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Thread: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Completed 7/11/08

  1. #1
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Completed 7/11/08

    Title: The Undoing of Lex Luthor

    Author: Superag

    Rating: R to NC17

    Summary: After an accident on Lex and Lana’s second honeymoon, Chloe gets the shock of her life.

    Timetable: Kara and Lois are not included. All of the first 6 seasons are up for grabs.

    Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. This is for the sole purpose of entertainment and the way the story should have gone. I own no characters and receive no money for the following.

    A/N - This came from another shoutbox discussion but in my drunken state, it came into its own. I love feedback. Thanks!
    “8 AM,” Lex said to himself as he threw back a cup of coffee and leaned against the lanai’s entrance. He had been awake for a couple of hours, secretly getting some phone calls in before Lana woke. He had promised her that their trip together would involve no work, but he knew that couldn’t be possible.

    It had been a month since her miscarriage. Lex watched as his wife fell deeper into a depression that nothing would remedy. He had repeatedly tried flowers and wine and music to no avail. Finally, he had given her no choice. In the middle of hundreds of projects, both legal and otherwise, Lex cancelled his appointments after finding Lana had returned to her previous engagements.

    The woman if nothing else was giving to a fault. She had no sooner been put on his checking account than money started flying out of it to different causes, the most recent being the African living situation. He wasn’t completely opposed to the idea of her charities; at least she was now finding interests in other projects that weren’t his. That’s when the idea had hit him.

    They had arrived in Kenya after a brief stopover in Ethiopia. Lex felt uncomfortable the entire trip but finally saw Lana smile for the first time since it seemed the day she accepted his proposal. It had been a long few months. He loved her to the depths of his heart but couldn’t stand the complacency of her.

    Remembering a specific moment a few days earlier, he regretted everything that he had done to her in order to marry her. She sat in a small fire circle with a group of children. She was wearing a light beige cotton dress that came with a very expensive tag, but she seemed not to worry about it as she moved around on her knees to sit with the children.

    “How old are you?” she asked through the interpreter. He watched the girl grab her mother’s leg and hide as Lana handed her a coloring book and crayons. The girl peeked out behind the woman’s leg and held up four fingers.

    Lana looked at Lex and smiled at him for a moment before calling him over. Taking a deep breath, he knew what it was all for. He still loved her despite their problems and her now serious threats of leaving him. Sitting down next to him, Lana coaxed the girl into his lap as she opened the box of crayons.

    She had previously accused him for her miscarriage, saying he had overly stressed her out by not been there for her. She sat night after night in the nursery with the door open to make sure he saw her as he moved from the bedroom to the office. Lex looked down at the small girl now sitting in his lap and rolled his neck in frustration. He held the coloring book open and watched as the little girl and Lana colored while he held her. Suddenly he realized how much he had really fucked up. She wasn’t the perfect princess Clark or anyone else expected of her, but he had to fix them because she was the closest to settling he ever would come. This would be the final marriage for him.

    Coming out of daze, Lex stared across the room at the quiet small lump still under the covers and pulled the shades open and looked over the plain of grass that seemed to surround them. She had gotten her wish. She took the goodwill tour that satisfied her and gave him some much-needed good publicity. Now, it was time for his half of the honeymoon that had never occurred.

    The night before had actually looked promising. Lana has dressed in a bright red silk gown cut to her hip. Lex had ordered dinner in and lit the room with candles like before. They had a quiet dinner on the balcony while listening to the interesting sounds of the open wildlife range around them.

    After having dinner cleared, he had moved to the edge of the balcony and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. That was the closest to a real kiss they had shared since the wedding. She flinched slightly in his arms, but she somewhat returned the gesture. Touching his hand around her waist he turned her toward him and looked in her eyes.

    Cupping her chin, he pulled her into him. This was their night. A chance to fix whatever had pulled them apart. Moving in, she suddenly pulled out of his arms.

    “Lex, I’m really tired and have a headache. I think I’m going to turn in.” She reached up and brushed his cheek with her lips and walked back inside. Lex leaned against the railing and watched through the thin sheers as Lana turned off the light. Sighing, he realized that the rest of the week was going to be harder than he thought.

    Lex quietly retreated to the bedroom after two more drinks and crawled into bed, turning away from the woman dressed in red.

    Now, he stared at her and wondered how long before he should wake her. He wondered if it was even worth trying to continue to trip the way they both were feeling. The loss of the baby had taken its toll on the both of them, in different ways. He had hurt her and swore to himself he would stop and give up before doing any more damage. Yet, she had shown more interest the night before and maybe there was a chance.

    “Lana, wake up honey.”

    “Is it time? Are we going to be late?” Lana stretched and rubbed her hand slightly down the side of Lex’s arm. She seethed when she touched him or when he touched her, but he was trying. She felt almost sorry that she was leaving him when they got back to Smallville.

    Smiling back, Lex whispered, “We’re not going to be late. You have about 30 minutes until the guide gets here. Coffee is on the lanai with a light breakfast.”

    Lana sat up and threw the sheets off. Lex backed up and watched her silently pick up her things and close the bathroom door behind her. He went back and sat on the lanai hoping that the rest of the day, the rest of the week would at least follow the pattern of the small touches she was giving him. Maybe there was some hope.


    “This is incredible Lex. Where are we going now?” Lex watched Lana’s face light up at each animal they stopped and photographed. Lex sat against the side of the open jeep and marveled at her face.

    “Why don’t you wear more hats?” Lex rolled his eyes underneath his sunglasses. The guide had insisted on the hat in wake of the four hours in the sun. Lex was not normally agreeable to such things but understood the need. Besides, when he put the cool beige hat on, Lana giggled, and it made his heart skip a beat like the day he found out she loved him.

    “Mainly because I feel silly and my head is sweating.”

    “Your head would sweat anyway.” Lana smiled and then turned back to the front of the jeep, watching the animals run along side the open vehicle.
    The two sat silent as they watched the range go by. Pulling up to river, the Jeep stopped. The driver turned around and looked in the back. He shook his head at the scene in front of him. The two honeymooners couldn’t be physically further apart. But he was paid generously to keep his thoughts to himself.

    “Sir, we are departing for the canoe trip now.” Lex and Lana glanced at each other. Offering his hand to her, Lana halfway smiled and took Lex’s hand and helped herself out of the back of the vehicle. Lex grabbed her bag and handed her the equipment.

    Following behind her, he placed his hand in the small of her back. He felt her move her back away from his hand and pick up the pace. He rescinded his hand and simply followed behind her.

    Lana carefully entered the large canoe and sat down on the small bench seat. She offered her hand to her husband. She still loved him for some reason, but he had changed right before his eyes. He tried to cover what horrible habits he had developed with his innate sense of romanticism. He had perfected the lines, the moves, and she had been sucked in.

    The plan had been to leave the last weekend. To simply pick up her things and walk out. She knew Lex wouldn’t let her go very far; he was too powerful and controlling to let that happen. Still, the marriage was over. She agreed on the trip as long as the goodwill portion came first. The least she had found in their relationship is the ability to give back to the communities with monies she could now spend.

    “We go see the hippo and waterfowl. Keep our hands in the boat at all times please ma’am. The crocs here are feisty. You may take pictures if you like, just quiet.” Lana just smiled at the guide with the incredibly thick accent. She had truthfully only gotten the words hands in the boat and was just fine with that piece of advice.

    “Relax, it’s going to be ok.”

    Lana looked at Lex and took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if she was more concerned about the animals in the water or the fact that Lex still trying so hard. Trying to forget her reasons for staying with the man, she pulled out her camera and snapped a picture of Lex in his hat and a rare smile.

    Lana grabbed Lex’s sleeve and pointed across to the bank of the river. A beautiful flamboyant of flamingos rested in the shallow water near the bank. “I see.”

    Lana nodded disgustingly at the casual brush off that Lex dropped. “I’m sorry, I thought we took this trip together,” she chided back at Lex.

    Lex turned and stared at her in disgust. “Lana, I just said I see them. We are not going to fight about whether I was being disrespectful to you in looking at animals.”

    Lana turned in the boat as it swayed slightly from side to side. “What are you talking about? You stayed up late last night working after I went to bed. Then you get up early and do the same thing. I thought we had a deal.”

    “I thought we did too. I thought we were working on our marriage.” Lex pushed up his sunglasses and pinched the bridge of his nose before pulling his hat off and tossing it in the boat.

    Lana raised her voice again and pointed at Lex, breathing hard between her words. “Marriage? That was over at I do. You couldn’t possibly think that after you prying into my personal affairs, including the pregnancy that you masterminded that I would possibly stay with you. I’m just buying you some time.”

    His mouth dropped open; she had never even mentioned or hinted she knew what the truth was. Frustrated, Lex rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath before squeezing his fists together. “Lana…”

    Lana watched his motions and waited for the ultimate blowup. “Do it Lex; face it, you’re going to be alone.”

    The guide finally turned around and tapped Lex on the shoulder. “Sir, you’re wife needs to quiet.” Lex turned and glared at Lana, who missed the message.

    “Lana, you need to…”

    Lana looked over the side of the boat and screamed as the splashing sound came closer until she could count the teeth in the rush of the hippos’ mouths.


    Chloe sat in front of her computer and typed the latest boring Metro line about the mix-up of appropriated funds in the mayor’s office. Sighing, she hit save and sat back in her chair and tapped her nails against her desk.
    “Thinking of who to annihilate next?” Clark pulled a chair up against the side of her desk and laughed.

    “Yeah, exactly. I’m actually waiting for an autopsy report from the medical examiner’s office. See, this man, Darren Woods, was investigating some dealings for me with Lex’s latest so-called military project. After talking to Lana, I didn’t get very far, but heard this man had some good reps
    Anyway, he was supposed to meet with me yesterday and lo and behold he’s swallowing river water this morning.” Chloe pushed herself away from the desk and walked to the printing room.

    Clark followed her and leaned against the doorway. “To be honest, I haven’t gotten anything out of Lana lately either.”

    Chloe turned and stared at Clark. He would never be over her; he had tried to get her to leave with him after she married Lex. Infatuation could only go so far. Like Lex, Clark had obsessions that seemed dangerous.

    “Lana has got to work things out for her own. She’s not an idiot, and I truly think she’s still in the marriage for something else.” Chloe walked up and grabbed Clark by the shoulder. “You’ve got to let it go.”

    “But you and her had talked about her leaving Lex.”

    “Yes, but if I remember correctly she had also told me not to discuss it with you, so this conversation is finished,” Chloe added as she started back to her desk.

    “He’s dangerous.” Clark followed Chloe back to her desk and pulled the chair again as Chloe began typing again.

    Keeping her eyes on the screen in front of her, Chloe resisted breaking down into a basket case. “Clark, I’m not at liberty to talk about it. And besides, Lana is a big girl now. Please just…”

    “Hey not break up you guys little argument but Chloe,” Jimmy tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at the television screens hanging from the ceiling.

    “Breaking news from the LNN news desk. We are just getting reports in that billionaire and owner of LNN, Lex Luthor, has been in involved in a unfortunate accident at a wildlife preserve in Kenya. We are now going to Kijabe Hospital near Nairobi. “

    Clark felt Chloe grab her hand and squeeze just slightly. Glancing in his direction, she could see he was reacting to the shock the same as she was. They were both barely breathing, gasping for breath based on the next statements from the hospital.

    A middle aged African doctor stood in front of a small podium with one microphone in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he began to read, “We received three patients at our facility several hours ago. One African male, one Caucasian male and one Caucasian female. The African came to us in fair condition, and is talking. His family has been notified. The Caucasian man, presumed to be Mr. Luthor, is currently in critical condition with a blunt force trauma to the head and several lacerations to the extremities. The female, presumed to be Mrs. Luthor, is in indeterminable condition at this time.”

    Clark and Chloe stared at each other. Chloe stumbled into the floor as Clark caught her in his arms. “Oh shit,” she whispered. “What did he do to her this time?”

    Clark continued to watch the television and listen to the doctor over Chloe’s cries and tears. “The guide has expressed that the incident was an accident. There is a level of danger involved in dealing with animals, and this was an unfortunate accident.”

    Chloe turned to Clark and hugged him tightly. “I can’t believe she’s gone.” Chloe buried her head in Clark’s chest as a crowd gathered around her and started patting the two on the back. The editor walked out and motioned to Clark to take her home. Gathering Chloe up from the floor, he handed her purse and coat to her as she tried to clean up her face.

    Chloe said nothing but just stepped into the elevator and fell again to the floor. Clark knelt next to her and reassured her. “They said she’s indeterminable.”

    Chloe’s eyes flashed with anger over the naïve statement from the farmboy. “Clark, she’s dead. That’s the line everyone uses when they are trying to contact the next of kin.” Chloe crossed her arms and stood up, walking out of the elevator and toward her car.

    “Chloe,” Clark called as she jumped into her car and drove away. As much as Clark wanted to believe Lana was ok, he knew Chloe was right. Chloe would, of course, since she would most likely be writing her best friend’s obituary.


    Chloe and Clark looked around as the entire town of Smallville seemed to show up for the funeral, even Martha. The funeral had not been contested as people expected it to be. Many were sure that Lionel Luthor would surely bury his daughter-in-law in the family plot. Clark, however, had gone to Lionel during a moment of what he hoped would be the man’s weakness and asked that she be buried next to her parents. Lionel surprisingly agreed, saying that Lex would have done anything for Lana but would have stopped short at letting her be buried anywhere else. As much as Clark hated the vindictive feeling toward his son, he was sadly pleased that Lionel agreed to the last wishes.

    The funeral lasted only a few minutes. A few people spoke but many were quiet. The reaction of Lana Lang to the town had changed since the marriage of convenience and the resulting miscarriage. People went from adoring the young woman in high school to almost resenting her for marrying the man that destroyed most of the town.

    The funeral had to be closed casket. From the discussion with the guide, the boat had been rushed by three hippos and flipped. The submerged boat had knocked Lex in the back of the head, causing the trauma, before the guide watched one hippo bite one leg before letting go.

    Lana had not been as lucky. Chloe could barely sit through reading the descriptions that came from the international wires. Lana had been thrown from the canoe right into the back of one hippo. Reacting to what he thought was an attack, she had been taken down below and consequently been mauled through her torso. The autopsy showed few internal organs still intact when what of her body was returned to the states.

    “I’m going to miss her. I mean who will I talk to about girl things?” Chloe held Clark’s hand as people started filing away.

    “You’re not the only one. Come on,” Clark whispered as he pulled on Chloe’s hand.

    “No, let’s stay for a little longer.” Chloe sat back down in the chairs in front of the casket. Clark sat beside her and pulled her into him as they both quietly teared up.

    Clearing his throat, Lionel sat behind the two and watched as they shared their pain over losing their best friend. Lionel knew who Lana really wanted, but he had threatened her from the beginning to stay with Lex. Lex had truly blown the best deal he thought he ever had. But Lionel had seen his son since the accident; hope was on the horizion. Taking a deep breath, Lionel waited for a few more minutes until the worker’s truck had arrived.

    “Ms. Sullivan, Clark, I think we should be going.” Clark glanced behind him and shook his head.

    Lionel started again, “I don’t think you understand. We need to get to Metropolis – there’s a little complication with Lex’s condition.”

    Chloe turned around and sniffled, “Why do we care?”

    Lionel took Chloe’s arm , which she promptly ripped from his hand. Lionel sat down next to her and stared at the casket in front of them. Choosing his words carefully, he softened his tone as he wringed his hands in unusual nervousness.

    “Chloe, we have a problem.”

    Last edited by superag; 11th July 2008 at 20:12.

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    I know that I have a heart of black coal, but Lana brought that on herself. She started that fight with Lex on purpose, she knew she wasn't going to stay with him, and I'm sorry but if there are any places where you don't start a fight with someone, it's on a plane, boat or car because you'll be stuck with them for a while. Add to that fact that she did so in crocodile and hippo waters, she was just asking for trouble. I'm just glad that the innocent guide and Lex survived. If she was that upset with Lex and wanted to leave him especially since she knew about the pregnancy, then she should have done it. Starting silly fights that will escualte into bigger ones is not the answer, especially when you have the once in a lifetime chance to view animals up close. I would have waited until I was back in a safe place to start anything.

    Now I'm very interested to know what this new development will be. *She says as if she wasn't around for the shoutbox discussions.*

  3. #3
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    This is an awesome beginning and I want more

    This part:

    The reaction of Lana Lang to the town had changed since the marriage of convenience and the resulting miscarriage. People went from adoring the young woman in high school to almost resenting her for marrying the man that destroyed most of the town.
    made me smile. I really wish SV had the guts to show that the regular citizens were resentful--that would have rocked.

    But I must say, beginning the story with Lana getting killed by a hippo is just fabulous. But I wonder, what is Lex's complication?

    Please let us know soon.

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  4. #4
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    The night before had actually looked promising. Lana has dressed in a bright red silk gown cut to her hip. Lex had ordered dinner in and lit the room with candles like before. They had a quiet dinner on the balcony while listening to the interesting sounds of the open wildlife range around them.

    “Lex, I’m really tired and have a headache. I think I’m going to turn in.” She reached up and brushed his cheek with her lips and walked back inside. Lex leaned against the railing and watched through the thin sheers as Lana turned off the light. Sighing, he realized that the rest of the week was going to be harder than he thought.
    Just like Lana to put on the sexy red nightie and tease poor Lex. Boo Lana.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Lex turned and stared at her in disgust. “Lana, I just said I see them. We are not going to fight about whether I was being disrespectful to you in looking at animals.”
    Thank goodness for standing up to her. The instigator.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    The guide finally turned around and tapped Lex on the shoulder. “Sir, you’re wife needs to quiet.” Lex turned and glared at Lana, who missed the message.

    “Lana, you need to…”

    Lana looked over the side of the boat and screamed as the splashing sound came closer until she could count the teeth in the rush of the hippos’ mouths.
    Our dream come to fruition. It's a beautiful thing. Really it is. Who would have thought it could ever happen. *sniffle*

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Clark felt Chloe grab her hand and squeeze just slightly. Glancing in his direction, she could see he was reacting to the shock the same as she was. They were both barely breathing, gasping for breath based on the next statements from the hospital.
    I do imagine it is quite shocking to the pair of them. It'll take time for them to realize. It is SO much better this way.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Lionel took Chloe’s arm , which she promptly ripped from his hand. Lionel sat down next to her and stared at the casket in front of them. Choosing his words carefully, he softened his tone as he wringed his hands in unusual nervousness.

    “Chloe, we have a problem.”
    Oooooooooo, what's the problem? I wanna know now. MORE MORE MORE!

    You are doing awesome with this. I really do like it. Even if Lana didn't croak at the jaws of a wild hippo I would like it. Please continue soon.

  5. #5
    Kill Lana
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    Oh. geez. death by hippo. that sucks. Boo Lana for starting that fight. I don't even know why Lex tried. It was so obvious Lana didn't want to be with him anymore. But...death by hippo. *shrug* u win some u lose some. more soon!

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    Excellent start! Yeah on Lana being mauled by a hippo ( sorry, I just can;t help myself). Can;t wait for more.

  7. #7

    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    woah! great chater cant wait to see what happens next.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    This story has my interest. Can't wait to see how Chloe's going to fit into this all. Please update soon!!!

  9. #9
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    Is it bad of me saying I am happy Blana is dead? If it is so what. LOL! I am very interested to see where this goes.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #10
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) New 4/9/08

    Intereseting start.

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