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Thread: The divorce of the century (PG-13) Complete

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    The divorce of the century (PG-13) Complete

    Divorce of the Century
    Rated: PG-13
    Summary: Lex and Lana Luthor get a divorce. When the news hits the town,
    Lois Lane and Gazelle T. go neck and neck to cover the story. You may remember
    Gazelle from “Extra! Luthor Divorced”. When Chloe starts seeing Lex, Gazelle is all over it, trying to get every piece of gossip she can. Meanwhile Lois is getting frustrated
    with Gazelle for bothering her cousin. Drama, romance, and heart ache, all in one story.
    Disclaimers: I do not own these characters. The only character I own is Gazelle T.
    Feedback: I'll give you cookies, if you give me feedback.

    Chloe's thoughts are in italics
    She scurried as fast as her feet could take her. One foot in front of the other. Breathing heavily, her heart pounding. She pushed open the heavy double doors. Rushing past the people, listening to the tapping over the keyboards, the various conversations going back and forth. The sound of her boss came closer as she got closer to the action.

    “Lois, you got the cover story on the Luthor divorce.” Parry shouted as he handed her the story.

    “It’s about time Lois!” Chloe said un easy as she looked at her heavy breathing cousin.

    “Sorry I was late.”

    “It wouldn’t be the first time.” A familiar farm boy voice entered her ears.

    “Ha ha Smallville. I get to interview your favorite billionaire.”

    “When did that happen? I thought Lex was happy?” Chloe broke the tension between the two bickering children.

    “Lana did tell me she was fed up with him.” Clark’s eyes skimmed down the story he was supposed to write. He was supposed to be training with Jimmy. Jimmy was going to train him on the ball that Lex Luthor would be throwing the next weekend.

    “Since when do you care about Lex? I thought you hated him.” A concerned Lois asked.

    “Yeah well…” Chloe rushed off to get some research done, and grab a cup of coffee.

    “I’ll never understand her.” Lois said.

    Chloe typed in some gibberish, printed out what she needed, and rushed out of the Daily Planet, to get some coffee. On her way to the coffee shop, she saw Gazelle T. Chloe groaned as she passed by her. She worked for a gossip magazine, called “Extra!”. Chloe hated that magazine. It was bad enough she was addicted to reading the gossip, about celebrities.

    The cold wind whipped across her face, as she pushed open the doors to Star Bucks.

    “Back so soon?” Said the cashier.

    “The usual.”

    Chloe heard two bickering voices enter the coffee shop. She turned around and groaned to herself.

    “Well you must have realized how I felt.” Lana grumbled as the door closed behind her.

    “I’m tired of playing your feelings game Lana. I thought the divorce was finalized.” Lex was tired of hearing Lana’s voice, and just wanted to go home.

    “There’s something you forgot to sign.” Lana handed him the papers.

    “I already signed the divorce papers.” He said sternly.

    “Not the house papers. Part of that house is still mine Lex. I’m still a Luthor.”

    “Not until this afternoon. I’m having an agent change your name, to your maiden name.”

    Lana couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

    “If you do, I’ll,”

    “You’ll what? Blackmail me? That’s so low even for you. If you’ll excuse me, I have a headache.” Lex walked up behind Chloe, who’s coffee was in front of her.

    “Miss? Your coffee.”

    “Oh! Sorry. Thanks.” Chloe went and sat down, and hoped that Lex wouldn’t see her.


    Too late

    “Hi Lex.” Just play cool. Maybe he won’t notice.

    “Did you hear that?”

    Too late again.

    “Hear what?” [I/]Maybe if I just play dumb..[/I]

    “Our argument? I swear that girl!”

    “Is he talking about me?” Lana shouted. She never left the building.

    “NO!” Chloe & Lex both shouted.

    “How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

    Now he starts to notice me.

    “Umm yeah. I’ve been kinda busy with the Planet and all.”

    “Would you like to go to lunch with me?”

    Hmm.. lunch with Lex.

    “I don’t know.”

    “He’ll make you pay for your meal.” Lana said and left.

    “She’s lieing. We’re not the best of friends today.”

    “So I noticed. Sure. Where at?”

    “The café by the Planet. My treat.”


    What happens when Gazelle is all over this story?

  2. #2
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    13 Jan 2004

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13)

    Great start. Can't wait to read what happens next. Glad Lex dumped Lana. Please update soon.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
    Join Date
    27 Apr 2003
    Estonia; UK

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13)

    Hmmmm.....well, continue

  4. #4
    devoted to Chlex carly's Avatar
    Join Date
    21 Oct 2006

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13)

    That was great start, please continue
    And more CHLEX
    hugs carly

  5. #5
    Join Date
    04 Sep 2006

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13)

    Its funny so far, update soon!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13)

    Thanks for all your replies guys! Here's the next update!

    As time kept on moving, Chloe rushed back to the Planet. She needed some more papers to write her article. Before she could leave, Clark stopped her.

    "Hey Chloe, would you like to have lunch with me?"

    "Can't." She simply said. It couldn't be any plainer then that. She knew what Clark would say if he found out she had plans. So she already told herself she wouldn't tell him.

    "Oh. How come?"

    "I just want to spend sometime by myself. Jeeze Clark, do you HAVE to know what I'm always doing?" Clark wasn't dumb, he was just a curious minded folk. He was always looking out for the well being of his friend.

    "It's ok Chloe. You don't have to get all huffy."

    "I thought you were supposed to meet Jimmy?" She said as she looked at the big clock that, was hanging on the wall. With out saying a word, Clark darted off.

    It was nearly one oclock. Lex kept wondering what was keeping Chloe. Patience wasn't one of his stronger qualities in life. Maybe this would teach him to be on time more often.

    "Sorry I'm late. Traffic was just.."


    Chloe smiled as she set her papers on the table. Lex looked at them as if she was going to do homework.

    "The papers got you going huh?"

    "You wouldn't believe it. But hey I'm a journalist. I live for this stuf."

    "Not like that new magazine that's been out for a couple months." Lex said as he took the copy of Extra! that Chloe had.

    "Uh yeah.. you know who CARES what Brad Pit, and Angelina Jolie, are up too. I sure as hell don't."

    "Then why do you buy the magazine?"

    "Because it's addictive."

    Lex wondered why a magazine you didn't like would be so addictive.

    "Maybe it's like those shows that are so raunchy, but you have to watch it, so you'll know what's going to happen."

    "Yeah kinda like that. But this one girl, Gazelle. She's such a snob. She writes for this magazine. She can get you any kind of gossip. Just ask her. But if you get in her way, she's a mean thing." Lex was interested in this.

    "Maybe she needs her space."

    "So you're on her side?"

    After an hour of food and conversation Chloe had to get back to the Planet.

    The next morning Lois' voice was heard.

    "Has billionaire playboy Lex Luthor moved on? These photos of Lex Luthor and Chloe Sullivan explain it all. The happy couple were seen walking out of a restaurant. For more details read the full story on page 59." Lois ended the story while putting the magazine on Chloe's desk. Chloe looked at it like it was going to bite her.

    "What the hell? How am I in this stupid magazine? I am NOT Lex's girlfriend." Chloe's anger began to boil. When that happen you better be out of her way.

    "Yeah well the media doesn't think so. It's bad enough I have interview him, and Lana. I've been trying to get a hold of Lex all week, but his office says he's out."

    "That's because you're not trying the right number. Here." Chloe gave her his cell number.

    "How'd you get this?" She ask.

    "He gave it to me yesterday. Just don't go spreading THAT piece of news to Gazelle."

    "Yeah.. we should do something about her."

    "She's good. Boy is she very good." That was Parry. Reading the Extra! magazine. That was a favorite among the journalists in the Planet.

    "Boy Chloe, you sure look all nice and comfy with Mr. Luthor." He smiled. He didn't look too happy about Chloe being in that magazine.

    "Sorry Mr. Parry. It won't happen again."

    "It better not. It's not good for our reporters to be in a magazine. That's our competitor! Really Chloe, what WERE you thinking?" Parry got up into Chloe's face.

    "How was I supposed to know those pictures would be in there? How did SHE know that I was going out to lunch with Lex?" Chloe sighed angrily picked up her things, and left while running into Clark.

    "Hey Chloe, did you.." She cut him off with a wave of her hand, and left the building.

  7. #7
    NS Full Member lkedino's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 May 2005

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13) -2/7-

    great story so and can't wait for next chapter

  8. #8
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
    Join Date
    27 Apr 2003
    Estonia; UK

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13) -2/7-

    Don't tell me that that women is another metero freak....
    And what will Lex say about this development....?
    Another update please

  9. #9
    devoted to Chlex carly's Avatar
    Join Date
    21 Oct 2006

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13) -2/7-

    Great upd!!!
    Just, who the hell is this Gazel??????
    If she's an enemy I'm sure Lex'll take care of her
    More, please

  10. #10
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: The divorce of the century (PG-13) -2/7-

    Thx for the feedback guys! here's the next update!


    Chloe darted out of the building in a huff. She dug through her purse for her keys. Her hands shaken by the drama, in the Planet. Soft yet cold colds made heat on her arm. She immediately relaxed. She didn’t know what sensation was going through her, but she hoped it was someone she could talk to. A strong male voice spoke in her ear.

    “Chloe, you wanna tell me how we ended up in this magazine?” It was only Lex. It was strange that she would feel relaxed by his touch. She shrugged it off and turned towards him.

    “That’s Gazelle for ya.” She open her car door, and hopped in. The sound of the ignition meant, that she wasn’t in the mood for a conversation.

    “Lois is trying to get a hold of you. I gave her your number, so expect a call.” She sped off into the distance, as he stared after her. Something vibrated against the fabric in his pocket. He grabbed the vibrating object which was his cell. The caller I.D read..

    “Lois. What a surprise.”
    “Lex, we need to talk. I need to do an interview. Parry’s been giving me looks.”
    “I bet. How about you come over to the penthouse in the next five minutes.”
    “Sure. I’ll be there.”

    Warning: A small slight lexana scene. Break out the tums…

    When Lex got home, his home had been vandalized. Furniture was turned over, glass shattered on the ground. Picture frames knocked over, dishes scattered on the kitchen floor. In every room it was a mess. There was soft music coming from the master bedroom. When he looked in, he saw a naked women on his bed.

    “Lana?” Lex couldn’t believe his eyes. It couldn’t have been her that, vandalized his home. He was too shocked to be angry.
    “Yes Lexy baby. It was I who made the huge mess downstairs. Now are you going to be a good boy and spank me?” She said seductively while licking her lips sexually. She put one arm around his neck and went in for the kiss, but he pulled away.

    “I see. Playing hard to get?” Lex cleared his throat.

    “Lex? Are you in here…woah..” Lex turned around to find Lois standing in his doorway.
    “Lex? What happen?” She was shocked. Especially more shocked to find Lana Lang in all her glory.

    “Well I,..”
    “Yes Lex. Explain to her how you seduced me. Go on.”
    “Lana! I did not,”
    “I thought you two got a divorce?” Lois said. Still shocked but had her eyes closed.
    “We did, and we’re still divorced.” Lex said strongly, as he gently pushed Lana away.

    “Please put on some clothes, and kindly leave my house.”
    “Oh but it’s still mine sweet baby.” Lex cringed.
    “Sweet baby?” Lois couldn’t help but let out a small snicker.
    “Out Lana.” Lana went out of the room swearing underneath her breath.

    “I’m sorry you had to see that.” Lex hoped that this little “incident” wouldn’t be in her interview.
    “Don’t worry that’s not the only time I’ve seen her in all her glory. There was that one time at Clark’s 16th birthday party, and..”
    “Ok you can stop there. I get it.”

    “Ok. Uh let’s start from the beginning.” Before she could ask a question, Lex interrupted her.
    “Wouldn’t you rather go to a more, productive place?” He hoped she would have obliged her.
    “Oh I’m fine. It gives me a feeling of the real Lex Luthor.” She said in a sassy way. Lex felt uncomfortable, but Lois was strong towards him, so he let her win this round.

    “What made you want to divorce Lana?”
    “Where to start... she’s too demanding. She likes me to rub her back when she wants me to. Whether I feel like it or not. It’s like I don’t have a choice!”

    After a few questions Lois asked one more.

    “Do you feel anything towards Lana now?”
    “When did you feel this way?” Lex sighed and said
    “Last week. I looked at her, and, I didn’t feel anything. I thought I loved her, but. Something changed inside of me.” Lois smiled as she wrote down some notes. An evil grin spread across her lips as she thought of another question.
    “Do you feel anything when you look at Chloe?” Silence. Complete and utterly silence. He did not say a word. His heart pounded, sweat began to pour. He couldn’t tell her yes. She would write that down.
    “I take it from your silence that you do feel something. Don’t worry I’m not putting this in the article.”
    “Then give me the tape.” He said with a smile.
    “Because it may fall into the wrong hands.”
    “Don’t you want the media to know you’re after someone else?” Lex sighed again.

    “Not really. It’s bad enough this Gazelle T. girl is following us. I’d like to date again with out being in the papers every single day.”
    “So you really are after Chloe Sullivan?” Lois smiled. She felt happy for her cousin. She couldn’t wait to tell her.
    “Lois. Promise me something.”
    “Don’t tell Chloe. This meetings over.” With that said he left. Lois had already planned on telling her first thing.

    “Don’t worry Mr. Luthor. Your tape is in good hands, as well as your secret.” She crossed her fingers and squealed.

    “Why, why, why, why..” Chloe kept saying over and over as she cleaned her cousins room.
    “Oh gross!” She found a condom left over from the other night. Clark had “stopped by” the apartment to see Lois.
    “Hey cuz! I have great news!”
    “Whatever you and Clark do is your business. I don’t want to find these when I clean!” She held up the condom to show her.
    “I thought I told you I was going to clean my room.”
    “But you never do!”
    “That’s not important, I have great news! Lex likes you!” Chloe couldn’t believe it. Lex Luthor liked her? Of all women, he could’ve chosen someone else, yet he picked her.

    “Why me? What have I got to offer him?”
    “I don’t know what he sees in you, but he likes you. I have it on tape if you wanna listen.”
    “Maybe later. I have some typing to do.” Chloe threw the condom away, and went into her room to type.

    She logged on the internet to check her emails. There was one in her inbox.

    I was wondering if you’d like to meet me for dinner tomorrow night. No media. I know a location where it’s secure. Please respond if you’d like to join me.

    Maybe he does like me…

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