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Thread: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) completed: 21.12.12

  1. #11
    NS Full Member Cassandra Jean's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    I already love it!

    I can not wait to see all the fall out that happens due to their drunken marriage. I hope that they decide to stick it out and stay married.

  2. #12
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Yippe new fic. More soon, pleassseeeee

  3. #13
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    23 Oct 2011

    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    A/N Wow, I have never gotten so many reviews at once before, so thank you!! It really means a lot to me and it brings a smile on my face every time! I do wanted to write another chapter as soon as I started receiving them, but I have to be loyal to my other Chlex story - Agents and my book. This is the fastest I could go
    Who would thought such a wedding cliche would be so fun to write and - judging from your comments - to read
    I do have more serious plans for this one though

    That's so funny! "Just a wedding", right, that's so Lex, huh? I'm surprised Chloe hasn't tried to choke him when she heard that answer. I'm not ruling out that option, though. Clark is going to have an anevrism once he learns about it. What about Lois? [from xmag]
    I was laughing so hard when I read that comment. Thank you
    And where it comes to Lois I have to admit that in the beginning I didn't intend on bringing her into this story, but when the plot crystillized in my head completely I decided I had to She will play a valid role in Chloe's life, that is how much I can say

    This is so good. I had always believed that if Lex and Chloe got close after Lana left him on Season 7, it would have been a better story. Lex and Chloe just have so much chemistry together on screen. Too bad they never did anything with that. [tryckyrcky
    Yeah, I agree. I'm always torn between Chlex and Lexana, because I love both pairings. I make a lot of Lexana videos, because we have so many footage and that leaves me with no inspiration for writing about them (except few one shots post finale), so I write about Chlex! What could've been... there's so many possibilities!!

    Also, this is not season 7, this is just AU as I wrote at the beginning. You can see it clearly from this chapter. There's more plot in here.

    Oh, my Zod!!!

    This is an excellent start, and I can't wait to read more. Haven't laughed so much in ages!

    Thanks for sharing! [BabyDee
    And I'm so glad that I can make people laugh! I was always able to bring up tears (writing drama), but laugh - I had no idea!

    I already love it!

    I can not wait to see all the fall out that happens due to their drunken marriage. I hope that they decide to stick it out and stay married. [Cassandra Jean[
    Let's just say that for a moment Lex makes it hard for her to get an anulment

    Sorry for not answering directly for all your comments (I read every single one!) but I would have to paste "thank you, I'm glad you like it" all over again in some cases

    Now, finally, what you've been waiting for...

    Chapter 2

    Chloe was finally left alone.
    Lex drove her to her apartment and gave her a free from work day as the least he could do at the moment.

    She slowly climbed the stairs and then walked through the door.

    She felt so strange when she got to the couch and just sat heavily on it.

    In that very moment the shock wore off and it downed on her: She was married to Lex Luthor, the very last person she would expect to or even like to. What was more… they’d had sex, he’d been inside of her, she’d felt his naked body next to hers that very morning and she’d liked it until she’d figured out what had been going on.

    It felt so surreal that it sent shivers down her back.

    Ok, she wasn’t denying wanting Lex in the past. It’d been just a high school girl crush back then, but it’d happened and then passed quickly.

    Now, she couldn’t even remember having him that night!

    She wasn’t sure which option was better, but eventually she would prefer to remember. To know how it’d felt.

    Lex Luthor making love to her… or Lex Luthor fucking her… she couldn’t tell exactly which one that had been…

    Suddenly, she burst out into hysteric laugh, but it was a laugh nonetheless.

    “Chloe?” she heard Lana’s voice.

    She raised her head to look at her friend.

    “Chloe, are you ok?” Lana asked and made her way to the couch to sit next to Chloe. “Where have you been all night? I know we’re both grownups, but this is Smallville. I’ve been worried. You should’ve called.”

    Chloe didn’t answer, because she didn’t know what to say.

    “Chloe, you’re scaring me. What is it?” Lana prompted, very concerned. “Talk to me, please. Has somebody hurt you?”

    “God, no,” Chloe finally replied and looked at her friend. “I just… oh, the hell with it! I…” Chloe started laughing again. “I got married! I got married to… Lex Luthor!” she couldn’t stop giggling.

    Lana looked at her in total shock and bewilderment, like Chloe was a crazy person.

    “What?!... Please, tell me you’re joking!”

    “Actually…” Chloe tried to calm herself down. “Actually, I am not.”

    Lana could just stare at her with her eyes wide open.

    “Don’t look at me like that!” Chloe said and got up to make herself some coffee.

    “Well, how am I supposed to look at you, then?” Lana followed her to the kitchen counter. “Chloe… you and Lex… you barely speak to each other…”

    “I know. And believe me, I wish I could remember what exactly happened.”

    “I don’t understand,” Lana admitted.

    “We got drunk and woke up married,” Chloe blurted out.

    Lana’s eyes shifted to look for a ring on Chloe’s finger.

    “Oh, please, you really think I would just wear it?” Chloe asked her and reached to her pocket. “Here it is.”

    “It’s… beautiful…” Lana looked at the huge diamond. “Exactly what you should expect from a Luthor, but…”

    “I know. I made a mistake. Lex is taking care of it right now. We’re getting an annulment.”

    And just then, finally, Lana started laughing as well.

    “Great, have as much fun as you want,” Chloe patted her arm and poured the fresh coffee into two cups.

    “Sorry, I just… who would think Chloe Sullivan would be capable of doing something like that! That must be number one on your list of crazy things you’ve done!”

    “Well, when take all the meteor freaks out of the equation that list would be probably empty… and now it’s finally started filling up.” Chloe smiled to her. “I either have to cry or laugh, so I guess the latter is a better option.”

    “Hm… and… ekhm… did you…” Lana’s voice trailed off.

    “What? Have sex?” Chloe asked and Lana blushed. “Lana, for a God’s sake, we’re not in high school anymore. You should be able to talk about those stuff and… yeah, we have, but I do not remember it.”

    “So, how do you…?”

    “Waking up naked together kind of answered that,” Chloe explained.

    “Ok, I need to sit down… Do you even like him?” Lana kept asking.

    “Are you kidding?”

    “So it’s weird that you got married, even if drunk. You really had to enjoy yourselves that night.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes.

    “I’m not sure I want to remember it all…” she decided and then she wrinkled her forehead.

    “What is it, Chloe?” Lana asked, watching her face carefully.

    “Why the hell I’m not hangover?” Chloe asked herself out loud. “I mean… I did feel a little headache when I woke up, but beside that… nothing. And believe me, when I’m drunk I always have a bad hangover in the morning. Always. There was that one girl night with Lois… ended pretty badly.”

    “Maybe it was something more than just alcohol?” Lana suggested.

    “But who would try to trick me and Lex into marriage?”

    “Good point.”

    “Or maybe it was a very expensive scotch and… but Lex said that he never got drunk from just half a bottle…”

    “You can’t assume that you two stopped after that one,” Lana noticed.

    “I guess, you’re right.” Chloe shrugged. “Gosh, I’m so confused… it’s all so surreal!”

    “Don’t worry. You’ve made a mistake, but you didn’t hurt anyone and that’s what counts. I’m sure everything will get back to normal when you two get an annulment.”

    “He’s my boss,” Chloe moaned and fell into chair. “It will hang over me my whole career…”

    “What’s his interest in Daily Planet, anyways?” Lana asked a pretty good question.

    “I heard it was a good investment.”

    “Or a way of controlling the paper, so it wouldn’t print anything about his wrongdoings,” Lana told her.

    “You really think he’s that bad, hah?” Chloe sighed.

    “He is that bad, Chloe, and you know it, too. This is a Luthor we’re talking about and if you asked me for advice… I would say… find another paper to work for.”

    “But the Daily Planet is the best! It was my life goal!”

    “You could move to another city, some even bigger than Metropolis. You could find something better. You are a terrific investigate reporter, Chloe, just think about it.”

    “I won’t change my whole life just because of one stupid mistake!” Chloe raised her voice, pretty agitated. “Why do you hate him so much?”

    “You know what he’s done to all of us.”

    “Well, he never did anything to you.”

    “He always has some hidden goal.”

    “You dated him!”

    “And I stopped! That means something, doesn’t it?”

    “It’s Clark’s influence on you talking right now,” Chloe dared to say. “Why do you let him change you like that?”

    “Chloe, what the hell are you talking about?!”

    Chloe hid her face in her hands.

    “Why are we even having that conversation? I’m sorry, Lana, I’m not in the mood for fights. We should just… stop.”

    “You’re right. We should before we’ll get mad at each other. I’d better go.” She stood up and walked to the door. “I’m just glad you see clearly now and you want that annulment.” And she was gone before Chloe could say something to that.

    “I want the annulment, because I got married to somebody I know nothing about, not because I don’t want to be married to a Luthor!” Chloe growled at the empty room.

    She caught herself thinking of all the reasons Clark’s friendship with Lex had ended.

    Ok, Clark had been lying to Lex all the time and as a result Lex had had him investigated, but Chloe understood it. Lex had been lied to all his life, everybody had been betraying him or deceiving him. His father couldn’t love him which Chloe knew from Lex himself. She remembered how she’d gotten infected in LuthorCorp facility and could make everyone tell her the truth. Lex had a way of trusting all the wrong women and it was always leaving him heartbroken, even Lana had dumped him after few days and come back to Clark as always and now Lex had gotten himself into his third marriage. Another one doomed from the start.

    Chloe suddenly felt sorry for him. There was nothing wrong with him as a person, Clark thought Lex was evil, but in fact he wasn’t. He was just misunderstood. Ok, he’d wanted to create a weapon against aliens when he’d found that spaceship, but any other human being at his place would’ve done the same. Lex had had no idea about Clark…

    “A person can get a headache from all of that,” Chloe said to herself and tried to focus on something else as not to think too much. She finished her coffee.

    An hour later when she showered and felt much better her phone rang.

    It was Clark.

    “Hey, Chloe. Where are you? They told me you were sick when I dropped by to pick you up for lunch.”

    “Oh, I’m sorry, Clark… I just… I’m not sick…” Chloe bit her lip. “Can I still make it?” she finally asked. She didn’t know what to do with herself when she didn’t have to show up in work that day.

    “Sure, I’ll pick you up. It’ll be faster…”


    Ten minutes later they were sitting in Metropolis, waiting for their lunch.

    “So, you’re obviously feeling fine,” Clark noticed. “What is it, then?”

    “I’m not sure if I should tell you…” Chloe sighed heavily.

    “You can tell me anything, you know I’m here for you,” he assured her.

    “I’ve already told Lana, so I guess there’s no point in hiding the truth anymore… Clark, I…” she stopped and took a deep breath. “I accidentally got married to Lex.”

    Clark kept looking at her until the news sunk in. Chloe felt frustrated, because she couldn’t read anything from his face.

    Then he just laughed.

    “Yeah, right. You’re kidding me.”

    “No, I’m not.”

    “You are, because there’s no way… Chloe, you would never fall for Lex. You’re the best person I know and Lex is… you know.”

    “What? Evil?!” It wasn’t what Chloe expected would come out of Clark’s mouth. She thought his first thought would be out of concern for her, not the obvious hate toward Lex. “Can you hear yourself? Lex has done nothing wrong. You have done nothing wrong as well. You are just two completely different people with completely different personalities and you should…”

    “Chloe!” Clark looked at her like she was the one from another planet. “Do you honestly want to tell me that you fell for Lex Luthor and got married?!

    “No!... I mean… the second part’s true, but… I can explain!” she added quickly on seeing the look on his face. “Don’t be so shocked. Marriage doesn’t always have to happen because of love.”

    “Yeah, but I do know you. You would not marry anyone if you…”

    “We got drunk last night. It just… happened.”

    Could her day be even more bizarre?

    “So it’s not real,” Clark just said.

    “What do you mean?”

    “It’s not real when you weren’t responsible for your actions. That’s a relief, really, Chloe.”

    Chloe closed her eyes, took a deep breath.

    Why did she suddenly start defending Lex? Why did she even want to?

    “You know, what?” she said to Clark. “Maybe I was completely drunk last night and not responsible for my actions as you just said, but… for the first time in my life I see clearly, Clark. It’s like I woke up this morning and everything fell into place.”

    “You have feelings for him?!”

    “No,” she denied quickly, trying to shake off the memory of Lex’s hot and pliant body next to her. “But I can’t understand why you hate him so much. He didn’t do anything to you.”

    “He…” Clark started, but Chloe stopped him in an instant.

    “No! Listen to me! Lex just wanted to know the truth, because he knew you didn’t trust him enough to tell, he knew you were hiding something from him and were lying to him every single day. I’m not saying you should tell him his secret, Clark, God no! But you shouldn’t hold such a grudge against him either. He wasn’t raised by the Kents, he was raised by a bastard Lionel and he didn’t even have a mother to teach him about love and trust. You should be surprised that he turned out as he has and not as the exact image of his father.”


    “Please, let me finish. Lana turned her back on you so many times in the past because you couldn’t tell her the truth about you and yet, you don’t hate her, you are still with her. Ok, you finally told her, but why, Clark? Ask yourself why did you tell her? Because she started dating Lex. I don’t know whether you wanted to protect her from him or get her, because you couldn’t stand the thought of her being with him, but… can’t you see the obvious here?”

    “Chloe, I think you should stop talking.”

    “Why? Because I just told you the truth?” She stood up, deciding not to wait for her food. “I’m sorry, Clark, but this is my mess. I will clean it up, but I really wish you could be my friend in this. You of all people should be here for me and all you do is keep telling me how much you hate Lex.”

    “I think you should run away from him as fast as you can. Get that annulment and never meet him again,” he said, his voice firm and unyielding.

    “God, I’m so pissed at you right now!” she raised her voice and the people around them started looking at them. “I…” she forced herself to lower it down again, “I can’t talk to you like that. If that was any other person but Lex… you would laugh, tell couple of jokes, ask about how I feel about all of it, whether I’m ok and then you would ask if there’s a possibility of me having feelings for the guy I married, because I know you’re worried that I’m still alone.”

    “Chloe, it’s not that…” Clark also stood up and got closer to her.

    “Or maybe you’re just scared, because I was in love with you and now I got married to your nemesis?” she asked.


    Then Chloe realized something.

    She wasn’t in love with him anymore.

    “Clark, I’m over you.” She smiled.

    “What?” he was confused right now. “Are we suddenly talking about us?”

    “I guess we are. I told you I was ok with you coming back to Lana, but I really wasn’t and now… I feel like I’m finally over you. Of course, I didn’t fall for Lex, but… maybe what happened happened for a reason? My eyes are finally open.” After having said that she turned away and moved on.

    “Chloe… I hope this is not the end of our friendship!” Clark yelled after her.

    “No, Clark,” she told him. “I, for a change, don’t give up on people so easily,” she finished, glad that that she came up with that response and finally walked away.


    “May I?” Fifteen minutes later she knocked on the door to Lex’s office in the Daily Planet.

    “Chloe…” Lex looked at her like he was far far away. “Sorry,” he shook his head and smiled, “please, come in.”

    She walked inside and closed the door behind her, then she sat in a chair in front of his desk.

    “To what do I owe the pleasure? I thought you would be happy that I gave you a day off,” he said.

    He’d been intensively thinking about her all day and as a result he wasn’t able to do his job, nor call the lawyers to get that annulment. He didn’t intend on telling her, though.

    “I was just wondering… I can’t stop thinking about… well, us. About all that happened. How far you went with that annulment?” she asked, studying his face carefully.

    He was handsome she thought, handsome and had a really good body built. His body lean, slim waist, but everything just in the right place and in the right size… maybe even better than…

    God, Sullivan, stop that! What came into you today?! This is Lex! Chloe scolded herself in her mind.

    It was barely noon and she’d already seen so many things she’d been blind to before. She saw Lex as a human being, with problems, yes, but who didn’t have them? After having remembered all the bad things she knew from his past she became full of admiration for that man for what he’d become. She couldn’t wish more for him whole considering his roots. Then there was Clark’s and Lana’s stupid hatred and stubbornness and their shortsightedness. Chloe even started thinking that she, herself, had been hating Lex for no reason, just like she’d been brainwashed by all the Clark’s talking.

    “Yeaaah… Yes, I called my lawyers, but it won’t be ready today. Despite what you may think, Chloe, a Luthor name doesn’t make everything ready the moment you ask for something. Besides, my lawyers have enough on their plate. My taking over the newspaper and some other problems considering LuthorCorp.”

    “I understand,” Chloe said.

    Lionel Luthor had been dead for over half a year now, but Lex still had a lot of mess to clean up.

    “I think I never said how sorry I was for your lost,” Chloe found herself saying.

    “Oh, let’s not pretend. My father was dead to me the moment my mother died. It sounds brutal, but it is the truth, Chloe.”

    Lex’s father had died in jail because of his liver disease.

    “Then I’m sorry for that,” she said, really feeling for him in that moment. “Do you…” she started, but stop, biting her lip.

    “Come on, you can ask my anything you want. You won’t hurt my feelings… well, according to some people I don’t have them at all.” He smiled sadly at his bad attempt to joke.

    “You’re still hurt because of how things ended up between you and Clark, aren’t you?” she blurted out before she could stop herself. It wasn’t even the question she wanted to ask!

    “And that is what you wanted to know?” Lex raised his eyebrows, but kept his poker face masterfully.

    “No,” she admitted, “but I’ve talked to Clark and Lana and they left me in…” her voice trailed off. “I feel… they are wrong.”

    “Well, that’s something new while coming from you,” Lex admitted.

    “I just wanted to say that I understand, Lex, I really do. I understand your reasons as well as Clark’s. Only Clark… he’s so stubborn and shortsighted that it makes me so mad at him!”

    “Yet you were pining after him last night,” Lex dared to say.

    “I don’t anymore, as crazy as it sounds, I really don’t.” Chloe couldn’t figure out how it happened that so much had changed over just one night. “What I really wanted to ask was… are you lonely?”

    Lex was surprised with her question.

    “And where your concern for me comes from?” he asked, evading the answer.

    Just as I thought, Chloe inwardly smiled with satisfaction.

    “I don’t know,” she admitted for lack of a better answer. “Now, to leave that topic behind…” she quickly added, feeling rather uncomfortable under the power of his blue-gray gaze. “I find it weird that we had no hangover in the morning.”

    “And I find it weird that I got drunk in the first place, because… I checked it, Chloe, we only drunk that one bottle.”

    “It seems like somebody played us, but on the other hand… who would do such silly thing?”

    “Beats me.” He smiled and stood up. “Care for a lunch?”

    “What?” Chloe was shocked with his question, but before she could say no her belly rumbled loudly. She hadn’t eaten yet after all.

    Lex chuckled.

    “I guess you do. Come on. It’s on me.”

    Chloe watched his amused face in some kind of awe.

    His eyes were so sparkling, so… happy at the moment. She managed to make him laugh, she managed to make him smile.

    For a moment he didn’t seem to be so desperately alone and it made her feel special.

    So much for my staying away from him, she thought when she walked through the door he opened for her.

    A/N I hope I didn’t disappoint you and you still like when I’m going with this: )
    Last edited by TrinityR; 17th December 2012 at 22:58.

  4. #14
    NS Full Member Rachet's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 07.12.12

    Chloe is dead on will what she told Clark. I do wonder what and who is behind their actions.

  5. #15
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    “Maybe it was something more than just alcohol?” Lana suggested.

    “But who would try to trick me and Lex into marriage?”

    “Good point.”
    Excellent point. I keep thinking that somebody set them up but who? Unless the bottle was supposed to be used by Lex and an evil brunette who wanted to trap Lex? But Chloe happened to drink the bottle with Lex? Just a theory. I thought about Lex himself but if he had feelings for Chloe and manipulated her into this marriage, it would come ouf of left field, I don't really believe it. I think he is honest when he says that he doesn't understand what happened.

    You know, we were told again and again that Lex was evil, but... he investigated Clark. So? it's not like Lex hadn't been involved in the mystery that was Clark, right from the start. He was supposed to die that first day in SV and he didn't, thanks to Clark. He has a right to investigate his accident and if it leads to Clark and he refuses to answer honestly about what happened... in his shoes, I would go on investigating. It would be my right to do so.

    Then, he investigated the caves, the stones, so what? The caves belonged to him, he could search for the truth about the stones, there was nothing forbiding him not to do so! The meteor freaks? I admit, that was limit. But let's face it, his investigation pointed out to aliens taking over the world so why not use humans who have powers to defend it, humans who have been troubles right from the start, and should be in jail or worse, used as guinea-pigs by government agencies? let's face it, the fact that neither the medias, nor the FBI or any governmental agency investigated SV is a joke. It's an insult to Intelligence with a big I. There were three persons with brain cells who recognized that there was something going on in SV and those were Lex, Lionel and Chloe.

    The rest? They turned a blind eye. God, SV had a crime rate as high as Miami! There were meteor freaks waiting to attack lambda citizens, I can get why Lex thought of removing them from SV and using them as weapons. Does that make me evil to see the big picture and to think about the safety and future of the entire human race and not of a few murderers?

    I would only provide those meteor freaks with a place to live, a chance to really understand their importance in their fight against aliens and if they survive, a chance to start again by promising them a job, a house, studies, whatever. Just my two cents.

    So, evil Lex? Or just narrow minded Clark and Lana? I know my position on that one.

  6. #16
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    I really enjoyed Chloe telling Clark off and that she is seeing Lex as a person. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops and if that annulment goes through.

  7. #17
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    I really love this story. They might as well stay married. They are perfect for each other.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #18
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    I totally agree. Lex and Chloe should stay married not only because they are perfect for each other, but also because Chloe understands him. She knows not everything is black and white, but that Clark should take responsibility for his part when Lex and Clark friendship ended. She understands that Lex is just misunderstood and not everything he had done was bad but some maybe just misguided.

  9. #19
    NS Full Member ladyfayerie's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Just read this story. Nice! Accidental wedding! Can't wait for more

  10. #20
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: Married in Vegas (Chlex; NC17) updated: 04.12.12

    Hey guys. Thank you again for all the wonderful feedback I'm having trouble with this story now, but I hope you will stick around and that I manage to make it good.

    xmag I'll just sign what you wrote about Lex

    I really enjoyed Chloe telling Clark off and that she is seeing Lex as a person. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops and if that annulment goes through. [tatie87]
    I hope Chloe's actions won't dissapont you here. I want to show in this fic what it really means to follow your heart and not to listen to anybody and in order to do that.... few bumps in the road and learning on one's mistakes


    Chapter 3

    “Chloe… Chloe, did you hear what I just asked?” she heard Lex’s voice like through the fog.

    “What?” She turned her head to look at him.

    She’d been staring blindly at various people passing by.

    It’d been a week since she and Lex “had gotten married” and every day from that time they’d had lunch.

    “Sorry, I kind of… dozed off,” she admitted, being quite embarrassed. “I was just… thinking…”

    “Well, what were you thinking about, then?” he asked while leaning forward in his chair and watching her face closely.

    Chloe didn’t what to say it at loud. The thing was that she just realized that their lunches had become some kind of tradition. They understood each other perfectly and she started to treat Lex as a friend. All that conversations they’d had by now reminded her of that witty ones they’d been having back in Smallville, only now Chloe was even more intelligent. Lex was an excellent listener and an excellent person to talk to about just… everything. Well, they kept avoiding the obvious theme, Lex assured Chloe his lawyers were working on the annulment and that was it.

    And in that very moment it hit Chloe: she’d been having great time with Lex Luthor, but that wasn’t all. She might be his friend, but she couldn’t fall for him. She was very aware of all the reactions of her body on seeing him. She liked him a little too much. She was attracted to him, but she couldn’t act on it. She just couldn’t. It was true. It was one thing to be friends with him and completely different to fall for him. How their life would look like?

    Clark had reached his hand to Chloe that very morning and she remembered what he’d said:

    “Chloe, I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t of told you all of that, it’s just… I was worried. I just say this once and then I will never talk to you about it again, ok?”

    Chloe had sighed, but let him speak. Their friendship had been too important for her to just jeopardize it because of Lex who had been in her life for so much shorter period of time than Clark.

    “Just forget about my issues with, Lex. Forget about our broken friendship…” Clark started, “think about his experiments on meteor freaks instead. I was there, I saw it, remembered? And don’t you forget about your mum.”

    “But that was over a year ago…” she’s started and stopped immediately.

    Lex had had her mum in custody after all.

    Would her mum want him in her life?

    “Exactly,” Clark had said when he’d seen the look on Chloe’s face. “Just because Lionel died doesn’t miraculously make Lex a perfect man. There is no Lionel right now, so he can’t see his father’s dirty work and might just… slip, eventually…”

    “Clark, now you’ve gone…” had started Chloe.

    “Ok, ok, sorry… that one was a little too much,” Clark had admitted while raising his hand in surrender. “But the rest are just pure facts.”

    And now Chloe found herself thinking about that hard.

    Her mum had suffered because of Lex.

    On the other side Chloe had gotten the chance to talk to her while she’d been lucid again…

    …but Lex had still hurt and used them both!

    “It’s nothing important,” Chloe finally said, frowning at the battle that was going on in her head and she looked into his eyes.

    If not counting their dark past they could be so good together, even when only being friends. Chloe appreciated his wit and intelligent so much.

    “And what you were talking about?” she quickly asked, feeling rather unease.

    Lex sighed deeply like he could read her mind and fond something there that he didn’t like at all.

    “I was just thinking… do you even want it to be over?” he blurted out.

    “What kind of a question is that?” Chloe asked, looking at him strangely. “Of course I do! I don’t even remember that day!”

    “Maybe third times’s a charm?”

    “Lex Luthor, you can’t be serious!” she raised her voice, agitated.

    “So answer another question, Chloe,” he prompted unyieldingly. “Why are you keep spending your time with me? Why the sudden change? You hated me over a week ago and now… we’re acting like we were on a date.”

    “What?!... what…?!” she stammered. “It’s not a date, it’s just a friendly meeting.”

    “So we’re friends now?” he asked while raising his eyebrows.

    “I guess so… but… Lex, are you deliberately trying to delay the whole annulment thing? I’m not stupid, you know,” she said. “I know that it can take time, especially when there are some unclear circumstances, but we were drunk for a God’s sake! And you are Lex Luthor! You can do anything!”

    He looked at her with both hurt and amused sight and Chloe couldn’t comprehend how it was even possible.

    “Did you honestly think there could be something more between us?” she asked again.

    “I don’t know, Chloe,” he admitted, playing with his empty glass on the table. “I just… it’s not a secret that I find you very attractive, add to that your exceptional intelligence and the fact that you never give up… I admire you… and I do admit… feeling different when you’re around.”

    “Different how?” she asked.

    “Like myself. Like I don’t have to pretend to be somebody else.”

    That answer shook her.

    “Lex, did you even tell your lawyers about us?” she asked, because she didn’t know what to say to his confession.

    “Yes, of course I did, but I also admit telling them they still have a lot to do with the LuthorCorp.”

    Chloe felt scared. Scared of how his gaze affected her, scared of what might’ve happened if she’d stayed there with him. She had to remember who he was, she had to remember the baggage he was dragging with him. She had enough on her plate while dealing with Clark’s secret and being the reporter in the same time. It was hard having to write about the mysterious Blur when she knew everything about his identity. Lex didn’t fit into her life and she knew it.

    “Lex, I’m sorry, I have to run,” she said.

    “If I can ask you something again, please, be honest with me. Chloe, I can take anything, I just want…”

    “I know. And I am. Believe me.” She bit her lip. “I need that annulment, Lex, because honestly… yes, I admit there’s something between us, some tension, maybe even chemistry. It’s always been there, but… we can’t built anything on it and most certainly we can’t build anything on drunken marriage.”

    “So getting annulment and then trying to get to know each other better is out of the question?” he asked.

    “Yes,” she answered firmly. “I’m sorry, but yes, it is. I need to focus on my career.”

    “Career will not lead you far,” he told her. “Believe me, I know.”

    “Bye, Lex.”

    “I will be here.”


    Chloe didn’t want to break that new and strange relationship with Lex just like that. She needed to do it slowly, make them slowly drift apart. And above all, she needed to make Lex realize that it was all an illusion. She understood him. His father was dead, bastard or not, Lionel was still his father, the only blood related person Lex had had. He was alone, so accidental marriage, especially where it came to her, somebody he used to know, made him want something more form life. Made him think that maybe it was worth to try.

    Only she knew it wasn’t.

    But she missed him. She hadn’t seen him in two days and she fucking missed him!

    “What’s wrong with you, Sullivan?!” she growled at herself.

    Then an idea came to her mind.

    She had to know everything in order to be able to let it go.


    “Lex, I figured something out,” Chloe strode into his office.

    “Nice to see you, too,” Lex said in tired voice. “And why I’m not excited on hearing the news?”

    “I know you were right,” she said and that made him look at her with curiosity. “I mean… you were right that there is something between us, something that just won’t let us let go… and I know how to do that.”

    “I’m listening.”

    “It’s that night, right? We’re both thinking what happened that made us… well, do what we’ve done and maybe we should just remember it in order to move on.”

    “And that seems like a perfect idea, but how do you intend on doing that?” Lex raised his eyebrows in amusement. “Chloe, I’m all in, but…”

    “I’ll figure a way,” she said very confident with herself. “After all we both spent our quality time in Smallville. There has to be a way.”

    “I have to disappoint you, I don’t have any safe way to do this. There is Summerholt, but last time I tried that some different memories came back instead of those that I wanted to.”

    “Let me worry about the way, ok?” Chloe winked at him. “It won’t hurt if you try to find something safe, but I got this.”

    “Ok, suit yourself.”

    “What about our annulment?” Chloe asked.

    “You would be surprised how hard is to get one. It would be easier to just get a divorce,” Lex said. “But don’t worry. I’ll get it eventually.”

    “How long?”

    “Well, the fact that it was a wedding in Vegas make things a little easier, but on the other side the marriage was consummated immediately, so that leave us in trouble again. The judge has to look over it and then, he will free us.”

    “Ok, I guess I have to leave it to you then…”

    “Yes, and believe me, there are so many divorces and cases for annulments that right now that even I can’t speed up the process. Who would think that a judge wouldn’t take a bribe, hah?”

    “You offered to pay him?!” Chloe asked.

    “Yes, and yes, I know what you’re going to say…”

    “He’ll delay it on purpose now, won’t he?”


    “You should’ve just…”

    “I had to try.” He shrugged.

    “Oh, you…” she didn’t finished that sentence, because she suddenly wanted to laugh. In Lex’s world everything could be taken care of with money.

    Not this time. Not when it came to a very honest judge.

    “Go on, make fun of me,” he encourage, but she, instead, felt something different.

    A simple case of getting an annulment and Lex already tried to cheat it by paying off… Maybe he wasn’t evil, but he wasn’t good either.


    “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!!” Chloe screamed in the bathroom some time later.

    She still hadn’t figured out a way to get her memories from that night back and Lex still didn’t get the annulment, though a lot of time had passed by, but it was nothing compared to…

    “Chloe?” Lana knocked on the bathroom door. “Chloe, are you alright?”

    “No, I’m not fucking alright!!” came the answer.

    “What is it then? Chloe?” Lana’s voice grew more concerned now. “Tell me, you’re scaring me.”

    “I’m late,” Chloe simply said and opened the door, facing Lana. “I’m late.”

    “What?... Oh,” Lana hissed, her eyes wide open. “And you…?”

    “No one beside him.”

    “Didn’t you use…”

    “I don’t know! I don’t remember anything!!” Chloe squealed. “I can’t believe I could be so stupid! All I was thinking of was what we’ve done and what we should do to take it all back, but this… this… there’s no taking back something like that!!”

    “Calm down, calm down.” Lana put her hands on Chloe’s arms. “There is always a way. You don’t have to have it.”


    “And you don’t even know for sure yet, so let me just go to the store and get you a test, ok?”

    “Ok…” Chloe took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

    “And then… if it is… you will just decide what to do with it, ok?”


    But ten minutes later it turned out to be very much true.

    “Lana… I…” Chloe was pale and she just fell on the couch, hiding her face in her hands. “I’m going to have Lex’s baby… I can’t… I mean…”

    “It’s ok…” Lana sat down by her side. “You don’t have to.”

    “Sleeping with him, hell, even getting married to him was fine, ok, mistake, but it can be taken back, but… a child? With Lionel’s blood in his veins? What if he… what if I won’t be able to raise it right…? This child would need so much more…”

    “Of course you can’t have a baby that is a Luthor,” Lana just said and stoke her arm. “You can take care of it. It’s still early. Do you want me to make an appointment?”

    “Lana, we’re talking about killing a baby here!” Chloe stood up, her body shaken. “I can’t just… it’s not me… I… I know I’m panicking, but I can…”

    “Chloe, you told me that you wanted to get Lex out of your life, because you would never be sure what will happen to him in the future. You also told me he had your mother locked up and he used her to track meteor infected. Do you really expect this child to be perfect?”


    “Come on. You need to have your career. If you do this… you will never be free.”

    Chloe just nodded.

    She didn’t even know if that was the right thing to do, she couldn’t think clearly. Lana had kept saying those little things about Lex, giving her those clues about what kind of a person he really was and it had always been so subtle that Chloe didn’t even notice how many of them had gotten to her head. And after all Lana had dated Lex and it’d ended quickly, right? What Chloe could know…?

    A/N Hmm… this didn’t come out as I wanted it to… or I’m just slightly disappointed with myself. Anyways… other people can have such influence on our actions that we should always remember to listen only to our heart, because that one can’t get wrong.
    And I promise this story will not be as dramatic as it seems, it's about running away, being wrong, but everything will solve out at the end, ok?

    You're all probably thinking: What the Chloe is doing? It's not like her!
    Remember that she is in shock, she's just found out and the whole drunken marriage is still hanging over her head and as it that was not enough she still works for Lex and she's between the conflict of his and her friends.

    I just can't understand why I can't make Lana a good, likeble person. I love Lexana and I love Chlex, but where it comes to conflict between those three and me writing Chlex... I find myself making Lana bad. Something's wrong with me!
    Last edited by TrinityR; 17th December 2012 at 22:59.

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