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Thread: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17)

  1. #71
    NS Full Member gecko's Avatar
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    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    amazing chap, even though they didn't have sex all the lead up and chloe's statements to lex whilst she undressed was amazing and then with lex sneaking up to her in the end, what a great lead up for the next chap. can't wait to read more, keep up the amazing work!

  2. #72
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    Perhaps it was best to enjoy the ride. Especially when it was so...

    "Oh, my God..."

    Of course. She might have known he'd know just what to do. Maybe she should be glad he'd probably had more women than she had shoes. It had taught him this. This being the kind of mouth and tongue action that put every experience she'd had, alone or accompanied, to shame. And why shouldn't she enjoy it?
    YAY! New chapter! I am so pleased to see this fic has been resumed after its little break. I loved how the new chapter started with Chloe’s mind whirling and chaotic. The way her mind kept jumping back and forth between finding the strength to push Lex away, and trying to justify just laying back and ‘enjoying’ herself, ignoring who was giving her all this unbelievable pleasure. Heh, and she even spared a backhand compliment to Lex about how all his days of being a man-sl*t has come in useful for SOMETHING, LOL! She should have really said that out loud to him, LOL!

    She felt his hands grip her hip. She hissed slightly as one pressed on her recent bruise. He only dug in harder. She looked down. His eyes were boring into hers. She closed her eyes quickly, throwing her head back. It was a little too much and yet... Wasn't that half of why she was ready to come after only minutes? That it was him? Usually it took such a long time to relax enough, to let go enough to come. Here, there was no relaxation, only tension that coiled tighter and tighter inside her. And damned if she wasn't about to come this way, with every muscle clenched, every nerve screaming.

    Her hands flew outward, knocking one glass off with a crash and sending another skittering to the edge. Her head hit the table. It might have hurt if any of her blood flowed up north. But it all seemed to gather in the place he licked, sucked... even scraped with his teeth.
    Damn, that was unbelievably hot! I can see why she would find it relatively easy to shove aside the warnings that her mind was screaming at her. She’s NEVER had her body serviced this way, and all those years of too much attention to her intellect an neglect to her libido is finally catching up her her. Her body wants attention too, darnit!

    She heard his low chuckle as she came to. Light assaulted her eyes as the coat moved from her face. She watched with bleary eyes as he used it to wipe his face, grimacing once as he sniffed the alcohol she'd poured on it. "Nice touch," he said, smirking.

    "Back at you," she mumbled, wincing slightly when she realized she'd said it aloud. As if he needed to be more conceited.

    He chuckled again and she felt a hand pulling at her blouse, running up under it, fingers sliding over her skin. "I was wrong about you," he said, leaning over her as she lay boneless on the table. "I thought you were wound up too tight, like a little schoolmarm. Probably couldn't come at all. But it's not you, is it?" His lips glanced over her jaw before moving to her mouth. "Nobody's ever touched you right," he said against her mouth.
    I know that Lex is feeling mostly a smug and malicious kind of satisfaction over here (the b*stard!), but I ALSO think that he was genuinely impressed by the power and natural ferocity of Chloe’s orgasm. Or perhaps that’s just wishful thinking from me? Part of my hope that Chloe is going to set an impossible standard for Lex to find in ANY other woman after her? Also, hot, Hot, HOT!!!

    She found the wits to move one leg upward and plant her foot against his stomach. She pushed hard, sitting up as he stumbled backward. "Shut up," she growled. "I'm not an idiot, you know. I know exactly what this is. Same as your marriage to Lana." She pushed off the table. "You just want to play with Clark's things."
    Heh, no kidding! Talk about stating the obvious… Chloe would have been an idiotfor not realizing this (which she’s definitely not… hmm, but it only makes it all the more pathetic that Lana fell for this ploy so easily… Idiot girl!). Despite the obviousness of the statement, it was good to bring this out in the open to make it clear that there are no delusions happening here.

    "He's neither," she spat, pulling her blouse closed. "Unlike you, he's too good to use someone for..."

    "An orgasm?" Lex suggested, coming nearer again. "I guess he's unlike you, too. You hate me, Chloe. And yet you just came all over my face." He smiled, licking his lips. "Let's not pretend that was anything short of using. Half the reason you want to f*ck me right now is to punish Clark."

    She felt an angry flush creeping up her neck. "You're sick. And I'm not..."

    "Come on now, Chloe," he drawled. "I mean, aren't we at least past the idea that we aren't going to f*ck?" He reached for her blazer and she slapped at his hand. He grasped her hand, taking the other and bringing them behind her back. "You can worry about why you did it later. But I'll know that it's for every touch he never took, every time you put on one your low-cut tops and he didn't even..."
    Oooh, now THAT was quite an interesting statement from Chloe, and I can see there ‘might’ even have been some truth to this statement. Certainly Chloe has plenty of reason to feel resentment towards Clark for the way he keeps stringing her along, giving her just a ‘little’ bit of hope that she’s ‘something special’ to him, only to misuse and take her for granted, time and TIME again. Lex is quite a clever strategist for bringing in this very interesting tactic to use against Chloe, JUST as she was getting into her standard ‘Yay, Clark! Best guy in the whole world!’ spiel.

    "I wonder which name you'll scream when I'm inside you," he said, backing her towards the table again. "It would be flattering if it were mine, but I'm pretty sure you'll scream the same thing you do when you're alone, what you've probably almost screamed when you were with Olsen."
    It was pretty disturbing how Lex is playing that the two of them f*cking is a foregone decision now… As if telling Chloe that it’s a ‘done deal’ and she might as well accept the situation with as much grace and resignation as possible. Disturbing, but also HOT! I love seeing Lex when he’s being a Dark, Plotting, Manipulative Mastermind, LOL!

    She struggled between him and the table. Only the table moved backward, screeching toward the sideboard as his hips pushed into hers. Even as her mind protested the things he said... She didn't resent Clark. She wanted him to be happy. She did... her body strained toward him, starved all these years. Because he was right about one thing. She hadn't been f*cked. There had only been Jimmy. And he'd made love to her with worshipping, grateful eyes. Lex was as far from loving her as anyone could get. And here she was, straining toward him. Why? Because he'd f*ck her... and for no other reason than he wanted to.
    Interesting! Lex scored quite a hit on her. She’s honestly disconcerted and confused about whether he might be right in his cold, cruel assessment of her motivations. Fight back, Chloe! Hit him back where it hurts!!!

    "I bet you're used to it, then," she hissed. "I mean, you married Lana, even when you knew she still..."

    "Let's leave my ex out of this," he cut in, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Doesn't it f*cking piss you off, Chloe?" One hand moved from her wrist to her shoulder, pulling one side of the blazer down. "Wasting all this time on him. It should. He'll never see you for anything more than your mind." She shook as his hand cupped her breast. How could she really want this? Was he right? Did she want to punish Clark?
    Heeee Excellent! Chloe regaining her momentum, now striking back at Lex. I loved how she started on the right track to hurt him, only to have him try to divert her attention, LOL! It’s proof that she knows where it’s going to hurt him. Go in swinging, Chloe!

    Had Lana? On a subconscious level, it would explain why Lana would be with this man. If she were to be honest with herself, something she tried to do as often as possible, then she'd admit that... Well, she could screw the Metropolis Sharks, all of them, and Clark wouldn't blink. But this man... He'd do more than blink. This man was the enemy. He wasn't just Clark's enemy. He was her enemy. After all he'd done to her, how could he be anything but?
    Pffft! Well DUH! Of course Lana went after Lex with the sole purpose of hurting Clark (although I imagine all the power and money that went with being Mrs. Lana Luthor didn’t hurt the deal either). Lana broke up with Clark, and immediately went after the ONE person that she knew Clark would never be able to accept as a ‘replacement’ for himself. It was a cold-hearted, callous way of keeping Clark’s attention as well as hurting him.

    Hmmm, it’s going to be interesting to find out how Clark reacts when he finds out that Chloe f*cked Lex too. And I have no doubt that Lex is going to make SURE that Clark finds out.

    She swayed against him, not missing the satisfied smile that curled his lips. It was as if all of the romance novels she swore she didn't read were wrong. Maybe sex wasn't supposed to be a tender expression of deep feelings. She'd had tender sex and it had been... Well, it hadn't been this. This was far from tender and she was burning up at the thought of it.

    "Sick," she whispered aloud as his thumb rubbed over her bra and the thin material of her blouse. "You're sick," she said through clenched teeth, holding his heavy-lidded stare. I'm sick. I must be...

    "So you've said," he said, his fingers sliding to one of the buttons that still held on. "You and scores of therapists. But what about you, Chloe?" He deftly undid the button and her pulse raced.
    This part scared me a ‘little’ bit, because it seemed like Lex had succeeded in getting under Chloe’s skin, shaking her confidence in herself, and actually making her believe that she was no better than Lex Luthor. That he was sick, but she was also sick for allowing herself to be dragged down to his level. Heh, and he really wouldn’t have minded being called ‘sick’… in fact, he seemed to revel on how he was a social outcast by all standards, and he was feeling such glee at bringing Chloe down to see what it’s like at HIS level of being. He is a seriously scary guy! (but damn, he’s HOT!).

    Why couldn't he just stop f*cking talking? She needed to feel, not think, and he seemed intent on making this as hard as possible on her. Well, no more. If he wanted to play...

    "You just love to hear your own voice, don't you?" She pushed him back slightly, letting her fingers curl into his chest. "You seem so focused on whose name drops from my lips. Has that happened?" She smiled. "On those nights with Lana, did she slip? I mean, exactly how many times did that C sound come out, only to be stopped, changed to something else?"

    His eyes widened for a moment, before returning to that laziness that was more familiar. "This isn't about..."

    "Come on, Lex, you want to talk, we'll talk." She pushed him further and he moved this time. "But why don't we talk about you. I mean, you think you've figured out why I might do this, but what about you? Is it just the challenge of getting someone who hates you into bed? Or is it getting something Clark didn't?"

    "Don't you mean wouldn't?" he cut in.
    Squeeee Chloe was down for a moment, but she’s up and ready to fight as ferociously as only she is able. LOVED this part where she was regaining her momentum, and Lex immediately tried to cut her off and derail her… LOL, not that it worked, LOL! Prepare to lose, Lex!

    "Or is it deeper than that?" she went on, ignoring him. "Because you feel I, like every woman you've ever touched, would hate myself for allowing it. And you know that. That's what you get off on. You think what you've done with 33.1, with Ares, with so-called freaks, is excusable, noble even. But it's not. You want to subdue and lord over everyone. It's not about helping. Its about power. But here's the thing," She moved away, shrugging off her blazer and dropping it to the floor. "Whatever you've done to me, you haven't changed me. I've been threatened by you, but I don't cower. Because I know someday I'll bring you all the way down. Hell, I've just been touched by you and I'm not curled up in the fetal position crying with self-loathing." She laughed. "Because I needed to come and you... you're just a warm body. You really have no power over me. I could f*ck you eight ways to Sunday without shedding a tear."

    She undid the last button on her shirt and pushed it to her shoulders, letting it slide back the rest of the way down her arms and off her fingertips. His eyes followed it down, before moving up again, darting between her face and torso. "And maybe you're right," she said softly. "Maybe I do need a mindless f*ck and maybe you're just the one to give it to me. But I won't be grateful and I won't be sorry. Because you making me come..." She smiled. "You owe me that... and more. So that..." She nodded to the table. "That wasn't me surrendering to your power. That was you giving me something I'm owed. And we're not clear yet." Her hand moved to the side zip on her skirt. She pushed it down slightly and let it hang on her hips. He was still, silent, nearly expressionless. But his eyes, hard to read as they were, were running over her. "What's wrong? You all talk? Don't you want to come over here and pay me?" She tilted her head to the side and watched him, standing . He didn't move, didn't speak. She let out a low laugh. "Thought so."
    Oh my dear god in heaven! I am in absolute AWE of Chloe. I’m ready to fall to my knees and worship her as a deity! This was a brilliant turnaround, AmazingApe… and I can see why it might have taken a little bit of extra time to get this speech perfect. THIS was the moment where Chloe acclaimed her victory from the jaws of defeat. She pinpointed EXACTLY what Lex was after, and told him that nothing he does is going to give him what he wants from her… power and victory! Because he can nothing from Chloe that she’s not willing to give to him, and none of his trickery is going to manipulate Chloe into surrendering her sense of self-assurance to him, no matter how smooth he is. Beautifully written!

    She turned and moved toward the changing screen that served as a wall to her "room." She moved behind it and pulled her pyjamas from under her pillow. "That's the thing about you, Lex," she said through the screen. "Take away your power and you're just deflated. Poor little thing."

    She only heard one creak of the floorboard, really. He must be good, because the next thing she knew, there was a hand on her breast, another on her stomach and a hardness that poked the small of her back. "Deflated?"
    Heh, Chloe managed to score off quite a few points, and I think she even won over here, which was an amazing accomplishment considering how Lex had manipulated her into a situation where all the odds were stacked against her. But Lex is not going to stay ‘down’ for long (*groan* I know, I know… my punny bad! LOL)

    Heh, I can’t wait to see what kind of a move Lex is going to pull next… Now we’re going to get to the serious hate-smut. I can’t wait to see how it goes. Please update soon.

  3. #73

    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    so good story so far need to be updated soon!! smile

  4. #74

    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    update!! dying for smut hot stuff between Chlex

  5. #75
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    more please write more i can't wait for the next chapter. this story is so sexy i just love it.

  6. #76
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    Talking Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    It's like watching two trains heading for a collision and I can't wait till it happens. Fantastic chapter.

  7. #77
    NS Full Member pisquenta's Avatar
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    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    I want 3 updates a Steamy Chlex for Xmas this year, Santa

  8. #78
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    more please write more i can't wait for the next update.

  9. #79
    NS Full Member pisquenta's Avatar
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    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    Makes me so happy to have followed you all the way to Kryptonsite forums..because now I read the next chapter and I'm still horny

  10. #80
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
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    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...

    Re: Deep in the Bottle (NC-17) (part 6 up)

    Quote Originally Posted by pisquenta View Post
    Makes me so happy to have followed you all the way to Kryptonsite forums..because now I read the next chapter and I'm still horny

    hahah followed you to kryptonsite to read the next chappie too!

    its soo good.... pleeease amazingape post some more chapters here too!!!!
    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

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