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Thread: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Completed 7/11/08

  1. #11
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    A/N - Thanks for all those that stuck through the horrible tragedy that is Blana. But we must move on. Please keep reviewing....thanks!

    Chapter 2 – This Twisted Mixed Up Mess

    Chloe glanced at Clark and silently questioned him. Clark and Lionel had become closer in the past year, with Lionel being more of a father to Clark than to Lex. Clark looked over at Lionel and shrugged in response.

    Still looking at Clark, Chloe turned up her lip, “You’re a lot of help.” She removed her hand from Clark’s and stood up and knelt in front of the casket and kissed it’s side. Turning to Lionel, she looked irritated and emotionally drained. “You’ve never called me Chloe unless you were either deranged or in need of something. And since I have this feeling that you aren’t deranged as much as before, you need something. But if you think I give a shit about Lex, you are dead wrong.”

    Clark stood up and looked down at Lionel and waited. The man had apparently found out over the last few weeks what fate his son faced. The news had never been good. Clark and Lex had long ago fell out, mainly over the love a girl, which now was stupid. Clark had tried to keep Chloe from laughing at the headlines dealing with Lex’s condition on a daily basis. It was the only time she seemed to have a smile on her face since the accident.

    Lex had remained in the hospital in Kenya for a week. He had never stirred or even had eye movement. Clark had spoken to Lionel several times. The entire Luthorcorp universe seemed to scream to a halt. Lionel never left his son’s side.

    Lionel expressed his awkward feeling for sitting bedside for the entire time just staring at Lex. He admitted numerous times to the air in the room that he wished that he and Lex had never had the falling out and that he loved him. The words fell on now deaf ears. He almost wished Lex could just walk out on the words than not hear them at all.

    After the week passed and Lana’s body had been shipped back to the states, the doctors cleared Lex for the trip. The doctors flew him in a converted Luthorcorp jet complete with all medical equipment, Lionel again sitting with his son the entire trip. He hoped against hope every night waiting for his son to open his eyes, wake up, even tell him to go away and never come back. Lionel knew this was some ultimate payback for the hell he had created for the whole family for decades.

    Clark spoke to Lionel when Lex returned to Metropolis and consequently visited the day before the funeral. Clark knew Lionel was finally turning into something other than the monster that possessed the man before he became the Oracle. Yet, he still felt for Lex. His involvement drove the father and son further apart and that strained all three involved.

    The night that Clark had visited, the room was dark and cold as if Lex’s personality controlled the temperature. No nurses or doctors walked the hall outside the lonely ward that had been closed off. He watched Lionel sit in the chair next to the bed and read the business section to Lex. Lex didn’t move; he looked like stone, pale and nonexistent.

    Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Clark now helped Chloe up and stared at the older man that seemed to have aged ten years in just over ten days. Glancing at Chloe, Clark nodded and spoke, “So what’s the verdict?”

    Lionel stared at his hands and then pulled a flower from the Luthorcorp arrangement. Placing the flower on the casket, he nodded to the foreman waiting to lower the casket into the ground. The three silently walked up the hill to the limo waiting for Lionel. He turned and placed his hand gently on Chloe’s shoulder. “He’s awake.” Chloe glanced up at Lionel and let out an unamused hmph. Unsure of how to put the information, he opted for pleasantries. “Would you two escort me to the Metropolis University Hospital?”

    Clark and Chloe glanced at each other and waved off the driver for their car. Chloe frowned at Clark and rolled her eyes. “Just so you know Mr. Luthor, I’m doing this for you and not your son.”

    Waiting for Chloe and Clark to enter the vehicle, Lionel sighed under his breath, “I was afraid that would be how you felt.”

    The three rode silently for the long trip back to Metropolis. Chloe watched Lionel flip through several folders from the hospital. There were stacks of news articles and physician bios in his briefcase. “

    “Neurologists. Mr. Luthor, these are the …”

    “Best in the world, I know.” Lionel handed a stack to Chloe to look through. “Unfortunately, they aren’t enough.” Lionel slammed the folders down in his briefcase and rubbed his fingers through his unkept beard that he had grown since the accident. He stared out the window and continued rubbing his temples. Reaching for a glass and the bottle of bourbon, Chloe grabbed his arm.

    “Try this.” She twisted the top off a water that was in the small refrigerator. She then dug in her purse until she revealed two Execdrin and handed them to Lionel. Saying nothing, she nodded at Lionel until he obliged and took the painkillers. “Now since we’re taking this little trip, you think you could let us know what the problem and really, be specific why the hell I should care.”

    “Chloe,” Clark grabbed Chloe’s arm and acknowledged for her to at least try to be civil. Looking at Lionel, he waited for the man to finish the bottle of water and talk when he was ready.

    “I understand your reasons Ms. Sullivan,” Lionel bit his lip between words. “But, and I haven’t told you the whole truth either Clark. The truth is that Lex is not good. He was underwater for a long time, the guide took a long time to get to him. It wasn’t his fault. If he had tried to get to Lex, he would have died and then so Lex would have too.”

    Chloe unfolded her arms and rested one on the window of the limo, listening intently. This was not the Lionel Luthor that had tried to kill her or Lex. He was genuinely scared. She fought with the desire to tell Lionel to go to hell and that he deserved every awful thing thing that came to him and his son. She wanted to help him move Lex out of the mansion and out of Smallville. They were the bane of everyone’s existence and the reason for their best friend being buried just a few hours ago. Yet, as she watched Lionel stare out the window looking for the words to express what his face already said, she felt sad for him. Lex, as much as she couldn’t stand the monster, was all that Lionel had left now.

    “I have contacted every doctor around the globe. They said that Lex had been deprived of oxygen for a long time. They said they were impressed, the term they used, that he was even alive, but he’s not. He’s had a machine breathing for him, he hasn’t moved, hasn’t blinked, hasn’t talked. I just want him to yell at me, tell me to leave, even that he hates me. Anything.”

    Chloe and Clark leaned against each other as the Luthorcorp façade fell away from Lionel’s face replaced by the worry that both had seen on their parents at one time or another. Clark nudged Chloe to make the first forgiving play.

    “I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t help.”

    “If he had died, it would be over, but not Lex. And now, this morning I get a call from the hospital. They have taken him off the ventilator and he’s breathing on his own.”

    Clark looked over from the window, “But that’s a good thing right?”

    Lionel took the materials that Chloe handed back to him, “Normally, but the Anoxia or Hypoxia have had some tragic and surprising effects. His doctors explained that the symptoms are normal and could be around for a while. “ Lionel stopped and looked out the window. “We’re here.”

    Chloe, Clark, and Lionel exited the car and entered the hospital through back entrances and made their way up to the floor that was eerily quiet except for one beeping machine coming form the other end of the hall. Clark took Chloe’s hand and followed Lionel to the end of the hall where a doctor came out of a small room. They held back while the doctor sat and spoke to Lionel outside the room.

    “Clark, what are we doing here? You know we are the ONLY people here.”

    Clark looked around the empty halls again and then at Lionel. “Chloe, I know your feelings but he has no one. At the end of the day, all his minions are not his friends. He’s been more or less not the devil incarnate and we just need to hear him out.”

    “Fine, but I’m not going to cry over Lex for the man. More like help point him in direction of the closest incinerator when Lex dies.” Clark shook his head and walked up to join the doctor and Lionel.

    Chloe followed slowly behind and stared through the glass at the so-called billionaire superpower. He was harmless now. She knew the effect of Hypoxia. Depending on the amount of time Lex was without oxygen, he could remain a veggie the rest of his life. Chloe felt torn on the issue. She had never been one for out right revenge but Lex deserved it. He had destroyed her and her family. He deserved no less punishment.

    Clark glanced over and noticed the small evil smile on Chloe’s face and grunted under his breath at her reaction. He understood her reasons, but he never thought she had it in her to truly hold a grudge to the point of wanting the man to die. He halfway listened to the conversation between the doctor and Lionel until a faint sound came from somewhere else.

    “Did you hear that?” Clark said out loud and hoped no one thought he was crazy. All four stopped and waited for the sound again. Chloe tapped on the glass and stared.

    “Just a second.” The doctor entered the room as the three watched from the other side of the glass. Lex had actually moved, just a groan and a twitch. Lionel sighed as Clark patted him on the back in relief. There was a glimmer of hope.

    Chloe grumbled under her breath at the thought she was doomed to be hated by the gods. She asked for one thing and they present the exact opposite.

    “I’m glad he’s awake again. Maybe this time will be more than a flutter of the eyes,” Lionel casually stated as he watched the doctor continue to check vital signs.

    “Wait, you knew he had woken up?” Chloe felt betrayed. Lionel had been egging them on since they left the funeral. He had known Lex was going to recover and be fine. This was all a ploy.

    “No Miss Sullivan, I knew he had made a some movements earlier when the doctor called me. I was on my way to the funeral and had to take the call. You have to believe me.” Lionel watched as Lex turned his head and groaned as the doctor inserted another liquid into his IV.

    The doctor patted Lex on the arm and rejoined the small group. “He’s still going in and out of consciousness, but…” The doctor looked back in the room and joined Lex.

    Chloe watched as Lex scooted to the edge of the bed and was pointing out the window. The doctor forced him to put his arm back in the bed and stay still. Lex continued to fight with the doctor, with only half intelligible words being said. Rolling his eyes, Lex leaned back on the pillow and turned his head away from the group.

    “Appears as if he is having a fit. He must be fine,” Chloe chided, still angry that Clark thought she should be cool with the whole situation. Lionel watched the doctor as he put a cold washcloth on Lex’s head and then again exited the room. Chloe turned back to the window to see Lex fling the washcloth from his head and point across to the window again.

    “I’m sorry about this Mr. Luthor. As I said when we talked on the phone, when these kind of patients wake up, they usually have no idea where they are and what is going on around them. He’s having trouble comprehending things. But he continues to ask to see you.” The doctor looked at Chloe and nodded.

    “Oh no, not a chance.” Chloe began to back up toward the door at the other end of the hallway. Clark moved in front of her and forced her back to talk to Lionel, giving her a stern warning to give it a chance. Clark hoped to himself he was making the right decision. He wasn’t sure what Lionel was up to but hoped he was finally on the up and up.

    Lionel glanced at Clark and then at the doctor. “Can you give us a minute doctor?” The doctor nodded and disappeared into the office across from Lex’s room. Turning to Chloe, Lionel took a deep breath and looked at her and Clark.

    “You remember that problem I mentioned?” Chloe stood still and looked past Lionel into the dark hospital room and then glanced at Clark. “You’re the problem. He only wants to see you; he fights with everyone else.”

    “Why the hell? Does he want to kill me before he dies?”

    Clark looked frustrated and leaned against the wall. “Just hear him out.”

    "Miss Sullivan, if I knew, at this point I would be happy to tell you. He won't talk to anyone until he sees you."

    Lionel sighed and asked for Chloe to wait. He turned and went into the room with Lex and picked up the washcloth. Laying it on the table next to the bed, he stood over his son’s bed. Lex turned and looked at the older man and rolled his eyes. Turning away, Lex whispered, “No, her.”

    Clark leaned over and confirmed the message from Clark. “He says only you, but doesn’t say why. You have to give it a chance. There could be a million reasons why he wants to talk to you.”

    “Yeah, and I know a couple of those involve me dead or in a petri dish.” Chloe scoffed and started away as Clark grabbed her arm.

    “He’s in a fucking hospital bed. He just woke up from a coma. I seriously doubt he’s looking to exact revenge on you. Maybe he wants to ask you about Lana.” The name made her stop. Her best friend still was his wife. She watched as Lionel tried to get Lex to look at him and then gave up. Lionel quietly closed the door behind him and returned to the two.

    Lionel and Clark stood in the hallway and stared at her. Clark owed her dearly for this one. Lionel owed her so much more. Rolling her eyes, she shoved her purse into Clark’s arms and pushed the hospital door open. “Fine.”

    Chloe stood over the side that Lex was facing. He was again breathing evenly as if he was sleeping and Chloe sat and stared at him. His color was off, pale and frightening. She looked out the window and again rolled her eyes at the two men as she gently nudged Lex.

    Lex groaned and opened his mouth. His voice was so weak and tired Chloe had to listen carefully. “Thought you wouldn’t come.”

    Chloe lifted an eyebrow in confusion. Taking her hand in his , she bit her lip not believing that she had actually been convinced to make friends with the enemy. “It took awhile.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say. She was trying to feel him out, figure out how she fit into the whole scheme.

    Lex squeezed her hand a bit harder and brought it to his lips. Chloe adjusted her neck uncomfortably as Lex kissed her hand. Straining to pull it away, she felt his grip tighten. “Honey, where’s your ring?” Lex ran his fingers over the empty place on her left hand.

    “Lex, I think you’re a little confused. You’ve been in an accident and some things aren’t connecting.” Chloe squirmed in the chair even more uncomfortably.

    Lex moaned and closed his eyes. Hitting the button for his painkillers, he melted back into the bed and smiled as he ran his fingers over her hand. “I miss your touch.” Lex stared at Chloe and pushed the hair out of her face and halfway smiled. Some nerves were still not connecting and Chloe almost laughed at the right side of his lip droop.


    “I’m sorry about the fight baby; your career is important.” Lex stopped and took another deep breath, seeming to fight to find the right words and put sentences together. “Sullivan-Luthor is fine, but the baby is a Luthor.” Lex barely brushed his hand against Chloe’s stomach before she lurched back.


  2. #12
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    OMG! And that's a serious OMG from me because I didn't know you were going to do anything with a baby. How is Lex going to react when he finds out Chloe is not pregnant with his child?

    I can understand Chloe's hate for Lex, and that is going to be a major complication in the rest of this fic. Should make some great tension for what happens next.

    So now I want to see how everything else will go down. How will Chloe react? How will everyone else react? What will they do? And who is going to tell Lex about the baby, because that sounds like it will be a tragic moment when he finds out the truth.

  3. #13
    Members Starangel148's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Haha! Funny ending to the chapter. I can't wait for you to update so I can see where this is going.
    Last edited by Starangel148; 12th April 2008 at 05:04.

  4. #14
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    WOW, Lex is living in his own little world. This is going to be interesting.

  5. #15
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    Whoa, just finished reading and I love it. Pregnant? Wasn't expecting that, nor Lex believing he and Chloe are married. Man, can't wait for the fallout of this!! Btw, I LOVED the way you ended Lana. Couldn't stop laughing. <eg> Great story!

  6. #16
    NS Full Member lkedino's Avatar
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    Cool Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    I love that so funny that Lex believe that he marry to Chloe and it going to interesting to see how this play out

  7. #17
    NS Full Member zho9's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Can't wait to find out all about this little alternate reality Lex created in his head.

  8. #18
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    This is a very interesting start to a very interesting fic, superag. I loved the unexpected plot twist that was revealed at the end of this chapter. I am intrigued and I cannot wait to find out about what is going on in Lex's head. There are SO many possibilities about what might have happened.

    Perhaps his brains just got scrambled and short-circuited and now he has superimposed Chloe's face on top on all his memories with Lana.

    Or perhaps he dreamed up a whole new set of 'memories', while he was comatized, of a whole new life where he and Chloe got together after that horrible Safari accident?

    oooh, OR perhaps this is a completely alternate version of Lex Luthor from an alternate dimension who accidentally slipped in THIS Lex's body during the coma? And this alternate version of Lex Luthor was actually smart enough to go after CHLOE instead of Lana?

    Whatever the explanation, I look forward to finding out what the heck is going on.

    It was VERY clever of you, Superag, so arrange this Big Reveal in such a sudden, abrupt and mysterious way purely from Chloe's point of view. Now all the readers are salivating over the possibilities, and looking forward to getting an answer to this wonderful mystery.

    And I was ROTFL at the implications of the 'compromise' Lex was trying to cut with Chloe just now. I loved the idea that he woke up wanting to apologise and appease Chloe. It actually seems like a VERY realistic kind of argument the two of them would have... an argument about her wanting to keep her independence and sense of self by adopting the name 'Sullivan-Luthor' for herself, while Lex would probably freak out wondering why she wasn't willing to accept HIS name completely as her own.

    LOL! I can imagine his panicking, wondering whether Chloe's rejection of the Luthor name was a sign of her wanting to leave him, while what she really wanted was the keep a sense of 'herself' intact despite being in love with and married to such a powerful, influential and all-consuming husband.

    ROTFLMAO! And even when he's compromising he tries to cut the best deal for himself... insisting that the child would be named a Luthor even if Chloe insists on hyphenating. ROTFL! But I'll bet Chloe will have something to say about THAT.
    erm... after they finish talking about the fact that they're not married and that there is no beautiful Chlex baby along the way, LOL!

    ouch! It's going to be a horrifying, heartbreaking scene for Lex. I think it's going to take a LOT to convince him that he has imagined this beautiful dream of Chlexy-happiness. He's probably going to be very angry and disbelieving of everyone who tries to tell him the truth. squeeee! Angsty times ahead... I look forward to seeing how it all turns out.

    Good luck with your writing, I look forward to the next chapter.

  9. #19

    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Wow didnt expect that. Does it make me a bad person that I couldnt stop giggling when Lana was killed by hippos.*snort* Hippos. Cant wait for more. Update soon!

  10. #20
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Wow, very interesting beginning. Can;t wait to read more.

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