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Thread: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

  1. #1
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    Cheeky, NC-17

    Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or show, but I don't want to make money off them, because I'd get sued.

    Spoilers: None. PWP is good like that.

    Words: 3870

    A/N: As for the title, skauble dared me. As for the story . . . I suppose that was me, but I also blame society. And soda. It's very bad for you. The bubbles and such, very bad. Kink warning for spanking.

    Chloe let her robe slip from her shoulder and looked over at Lex. He was still working, but his eyes were darting in her direction. She smiled and stretched up on her toes, yawning.

    "OH, I'm tired. Once I put this book list up I'm going right to bed." She studied her side of the message board. It was piled three deep with papers. The side she had left for Lex had three precisely lined up items she knew he never looked at. "OW!"

    She stuck her finger in her mouth and sucked on it as Lex stood up. He picked up the thumbtack she'd dropped and gestured to see her injury. Chloe shook her head and he grasped her wrist to pull. The finger slipped out with a little pop.

    "You're dangerous," he complained, gently prodding the red pinprick. He kissed her fingertip and gave her back the thumbtack. "Be careful."

    No sooner had he turned his back then Chloe had uttered another sound of pain. Lex looked over his shoulder. "Okay," he asked. She made an indistinct sound and he sighed. "Chloe, do I need to call the blood bank?"

    She was pouting when he turned around, and held out the same finger. It was bleeding a little. "Stop getting in the way of the thumbtack," he told it sternly. "It's only trying to do it's job."

    He dabbed the blood away and stroked her fingernail. "Really be careful or I'll take all the thumbtacks."

    Chloe smiled and said, "I promise." He was still watching when she held the paper up to the board, leaned her hand on it, and stabbed the same finger a third time. "Ow," she whispered.

    Lex rolled his eyes. "You watched Secretary again, didn't you? You always get freaky after that."

    "You said you didn't like the ruler slapping," Chloe replied. "And it was a metal ruler which was not ideal. And I get off on spellchecking but not the right way, so I start ignoring you and revising things. You don't like it when I crawl to you, because you like it more than you feel you should. So I'm left with this or stirring your coffee with my boobs. And it's too late for coffee."

    He grinned at her flawless logic. "Okay, all valid points. We don't have to do it on the desk, do we? I have all my work laid out in order."

    Chloe looked at the piles of paper and decided she couldn't wait that long. "You're my boss. You tell me where we're going to have sex," she told him. "But I will say that the air conditioner is still broken because I forgot to call for repairs like you told me."

    Lex looked up at the air conditioner and then at his girlfriend. She wasn't overly short, but they were going to have to stand on the sofa. And if they were standing when they had sex, there was always the chance of falling when they climaxed. The freaky had a price and he didn't know if the end of the workday was the best time to test his falling reflexes.

    Chloe Sullivan, you're a hard woman to love, he thought.

    He cleared his throat and gave her a version of his cold look. "I told you to get that fixed last week, and you knew it had been giving me trouble for months. A good employee is able to anticipate orders," he lectured. "And now you've put me behind. I can't work in this heat!"

    He took off his shirt and opened his belt. "What kind of professional image is it to be sitting in my office with my pants hanging on the door?!"

    Chloe ducked her head in pretend contrition. "I'm very sorry and I will get it repaired first thing in the morning. Can't I do something to make you forgive me," she pouted, running the thumbtack on her palm. He took it from her and tossed it down with faked rage that nearly made her giggle.

    "You know, I don't think your mind is on your job. I think you're thinking of some boyfriend," he accused.

    "I'm not thinking about Lionel," she squealed ridiculously, and they both held a long look while he decided if Chloe had gone too far. She could hear the thumbtack roll to a stop against something. Lex sat down in his chair and she almost chased after him to apologize, but then he beckoned for her. He only did that in the most kingly manner, and only when he was feeling pompous. Pompous meant multiple orgasms for her.

    She walked over slowly, and with a nervous posture, until she was standing in front of him. Lex took her hand, but he made it impersonal. His hand was a leash.

    "Chloe, you broke up with Lionel because he was bad for you and to you, remember? I helped you leave him," he said mildly. She nodded.

    "You saved me, Lex, and I'm so grateful. I'd like to show you how gra-"

    Lex dropped her hand and she jumped as he yelled at her. "ALL I ASKED WAS FOR YOUR FOCUS AND ATTENTION! ALL I WANTED WAS FOR THE PAST TO BE THE PAST!"
    She hunched her shoulders before she realized he was still playing, but Lex must have noticed because his tone gentled.

    "Tell me what I asked and what I wanted," he told her.

    Feeling like a puppy wanting to please, she sank down in front of him and looked at his face. "You asked for my focus and attention. You wanted the past to be the past," she repeated.

    "Yes." He nodded and leaned toward her to stroke her brow. "And most of the time I feel I have that with you, but today it's not here." She opened her mouth to argue, but he put a finger on her lips.

    "I have to punish you, becuase you're distracted, but I want you to tell me all the things you've forgotten while I do that. Take off my pants and hang them up. You can put yourself over my lap but you have to stand. You don't get cuddles today." Chloe rubbed her breasts on his legs as she reached for his crotch. She licked her lips and he frowned at her. "This is a punishment," he repeated.

    "I know, Lex."

    She pulled down his pants as he lifted his hips, carefully not to wrinkle them. Then she picked up one foot after the other and eased them out of the legs. He kicked his shoes off and bent down to get his socks while she was hanging up his clothes. When she turned around he was sitting and waiting for her. Chloe took one step and changed her mind, falling to her knees to go to him.

    He tensed up and rubbed his bare feet on the rug. Chloe's robe was barely on and dragging behind her. The little silk nightgown didn't cover her legs and cleavage and he could look right down into it. She was outwardly contrite, but he knew she was plotting against him – just sexually. He sat up straight as she stood to one side, shrugged the robe and bent over.

    “I'm ready,”she said meekly.

    Her scent was sweet and familiar and he wanted to kiss her neck, but Lex made his gaze distant. “Hold on,” he ordered, and she snuck her soft hands under his arm to the chair. Chloe inhaled deeply as her nightgown was hiked up, and waited.

    “I want you to tell me all the things you've done wrong, Chloe.”

    She hesitated. Did he want her to make up more office work or was he being more serious?

    “Clark,” she ventured quietly.


    Lex's hand was hovering over her ass and she nearly sighed. It would be a very bad time to say the wrong thing. “Clark Kent. From high school. I wasted years with a crush and he was bad for me. I kissed him, touched him. I'm glad we didn't have sex. He never loved me.”

    She jolted forward as Lex spanked her hard on one buttock and then the other. His arm came up from the chair to cup her chin and pinch it strongly enough to keep her head up. “Good. Go on.”

    She was shaking and he was tempted to let her lie across his lap, but her breasts were vibrating deliciously in front of his eyes. Lex rubbed her ass in circular motions and waited.

    “Jimmy Olsen. Mostly because I was lonely and he liked me. I gave him my virginity, and then I wanted it back. He meant nothing to me and I meant nothing to him. And I got back with him later when I knew better. He only ever meant nothing,” she quavered.

    Chloe hadn't expected to really be thinking about her issues with men and she swallowed painfully. She didn't want Lex to think he was hurting her. He never did. But she wasn't in the same mood as when they began and the heaviness wasn't something she'd prepared for mentally.

    His hand on her face lowered to her shoulder as he gave two more stinging slaps on her ass. She was nearly weeping for a second and he rubbed her back.

    “The first time doesn't inform as much as you'd think, and a mistake you repeat is one you've learned well,” he said calmly. “Keep going.”

    Her blond hair shifted and she pulled herself together. “Lionel was bad from the start, and I knew that. I craved self destruction and I wanted trouble and infamy. I couldn't have what I wanted so I only wanted to destroy everyone. But it didn't last long because I was scared from the beginning. I knew he'd use me up and throw me down. It's the only reason I didn't get all the way seduced.”

    The way they started and her biggest betrayal, uncomfortably melded into a reality she loved and hated. Without Lionel she wouldn't have gone to Lex. Without Lex she'd be lost. But without Lionel she might never have gone off the path in the first place. The chicken came first but without him the egg wouldn't have been cracked. She was just making herself stupidly nervous. If Lex couldn't get past it they wouldn't be together. If one day he couldn't remain she still couldn't travel through time.

    His hand wavered and hit too close to her right hip, but she didn't flinch from the second, correctly aimed slap. Lex checked her body quickly before tilting her face to him. It was white and genuinely miserable.

    “Every teenager makes one cocky mistake. Most only have a car and a case of beer, or a sexual partner and no protection. You happened to have corporate sponsorship. You redeemed yourself,” he murmured.

    Chloe gave him a tiny smile and turned her head away dutifully when he pushed at her chin.

    “I went out with Bruce Wayne,” she said. “He was handsome and rich and charming and broken – I should have wanted his babies right there on the table. But he was boring, secretive and humourless. He was collecting me for his string of disgraced blond reporters. I knew that and I still fucked him in his limo. First date sex is slutty.”

    Lex had known that but he didn't like to think much about it. He knew how many women Bruce went through in a year, and how hurt some of them were after the relationship was over. Most disappeared to rebuild their self esteem. Bruce wasn't broken in a way that could be carried by two people. He also had a rather unsavoury reputation sexually, not unlike the warning a society matron might give about a Luthor a few years previously.

    “Did he hurt you, Chloe?”

    Some men held on and some men let go. Bruce wanted her to have her and he didn't want it to be over until he didn't care anymore. Lex let go. He cared enough to recognize a losing battle and end it before there was no one left standing. Bruce just dropped her like garbage.

    She shook her head. “He was scary . . . rough, too intense. I'm sure he would have stopped but I would have been too afraid to ask. I didn't talk to him after that.”

    Lex nodded and said, “You gave him a fair chance to get to know you and he screwed up – not you. You don't get punished for that.”

    Her body wiggled in relief and he felt her warm cheek. She hadn't cried and he hoped it meant she was okay now about the event. “Do you want a break,” he asked her.

    Chloe shook her head. She wanted to say the things in her mind now that it felt safe to do so. “I didn't see you for so long, then we connected and all I did was freak out. I didn't want you to use me and I was trying to be normal – average. So when you offered me lots of wonderful things I ran because they were all above average. I didn't think I deserved them and I hurt you. Even after I came back I had doubts and days where it seemed like too much,” she confessed.

    “Every big fight we had, I would go to the bedroom and start packing as I promised myself I was leaving. I would find the sweater you said was your favourite on me and get a little less angry, then I'd sit down and smell your pillow. It would take too long to get all my stuff. I would run around desperately but I'd end up tripping over an armful of clothes and crying because I wanted to stay and had to make it up to you.”

    Lex found it difficult to be harsh, but he took his hand from her face and spanked her twice. “I hope you don't have any plans to leave me, because I'll lock you up to keep you,” he stated cockily.

    She giggled. “I never want to leave.”

    She forgot herself and stepped around the chair to sit in his lap, and Lex wrapped his arms around her. “Good. It would be messy killing all the private investigators and police who came to find you. I might have to shoot an FBI agent or two. I'd do it gladly, but it's better if I don't have to leave a trail of corpses,” he qualified.

    She nodded. “I understand. You have stuff to do instead of checking my shackles. And the shackles make good restaurants impossible. We'd have to go to Wendy's,” she teased him. “You'd get a fast food belly.”

    He pushed her to her feet with disdain. “You just suggested I'd get fat. Lean over.”

    She was smiling broadly as his hand delivered two loud but painless slaps. “And gassy,” she suggested, arching her back and practically wagging her ass at him.

    Lex gave her another two slaps and pinched her thigh. “Is that so?”

    She purred, “You'd smell like french fri-Ah!” He hadn't let her finish before punishing her. “You'd smell like french fries,” she said deliberately. “You interrupted me before.”

    Lex gave her a couple of hard slaps and shook his head. “I heard you the first time and I definitely, absolutely will not ever smell like french fries.”

    Chloe wiggled. “You would if I poured them on you,” she told him saucily. Her hands reached for the chair's arm as she surged forward under his slaps.

    “You will not ever pour french fries on me,” he ordered pretty seriously. He must be that offended by the idea, she mused.

    “I might even forget to call about the air conditioner tomorrow,” she purred. “Maybe I don't care about being a huge nuisance to you.”

    That should have earned her two more slaps, since her tone was quite definitive in her lack of anxiety over the trouble she caused. Lex found himself suddenly a little out of sorts as he pushed back a thought that wanted to be voiced. He fixed her short little nightgown and pulled her to straddle his knees.

    His earnest gaze into her eyes must have confused her because Chloe's arms went around his neck and she said, “What? You know the air conditioner isn't really broken, right? And I do care.”

    “Chloe, stop joking for a minute,” he asked. “You've been very understanding about my work habits – both how much I work and how I tend to use it as a crutch at times when I'm uncertain. You're very good at making time for me, and also at understanding when I can't do the same. It's my habit to put myself behind my desk when I'm at home. It usually doesn't mean anything except I've grown used to being busy. It's not avoidance or neglect of you. You don't have to come in here half-naked to get my time.”

    Her green eyes widened, and she put her hands high on his arms. Her body shivered in a way that he recognized as emotion, and she nodded.

    “So, you don't have to play games just to tell me things, or flirt your way through dinner, unless you feel like flirting,” Lex continued. “The best thing about you has nothing to do with sex or the anticipation of being inside you.”

    When she was silly, flirty, cute with him or just too much of a girl, Lex smiled at her, and Chloe had a twinge of fear. She knew he wasn't leading her on, but it was hard to reconcile Lex Luthor with the man who bought green food colouring for their champagne so they could toast St. Patrick's Day. He was very nice to her, and that pointed to a certain degree of humouring her strange whimsical nature. She loved him, but she wasn't sure they were meant for the long-term. She knew she didn't want to tie herself to a man with the idea he'd have to put up with her personality instead of liking her presence.

    “You're not holding out hope for my cooking, are you,” she whispered, trying to make it a joke when it seemed so far from funny. “Because I can't. At all.”

    His hands were cold. Most of him was, and Lex hadn't really intended to be naked in his office this long. He felt her leg and Chloe was slightly chilled. She swayed her hips forward as he rubbed his palms up and down her thighs.

    “I know you can do anything you want . . . if you really want it. I can find employees to do things for me. I spent years trying to find people who could be a part of my personal life. There are never too few people to tend my money or the trappings of what Lex Luthor's life has to be. You're one of the few who co-exists with me in it.”

    “Happy to be relatively useless, I guess,” she quipped. Her eyes slid shut as Lex gathered her closer and slid to the front of the chair. “I know you're not using me. I'm not using you, either.”

    He stood up and waited to feel her grip settle on his shoulders. Chloe tucked herself tight in his arms and hung on.

    “You've been wet since you walked in,” he breathed.

    “You've been hard at least twice as long,” Chloe argued. “Your cock knows my class schedule. It waits up for me.”

    They clung their way across the office, her damp gown hot on his waist. Lex lowered her to the sofa with a rueful grin. He was not balancing up there only to fall off and twist his ankle or break a wrist. He had ample opportunities to risk his neck.

    “Do you need an ass pillow,” he teased, getting a swat on his bald head.

    “Jerk! I'm cold, Lex. Get down here.”

    The confines of the sofa didn't even slow them down, as Lex nuzzled into her chest and thrust gently inside. Smooth heat encompassed him and Chloe's knees folded in a relaxed curl. Walled up in her presence at it's most fundamental level, he kissed her deeply. She moaned into his mouth, plying him with sweet little nips.

    Chloe's calm was undisturbed as Lex began thrusting steadily. He shifted his head in the other direction and she chased after his mouth. They weren't quite naked, but he had to be freezing, and his ass was something she neede preserved. Latching one hand over the side of the cushion, she rolled up to him and tried not to clamp down punishingly hard. If she came so soon he'd mock her all day. On the other hand, she'd been softened up by all the spanking, and he was mostly untouched.

    He could only breathe by timing it to her clenching pussy, not even fighting to get air through the squeezes. They'd been joined perhaps a minute, and Lex was easily ready to come. He pulled his mouth away and buried his face on her neck. Tension was climbing up his back, making his spine creak and complain as he propped himself away from her flesh. He couldn't even look at her and he knew how pretty she looked. Her voice strained as Chloe arched and squealed. She sent them toward the edge of the sofa. Lex kicked out and caught them.

    “Heh, hah! Good catch,” she laughed.

    “Should have landed on you,” Lex sneered, mostly ineffectually, as he cradled her head in his palm.

    “Sorry, sorry, very good re-flexes. Very good . . .Lex? Coming . . . “

    He braced, pushing harder now with his hips. Chloe wasn't even trying to work with him, and he flinched and gasped with each of her frantic grinds up. One of her hands was fisted and jabbing him in the ribs. She let out a sharp yell and bucked, making him stop trying to use lungs or mouth and just pray for consciousness to get back to him before he hit the floor.

    Chloe felt herself sliding and found just enough energy to roll toward it, getting her foot down with Lex's. She winced as his body shook and nearly fell, but his arm pinned behind her head weighted him. Lex let his knee bend and his cock slid out at a lopsided angle. She gritted her teeth and tried to recall it for another time.

    “Oh, fuck,” she sighed happily.

    “Agreed,” Lex growled. “How's your ass?”

    Her hand grazed his hip and cupped firmly as his deluded body tried to go for round two. “Excellent, thank you.”
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  2. #2
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    Loved this! Ahhh, kinky Chlex, what could be better (well, except for a word that starts with s and ends with ockies. But that's best left for another story...or nine months after this one)?

    "You said you didn't like the ruler slapping," Chloe replied. "And it was a metal ruler which was not ideal. And I get off on spellchecking but not the right way, so I start ignoring you and revising things. You don't like it when I crawl to you, because you like it more than you feel you should. So I'm left with this or stirring your coffee with my boobs. And it's too late for coffee."
    I loved this because it spoke so much to Lex and Chloe's personalities - how Chloe would get too into a writing oriented task and Lex would worry that he liked the power too much. lol

    Chloe Sullivan, you're a hard woman to love, he thought.
    ROTFLMAO! She could kill him during sex and it would be easier than dealing with the easiest thing about being a Luthor. lol

    "You know, I don't think your mind is on your job. I think you're thinking of some boyfriend," he accused.

    "I'm not thinking about Lionel," she squealed ridiculously, and they both held a long look while he decided if Chloe had gone too far. She could hear the thumbtack roll to a stop against something. Lex sat down in his chair and she almost chased after him to apologize, but then he beckoned for her. He only did that in the most kingly manner, and only when he was feeling pompous. Pompous meant multiple orgasms for her.
    OMG! Chloe is sooooooooo brave. Way to take a chance. The girl must love herself some playful spanking...of course, who doesn't.

    He tensed up and rubbed his bare feet on the rug. Chloe's robe was barely on and dragging behind her. The little silk nightgown didn't cover her legs and cleavage and he could look right down into it. She was outwardly contrite, but he knew she was plotting against him – just sexually. He sat up straight as she stood to one side, shrugged the robe and bent over.
    I want to be sexually plotted against!!!

    “Every teenager makes one cocky mistake. Most only have a car and a case of beer, or a sexual partner and no protection. You happened to have corporate sponsorship. You redeemed yourself,” he murmured.
    LMAO All too true. Of course her mistakes are going to be bigger when Lionel's pulling the strings. It's not like you fall in with Lionel and he gets you to steal the answers for the next history test. Although...note to self - devise diabolical plan requiring the answers to a high school history test.

    Lex nodded and said, “You gave him a fair chance to get to know you and he screwed up – not you. You don't get punished for that.”
    I thought this was wonderful. Even though it's about her and another man, Lex doesn't let that get in the way of giving her the reassurance she needs.

    “Every big fight we had, I would go to the bedroom and start packing as I promised myself I was leaving. I would find the sweater you said was your favourite on me and get a little less angry, then I'd sit down and smell your pillow. It would take too long to get all my stuff. I would run around desperately but I'd end up tripping over an armful of clothes and crying because I wanted to stay and had to make it up to you.”
    Aww, this was so sweet. It's nice to see that Chloe's sometimes at just as much a loss as to what to do in a relationship as Lex is. lol

    Lex found it difficult to be harsh, but he took his hand from her face and spanked her twice. “I hope you don't have any plans to leave me, because I'll lock you up to keep you,” he stated cockily.

    She giggled. “I never want to leave.”

    She forgot herself and stepped around the chair to sit in his lap, and Lex wrapped his arms around her. “Good. It would be messy killing all the private investigators and police who came to find you. I might have to shoot an FBI agent or two. I'd do it gladly, but it's better if I don't have to leave a trail of corpses,” he qualified.
    I'm just going to save Sabrina the time by pointing out that it didn't say that Lex was lying there.

    ex gave her a couple of hard slaps and shook his head. “I heard you the first time and I definitely, absolutely will not ever smell like french fries.”

    Chloe wiggled. “You would if I poured them on you,” she told him saucily. Her hands reached for the chair's arm as she surged forward under his slaps.
    Okay, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get the picture of a shackled Chloe standing in Wendy's next to a french fried covered Lex out of my head. lololol You've ruined me!

    “So, you don't have to play games just to tell me things, or flirt your way through dinner, unless you feel like flirting,” Lex continued. “The best thing about you has nothing to do with sex or the anticipation of being inside you.”
    It's so nice seeing Lex being soothing and reassuring. It's a given that Chloe can do those things, but it's lovely to see that Lex has learned how to do them, too.

    “You've been wet since you walked in,” he breathed.

    “You've been hard at least twice as long,” Chloe argued. “Your cock knows my class schedule. It waits up for me.”
    Have I ever mentioned that I might need an alarm clock just like this one???

    “Heh, hah! Good catch,” she laughed.

    “Should have landed on you,” Lex sneered, mostly ineffectually, as he cradled her head in his palm.
    Good thing he knows the greatest trick to being a fantastic lover - never smoosh your partner...unless, you know, they're into that.

    This is such an awesome story! It has sex and kink and romance and resolution. It's absolutely perfect!


  3. #3
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    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    And the title is your fault. You forgot to confirm that.

    But I"m sure it's obvious.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  4. #4
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by kitten View Post
    And the title is your fault. You forgot to confirm that.

    But I"m sure it's obvious.
    I only failed to confirm that because it failed to be true.

    ...So, basically failure all around.


  5. #5
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    Kink and emotional purging, two things that make for a wonderful fic. I loved the humor and was moved by the admissions Chloe and Lex made. While the image of Lex covered in french fries sounds very enjoyable, or at least very hilarious to imagine, I won't ask for a seperate fic to see that.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    This was such a fun story.

  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    I was confused at first. Wondering what the hell? But I go it as I went on with reading it. So Lex and Chloe are into a little spanking and torture huh? I am not surprised. The smut was hot!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    I think I was present when this was being rolled out as a snippet in the chatbox, because I realized that I knew this new story that has been posted. I even remember discussing it while it was being unfolded. I think it’s wonderful that you decided to post it up, Kitten

    ROTFLMAO! I loved the way that Lex was established, from the beginning, to be a complete sucker for Chloe when she’s in pain of any kind. Look at him LEAP to her attention because of a small thumb-tack pin-prick on her finger! ROTFLMAO! He went so far as to wipe away the miniscule amount of blood and ‘kiss it better’. And he did that three times, even though it was obvious from the beginning that she was doing it just for the attention.

    LOL! What a doormat sucker! I love it!

    I don’t think I want to know about Lex’s panicked reaction when Chloe slapped herself with a metal ruler. He might have needed a paper bag to breathe into if she bruised.

    "You said you didn't like the ruler slapping," Chloe replied. "And it was a metal ruler which was not ideal. And I get off on spellchecking but not the right way, so I start ignoring you and revising things. You don't like it when I crawl to you, because you like it more than you feel you should. So I'm left with this or stirring your coffee with my boobs. And it's too late for coffee."
    ROTFL! My favourite couple of lines in the fic!! I especially enjoyed Chloe telling Lex that he feels guilty about getting off on feeling powerful over her, and yet he leaps to her side to cuddle, coddle and coo when she whispers ‘owie’.

    Lex looked up at the air conditioner and then at his girlfriend. She wasn't overly short, but they were going to have to stand on the sofa. And if they were standing when they had sex, there was always the chance of falling when they climaxed. The freaky had a price and he didn't know if the end of the workday was the best time to test his falling reflexes.

    Chloe Sullivan, you're a hard woman to love, he thought.
    ROTFLMAO! He means that quite literally. Do I want to know about the accidental injuries that have resulted from their other ‘freaky’ sessions? Hopefully Lex was able to always cushion Chloe’s falls with his own body.

    He took off his shirt and opened his belt. "What kind of professional image is it to be sitting in my office with my pants hanging on the door?!"
    ROTFLMAO! I love the way that this fic combines the freaky, the sexy and the comedy all seamlessly together into a hot whole. Yummy!

    I did flinch a little bit when it seemed like she crossed a line with the Lionel remark. Fortunately, Lex decided to take that with a sense of perspective, and a good sense of humour… because the only ‘punishment’ she got from that bit of sauciness was the promise of multiple orgasms.

    erm… yeah, Lex. That’s really showing her! She’s sure to never do such a thing again! *rolls eyes* And it still doesn’t make it a punishment if you say that
    ‘no cuddles’ makes it a punishment, LOL!

    It also didn’t make Lex’s position as a scary authority figure any more believable when you could see him relishing the idea of Chloe ‘sexually plotting’ against him, LOL!

    However, the mood changed when Lex asked Chloe for a serious list of her offences, rather than ‘made-up’ transgressions. I don’t know how Chloe was able to tell that Lex was asking for a serious list, but that’s part of the magic of the Chlex, isn’t it? Their ability to read each other in an uncanny manners that leaves everyone shivering.

    I appreciated Chloe’s explanations about Clark and Jimmy, for a variety of reasons. First of all, it gave the readers a look into her psyche, and see how her past love life has shaped her as a person. AND it also helped give a shape and context into her current relationship with Lex… showing how the relationship was stronger, stable and more powerful because Chloe now knows the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship… and can accurately judge that this affair with Lex is a GREAT thing.

    She also started talking (seriously this time) about Lionel, and it was awesome! She dug deep and confessed everything in a manner that was actually cathartic and therapeutic. I highly approved… especially in the way that Lex would ‘punish’ her for her mistakes with a couple of spanking (spanking… mmmm!) and then follow up with a statement to show that she was ‘forgiven’.

    Actually, not only that she was forgiven, but that the mistakes were a learning experience that were necessary for growth.

    Some men held on and some men let go. Bruce wanted her to have her and he didn't want it to be over until he didn't care anymore. Lex let go. He cared enough to recognize a losing battle and end it before there was no one left standing. Bruce just dropped her like garbage.
    The confession about Bruce Wayne came as a surprise (at least it did in the chatroom), but I loved this addition to Chloe’s list of ‘mistakes’. Bruce Wayne actually represented serious competition for Lex, and hence he was needed on the list to show that Chloe tried to go out with another sexy, suave, sophisticated billionaire who has his own darkness to battle… but that it didn’t work out.

    It was also awesome to discover that Lex willingly ‘allowed’ Chloe to go out with and for Bruce without freaking out and kidnapping her away. Somehow, Lex knew that Chloe would come back to him, so he felt ‘semi’-secure in letting her get a taste of Bruce before coming back to her Metropolis billionaire heir.

    She shook her head. “He was scary . . . rough, too intense. I'm sure he would have stopped but I would have been too afraid to ask. I didn't talk to him after that.”
    Damn, I would have LOVD some more detail on this!!!!

    Chloe shook her head. She wanted to say the things in her mind now that it felt safe to do so. “I didn't see you for so long, then we connected and all I did was freak out. I didn't want you to use me and I was trying to be normal – average. So when you offered me lots of wonderful things I ran because they were all above average. I didn't think I deserved them and I hurt you. Even after I came back I had doubts and days where it seemed like too much,” she confessed.

    “Every big fight we had, I would go to the bedroom and start packing as I promised myself I was leaving. I would find the sweater you said was your favourite on me and get a little less angry, then I'd sit down and smell your pillow. It would take too long to get all my stuff. I would run around desperately but I'd end up tripping over an armful of clothes and crying because I wanted to stay and had to make it up to you.”
    I’ve read a LOT of fics that show Lex as the bigger screw up in the Chlex relationship. Fics which make it clear that Chloe is the ‘sane one’ who mostly holds the relationship together through Lex’s self-destructive, self-loathing periods. So it was really awesome and interesting to read a fic where Chloe was the one who needed ‘holding together’, because she was as much (of not more) of a neurotic mess as compared to Lex.

    It might be freaky, demented, neurotic and slightly scary… but it works, and it’s beautiful because of that! You’ve created one heck of a relationship, Kitten. Damn, I’d like to know how this Chlex couple gets along with all the other Chlex couples living with you.

    Lex found it difficult to be harsh, but he took his hand from her face and spanked her twice. “I hope you don't have any plans to leave me, because I'll lock you up to keep you,” he stated cockily.

    She giggled. “I never want to leave.”

    She forgot herself and stepped around the chair to sit in his lap, and Lex wrapped his arms around her. “Good. It would be messy killing all the private investigators and police who came to find you. I might have to shoot an FBI agent or two. I'd do it gladly, but it's better if I don't have to leave a trail of corpses,” he qualified.
    ROTFLMAO! He is SO not lying!!!! Complete honest to goodness, accurate truth here! Is it a promise or a warning? Skauble gets me through and through

    She was smiling broadly as his hand delivered two loud but painless slaps. “And gassy,” she suggested, arching her back and practically wagging her ass at him.
    aaaargh! I think I need to scrub out my brain with bleach to get that image out of my head, thank you, Kitten!

    “So, you don't have to play games just to tell me things, or flirt your way through dinner, unless you feel like flirting,” Lex continued. “The best thing about you has nothing to do with sex or the anticipation of being inside you.”
    The mood in the fic changed for a second time. It’s still serious, but now it’s sweetly romantic. I’m still thrilled and amazed at the way that Lex can read Chloe so accurately and give her whatever she needs from him… whether it’s therapeutic freakiness, OR whether it’s wonderful, sweet reassurances of his love for her. I especially liked the fact that Lex made it a point to tell Chloe that he’s just as happy just to enjoy her silent presence and/or her witty company, as he is to sink into her body. It seems like that was exactly what she needed to hear, and I was delighted that Lex was able to sense that, and give it to her.

    “I know you can do anything you want . . . if you really want it. I can find employees to do things for me. I spent years trying to find people who could be a part of my personal life. There are never too few people to tend my money or the trappings of what Lex Luthor's life has to be. You're one of the few who co-exists with me in it.”

    “Happy to be relatively useless, I guess,” she quipped. Her eyes slid shut as Lex gathered her closer and slid to the front of the chair. “I know you're not using me. I'm not using you, either.”
    heeee sweet reassurances closed off! And I liked how Chloe added in a reassurance of her own. Even though this Lex doesn’t seem as neurotic as most other Lexes, I’m sure he still needs Chloe to tell him that she likes his company too… and that he doesn’t have to threaten her into staying with him

    “You've been wet since you walked in,” he breathed.

    “You've been hard at least twice as long,” Chloe argued. “Your cock knows my class schedule. It waits up for me.”
    LOL! Considering what a doormat Lex has revealed himself to be in this ficlet, I don’t doubt that at all.

    The confines of the sofa didn't even slow them down, as Lex nuzzled into her chest and thrust gently inside. Smooth heat encompassed him and Chloe's knees folded in a relaxed curl. Walled up in her presence at it's most fundamental level, he kissed her deeply. She moaned into his mouth, plying him with sweet little nips.

    Chloe's calm was undisturbed as Lex began thrusting steadily. He shifted his head in the other direction and she chased after his mouth. They weren't quite naked, but he had to be freezing, and his ass was something she neede preserved. Latching one hand over the side of the cushion, she rolled up to him and tried not to clamp down punishingly hard. If she came so soon he'd mock her all day. On the other hand, she'd been softened up by all the spanking, and he was mostly untouched.

    He could only breathe by timing it to her clenching pussy, not even fighting to get air through the squeezes. They'd been joined perhaps a minute, and Lex was easily ready to come. He pulled his mouth away and buried his face on her neck. Tension was climbing up his back, making his spine creak and complain as he propped himself away from her flesh. He couldn't even look at her and he knew how pretty she looked.
    I couldn’t find any place to cut the quote box. It was all sooooo good!!! In fact, I’m beyond coherent sentences at this moment. Sizzle! Melt! Swoon! oooooh! HOTTT!!!!

    Her voice strained as Chloe arched and squealed. She sent them toward the edge of the sofa. Lex kicked out and caught them.

    “Heh, hah! Good catch,” she laughed.

    “Should have landed on you,” Lex sneered, mostly ineffectually, as he cradled her head in his palm.
    ROTFLMAO! hah!! I knew it! I knew that Lex has had experience softening Chloe’s falls in a variety of ways. At least this time he didn’t have to sustain bruises to cushion her body-slam to the marble floor, LOL!

    Chloe felt herself sliding and found just enough energy to roll toward it, getting her foot down with Lex's. She winced as his body shook and nearly fell, but his arm pinned behind her head weighted him. Lex let his knee bend and his cock slid out at a lopsided angle. She gritted her teeth and tried to recall it for another time.
    *happy sigh* Even the sticky, ‘lopsisded’, limp after-sex moments are hot. Love it! I’ve seriously missed your smut writing, Kitten!!!!!!!

    “Oh, fuck,” she sighed happily.

    “Agreed,” Lex growled. “How's your ass?”

    Her hand grazed his hip and cupped firmly as his deluded body tried to go for round two. “Excellent, thank you.”
    squeee! Sequel?!

    Great ficlet, Kitten. Thanks for posting!

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    Thank you for the story! I just wonder, is Lex going to have to confess his sins too? It might be nice if Chloe could take away some of his pain from his mistakes like Helen. To know that Chloe doesn't judge or dislike him for some of the choices he made. Just an idea because I loved how sweet Lex was to Chloe! While I can't imagine Lex getting spanked (ok, yes I can, but I'm kinda kinky ) I just would love him getting some forgiveness! Great story!

  10. #10
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Cheeky, NC-17, January 11, 2010

    love it love it love it!!!!! so sexy i hope yopu write more.

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