, Chloe, stop, that's just pointless!

    "COME ON, CHLOE! You're the town expert of all things unexplained. You know damn well about this cave and those stones!" He was acting crazy, like a lunatic.

    "Lex, what's wrong with you?" I asked him making a step closer.

    He also made his way to me.

    "If you didn't break into my library…" he put his hands on my shoulders once more and shook me, "you know who did. Who are you trying to protect?"

    Our faces were so close right now that I held my breath. What was happening? …again.

    He suddenly stopped talking and accusing me of everything and just looked me in the eye.

    Then, he did something I really didn't expect.

    He shook me again but this time to pull me closer to crash his lips against mine.

    I didn't even realize that a long muffled moan of pleasure came out of my mouth.

    He pushed me toward the wall and soon enough I felt the rocky and definitely uncomfortable cave wall right against my back. I didn't care, it could be painful, it didn't matter. I just wanted to find myself there again, with him.

    We were acting like in some kind of trance, burning with desire we'd been hiding deep inside for so long now…

    He took his lips from mine and started devouring my skin, exactly, devouring, then he got back to my lips and slid his hands under my shirt.

    I didn't even have the time to think about what was happening between us, all over again.

    He wasn't the same Lex who'd been hiding me over a year ago, he'd changed and what more – he'd changed not for the better but worse.

    He was making me scared of him yet I was the one kissing him and unzipping his flies right now.

    He quickly took my pants off and second after that he got inside of me with one quick motion while uttering a powerful groan of pleasure.

    I couldn't stop him, it was too good… I surrendered panting while he was fucking me. The cave wall was painfully grazing my skin but who cared?

    Then, I felt like I was flying… I could feel like that only with Lex so far… such a pity that we didn't match…

    The orgasm ran though my body and shortly after that he came too.

    "Oh my God…" I sighed covering my face with my hands while he backed out and zipped his pants up.

    "Chloe…" he started when I finally put my clothes back on. "I…"

    "Don't you say anything…" I warned him. I started thinking very hard. What now? "And so far for 'it's never happened'," I finally added.

    "Do you really want to play that again?!" he raised his voice, his anger was back.

    I didn't have to answer that because some illuminating light burst from the passage right next to us.

    "What's that?" Lex finally took his attention off me remembering what was the real reason that we'd come here. He made a step toward that light.

    "Be careful, it might be dangerous!" I told him and pushed him away using all my strength.

    He hit his head on the cave wall and laid unconscious…


    And that had been it, I thought while lying next to him, watching him sleeping. That had been all.

    I'd run away again, I hadn't even given him the chance to tell me what it'd been he'd wanted… no chance… it was obvious that I'd pushed him on that wall because I'd been protecting Clark's secret but I hadn't come back to Lex after the meteor shower. I'd never talked to him about what had happened. Maybe it'd been a mistake but it was too late to fix it now. I could only look forward. I finally became that brave woman I'd always wanted to be and right now… Lex was here, in bed with me.

    I smiled and stroked his head again.

    I was happy. I knew there was so much in front of us yet but, for now, the life was good again.

    He moved and then, opened his eyes.

    "Oh, hey there," he smiled. "Did I fall asleep?" he asked me pulling me closer to him and kissing me.

    "Yes, you did. You were pretty tired, you know… after…"

    The smile just didn't want to fade away from his face.

    "What do you say for… remake?" he asked with fire in his eyes.

    "Don't even have to ask…" I said and sat on him. "Ready to try something new?"

    "With you? Always."


    "Let's go outside!"

    After having sex again we'd taken a bath together and eaten something afterwards.

    "Good idea, I could use some fresh air," he admitted.

    I was in fantastic mood, didn't even remember when had been the last time I'd felt like that. Before Ollie's death? No. Before the whole apocalypse thing? Then, I realized how hard life had been for me back then and why? Because of Clark. It'd been enough to just get away from him for a while and everything was normal again, I could appreciate the pleasure of normality, even the strange normality with Lex in my bed, life without scaring about tomorrow, life without the constant fear that one of my friend would die, that something would go wrong and the world would end…

    Being Clark's friend was difficult, I knew that but even though, I would've never turned my back on him.

    What didn't mean I didn't deserve a solid break after all of these years, right?

    "Chloe, what bothers you?" Lex asked studying my face and taking me in his arms.

    "Nothing… just… life…" I stammered. "Hey… look… you're not wearing your glove," I smiled to him.

    "Well… I didn't find time to put it back on since we went straight to the kitchen from the bathroom. Don't worry though, I will have it on if we go somewhere public."

    Somewhere public, this gave me the chilies.


    "I just… I wish you could stay in hiding forever. With me," I admitted my bravest dream.

    "Chloe… I had the impression that you were a realist. Why would you… Are you afraid that I might do something wrong?" he asked me. "Don't you trust me?"

    "I do, I just… I just can't totally adjust to this new you."

    "Well, you will have to because I don't think there is a cure."

    "I don't think that either, I'm sorry."

    "And even if there was… you still wouldn't use it on me, would you?"

    "Would you like to be the old you?" I answered with a question. "Because I wouldn't."

    "Our life experiences make us the way we are," he said. "I don't know the answer to your question yet and who knows… maybe I never will."

    We were strolling a while and then I turned to him pushing him gently on the stone wall of Oliver's residence and taking his face in my hands, kissing him.

    "Auch…" he hissed.

    "What happened?" I wrinkled my forehead. "How could I hurt you with a kiss?"

    "You didn't…" He turned to the wall and extracted something out of it. It was a small kryptonite. "I just cut my finger on it but it's fine." He looked at his hand. "You see? No blood. What is it exactly?"

    "It's a meteor rock. Ollie must have brought some here in the past but I have no idea why it's on the wall…" Maybe it was a part of it? I never brought Clark here so I couldn't be sure it there were any more kryptonites around.

    "You sure you're fine?" I asked with care in my voice.


    "You know what… I'll go home, you wait a couple of minutes and then come to find me," I suggested smiling to him.

    "And what will I get for this?" he teased me.

    "A reward…"

    "What kind of a reward?"

    "You would have to come and find out," I giggled and ran back to the building.

    I was watching her going back in and couldn't believe my own luck. Who would think that it could've happened? Me and Chloe… Me with all my scares and flaws, not only the visible external ones but also those inside of me too. So what that I had no memories when she knew? She knew it all.

    My head suddenly started aching… what… I winced my face putting my hands to it…

    Then it came. Like a storm.

    I was in the Torch.

    Chloe got inside.

    "Mr Luthor," she smiled to me putting her bag aside.

    There was someone else in the room too but I could not tell who. That was about me and Chloe only.

    "It's Lex," I smiled getting closer to her and reaching my hand out. She shook it.

    "...your meteor theory. I like it," I smiled.

    I had the impression that there was something before to say… some name? I had no idea what kind of a name…

    I only saw Chloe…

    Then, I found myself in the mansion.

    My mansion? Chloe mentioned that I had one once…

    I was inside, drinking whiskey.

    The pain was abrupt and sharp. I could feel my throat clenching, something inside of me burning its way from my mouth to my stomach… drilling inside of me… I couldn't breath...

    I fell down crashing on the glass table but the cuts on my back were nothing compared to this agony I've been going through…

    Chloe… I had to save her… if not me… then who? What would happen to her?

    That was the last thought in mind before passing out…
    Last edited by TrinityR; 25th May 2012 at 18:39.

  5. #25
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11


    I woke up in a hospital.

    I was so confuse… why was I here? What happened?

    And then, when I tried to swallow I remembered. I still felt my throat painfully swollen, still had difficulties with breathing but I was alive.

    Then, I thought about Chloe.

    How long had I been out? What happened? Who had done that to me? Was she save?

    I tried to get up but I was connected to a drip so I just pressed the button to call for a nurse.

    She came to me quickly.

    "Mr Luthor, you're awake!" There was a surprise in her voice.

    "I…" I hoarsed but stopped. One simple word brought so much pain… no, I needed to say something, I needed to ask about everything, it didn't matter that it hurt so badly. "I need… to get… out of here…" I managed to say while wincing my face with pain.

    "You need to stay in bed and recover," she said coming to me and reaching her hand to my drip.

    "No…" I denied because I knew she was going to give me some morpheme and it would just make it all worse. I had to be awake now.

    "I don't understand you, Mr Luthor. You survived a deadly amount of poison. We have no idea how, but the fact is that you have. You need to stay in bed. You're not well yet! Do you realize that we have to keep purifying your blood at least one time every 24 hours?"

    "How long have I been here?" I suddenly got scared. What if it was too late to save her? "I need to be somewhere…" I tried to sit.


    "Call for my doctor and I'll sign everything that is required."

    "I am your doctor."

    "You are?"

    "Yes. I'm following your strange orders from the very beginning so maybe it's time you listen to me."

    "What orders?"

    "You told me not to call your father, what more, I should not call for anybody and let the world thinks you're missing."

    "Really? That's good. Pity I don't remember that though."

    "You had a fever but you sounded pretty serious. I decided to agree to your demands because you were obviously poisoned. Somebody tried to kill you, Mr Luthor."

    "Ok." This time I had to sit. My father had been trying to kill me, that was obvious. "I need my phone, my clothes and… well… you."

    "Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You need to stay in bed! You're not well!"

    "That's why I need you, doctor. Not in a way you think, I need you to be by my side and help me in case I feel bad again."

    "You ARE feeling bad."

    "Doesn't matter… I need to do something…" Hell, my throat was burning up! The same was with my vocal cords but I kept talking anyway. I learnt how to ignore the pain soon enough.

    She placed her hand on my forehead.

    "What? I don't have a fever anymore!"

    "I know… that's surprising me. A normal person wouldn't act like that."

    "There is life at stake here!" I screamed and suddenly choked. My hand got to my neck, I caught it while it clenched. I tried to take a deep breath.

    "Calm down… you shouldn't be talking, not to mention screaming! Ok, I'll do whatever you want me to do just, calm down… the health of my patient is always the most important thing to me."

    "Thank… you…" I breathed heavily. "Do you have… something… for… that?"

    "Water and pills… take that too…" She handed me over some inhalator. "It will help to loosen your vocal cords."

    "I'm feeling like I had asthma all over again…" I snorted looking at the inhalator.

    "Don't worry, it won't be forever. You'll get better very soon. Any chance of getting an answer to a question how is that possible that you're alive? That poison would kill a horse."

    "No idea," I answered. "I would appreciate if you take that drip away."

    I couldn't go to see Chloe right away, I had to wait one more day because when I got up I almost collapsed. My heart started pounding so fast that I thought I would have a heart attack and I started sweating in the same time.

    "Easy…" doctor supported me. "You need to have another treatment, Mr Luthor."

    "But I... need… to…"

    "If you walk out of here right now, you won't get anywhere, you'll eventually collapse and die, do you understand me?"

    "Yes," I sighed. "Do what you have to do…"


    I finally get out the next day. I Melinda's number and promised that I would call if something happened. I didn't care about me anyway right now, Chloe was the only thing that mattered. I had to make sure she was alright even for the cost of my own life. She'd been in such trouble because of me, she'd been helping me so I had to return the favor.

    On my way over to her something started happening to me again but I told myself that I would manage to get there and come back without any unfortunate surprises.

    When I got there I left the car in the right distance so as not to attract any attention. I needed to take every precaution.

    I got to the building she was in and started opening up the door what took me a little longer than normal. I obviously didn't feel well.

    I walked inside and heard nothing. No sign of anybody living there. Was I already too late? Some dreadful fear run through me. I was already shaking and when add to that…

    "Chloe? Are you here?" I asked coming toward the living room.

    "LEX!" I heard her exclaim what made me feel so relieved that I had the impression that some huge burden was just taken away from my shoulders. Something heavily dropped on the floor and Chloe thrust herself into my arms almost making me fall back.

    Soon, I found myself putting my arms around her while hugging her tightly. Only now I realized how badly I'd missed her.

    "I was so scared…" she whispered into my ear making me shiver. It was a whisper of desperation, she needed me, ME – the Luthor. I could save that small and scared creature in the person of the blond eloquent reporter she'd been.

    She'd been always so fearful and brave, now she seemed so fragile in my arms.

    She let me go and I staggered feeling the dizziness returning.

    "Lex… you don't look well… what…"

    "Later… Chloe…" I took a deep breath and looked into her eye. "You are officially dead."

    I could tell that the shock came back to her when she heard those words but I needed her to understand that, I needed her to comprehend the power of it. She couldn't go out of hiding, at least not until my father would finally be in jail.

    And soon after that I couldn't hold myself together anymore. I passed out but managed to tell her who should she call.

    Stupid… that was the last word that came to my mind before I lost my consciousness. I'd driven all the way to her save house just to see her, I couldn't had waited until I would've been better. I could've checked if she'd been alright without coming here… but it was too late now…


    When I woke up the first thing that came to my mind was, of course, her.


    She was so relieved when she heard me. I must had scared the hell out of her.

    At least she was still save. Everything had orked out as it supposed to.

    The day of mistakes, I thought when after our talk we kissed.

    Or maybe not? Maybe it was the day when everything started? The day of the new beginning?

    I was in pain right now, maybe it was like a birth… and what I felt when I was around her… I couldn't describe it. I'd never felt that way before.

    Maybe she was the one, the thought crossed my mind but I pushed it away immediately. She was so young… so vulnerable right now, she needed consolation and the only person she could speak to was me. If we really felt something toward each other we would have to wait until it would all be over to figure it out.

    "We can't…" I said then. Shit, I was still shirtless, who had taken my shirt off? Her? Or the doctor? Was she staring? Couldn't I blame her? I was half naked while kissing her!

    I stood up and turned round quickly to put it back on. I still didn't feel ok so there was no way that there could be something more between us today than just kissing.

    I was too weak, she was too young. Period.

    "I better go…" My throat was still hurting, I realized. I hadn't been feeling that pain when she'd been kissing me… was she like a balsam for it? Again, I needed to take my thoughts away from her.


    The next time I came back… totally healthy… totally ok… found her there totally alone, bored to death…

    It happened. I couldn't help it. We kissed. Maybe I was provoked but I was a man after all, I couldn't restrain myself when she found herself all over me… and add to that those feelings I'd been having toward her… no, I couldn't…

    So, I went to bed with her...

    …only to hear the most hurtful mix of words afterwards… Can we keep it a secret?

    A secret, was I so meaningless to her that she didn't want anybody to know about us? She obviously wasn't looking for a relationship…

    Then, I understood it all differently, I thought she wanted to keep it a secret because she was still a minor… but her answer...

    Oh… that…
    ...hurt me even more.

    I wanted to talk to her when it would be all over but… somebody… took her away from me. Not in a romantic way, no, he took her away by simply being her friend, by leading her toward the light while I was going further and further into the darkness.

    Could anybody blame me? I had no friends, the woman I'd started to love didn't even want me, she preferred friendship with... somebody... than love with me…

    Then, the next time we overreacted… happened in the cave…

    When I saw her so angry with me, so passionate in the same time… I just had to take her, all that I'd been feeling to her came back when I thought I was finally over her.

    And again… was I a fool? How could I be such a fool? How could she love ME - the bad Luthor while having by her side the most powerful… somebody… another blur in my head.

    And after we had sex – she knocked me out.

    When I woke up she was gone.

    I didn't have enough courage to face her… she was obviously reluctant to me and I knew what she would do anyway.

    She would hit me in the face and call me a scumbag.

    I really didn't want to see the disgust painted on her face. I wanted to remember the ecstasy caused by me… that was much better…

    Then boom… all those times I'd been seeing her… I'd been meeting her…

    And the final… when she'd found me in that cave…


    I finally woke up from this flood of memories of her that appeared in my head.

    Had I come back to that cave because somewhere deep inside I'd known what had happened back there between us? Had I wanted to meet her there?

    Or there was some much more deeper meaning I couldn't understand just yet?

    Why had I remembered just her?

    And… the most important question… how had it happened?

    I tried to go back in time in my head… what had we been doing just before that?

    Then, it struck me.

    She'd told me about the meteor rocks… that they'd been giving unusual powers to people living in Smallville… I'd cut my finger on it… maybe…

    I found that stone and looked at it.

    Nothing, just a simple green stone.

    Then, I went all the way and decided to cut myself again.

    Nothing, only a little blood and no more memories…

    What was the catalyst then?

    I'd cut myself while kissing her and… kissing her… maybe I needed to have that contact with her by kissing… interesting… but I wouldn't kiss everybody on the street just to remember… that thought almost made me laugh.

    I hid the rock in my pocket and decided to finally go inside and look for her.

    I knew she was the one. I knew that with or without my memories, the only fear I'd had before was that if I remembered, my feelings would change…

    I'd remembered and they didn't.


    "Chloe?" he was getting closer and closer.

    I knew it wouldn't take him long. I'd walked into the library and decided to wait for him there.

    "There you are!" He finally came and got to me kissing me.

    "Mmmm…" I uttered smiling to him.

    Suddenly, he turned me so now he was behind me and benefiting the fact that I was wearing a skirt he pulled it up pushing me toward the desk.

    "Lex… what are you doing?" I laughed knowing where it would lead us so I supported my hands on the wooden countertop.

    "Don't you like it?" he asked straight into my ear what made me shiver.

    "Oh, I do…"

    Couple of seconds later I felt him on me and then he was inside…

    One thing changed though, he'd been gentle before, he'd been making love to me and now… now he was fucking me.

    Of course I liked it, I loved it actually, but how could he change so much in a couple of minutes? Maybe he just wanted to experiment. I didn't mind at all.

    "Oh… Lex!" I sighed hearing his body banging into mine so clearly... and after uttering some sighs of pleasure we came.

    Then, he said something that made me scared… actually… terrified…

    "Just like I remember…" he whispered into my ear still having me clenched in his arms, still being inside of me.

    I was mortified but after a while I turned round to face him… his eyes…

    Everything changed.

    "What do you mean?" I found myself squealing, too afraid of an answer.

    "What's the matter Chloe?" he cocked his head in surprise. "I thought I heard you saying that you wanted me to remember you, didn't you? Now, your wish has been granted…"
    Last edited by TrinityR; 25th May 2012 at 19:04.

  6. #26
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    23 Oct 2011

    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11


    I was looking at him, completely horrified and shocked.
    "Bb…but… how?" I finally squealed.
    He reached to his pocket and showed me the kryptonite.
    "This?" It was so new… I had no words, me, the used-to-be-reporter with a huge dictionary in her head, speechless.
    He smiled.
    "Yes, that, you see… the reason found itself. Nature always finds a way, doesn't it?"
    "And… you just… picked it up and then boom… all your memories came back?" I hesitated. I wasn't really sure if I should be scared of him right now or not. What if the evil part of him which seemed to be the dominant one was back?
    "No." Frustration ran through his face and I felt a sudden relief. "Only you."
    Only me, that really had been what I'd wanted.
    "I have no idea… I hurt myself on this rock so maybe it triggered something… then I had a physical contact with you… maybe when put it all together… but I really don't see myself walking down the street and kissing everybody I'll encounter." He laughed.
    I was feeling the tension slowly running off…
    "And… how do you feel about me now?" Amazing how fast could I get from fear to doubt that he might not feel the same while knowing all the details… while remembering all that had happened between us.
    "Chloe…" His voice softened and became almost a whisper, he put his hand to my face and looked me deeply in the eye. "Nothing's changed. I still care. I still love you. Now, I just have the bigger perspective…"
    "I'm sorry, Lex, I was a coward when it came to us. I guess it was easier to chose friendship over love."
    "Eee… yes or… I guess it was safer for me to stay away from you."
    "Well, we can make up for the lost time now." He kissed me and I let him pull myself closer to his body. Nothing changed. My feelings stayed the same. I needed him and I was really through with worrying about everything that might or might not happen in the near or distant future.
    I'd been doing this all my life, I'd been sacrificing myself for everybody, I'd wanted to please everybody and never cared about myself. Now, the time to finally stop came and I could indulge myself into pleasure I craved for.


    The near/distant future turned out to happen… the very same day…
    When I was in the bathroom I heard my phone ringing but couldn't get out to pick it up.
    When I finally got to it I found Lex with it in his hand.
    "Sorry… it woke me up and I instinctively answered," he said.
    Well, we'd been sleeping after another sex marathon so I knew he was honest with me.
    "Who was that?" I asked trying not to sound too concerned.
    "I don't know. They hung up, maybe it was a wrong number."
    "Maybe…" I sighed and came back to bed. "So, leave the phone on the table and come over here…" I smiled and kissed him again when he did.
    Suddenly, something burst through the door opening them with a huge rumble.
    We jumped from each other to see what just happened that scared us so much.
    "CLARK?!" I exclaimed covering myself with a sheet so he couldn't see me naked.
    "Who?" Lex just asked in confusion and looked at him again.
    Clark was just standing there, watching us… his face was so pale that I had the impression it was white… his eyes wide open…
    "Ch… Chloe?" He was speechless. He looked at me, then at Lex and at me again.
    "Clark… let me explain…" I started while trembling with fear. What would happen now? What would he do? How would he react?
    "Who are you?" Lex asked still confused. "What are you doing here and…"
    "Clark… wait…" I said and found my robe, put it on and got out of bed. "Lex, please, stay here… I'll be right back."
    I had to use all my strength to push Clark out of the room into the corridor.
    "What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled at me. "You're sleeping with LEX LUTHOR?!"
    "Be quiet… he'll hear you…"
    "I don't care… Chloe! He is…"
    "I know… but he doesn't remember anything…"
    "Ok, I'm listening…" he sighed entwining his arms. "Hurry up before I'll kill him."
    "You won't, you're not a killer."
    "But he is!"
    "He doesn't remember anything and anybody but… me…"
    "Chloe… how could you… I… I don't understand… how…"
    "Ok, let me explain it to you quickly… there was something… actually… something happened between me and Lex years ago but I never told you, I never told anybody…" I quickly summarized him the most important details and then I told him the truth, I told him exactly what had happened after I'd found Lex in the caves so recently.
    "I'm sorry… I can't help it. I deserve to be happy," I finished biting my lip because I wasn't sure what he would do next.
    "Chloe, you are… stupid."
    "Great. Did you come all the way here to tell me that?" I raised my eyebrows. "I can't fight my feelings all my life."
    "Sometimes it's better to do that than suffer later. Don't you remember what happened to Lana? Lionel? Tess?"
    "He's different now."
    "And what if he remembers?"
    "Don't you have your own problems?... Why did you come here anyway? I thought I asked you to leave me alone for a while."
    "I called you and Lex picked up."
    "You didn't say anything but hung up?"
    "Yes… I was sure that he was keeping you here by strength…"
    I almost laughed.
    "So, you can't imagine how big the shock was when I saw you two… in bed…" he looked down avoiding my eyes.
    "I'm sorry that you had to find out that way, Clark, I really am. You have to understand that I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure how and… I was scared of your reaction."
    "Do you realize that I've been looking for him ever since he disappeared? Lois's been looking for him!"
    "To write a story! That's not fair!"
    "He has to come up eventually."
    "I know but I was keeping him here to delay it."
    Clark sighed heavily and for a moment he hid his face in his hands.
    "Chloe, honestly… I have no idea what to do with that."
    "What do you mean?"
    "How do you imagine your life with him?"
    "I… I don't think about the future right now, I'm living in the moment."
    "So start thinking about it, it's important, you can't…"
    "I can't what exactly? I'm a big girl, Clark. If I promise you that I'll take care of him will you leave him alone?"
    "It's wrong… he should be… dead…"
    "It was Oliver who killed him, remember?"
    "Is it really worth it?"
    "You know what?" I suddenly got very angry with him. "I need something in my life just for myself! You have Lois! I have nobody!"
    "With Lois…"
    "Let me finish! I loved you for a really long time and endured everything for you! You chose Lana, ok, I dealt with that but stayed by your side because your friendship was too important to me than the crush I had. Then, I got over you, I was glad it happened, I really was. I had this small episode with Lex but let it go because I was too scared to admit that I had feelings for somebody like him. I had Jimmy and what happened? Davis killed him! I had Oliver and what happened again? He died! So right now… please, don't you dare to take Lex away from me! I love him!"
    "What did you just say?" Clark's eyes opened widely once again. "You love him? Are you serious?"
    "Haven't you figure it out by now?" I sighed.
    "I thought he was making you feel better, more full but… God… Chloe…"
    "I'm a big girl, Clark, I can manage," I repeated. "And you know what? This time I'm choosing my own happiness over you, even if that means losing your friendship… I can't walk away from love because this may not happen to me the fourth time. You have Lois, I have no one! Do you know how I feel?" I was practically crying now.
    "Oh, Chloe…" he whispered and put his arms around me. "I'm sorry… I do care about Lex but I'm just afraid that he may become bad again and you will end up hurt. How do you know you can control him?... I wished we could be friends like we used to but…"
    "So, reach out to him. He doesn't know you, maybe it will be like the first time you met? Years ago?" I suggested letting him go.
    Lex opened the door and before I could react he… reached out a kryptonite.
    "Lex… what are you doing?" I asked him terrified.
    Clark, of course, felt bad and started staggering.
    "What's happening?" Lex asked surprised. "Is this rock hurting you? That never happened to me or Chloe." He made one more step forward and I was just about to stop him when he put his other hand on Clark's shoulder.
    They both winced with pain and shot their eyes, the kryptonite fell down on the floor and I kicked it as far away as I could to make Clark stop feeling pain. I couldn't blame Lex, he just wanted to have his memories back, I would probably do the same if I were him but…
    They both fell on the floor.
    "Oh My God!" I screamed. "What's happening? Lex? Clark? Are you ok?!"
    I put my hands to my head as it started aching… the pain was almost unbearable. I felt like I was connected to Clark's head and then…
    Our minds were one… I saw myself in his head… I saw a lot of pictures… the bridge… Clark Kent… Kent's farm… Smallville… my father… the mansion… Chloe… Lana… Smallville High… The Traveler… my own death…
    Betrayal. Secrets. Lies.
    That what it'd been.
    And then something even more shocking happened, not only I remembered Clark and everything associated to him… I remembered everything.

    They suddenly stopped wincing their faces as the pain went away and Lex got back on his feet, breathing heavily.
    Clark followed him soon enough.
    "Did you just see…" he started but Lex was faster. He hit him in the face.
    "Lex!" I screamed.
    "You lied to me! You were lying to me all the time! You abandoned me!" Lex accused him.
    I covered my mouth.
    "Lex…" I whispered. "Please… don't…"
    "Don't what exactly?" he asked looking back at me.
    One thing hadn't changed – the way how he was looking at me, I could still feel the love.
    "Please… please… don't…" I started crying.
    "Chloe…" Clark got to me. "I'm sorry that your dreams are ruined… I told you… you shouldn't have gotten involved with him, he'll destroy you."
    "I wouldn't hurt her! I love her!" Lex yelled.
    "So… STOP FIGHTING!" I found my strength somewhere deep inside and just burst at them. "WHAT'S THE POINT IN THIS CONSTANT FIGHTING?! WHAT IS IT?! YOU WERE BEST FRIENDS ONCE! LEX, CLARK NEVER TOLD YOU HIS SECRET BECAUSE HE WAS AFRAID! YOU WERE TOO MUCH INTERESTED IN METEOR FREAKS! IF YOU HADN'T PUT HIM INTO LAB YOUR FATHER WOULD'VE DONE IT AND YOU KNOW IT! THEN… THEN YOU TURNED YOUR BACK ON US… I KNOW THE BLAME IS ALSO MINE BUT FOR A GOD'S SAKE! STOP! PURSUING POWER, MYSTERIOUS OBJECTS AND THE TRAVELER DIDN'T GET YOU ANYTHING! YOU WERE ALONE, YOUR BECAME A KILLER AND YOU ENDED UP DEAD! YOU GOT A SECOND CHANCE AND WHAT YOU DID? YOU KILLED YOUR OWN SISTER! YOU CAN'T DO THAT ANYMORE! YOU HAVE TO STOP!" I stopped myself realizing that they were looking at me in shock. Well, I must scared the hell out of them by screaming my throat out like that. I tried to calm myself down a little. "Do you remember the moment I told you about your life? You were terrified, you almost didn't want to remember just to be able to stay good. Then, I followed you to your room and… I reassured you that I still cared about you and believed in you…" I didn't want to go any further because Clark really didn't have to know all the details of our sex life. "Please… if you love me, truly love me, you will listen to me. You will stop being evil. You will go toward the light because I can't be with you if you don't. I'm sorry, Lex, but this is the truth. If you keep doing what you were doing in the past… I will leave you. It doesn't matter how badly it will hurt… I will leave you. I will be miserable and I will have no reason to live anymore but you two know that I'm capable of the greatest sacrifices."
    There was silence which was so strange and annoying.
    No one spoke.
    They were just staring at me.
    Then Clark turned to Lex.
    "I'm sorry…" he said and I just couldn't believe my own ears! "I'm sorry I hadn't trusted you enough back then… can you forgive me? Yes, I am the alien from another planet called Krypton and right now… I'm saving people in Metropolis."
    Wow, that was a big one coming from Clark. Total honesty.
    "Thank you, Clark," I told him. I didn't expect that from him. He was willing to expose himself just for me.
    "I guess… Chloe…" he started looking at me. "I guess I owe you that. You're right, you were always there for me, ready for any sacrifice just to save me and everybody around you. You paid the highest prize so, right now… I'm doing something for you."
    Lex still didn't say a word.
    I could see the inner conflict, battle… he was fighting himself inside…
    Power? Do you really need any more power? Or do you want to have a real family? Do you want to have real friends again?
    Chloe was the one who accepted you… she can see past your cut body to see the soul within, the soul which is yet so polluted and dirty… she can make you better… isn't that what you always wanted? A second chance? A second chance with Clark who had been like a brother to you once… a second chance in love?
    I hesitated and then looked in the eye of the one I truly loved.
    Fortunately I was also brave enough to look at Clark.
    I found myself reaching my hand out to him, he took it with an unsure smile on his face…
    Chloe's face was illuminated by her smile in that very moment and this was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
    That was the pure happiness… to make the person you love happy and proud of you. To give her the one chance she needed for being truly happy .
    And that was how she brought me back…


    Lex Luthor – presumed dead for the last three years – came back with a thunder taking over his old company... (...)
    The LuthorCorp was sold by Tess Mercer to Queen Industries and after Oliver Queen's death, inherited by his wife – Chloe Sullivan.
    As a result of Luthor and Sullivan's wedding which is set on October... (...)
    Luthor also announced his run for the election (…)
    For the Daily Planet – Lois Lane


    "So, my cousin finally got the article she wanted," I giggled lying in my fiancé's arms and rubbing my belly. "Six more months…" I sighed.
    "We can wait… we have to… and then… we will have a family… true family…"


    "That was the day the boy turned into Superman…" I finish reading to my son.
    "Wow…" he gasps in excitement.
    I smile, close the comic book and kiss him in the head.
    "Read again, please!" he asks me with his sweet childish voice.
    I smile again and get up.
    "There will always be more adventures for another day," I say to him and brush his cheek.
    He falls asleep almost immediately and I walk out of the room turning the lights off… last glance at my son… last glace at the room… I see a bunch of arrows in the corner what makes me think about him… how long is it already? How long since he died?
    I shake my head. I don't want to think about this now, not when I'm finally happy, I have a family…
    I close the door and go to my bedroom.
    "So… where were we…?" I ask and smile again.
    "We were just about to work on the second child." Lex smiles. "Come over here…"
    I smile too and get to bed.
    I kiss him and let him take off my clothes.
    "So, Mr president… you want a bigger family…"
    "It's so sexy when you call me a president in bed…" he whispers kissing my neck.


    Happily ever after? I don't know… I don't really believe in fairy tales but I guess I deserve the life I have now. I deserve to finally be happy. And I think that Lex deserves it too.
    Lois finally got her great article on Lex's big come back – but of course on our terms.
    Soon, after Lex finally came out of hiding I discovered that I was pregnant.
    And the arrows… yeah, the arrows in our son's room… He's not Oliver's son, he's definitely Lex's… but that was the only thing I had left from Oliver and I gave it to my little boy. He should know that I had somebody in my life once, somebody very important, somebody who made me happy again after I'd lost Jimmy, my first true and rewarded love…
    Oliver would be remembered...
    And when it come to Lex's memories... We guess that he got them all back by the contact with Clark who wasn't just a normal human being like me... he was special so, it probably triggered everything... or maybe his susceptibility to kryptonite did that... or maybe the fact that once… their minds were connected… when Lex was shot and I brought him back…
    Last edited by TrinityR; 25th May 2012 at 19:33.

  7. #27
    NS Full Member
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    27 Aug 2009

    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11

    love the ending.everyone got a happy ending. and oliver is also remembered

  8. #28
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    San Luis Obispo, California

    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11

    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

  9. #29
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11

    What an amazing fic
    Loved everything about it. I was sad for Oliver but he had to die so Chlex could happen He did a great sacrifice
    I didn't really watch SV after that horrible Lexana, just rand eps so I don't really know how much before Ollie's death teally happened on the show
    Did Chloe and Ollie ended together? Lous and Clark? Does she kmow his secret? Ollie killed Lex? Is Tess really Lex's sister?
    You did a wonderful job

  10. #30
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    23 Oct 2011

    Re: SINFUL & FORBIDDEN - CHLEX - NC17/ updated: 03.12.11

    Quote Originally Posted by malugargula View Post
    What an amazing fic
    Loved everything about it. I was sad for Oliver but he had to die so Chlex could happen He did a great sacrifice
    I didn't really watch SV after that horrible Lexana, just rand eps so I don't really know how much before Ollie's death teally happened on the show
    Did Chloe and Ollie ended together? Lous and Clark? Does she kmow his secret? Ollie killed Lex? Is Tess really Lex's sister?
    You did a wonderful job
    Thank you

    And to answer your questions: Chloe and Oliver were together and happy and they had a little boy in SV epilogue. Lois and Clark were of course together, engaged, she found out in S10. Oliver killed Lex in S7 (or what was lef from Lex after the Artic), which was horrible and fans figured out it would've made more sense if that was a clone that escape lab where Lex was healing himself. Anyway, Lex was brought back in S10, he needed a heart so Lionel wanted to cut Tess's out (she's Lex's half-sister, Pamela Jenkins' daughter), but she shot him and escaped. Lionel managed to make a dal with Darkseid, he sold his soul and that is how Lex got his heart and life back, I figured "a life for a life, a soul for a soul" like zatanna explained once, that was real Lex, really brought back, I refuse to think otherwise. Unfortunatelly, Tess ereased his memories and he killed her.
    Yeah, pretty screw up, and I hate that they left Lex like that, with no memories - completly turning Smallville into Superman ;/ And I never really followed any comic books or movies, Smallville was what captured me!

    Anyway, I find last seasons - though Michael wasn't there - pretty good and can't imagine myself not see the whole of SV, but of course, whatever works for us
    Last edited by TrinityR; 29th December 2012 at 17:54.

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