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Thread: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

  1. #11
    NS Full Member dayamiracle's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Just wanted to say that I am very excited for this years Advent Calendar fic! The prolouge is awesome and I cant wait to see what happens next.

  2. #12
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Love, love, love it!! Once again, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to create some art for your beautiful story. I had a blast!! *hugs*

  3. #13
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Oh this is already such fun!
    Ok, that's mean to say that Chloe facing Lionel's wrath is fun...but, you know what I mean.
    She's right. There will be all kinds of perks. And confusion. And feelings. And happily wedded after???

  4. #14
    NS Full Member Rachet's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    you have me hooked. i think a month is the perfict amount of time for lex to work his magic.

  5. #15
    NS Full Member MASCH's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    How great!!! a new Christmas fic by Zannie!
    The prologue was incredible; you went from Lionel threatening to Lex teasing in a single chapter.
    I can't wait for more.

  6. #16
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    New Zannie fic! I was ecstatic to see that Zannie was handling the December countdown story this year. I think it’s a great tradition, and it’s always wonderful that, consistently, year after year, we always get the most talented authors at the forum take on the December fic.

    I was particularly pleased by Zannie’s mention that this fic’s tone ran somewhere along the lines of Road Tripping. RT has always been one of my favourite fics, and I LOVE the idea of this story resonating with the same tone.

    And this fic was particularly awesome because I can already tell that it’s going to be dramatic and hilarious. In fact the drama started quite early with the confrontation between Chloe and Lionel. I didn’t think it was possible, but Lionel has apparently gotten even scarier and more intimidating over the years. So much for the possibility of being ‘mellowed out’ by age, eh? It’s definitely unnerving and even terrifying contemplating the entirety of the situation. A person accidentally finds out some sensitive information about Lionel… and such a person’s best hope for survival is to confront Lionel head on in order to stop him from launching a pre-emptive strike.

    I wonder just how many people ended up getting destroyed or outright killed because THEY also found ‘sensitive information’ about Lionel, and believed that just ‘not doing anything’ with the information would be enough to keep them safe. Indeed, Chloe’s conversation with Lionel suggested that even a sincere promise not to ever, EVER use the information would not have saved her. On the contrary, Lionel would have seen it as a mark of weakness, and would have taken particular glee in destroying and culling out the weakness in society as he perceives it.

    Chloe actually did the very best thing she could… which was to present a strong, confident front; confront Lionel, and threaten that if he did anything to her, or to her family, then she would release the information she had on hand. Blackmailing Lionel into leaving her alone seemed like her very best bet. Even though it was clear to everyone that Chloe’s tactic was a delaying measure at best, and was only going to buy her some short-term safety time. Sooner or later, Lionel was going to get her… not only because he knows Chloe is a strong, formidable opponent with a strong weapon on hand right now… but also because (I believe) he’s always resented the fact that this young woman got the best of him when she was sixteen years old, and never got adequately punished for it.

    Nope… Lionel is going to leap onto this excuse to destroy Chloe Sullivan… simple for the pleasure of seeing her ruined, humiliated and broken.

    I felt like shrieking with outrage and shivering with fear when Lionel silkily mentioned that Chloe’s father lived in Florida... AND that Chloe’s new job existed in the form of a fragile new offer right now. He knew exactly where to aim in order to hurt Chloe. The worst thing was seeing how much Lionel relished and enjoyed telling Chloe just how damned fragile and delicate her life was. It sent a shudder through me imagining the visual he painted for her... that a few phonecalls from Lionel can have Chloe starving in the gutter; bereft of and grieving for friends and family.

    Lionel ‘small’ demonstration, when he pointed out the exact moment when Chloe received a message informing her that she had been fired was particularly scary because he was demonstrating it as a simple ‘party trick’. Something accomplished from a few minutes of effort on his part.

    When she made it out of the LuthorCorp building, she stood on the Metropolis sidewalk, pale with fear and breathing too fast as she tried to decide what to do.

    She felt naked, vulnerable, in her black trench coat and black leather boots, standing by herself on a gray day in the middle of the city. But she wasn’t helpless. She was clever and creative and brave. She would think of something to dig herself out of this hole.

    A solution would appear.
    I think it was this moment where I felt angriest at Lionel, as well as most sympathy for Chloe. Not the minutes that she spent confronting Lionel, although those minutes were creepy, scary and outrageous as heck, but the minutes after the confrontation that she spent recovering from her encounter. It was so clear that the confrontation had been quite traumatic and emotionally wrenching... and that the confrontation had not gone well for Chloe. She came out of the meeting feeling vulnerable, weak, small and helpless in so many ways.

    And yet, she still managed to pull herself together, getting ready for battle. Even with the odds hopelessly against her, Chloe is NOT going to just roll over and submit to Lionel’s proclamation of her imminent failure. heh... although, it was interesting to see that a part of Chloe seemed desperate enough to be almost praying for a miracle to occur... and some kind of ‘magical solution’ to present itself. And the solution arrived in the form of a sleek limo. How timely! Lex could NOT have made his entrance any better than that. You have to wonder whether he has any mind reading powers... or whether he can just sense the best moment to enter Chloe’s life from body language alone

    She hadn’t seen Lex in such close proximity for more than six years. He was in his mid-thirties now – more character etched on his face and his lean body not quite so boyishly slim. But the sleek bald head, the deep blue-gray eyes, and the sophisticated authority with which he held himself were just the same as she remembered.

    And she still felt the same unwilling attraction for the man she’d always felt, although tempered now by distance and experience.
    I appreciated the quick rundown you provided about the current status of the (non existent) relationship between Chloe and Lex, Zannie. I think this is an excellent place to start off this fic of a ‘forced marriage’... where Chloe feels a certain amount of grudging physical attraction towards Lex, but not much trust or even affection and/or liking right now. It’s also clear that a bond of basic understanding exists between the two, but Chloe doesn’t have any desire to explore that bond AT ALL, because she doesn’t trust him not to hurt or betray her somehow. Perfection!

    I also appreciated the explanation as to Lionel’s and Lex’s relationship... and how it clear that father and son are now polarized and firmly established adversaries. At least Chloe doesn’t have to worry about Lex secretly working with his father in order to coerce her into keeping quiet about the ‘sensitive information’ that she’s stumbled upon.

    On the contrary, I think Chloe might be wary about Lex himself trying to use Chloe to release the information using her as a pawn. Lex himself cannot release the information to press because, even as publically acknowledged adversaries, it would just look like bad form for Lex to turn against his father in that manner. However, getting a pretty, blonde reporter to spill the information (accidentally or otherwise)... that would be perfect for Lex.

    I’m not saying this is Lex’s plan... but I’m sure that the thought WILL cross Chloe’s mind. She’s very wary about being treated as a Luthor pawn again... whether by Lex or Lionel... or by Lex against Lionel.

    BUT, I will admit that Lex has done a lot to show how helpful he can be to Chloe right now. It was incredible finding out that he has already moved Gabe Sullivan to a safehouse, and even asked Lois about making security arrangements for her as well. That kind of efficiency is pretty damned impressive... especially considering in light of how weak, helpless and vulnerable Chloe felt just a few minutes before meeting Lex.

    “I’ll admit I was surprised when I learned that you’d embroiled yourself with my father again. I thought you would have learned better last time.” He idly twisted a gold ring on his right hand.

    The gesture struck Chloe suddenly as being out of character. Lex had been young in Smallville, and not fully in control of his emotions or responses. But he wasn’t young anymore. And he was always in control. She was surprised that he’d do something as revealing as fidget with the ring.
    heeee! I loved, LOVED this gesture, and I loved that Chloe noted it as ‘peculiar’ as well. From this moment on, I’m going to be completely biased, and base ALL of my judgements about Lex based on my interpretation of that gesture of him nervously playing with the run on his finger

    First of all, I’m absolutely certain that Lex always meant that ring to be a wedding and/or engagement ring to symbolize the union between himself and Chloe. The only question is exactly how long he’s had it on his finger. A few days since he thought up of this scheme... or several months while he tried to figure out the best way to bring Chloe back into his life again?!?

    Therefore, he couldn’t help but fidget with the wedding ring when he knew that the moment for his ‘proposal’ to Chloe was at hand. It’s the pivotal moment... and he’s just like any other man, hopelessly in love, waiting to present a ring to his lady, desperately hoping that she’ll like the idea of matching up with him.

    And speaking of matching up... I know that Lex gave her his ring... which was obviously a man’s ring. BUT, I’m absolutely certain that there’s a female mate to that ring somewhere in his possession... and he’s just waiting for the chance to exchange rings with her, matching them up later. He just didn’t want to scare Chloe off by appearing over-eager and/or over-confident that she would accept his proposal... hence the reason why he didn’t have the female match of his ring on him right then.

    Chloe thought about that. “Power.”

    “Yes,” Lex agreed. “That’s his primary motivator. And part of the power he’s built up for himself is based on his reputation.”

    “Reputation,” Chloe repeated, trying to make her mind work enough to follow the thought through to its logical conclusion. “Maybe.”

    “He doesn’t seek the reputation of a good man. But he also can’t move forward with the reputation of a monster. Or a reputation for disloyalty.”
    wow! I think this was a brilliant assessment of Lionel’s priorities, tactics and goals. I’ve never considered it, but it’s true, isn’t it? Lionel might have the reputation for being cunning, ruthless, merciless and a friggen animal in the business world. But even Lionel cannot continue to succeed when people consider him to be a real and actual monster. He must draw the line somewhere... and that line is his public perception. I loved Lex’s assessment that Lionel doesn’t have the reputation of being ‘nice’... but he’s not known for being the sociopathic, megalomaniacal sadist that he actually is.

    It scares me a little to imagine what kind of lessons and experiences shaped Lex’s understanding of his father’s psyche to such an in-depth and insightful level. How intimately close Lex really IS to his father, to be able to analyze Lionel’s character so accurately and insightfully. *shudder*

    Lex glanced away, almost idly. “If you were his daughter-in-law, for instance.”

    It took Chloe a full thirty seconds to process this. When she finally did, shock, anger, and disbelief washed over her in a hot wave. “What? What? Marry you?”
    ROTFLMAO! Oh dear me! This has got to be the most awesome marriage proposal I’ve ever heard Lex make! ROTFLMAO! And, I find it intensely interesting that Lex had to ‘look away’ while he made the actual proposal to Chloe... as if he was slightly afraid of seeing her reaction to the idea of marriage with him of all people, and under these particular circumstances. These ridiculous, ludicrous, surreal circumstances. I’m actually impressed that Chloe didn’t burst out laughing thinking Lex was playing some kind of absurd practical joke on her.

    BUT, once Lex started on his explanation, the idea not only sounded plausible and do-able... but even the best option possible. I noted that the first thing Lex did was assure Chloe that the marriage would be ‘in name only’... which was exactly what Chloe needed to hear... even if she was absurdly offended that Lex didn’t want to demand his ‘marital rights’ with her, LOL! Oh dear me... she really believed that Lex didn’t want her?!? ROTFLAMO! Oh well, she’ll have a month to find out differently.

    But, all in all, Lex’s plan sounded quite brilliant. All of his reasoning was sound, his psychological analysis of the situation was insightful, and it appeared that he had prepared for every contingency with this idea of a marriage proposal. I can see why Chloe found his argument so convincing, and managed to overlook the absurdity of the larger picture... such as the fact that friggen Lex Luthor is proposing a marriage in order to protect someone’s job!!! ROTFL! Does Lex go about proposing marriage to every person who appears threatened by unfair termination by Lionel? LOL!

    “Oh,” she said, the truth hitting her with a ridiculous flicker of disappointment. She should have known he wasn’t in this just to help her. “Of course. Quite a victory for you, getting ahead of your father like this. Taking his power away when it will matter to him. You want to use me to win this little battle with your father.”

    He inclined his head. “So we use each other. For a month. After Christmas, we can go back to our own lives.”
    heee. I can see that Chloe did realize the absurd craziness of the situation enough to ask ‘why’ he was proposing to her in order to save her job. And he smoothly led her to believe her reasoning was true... that he was using this whole ‘farce’ as a way to get to Lionel. Chloe has figured that the marriage proposal is some kind of means to an end for Lex, not realizing that it’s the actual end goal in itself!! That all of Lex’s scheming and machinations right now are JUST to secure Chloe as his lawfully wedded wife, and that the marriage itself is not simple a part of the scheming.

    I don’t blame Chloe for not realizing this... even though it appears obvious to me. She simply wouldn’t believe that she’s SO desirable, that Lex would hatch a scheme as absurd and complicated as this, JUST so he can be married to her. Chloe simply does not imagine herself to be so treasured a prize as all that. heh... oh well, Lex will have a month to set her straight on that too.

    heh... perhaps he can start during the honeymoon? lol! I loved the way that Chloe suddenly realized that, as Mrs. Luthor, she’s going to have Lex Luthor’s resources at her disposal... and be able to live as one of the filthy rich. It’s going to be the best month long vacation EVER!!! lol!

    The first kiss hadn’t lasted long, and they’d pulled back to stare at each other, panting and disoriented.

    Then Chloe—acting on an impulse she couldn’t deny—had pulled his head down toward hers again, claiming his mouth with an entitlement that surprised her. Lex had responded. His mouth had opened to hers. He’d groaned softly against her lips, the sound sending vibrations through her body.

    She was only seventeen. And he’d completely swept her off her feet.
    wow! That was just... WOW! It was sweet, beautiful, romantic, sexy and everything that is wonderful about Chlex. Thank you SO much, Zannie, for providing the details of Lex’s and Chloe’s first kiss in this story. I especially loved the tragedy and the ecstasy of that final line... Chloe was seventeen when she fell in love with Lex... falling in love for the first time, where everything seems wonderful, new and amazing. And she was probably the same age when Lex broke her heart too. So young and emotionally vulnerable. I think that last line sums up everything we need to know about the relationship that was between Lex and Chloe, and why they haven’t spoken to each other in six years since their break-up.

    The memory of it hit her so hard she had to close her eyes in the back of Lex’s car, aching from the pure power of that kiss and from all of the complexities that had followed it.

    When she opened her eyes, she looked at Lex, and she saw something matching in his eyes, even though his expression was as composed as ever.

    If all she had known of Lex was his ambition, his control, his power, his sophistication, his intensity, his shattering intelligence, then she would have refused the unconventional marriage proposal.

    But she knew more about him. The man who had kissed her so many years ago had been real, warm, tender. He’d felt things deeply, and he’d cared about her.

    It hadn’t worked out – for so many reasons. He’d hurt her in so many ways. And he was so much more than that man now.
    wow! I just got to experience Chloe’s emotions when she was seventeen years old, and falling in love with Lex Luthor. When everything was simple, pure, easy and wonderful. And now I can compare that against Chloe’s complex, contradictory and bitter-sweet feelings towards Lex. She trusts him, but doesn’t trust him at the same time. She feels this amazing, incredible, intense bond resonating with him, but has NO desire to explore it further, or deepen it further. She’s accepting Lex’s marriage proposal because she knows that it’s only a ‘business arrangement’, but she’s also only accepting it because she’s had an intimate past with this man. I LOVE it, Zannie!

    lol! Lex has his work really cut out for him if his ultimate plan is to win Chloe over. First thing we’re going to find out more about is exactly why they broke up in the first place, and find ways to fix those problems. Seriously, I cannot wait to see how this story develops.

    “It’s a Renaissance merchant ring from the sixteenth-century,” Lex explained, nothing revealed in his voice but idle interest. “They were used like signet rings, to seal documents and verify identity. But they were used by merchants who didn’t have a family lineage. They created their own crest and put it on their merchant rings.”

    Chloe was strangely affected by the beauty and history of the ring – and also by Lex’s diffident explanation.
    heh... I know that it sounds very much like Lex bought this ring because he admired the history and beauty of the piece. That he didn’t buy it with the intention of using it as a marriage band. BUT, I’m a stubborn romantic who hates to let go of pet theories, and I’m going to insist that Lex’s fidgeting with the ring proves that he strongly associated the marriage proposal to Chloe WITH the ring somehow. That’s all the proof I require to show that Lex bought this ring as a marriage band, and has a female mate of the ring somewhere in his apartment (if not in his pocket right there in the car).

    Lex must have been able to see the decision on her face. His mouth twitched again. “What do you say, Chloe Sullivan? Do you want to marry me for Christmas?”

    Despite everything—despite the danger she was in from Lionel and the high stakes to what they were doing—she couldn’t help but smile back.
    And she said, “I do.”
    LOL! It’s absurd, ridiculous, hilarious, sweet, smart, funny and dramatic all at the same time. I WANT MORE!! Please write more quickly, Zannie!

  7. #17
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Quote Originally Posted by somethingeasy View Post
    I WANT MORE!! Please write more quickly, Zannie!
    The entire story is already finished SE A new chapter is going to be posted every day from December 1st until December 24th So you just make sure you stop by the Advent Calendar website at least once a day and you'll have something new to read
    Last edited by Julie; 27th November 2010 at 16:09.
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  8. #18
    NS Full Member
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Lex and Chloe are two of the dumbest smart people in the world if they think they'll be able to simply walk away, unchanged, after a month of marriage to each other lol! A fantastic beginning! I look forward to seeing what happens when they are forced to confront both themselves and each other.

  9. #19
    Just a Guest!

    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Thank you Zannie for the prologue and the already finished story. i like the way you will give each day of december a chapter. so the story will be 24 chapters long, isn'it ? I can't wait for more. I wonder what happened between clark and chloe because from your words their frendship doesn't look as strong as when they were teenagers. Is it clark's fault or chloe fault?

  10. #20
    NS Full Member
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    It's exciting already! I can't wait for the upcoming adventure. I loved Road Tripping and I have no doubt this will be even better.

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