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Thread: Scofield Standard Time (R) COMPLETED

  1. #121
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) COMPLETED

    Quote Originally Posted by Lali View Post
    Oohhh!! I love it! Specially because even crazy people know Chlex is meant to be, doesn't that say something??

    This is really great, and by far one of the most original plots I've heard.
    you took the words right out of my mouth. i just love this story and the ending was perfect.

  2. #122

    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) COMPLETED

    great fic

  3. #123
    Members cousinmary's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 16 5/29/07

    This was a great story! Though, it seems like it could use a bit of an epilouge, epecially since it started with Lois and Clark and they never get to wrap up their thoughts on Chloe's plan and Lex's involvement. I love how you wrote Chloe and Lex, and I like that Gabe was fully aware of what the plan was. Great job

  4. #124
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) COMPLETED

    I just went over my fics and I have discovered that the last chapter/ ending to this one has somehow been deleted, so I am reposting it. A great big "THANK YOU" to all of my fellow Chlexers for reading this rather strange fic!

    Ch 17

    It had been nearly six weeks since Chloe and Sarah were taken out of Fox River and placed in Federal custody.

    By the time the Feds, Metropolis Police and Fire, and prison orderlies had control in Dr. Bellick's office, T-Bag was a mass of bruises. He had two black eyes, a split lip and a busted nose. Dr. Bellick also had a bloody nose, and Chloe ended up with bruised knuckles and a sprained wrist from all of the punching she had done.

    Once everything quieted down, Lex wanted nothing more then to have the land that Fox River stood on declared Imminent Domain, so that he could have the pleasure of seeing the place bull dozed to the ground.

    Instead, the Kansas Department of Corrections stepped in and shut the prison hospital down, and all of the prisoners were transferred to the psych ward at Metropolis University Hospital, pending an investigation into the mysterious deaths that were allegedly done by prison officials.

    To the DOC's credit, T-Bag and Bellick were also taken into custody despite the doctor's demanding that they call the warden to straighten everyone out. The warden was contacted and he agreed to turn over any information he found to the state, and the state would also be conducting their own inquiry.

    Chloe was looking forward to watching the prison system hang Bellick and T-Bag out to dry.

    But that had to wait, because first, Chloe and Sarah had to be taken in by the FBI for questioning as "persons of interest."

    When she heard that, Chloe pulled Lex aside, aghast that she and her mom were being considered terrorist, but Lex quickly assured her that it was all a ploy to get them both transferred out of Fox River faster.

    By the next morning, Chloe had petitioned for a hearing to be released from the psychiatric hospital, and she was seen in front of a judge within 24 hours, where she was subsequently cleared of all criminal charges, and released back into society.

    Chloe knew that she also had Lex's influence to thanks for the speed in which her court appearance happened, and how quickly her mom was placed in a new psychiatric facility.

    Sarah was now living in Bryn Gwellyn, and while it was clearly a prison hospital for the criminally insane, the building itself was clean and bright and full of light, and the doctors were fully committed to helping the prisoners receive the best psychiatric care they could.

    And most importantly,. people weren't being killed left and right.

    Chloe was able to visit her mother twice a week, and she was amazed at how much better Sarah looked. She smiled more and looked hopeful, not because she wanted to get released--Sarah knew that she was not well enough to live on the outside, but that she could now have a relationship with her daughter.

    It was during one of these visits that Sarah had asked about Gabe. She hadn't asked straight out if Gabe would come to visit her, but Chloe guessed that's what she wanted, so, on the next visiting day, Gabe, accompanied by his daughter, walked in to find his former wife waiting anxiously to see him.

    He made a concentrated effort to hide his shock, but it depressed him to see his once vibrant wife reduced to a shadow of herself by her mental illness. And once again his fears for Chloe overwhelmed him, and all he could think of was. 'Is that what will happen to her one day?'

    Some of his worry must have shown on his because Chloe reached for his hand, and Gabe held on as tight as he could. All three Sullivans simply looked at each other, until Chloe finally broke the silence. "Dad, I know I put you through a lot this past month.."

    Gabe interrupted "Try for the past 20 years."

    Chloe rolled her eyes, while Sarah stifled her own laugh. "Fine. I know that I've put you through a lot my entire life, but I'm not going to sit around waiting for disaster to strike. I'm going to live my life as well as I can, and I'm not going to worry about this."

    At the word "this", Chloe waved her free hand vaguely around the prison. "I might not ever become mentally ill, and if I did, the doctors may have found a new way of dealing with it. Or at least have invented a better drug combination"

    Her mom smiled sadly. "I sure hope so, Chloe-bug, because I'd hate to see you in here for real."

    Her dad grinned at Chloe's old nickname, and inclined his head towards the outside doors to the hospital. "And if Lex Luthor has anything to say about it, I'm sure they will."

    Sarah looked towards the windows and saw Lex's familiar bald head. "He's such a nice young man." She lowered her voice and Chloe had to lean forward to hear her mom's question., "Does he know how grateful I am for his help? Would you please make sure he knows, because I think he saved our lives."

    Chloe smiled reassuringly at Sarah's worried face. "He knows Mom, believe me. You tell him how grateful you are every time you see him, and he has the ceramic "Thank You" ashtray you made for him sitting on his desk. Frankly, I think he's a bit embarrassed at your gratitude."

    When her mom still looked unsure, Chloe thought about a way to ease Sarah's concerns. Not able to think of anything suitable, Chloe finally just blurted out with: "How about this Mom? I promise that I won't just tell Lex how grateful we are for getting us out of Fox River alive, I'll show him too. How about that?"

    Upon hearing those words, Gabe answered in an even tone, "No, Chloe, I think your mom's ashtray says it best. Why don't you leave it at that?"

    As soon as the words had come out of her mouth, Chloe had known that she said the wrong thing. And all it took was one look at her dad's tense facial expression to reconfirm that for her. She squeezed his hand, the hand that wasn't clenched in a fist that is, and tried for a joking manner: "Oh man, I didn't mean it like that! I was just going to give him a hug."

    Gabe didn't look too comforted by that information. "How about a hearty hand shake instead?"

    When Chloe's only response was an exasperated, "DAD!!", Sarah stepped into the fray. "Now Chloe, your dad's just fulfilling his role of "overprotective father". He'll never think any man's good enough for you."

    And here Sarah paused to wink at Chloe. "Even if the man in question is a devilishly handsome billionaire with noble tendencies who is clearly fond of you."

    At those words, Gabe covered his face with his now unclenched hand. "So it's two against one is it?" When Chloe and Sarah just smiled in response, Gabe shook his head.

    Sarah was about to speak again when Chloe stopped her. "How many times do I have to go over this with everyone? First Lois and Clark, and now you guys. For the last time, there is nothing for either of you to worry about. Lex and I have finally got our friendship back on track, and we aren't going to be adding any romance to it."

    But neither of her parents were paying attention to her, because Gabe and Sarah's attention were drawn to watching Lex walk into the waiting room, carrying a bouquet of tulips.

    Chloe turned to see what had distracted them, and smiled when she saw the man himself. She barely heard her dad say to her mom, "Nothing going on? I suppose that's why he keeps bringing her gifts. First it was a box of dark chocolates, then it was free coffee from the Talon for a year, and now he's bringing her flowers. Next thing you know he'll be asking her to marry him!"

    She was so focused on Lex's approach that she didn't even register Sarah shushing Gabe and pushing him to sit at another table. Chloe was too busy noticing just how gray Lex's eyes were and that his smile made her stomach flutter nervously.

    She tried to valiantly push these thought away, but after their reconciliation in Fox River, they had become a common occurrence whenever she saw him. She attempted to get a grip on her emotions, but that all went to hell when he stood in front o her, holding out the flowers to her.

    Trying not to smile bashfully, Chloe took them, and quietly thanked him. He nodded his acceptance, and then they sat silently next to each other..

    Lex was prepared to wait her out, but she surprised him by blurting out, "She wanted to make sure you know." When Lex's only response was to raise a single eyebrow, Chloe realized that she sounded like a moron, so she rushed on to clarify herself.. "My mother. she wants to make sure you know how grateful she is for helping us."

    Lex merely shook his head. "You saved your lives, Chloe. I just helped out."

    Not wanting them to lapse into a weird silence again, Lex quickly brought up Bellick and T-Bag. "There isn't going to be a trial because they both pleaded guilty. Apparently, the warden found Bellick's private files that recorded all of the deaths over the last ten years."

    Chloe shook her head, "I wish I could say that I was surprised, but nothing about this case shocks me. At least their going to pay for what they did."

    Chloe paused to look at her mom. "And my mom's still alive. When I first came up with this plan, the only thing I wanted was for my mom to be safe. I didn't do any of this to get to the bottom of the deaths, that was just a happy coincidence."

    She paused again, and Lex was amazed to see tears in her eyes. "Do you think that makes me a selfish person? That I'm only concerned for my mother? I mean, I don't even care why they did it. I'm just glad that we got out alive."

    Without even stopping to think, Lex wrapped his arm around Chloe's shoulder and pulled her into a hug. He held her as she cried, whispering comforting, nonsensical words to sooth her. Her tears finally stopped, and with his arm still around her, he wordlessly handed her his handkerchief.

    She smiled gratefully when she saw it and he gave her a minute to gather herself together. Then he leaned forward, and cupped Chloe's face in his hands. She had never seen him with such a serious look on his face. "Chloe, you are the bravest person I know, and the fact that you risked your own life to help your mom is the most selfless act I have ever had the privilege of witnessing."

    Chloe could feel her eyes tear up again, but she managed to stave off another crying jag by taking several deep breaths. When she felt as though she had herself under control again, she smiled her thanks.

    Lex again nodded in return, and he appeared to be deep in thought. "You know, I don't think it actually matters why they were killing people. For all we know, T-Bag could have been in love with all the women, or Bellick was angry that they weren't getting any better. All that matters is that they won't be able to hurt anyone else ever again."

    He watched her expression clear as she considered his words. He loosened his grip on her face, and brushed his fingertips across her cheeks, and when he was rewarded with a blush, he grinned, and pulled Chloe into his side, resting his arm around her shoulder again. She relaxed against him, and sighed contentedly.

    Across the way, Chloe's parents watched the young couple.

    Without taking his eyes off Chloe and Lex, Gabe asked Sarah. "I'm going to have to accept this, aren't I?"

    Sarah glanced over at the couple, and simply nodded her head.

    This time Gabe sighed in defeat, "That's what I thought."

    The End

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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