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Thread: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 20 08/01/2020

  1. #61
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 6 11/07/07

    Good update.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  2. #62
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    27 Apr 2006

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 7 12/19/07

    I was really SO glad about everything that this chapter covered. I was deathly curious about the circumstances that led to Chloe meeting, dating and eventually marrying Troy, and it was highly satisfying to get the whole story about what happened after Chloe’s break-up with Lex.

    The pain of seeing Lex again did linger with her for awhile. During her holiday break Chloe did drive by the manor but, lucky for her, Lex’s security didn’t spot her driving past. The moment of weakness to see how he was after their brief and rough encounter almost got the best of her. Lex had taken it as if he was the only one hurt but Chloe felt the sting of the break up like he did.
    I really liked how the chapter started covering how, even though she was the ‘breaker’ of the relationship, Chloe was also grieving the loss of her relationship with Lex. He missed him, she was hurting from his loss in her life, and most of the reason she ran away from Smallville was to get away from the pain associated with the place.

    “Come on.” Chloe mumbled and the man in front of her turned around.

    “Are you late for class?” He questioned her. Chloe really made no notice at first but later on the man’s eye staring back at her would come to haunt her.

    She answered him causally. “Yeah, in about…” Taking a quick look at her watch she finished her answer. “…oh now.”

    He grinned at the silly joke then stepped aside. “Since your late why don’t you go ahead of me?”

    Chloe looked at him in confusion and didn’t step ahead immediately. He took notice of her change in expression and offered the space again. “Really, please it’s not a problem. It’s either that or I listen to you talk to yourself some more.” He grinned at her again and Chloe took the joke in stride.
    ROTFLMAO! I loved the idea that Chloe met her future husband while she was impatiently fidgeting in line for her morning cup of coffee. It’s fitting that the very first impression Chloe gave to Troy was that of a devoted coffee addict, ROTFL! He had a hint of what he was getting from the start… and Chloe got herself the guy who let her cut in front of him in a queue for coffee… Perfect! LOL!

    For the next few weeks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Chloe ran into the man that let her cut him in line. He would say hello and she would do the same but nothing ever really came of it for a while.

    One day he asked what she needed the coffee for then later she would ask him how his job was that he was running off to at eight in the morning. Another day he told her that she looked good with her hair up and the next he commented on weather. It was all very casual but the more Chloe saw him the more invested she became in him. Just when they would start talking he or she had to run.

    Chloe finally took notice of how he looked the more she saw him. Troy was taller than her, had short dark hair, a chiseled jaw line and his eyes were a deep shade of brown. He may have been the most attractive man Chloe had met since moving to the city.

    Before she knew it, Chloe was more concerned about what she looked like going to her Journalism Ethics and the First Amendment Law class. It was cold and it was ridiculous to be in a skit sometimes but Chloe would wear one. It was all subconscious to her but she wanted to look nice for the five minutes she stood in the coffee line and said hello to Troy.
    ROTFLMAO! Oh this was priceless! I LOVED how this ‘relationship’ developed slowly and organically, but also so surprisingly in small daily doses of five minutes of interaction. It was SO cute imagining Chloe and Troy developing a friendship, starting with a nod of acknowledgement, developing into friendly hellos, and then into (very) short conversations, until they both were taking pains to look good first thing in the morning for each other, LOL! Hilarious! But it’s such an adorable and apt way of developing the Chloe/Troy relationship.

    “Dear Green Eyes (Sorry but that’s what I’ve been calling you since I don’t know your name)

    I’m sorry that I can’t have our morning chat but I have come down with a bad cold. I was lucky enough to have friends that take pity on a man too afraid to do what I’m about to do in this letter and they dropped it off for me. I told them to give Alton strict instructions not to pass this letter on if you didn’t notice I wasn’t around this morning. Luck for me if you’re reading this you have been thinking about me just like I have been thinking of your green eyes.

    For some reason, those few moments we spend in line leave me wanting more. I don’t know if it’s your quick wit or sweet smile but I’m dying to know more about you. I say let’s take this beyond the coffee cart.

    If you’re interested please give me a call after your done reviewing the need to balance absolute freedoms of speech and full disclosure of truth to the masses. I may be under the weather but I think hearing your voice would make me feel better.

    By the way my name is Troy Kaplan. 212- 317-5486
    Squeeee! I gave several fangirl squeals of delights after reading this ultra sweet letter to Chloe. Troy is really such a charmer, and he really has quite a spine considering that he left behind this letter for Chloe based purely on the off-chance that she ‘might’ have noticed his absence, and she ‘might’ have waited a few minutes extra waiting for him to show up. What a perfect start to the romance! I think it’s wonderful that Chloe managed to attract the attentions of a sweet, decent, nervy guy who had the savvy to sweep her off her feet like this.

    And an extra squeal to her nick-name ‘Green Eyes’, ROTFL!

    Now I feel only more grief at the tragedy that this wonderful man was taken away from Chloe in such an abrupt manner. I’ve been feeling sorry for Chloe’s loss, but I never really felt anything for the loss of Troy… not until now.

    Lex assured her that things were taken care of but she felt like he was leaving something out. There was something in his voice that made her believe he was only telling her part of what happened with Lionel. In the past, Chloe would have questioned this but she was trying making peace with Lex and learning to trust him again.

    This time she let it go.
    Heh, it seems like this fic has been filled with a LOT of instances of Chloe burying her instincts and ignoring her suspicions about Lex every time she sensed he was being less that completely honest with her. She probably feels guilty because she jumped down his throat during that very first meeting, accusing him of all kinds of things when he was actually innocent… So now she’s over-compensating by ignoring all the other little tugs to her paranoia about him. And she has no idea about what his real agenda is concerning her… she STILL believes that Lex will settle for being ‘just friends’ with her, not guessing that he has absolutely no intention for ‘settling’ for anything.

    At the time she saw the painting they were at their best. The tears that followed after seeing it had to do with what the painting represented. It showed her that she had moved forward with her life but in some ways he hadn’t.

    It was a unsettling but then again it didn’t have to be. Lex wanted to remember better times and that’s what the painting could have been. It didn’t have to be a horrible reminder of how they never worked out.
    It’s really ironic that Lex’s best ally in pulling the wool over Chloe’s eyes is Chloe herself. She KEEPS seeing all these clues about Lex’s obsession for her, but she keeps rationalizing them away.

    At the moment, the only thing about that night that was lingering with Chloe was the talk they had. Lex was open and it was shocking that he was still able to be that way with her.

    He let a lot go when he said he never wanted his wives to be fully in his life. Chloe let Troy into her life completely. She couldn’t have married him any other way yet Lex married those women anyway. A part of her was worried what could happen by giving in to Troy but it all worked out. The idea that Lex wasn’t able to take that chance was sad.
    Oh dear… I’m seeing proof and reasons as to why Chlex will never work… not unless Lex undertakes some drastic changes to the way he’s been approaching Chloe. While it’s true that Lex has been very open with Chloe about several aspects of his life and personality that he keeps hidden from everyone else… he’s ALSO still keeping some very important parts of himself hidden away from her. Chloe would never accept this kind of duplicity and secrecy in a relationship, not anymore… not after she’s experienced complete disclosure in a marriage with Troy.

    When she left it was the first time in nine years Chloe felt like she and Lex could move forward into the next phase of their relationship. She believed they could be friends.
    ROTFL! Oh dear… I shouldn’t laugh, because the extent of Chloe’s misunderstanding and misperception is tragic, but it’s also rather hilarious.

    Over the years Chloe saw Clark grow up. It took him sometime but he had finally accepted that his place in this world meant he could do great things for people. She had more respect for him then ever but when he mentioned Lex name a bit of the old Clark was shining through.

    Chloe raised an eye brows at her friend and nearly chocked on her food. Her damn cousin couldn’t keep anything to herself. “Yes Lex and I are working on a friendship.”

    “Is that all?” Clark mumbled as he filled his mouth with potato chips. She knew where this was coming from. Since Chloe found out about 33.1 and what Lex had done Clark never felt the same about Lex. She never told him about the people that died there but Clark knew that people were being held captive.
    It was nice meeting up with Clark, getting a feel for his personality in this fic. I was VERY glad with the painting of Clark during this interaction, because it seems like he’s finally grown up. First and foremost was my delight at seeing that he’s gotten over his Lana-obsession, and I was also really pleased to see how protective he was being of Chloe… He wasn’t being an over-handed, patronizing control freak, telling Chloe to stay away from Lex because she didn’t know how to take care of herself, but he was just gently, but firmly, warning her away from Lex… hinting that Lex is not the kind of man he is presenting himself as. Clark has actually learned some tact and diplomacy over the years, which was fantastic.

    “You know I was really blind back then.” He stated frankly then for the first time Chloe heard something from Clark she never thought he would say. She knew they were friends that he loved her and that Clark would do everything in his power to keep her safe but there was always the nagging feeling of Lana Lang.

    She always held a part of him that kept him down. When she passed away it gave Clark the chance to see how she had blinded him to the truth.

    “I was never really happy with Lana. I look back and I made so many mistakes how I could’ve been happy with her.”
    He shrugged his shoulders admitting something she had known all along. “Yes, it was a mistake. She never trusted me. I know I never gave her too many reasons to trust me but her paranoia was just too great to let her know the truth.”

    Chloe laugh a little to herself just thinking of all the ways Lana had infused her self into Clark’s life and made it her own personal play thing. “Love makes us into fools and at the time you just didn’t see all that about her.”
    squeeee! The Lana-blinders are off, and Clark can see everything clearly now. Excellent! I loved hearing his description of Lana… it was all a very true and apt observation, and it really helped illustrate how much he’s matured.

    “I wish I had because I missed out on being with you. I can see why Lex wants to see you again. He lost you and I know from experience how much that hurts.” Clark looked away as if he just admitted too much.

    Chloe furrowed her brow looking at him confused. There was never a time she thought Clark thought of her romantically. She was always second best for him, just a side kick back then. “Kent are you saying you had thing for me.”

    He stifled a chuckle then reached her hand on the table. “Who wouldn’t have a thing for you? You’re smart, your witty, you’re beautiful. Any man should consider himself lucky to have you in their life, I know I do, and I know Troy did.”
    Squeee! Even better than a little bit of Lana-bashing was Clark finally telling Chloe how stunning and desirable she is. Obviously the boat for the Chlark ship had passed by a long time ago, but it’s great to know that Clark has finally come to appreciate the amazing partner Chloe could have been… and it was wonderful of him to tell her, without demanding anything in return. He’s really such a sweet, generous man.

    Chloe nodded once then covered his hand with her other. “Thank you Clark. It means a lot that your saying this. I moved back here to be with people that care about me.”
    I also liked this part… I liked how Chloe moved back to Smallville with full faith in the belief that there will be people over here to support her and take care of her. I’ve seen Chloe sacrificing herself far too many times, placing the needs of other’s above her own… as if she never considered herself ‘worthy’ of being paid attention to. But THIS Chloe knows she deserves the care and attention, and it’s fantastic to see her faith being satisfied by all everyone rallying around her in her support.

    He smiled then pulled his hand away. “Whatever happens between you and Lex I just want you to be happy. I know you wouldn’t put yourself in danger because of Emma but just be careful. Lois is right; Lex is a different person from who he was in Smallville.”

    “I’ll keep it mind.”
    heh, will she REALLY keep it in mind? Or is she going to do the usual routine of pushing all these warnings as far back as her mind will allow? I wonder what will happen when Chloe finally realises that all the warnings that everyone including her own instincts were screaming at her were right all along…? It’s going to be exciting to watch.

    When she arrived, Chloe was actually looking forward to inviting Lex to dinner but now she was being reminded of how he was some times. He was so driven and it was something she once admired but it was also annoying as hell.

    “Maybe you should just call me later.” Chloe was about to turn and leave when Lex finally got the hint.

    “Wait, wait.” He said rushing over from across the desk to grab her arm. “It was really important I that I finished off the email. The energy plans are going by slowly.”

    “If you’re busy you could have said so.” Chloe pulled out of his grasp more then annoyed than ever. Lex had a way of grabbing her and making things go the way he wanted.

    He sighed once moving to pose on the edge of his desk. The moment was all too familiar as they looked at each other. Chloe was getting upset knowing full well this was who Lex was. If he was focused on something he was focused and she should have waited. Hell she did the same thing her self to him at one time.
    I liked how the Chlex scene started with Lex behaving ‘normally’ in his natural setting. I always like seeing how he behaves in his natural habitat.

    Heh, but it seems like some of their old issues are cropping up again. Was this also one of the problems that drove them apart on top of the way Chloe couldn’t bring herself to believe that Lex could tear himself away from his dubious means of practising business? In that case, this argument could be a symptoms (or a precursor) to a much more serious problem.

    After leaving lunch she wasn’t feeling so good about herself, his lack of immediate attention had thrown her off a bit. It took a moment but she saw how silly she was being. Her eyes drew away from him and looked down as she chuckled at herself. When she looked back to him he was smirking at her.

    They both shared a laughed for a moment. It was as if he knew just what she was thinking as they laughed of the tension in the room.
    Heh, it was nice to see this moment of shared amusement between them. The connection between them was so strong, and I’m SURE that Lex NEVER gets the opportunity to share amusement or laughter like this with anyone besides Chloe… it’s moments like these that make you realize how well they fit together, and help you see why Lex is so desperate to become a huge part of Chloe’s life again.

    BUT, I also had the uneasy impression that they were sweeping this very serious issue underneath the carpet over here. It ‘might’ have been good that they simply laughed at the argument, OR was it a bad thing that they avoided discussing this, because it might end up re-establishing a pattern that broke them up in the first place? I guess I’ll have to wait to find out whether this was just the start of an old pattern, or whether they have grown past whatever problems they used to have before.

    The last time he was in her home Chloe pushed him away. Then she was nervous about having Emma near him but if they were going to be friends they would have to start somewhere with Lex interacting with her.

    “Dinner?” He questioned. “Tonight?”

    Chloe could see he was unsure about it. There was one thing keeping him from saying yes and she wasn’t sure what it was. “Yes, dinner tonight.” She repeated. “My daughter, my father and me.”

    She watched him thinking it over and thought he would say no from the look in his eyes. “If you don’t want to I understand.” Chloe spoke up first. Something was wrong with the way this was going.
    Heh, I think I know what’s wrong over here… Chloe sees this as a no-pressure, no-expectations kind of dinner where she and Lex re-connect as simple friends. Lex however sees it as a foot in through a door that was previously closed to him. Chloe is including him in a family dinner, where he will have the chance to grow closer to all the people Chloe loves, not the least of whom is Kitty-Kat, who she was previously ‘protecting’ from Lex’s presence… He’s seeing it as a monumental big step, while she only sees it as ‘dinner with friends’.

    It’s just SO fun seeing Lex attaching such huge, obsessive importance to everything that happens between himself and Chloe, while Chloe remains oblivious to Lex’s feelings and intentions. It’s a little creepy, and seriously thrilling, LOL!

    Looking down at her, Lex moved toward Chloe. There was something behind his eyes that she didn’t want to read. “I’ll see you then.” His voice was low and smooth as silk.

    “I should let you get back to work.” Chloe stepped back getting back some personal space.

    He nodded once, said his good bye and then waited. The last time she saw him they shared a hug. The hug was to test Chloe’s boundaries with him. They were close at one time and it seemed natural. Lex was helping her once again with Lionel and the hug was to thank him.

    This time he seemed to be waiting for a repeat performance. Chloe’s visit today wasn’t about this. She could be thinking it over but he was trying to charm her into hugging him. Instead of doing what she thought he wanted Chloe said good bye then walked out of the office.

    Once she was in the elevator heading out the building Chloe pulled her self together. She had heard that voice from him before. For so long she shrugged it off as nothing before he kissed her to make her see the truth. This time may have not been like all those times but it could be the end of their friendship before it started.
    I actually held my breath through this tense moment. I cannot believe that Chloe didn’t pick up on the intense vibes in the room. Lex was trying to push her, negotiate himself under Chloe’s guard and skin, and she keeps ignoring all the signs of him trying to seduce her.

    She heard the slow, smooth, seductive tone of his voice… and she saw that he was trying to subtly manipulate her into embracing him, and she recognized his voice, body language and expression from the first time he pushed their friendship into something more. Yet she refuses to acknowledge any of these signs! It’s thrilling to see Lex giving great significance to every one of his moves and gestures and Chloe subsequent reactions, while Chloe has NO idea what he’s thinking or planning. Love it! Sneaky, manipulative bastard

    “I’m very sorry I was late today but you had fun with Grace didn’t you?” Chloe pulled her over closer to her.

    “I wanted us to cook dinner not me and grandpa.” She murmured burying her face in Chloe’s side.

    Her words made Chloe’s heart sink into her chest. Things like this were never easy. Her job was important but Emma had to be ahead of all of that. It didn’t matter that she was home now and they could set the table together and have dinner together. Emma was set in her ways about some things just like Chloe was.
    Awwww, Chloe missed out on Mommy-Daughter bonding time. I can see how terrible she feels about it, and it’s obvious that Emma has become the overwhelming passion of Chloe’s life now… above all other family, career and even potential relationships… Lex will win 95% of the battle IF he ever manages to win over Emma’s whole-hearted approval… But that’s a huge ‘if’, LOL!

    Chloe had her attention again. It was so easy to make up with her she and she wish other things in her life were the same way. “Kitty Cat, I have a surprise for you.”

    Emma’s face brightened the moment ‘surprise’ was uttered. Chloe knew what was coming before she let her respond. “No, it’s not a pony.”

    A frown replaced Emma’s joy. “You said a surprise. That would be the best surprise ever.” Then without warning she was giving Chloe the eyes. The pleading eyes worked on Chloe sometimes but this was not one of those times.
    ROTFL! Sneaky, evil little kid! If Lex ever does become a part of Chloe’s life again, he won’t stand a chance against this manipulative little girl tying him into knots, LOL!

    Kitty Cat nodded franticly and a large grin spread out on her lips. “He has the bald head.” She spoke patting her on full head of hair.

    “Yes, exactly.” Chloe didn’t know how she would finesse this but Emma would have to be okay with what would happen tonight. “He’s coming to have dinner with us tonight.”

    “Can I talk to him this time or do I have to go to my room.” Emma answered. It was amazing the things she remember sometime.
    wow! It really IS amazing everything that Emma remembers about ‘the bald man’s’ visit. And it’s really funny how she’s being so blasé about being sent to her room when this mysterious bald stranger appeared. And she doesn’t seem the least bit concerned or confused about her mother’s sudden about-face attitude where Chloe is telling her to ‘be nice’ to the man instead of hiding away from him, LOL! Aren’t kids great?

    When it hit an hour that he was late Chloe went ahead and served Emma desert. They were having a cheesecake Chloe stopped to get on her way home. Her daughter didn’t seem to notice that Lex hadn’t showed up. Maybe she was confused about what Chloe told her was to occur tonight.
    LOL! There is something about Emma’s complete lack of concern, care or curiosity about the ‘bald man that never showed up’ that strikes me as deliciously funny. Perhaps because I like seeing Chloe being all tense while Emma stays happily unconcerned, LOL!

    “I’m outside of your place and have been since 6:00.” He started then paused as if he was embarrassed about what he said. “I want to move our friendship forward but I have to be honest with you. I have no idea how to treat your daughter. I have been too afraid to come up because I don’t want to ruin this by saying or doing the wrong thing with Emma.”

    Chloe was thankful she answered and didn’t just ignore the call. She was mad Lex hadn’t showed but hearing his reason why made her burst into laughter. If he was this worried about dinner then Chloe knew things would be fine.

    Lex over thought everything he did and Chloe did want him to consider how he treated Emma. There were few if no moments Lex was scared to meet people but it took Chloe’s six year old to bring him to sitting in his car for an hour.
    I was seriously confused about where Lex could have been. I knew that this dinner invitation was a huge deal for him, and I imagined he would have cleared his whole schedule in anticipation of tonight. For him not to show up, not even bothering to call… it was perplexing!

    ROTFLMAO! But I finally got the answer on what had happened, and it was hilarious. I don’t blame Chloe for the instant forgiveness she granted to Lex. It must have been humiliating for him to admit to weakness like this, which means this admission is a true sign of honesty from Lex that is rare and beautiful to behold.

    I loved the idea that Lex was so darned scared on confronting a six year old child. The man has faced criminals, murderers and killers without flinching… but he quails before confrontation with a little girl? He’s REALLY taking this dinner invitation seriously… probably as his one and only chance to win over Chloe’s loved ones, otherwise be barred from her life forever. Poor Lex… he’s so stressed out, LOL!

    “Lex, if you don’t come up we will never move forward with this.” Chloe answered getting her giggles under control. As she waited for his answer she could hear him breathe in then out controlling everything he could at this point.

    “I’ll be right up.” He answered then hung up.

    After hanging up the phone, Chloe told her dad and Emma that Lex would be there shortly. Just as she was done lying for him that he had to stay late at work there was a knock at the door. Chloe didn’t know what she would see on the other side of the door but she was ready to accept who Lex was.

    For now.
    Heh, is she REALLY ready to accept who Lex is? She has no idea that what she’s really accepting is only a ‘façade’ that Lex is presenting to her. It’s going to be a huge shock to both of them when Chloe finally figures out how he’s been lying to her, manipulating her, and then ferociously dumps him for everything he did… How the heck would he react once he can drop the ‘subtle act’? Scary times ahead… I can’t wait LOL!

    Please update soon.

  3. #63
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 7 12/19/07

    Wonderful update. I love your writing and the depth of emotion and character you put in your writing Chlex is spectacular. I can't wait till Emma gets that she can wrap Lex around her tiny fingers and she tries to con him into getting her a pony. Dagney

  4. #64

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 7 12/19/07

    wow really good story. can't wait for Lex and Emma to meet again. update soon!

  5. #65
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Crawling Back (R) Chapter 8 3/16/08

    Notes: Its been awhile since I updated sorry but I hope you like the update.

    Chapter 8 Patience (Lex’s POV)

    Metropolis Ten Years Ago

    Lex wasn’t much for waiting. The jury was still in recess after two hours. It should have been an open and shut case. After Chloe’s testimony it was the nail in the coffin.

    She was poised on the stand and answered each question with ease. Even as Lionel stared her down there wasn’t a moment of pause as she replayed the events that lead them to today.

    What she was saying wasn’t his focus. The small gestures she made were very distracting. If it wasn’t the way her lips parted and closed as she spoke then it was the glances she gave him from time to time. The fit of her outfit wasn’t looked over either. His breathing even started to match hers as her chest rose then fell.

    How he had gotten to this point may have been misunderstood to the untrained eye but he knew what had happened to him. Chloe had taken over for the past few months. Going into the summer their friendship was solid. She trusted him and opened up more than he thought for them both. Getting away from it all let their friendship move into something he could only describe as wonderful.

    All the waiting finally paid off once the jury was said to be making their way back into the court room. Once everyone was in place Lex could see his father was sure of himself. He was showing no signs of worry as he stood to hear the verdict.

    When Lex looked to Chloe she was keeping it together but he could tell she was nervous. As juror number one started to read he saw Chloe close her eyes and it looked like she was holding her breathe.

    Once the guilty verdict was read Chloe’s body relaxed and it was over. The press behind them started to roar. The judge had to hit his gavel four times before they stopped. At the moment Lex was finally free of his father but he couldn’t care to think of what that meant.

    The thing keeping his attention was Chloe looking at him. A small smile formed on her face as she moved passed him to leave the court room. He wanted to reach for her then pull her into his arms but couldn’t.

    He wouldn’t be able to see her until later that night. That was something else he hated about being patient. Waiting to be open be with Chloe was weighing heavy on his mind.

    Once he was out in the court room his people had shoved him over to the press. They were already crowded around Chloe. She was answering questions and didn’t let the press monsters get the best of her.

    Lex made a few comments then publicly thanked Chloe for coming forward with the truth. As he spoke they were looking at each other. Lex felt a warm tingling because he could see in her eyes that she wanted him. He hoped she could see that in him too. After the crowd died down Lex watched Chloe walk away with her father.

    Home, at last, Lex kept thinking of how Chloe would greet him. The study was the place they always met before she went away. They were working together to put his father in jail but it slowly became something more.

    As his mind drifted to the moments they shared during that time Lex didn’t hear Chloe come into the room. His eyes were fixed on the fireplace in front of him then suddenly it all went dark.

    “I wonder what has you deep thought.” Her voice filled his ears and he could feel the sting of sarcasm.

    His hands moved to rest on hers covering his eyes as she spoke. “It could be your victory today or maybe it’s about moving onto world domination.”

    Lex felt himself starting to smile as she spoke then he quickly stopped. The top of his head was being treated to soft kisses. She was doing it to tease. It was hard enough that he had been thinking of her all day and now she was teasing him.

    But he wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Getting himself under control Lex answered her. “I was thinking of you.” He pulled her hands away from his eyes then turned to look at her. “Wait you’re not Lana.”

    A frown formed on her face and her eyes fixed on him. “If its Lana you want then I’ll leave.” She turned on her heels and started walking out.

    It was meant to be a joke. He had to jump up from his seat to grab her as she was just at the door. “It was a joke.” When she turned around to look him, her arms were folded across her body and she looked at him with such distain.

    For a moment Lex thought she was actually angry but then came the laughter. Giggles started bubbling out of her. He couldn’t help but laugh as well. Today they had gone through so much and the tension was finally being released.

    After the moment passed she moved closer to him. Lex took the hint and pulled her to where he wanted her. The warmth of her body relaxed him and the emotional build up of wanting to see her melted away.

    “Are you going to kiss me or what?” She smirked at him waiting for his response.

    The smirk was quickly washed away when he took hold of her bottom to pull her up to him. Every detail of the kiss Lex remembered. The soft feel of her lips against his own, the wetness of her tongue darting into his mouth and the feel of her body making itself fit into his own. All of it was washing over him but the best part was the sound she made. When she moaned it let him know the effect he had on her.

    For weeks this was how it was. They enjoyed each others company. The chemistry was hot and heavy, and then she would stop him. The last time Lex thought he might explode from having to wait.

    It wasn’t that she didn’t want to because he could feel she did. He felt it clearly the last time they were together and his hands made it to her panties. They were moist and warm but she made him stop. Instead of him letting him please her she pulled away claiming she wasn’t ready.

    Sex wasn’t something Lex had to wait for. The way he felt about Chloe was something he wanted more than with any of the women he had been with in the past but she wasn’t ready and he didn’t know why.

    When he pulled away she was smiling. It had been awhile since she smiled like that. The trial was keeping her tense and now all that was gone.

    “Should we celebrate a little?” Lex announced.

    She nodded. “I think we’ve earned it.”

    Reluctantly Lex let her go and went for the bottle chilling on the bar. The corked popped off safely and Lex brought the two glasses of champagne to the sofa where Chloe was waiting.

    He could have made a long toast but there was only one thing to say. “Thank you for your help.”

    With a nod and smile she reached her glass out to his and, once they met, a small ting rang out. While Lex was drinking Chloe asked him a question. “Are you using me to get to Clark?”

    His eyes widened and he almost choked on the champagne. “What?” He blurted out once he got control over his vocal cords.

    Chloe looked him right in the eye as she explained. The pain behind them was clear as day. “There is something keeping me from letting this move to the next step. I know what I feel and I told you but all I got was silence.”

    It was finally clear that Lex wasn’t the only one thinking about sex. Chloe was actually holding back for a reason that made little sense. This had everything to do with her and nothing to do with Clark. After years of things that didn’t mean anything to him he had something that meant everything. There was no way he would let getting the truth about Clark keep him from being with her.

    “This has nothing to do with Clark.” Lex placed his glass down then took hers as well. “This is about me falling in love with you.” It came out so naturally that it scared Lex a little.

    Her hand moved over her mouth as she took in what he said. It was the first time Lex was saying it aloud. Chloe had told him the night before the trial that she was falling in love with him.

    They were lying in bed together in her hotel room. She asked him to stay the night and he was happy to do it. Her head was resting against his chest and his arms were wrapped around her. When she said it the wind was knocked out of him and he didn’t answer her.

    Lex simply brushed back her hair and held her until she went to sleep. His lack of response must be why she was saying this now.

    “Do you mean that?” She asked taking her hand away, reaching to hold his face.

    Placing his hand over hers Lex admitted what he was afraid of. He knew if he said it then things would change drastically. If he loved Chloe and that love was returned then he may never be able to let it go.

    “I’m in love with you.” He breathed out and felt relieved it was out now.

    “Okay, then we don’t have to stop this time.” Chloe spoke moving back for her champagne flute.

    “What do you mean we don’t have to stop?” He was confused and intrigued by where she was going with this.

    “We can have sex.” She answered bluntly looking at him over the rim of her glass.

    For weeks this was what he wanted but he didn’t think he would get it so easily. “Have you been pushing me away because you thought I was using you to get my father in jail and then to get Clark?”

    “Yes.” She answered then placed her glass down again. “Everyone wants something from me but they never want me. They never want me just for me and now I know you do so I don’t have to be afraid of letting go anymore.”

    It was true and it hurt to think of how her life was. Clark always wanted something. Lana always needed some sort of help. But in the end her so called friends didn’t take the time to see her. That year Lex was allowed that.

    He could see her passion for investigation, he was able to learn how she liked her eggs in the morning and he even knew the small murmurs she made sometimes in her sleep. All that time was building up to this moment in the study of all places.

    Now that she said it was okay to move forward Lex didn’t know what to do. All that waiting was so built up that he didn’t know how long he could last.

    As he looked at her Lex was frozen, unable to make a move. “I see you don’t believe me. Well let me show you.” She told him as she stood up.

    She moved in front of him making him open his legs so she could stand in between them. She was still wearing the dark suit she had on in court that morning. Her hands moved for the two buttons holding the jacket closed and once it was discarded on the floor the lime green blouse she was wearing was pulled over her head.

    Lex just took in the show until she was down to her bra and panties then his mind started to move forward. The pale pink set covering her skin wasn’t the most expensive or elegant thing he had seen. It was simple but doing everything right for her body. She didn’t need to wear some fancy undergarments to make him want her.

    When Lex reached for her he lead her down into his lap. She straddled him on the sofa, nearly naked; he could feel his arousal growing as she leaned down to kiss him. From that point it was a blur of Chloe’s skin close to his, her moaning even screaming his name but the one thing he did remember clearly was her coming. The choked cry that escaped her lips, the quiver of her muscles closing around him and the look in her eyes.

    The look was for him and him alone. It told him that she wanted him and he was the person that she needed to give this to her. They connected physical and mentally. It was supposed to be a bond that would last.

    That night was the first of many like it when Lex got to have all of Chloe. For once in his life his patience paid off.


    Metropolis Present

    Lex was a grown man and wasn’t intimidated by people. He actually prided himself on being the one that intimidated people by simply walking into a room. At the moment, standing outside of Chloe’s door, he was intimidated by six year old girl.

    Emma Moria Sullivan Kaplan had him in knots since Chloe invited him to dinner.

    His arm extended and Lex was knocking on the door. At least this was better then him sitting in his car for the better part of the hour making a fool of himself. It was so hard to take that this was happening but it was what he wanted.

    If his plans to be in Chloe’s life were to proceed then he had to do this now. He resolved himself on that thought when Chloe was opening the door.

    “I’m glad you made it.” She answered smiling at him. When they were on the phone she laughed at him and she seemed to still be laughing.

    “Can you come in the hall for a second?” Lex needed to get something straight before he went into the apartment again. He waited for her to step out and close the door before going on. “I want this to work.”

    “I know you do. I want it to work out too.” She replied.

    “I don’t want you to think I would do anything to hurt Emma.” He went on and she nodded. “But I have no idea how to treat her.”

    “Lex…” She started then sighed and reached her hand out to touch his arm. “She’s a little girl and not what your used to dealing with but I promise, if your this worried, I’m sure you will do fine. Just don’t curse in front of her and listen to her when she speaks sometimes she talks fast.”

    He took in the notes as she went on with a list of things he could and couldn’t do. This was what he needed, some help on how to deal with her. It was hard to hear because his body wanted to focus on her hand touching him. He wanted to grab it and toss it away so he could listen better.

    “Okay I got it. I’m ready to go in now.” He answered once she was done.

    Her hand pulled away and she shook her head yes. Before she opened the door she noticed what he was carrying. “What do you have there?”

    “It’s a Pinot Noir and I assumed that kids like sweets so there’s cheesecake in the box.” He answered holding up each item as he spoke of them.

    “You didn’t have to do that.” She told him as she moved to open the door then paused to look back at him. “Don’t bring up my husband. If she mentions him its ok but don’t ask about him in front her please.”

    He didn’t know why she said that but Lex would ask later. Troy’s death had after shocks that he may never fully understand. All the instructions out of the way they both walked into the place. It was just as he remembered, warm and inviting.

    When she opened the door Lex was already thrown into what he was afraid of. Once Chloe cleared the entry way of the room Emma was standing right there. Her little arms were folded over her chest. It was a little scary but the pose and look in her eyes was like Chloe but something was different.

    Now that he had the chance to look at her more closely he could see that Emma wasn’t all Chloe. Her hair, the intense stare was all Chloe but there was someone else in her face. The curves of her face, the way her hands fisted and the shape of her eyes were Troy.

    It bore into him that Lex had truly lost so much when Chloe left him. The fantasy he had of the way his life could have been played out inside him. Instead of coming home to an angry child she might be a loving one running into his arms. Lex wasn’t Chloe’s husband, Emma wasn’t his daughter and looking at Emma now he wanted it to be true.

    “You’re late.” Her tiny voice was stern.

    “Emma…” Chloe started to scold her but Lex interrupted.

    “Its okay Chloe.” He looked down to the girl to reply. “I’m sorry that I’m late.”

    “You and mommy were late tonight.” She looking him over then went about questioning him again. “What do you have in the box?”

    It was just like Chloe in the hall only this time it felt like an interrogation. “It’s a cherry cheesecake.”

    After he answered the strangest thing happened. Her mouth opened then, suddenly, she started to giggle. A weary smile formed on his face, Lex wasn’t really sure how to respond and then she answered.

    “Mommy got the same thing already.” She answered him.

    It still wasn’t clear to him why she was giggling but Lex keep up his smile until Chloe stepped in.

    “Alright, back to the dinner table.” Chloe announced reaching for the items Lex had brought with him. They both followed behind Emma leading the way back to the dinner table.

    Gabe Sullivan was seated staring right at Lex as he moved to find where to sit. “Looks like the Luthors think they can show up whenever they want to.” He started.

    “Dad.” Chloe grumbled giving her father a pointed look.

    Emma placed herself down in a seat that had a piece of the cake they spoke of earlier in front of it. “Grandpa, I made him say sorry.” The little girl looked to Lex and nodded.

    “Yes, I’m sorry for my tardiness.” Lex repeated the apology hoping it was would be the last reminder of him hiding out in his car instead of facing things like a grown man.

    “Okay that’s enough talk about that.” Chloe helped Emma push her chair in and she went right into eating what was left of the cake. “Lex brought us a nice bottle of wine dad.”

    “I don’t drink wine.” He replied.

    Chloe scoffed at him. “That’s a first.” She spoke taking the bottle away for the dining room table. “I’ll be right back play nice.”

    She disappeared into the kitchen and Lex was left alone with a clearly angry father and a grinning little girl. He wasn’t sure what to do until he was told what to do.

    “Are you going to sit down?” Gabe was still staring him down.

    Lex surveyed the area and he noticed there was a setting that was empty and had to be his. It made him feel like a fool all over again for almost not making good on his word to come to dinner. Instead of dwelling on his near failure he took his seat.

    “Go on, serve yourself.” The tone of Gabe’s voice was starting to get to him. When he was with Chloe he treated the man with nothing but respect.

    He valued the time they shared considering his own father wasn’t very nurturing the way Gabe was. It made sense that he might question Lex’s motives for coming back into Chloe’s life but his hostility after nothing but kindness was harsh.

    “Thank you.” Lex tried to be as polite as possible taking a sample of what was in front of him. He had to admit he was hungry. A very small part of his reason for getting out of the car was to eat something.

    “You should have more salad.” Emma stopped drinking from her cup of juice to instruct Lex on how to eat. “Mommy would want you to eat more if you want cake.”

    “Very good advice.” Lex spoke then took more of the fresh greens. While he was doing this Emma was grinning ear to ear. He wished making other people happy was this easy.

    But this wasn’t going to be easy. At least he had two people in the room inviting him in while the third was another story.

    “Sorry it took so long.” Chloe announced herself as she walked out of the kitchen. In her hands were three wine glasses and the bottle Lex had brought freshly corked. She took her seat near Emma which happened to be next to him. “I see you have helped yourself.”

    “Your father said I should.” Lex looked at her as she was taking care of everyone.

    After passing out the glasses half filled with wine she handed the dressing for the salad over to Lex and finally her attention went to Emma. The cup she was drinking out of was close to the edge of the table and she pushed it back up he assumed for fear of making it fall.

    This wasn’t the Chloe he knew. He was used to seeing her most comfortable behind a computer writing pieces that many reporters dream of but right now she seemed just at ease. This was a new side of her that he was getting to see.

    “Is everything alright Lex.?” Chloe caught his attention. It appeared he was staring and didn’t know it.

    “Yes everything is fine. The food looks great.” He replied taking his first bite.

    “I hope it’s up to your high standards.” Gabe grunted.

    “Dad.” Chloe spoke through her teeth as if she was hiding what she was saying.

    “It’s actually very good.” Lex eyed the man and tried to think of something to make this easier. This was going to happen with or without his approval but he would prefer with it.

    “Lex, why don’t you tell dad a little about the new addition to the Sharks.” Chloe sipped her wine as she changed the subject. Gabe’s eyebrow arched at the hint. Lex wanted to question how she knew this information in the first place but this was Chloe Sullivan.

    “Sharks have big teeth.” Emma spoke up before Lex could then she opened her mouth only to quickly snap it shut again. “I’ve seen them in the big fish tank do that.”

    “Not those kinds of sharks Kitty Cat. The football sharks.” Chloe corrected her. The name she used meant something Lex didn’t understand. “You know how much grandpa loves football.” The little girl nodded.

    Lex started to praise the new defensive head coach that he had hired for the Sharks. It was true the team hadn’t seen a play off game in years but much of that was going to change now. “I hope you find him to your liking.” Lex finished and Gabe started to laugh.

    Somehow the tension was broken and the man didn’t make another snide remark the rest of the night. Chloe found a way to make peace between them. Lex wished she could heal what was happening with them just as easily.

    “We shall see.” Gabe ended with another chuckle.

    Emma was smiling as well although Lex wasn’t sure she understood the joke. “I’m ready for the movie.” Emma spoke up.

    “I know how excited you are but you still need to get ready for bed first.” Chloe didn’t finish her wine or the cake in front of her. All of her attention went to the smallest person in the room. “I trust that the two of you well be alright while we go and freshen up.”

    “We have more to talk about then just the defense line.” Gabe answered.

    “Alright I’ll leave you to it.” Chloe looked to him with a grin and it was reassuring that this was going be okay.

    “Play nice.” Emma said as they walked out. The ladies of the house stepped away from the dinning table and disappeared into the rooms in the back of the apartment.

    While they were away Lex was able to get some much need nourishment in while he listened to Gabe’s suggestion for the Sharks. Some of them were actually good and he made sure to make a mental note.

    It wasn’t long before his leafy greens and pasta where gone. Gabe had also drunk a glass of the wine he didn’t want in the first place. Chloe had come back with Emma just as Gabe was complaining about the last game.

    “Dad can you take Emma in and start the movie?” Chloe announced to her father with Emma in toe still grinning.

    Gabe’s eyes slant as if he knew something was a miss. She was upset or worse something had happened while she changed Emma into her pale blue pajama pants suit and a pair of fuzzy slippers.

    “Sure.” He spoke with a little uncertainty. As he cleared his side of the table Gabe reached his arms out for Emma. The girl, bubbling with laughter, leaped up to him. Lex started to wonder would she ever be that happy to see him as he moved closer to Chloe.

    Once they were clear of the room Chloe moved toward the messy table. “I thought you would rather help me start the dish washer instead of seeing the start of movie about a cartoon horse making his way across the American Frontier.”

    It all made sense very quickly that she was saving him. Lex had never seen an animated film, not even the artsy ones. Cartoonists only appealed to him in the form of his immaculate comic book collection. Any dealings other wise were just business.

    This wasn’t business this was Chloe and that meant it was very personal. At some point he would have enjoyed the occasional cartoon movie. “I don’t mind watching the movie.”

    This night was full of laughs and most of them were because of him. Chloe chuckled lightly picking up her wine for a sip while eyeing him on the glass. “You don’t have to do everything in one night.” She answered him. “There will be other dinners.”

    “Then dishes it is.” Lex started the task of cleaning. What she said was very encouraging and made him work extra hard.

    “I wonder what your maids would say if they saw you now.” She smiled to herself knowing full well Lex hadn’t washed a dish in years.

    There was no witty comeback he could think of but he knew what they would say. “They would laugh their…” He paused to whisper the rest remembering the rules from before. “…asses off.” His answer was replied with laughter. It sounded so much like Emma from earlier that night.

    Once Chloe had calmed herself Lex tried to change the subject. “If we are off the subject of my lack of domestic skills can we talk about something else?”

    “Yes.” She answered firmly making her way into the kitchen with an arm full of dishes.

    At the change of the subject there was a long pause. They worked on the dishes not really saying much for a moment. Last time seemed alright. It wasn’t easy by any means but she wasn’t this quiet. In all his time knowing her Chloe was never silent unless something was wrong.

    When he was at breaking point of not taking it anymore Chloe spoke up. “This is strange?”

    It was a relief that she spoke but not what she said. As he searched for the words there was nothing but the truth. “I have to agree with you.”

    She reached for the glass of wine that she didn’t finish and brought into the kitchen. After taking a long sip she asked the dreaded question. “Will this ever feel right?”

    Lex stopped what he was doing, rinsing the sauce pot in his hands, to look at her. This was going work. It had to. “We just need to be patient.”

    She nodded once then let her eyes stay on him before moving back to the dish washer. “Alright wiseguy you say something.” Just when he thought he was losing her the bite in her came out.

    Moving back to the work in front of him Lex had a new plan starting to stir. “A movie about a horse?” Lex started. “Emma likes horses?”

    “Yes.” Chloe let out big sigh after her reply. “She thinks one day I will surprise her with a pony.”

    “Maybe you can surprise her.” Lex waited for her to put it together and it didn’t take long.

    Placing the last dish in the washer Chloe closed it then looked to him. “Are you inviting us to the manor?”

    “I don’t ride nearly as much as I would like to. It would be a good excuse to take a weekend and go.”

    “She would fall in love with you.” Chloe’s eyes started to grow bigger at the thought of what he was proposing. “I’ll call Miss March with my schedule and we can set it up.”

    “Good.” He breathed out a sigh of relief. It seemed like she was going to say no. “I’ll call you with finalized plans.”

    “Good.” She repeated after him.

    Some sort of normalcy started to set in. The dishes were done and they went to watch the movie. Chloe was right, it wasn’t something he wanted to watch but he didn’t have to watch it long.

    Nearly thirty minutes after they walked into the room Emma and Gabe both fell asleep. Chloe took the seat next to Emma on the sofa and she curled herself into a ball next to her mother. Chloe’s hand causally stroked her blonde locks back until she was asleep.

    Lex thought he would get caught staring again but Chloe didn’t notice. The pale light from the TV was masking her face but he could still see her.

    “I think I should put her down.” Chloe whispered over to him.

    He jumped up from his seat. “Do you need help?”

    She waved her hand at him and nudged him away. “No, I can carry her just turn off the DVD it will wake my dad right up.”

    Doing as he was told Gabe woke up the instant he stopped the movie. “Did I miss it? Is it over? Did the horse fall in love?” Once he was up the questions came.

    Lex explained that Emma had fallen asleep and Chloe was putting her down. She quickly returned and Gabe said his good byes. He watched the hug then they exchanged I love yous. Gabe was living in Metropolis again and it wouldn’t take long for him to get home.

    “So that was painless right?” Chloe asked him returning from the door to flop on to the couch.

    “Yes, six year olds are not as scary as I thought they were.”

    She chuckled at his answer and something hit him hard. There was really no one in his life he felt so at ease with. A few moments into the movie Lex had kicked off his shoes. His mind was allowed to wonder about things that didn’t have to deal with work.

    The relaxing feeling was one of the many reasons he wanted Chloe back into his life. When he was with her she brought out a side of him that he had forgotten existed.

    “Chloe…” Lex swallowed over the word and didn’t want to say what he was thinking. She turned to look right at him. It was the softness in her green eyes that was making him lose control and stop his words. “I missed you.”

    Lex sat there and waited for her to ask him to leave. He waited for her to tell him that she didn’t miss him at all. Their time apart was just what she needed. If her husband was alive he wouldn’t be here right now and they would never be friends.

    Like so many times before Chloe surprised him. She moved closer to him and her hand moved to rest on his sitting on the arm of the chair. “I missed you too.” She finished with a small smile which Lex happily returned.

    It paid to be patience.

    Chapter 9 Should Have Been (Chloe POV)

  6. #66
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 8 3/16/08

    This is a great story!

    I really enjoy seeing how Chloe and Lex got together, how they fell apart and how they’re putting things back together once more.

    I loved your Lois and Clark. They were very supportive and concerned for Chloe with out going to far in the lecturing direction. I especially like that you had Clark see what a mistake he made all those years ago.

    Emma’s adorable and I love seeing her react to Lex and him learning how to deal with her. The trip to the manor seems like an fantastic idea and I was so glad to see Chloe going along with it. She’s right; Emma will definitely fall in love with him once she sees that he has horses. lolol

    I also think that you’re doing an amazing job of telling the story in two time periods. The way that you give us a piece of the past and a part of the future does a wonderful job of explaining both the past and current relationships while letting them both unfold in a very organized an organic manner.

    Excellent chapter and I look forward to the next.


  7. #67
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 8 3/16/08

    Letia, this was a great update. Love the flashbacks & just how Lex is trying to have a relationship with Emma. Also love that Gabe is giving him no breaks. This is my favorite fic of yours. Excellent job.

  8. #68
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 8 3/16/08

    Great update. I love how Lex is slowly trying to win Chloe over. I can't wait until the next part.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #69
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    27 Apr 2006

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 8 3/16/08

    I was ecstatic to see that you updated again, Letia. I was really missing this fic, and I wanted to see how it was going to progress.

    How he had gotten to this point may have been misunderstood to the untrained eye but he knew what had happened to him. Chloe had taken over for the past few months. Going into the summer their friendship was solid. She trusted him and opened up more than he thought for them both. Getting away from it all let their friendship move into something he could only describe as wonderful.
    it was lovely seeing the high level of admiration and regard that Lex had for Chloe, even during the beginning stages of their relationship. LOL! Of course we know it grew into a huge obsession later, but it’s good to see how it started too.

    Once the guilty verdict was read Chloe’s body relaxed and it was over. The press behind them started to roar. The judge had to hit his gavel four times before they stopped. At the moment Lex was finally free of his father but he couldn’t care to think of what that meant.

    The thing keeping his attention was Chloe looking at him. A small smile formed on her face as she moved passed him to leave the court room. He wanted to reach for her then pull her into his arms but couldn’t.
    That was quite an exciting moment… seeing how tense everyone was in the moments before the verdict, and then seeing the immense relief that passed over Chloe and Lex when they realized that they had won. It was lovely seeing how, at this moment of supreme triumph, Lex’s eyes were only on Chloe, for Chloe.

    Getting himself under control Lex answered her. “I was thinking of you.” He pulled her hands away from his eyes then turned to look at her. “Wait you’re not Lana.”

    A frown formed on her face and her eyes fixed on him. “If its Lana you want then I’ll leave.” She turned on her heels and started walking out.

    It was meant to be a joke. He had to jump up from his seat to grab her as she was just at the door. “It was a joke.” When she turned around to look him, her arms were folded across her body and she looked at him with such distain.
    ROTFLMAO! Oh, the dunce. After all his suave, sophisticated experience with seducing women, and he still makes a dumb mistake like this one, ROTFL! It’s actually rather fun and funny seeing Lex making such a klutzy, rookie move. Good thing Chloe didn’t hold it against him, and was actually amused by his clumsiness.

    For weeks this was how it was. They enjoyed each others company. The chemistry was hot and heavy, and then she would stop him. The last time Lex thought he might explode from having to wait.

    It wasn’t that she didn’t want to because he could feel she did. He felt it clearly the last time they were together and his hands made it to her panties. They were moist and warm but she made him stop. Instead of him letting him please her she pulled away claiming she wasn’t ready.

    Sex wasn’t something Lex had to wait for. The way he felt about Chloe was something he wanted more than with any of the women he had been with in the past but she wasn’t ready and he didn’t know why.
    I loved reading about Lex being pushed to the limits of sexual frustration, but still showing such gentle, tolerant patience when it comes to respecting Chloe’s boundaries… even if he doesn’t understand the needs for those boundaries in the first place. Lovely!

    It was finally clear that Lex wasn’t the only one thinking about sex. Chloe was actually holding back for a reason that made little sense. This had everything to do with her and nothing to do with Clark. After years of things that didn’t mean anything to him he had something that meant everything. There was no way he would let getting the truth about Clark keep him from being with her.

    “This has nothing to do with Clark.” Lex placed his glass down then took hers as well. “This is about me falling in love with you.” It came out so naturally that it scared Lex a little.
    ah hah! So now it’s become clear about why Chloe is holding herself back from following her passions. She’s a very smart girl, but she tends to allow herself to be swept away by her emotions, so it was a little puzzling about why she was hesitating with Lex. Now both Lex and the readers have the answer to the mystery.

    Her hand moved over her mouth as she took in what he said. It was the first time Lex was saying it aloud. Chloe had told him the night before the trial that she was falling in love with him.

    They were lying in bed together in her hotel room. She asked him to stay the night and he was happy to do it. Her head was resting against his chest and his arms were wrapped around her. When she said it the wind was knocked out of him and he didn’t answer her.

    Lex simply brushed back her hair and held her until she went to sleep. His lack of response must be why she was saying this now.
    *disdainful snort* The dunce! LOL! Lex has truly lost all his suave charm in dealing with women when it comes to Chloe, rotfl! He forgot the basic rule… if a girl tells you that she loves you, it’s at least polite to give some kind of verbal reply back, unless you want her silently freaking out. It seems like poor Chloe has been quietly imagining the worst ever since the night she confessed her feelings to Lex.

    “Yes.” She answered then placed her glass down again. “Everyone wants something from me but they never want me. They never want me just for me and now I know you do so I don’t have to be afraid of letting go anymore.”

    It was true and it hurt to think of how her life was. Clark always wanted something. Lana always needed some sort of help. But in the end her so called friends didn’t take the time to see her. That year Lex was allowed that.

    He could see her passion for investigation, he was able to learn how she liked her eggs in the morning and he even knew the small murmurs she made sometimes in her sleep. All that time was building up to this moment in the study of all places.
    Poor Chloe. I can understand VERY easily why she would have imagined a worst-case scenario when Lex didn’t reply to her declaration of love. The poor girl has years of bad experience of being used and rejected by everyone who claimed to care for her.

    It was wonderful to see that she has finally realized that Lex actually cares about Chloe Sullivan. She’s finally someone to love to love her for her rather than what she can do.

    She moved in front of him making him open his legs so she could stand in between them. She was still wearing the dark suit she had on in court that morning. Her hands moved for the two buttons holding the jacket closed and once it was discarded on the floor the lime green blouse she was wearing was pulled over her head.

    Lex just took in the show until she was down to her bra and panties then his mind started to move forward. The pale pink set covering her skin wasn’t the most expensive or elegant thing he had seen. It was simple but doing everything right for her body. She didn’t need to wear some fancy undergarments to make him want her.
    LOL! I enjoyed how Lex was actually frozen in joy and disbelief (and perhaps a little fear) at how their relationship was finally about to take the next step. And I loved how Chloe took charge of the situation, being the dominant one at the start of the seductive process to the first time they were having sex.

    When Lex reached for her he lead her down into his lap. She straddled him on the sofa, nearly naked; he could feel his arousal growing as she leaned down to kiss him. From that point it was a blur of Chloe’s skin close to his, her moaning even screaming his name but the one thing he did remember clearly was her coming. The choked cry that escaped her lips, the quiver of her muscles closing around him and the look in her eyes.

    The look was for him and him alone. It told him that she wanted him and he was the person that she needed to give this to her. They connected physical and mentally. It was supposed to be a bond that would last.

    That night was the first of many like it when Lex got to have all of Chloe. For once in his life his patience paid off.
    Beautiful, and HOT!! It was lovely seeing how Lex felt so awed and delighted for being able to touch Chloe this way. He was actually grateful for her trust, and the way that she gave her whole self to him without holding back. I guess it was a good thing that Chloe held off from sex for so long, because I think it made Lex all the more appreciative of the gift she was giving him right now.

    Heh, AND I can see it was a perfect lesson to teach a Luthor something about exercising patience… even when confronted with something they want really, REALLY badly, LOL!

    Lex was a grown man and wasn’t intimidated by people. He actually prided himself on being the one that intimidated people by simply walking into a room. At the moment, standing outside of Chloe’s door, he was intimidated by six year old girl.

    Emma Moria Sullivan Kaplan had him in knots since Chloe invited him to dinner.
    ROTFLMAO! I was in hysterics imagining Lex trembling at the thought of confronting a six year old. But it IS something that is far out of the range of his experience, and it’s VERY important for him to try and win over this little girl without using any of his usual tricks of blackmail, intimidation or emotional manipulation. Hmmm, perhaps bribery will work? … LOL! nope! Because then her mother would be livid. ROTFL! I guess Lex is stuck trying to improvise without using his usual repertoire for winning people over.

    “I don’t want you to think I would do anything to hurt Emma.” He went on and she nodded. “But I have no idea how to treat her.”

    “Lex…” She started then sighed and reached her hand out to touch his arm. “She’s a little girl and not what your used to dealing with but I promise, if your this worried, I’m sure you will do fine. Just don’t curse in front of her and listen to her when she speaks sometimes she talks fast.”

    He took in the notes as she went on with a list of things he could and couldn’t do. This was what he needed, some help on how to deal with her. It was hard to hear because his body wanted to focus on her hand touching him. He wanted to grab it and toss it away so he could listen better.
    ROTFLMAO! Oh I loved this part. I really appreciated that Lex was so anxiety-ridden and discomfited that he actually confided his fears (of a six year old) to Chloe. But it turns out it was a good thing he told her he was nervous because she gave him some good tips and rules to work with. Granted, most of this tips were obvious common sense, but it was probably a good way for Lex to ground himself and gain some perspective.

    ROTFL! Well, some amount of perspective… I thought it was hilarious that, the whole time Chloe was giving him these much needed rules, Lex had to FIGHT off the distraction that her touch and presence inspired and struggle to pay attention. ROTFL! I love seeing Lex Luthor struggling out of his depth. It’s always very satisfying fun!

    He didn’t know why she said that but Lex would ask later. Troy’s death had after shocks that he may never fully understand. All the instructions out of the way they both walked into the place. It was just as he remembered, warm and inviting.
    hmmm, it would be interesting to see Emma and Lex, at some point, being forced to discuss her daddy. Especially if the subject is brought up while Emma is being belligerent about Lex trying to replace her daddy *evil smile* LOL!

    Now that he had the chance to look at her more closely he could see that Emma wasn’t all Chloe. Her hair, the intense stare was all Chloe but there was someone else in her face. The curves of her face, the way her hands fisted and the shape of her eyes were Troy.

    It bore into him that Lex had truly lost so much when Chloe left him. The fantasy he had of the way his life could have been played out inside him. Instead of coming home to an angry child she might be a loving one running into his arms. Lex wasn’t Chloe’s husband, Emma wasn’t his daughter and looking at Emma now he wanted it to be true.
    This part struck me straight through the heart! It was tragic feeling Lex’s visceral grief over what could have been alongside him. It was very cleverly done, Letia… having Lex first noting all the ways that Emma took after another man as well as Chloe when he started wondering about how Emma would have looked with HIS OWN features imprinted on her sweet, intelligent little face rather than Troy’s. It was just tragic seeing Lex nearly reeling with grief as he suddenly saw how Emma could have been HIS family and his beloved daughter.

    This also struck me as the first moment when Lex starts appreciating Emma as her own person as well as an extension of Chloe. Acknowledging the bits of Troy in her is a good first step for Lex to see Chloe as a separate entity from Chloe, and it’s a good starting point for him to slowly start falling in love with this child (eventually).

    “Its okay Chloe.” He looked down to the girl to reply. “I’m sorry that I’m late.”

    “You and mommy were late tonight.” She looking him over then went about questioning him again. “What do you have in the box?”

    It was just like Chloe in the hall only this time it felt like an interrogation. “It’s a cherry cheesecake.”

    After he answered the strangest thing happened. Her mouth opened then, suddenly, she started to giggle. A weary smile formed on his face, Lex wasn’t really sure how to respond and then she answered.

    “Mommy got the same thing already.” She answered him.

    It still wasn’t clear to him why she was giggling but Lex keep up his smile until Chloe stepped in.

    ROTFLMAO! This was a hilarious part. I loved, LOVED seeing Lex being dressed down, lectured and interrogated by a brash little kid. It was SO much fun seeing Lex completely out of his element, and just sticking with a dumb, uncomprehending smile as a tiny six year old laughed at him. Poor Lex! Emma is going to be running circles around him. And this was actually an easy meeting… what’s going to happen when Emma gets upset and makes Lex the target of a temper tantrum? LOL! I can’t wait to see that!

    Gabe Sullivan was seated staring right at Lex as he moved to find where to sit. “Looks like the Luthors think they can show up whenever they want to.” He started.

    “Dad.” Chloe grumbled giving her father a pointed look.

    Emma placed herself down in a seat that had a piece of the cake they spoke of earlier in front of it. “Grandpa, I made him say sorry.” The little girl looked to Lex and nodded.

    “Yes, I’m sorry for my tardiness.” Lex repeated the apology hoping it was would be the last reminder of him hiding out in his car instead of facing things like a grown man.
    ROTFL! It seems like the while family is ganging up on poor Lex. But it serves him right… it WAS ridiculous for such a powerful, intelligent, sophisticated man to be hiding in the car because he was afraid to face his ex-lover and her six year old daughter over a dinner table.

    “Go on, serve yourself.” The tone of Gabe’s voice was starting to get to him. When he was with Chloe he treated the man with nothing but respect.

    He valued the time they shared considering his own father wasn’t very nurturing the way Gabe was. It made sense that he might question Lex’s motives for coming back into Chloe’s life but his hostility after nothing but kindness was harsh.
    You really can’t blame Gabe for bristling with protectiveness over Lex’s intentions for his only child (and grandchild). Gabe probably has a pretty good idea that Lex is trying to manipulate Chloe somehow or another, and he’s on-guard for any tricks tonight. But I still feel sorry for Lex (manipulative bastard that he is) because he’s actually hurt by Gabe’s suspicious, harsh, hostile attitude. Heh, it seems like Emma and Chloe are not the only members of the family that Lex has to work on winning over.

    “You should have more salad.” Emma stopped drinking from her cup of juice to instruct Lex on how to eat. “Mommy would want you to eat more if you want cake.”
    ROTFLMAO! Oh Emma is just precious!!! I love the way she’s bullying Lex, ROTFL!

    “Very good advice.” Lex spoke then took more of the fresh greens. While he was doing this Emma was grinning ear to ear. He wished making other people happy was this easy.
    LOL! I don’t think you’d want to apply this method of making everyone happy to other people, Lex! It seems like Emma is happiest when she’s bullying you like her personal doormat, LOL!

    After passing out the glasses half filled with wine she handed the dressing for the salad over to Lex and finally her attention went to Emma. The cup she was drinking out of was close to the edge of the table and she pushed it back up he assumed for fear of making it fall.

    This wasn’t the Chloe he knew. He was used to seeing her most comfortable behind a computer writing pieces that many reporters dream of but right now she seemed just at ease. This was a new side of her that he was getting to see.

    “Is everything alright Lex.?” Chloe caught his attention. It appeared he was staring and didn’t know it.
    heh, Lex is not very taken with Emma just yet, but he’s absolutely entranced with seeing in these intimate settings being a ‘mother’. LOL! As if he needed yet another facet of her personality to fall in love with. I’m having a great time seeing him mesmerized by this new side of her.

    “Lex, why don’t you tell dad a little about the new addition to the Sharks.” Chloe sipped her wine as she changed the subject. Gabe’s eyebrow arched at the hint. Lex wanted to question how she knew this information in the first place but this was Chloe Sullivan.

    “Sharks have big teeth.” Emma spoke up before Lex could then she opened her mouth only to quickly snap it shut again. “I’ve seen them in the big fish tank do that.”
    ROTFLMAO! Oh this girl is TOO adorable for words! I’m getting the feeling that, right now, Lex has reconciled himself to the notion that he’s going to have to tolerate her if he wants CHloe in his life. But this girl she’s going to be creeping in under Lex’s skin and having him fall madly in love with her before he realizes what’s happening. ROTFL! I can’t wait to see Lex’s bemused horror as he realizes how he’s been swept away by mini-Sullivan.

    Gabe’s eyes slant as if he knew something was a miss. She was upset or worse something had happened while she changed Emma into her pale blue pajama pants suit and a pair of fuzzy slippers.
    oooh, mysterious… I wonder what happened.

    “Then dishes it is.” Lex started the task of cleaning. What she said was very encouraging and made him work extra hard.

    “I wonder what your maids would say if they saw you now.” She smiled to herself knowing full well Lex hadn’t washed a dish in years.
    LOL! oh Lex is really gone on Chloe, smitten beyond hope! The great scion of the Luthor Empire… washing dinner dishes, to win the favour of his lady. What a delicious thing to see, ROTFL!

    She reached for the glass of wine that she didn’t finish and brought into the kitchen. After taking a long sip she asked the dreaded question. “Will this ever feel right?”

    Lex stopped what he was doing, rinsing the sauce pot in his hands, to look at her. This was going work. It had to. “We just need to be patient.”
    Heh, patience worked for Lex before. I can see that it’s going to work again. Unless Chloe somehow sees through the careful, slow plotting he’s been weaving around her. It was really sweet hearing the hopeful, nostalgic, wistful note in both of their voices as they talked about [‘eventually’ things will get more comfortable between them.

    “I don’t ride nearly as much as I would like to. It would be a good excuse to take a weekend and go.”

    “She would fall in love with you.” Chloe’s eyes started to grow bigger at the thought of what he was proposing. “I’ll call Miss March with my schedule and we can set it up.”
    LOL! It seems like Lex is going to be allowed some leeway when he comes to bribing Emma into liking him, ROTFL!

    Nearly thirty minutes after they walked into the room Emma and Gabe both fell asleep. Chloe took the seat next to Emma on the sofa and she curled herself into a ball next to her mother. Chloe’s hand causally stroked her blonde locks back until she was asleep.

    Lex thought he would get caught staring again but Chloe didn’t notice. The pale light from the TV was masking her face but he could still see her.
    I’m seriously loving how Lex is fascinated and mesmerized seeing Chloe in her ‘mother mode’. You can practically see the vivid pictures in his head which involve Chloe pregnant with HIS babies, LOL!

    “Chloe…” Lex swallowed over the word and didn’t want to say what he was thinking. She turned to look right at him. It was the softness in her green eyes that was making him lose control and stop his words. “I missed you.”

    Lex sat there and waited for her to ask him to leave. He waited for her to tell him that she didn’t miss him at all. Their time apart was just what she needed. If her husband was alive he wouldn’t be here right now and they would never be friends.

    Like so many times before Chloe surprised him. She moved closer to him and her hand moved to rest on his sitting on the arm of the chair. “I missed you too.” She finished with a small smile which Lex happily returned.

    It paid to be patience.
    Heh, it seems like Lex has made significant progress this evening in wooing Chloe back into a relationship. It’s really fun seeing how Chloe is completely oblivious to Lex’s plans for anything more than friendship between the two of them, while HE’S doing everything he can to hide his lust, distraction and true intentions. At this rate, he’ll probably be able to win over Chloe and Emma into his life the way he wants, and probably have them believe it was THEIR idea. Sneaky! LOL! Love it!

    I’m really happy that you’ve started updating again, Letia. I really missed your writing, and it was fantastic coming back to the world of Lex wooing Chloe+daughter. It’s getting really exciting now that Emma has been thrown as an active player into the mix, and I look forward to seeing more interaction between all three of them.

    Please update again soon. Good luck and best regards.

  10. #70
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    09 Apr 2007

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 8 3/16/08

    Great chapter. I'm so happy Chloe and Lex are slowly coming together. I can't believe the big scary Luthor wasafraid of a little girl, its makes Lex adorable.. Please write more soon!

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