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Thread: Dreaming the Wolf, R, 10-23-09, Chapter 23 and Epilogue

  1. #21
    Fishin' for brains Senior Member Avalanche's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    Disclaimer: see ch1

    A/N: So it looks like my writing is slowing down. The next update might take some time.

    A/N2: MWAHAHA! Teh Evol is MEEEE!

    Chapter 3- Baring of the Wolf

    “. . . there was about him a suggestion of lurking ferocity, as though the Wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept.”
    Jack London

    As Clark continued to talk to her, Lois marveled. She couldn’t believe how fast it took for Clark to lose interest in Chloe. “The boy had to have noticed something.” Lois could never understand what it was about Clark that inspired loyalty in her cousin. Of course people said that about herself in regards to Chloe, but that was only because she was abrasive and people never bothered to look any further. However, while she knew that she wasn’t an authority on Clark Kent, she honestly hadn’t seen any reason other than the fact that he was beyond pretty. And she had been trying. Lois loved Chloe. Chloe got her like no one else and that was why she was willing to moderate her naturally big mouth. Chloe’s regard, once earned, could never truly be lost unless that person was a complete and utter jackass.

    So as Clark talked about some issue or another, she watched as Chloe talked with Lana. “Chloe’s body language is hostile.” Lois might not have noticed a real change in Chloe’s body language as she was talking with her, but it was obvious as she spoke with Lana. It was even slightly apparent as she stood next to Clark. Chloe had leaned away from Clark. Chloe usually stood firmly in his personal bubble. Clark never minded because they were exceptionally close friends. Lana and Chloe’s conversation afforded her the ability to objectively look at Chloe.

    Lois took in Chloe’s stance. “It’s wide. To stabilize. Stabilize for what?” Chloe’s eyes seemed to dart over Lana’s body. “As if she’s looking for something.” Lois trailed her eyes over Lana in much the same path as Chloe’s. “What could she possibly be looking for?” If the gravity of the situation had been any less, Lois might’ve been tempted to make an internal comment on how Chloe could’ve been looking for a brain or even an errant thought in that vapid exterior. And then Lois saw Chloe’s eyes move to Lana’s. And something she thought she’d never see happened. Lana dropped her eyes for a split second. Lana’s head actually ducked and her eyes lowered. “What the hell?”

    But something else happened to trump even that and make Lois’ eyes widen and a gasp to almost slip from her lips. Chloe’s entire body posture changed. No longer was irritation and hostility evident in her frame. No longer did she seem like she wanted to be anywhere other than standing in front of Lana speaking with her. Chloe *relaxed*. It didn’t last for long. And then Lana’s and Chloe’s conversation apparently came to an end. Lois didn’t think that Chloe had even realized what was going on. She also didn’t think that Lana realized what had happened either.

    Lois was certain that Chloe was most likely too busy trying to seem as if nothing was wrong for her benefit. Lois watched Chloe leave the Talon. Her body language alert. “As if she’s anticipating an attack of any sort.” If Lois, for even a second, had thought about not uncovering what was going on with her cousin then what she had just witnessed steeled her resolve.

    “Lois? Earth to Lois.”

    Lois came back to the present when she heard Clark call her name in irritation and wave his hand in front of her face.

    “Sorry Clark.” Lois actually tried to look repentant but she knew that such a look wasn’t something she could fake. She was too direct to be subtle and she had long ago come to grips with that fact.

    “What was so important that for the last few minutes I might as well have been talking to the cows?”

    Lois could not believe that Clark would actually liken her to a cow. If Lois had been a lesser person, she might’ve decked the guy. “Negative reinforcement would do wonders on Farmer Ted.”

    “Did you actually imply that I was a cow? Seriously Clark, were you raised in a field or just in the barn itself?”

    Lois felt a momentary twinge as Clark’s eyes actually darkened. “I suppose I very nearly came close to impugning the honor of his most sainted mother.” But Clark was too much of a stand-up guy to say anything in reply. She watched as Clark glanced to his watch.

    “Lois, I’ve got chores to do.”

    “Clark, don’t be mad. It was a joke. It would be just like if someone asked me if I lived under power lines as a child. Nothing to get your flannel in a bunch over.”

    Clark shook his head and a small smile danced across his features. “Did you see what just happened there? You actually came close to apologizing. Maybe we’re making progress after all. I actually do need to head home. I’ll talk to you later.”

    Lois watched him leave. She finished drinking her coffee, Chloe’s untouched coffee, and ate the chocolate chip muffin. Lois left soon after, her mind busily considering the best way to approach Chloe. No matter what people thought of her, she’d never do anything to hurt Chloe or to alienate her, but she couldn’t leave Chloe to deal with a problem that was as big as this one seemed to be.


    It was a shame that Clark, Lois, and Chloe were all too wrapped up in their own concerns and as a consequence missed the pair of eyes that had tracked Chloe from the time she entered the Talon until she left.

    It was in moments like these that Samuel Kale appreciated the swift, progressive turns that technology underwent every few months. Competition made the world go ‘round. Bluetooth was probably one of the best inventions to hit the market. It made talking on the phone such an inconspicuous thing. The conversation taking place would’ve proven to be interesting no matter who overheard. But it held particular importance to Chloe and would’ve provided a less ephemeral lead for Lois.

    “Boss, Patient 081 just left the Talon. The second surveillance unit is moving into place.”

    Kale listened for a response and when none was forthcoming, he continued, “We have the recordings from the microphones Miss Lang so industriously placed around the Talon. This would be much easier if you simply gave me the authorization to enter 081’s apartment.”

    The cultured tones that filled his ear were bored, “If she is what we think she is and if she is capable of what we think she is then she will know that her residence has been violated. Simply do as you are told and improvise as little as possible.”

    “We might be having a few problems with the future Missus Luthor. She insists on more involvement.”

    “I pay you quite handsomely for your services because you are one of the best at what you do. If you can’t manage a simple woman, then perhaps it is time for your severance pay.”

    Kale was not an idiot. Had he been any less smart, he knew that he would’ve found himself in a cell. Instead of bowing under the weight of the circumstances of his childhood, he got his degree in psychology and joined the marines. It’s what made him so good at what he did. Well, that and the fact that he looked pretty ordinary. He was someone that no one would be able to describe to a sketch artist simply because few people would actually remember that he was anywhere near the scene. There was nothing distinguishing about him. As a younger man, Kale was often bothered by this fact. But the money and the respect he garnered made it inconsequential. It was because of the fact that he was one of the best that he knew a threat when he heard one.

    The voice on the other end of the phone continued, “She is still a serviceable asset. Dr. Langston assures me that all is progressing as planned. After this is over, she will be replaced. Until then, deal with her arrogance and her need to be something more than she is. Let her feel important and clever. Are we clear?”

    “Yes, Boss, we’re clear.”

    Like Lois, Samuel Kale finished his coffee and took the time to reflect. When he left, it was with a much clearer mind and a more solid plan to deal with the small town girl he was being forced to accommodate. “Maybe I’ll get to kill her when all is said and done.”


    After Clark finished his chores, he went to the barn to be alone. He hadn’t been angered over Lois’ insinuations and slight insult, but he did feel the need to do some quiet reflection. Of course, most people would’ve called it brooding or being needlessly angsty.

    Clark was no fool. He knew that his view of the world was limited. It had to be. His gifts were too strong to allow for him to be as dynamic as other people. Clark knew that he wedged the people in his life into roles. His mother and father could never be more than that to him. He couldn’t let them be friends. They had to serve as the code by which he lived his life. Martha had to always be the person that took care of him. That protected him with remarkable ferocity. His father had to always remain the rigid, moral force in his life. Lana had to be the girl to which he aspired to have. She was perfect in his eyes. Pure. She needed him and no matter whose arms she ran to, or what plans and actions she engaged in, she had to be *that* girl for him. And Chloe…Chloe had to be his best friend. Chloe occupied that place in his life that served as an example.

    If Jonathan and Martha were the road that he traveled, then Chloe was the compass that he held in his hand every step of the way. She showed him how to be better. His parents lectured, they proselytized the virtues of strength and honor, but they were never examples of what it meant to be those things the way that Chloe was. She was alive and dynamic. She never lectured him, but with every action she took she showed him how to be better. Her tenacity, her strength, her thirst for knowledge and truth were manifest in everything she did. How could he, a man whose gifts elevated him, be any different?

    He could clearly see the scale of any obstacle that was thrown his way, but the minutia of life and all that it entails were obscured to him because he couldn’t allow himself to become too invested in those things. Clark knew that if such things became paramount to him, then he could easily descend into thinking that he was superior and not merely gifted. His role as protector was not a mantle that he had donned willingly, but a burden placed on his shoulder by the mere fact that he was what he was and his parents reinforced this. It would’ve been so easy to chafe at this, but the people in his life that filled a role moderated and soothed that which could have broken him.

    He couldn’t grant himself the luxury to pick and choose when and where to be moral; he had to be obsessively consistent because he wanted to be a good person. He wanted to be worthy of the gifts that he was granted. Clark could readily admit to himself that he was lonely, but Chloe took him as he was. He wasn’t the savior his parents wanted him to be yet. He wasn’t the man that Lana could love. He wasn’t able to be a friend to Lex. But he could be the person that Chloe cared for and was loyal to. He could simply be himself and he knew that Chloe would like him still. And it was for this reason that no matter what happened he couldn’t let her go. He realized that he took her for granted, but all she would ever need to do is cast one glance at him and he knew he’d go running. But the thing about Chloe was that she never did. She didn’t need him like others needed him.

    The harsh truth was that Chloe didn’t *need* him, she *wanted* him. Clark knew that if she had never met him then her life would be much the same. She’d still have her journalism. She’d still get into trouble. Her vivacious personality would still exist, but would his parents have been content? They needed a child and he could be that. Lana needed a savior and he could be that too. Chloe, however, wanted him around and that freed him to find his way. It freed him to accept what he was and what he could be…to find his purpose. It meant that he could be content, he could be happy, but most of all it meant that he didn’t have to be alone.

    Clark was getting tired of this particular train of thought and was about to leave to go to the house when he heard shuffling, a crash, and a faint moan. He quickly ran outside and saw Chloe lying on the ground, clad only in an over-sized shirt, half conscious and covered in blood.
    Last edited by Avalanche; 24th June 2008 at 17:13. Reason: formatting

  2. #22
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    It's getting juicy...Amazing Chapter!

    Wow, I didn't expect the Lana twist. I can't beileve she has something to do with Chloe's condition, or at least is working with the people responsible.

    I'm guessing that the person on the phone was Lex, so he is responsible for what happened to Chloe, or he knows what she is and is following her. I'm so confused, but I love how the story is progressing. I love a good mystery!

    I really like your Lois, you can tell she truly cares for Chloe, and is extremely concerned for her cousin.

    I love this story...Please update again soon!!!

  3. #23
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    This was an awesome chapter!

    The voice on the other end of the phone continued, “She is still a serviceable asset. Dr. Langston assures me that all is progressing as planned. After this is over, she will be replaced. Until then, deal with her arrogance and her need to be something more than she is. Let her feel important and clever. Are we clear?”
    So Lana is involved in whatever is happening to Chloe. I hope that when Chloe learns about this, she rips Lana's throat out. Actualy, I hope Chloe tells her off, then wipes the floor with her. And Lois can have whatever's left to kick around because as much as I dislike EDLois being ILL, I have never doubted her love for Chloe.

    Clark was getting tired of this particular train of thought and was about to leave to go to the house when he heard shuffling, a crash, and a faint moan. He quickly ran outside and saw Chloe lying on the ground, clad only in an over-sized shirt, half conscious and covered in blood.
    ..the hell??!! What's happened to Chloe?

    Please let us know as soon as you can

    Also, this story contiues to rock.

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  4. #24
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    That was a great update. I want Chloe's first kill to be Blana and then Lex. They both deserve it.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #25
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    your plot is so exciting. i'm also enjoying the character's thoughts. Dagney

  6. #26
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    Once again, Ava, excellent, wonderful work!

    I love the way that the mystery is building and how you're setting up all of the characters and explaining, so thoroughly, what motivates them. You take the idiocy of SV and give it plausible meaning and it makes my thinky score hurt less to read this.

    I'm still enthralled by Chloe's struggles against her new nature and the way that it's reshaping everything she knows and all of her closest relationships. It's very compelling, especially as you use so many cool details to support it.

    The cliffhanger's wonderful even though you were quite correct that you are extremely evil.

    Can't wait for more. Seriously, is school really *that* important? It'll still be there next semester.


    P.S. Happy birthday!!!

  7. #27
    Fanfic whore sinecure's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    First off:

    Lois took in Chloe’s stance. “It’s wide.
    made me laugh so hard, because of Senator Craig, now known for his 'wide stance'. Heh. Sorry.

    Ahem. Anyway, I love your Lois and Clark much more than Smallville's versions. Clark's insight into the people around him and the roles they all play is fantastic. I loved the entire section. I like that he recognizes these roles and needs them to be like that. His thoughts on Chloe especially.

    Lana has been dominated! Yes! Not a difficult feat, I'm sure.

    Loved that part, and all of Lois' thoughts. I'm glad that neither Lois or Clark are going to let Chloe go without a fight. It's nice to see people actually care about Chloe.

    I don't think Lex is responsible at all. I think that was Lionel that Kale was talking to. But I'm not averse to Lex being involved and even responsible. Dark Lex is a hot Lex.

  8. #28
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    So as Clark talked about some issue or another, she watched as Chloe talked with Lana. “Chloe’s body language is hostile.” Lois might not have noticed a real change in Chloe’s body language as she was talking with her, but it was obvious as she spoke with Lana. It was even slightly apparent as she stood next to Clark. Chloe had leaned away from Clark. Chloe usually stood firmly in his personal bubble. Clark never minded because they were exceptionally close friends. Lana and Chloe’s conversation afforded her the ability to objectively look at Chloe.
    heh, I liked how the fic began with Lois stating her bewilderment about WHAT Chloe sees in Clark. It is true that, discounting his amazing superpowers, Clark actually seems like a mediocre doofus… nothing amazing about him at all, except for the fact that he’s ‘pretty’. But then again, Clark Kent has spent a lifetime learning how to blend in and make himself as average looking and inconspicuous as possible… so it’s easy to see why Lois wouldn’t see the attraction… not right away.

    It was also very interesting to see that Lois has also observed something a little ‘off’ about Chloe body language. Not only the way Chloe is now distancing herself from Clark, but also how she’s acting around Lana…

    Lois took in Chloe’s stance. “It’s wide. To stabilize. Stabilize for what?” Chloe’s eyes seemed to dart over Lana’s body. “As if she’s looking for something.” Lois trailed her eyes over Lana in much the same path as Chloe’s. “What could she possibly be looking for?” If the gravity of the situation had been any less, Lois might’ve been tempted to make an internal comment on how Chloe could’ve been looking for a brain or even an errant thought in that vapid exterior. And then Lois saw Chloe’s eyes move to Lana’s. And something she thought she’d never see happened. Lana dropped her eyes for a split second. Lana’s head actually ducked and her eyes lowered. “What the hell?” But something else happened to trump even that and make Lois’ eyes widen and a gasp to almost slip from her lips. Chloe’s entire body posture changed. No longer was irritation and hostility evident in her frame. No longer did she seem like she wanted to be anywhere other than standing in front of Lana speaking with her. Chloe *relaxed*. It didn’t last for long. And then Lana’s and Chloe’s conversation apparently came to an end. Lois didn’t think that Chloe had even realized what was going on. She also didn’t think that Lana realized what had happened either. Lois was certain that Chloe was most likely too busy trying to seem as if nothing was wrong for her benefit. Lois watched Chloe leave the Talon. Her body language alert. “As if she’s anticipating an attack of any sort.” If Lois, for even a second, had thought about not uncovering what was going on with her cousin then what she had just witnessed steeled her resolve.
    This was fascinating! Lois is a lot more observant and insightful that I would have given her credit for. I really like this version of Lois… THIS woman is showing true signs of being a budding reporter and investigator that she’s destined to become.

    Hmmm, I didn’t ‘completely’ get what happened between Chloe and Lana… Obviously it began with Chloe surveying Lana’s body and finding startling evidence of NO pregnancy as well as a vague sense of ‘wrongness’ about her… but after that? What made Chloe ‘suddenly relax’ around Lana… Was it because Lana ducked her head and lowered her eyes (signs of submission), which allowed Chloe to feel like she had established her dominance over the girl, and therefore allowed herself to relax?

    “What was so important that for the last few minutes I might as well have been talking to the cows?”

    Lois could not believe that Clark would actually liken her to a cow. If Lois had been a lesser person, she might’ve decked the guy. “Negative reinforcement would do wonders on Farmer Ted.”

    “Did you actually imply that I was a cow? Seriously Clark, were you raised in a field or just in the barn itself?”

    Lois felt a momentary twinge as Clark’s eyes actually darkened. “I suppose I very nearly came close to impugning the honor of his most sainted mother.” But Clark was too much of a stand-up guy to say anything in reply. She watched as Clark glanced to his watch.
    Heh, there’s something fun seeing two completely tactless and verbally inelegant people sniping at each other. Especially when they manage to accidentally score some hits off each other, LOL! It might lack the polish and grace of Chlex banter, but it’s still great fun to watch.

    “Clark, don’t be mad. It was a joke. It would be just like if someone asked me if I lived under power lines as a child. Nothing to get your flannel in a bunch over.”

    Clark shook his head and a small smile danced across his features. “Did you see what just happened there? You actually came close to apologizing. Maybe we’re making progress after all. I actually do need to head home. I’ll talk to you later.”
    Heh, but the good thing about these two… at least they’re very quick to apologize IF they happen to realize that they’ve hurt someone’s feelings. So at least there are no lingering feelings of resentment between these two… not this time, mostly because they were not oblivious of the accidental damage they had done on each other.

    It was a shame that Clark, Lois, and Chloe were all too wrapped up in their own concerns and as a consequence missed the pair of eyes that had tracked Chloe from the time she entered the Talon until she left.

    It was in moments like these that Samuel Kale appreciated the swift, progressive turns that technology underwent every few months. Competition made the world go ‘round. Bluetooth was probably one of the best inventions to hit the market. It made talking on the phone such an inconspicuous thing. The conversation taking place would’ve proven to be interesting no matter who overheard. But it held particular importance to Chloe and would’ve provided a less ephemeral lead for Lois.

    “Boss, Patient 081 just left the Talon. The second surveillance unit is moving into place.”
    woah, WOAH! New player! Actually it seems like there might be a whole team of new players! The mystery thickens, and now, on top of the mysterious voice in Chloe’s head, there’s ALSO a surveillance team watching and recording her every move. As if the poor girl didn’t have enough troubles. Heh, I can’t wait to see how this turns out, it bodes to be an exciting fic

    Kale listened for a response and when none was forthcoming, he continued, “We have the recordings from the microphones Miss Lang so industriously placed around the Talon. This would be much easier if you simply gave me the authorization to enter 081’s apartment.”

    The cultured tones that filled his ear were bored, “If she is what we think she is and if she is capable of what we think she is then she will know that her residence has been violated. Simply do as you are told and improvise as little as possible.”
    VERY interesting! Whoever has hired the surveillance on Chloe has some notion about her heightened senses of smell and hearing… AND they might have an idea that she will NOT react well to having her personal space and territory invaded by strangers.

    I wonder who this ‘cultured voice’ might be… Most logical answer might be Lex Luthor, but the most obvious answer is not always right… and it could just as easily be anyone with enough resources to carry this out… including Lionel Luthor, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne or ANY new character that Ava wants to introduce.

    “We might be having a few problems with the future Missus Luthor. She insists on more involvement.”
    Freaking HECK!! That nasty horrible backstabbing witch is in on this too??!!! SHE knows about all these people experimenting on Chloe and then watching her afterwards?! AND she wants firther involvement in this interference in Chloe’s life? I hope the nasty witch gets what’s coming to her!

    Kale was not an idiot. Had he been any less smart, he knew that he would’ve found himself in a cell. Instead of bowing under the weight of the circumstances of his childhood, he got his degree in psychology and joined the marines. It’s what made him so good at what he did. Well, that and the fact that he looked pretty ordinary. He was someone that no one would be able to describe to a sketch artist simply because few people would actually remember that he was anywhere near the scene. There was nothing distinguishing about him. As a younger man, Kale was often bothered by this fact. But the money and the respect he garnered made it inconsequential. It was because of the fact that he was one of the best that he knew a threat when he heard one.

    The voice on the other end of the phone continued, “She is still a serviceable asset. Dr. Langston assures me that all is progressing as planned. After this is over, she will be replaced. Until then, deal with her arrogance and her need to be something more than she is. Let her feel important and clever. Are we clear?”
    I liked the description given of Kale. It really helped me get a sense of the history and personality of this character. Although the note that came later about how he seemed to be looking so forward to killing Chloe was VERY chilling!

    Heh, but on the other hand… I liked all the cruel references to Lana, especially how the ‘cultured voice’ said that Lana was to be reassured and ‘made to feel important and clever’ until it was time for her to be ‘replaced’. It seems like Lana’s high and mighty days are numbered, and I can’t wait to see the witch meet with her downfall.

    After Clark finished his chores, he went to the barn to be alone. He hadn’t been angered over Lois’ insinuations and slight insult, but he did feel the need to do some quiet reflection. Of course, most people would’ve called it brooding or being needlessly angsty.
    LOL! I loved this reference to Clark’s constant moping brooding hissy fit in the barn all the time. It’s promising that he’s at least self-aware enough to realize how his behaviour might appear to others.

    Clark was no fool. He knew that his view of the world was limited. It had to be. His gifts were too strong to allow for him to be as dynamic as other people. Clark knew that he wedged the people in his life into roles. His mother and father could never be more than that to him. He couldn’t let them be friends. They had to serve as the code by which he lived his life. Martha had to always be the person that took care of him. That protected him with remarkable ferocity. His father had to always remain the rigid, moral force in his life. Lana had to be the girl to which he aspired to have. She was perfect in his eyes. Pure. She needed him and no matter whose arms she ran to, or what plans and actions she engaged in, she had to be *that* girl for him. And Chloe…Chloe had to be his best friend. Chloe occupied that place in his life that served as an example.

    If Jonathan and Martha were the road that he traveled, then Chloe was the compass that he held in his hand every step of the way. She showed him how to be better. His parents lectured, they proselytized the virtues of strength and honor, but they were never examples of what it meant to be those things the way that Chloe was. She was alive and dynamic. She never lectured him, but with every action she took she showed him how to be better. Her tenacity, her strength, her thirst for knowledge and truth were manifest in everything she did. How could he, a man whose gifts elevated him, be any different?
    Wow! This was incredible, Ava. I really enjoyed seeing this re-assessment of Clark’s character. You actually gave a GOOD reason for Clark having such a one-dimensional, limited, black-and-white view of life. And I can see how this would translate perfectly into the DC Canon version of Superman… the stalwart and true hero who refuses to compromise his vision of ‘good and evil’ and stands as a symbol for beautiful simple, clean and pure principles everywhere.

    And I loved how Clark said that it’s Chloe as well as Jonathan and Martha who are the role-models for his life… the source of all the principles that he’s eventually going to come to stand for. It’s lovely that he appreciates Chloe like this… even if the idiot doesn’t SHOW her what an important part of his life she really is.

    He could clearly see the scale of any obstacle that was thrown his way, but the minutia of life and all that it entails were obscured to him because he couldn’t allow himself to become too invested in those things. Clark knew that if such things became paramount to him, then he could easily descend into thinking that he was superior and not merely gifted. His role as protector was not a mantle that he had donned willingly, but a burden placed on his shoulder by the mere fact that he was what he was and his parents reinforced this. It would’ve been so easy to chafe at this, but the people in his life that filled a role moderated and soothed that which could have broken him.
    It was VERY interesting how Ava has made Clark so self-aware, so he KNOWS about the limitations of his views, but he knows they are necessary for him to maintain his sense of self and not give into the urge to abuse his powers… not even the ‘slightest’ bit. VERY nice, Ava… I’m actually proud of your Clark, and I can see how he can grow up to become Superman.

    He couldn’t grant himself the luxury to pick and choose when and where to be moral; he had to be obsessively consistent because he wanted to be a good person. He wanted to be worthy of the gifts that he was granted. Clark could readily admit to himself that he was lonely, but Chloe took him as he was. He wasn’t the savior his parents wanted him to be yet. He wasn’t the man that Lana could love. He wasn’t able to be a friend to Lex. But he could be the person that Chloe cared for and was loyal to. He could simply be himself and he knew that Chloe would like him still. And it was for this reason that no matter what happened he couldn’t let her go. He realized that he took her for granted, but all she would ever need to do is cast one glance at him and he knew he’d go running. But the thing about Chloe was that she never did. She didn’t need him like others needed him.

    The harsh truth was that Chloe didn’t *need* him, she *wanted* him. Clark knew that if she had never met him then her life would be much the same. She’d still have her journalism. She’d still get into trouble. Her vivacious personality would still exist, but would his parents have been content? They needed a child and he could be that. Lana needed a savior and he could be that too. Chloe, however, wanted him around and that freed him to find his way. It freed him to accept what he was and what he could be…to find his purpose. It meant that he could be content, he could be happy, but most of all it meant that he didn’t have to be alone.
    This was also great. I’m actually beginning to think that ‘deep down’ Clark is a person who is actually worthy of Chloe’s friendship and loyalty. It’s obvious that he appreciates her and the role she plays in his life. In fact, he actually seems to hold her in reverence, unlike any other person. Not even Lana is granted the same kind of awe and worship that Chloe has in Clark’s eyes. It’s really such a pity that the stupid, careless idiot doesn’t SHOW Chloe how much she means to him. It’s just pure laziness!

    I loved the distinction Ava drew about how other people ‘need’ Clark, while Chloe ‘wants’ him… It was a very interesting perception that I have never considered before, and it was a real-eye-opener about the way Clark sees Chloe.

    Other people need him to perform a particular function as a saviour, devoted admirer, loving son, loyal friend… Everyone expects him to live up to a certain role, while Chloe is the only person who accepts him fully for all his faults, bumblings, eccentricities and carelessness… and she still adores him, and WANTS him in her life… as he is. I thought it was beautiful how Clark NEEDS Chloe to reaffirm his sense of self, but I was also ticked off on how he uses her to reaffirm himself without returning the favour to her. Lazy bastard!

    Clark was getting tired of this particular train of thought and was about to leave to go to the house when he heard shuffling, a crash, and a faint moan. He quickly ran outside and saw Chloe lying on the ground, clad only in an over-sized shirt, half conscious and covered in blood.
    heh, it’s about time some kind of an emergency happened where Clark was finally supposed to ACT on his friendship and loyalties for Chloe. She needs to be prioritized now, and no more excuses, you lazy farmboy!

    Hmmm, I wonder what led to Chloe ending up here tonight covered in blood? Was she hunting? Or was something hunting HER? Let’s see how it turns out in the next chapter… PLEASE update soon, Ava!

  9. #29
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 11-30-07, Chapter 3

    I have been thinking about it and I still have absolutely no clue who the 'cultured tones over the phone' is, it's killing me with anticipation.

    Well the obvious choice is Lex, but what if it's not Lex, than who is it? It could be Lionel Luthor like SE said, or it could be a completely OC. And WTF is Lana's part in it?

    But the bigger question at the moment is, WTF happened to Chloe, why is she covered in blood outside the Kent Barn? I'm anxious to read what happens next!

    I completely love this fic, and can't wait for your next update! Which will be soon right? *g*

  10. #30
    Fishin' for brains Senior Member Avalanche's Avatar
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    In the best state in this here Union, which is of course, Texas

    Re: Dreaming the Wolf, PG-13, 12-06-07, Chapter 4

    Disclaimer: see ch1

    A/N: My understanding is that Freak took place in Feb. so this fic is set in mid May.

    A/N2: This one is a long ride, so have fun! Hopefully questions will be answered and even more asked.

    Chapter 4- Knowing the Wolf

    “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
    C.S. Lewis

    Earlier in the day…

    Chloe was relieved when she finally got into her car. As she drove around Smallville in an effort to clear her mind, she conceded the fact that having heightened senses wasn’t all bad. She noticed everything now and her recall had increased drastically…especially if she could tie a particular memory to a scent. The first time it had happened to her amazed her. It was an incredible rush.

    Two weeks after she had first changed, Chloe had been speaking with a professor about a paper she had written and modifications he would make to smooth it out and he’d had a salami sandwich on rye bread with honey Dijon monster and regular potato chips. She’d smelled it on his breath. She’d taken notes of course and paid close attention, but inevitably something is missed. When she’d gone back to read over her notes, she recalled the way his breath smelled and the entire conversation replayed itself. This time it was much clearer.

    She noticed certain words had tonal shifts that had betrayed his interest. From there, Chloe made improvements and dramatically built on what was suggested. When Chloe sat to think on it more, she realized that she could recall specific details that hadn’t even occurred to her before. It was like everything that her subconscious mind took notice of and her conscious mind discarded as too much were given a new weight. It elevated her writing to a whole new level. Her immediate boss at the Daily Planet had noticed the improved quality of her work. She felt confident that she had a secured a post graduation position.

    She enjoyed school and she enjoyed working at the Daily Planet, but Chloe was glad that classes were over so that she didn’t have to split her attention so much. As Chloe continued to drive around Smallville, she came to two conclusions. It was inevitable that Lois would discover the truth. Either because Lois would snoop and probably break into her apartment sooner or later, or because Chloe herself would betray her status. Chloe’s only fears were that Lois would reject or that she might seek to “help” her. She vividly remembered being possessed and the kind of help that was given to her. Chloe didn’t think Lois would do something like that, but caution was the watch word.

    Chloe also came to the conclusion that she couldn’t keep Clark at a distance anymore. It was hurting him and it was also hurting her. Clark had been a fixture in her life for so long and it was hard to imagine him not being there. He came through when it counted, when it mattered, and she had come to terms with that. The wolf stripped away all pretenses and delusions she may have had. She was finally able to see that she and Clark would never have worked before. It was one of the hardest realizations in her life but a necessary one. Chloe had to find some way to make him fit. It was going to be hard, painful, and no doubt inspire a rage in her like none before but she had to make him fit.

    Chloe was tired by the time she got home and she felt relief. Here was her domain. Her sanctuary. It was calm here. There were no intrusions. No harsh lights, foreign smells, or loud noises. It was just her smell and her things. It may have been empty but this was her territory to rule and for now it was enough. She walked her domain and every now and again touched an item. Left her scent on it. Marked it as hers. After puttering around her home for a few moments, Chloe realized that she was restless and it wasn’t getting any better. “All this energy.”

    Chloe decided that she would voluntarily change. She wouldn’t wait until her dreams got bad or she got irritable. She’d do it now and hope that this time would be different. In any way it didn’t matter. She just needed to know that it wouldn’t always be as it has been. So around 10PM, Chloe got into her car and drove to the outskirts of Smallville where there was nothing and nobody to bother her. She parked her car in an abandoned barn and ran until she was about a mile away until she found a small burrow that could fit her clothes. Chloe felt the change overtake her and she was the wolf. She wasn’t hunting this time. She only wanted to feel her heart race and her muscles tense and relax. She didn’t want to remember a time when she wasn’t the wolf. A time when she was just Chloe. She wanted the world to fall away because it was scary and complicated. For a moment in time, she wanted to feel free of any burden that she might’ve carried. And she could feel that way as she ran. “This must be what sprinters feel like.”

    This sense of freedom caused Chloe to ignore all else. To ignore the fact that she was fast approaching farmland and the associated livestock. She never heard the gun cock, the inhalation of breath, or the pull of the trigger. Chloe did, however, feel the brutal sting of buckshot as it pierced her side. She flew five feet from the impact. Chloe was dazed and in pain, but she couldn’t really feel angry at a farmer protecting what was his from a feral dog. “Son of a bitch this hurts!” Chloe was amazed that she had a coherent thought in her head. A low keening made its way from her throat. She hurt so much.

    Chloe was partially brought to reality when she heard the light foot falls of the one who shot her. She also heard the heavier tread of a second person. “Two? Both Male. No doubt coming to finish the job.” No matter how much Chloe realized that they were just protecting what was theirs, she wanted to live. To survive. As soon as the male with the heavy feet got close enough, she lashed out. Quick and forcefully. Chloe latched onto his arm and felt the bones break and tasted the blood that gushed into her mouth. He screamed and tried to tear his arm from her mouth. It only served to injure him further. “Triumph.”

    She heard the second male draw back a gun except it sounded different from the shotgun he had previously used. Still attached to the male’s arm, she launched herself into his body and used him as a shield. She needed to cause confusion and succeeded. The ensuing scuffle prevented another bullet, but she was getting weaker. Chloe swiftly let go of the male and tackled the other. As soon as he was on the ground, she made a run for it. Chloe had never run so fast, so frantically before. This was desperation born from the need to survive. And she would survive. In the truest sense of the words, failure was not an option. She felt vaguely sorry that she had hurt the male so badly, but that was pushed aside. Right now there was only her life to consider. Only her pain and desires mattered. Nothing would get in the way of that.

    By the time Chloe felt safe enough to stop running full tilt, she realized that she was near the place that she had stashed her clothes. The wolf was bleeding out. She didn’t think it would be a good idea to change into the human, but she had to get to help. Chloe quickly donned the over-sized t-shirt she had worn and ran the mile to her car. She pushed the pain away and the weakness. There would be time later to feel all those things and curse herself.

    Chloe felt relief when she spotted her car and was barely inside before she started the engine and headed towards Clark’s place. He was closest. As soon as she got to the Kent’s, she opened the car door and spilled out of it. Chloe forced herself to move. To get to the barn because that’s where she smelled Clark. She was about ten feet away before she collapsed. She stretched her hands out in front of her to drag herself even a little bit further.


    The Present…

    Chloe felt Clark. She smelled his panic and could feel his indecision. She was able to gasp out his name and it seemed to put him into a flurry of motion. He was by her side in a heartbeat. He was touching her and calling her name. She felt comfort.

    Chloe was relieved that she had been able to stay conscious long enough to get to Clark’s. For the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel the dissonance in Clark. She didn’t want to run. The wolf actually seemed to want to be around Clark. “He’s strong enough to keep me safe.” It almost seemed to Chloe that Clark’s alien nature was being pushed aside by the need to survive. “Because nothing brings people closer together than possible impending death.”

    Chloe stubbornly held onto consciousness and was able to gasp out what she needed to tell him, “Clark. I can’t…can’t go to the hospital. Take care of me. Please.”

    Clark was torn. She was injured so badly. He didn’t know what to do. But she was begging him not to take her to a hospital. Chloe wasn’t afraid of doctors so something had to be seriously wrong.

    “Chloe, you have to tell me what happened. What’s wrong?” Panic was not something that Clark was particularly familiar with. He’d only truly felt it about three distinct times. When his father died, when he was told Chloe was dead…and now.

    Chloe’s voice was so weak and low when she answered him, “Shot.”

    If Clark had been panicked before, he was down-right terrified now. Her eyes fluttered closed. Clark gingerly moved her to the barn’s couch. He trained every sense on her. He was able to discern the pattern of the shot. It looked like she was hit with buckshot. Her heart beat was strong, her pulse steady and her breathing was pretty even. She wasn’t in danger of dying so he decided to not take her to the hospital. Clark went to the house and retrieved the first aid kit. He carefully removed her shirt and set about cleaning and bandaging her wounds. If he wasn’t so afraid for her, then he knew that he would’ve been far too self-conscious, but Chloe was hurt and he had to push aside his own concerns. He had to be strong for her. As soon as she woke up, he was going to wring the answers out of her if he had to.


    Clark stayed awake all night staring at his best friend. The girl who loved him. He would’ve slept on the floor next to the couch because he was confident in his ability to hear her distress if things turned bad but something stopped him. When he had finished cleaning and bandaging her wounds, he finally saw why Chloe couldn’t go to a hospital. Why she had been shot. He saw her hands. They were clawed. Thick, wiry hair trailed down her arms and back. Her face was angular and if he had been forced to define it, he would’ve said she had something of a muzzle. “It’s not possible.” As he watched, her face reverted to *her* face, the thick hair that wasn’t her own fell away like she was shedding and her claws receded. She was Chloe again. “Can’t be possible. How could meteor rocks do this?”

    Despite the fact that he knew it was a distinct possibility, it still disconcerted him. He would never wish it on anyone. The familiar feeling of guilt threatened to overtake him but his guilt wouldn’t help Chloe. Chloe wouldn’t appreciate it either. She’d be the first to tell him that it wasn’t his fault and even if it was he could only move forward and try to make it better. Chloe’s renewed acceptance and faith in him after the red K bender hammered home how much she cared. She didn’t ignore it. She didn’t excuse him. She made him own it and remember it always. Clark realized that the constant reminder made it possible for him to have a stark contrast between what he wanted to be and what he could be if he let selfishness guide him. He couldn’t forget that his abilities could devastate the lives of many on a vast scale.

    His ruminations were interrupted when he heard Chloe groan. Her heartbeat accelerated and he knew that she was waking up. He watched as Chloe jack-knifed into a sitting position and her eyes desperately shift around the barn and finally settle on him.

    She relaxed and spoke his name, “Clark.”

    “Chloe, what happened?”

    Chloe didn’t know how to even begin this conversation. She was pushing against the same wall that she had with Lois and she was nowhere near strong enough. She met his gaze for a few moments trying to think of a way to start this and have it make sense. The longer the stare went on the antsier Chloe became. The feeling of Clark being an alien seemed to be coming to the fore again. Chloe tried to resist panicking and remind herself that Clark had helped her, but it wasn’t working. That is, it wasn’t working until Clark stopped returning her gaze. “Pack.” She felt safe with him again and Chloe had an epiphany. “I am a wolf. He kept staring into my eyes. Challenging me.” Clark, whether he knew it or not, had conceded alpha status to her. Chloe suddenly recalled that Lana had done that too earlier that day. “But why? It makes no sense.”

    Chloe didn’t care about starting the conversation she needed to have with him. She needed to know why, “Clark, why’d you drop your eyes?”

    “What does that—“

    Chloe interrupted him, “Answer the question. I’ll explain…just answer. Please.”

    Clark took a moment and he looked away from her again before he finally answered, “My eyes started to hurt and all I could think about was looking anywhere but at you.”

    Chloe took a deep breath, “Remember two months ago when I lost that night and you had to remove the tracking device?”

    “It’s not something I could ever forget.”

    “Do you also remember that time we watched An American Werewolf in London? That was one of the best were—“

    Clark was becoming impatient and so he interrupted her, “Chloe, just get to the point!”

    She glared at him but continued on as if he had never interrupted her, “That scene where David Naughton first shifted into the werewolf was intense. Pete let out that little girly gasp and you and I both laughed at him. Clark, about a week after my kidnapping, I staged my own re-enactment of that scene.”

    Clark was stunned. Sure, he had noticed those things as she slept, but to be confronted with the reality and to have the words spoken made it real. Made it inescapable.

    “That’s not possible. We’ve seen meteor rock mutations. It’s never been like this.”

    Before he could expand that thought and blow it up to something bad, Chloe snapped back, “I know that! I just know what happened. I just know that my life has been turned upside down. I can’t escape this. I was shot tonight by a farmer because I was a wolf and he was trying to protect his investment. So believe me, this isn’t something I can come up with by myself,” Chloe wasn’t finished she had to get him to realize the magnitude of the situation but he also couldn’t panic.

    “Clark, this is no different than your own situation! At any moment you could be confronted with red meteor rocks. It’s everywhere and they’re pretty. Despite this, Clark, I trust you,” Chloe eyes never left Clark’s. He felt the inexplicable need to look away from her again.

    Chloe visibly relaxed but she had to continue, “Clark, since I’ve known about what you are I have never asked anything of you. Nothing that you couldn’t do. You’ve always been free to be whatever around me. This...this one time I am asking you to just be my friend. To just listen to me. I’m asking you not to be a man who has amazing abilities. I don’t need a savior. I need my friend. Be this for me. Please.”

    Clark knew she was right, but it didn’t make it easier. It certainly didn’t comfort him. He also realized that he had just made it about himself.

    “I’m sorry, Chloe. We need to confront Lex. He knows what happened. He had those others removed. No one has seen them since that night.”

    Chloe was relieved to know that she wouldn’t need to hammer Clark with how much she needed him to just be there for her, “Clark, we can’t just go to Lex and demand whatever answers he’s willing to give. You and I both know that he has more resources than we could possibly overcome. We have to get information first and that comes later.”

    Now, however, she needed to know that he could trust her so she began the change. She removed the bandage and her clothes. At any other time, she would’ve been extremely self conscious about stripping in front of him but she needed to do this. “Please don’t let him reject me.”

    Clark had never been so entranced before. He couldn’t help but think the entire process was somewhat messy and a little disgusting, but he kept reminding himself that this was Chloe. This was his friend. Who was he to judge? He was an alien whose planet was destroyed and as a result caused a meteor shower on Earth, which irrevocably changed the lives of thousands.

    But when it was all over, a rather large wolf stood in front of him. On close inspection, there was actually no way that this animal could ever be mistaken for a wolf. It was far too large and far too muscular. It shamed the timber wolf in size and strength. The back legs were heavily muscled. They looked like they belonged on some larger animal. He could only conclude that they were for quick lunging and made running far easier. Her front legs, while still muscled, were leaner and streamlined…meant for quick turns and fine adjustment of pursuit. Her coat was also one not found in regular wolves. It was honey. “Beautiful.”

    Clark noticed that her body language seemed unsure. He’d seen it before on many dogs who didn’t know the welcome they’d receive. He slowly walked towards the best friend he’d ever had, Pete was a close second but he was gone now. He bent down and touched her. Running his hands through her fur was an amazing thing. It was soft. He noticed her eyes. Far too intelligent to be on an animal. Her eyes were still green, but they seemed more vibrant as they caught a ray of sunlight.

    Chloe rested her muzzle in his large hand. This was the first time that she could get a scale of how large she actually was. Clark was a big guy and she expected her muzzle to be dwarfed in his hands. She’d seen him with dogs before. Her muzzle didn’t fit in his hands.

    When Clark finally spoke, his voice was reverent and soft, “Chloe.”

    Chloe was getting slightly uncomfortable with the solemnity of the situation and so did the only thing she could think of. She tackled him. The tackle took Clark by surprise but since she obviously wanted to wrestle with him then he’d oblige her. They hadn’t done anything like this since they were younger. He was always mindful of his strength.

    By mutual accord they both stopped. Chloe was panting and Clark looked like he always did. “Jerk isn’t easily tired.” She moved away from him and cocked her head. Clark finally realized that she wanted to shift back to human so he turned his back on her. “He presents his back. Trust.”

    When she was finished, she grabbed the blanket he’d covered her with the night before.

    ”You think maybe you could go get me so clothes? I need to go home, but there’s more you need to know and we can discuss that later.”

    Seeing that it was safe, Clark turned around, “Sure. Wait here.” With that Clark left at super speed.

    Chloe rolled her eyes and shouted after him, “Where exactly am I gonna go?”

    He quickly returned with a flannel shirt and a pair of jeans that he’d long since grown out of but was still big on her.

    She moved towards her car and heard Clark say, “You were beautiful. You were a honey color.”

    She turned back towards him and ran into his arms. Her greatest fear that he’d tell her that she was a monster or that he would turn from her were unrealized. It was as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Chloe committed his scent to memory. “Pack.”

    Chloe ran back to her car and drove home.


    Chloe walked into her apartment and was immediately on guard. Her domain had been violated. She almost attacked the figure of the person standing in the middle of her living room but stopped when she realized who it was. “Lois.”

    Chloe didn’t even have to feign anger when she spoke, “What the hell, Lois!”

    “I’ve been reading. You’re going to hate me for this, but I couldn’t let it stand. Chloe, please, just tell me what’s wrong so that I can help you.”

    Chloe looked around and saw what Lois had been reading. After Chloe first changed, she decided to keep a journal tracking what was happening. It seemed that Lois knew Chloe well enough to find where she had hidden it.

    There were no words that Lois could’ve used to describe what she read. Chloe needed help. She’d obviously had a psychotic break with reality if she honestly thought that she was some sort of werewolf. Lois recalled all of the anomalous behavior in Chloe and was even more alarmed. Chloe had fully adopted and played into the fantasy she had created. “Color labels. All the meat.”

    Chloe could clearly read Lois’ face. Lois was alarmed, concerned, scared, and determined. Chloe also knew that no words would persuade Lois or even make the situation better. It’d only make it worse. She did the only thing she could do. She closed and locked the front door. Chloe then charged Lois too fast for Lois to see or avoid and lifted her off her feet.

    “Do you need any more persuasion?”

    Chloe dropped Lois and moved away from her. She removed her clothes as Lois watched, stunned. For the second time that day, Chloe was going to shift. She’d never done it in such quick succession before, but she had to if she didn’t want Lois to have her committed. Chloe once again found herself praying to whatever higher power existed that Lois wouldn’t reject her.

    As Chloe changed, Lois went from stunned to terrified. “This can’t possibly be happening.”

    Unlike with Clark, Chloe didn’t stay in her wolf form after she shifted. She stood before Lois and when Lois made no movement, she fled to her room. The sound of the door slamming galvanized Lois. “She must’ve thrown her weight against the door to close it.”

    Lois ran to Chloe’s room and shouted outside her door, “Chloe! I don’t know what to think. This shouldn’t be possible! How is this possible?”

    Lois was vaguely aware that her voice sounded panicky and far too high, but it wasn’t something she could help. “I can’t be helped. I just saw my cousin turn into a freaking werewolf!”

    The door to the bedroom was abruptly opened and Lois stumbled. She was greeted by a clothed and *human* Chloe. She brushed passed Lois because she was famished and she needed to eat right now. Lois followed her and watched Chloe gather meat and eggs and some fruits.

    “The change always drains me. I need to eat. Fruits are naturally sweet and help with energy. Coffee doesn’t taste terrible but it doesn’t taste good either. Too much articifial sweeteners and flavors. I try not to eat chocolate because in large quantities it can kill me and I’d rather avoid the temptation. You never did get to see my Wall of Weird did you? Weird things happen in this town and I know that you’ve noticed. It’s just you can’t explain it in a rational way so you discard it and have faith that it is somehow rooted in what you know and understand of the world,” Chloe stopped gathering food and looked at Lois, “But I can track most, if not all, of the weird things in this town back to mteor rocks. About two months ago I was kidnapped and then returned. Before you ask, it wasn’t an alien abduction. Anyway, I came back with a tracking device and the ability to become a werewolf. I don’t know how and I definitely don’t know why. The end.”

    Lois was stunned. She was overwhelmed. She had noticed weird things but like Chloe said, she discarded it as nonsense.

    “Ok, Chloe.”

    Chloe had resumed preparing her food, but she stopped what she was doing and looked at Lois. She wasn’t panicked anymore. She was vaguely freaked out, but Chloe couldn’t hold that against her.

    “Just like that?”

    “Yeah, Chloe, just like that. You’re still my cousin. And we’ll get the bastard who did this.”

    Life couldn’t get any better than at that moment. She wasn’t alone any more. There were still problems to face, issues to deal with, and things to discuss, but not right now. Right now, Chloe was going to bask in the glow of knowing she had Lois and Clark on her side.


    Samuel Kale enjoyed his work retrieving the freaks that Luthor had released. It wasn’t as thrilling as he had hoped it would be, but it kept him from being bored and relieved his frustrations over dealing with the fiancée. “Such weak minded individuals should be shot in public as a lesson to others.” So when he received the retrieval orders on Patient 081, he was no more or less excited than with the others. “Another weakling that I’m removing from the world. It’s a service.” He’d done his homework and got as much information about 081 as his boss was willing to divulge. He did wonder about the secrecy surrounding this particular patient, but it was “need to know” apparently.

    Kale had meticulously prepared. No matter how much he denigrated the abilities of the dregs he was retrieving, he’d always get it right. It was the first rule. But this retrieval went wrong almost from the start. She was careful. There had been no overt use of her abilities and she seemed almost paranoid. “This one has brains.” He realized why this one was shrouded in secrecy as he tracked her movement. “A most fascinating animal. Beautiful. Strong.” Kale prided himself on his objectivity. There was no room in this business for anything other than business. He couldn’t be biased. So he could appreciate her abilities.

    As Samuel Kale bandaged the veterinarian, Chip Rogers, that his boss forced him to bring with him to capture 081 he had a smile on his face. Rogers’ career as a veterinarian was effectively over, but that was of no consequence. No doubt Rogers would need to go to a better physician, but that too was of no consequence to Kale. Patient 081, Chloe Sullivan, was going to be a most challenging hunt. He’d enjoy testing his smarts, his cunning against hers. He’d enjoy bringing down such a magnificent beast. His planning had to be better, but it would be worth it to have her. Samuel Kale sent the little veterinarian on his way with instructions to report back to the big boss. Telling his employer that he had failed in his mission was not going to be pleasant, but he could deal with that.

    When the doctor finally left, he pulled out a beer and sat in the dark with his toys…his tools of the trade and breathed one word, “Finally.”

    It was going to be a good day.

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