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Thread: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 5/1/08 (Alternate S7)

  1. #11
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (Season 7 Missing Scenes) PG

    AN: Okay this isn't so much as a missing scene as it is an explanation of Lex's plan and his reasons for seasons 4-7. I had a lot to explain for and I know it's all a stretch and probably doesn't make any sense but I tried. I probably gave it more effort than any of the SV writers ever did for their crap. And you guys can probably cut down this whole story with one question but that's okay because that's why I like it here. You guys are smart. Feel free to ask me something you don't understand because I'm still trying to work the plan out where it makes sense and I might not catch all the flaws.
    Disclaimer: I do not promote date rape drugs or the use there of.

    The Reason
    Episode: Cure

    For years after initially having to push Chloe away in order to protect her from his father, Lex was finally getting the chance to rectify the situation.

    Lex had always been able to make bad situations turn out right for him. After letting his true intention for getting the stones slip to Lana, he had gotten her trust back due to that spaceship. He never believed that he would learn Clark’s secret through her. As much as Clark professed his love for her, the girl couldn’t be trusted with shit. Lex knew Chloe was the one that Clark would spill his secrets to, but he would never be able to manipulate her as easily as he could Lana. He would never do that just to get Clark's secret. He wanted more than the secret. He wanted to hurt Clark. Lana was his best bet because Clark just didn’t know how important Chloe was to him yet.

    But Lex knew. He knew because he recognized her potential and necessity from their first meeting. Clark would lead a clueless life without her. And in order to hurt Clark more, the boy had to first realize how important Chloe was to him before Lex took her away. He knew Clark was ready after he had heard about how upset the boy had been when he thought Chloe had died.

    Lana was his red herring. After Lex tortured and scared her within half her wits, which arguably weren’t much to begin with, Clark would never let Lana out of his sight. He’d be too overprotective of her and leave Chloe vulnerable.

    It wouldn’t take much. For years he’d been making comments about Clark’s neglect to her. It was cruel and he hated himself for saying these things, but he reminded himself that the end result would be worth it and he had been speaking the truth. In the end, Clark would always drop Chloe for Lana.

    Lex was sure that Lana knew Clark’s secret by now. Her knowledge would no longer make Chloe special to Clark. Just one more check against Chloe to add to the list. That stupid editor was also doing his part.

    And he’d learned that Jimmy and Chloe’s relationship was over due to his new ‘savior’. He was now very glad that he had made sure Jimmy was the photographer for Miss Corn Pageant 2007 or whatever stupid name that cow town came up with. He gave the man credit for having amazing taste in the beginning and being smarter than Clark, but he knew from the first meeting that the boy would never be worthy of his Chloe. That credit was obviously misplaced if the kid thought some mystery slut was better. Lex could be grateful for the break up and still hate the dopey camera boy at the same time.

    All that was left was to build up Chloe’s confusion about her power. Lex hated that she had to go through the same kind of testing that the others had to endure, but it was the only way to establish her powers. After the scientists had finished, he personally took her back to her apartment. He carefully placed her in her bed and lain down next to her. He held her close, breathing her scent and caressing her hair. He didn’t want to leave but knew all his careful planning would be ruined if she woke up and found him in bed next to her.

    Being the only one who knew exactly how her power worked, he knew she’d have to come to him sooner or later. The problem being that Chloe was stubborn so if he didn’t force her hand, it would be much later. That was where Curtis Knox came in. He made sure his name was connected to Dr. Knox so that when Knox’s help fell through, Chloe would go straight to the source.

    The plan was that Knox wouldn’t be able to fix Chloe and would even direct her to Lex and his scientists. In exchange, Knox would receive a certifiable meteor mutant with the necessary parts for Knox’s wife.

    Lana would probably never believe that she was actually pregnant. Although not by Lex, she’d passed out due to a drug Lex had slipped in her champagne the night of the costume ball. He paid one of the waiters to do the dirty work. When she awoke, she fully believed she had made loved to Lex, but wasn’t that keen on a repeat performance which was just fine with him.

    Lex never intended for her to get pregnant, he just wanted to hold over Clark’s head the thought that the love of his life had slept with his greatest enemy. However, when she did get pregnant and it turned out to be a peculiar pregnancy, Lex needed to marry her in order to have a chance to study the baby.

    He had the waiter checked out. The guy was normal which meant that Lana was indeed the one thing she feared most, no matter what she said. Probably due to the effect of wearing her precious necklace for so many years. She had an increased amount of pheromones to attract men, and luckily he was immune due to the effects of the meteor shower on him. She certainly wasn’t gifted with high brain power. No way would she have been able to steal that clone he had made and get away from him if he hadn’t set up everything in the first place. All to lull her into both a false sense of thinking she could best him and to scare her enough to have Clark protect her. She didn’t have a clue that he was the one feeding her all of the carefully chosen information and set her ‘surveillance’ of him. He was feeding breadcrumbs to the naive bird to make sure her and her stupid boy wonder would be led away from his intentions with Chloe.

    Tests had also shown that the baby would never make it to term, and if Lana had tried to carry it to term, she would have certainly died. He didn’t particularly care that she lived, but she needed to be around for his overall plan to work. He needed her to keep Clark’s focus off Chloe and on to her. That’s when he chose to end it for her. She’d probably thank him if she knew the truth. Well, actually, she’d never thank him. She’d secretly be glad but would call him evil in public. Like he cared.

    So Knox would be given Lana if he just waited until Lex’s plan was finished. But the damn man got impatient which was Lex tried to stop him. When he had heard that Chloe was missing, he left the hospital and made sure Clark had all the necessary information to find Chloe. He desperately wanted to be the one to save her, but he knew that she would be weary if he made the first move. Chloe had to willingly come to him. She had to believe it was entirely her choice to seek him out. If she had any leeway, she would run and he’d never get another chance.

    Luckily, everything worked out well in the end. Clark would be sure to tell Chloe that Lex had helped. He had also told Clark about the 10 million knowing Clark would ask Lana and she would lie and he would believe her, thus bringing them seemingly closer. Lana would do her best to make sure Clark believed her at all cost. She’d have a tighter grip on him, want him to talk to her more, and would push Chloe out of the way.

    He had heard that Chloe had yelled at Clark in the DP offices. Told him that not everything in her life had to drop for him. She would want to make sure she had her own life. And when that time came, Lex was certain that she would want him to help her achieve that life. That she would be willing to share it with him.


  2. #12
    NS Full Member toryjhay's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (Season 7 Missing Scenes) PG

    damn!!!!!!! that's all i can come up with right now. lex is so evil!!!! and evil never looked sexier!!!!! damn! the lengths he's going through, it's just...damn!!! see, i'm not even able to come up with a perfect adjective.

    oddly enough it made sense. lionel is no longer out to get chloe, because he became jor-el's vessel, he even unwittingly contributed to lex' plan (i alway hated the fact that they made lionel more concerned about clark than his own sons...stupid ass writers!). i really want to know what his plans are for chloe, dying to know. i loved the part where he laid on the bed with chloe after kidnapping her, it was creepily sweet, if that makes sense.

    can't wait for more!!!!!

  3. #13
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye Update: 10/22/07 (S7 Missing Scenes) PG-13 to R

    Soooooooooooo good.

    Perfect rewrite. A million times better than Lex being a pathetic moron.

    This is Lex. See Lex plot. Plot, Lex, plot!

    And Lex paying someone else to sleep with Lana - ROTFLMAO!

    Good thing he didn't pick a good lover for her or he would have probably grab a new and unsuspecting member of his staff every night to see to Lana.

    All that was left was too build up Chloe’s confusion about her power. Lex hated that she had to go through the same kind of testing that the others had to endure, but it was the only way to establish her powers. After the scientists had finished, he personally took her back to her apartment. He carefully placed her in her bed and laid down next to her. He held her close, breathing her scent and caressing her hair. He didn’t want to leave but knew all his careful planning would be ruined if she woke up and found him in bed next to her.

    I find this part *very* intriguing. I think that it needs it's own little interlude to explore it more thoroughly. Right? Right??

    Can't wait for more of this. Fantastic rewrite!


  4. #14
    Done trying santija's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (Season 7 Missing Scenes) PG

    I really like this fic, don't really watch the show anymore, but I try to keep up what's happening on the show thru spoilers, I haven't written on this page for a long time, ha, ah well, I like this fic so keep it coming, like more now please!!!!

  5. #15
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye Update: 10/22/07 (S7 Missing Scenes) PG-13 to R

    I absolutely loved this alternate plot line explanation to current SV happenings. I haven't been watching the latest season, but I HAVE been reading reviews, and I've been getting seriously pissed off by the news on how Chloe is becoming yet MORE marginalized as a character (and an actress) by all vapid sex-symbol females on the show.

    Your story provided a perfectly logical explanation for every slighting that Chloe has experienced... it was a brilliant explanation that Chloe's professional and personal life is becoming derailed because Lex Luthor is spending all his time and attention to making sure that her life languishes. To the point where she's filled with enough despair and desperation to seek out his help.

    I LOVE your version of Evil!Lex. He's ruthless, merciless and driven to the point of insanity... all because he's hiding away some all-consuming passion for Chloe.

    I love it, and I can't wait to see how you go with this fic. It's going to be great, and I look forward to seeing what happens when Chloe finally DOES approach Lex for help... not to mention how she reacts when she inevitably finds out the truth about all his doubledealings

    Please update soon.

  6. #16
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye Update: 10/22/07 (S7 Missing Scenes) PG-13 to R

    Ok you can't stop there girl. I want more please you can't leave it there.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #17
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye Update: 10/22/07 (S7 Missing Scenes) PG-13 to R

    100% perfect

    I loved that Lex didn`t slept with Lana it that horrible night of the costume ball
    Let Chloe share her life with Lex

    Please more soon

  8. #18
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye Update: 10/22/07 (S7 Missing Scenes) PG-13 to R

    Oh I like this version of Lex--much cooler then the current SV, Lana-whipped version. I hope the show lets him be as clever as you have him in your fic.

    Continued fabulous work

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  9. #19
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye Update: 10/22/07 (S7 Missing Scenes) PG-13 to R

    Sorry I have to say that when I read "More then meets the eye" I think Transformers.

    Anyway on with the update.

    But Lex knew. He knew because he recognized her potential and necessity from their first meeting. Clark would lead a clueless life without her.
    THis is so true. Clark doesn't see what's right in front of him.

    After the scientists had finished, he personally took her back to her apartment. He carefully placed her in her bed and laid down next to her. He held her close, breathing her scent and caressing her hair. He didn’t want to leave but knew all his careful planning would be ruined if she woke up and found him in bed next to her.
    Creepy and some how intriguing.

    Lana would probably never believe that she was actually pregnant. Although not by Lex, she’d passed out due to a drug Lex had slipped in her champagne the night of the costume ball. He paid one of the waiters to do the dirty work. When she awoke, she fully believed she had made loved to Lex, but wasn’t that keen on a repeat performance which was just fine with him.
    This is so wrong and yet so right. Its good to know that Lex didn't sleep with her.

    And when that time came, Lex was certain that she would want him to help her achieve that life. That she would be willing to share it with him.
    Alright. I'm ready for more Lex's scheming.

    This is shaping up nicely. I can't wait for Chloe to fall into the trap and love every minute of it.

  10. #20
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye Update: 10/22/07 (S7 Missing Scenes) PG-13 to R

    Quote Originally Posted by skauble View Post
    I find this part *very* intriguing. I think that it needs it's own little interlude to explore it more thoroughly. Right? Right??

    Can't wait for more of this. Fantastic rewrite!
    LOL! I should have known that Skauble would have centred her sick fascination on on THIS particular part of the story. I don't blame her, because I admit that I also share her taste for Extreme!Stalker-Lex. Someone who spies on Chloe and imagines an intimacy with her that she can't even begin to conceive. It's just so thrilling. I'd also like to put my vote in with Skauble for 'more scenes like thesel please!'

    Quote Originally Posted by letia84 View Post
    Sorry I have to say that when I read "More then meets the eye" I think Transformers.
    LOL! You weren't the only one, Letia. I seriously thought this was an off-topic discussion about transformers, and then I started wondering why it was getting so many hits and replies, so I checked it out to see a BEAUTIFUL, mesmerizing and stunning new fic.

    Quote Originally Posted by westwingwolf View Post
    Feel free to ask me something you don't understand because I'm still trying to work the plan out where it makes sense and I might not catch all the flaws.
    Since you already mentioned this... I thought I might as well ask about Lex's reaction to Chloe 'dying' after healing Lois. I know that Lex knows more about Chloe's condition that she does, but did he also know about her dying and them coming back to life again? Did he panic after finding out about her death? Was he angry that HE wasn't the one to rescue Chloe during her time of deepest, darkest need (stuck in the morgue drawer)? He was probably so mad about being helplessly stuck at the bottom of the dam water while Chloe was suffering through this traumatic moment.

    I'd love to know what were his reactions during this 'death of Chloe' time? How much did he know? How angry/helpless/afriad was he? Details please!

    Other than this little thing, the rest of the chapter explains everything beautfiully, and I think it's wonderful how you managed to cover for and explain everything in a way that's so rational, and also comforting for the Chlexing public

    I look forward to seeing what Lex does next. Are you going to continue following the series. You CAN start a plot line of your own from this point onwards, and I'm sure it would be wonderful... Your choice.

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