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Thread: The Love/Hate Game - NC-17, Completed 6/5/08

  1. #31
    Members Firebunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - Chapter 6

    Quote Originally Posted by lj715 View Post
    Love this fic. LOVE IT!!!!! Poor Lex getting the hate cards...knew he would overcome it somehow. Can;t wait for more.
    Thanks. Yes, Lex may be dealt some bad cards in life, but he always finds a way to play his hand to his utmost advantage.

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemoon123 View Post
    Aww poor Lex tried not to cheat and it didn't get him anywhere. Now let's get to the part that they keep insulting Clark and more Chlex interaction.
    You know what? I was wrong. The chapter where Lex and Chloe gang up on Clark is the next chapter. I promise. This chapter is pretty much Clex. It’s the Clexiest chapter of them all. But then that’s it for the Clex, I think, until it rears its head again in the final chapter.

    Quote Originally Posted by hfce View Post
    This felt like it should have been the first chapter. It explained the game a lot better. I can't wait to see what comes next.
    Yeah, it would have made sense to post this chapter first, but this fic was originally only going to be 4 chapters long. I didn’t decide to extend it until I had started posting it. Then I kept thinking about different, sicker ways for the three of them to interact. So, I kept going.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Awww, Lex got shafted (and not in a good way). here's to the hope he gets to use his shaft laters. hehe.
    He will. His shaft is all kinds of busy, just not in this chappie.

    Quote Originally Posted by starmoon View Post
    that was so hot please keep going i really can't wait for more!!!!
    Look at all that drool! Here’s more right now.


    Chapter Six
    The Night the Room Caught Fire

    The second week the game is fixed. Lex hates everyone, Clark loves everyone, and Chloe hates Lex but loves Clark. It’s much better.

    They’re actually able to make it past the first round, but Round Two doesn’t last very long.

    Lex and Chloe have been having a terrific argument about ecco-terrorism and the political ramification of small market, third world economies, but Lex is finding it harder and harder to concentrate.

    Clark has been teasing him with tender caresses. As much as the boy says he doesn’t want to play, he sure gets into the love aspect of the game.

    He’s divested Lex of his shirt and now he slides the zipper on Lex’s pants up and down, up and down. It’s like he’s playing peek-a-boo with Lex’s penis.

    Lex tries to hate Clark. Every now and then he smacks him on the head, but somehow he always ends up running his fingers through Clark’s luxuriously thick hair.

    Ahh hair.

    If Lex had a head of hair like Clark’s he would never leave the mansion.

    Finally Lex can’t take anymore. He pounces on Clark and tackles him to the bed.

    “Oooh, goody,” Chloe says and she jumps on the bed with them.

    Everyone’s clothes go flying, except for Chloe’s, which are already neatly folded on her chair.

    Lex and Chloe rip Clark’s shirt from his body.

    “Hey,” Clark yells. “That’s my good blue T-shirt.”

    “Too bad,” Chloe says. “You should have taken it off before the game started. Where’s your red jacket? I’m ripping that to shreds too.”

    Lex isn’t in the mood to talk right now. He just wants to taste Clark.

    He sucks on the smooth, powerful muscle of Clark’s shoulder. It’s the flavor of sunshine goodness. Lex wants more. He sinks his teeth down, trying to draw blood. He hears a cracking sound in his mouth and he abruptly pulls away.

    “Mother fucker,” he cries. “I think I chipped a tooth.”

    “Sorry,” Clark says.

    Lex isn’t going to let a little discomfort deter him from the game. He’ll just have to be more careful.

    He kisses and licks his way down Clark’s chest to his stomach. He likes the way Clark’s muscles quiver beneath his lips. When he reaches Clark’s cock he has to pause. It’s so beautiful and magnificent, growing harder by the second.

    He takes it gingerly in his hand and places loving, soft kisses on it.

    “Oh!” Clark says like he’s surprised. “That’s… ah… that’s nice.”

    Lex isn’t sure what Chloe’s doing. He doesn’t really care.

    Out of the corner of his eye he can see her hand slip between Clark’s legs as she cups his balls. Lex closes his eyes and pretends she’s not there.

    “Uh,” Clark groans. “Oooooooh. Uh.”

    This is hot, really hot. Lex can feel a sweat break out on his back. He can practically hear the crackle of flames as his passion ignites.

    “Ah, guys?” Clark gulps. “Guys.”

    Lex ignores him. As far as he’s concerned, the only two people in the room are him and Clark’s penis.

    “Guys,” Clark yelps. “The room’s on fire.”

    Lex’s eyes pop open. Chloe sits up.

    “Shit,” she says. “Clark!”

    “I’m sorry.”

    Lex turns around. Sure enough, flames dance up the wall. Smoke begins to collect on the ceiling.

    “Get out of here!” Clark yells.

    Lex sprints off the bed and out of the room, Chloe close on his heels.

    They huddle together in the dark hallway outside the room.

    “Clark’s still in there,” Lex gasps.

    He turns to go back in, but Chloe grabs his arm.

    “No. He’s okay. He’s putting out the fire.”

    “How can he do that?” Lex asks.

    Chloe thinks for a moment. “Well, he’s… um… a volunteer fireman?”

    “He is?”

    “Sure,” she says. “Doesn’t that sound like something he’d do? Yeah. He’s a volunteer fireman.”

    “Sir! Mr. Luthor!”

    A butler and two maids come running up the stairs, but they stop short when they see Lex and Chloe naked and clutching one another.

    “Is everything alright?” the butler asks.

    Lex straightens up and musters as much dignity as he can. “Everything’s fine. The mansion’s on fire, but it’s nothing to worry about.”

    The butler stands there, his mouth agape. One of the maids looks like she’s about to faint.

    “If you say so, sir,” the butler finally manages to stammer.

    Smoke shoots from the room. Clark walks out, proud and naked and the maid does faint. There’s a soot smudge across his forehead, but nothing’s singed and his hair is still in place.

    “Fire’s out,” he says. “Who’s turn in the middle now?”

    “Mine,” Chloe says and she follows Clark into the room. “Lex can go last.”

    Lex looks at the butler and the one conscious maid. “Everything’s under control,” he says. “Go about you work.”

    Then he casually strolls back into the room.

    Good thing he keeps files on all his employees. No one will try to blackmail him with the shit he has on them.

  2. #32
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - NC-17 Updated 5/28/08

    So wait...did Clark set the room on fire? Excellent chapter, more please.

  3. #33
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - NC-17 Updated 5/28/08

    Oh my. Uh. Uhm. Wow. That's different isn't it? This is by far the strangest fanfic I have ever read. I gotta see how this pans out - LOL!

  4. #34
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - NC-17 Updated 5/28/08

    That was weird but funny.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #35

    Re: The Love/Hate Game - NC-17 Updated 5/28/08

    Oh, the Clex! Even on a Chlex board, I welcome the lovely Clex. My personal fanwank has always been that Lexana was just Clex underneath.

    You know, Firebunny. I kind of like the chaps being out of order, timeline-wise. It just deepens the story for me. Never change it. I hated when they suddenly put the Narnia Chronicles in chronological order on the new printing. It just chases all the magic away.

    This exchange...

    “Clark’s still in there,” Lex gasps.

    He turns to go back in, but Chloe grabs his arm.

    “No. He’s okay. He’s putting out the fire.”

    “How can he do that?” Lex asks.

    Chloe thinks for a moment. “Well, he’s… um… a volunteer fireman?”

    “He is?”

    “Sure,” she says. “Doesn’t that sound like something he’d do? Yeah. He’s a volunteer fireman."
    is just precious.
    Last edited by TheAmazingApe; 29th May 2008 at 10:48.

  6. #36
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - NC-17 Updated 5/28/08

    Oh God, every time I read this I can't help but laugh out loud. The image of lex and naked Chloe in the hall and the staff... and Lex The mansion is on fire but go out your business Bahhhhh. Dagney

  7. #37
    Members Firebunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - Chapter 7

    Quote Originally Posted by lj715 View Post
    So wait...did Clark set the room on fire? Excellent chapter, more please.
    Yes, Clark set the room on fire, but Lex doesn’t know he did it. He has yet to learn about Clark’s powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChloeLovesLex View Post
    Oh my. Uh. Uhm. Wow. That's different isn't it? This is by far the strangest fanfic I have ever read. I gotta see how this pans out - LOL!
    It’s going to get stranger. It’s going to get really weird.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmazingApe View Post
    Oh, the Clex! Even on a Chlex board, I welcome the lovely Clex. My personal fanwank has always been that Lexana was just Clex underneath.
    I agree. Lana was just the condom Clark and Lex used.

    You know, Firebunny. I kind of like the chaps being out of order, timeline-wise. It just deepens the story for me. Never change it.
    Oh, I’m not going to change it. That would be work. I'd have to reimagine the whole first section. The first four chapters are the introduction. They represent a typical atypical night. The other nights are atypically atypical.

    I hated when they suddenly put the Narnia Chronicles in chronological order on the new printing. It just chases all the magic away.
    I hated it too. I used to run an after school program and I’d have arguments with the kids about which was the first book in the series. I said The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They said The Magician’s Nephew or whichever book. I also used to argue with them about the title of the first Star Wars movie. I said it was Star Wars and they said it was A New Hope. Kids today know nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by dagney View Post
    Oh God, every time I read this I can't help but laugh out loud. The image of lex and naked Chloe in the hall and the staff... and Lex The mansion is on fire but go out your business Bahhhhh. Dagney
    Thank you. I think it’s a good visual, Lex and Chloe huddled naked in the hallway.

    Chapter Seven
    The Night Lex got Revenge

    It’s week three that Lex realizes Clark is cheating. He distinctly sees Chloe pass Clark a Hate card, but when Clark turns it over it says Love.

    The bastard. Lex is the only one allowed to cheat.

    But it’s not until week four that he has the opportunity to make Clark pay for his crime.

    Chloe passes Lex a Love card and, like the goddess Athena, his plan springs fully grown from his head.

    He wants Clark submissive so he gives him a Love card. And he wants Chloe to love him, so he passes the same to her.

    As Chloe’s undressing he walks over to her, takes her chin in his hand and kisses her softly on the lips.

    “I want to make love to you, Chloe,” he says in his most sincere voice.

    Chloe smiles and demurely says, “Okay.”

    “I want to make love to you too,” Clark chimes in.

    “You,” Lex growls. “No one wants you here. Get in the corner.”

    “I don’t want to get in the corner.”

    “If you love me,” Lex says with menace in his voice, “you’ll get in the corner.”

    Clark sighs and walks to the corner.

    “On the floor,” Lex says. “The less we see of you the better.”

    Clark sits on the floor.

    Lex lays Chloe down on the bed and nestles himself between her legs. He pushes down one of her thighs so that Clark can get a good look at what he does to her body, how he strokes her, prepares her. Chloe purrs at his touch.

    “Um, guys, I’m not sitting out this round,” Clark says. “I’m still playing.”

    “Shut the fuck up,” Lex shouts.

    “Oh, yeah, right,” Chloe says. “Ah, I love you, Clark.” She says it so dismissively, like it’s an afterthought. She must be sick of Clark’s cheating as well. Oh, this is going to be good.

    Lex enters her slowly, tenderly, just like how he screws Lana, or, rather screwed her. It’s not that he doesn’t get to screw her now. It’s just on a metaphorical level.

    “I love only you, Chloe,” he says loud enough for Clark to hear.

    She wraps her arms around him and pulls him close. “I love only you, Lex,” she whispers in his ear.

    “Hey!” Clark shouts indignantly.

    Their rhythm is soft and loving. It’s building to nothing. Doing it in the missionary position only reminds Lex of Lana and he can’t come if he’s thinking of his wife.

    He withdraws from Chloe, turns her over on her stomach and angles her so she’s facing Clark. Then he grabs her hips and pounds into her like he’s churning stubborn butter.

    Clark slumps against the wall and looks at his fingernails. He’s trying to pretend like he doesn’t care, but he can’t hide the hurt expression on his face.

    Chloe reaches out her arm. “Come here, Clark.” The rhythm of Lex’s thrusts echo in her voice.

    Clark smiles hopefully and crawls across the floor to her. She runs her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulls him closer.

    Just as they’re about to kiss, Chloe clamps her eyes shut and screams, “Oh God, Lex. Yes, Lex. Yes. YES.”

    Lex is pretty sure she’s faking it, but he admires her all the same. If he wasn’t already married to the miserable love of his life he’d propose to Chloe here and now.

    Once Chloe has achieved her fake orgasm and Lex his real one, it’s time for Round Two.

    “You can’t ignore me this round,” Clark says.

    “No one’s ignoring you,” Chloe sighs.

    “Why do you have to be such a cry baby?” Lex complains.

    “I want to make love to you, Chloe.”

    “Go ahead.” She flops down on the bed, spread eagle. “Just do it the way Lex did it.”

    “The way Lex did?”

    “Yeah. Just like that. That was good.”

    Clark unzips his pants enough to get his cock out. He has to stroke himself a couple times before slipping the condom on. Then he mounts Chloe.

    “I love only you, Chloe,” he says as he slowly pumps into her.

    She lies motionless on the bed. “This isn’t how Lex did it.”

    “Well, how did Lex do it?”

    “I don’t know. He just sort of swept me up in this all consuming passion.”

    “I can do that.”

    “You can try.”

    Lex knows he should do something, say something, but he’s too captivated to participate in the game right now.

    Clark rises up on his arms so he can get better leverage, then he thrusts harder, faster. His hand reaches down between her legs to where they’re joined and he starts to finger her.

    Chloe blows air out her mouth; her lips make a flapping noise. “This isn’t going to wo… Oh wait.” Her eyes go crossed and her hand slaps the pillow next to her, clenching it in her fist. “Yeah, this is… this is gonna… work.”

    She writhes and moans underneath Clark, encouraging him on.

    Lex couldn’t be more disappointed. It was going so well. Why did Chloe’s body have to betray her?

    But Chloe isn’t giving up yet. Just as she comes, and Lex believes she’s not faking it this time, she screams out, “Oh God, yes. Lex. Yes, yes. LEX,” and Lex has the joy of watching Clark shrivel in every sense of the word.

    Maybe Lex will make Chloe his fourth wife.

    Clark stands up and tucks himself into his pants. “I’m not playing anymore.”

    “What?” Chloe sits up.

    “This isn’t any fun.” Clark takes a couple mopey steps towards the door, but Chloe grabs his hand and he lets her tug him back to the bed.

    “You just gave me a mind blowing orgasm,” she says as she sits him down. “How is that not fun?”

    “You were thinking about Lex the whole time.”

    “No, I wasn’t.” She straddles him. “I just yelled his name so he’d know how great it was.”

    Clark raises his hands over his head and Chloe pulls his shirt off. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

    “It does if you don’t think about it.” She lowers him onto his back. “You’re really good at not thinking.”

    “I am good at that.”

    “You know what else you’re good at?”


    She leans over him, letting her breasts graze his chest, and whispers into his ear.

    Lex can’t hear what she says, but it must be pretty good. Clark blushes and says, “You really think so?”

    “You’re the best.” Her hand trails down his stomach and slips into his pants. “What do you want to do now? I’ll do anything.”

    Oh, Lex can’t stand it anymore. Chloe’s touching Clark. He wants in.

    It’s time for Round Three.

    He climbs onto the bed and snuggles next to Clark. “Yeah, we’ll do anything.”

    Clark looks at Lex and contemplates. “I’ve always wanted to lick your head like a lollipop.”

    Normally Lex hates it when people draw attention to his baldness, but Clark is so sincere, Lex can’t deny him.

    “Go right ahead.”

    “What do you want me to do?” Chloe asks.

    “I want you to lick my bald head like a lollipop too.”

    “Sure thing, Clark.”

    “And call me Captain.”

    “Aye, aye, Captain,” Chloe says as she shucks his pants off.

    Clark traces long, wet lines with his tongue across Lex’s head. It’s not so bad, in fact it feels kind of… weird. But weird’s okay. Lex can go with weird, especially if it makes Clark happy. And Clark is very happy. He’s so happy that when he climaxes he shouts, “Shazaam!”

  8. #38
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - NC-17 Updated 5/29/08

    It is funny to me how both Chloe and Lex are in love with the same man. Great update as usual.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #39
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - Chapter 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebunny View Post
    And Clark is very happy. He’s so happy that when he climaxes he shouts, “Shazaam!”

  10. #40
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: The Love/Hate Game - Chapter 7

    Quote Originally Posted by ChloeLovesLex View Post

    OMG! When does the genie appear??!! This is so freaking funny; I need this happy smut fulfillment every day!

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