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Thread: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) completed: 21.12.12

  1. #41
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Quote Originally Posted by malugargula View Post
    Thank you for your support and friendship. When I go back home from my trip I'll PM you because it's easier to type in the notebook than here on the cell. You can write me anytime about anything too
    I want to read your other chlex fics, where can I find them?

    Just read the last two chapters and can't wait to see how Lex is doing and how will be their talk
    Great job, i'm loving this fic
    Thank you I guess I still can't believe this became so popular when I always have doubts whether I do a good job

    If you want to read more of my Chlex you just go to my profile here on the NS and click "latest started thread". Not every one of them is good though, at least I'm not satified with some. I've recently finished Agents, so that's probably well-written. Other than that I recommend Don't-Follow-Your-Heart or Sinful & Forbidden (I know the second title is pretty stupid, but what I can do now about it?)

    If interested about some Lex/OC, others or general go here: http://www.fanfiction.net/~lanaaluthor

    Also, there is my Smallville fix win JeXVille, link below in my signature.

    I know you asked only about Chlex, but as well I may write it all, just in case
    Last edited by TrinityR; 21st December 2012 at 20:01.

  2. #42
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    A/N I guess my muse is back! Just in time for that last chapter I promised!

    It’s hard to end this when you all love my story so much, but I think if I add something forcefully I’ll just push my luck and spoil the story. After all, it supposed to look like that when I came up with the plot and I had no idea that this would become so popular! You, guys, are just fantastic! Thank you for every one good word: )
    If I ever come up with something else (though no promises, because I’m so burnt out when it comes to Smallville!!) I’ll definitely write Chlex here for you: )

    I love you all and I wish you merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

    Oh, and I wish you such a love that Chloe & Lex have, with understanding, equality, trust and… of course – amazing sex! (though I don’t wish getting pregnant by accident: P)


    Chloe reached Lex’s master bedroom’s door. She took a deep breath, opened it and stepped over the threshold.

    It was completely dark inside, so at first she couldn’t see anything clearly, the room also was in desperate need of winding.

    Finally, when Chloe stood there motionless for a few seconds her sight adjusted, so she could at least make out the bundle on the bed that resembled a human being. That had to be Lex.

    Before she said anything, she pulled the curtains away with one swift motion, so the light could enter, then she opened the window.

    “Go away!” got muffled from Lex’s mouth.

    Chloe turned back toward the bed and finally saw the room clearly.

    First thing that struck her was the enormous quantity of empty bottles scattered all over the floor. Lex, on the other side, was lying in bed, his back turned on her. He was obviously hangover or maybe even drunk, wearing his business suit, only it was all rumpled by now.

    That view terrified Chloe and for a moment she couldn’t speak, she could just stare at him. Her heart started aching as she felt guilty, because she was the one to blame for that man’s downfall. She, Chloe Sullivan, and she’d never before in her entire life felt more for him than in that very moment. Lois was right. Chloe was completely and irrevocably in love with him. She didn’t know when it happened, had no idea which particular moment had done the trick, but it was just how love worked. It found you when least expected and in places you would never even try to look. It would just come knocking the breath out of your lungs and getting to your head, you fought it for a while but then you just gave up. There was no point in denying oneself true happiness. Love also didn’t always choose the perfect person and maybe exactly that was perfect. You got somebody you needed and that somebody needed you just as much. In that very moment Chloe also understood Zatanna’s reasons, understood what the witch had in mind.

    “I said…” Lex started again, clearly getting angry, and turned to look at the intruder. “Chloe?” He was shocked with seeing her there, just like she was the last person he would expect to walk into his bedroom. His voice hoarse and tired.

    Now Chloe could get a good look at his face and she felt even more guilty and more sorry for him. She started wondering if he’d ever before gotten himself into such a state. Lex had dark circled around his eyes that revealed his lack of sleep, his face white as paper, his body probably dehydrated and starved from all that alcohol. Chloe also thought he needed a shower.

    “Go away,” he mumbled to her and turned his back on her, returning to his previous position on the bed.

    Chloe sighed and found herself going over to the bed, then getting under the covers and pressing her body to Lex’s back, embracing him, her hand wandered to his bald skull and started stroking it softly.

    “I don’t need your pity!” Lex raised his voice and tried to get away from her arms, but she just held more tightly. She could sense his accelerated heartbeat and being finally so close to him, finally feeling his body next to hers made her feel less pain, like there had been an empty hole in her before and now it was gone.

    “It’s not pity, Lex,” she whispered softly into his ear, but he still wouldn’t face her.

    “Lex…” she started and suddenly found herself at loss for words. She had no idea how to say what she wanted him to know. “I screw up,” she admitted after a moment of silence. Lex didn’t move, didn’t speak, just listened, his heart beating fast. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you. Zatanna was right, Lex. I need you. We need each other. I… I…” Chloe took a deep breath. “I love you,” she finally said, being brave.

    Lex’s body stilled even more, now it was completely stiff and motionless against hers. Still, he didn’t say anything back.

    “I guess we’re both screw up at some point, so let’s be screw up together,” Chloe started bubbling, feeling unease as he didn’t say ‘I love you’ back to her. “Lex?”

    Suddenly she felt his body shaking a little, he tried to make it stop, but couldn’t.

    Chloe tightened her hold on him even more and she suddenly understood. He didn’t say it back, because he was unable to. All those emotions running through him at that moment made him shiver, made him weak, made him so close to breakdown, so close to… cry. If he opened his mouth and spoke his voice would definitely falter.

    “It’s ok, Lex,” Chloe whispered into his ear, kept stroking his head, “it’s ok, let it go, I understand.”

    She could feel him fighting for a moment, but then he just gave up. He needed to let it go, because he’d been holding it all inside since he could remember.

    “It’s ok,” Chloe repeated soothingly, “you won’t be any less of a man for me if you just let go. Do it. It’ll make you feel better.”

    He was still so quiet.

    “Lex, there’s also something you need to now. I can’t keep it from you any longer. I.. I am… I’m pregnant,” she finally breathed out.

    That did it.

    His body shifted and then she was forced to let go off him, because he turned to her, facing her again.

    He was still at loss for words, but she didn’t mind. She watched the emotions that he couldn’t hide anymore painted all over his face and it meant more to her that him saying ‘I love you’ at loud.

    He pulled her closer, putting his arms around her, this time they held to each other right, while being face to face. Chloe snuggled into the nook between his arm and neck as he pulled her close to his chest.

    “I love you too, Chloe Sullivan,” he finally said and she felt his body shaking a little again. She could’ve sworn he was crying or at least that had tears in his eyes. “A baby?”

    “Yes, night in Vegas. Obviously unprotected.”

    They remained in silence for a moment, but then Chloe finally blurted out, “Lex, you’re in desperate need for a shower.”

    He actually chuckled at that remark.

    “Yeah, I probably am, sorry.”

    “Don’t be. It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t…”

    “Shh…” He pulled away and cupped her face. “It’s not your fault. It just happened.”

    “But I was so stupid…”

    “The important thing is that you are here now.”

    After those words he managed to sit on the bed and then get up.

    “Go, I’ll wait,” she promised, so he disappeared in the bathroom.

    Chloe also got up, feeling surreal. She’d just told Lex Luthor that she loved him, she, Chloe Sullivan! And he loved her back! And she was having his child. And he was apparently happy about that!!

    She couldn’t wrap her mind around this, so she just decided to feel, enjoy the moment, stop thinking too much, because it hadn’t done her any good the last few weeks.

    First she walked over to the windows and also opened the second one, then she looked for fresh bed covers and changed the sheets. She didn’t bother with taking all that bottles out though, she wasn’t a maid and Lex had stuff he paid a good money to. She just brought a few garbage bags from the kitchen, put the bottles inside and left them in the corridor by the front door. Then she quickly looked over all the things Lex had in his fridge and finally prepared something edible. The last thing – coffee.

    When Lex finally walked out of his bathroom he was welcomed by freshly smelling room, changed sheets, made up bed and Chloe sprawled on top of it just next to the tray with food and a coffee pot.

    “Chloe…” he started.

    “It was nothing.” She smiled. “Really. I enjoyed doing this for you. After all I owed you that and… I probably still haven’t make it all up to you.”

    “Stop it,” he said softly and came over to the bed.

    He positioned himself next to her, his back supported against the bed frame and then he pulled her back into his arms, immediately searching for her lips with his.

    They kissed for a moment, completely losing each other in the sensations, but then Chloe put a hand to his chest and gently pushed him away.

    “You need to eat something first,” she told him, “and you should also drink a cup of coffee to clear that mind of yours from all the alcohol.”

    “I was always unusually immune to…” he started, but she closed his mouth by sticking a bread roll into it.

    “Eat while I talk. There’s still a lot I want to tell you. I owe you the whole truth and I warn you, you will not like it all,” she notified in serious tone.

    “Chloe…” he started when he finally managed to bite, chew and swallow.

    “No, please, let me say this and don’t try to make it all look like I didn’t do anything wrong.”


    “Lex, just eat!” she raised her voice.

    He laughed, but then he obediently took another bite.

    “I wanted to… I wanted…” she stopped for a moment, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and blurted out, “I wanted to have an abortion.”

    Lex stopped eating, then he put the rest of his roll back on the tray and finally, after a moment that seemed like an eternity to Chloe, he looked at her.

    It wasn’t the look she expected. She thought he would be hurt or at least disappointed with her, but no, all she saw was sadness, but no accusation.

    “I understand,” he said loud and clear.

    “What?” Chloe was shocked. “How could you… I wanted to kill our child!”

    “But you didn’t and that’s what matter, right?” he prompted.

    “Well, yeah, but still…”

    “Who talked you into that?” he just asked, surprising her even more.

    “I don’t understand…” she admitted, “how did you…?”

    “Chloe,” he turned to her, so he wouldn’t have to cock his head to be able to look into her eyes. “I know you and that is why I am sure that you would never go through with the abortion.”

    “You can’t believe in me so badly…”

    “I do,” he reassured her, making her heart soften. She felt like she would just melt into a pool of goo on the floor. Lex turned out not even remotely as bad as she’d thought he would. He was understanding, gentle when the situation required and above all, he had, indeed, a heart. Chloe had been wrong about him all along, her friends had been wrong.

    “Don’t cry, Chloe, please. I have enough of weakness for one day,” he asked her, but still, there was no reprimand or blunt demand in his vice, just care and plea. “Ok?”

    “Yeah.” She nodded her head, making her tears stop. She had glassy eyes, but she managed to keep herself together. “It’s just… I was so wrong about you…”

    “I told you.”

    “And I’m so…”

    “Don’t,” he stopped, “stop apologizing to me. Remember that it works both ways. You understand me and I understand you. I know why you’ve done it all, why you’ve been so hesitant.”

    “You really think I would never have an abortion?” she asked, desperate to make herself sure. If he believed in her so deeply she could try it as well.

    “Yes, I am,” he confirmed, looking her deeply in the eye. Truth in his. “Now, who told you to have an abortion? Clark?” Lex prompted and Chloe could sense a hint of regret and disappointment in his voice. She thought Lex had been over his issues with Clark, but she must’ve been wrong.

    “Lana,” she said.

    “That…” Lex started and clenched his fists. “Where is she now? I have to talk some sense into that… it was about my baby!”

    “Lex, it’s fine,” Chloe tried to calm him down while covering his hand with hers. “She’s gone…” she told everything him about Lana leaving.

    “So we’re great together,” Lex said when after finishing his meal and coffee he pulled Chloe into his arms again.

    “Yeah,” she confirmed, “I guess you were right after all.”

    He looked at her and smiled to her warmly.

    “I love you, Chloe. You’re the most changeling and obnoxious woman ever, but I do love you with my whole heart,” he confessed.

    “Hey! I could say the exact thing about you!” Chloe bristled.

    “Yeah, and we understand each other, and… oh, the great sex we have,” he said with obvious subtext.

    “Oh, yeah, I almost forgot… the great sex!” Chloe giggled and kissed him.

    “You’re the best I’ve ever had by the way,” Lex said in between the kisses.

    “And vice versa, Mr. Luthor,” Chloe answered.

    They lay down, Lex hovering over her body, then he cupped her face and looked her deeply in the eyes, “You are so beautiful,” he said with husky voice and kissed her deeply.

    She moaned, opening her mouth for him, allowing his tongue in.

    They stripped themselves as fast as they could and then Lex immediately went down on her, desiring her so much that his cock was already painfully erected against her belly.

    Then he lowered his face down, kissing her neck, licking his way down her body, teasing her nipples and sliding his fingers inside of her.

    Chloe arched her back at the intense stimulating and gasped loudly.

    Lex didn’t waste any time, they needed each other too badly, they wanted each other’s bodies, wanted to satisfy that primal need.

    So he got inside of her all the way with one firm push, making her moan again, opening her legs wider and then put them around his waist, bringing him closer.

    He started fucking her right away, didn’t give her any time to catch her breath. He was dominant, pushing into her in fast powerful strokes that made the bed jump and bump against the wall.

    Chloe understood his reasons for being so savage. Earlier before he’d been through a meltdown, so now he had to become strong again. Lex had complicated nature and it was very hard for him to just let it all go and break. Now, he had to put himself back together into that powerful and hard man.

    And Chloe loved every second of it.

    She loved him being harsh. She loved him being gentle. She knew he would never hurt her, it wasn’t about that. She’d never before been more sure that they really belonged together. She could take him, she was a match for him. He wanted rough se and was totally up to it, because she loved it as much as he did.

    “Ok?” he suddenly asked while still fucking her hard.

    “Yeah… oh God… YESS!! LEXX!!!” she shouted as the orgasm shot through her so hard that she lost her breath and for a moment didn’t even know where she was or who she was. All that mattered was Lex moving within her.

    “Chloe!!... argh… yes… Chloe.. love!!” He came as well, filling her in, his orgasm so powerful that it leveled him completely and he just collapsed into her arms, panting erratically. Both their bodies bathed in sweat.

    “That was… fuck!” Chloe had no words to describe the sex they’d just had.

    “Yeah…. It really was…” Lex agreed and then pulled his face up and kissed her languidly.

    “God, how have I managed to survive without this for so long?”

    “I guess you should send Zatanna a thank you card,” Lex chuckled and slid his softened cock out of Chloe, then laid on his back, pulling Chloe close so she would snuggle into his chest.

    They were just lying there, still breathing heavily, embraced.

    And it felt right for the first time, because Chloe wasn’t holding back or denying it anymore. She accepted it. Let the love into her heart.

    That was the best decision she’d ever made.

    She just kept lying there, listening to Lex’s heartbeat, feeling completely liberated.

    Then, after about ten more minutes Lex started playing with her breast and kissing her lips.

    “Again?” Chloe raised her eyebrows.

    “Oh yes,” he just said and soon sank into her again, this time moving slower, this time making love to her, this time cherishing her.


    Chloe just stood there, in the Daily Planet, next to Clark and was looking into his shocked eyes.

    “Earth to Clark! Where are you? Back on Krypton?” she finally asked, exasperated with his astonishment.

    “You can’t honestly tell me that he’s capable of love,” Clark finally said.

    Chloe rolled her eyes.

    “You know what? I’m fucking tired of this, Clark Kent! I am in love with Lex and he is in love with me! Deal with it or lose me. I don’t fucking care anymore! You’re my friend! Friends are supposed to be there for each other!”

    “But…” Clark started again.

    “Shhhh!” Chloe shut him down. “Lex is so capable of love that he surprises me with it every single day! He’s not the same person the world sees when he’s with me! He kept that side of his hidden long enough, because he was afraid of getting hurt again! Believe me, I know how his heart works by now!”

    “But he and I…”

    “Clark! You kept secrets from him and he knew it! Yet, you kept playing dumb instead of just telling: ‘You know what, Lex? Yeah, I have secrets, but I can’t tell you’.”

    “Chloe, it’s not…”

    “It is that simple, Clark! If I were in his position I would be pissed at you too! I always knew you were hiding something, but you never denied it, so you were easier on me!”

    Clark kept quiet this time as not to make Chloe angrier.

    “Clark…” she sighed, “you do want me to be happy, don’t you? This is what makes me happier than I could even imagine. “

    “I’m sorry, you know I still want to be your friend.”

    “Then act like one!”

    “It’s not that simple when you’re with my nemesis.”

    “Oh, let’s not kid ourselves here!” Chloe snorted. “Lex is not your nemesis! He’s just an ex-friend and…” In that very moment Chloe felt like she had an epiphany, like everything finally became so clear and obvious to her. “Clark… you don’t hate Lex, you just… you keep blaming yourself for turning your back on him, don’t you? You keep thinking you’ve given up on him too soon.”

    She knew that very moment that she finally had Clark. His face told her everything, after all he wasn’t as good at schooling his expression like Lex was.

    “So it is true!” A smile appeared on her face.

    “And what are you smiling about?” Clark was baffled. “Yes, I hate myself! Not him! Myself! For giving up on him too soon!”

    “If that’s true… there’s still a chance. Clark, you can’t be my friend and never bump into Lex again. You two just have to sit down and work it out.”

    “Don’t you think it’s a little too late for that?”

    “It’s never too late, besides… you don’t have to be friends again. You just have to let go off all that hatred.”


    Chloe couldn’t believe what had happened that day.

    Ten minutes ago Clark had left Lex’s penthouse.

    They’d talked. They hadn’t argued. They’d really tried to work something out. For her.

    Chloe knew it wouldn’t be easy. She knew that they might never be friends again, but at least now Clark admitted he had a secret that he couldn’t tell Lex.

    Chloe was full of hope for the future, but she didn’t want to push the fate just yet. She could become Lex’s wife and still have friend in the person of Clark Kent.

    And her cousin, Lois, had just had her first date with him.

    Yes, future would be much brighter than Chloe had thought. She would have a child with Lex, they would finally have a family. A full one. They’d both lost it at some point in the past, so they treasured it so much now.

    And one more thing… Lex would eventually find out about Clark. Chloe knew Clark would have to become something more than just a symbol in the future.

    “Million dollar for your thoughts,” she heard Lex’s voice from behind her and soon he put his arms around her.

    “What happened to a penny?” She laughed and turned her face to him, so she could kiss him.

    “Well, it’s not like I can’t afford it.” He winked at her. “Tell me, love, what are you thinking about?”

    “Life. Future. Clark and you. I think it might just work up, you know?”

    “Maybe. At least we’re not mortal enemies without a reason anymore,” he chuckled. “Thank you. Thank you, Chloe, for changing my life. I feel like you turned it all around, brought happiness into it.”

    “And it makes me so happy to see that,” she admitted, fully turning her body to him. “I love you. The Vegas wedding was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

    “Pity my lawyers got that annulment so quickly,” Lex teased her, “but it’s nothing we cannot fix,” he added with much more serious voice now.

    “What are you…” Chloe stopped, forgetting what she was about to ask him, when Lex suddenly knelt on one knee.

    “Chloe Sullivan…” he started while pulling out a huge diamond ring.


    Zatanna entered her flat and look over her mail.

    Then she saw it.

    INVITATION, it said, You are cordially invited for the wedding union of Mr. Alexander Luthor & Ms. Chloe Sullivan.

    Zatanna smiled to herself as she noticed few words added below, obviously written by Chloe: we owe you!

    The witch just shook her head and smiled even broader.

    “I knew it. I always know. So why the heck all the people I try to help are always so stubborn?!”

    Last edited by TrinityR; 21st December 2012 at 20:20.

  3. #43
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Sweet ending.

  4. #44
    NS Full Member Cassandra Jean's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Wonderful ending!

  5. #45
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Great ending!!! Loved the way she handled Lex and Clark
    I'll look for your other fics!!! Can't wait to read them

  6. #46
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    LOL! What a great ending. I loved this story.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #47
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    That was a wonderful story! Loved it!
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
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  8. #48
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Maybe you'll like my new one shot: http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/...1-13-completed

  9. #49
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    New long story: http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/...007#post281007
    Warning: controversial

  10. #50
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Great story, I'm so glad that I found it. Having read your comments I realise that you were worried about certain parts of it but I thought that you handled all of it well: their relationship giving it depth as well as sex; I think that the abortion part was handled well. I adored it. What baby did they have?

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