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Thread: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Fourteen - August 31, 2009

  1. #11
    NS Full Member celticangel's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    Fantastic begining!! I can't wait to see how it all plays out. Update soon!!

  2. #12
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    Sarah, this is one hell of a beginning!

    I have questions but I have decided to wait until your next chapter is posted before I start bombarding you with them

    So please post soon.

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  3. #13
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    A/N #2 – This is for somethingeasy who gently encouraged me via breaking international law and seizing Australia. That’s someone who really wants something to read. Because she sent some koalas my way I have endeavored to provide the beginning of this story. But beware – this is the prologue; it’s all about teasing, not pleasing.
    heh. This is the result I get from holding onto the ‘smallest’ continent for ransom? Next time, I’ll try nabbing South America, and see what kind of a deal I can cut.

    I’ll be releasing some more koala bears tonight… but only the reeeally clingy ones. They have been getting on my nerves. Have a nice barbecue.

    A/N #3 – Last one, I promise. I'm not a doctor. I don't even play one on TV. The only research I did for the medical part of this story was to look up a proper term for amnesia. Everything else I just made up. I've tried to make it all seem reasonable, but who knows. But I just wanted to fess up avoid the 8,000 posts telling me what a weenie I am for getting it all wrong. Remember – I'm not stupid, just incredibly lazy.
    Somehow, I think sticking to only what would be medically sound and viable would have ‘ruined’ the fic. Making stuff up works just FINE with me

    But she wouldn’t give up. Chloe Sullivan didn’t know the meaning of the word quit. Although if she made it out of there she was pretty sure she’d be looking it up, because she had a feeling that a new Sullivan motto of “Quit breaking into Luthor research facilities” could only enhance the quality of her life. Probably more so if she’d adopted it two hours ago.
    ROTFLMAO! Even in the middle of a chase scene, Chloe finds time to make snarky, ironic observations. Even if the ‘target’ of her snark is herself, she pulls no punches. LOVE that about Skauble’s Chloe. In this fic, as well as ‘A Thirst for Knowledge’.

    And so, when she did finally make contact with the door, she had only the briefest of moments to appreciate the irony that it was face first, before darkness consumed her.
    A LOVELY introduction to the new fic. Filled with suspense, drama and a healthy dose of humour. Not to mention the reader’s sense of outrage of having Chloe tackled and ‘damaged’ like that.

    Here is me hoping that Lex makes life unspeakably miserable for the idiot guard who tackled the blonde.

    The doors to the infirmary flew open and the crowd of medical specialists in the room parted like the Red Sea before the imposing figure in the tuxedo. Lex Luthor was not a man in whose way you wanted to be, even if he wasn’t your boss.
    LOL! I loved this introduction to Lex too. He made a fabulous entrance, and the way Skauble described how other people perceive him and react to him? Instant classic!

    It had taken him about two and a half hours to extricate himself from the charity ball he had been attending, divest himself of his date, and reach the lab only to then be informed that she had been injured in her flight from the guards and, unconscious, was transported to the state of the art medical wing. For that discrepancy heads were going to roll; a vow he reaffirmed at his sight of her, still unconscious after so much time.
    Excellent! I know that Lex doesn’t have any special affection or fondness for Chloe, but he’s not a monster who would approve of having the mostly harmless and non-malicious reporter injured while investigating him.

    I’m SO glad he’s outraged about how Chloe was treated, and that he’s already making plans of retribution amongst his employee/s.

    Not that he and Chloe hadn’t had their differences on other matters. Stubborn and opinionated, they were the type of people who could manage to disagree on even the things that they agreed upon. But underneath it all was a kinship that outlasted their struggles towards contrary objectives.
    ‘type of people who managed to disagree on things that they even agreed upon’… ROTFLOL at the aptness of this summation of the Chlexy relationship.

    By the same token, he was certain that he had little to fear from whatever it was she had learned. While certainly the activities of this particular lab would only, after much falsifying of records and many, many bribes, be considered barely legal by the populace at large, there was nothing here to do with the meteors and, by extension it seemed, Clark. There was also nothing heinous such as human experimentation occurring. And Lex had learned over time that if Clark wasn’t in trouble and people weren’t in immediate danger, Chloe preferred not to create a tremendous amount of disruption in his life.

    Clark might never believe that of his best friend and go to girl, but the boy would also never guess just exactly how much damaging information that Lex knew for a fact that Chloe had acquired over the years and about which she had never breathed a single word.
    This was VERY interesting take on the fact that Chloe NEVER gets onto trouble for hacking or breaking into LuthorCorp, and Lex NEVER suffers the consequences from whatever information Chloe managed to unearth (that doesn’t involve harm towards others). And it actually fits in perfectly well with their characters.

    It’s almost as if they have an unspoken deal to keep challenging each other and keeping each other in check. Lex will never prosecute Chloe, because he knows she would never use any knowledge gained against him in a malicious manner. And perhaps vice versa?

    What a pity the two of them must distrust and disagree so strenuously on this ONE little matter of a farmboy.

    Sometimes he wondered what kind of friends they would have made had he won Chloe’s loyalties before she gave them to another. But that was destined to remain unknown and any true potential unexplored as he was so desperate to uncover the secret she was equally as determined to protect. Somehow, everything always seemed to come back to Clark. And that, more than animosities, jealousies, and betrayals was why Lex knew that he would never quit looking until all of his questions finally had answers.
    Wow! In ‘A Thirst for Knowledge’, I got the picked up on the undertone that one of the reasons why Lex was so desperate and determined to find out about Clark’s secret was because he wanted to know HOW and WHY his father was bestowing paternal affection on Kent.

    Now I see Lex might want to know how Clark keeps gaining and commanding the trust and loyalties of so many powerful, skilled and talented people (people like Lionel AND Chloe), while Lex can’t even get his own wives to be faithful and loyal to him.

    Complicated reasons, and I have to wonder whether Lex has consciously acknowledged these reasons, or whether he’s just convinced himself he wants to know because of those ‘surface reasons’ of ‘preparing for the unknown’ and such motivations.

    Heh. But it seems like Lex is FINALLY going to have a chance to find out what it’s like to have Chloe’s loyalties and attentions dedicated first and foremost to HIM.I get the feeling it’s going to be veritably addictive, and Lex is NOT going to want to let go even after he finds out Clark’s secrets.

    Lex had certainly had enough head injuries to know that sleeping after one severe enough to render you unconscious was rarely recommended. ‘Get a good night’s sleep’ was advice reserved for broken limbs and emotional upsets. If Chloe wasn’t awake then it was most likely the result of her injury and not the staff’s attempts to see to her comfort.
    hmmm. Interesting observation over here. Thanks Skauble, for verifying the difference between ‘restful slumber’ and ‘potential coma’.

    It was also heartening to see that Lex seemed rather… concerned for Chloe’s wellbeing. It’s not because he has any special regard for her, but it DOES show that, despite his selfish and manipulative nature, Lex still has a significant amount of humanity and decency within him.

    “Mr. Luthor, I have reason to believe that Miss Sullivan’s wakefulness or lack thereof is not the issue we need to address.” Crossing over to the opposite side of his patient’s bed, he glanced at the illuminated displays on the various beeping machinery and then reached out gently to turn Chloe’s head slightly to the right to allow him to check the swollen and discolored area at her temple. Finishing his cursory exam he turned back to his employer.
    ooooh. Nice bit of detailed description over here. I could visualize the scene perfectly, and imagine all the nasty bruises Chloe must be sporting. Poor girl!

    His explanations were interrupted by a slight sound of stirring from the bed that immediately drew the attention of both men. Knowing that patients were often able to absorb information in varying states of consciousness, and wanting to avoid that specific occurrence in this particular case, he waved a nurse over to check on his charge and gestured Lex toward the exit.

    “I think that our conversation would be better had in an alternative location.”

    Although Lex wanted to remain in the room and see for himself that Chloe was, indeed, waking up; he understood the doctor’s reasoning. And, as he wasn’t one to hire imbeciles for so important a position, he felt it best to follow the older man’s advice.
    This was an excellent insight into ‘doctor-patient’ bedside manners. How the doctor was being SO careful to keep disquieting information from an already agitated patient. AND it provided an excellent reason about why the doctor was being so forthcoming about the ‘private’ and confidential details of Chloe’s health and possible treatment.

    Well that, and he was on the Luthor payroll

    As they entered Dr. Heideman’s office Lex seated himself in one of the large, leather chairs placed in front of a bulky mahogany desk cluttered with files. He didn’t say anything; he didn’t have to. He was a Luthor,; it was most people’s natural inclinations to attempt to anticipate and then meet his needs. He wanted information and had no doubt that it would be immediately forthcoming. He wasn’t wrong.
    ROTFLOL at this ‘expectation’ Lex has about how EVERY-one is the world is simply obliged to hand over sensitive and confidential information to him… Without him even asking for it. VERY nice insight into the Luthor mind and lifestyle. Excellent writing!

    “Didn’t you just say that such symptoms were not particularly extraordinary?” Lex questioned.

    “Yes,” the doctor hurried to clarify. “But usually that type of difficulty in recollection is of extremely short duration and is less a consequence of the injury and more of a result of the temporary diminishment in cerebral capabilities.”
    Despite Skauble’s claim that she didn’t do much research. I thought all of this sounded exceedingly real and convincing. Fabulous writing, and excellent job in ‘bluffing’ your way through a diagnosis. You could play a TV doctor after all!

    “Amnesia?” It was all Lex could do to keep from laughing at both Chloe’s audacity and the utter naiveté of the man behind the desk.

    “That is the tentative diagnosis at this-”

    “She’s faking.” Lex saw little point in allowing the man to finish and even less in wasting his time with Chloe’s quite brilliant, but ultimately doomed scheme to avoid interrogation.
    I should have guessed Lex’s first reaction to hearing about Chloe’s ‘amnesia’ would be sheer disbelief. After all, her condition DID seem to arrive at a rather convenient moment for her. LOL!

    I bow down in awed worship to Skauble’s very characteristic response to the situation. I would never have thought of it, even though it was the most obvious reaction.

    Hilarious too! Especially in hindsight! LOL!

    “Chloe.” He called as he entered, and was not disappointed as she turned to face him at hearing her name. However his triumph was short lived as he jerked to a halt at seeing green eyes completely devoid of even the slightest hint of recognition.

    Oh, it was still Chloe looking back at him; all agile intelligence and avid curiosity only slightly dimmed by pain. But it was as if the intricate layers of history had been stripped away, leaving the woman in her purest form.
    Lex really should have realized how much danger he was in from THIS very moment. He finds it difficult enough to deny his attraction to her when she’s hostile, HOW is he supposed to deny her irresistibility when she actually seems open to a potential friendship?

    Then again, he’s not going to realize the danger he’s in, since he’s been DENYING the attraction he’s been feeling for her for such a long time.

    It’s going to be interesting to find out how ‘differently’ Chloe acts and behaves without the support of her memories and ‘sense of self’ guiding her thoughts and reactions.

    When he didn’t speak, Chloe gave him a visual once over before meeting his eyes. She’d been fairly certain that he had been addressing her. After all, he’d said Chloe and they’d been assuring her, repeatedly, that that was her name. But before she could call out to him again he turned on his heels and walked out.

    “Well,” she said to no one in particular, “if that’s the kind of people I know, I’m not so sure I want to remember.”
    LOL! It’s good to see that the loss of memory and self has not affected her attitude. She’s still going to be confrontational, contrary, direct, and cantankerous and all other qualities that make her a general DELIGHT to read.

    But she’s still going to have the disadvantage of being dependent and vulnerable to manipulations that she had learned (through bitter experience) not to fall for. It seems like she’s going to have a lesson of ‘never trust Luthors’ all over again.

    Dr. Heideman could see that whatever exchange he’d had with the young woman had been enough to convince his employer of the validity of his diagnosis. However, being no fool, he chose not to mention the man’s earlier doubt.
    Lex seemed quite abrupt and brusque with the doctor after verifying that Chloe was actually NOT faking. Perhaps he was perturbed over the fact that Chloe was not faking her condition after all. Could it be possible that his feelings were ‘hurt’ about being forgotten by her?

    I can hope that was the initial reaction.

    “Of course. What we believe that we’re dealing with is a case of traumatic, global amnesia.” Resuming his seat, he shuffled through his papers until he was once again holding the sheaf of notes he had been when they’d first had this discussion.

    “Very little is actually known about amnesia, its causes, or its cure. The blow to the head that Miss Sullivan suffered caused a slight swelling in her brain. It was well within an acceptable range for this type of injury and, according to her second CT scan, seems to be subsiding. So, while it would seem that the pressure was the initial cause of the memory loss, I'm concerned that there is no rebound in that area as it diminishes.”
    WOW! I am amazed by the ‘doctor-speak’ over here. Even if it’s not authentic, it SOUNDS genuine enough to be taken seriously by the reader. In fact, this is quite similar to the seemingly ‘technical authenticity’ that also made the ‘experimentations’ documented during the earlier chapters of ‘A Thirst for Knowledge’ so interesting to read through.

    Excellent writing, excellent work in ‘bluffing’ your way though made-up details in your Chlex world.

    “Patient, although distraught, made pertinent inquiries and understood the importance of her lack of self knowledge. Patient even demonstrated a grasp of humor as she pointed out the irony of remembering amnesia when on was suffering from it.”

    Placing the notes back on his desk, he struggled to keep his amusement from finding purchase on his face until he noted the quirked lips of the man across from him. However, the pervasive somberness quickly returned at the next question.
    LOL! I was so pleased to see Chloe’s sense of humour, irony or cynicism had not faded by her lack of memories. I’m pretty sure Lex was also pleased to see that Chloe had not been ‘diminished’ despite her vulnerable condition.

    “Well, Mr. Luthor; unfortunately I can’t tell you that with any certainty. I’ve contacted a colleague of mine who specializes in disorders of the brain and he confirmed that cases such as these are extremely rare. While loss of memory is common in certain physical and mental traumas, it is generally specific to events surrounding the incident. A car accident or a rape could certainly cause a loss of those specific memories and, even then, it is often transient and a full recovery is made.
    This really helped in illustrating how incredibly rare total amnesia actually is… regardless of the fact that soap operas and TV sitcoms might say otherwise. Thanks for this bit of information, Skauble! I actually think I saw SOME research peeking through after all.

    Instinctual memories; these include the basis for such things as the fight or flight response. Consensus memories; these would be common information that society deems all members should know, things like we all pay taxes or what a TV is. Skill memories; things anywhere from walking or reading to typing or sculpting. Anything a person has to learn to do. And the last are what are called self memories. These are the memories that take the raw material of a person – intelligence, humor, compassion, etc – and, over time, refine and focus them into the individual that they become.

    We don’t really know why they’re divided along those lines or where they’re all stored, but preliminary tests are showing appropriate access to both her instinct and consensus memory. The functional shortfall seems primarily limited to her self memory and only further assessment will tell us if there is any impact on her skills memories.”
    VERY interesting! I’m not sure whether any of this information was from an authentic medical source, but it SOUNDED genuine enough for me. So much that I wasn’t even tempted to do my own research to find out how much was true, and how much was Skauble’s exquisite form of bluffing. LOL!

    And it really helps to show how a person can forget everything about themselves while still retaining hacking skills.

    Of course, we have yet to find out whether Chloe still retains any of her investigative abilities, but I get the feeling her intensely intelligent and curious nature has not been diminished any more than her snarky attitude.

    Lex is going to be running in circles to keep her from learning the truth… despite all the advantages he has in this situation.

    “Not generally speaking, no. In cases such as this, it is far more likely that if the missing information is recovered, it will come back quite slowly, in hazy bits and pieces that turn the patients past into a puzzle.

    You must understand that there are numerous mitigating factors in the recovery process. While familiar places and people may trigger memories, often the expectations of family and friends create a level of frustration that inhibits recovery. There is also the stressor of having flashes of information with little or no context with which to interpret them and the fact that, often, things of importance to the patient, will try to make themselves known, creating a sense of urgency in them that they lack the basic recollective framework to adequately manage.”
    This makes sense, and it fits in with any information I ‘might’ have picked up on amnesia from TV and movies. AND I can see how this would work out in Lex’s favour with his scheme.

    Poor Chloe! I don’t see how she’s going to get out of this tangle. Her only hope is to stay an amnesiac about EVERY-thing as long as possible… OR remember her antagonistic relationship with Lex before she remembers ANY-thing about Clark.

    Dr. Heideman had heard people speak about the genius of Lex Luthor. Not even thirty and running a billion dollar multi-national conglomerate – well – it was impossible not to concede that the man was possessed of a staggering intellect. But sitting before him now, watching his mind in motion was an almost humbling experience. The driven intensity was palpable in the air as and he could see a world of possibilities rise and fall in the the steely eyes burning with force of his indomitable will.
    I LOVED Heidman’s observation over here. It’s so easy to dismiss the intimidating force of Lex by chalking it up to ‘the luck of being born to wealth and power’, and the training he received from Lionel. But I think it’s possible that even if he had been born such resources, he STILL would have been one hell of a force to be reckoned with.

    As the doctor once again corroborated his theory, Lex’s mind began calculating the pros and cons, the risks and complication intrinsic to the stratagem gaining form. He knew that what he was contemplating was not evil in the harshest sense of the word, but it was a level of immorality to which he certainly had never aspired. And yet, there was no real guilt within him.
    I ADORED this version of Lex that Skauble keeps playing around in her fics. This man has all the brilliant, selfish, manipulative and morally ambiguous elements within his personality that makes him the ‘anti-hero’ character. But Skauble still manages to keep him away from being monstrous or even malicious… so he’s not ‘quite’ a villain either. Even if his actions might sometimes suggest otherwise.

    He’s just too complex to be categorized. And this is all due to the magnificence of Skauble characterization of Lex Luthor,

    What had started out as the reoccurring clashes between he and Clark over the boy’s constant deceit and Lex’s responding dishonesty had, over time, become an all out war as each tried to expose the other’s secrets. They were both arriving at the realization that there was an actual threat posed by their foe and, as such, their struggles took on both the instinctual need for security and a tone of righteousness from both sides equally.

    Chloe Sullivan had chosen to throw herself in the midst of that volatile conflict and, like any good soldier, must have expected the occasional battle wound.
    I REALLY liked this explanation about Lex’s obsession with Clark. I’m still going to believe that he has underlying motives of wanting to know how Clark keeps gathering all the friends, allies and resources that Lex is desperate for. But it’s good to see what kind of a ‘moral high ground’ he uses to justify his obsession.

    I can also see how Lex would be able to rationalize using Chloe in this ‘end justifies the means’ scheme. He KNOWS that what is he doing is morally wrong, but he genuinely believes he’s doing all this for the right reasons.

    I don’t think Chloe is going to have the same perspective when she finally ‘wakes up’. In fact, I wonder if Lex realizes how he’s jeopardizing the carefully balanced ‘truce’ he’s currently worked out with the reporter. Has he weighed the costs of making an outright enemy of Chloe, instead of a neutral non-ally?

    Besides, in spite of everything that had passed between them, or maybe because of it, he liked Chloe. He had no desire to harm her, he merely wanted access to information that she was one of the few people privileged to hold. And, if Dr. Heideman was correct, her knowledge of Clark’s secret would be beating frantically at her mental constraints and would be painfully easy to elicit in the absence of the realization that, while they were not strictly enemies, they were in no way allies. So, if luck were with them, this need not be a prolonged exercise.
    riiiight! And just how much time is Lex willing to invest in this scheme anyway? It ‘could’ take months until Chloe remembers and reveals the information Lex wants. How is he going to isolate and hide her away for that amount of time?

    This is one really ambitious project. And one that could have serious consequences if it goes awry. Lex is taking quite a risk here. But then again, taking maximum risks for maximum rewards is part of what Lex Luthor is all about.

    But even if that were to be the case, he would wait it out. It was far past time for this distraction with Clark to end. If the mystery he so virulently guarded was truly benign, then Lex could finally expel his former friend from his life permanently. But if, as he suspected, this deception was something that could potentially endanger them all then, forewarned, he could finally begin to prepare for threat the younger man could pose.
    Again, thanks for the further insight into Lex’s motivations for wanting to know the truth behind Clark’s lies and evasive behaviour. It was also heartening to see more proof that, even though his actions might be selfish and shady, Lex still has a sense of integrity, humanity and decency that saves him from being an outright monster.

    It’s a sense of integrity that might not make sense to most ‘normal people’, but it’s there! And I think it’s a sense of integrity that Chloe would be able to relate to… if only they didn’t have this contention between them.

    But they DON’T have the contention between them anymore, do they? Ooooh, I’m looking SO forward to seeing how the two of them get along when setting aside all animosity and history. Lex is going to fall so hard for the reporter…

    I wonder if he’s going to start making plans (midway through his original plans) to ensure Chloe’s memories STOP returning.

    For an end to the escalating madness between the two men, it was worth a little discomfort on Chloe’s part. And, in what was sure to be her righteous fury at his action, he would be certain to remind her that it was her activities alone that were responsible for her present circumstances.
    AAAARGH! Manipulative BASTARD!

    He might not be outright malicious, but he’s still a sneaky bastard who is going to have a LOT of fast explaining to do later. And all the rationalizations in the world are not going to help when his plans change from ‘winning over Chloe to get at pertinent information’ to ‘winning over Chloe’ period.

    This is going to be one FUN ride! And it’s running on themes similar to your other fic… but with completely different story lines. Please update soon.

    “Mr. Luthor,” the doctor began, “we can-”

    Lex didn’t even let him finish.

    “No; this is what will be done…”
    We all know that Lex felt no guilt over his decisions and subsequent actions, but I wonder if the doctor felt ANY twinges on his conscience after receiving Luthor’s instructions…?

    Or was he just happy to have the opportunity to make a quick buck through Luthor bribes covering less than legal manoeuvrings?

    “How did you know?”

    “You snore.”

    Outrage stiffened her spine as she answered such a mean spirited fabrication.

    “I do not!”

    “How would you know?”
    ROTFLMAO! This was a stunning example of BRILLIANT and funny banter between them. And not only does it establish Lex’s advantage over Chloe from the very beginning, but it also serves to suggest ‘intimate relations’ between the two of them right here and now.

    I just adore it when Lex demonstrates how brilliant he is with his strategic manipulations. Maximum rewards with minimum effort.

    Chloe itched to smack the smirk off of his smug face, but he actually had a point; she didn’t know if she snored. Giving up her plans of assault with a long suffering sigh, she looked closer at the man at her bedside.
    And I just love how contentious and difficult Chloe is, despite being stripped of her identity. It’s going to take a lot more than a case of non-selfhood to make a Sullivan roll over and ‘play nice’.

    Despite the fact that Lex hold all the cards, advantages and negotiating power right now… he’s STILL not going to find this an easy job. I think Chloe is going to be as much of a challenge as she ever was, and once she regains her memories… Lex had better start sleeping lightly now.

    Despite the fact that disheveled look incredibly sexy on him, he looked as if he’d had a difficult time while she was in and out of it. The jacket he had been wearing earlier had been discarded and his sleeved were uncuffed and rolled up around his forearms. Even his bow tie was undone, the black fabric hanging limply around his collar. It was incredibly reassuring and oddly touching to know that, while she was so cut off from so many things that she needed to know, there was someone with her who cared enough to be so concerned. With a slightly sad and apologetic smile she decided she should probably remake his acquaintance.
    That sneaky, manipulative BASTARD!!!! All the readers know that he carefully ‘arranged’ his appearance beforehand to appear ‘rumpled and dishevelled’ in a overly concerned and anxiety ridden kind of way. He’s really not taking any chances when pulling on Chloe’s emotional puppet strings, is he?

    “So, I’m guessing that we know each other.”

    Suddenly she felt long fingers wrap around the hand lying closest to him as his eyes warmed and his features softened.

    “I would hope so; otherwise our wedding would have been a very awkward affair.”
    That insufferable, devious, conniving, unscrupulous, sly, calculating, slimeball, SKUNK!!! I could think of about a thousand more words along this vein, and I STILL wouldn’t come close to venting my outrage over his ACTING!!!

    He’s even doing that soft sweet intimate touching, combining it with a soft look in his eyes. He’s using all the ‘tricks’ he picked up during his player years, and using them on poor helpless Chloe. I could just KICK him! KILL him! KISS him!


    Ok, fine… so I find him irresistible like this. I can hate him at the same time too!

    I can’t wait for Lex to meet with his comeuppance in this fic… AND in ‘A Thirst for Knowledge’ too. In fact, in both fics, we have a Lex Luthor who is far too arrogant and smug for his own good, and he really needs to be knocked down a couple of pegs, and have his face rubbed around in the muck for the sake of humility. For the reader’s satisfaction as well as for Chloe eventual heartbreak.

    I think I’m more angry with THIS Lex than I am with ‘A Thirst for Knowledge’ (ATfK) Lex. Because, although both of them have made intricate plans to use Chloe as a ends to a means in their obsession with Clark Kent… ATfK-Lex doesn’t (yet) have plans to seduce Chloe into spilling her guts… but WYDK-Lex has a plan to (possibly) make Chloe fall for him while seducing information out of her. What happens after he gets what he wants… he drops the poor heartbroken girl like one of his brainless brunette toys?! Chloe deserves better than THAT kind of treatment!

    Heh. I’m getting seriously invested and involved in this fic already, and it’s JUST the prologue… I’m almost afraid to see how far Skauble can get me emotionally engrossed in this fic midway through Lex’s various plans.

    I might be afraid, but I’m still going to beg for fast updates. Please write quickly! Please post ASAP!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    04 Sep 2006

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    Opps I smell trouble, Lex is so going to get more then he bargained for, isn’t he? Update soon please don’t leave us hanging!

  5. #15
    NS Full Member gecko's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    great start, can't wait to see what happens next and chloe's reaction that her and lex are getting married, please come back and update soon

  6. #16
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    I could swear I had reviewed your fic
    Anyway great start. I can`t wait for more. It`s going to be funny seing Chloe thinking she`ll marry Lex
    And about the others characters?? I`m eager to see their reactions

  7. #17
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    06 Jan 2007

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    Loving it already. Please update soon, I can't wait to read Chloe's reaction to the marriage.

  8. #18
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    Bwah! Lex friggin rocks!! Ooh, love the intro and can't wait for the next chapter!!

  9. #19
    NS Full Member kcsgirl82's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    This fic is off to a fantastic start. I love the way Lex told her they were married. This is gonna be a great fic! Please update!!!!

  10. #20
    NS Full Member jedi's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Prologue - 2/1/07

    excellent begining. you're really amazing. loved it.
    keep it going..

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