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Thread: The Arrangement (NC-17) Updated: February 21, 2011

  1. #521
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    Chloe mose likely will get that collar....but when is the question.
    And that was one impressive show!

    What got me really thinking was the kiss moment. That had to have come up for a reason, I mean Lex will most likely kiss her in the future and this was just a reminder for the future of what that will actually mean.

    Another thing- will we see Chloe's former dom as well? I can't remember whether he has been on or not...but that would be fun. Lex showing him that he has now complete control over someone as amazing as Chloe.

    Update was so worth the wait

  2. #522
    NS Full Member dayamiracle's Avatar
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    WOW, thats all I have to say..... well that and im waiting for an update

  3. #523
    Join Date
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    That was awesome! Totally loved it. Again it showed us how MUTUALLY benafficial their arrangement is. I loved Gary's bet about Chloe getting a collar. When you first mentioned it I figured she's get one eventually but I didn't think the possibility of it would come this soon. I enjoyed how, even though she didn't feel it was her place, when she admitted why she tensed up Lex was not upset and instead explained his actions in a way that was complimenting to her. Keep up the stellar work. Can't wait for the next installment!!!

  4. #524
    Hey! Update Your Story!!! xxasaxx's Avatar
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)


  5. #525
    Closet FanFic Addict sarahnicole's Avatar
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    Woooow. How do y'all think of this? I wish I had that kind of sexual imagination! Can someone explain more about collars--if there are different kinds (what they look like and what they mean) or is there just "the collar"? More soon!

  6. #526
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    His gaze scrutinized her breasts again. He would make sure to not clamp her nipples too tightly for the time being. He could always tighten them later on.
    I liked the ‘little touch’ of consideration Lex took to ensure that the clamps were warmed up before applying them to Chloe. I can see now why he told her to take it easy for a few days before this showing.

    It’s interesting that he’s starting out slowly and gently right now. I guess he has one long and strenuous night planned ahead, and he wants to make sure he paces Chloe properly.

    The chain that hung between them was fine, she wasn’t sure if everyone could see it from where they were standing. The chain hung down low. Had she been laying down, it would have been brushing up against her clit.

    Lex adjusted the doubled up chain to fall straight between her legs, then took a step away to check over his work. The metal gleamed under the light of the beam that hit the platform. There was one more surprise for her.
    Lovely visual you’ve painted over here. She might not look as exotic and dramatic as she did during her photo session, but I’m getting a visual of clean, simplicity about her, which is undoubtedly also lovely to behold.

    He turned to the crowd of doms again. “Since this session is also part of her training, I've brought something else. These...” He reached out and tugged on the chain that connected the clamps. “Are more for visual effect. This here,” he pulled out the palm sized egg that had rested in his pocket next to a small remote control. “Is to further her progression in training.”
    I had to take a moment to chuckle at the notion of chains and nipple clamps being used more for ‘a visual effect’ rather than an integral part of the sex-play. BlueSabby have brought their readers along a VERY long way where ‘slightly’ loose clamps are disregarded as blasé and casual.

    Gary looked at the toy. It was a little large. He looked at Chloe’s hips. “She be able to take that?”
    I get the feeling Gary (amongst all the doms at least) was the only person who was actually ‘concerned’ about that. I’ve gotten the distinct impression that all the other doms don’t really care that much for their sub’s well-being beyond making sure they don’t get too ‘damaged’ to play with later. I feel like they all have purely selfish and self-obsessed reasons for maintaining their sub’s health and well-being.

    Lex takes pride in his ability to care for his charge, but he’s ALSO concerned for his sub for her own sake as well as for the amount of pleasure she is able to give to him.

    Similarly Gary actually seems to have a healthy amount of respect and high regard for subs. So much that he was furious at the news about one of them being abused and injured. I remember asking a little while ago whether there were any doms who had the same kind of respect and understanding of/for subs as Lex does. I’m happy to see this is so.

    A smirk curled up on his mouth. This would be the perfect opportunity to show her that he wouldn't neglect his duties because of what had happened a week ago.
    hmmm. I was wondering whether Lex was going to plan out something ‘special’ to reassure Chloe he meant business despite his gentle manner. AND he seems to be taking an almost playful kind of pleasure in displaying her like this. It’s actually sweet.

    As sweet as a situation like this can get, of course.

    His gaze sought out Horace in the crowd. “My friend, you might want to make sure to have Heidi close at hand.”
    LOL at Lex giving out a snarky remark to one of the more uncontrolled doms. I remember Harold, and how he had to ‘excuse’ himself during Chloe’s last showing.

    Removing his fingers, he turned back to the crowd and held them up for the crowd to see.

    After a week without Lex’s touch, Chloe had almost sighed when his fingers had slipped over and then inside of her folds. She knew that she was wet and that Lex’s abilities would be highlighted because of it.

    She heard some murmurs of approval and then heard someone snap their fingers twice.
    I remember Lex doing some low-key boasting to Charlize about how ‘she’s wet and ready whenever I want her to be’. How Chloe becomes aroused almost immediately after he makes an appearance in the room.

    I wonder if her old dom also used to arouse her this quickly. Of course he wouldn’t be able to do a THING for her now, but back before she knew any better…?

    Heh. And was that Gary snapping his fingers, calling his sub over?

    Lex could see that her eyes were fixated on his fingers. Bella was known for her picky palate. The fact that she was asking for a taste was a compliment in and of itself. Very few men and less women had been allowed the pleasure of her tongue. Rumor had it, the few who did had been near spoiled for others.

    He offered his fingers to her mouth silently. His eyes narrowed and his smile widened as she sucked them in and toyed around the pads with her tongue as she licked Chloe's taste off.

    “I almost envy the chosen few,” he commented as he pulled his fingers from her mouth. “Almost.”
    THIS was a VERY interesting insider look into BlueSabby’s dom/sub world. It is amazing how their imaginations keep conjuring up these unexpected details about the personalities, mannerisms and skills of individual doms and subs to make the world all the more REAL to the readers.

    It makes me wonder just how much dedicated research BlueSabby have been putting into their writing. I don’t suppose they can provide the names and locations of some actual dominatrix clubs they have been frequenting lately?

    Her sub appeared and she grabbed his head and kissed him hard. He moaned into her mouth. “Tell them.” She gave him a sharp slap on his naked ass.

    John ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth. Everything that Bella had recently tasted had been shared with him. She was instructing him on the finer points.

    “Very clean,” he said. “She has not been used as much as a usual sub.” There was something about the taste of a woman who had been around the block. He cocked his head to the side. “Top three or four that I’ve had.”
    I JUST finished going back a couple of chapters and reading through the names and descriptions of the people at the LAST dom party Lex hosted. I love how BlueSabby are building up and developing their characters.

    John was the one that Lex used during that ‘threesome test’ he concocted for Chloe, right? And I remember Bella was actually quite pleased with the condition John came back in. He must have pleasured her quite well in his overly aroused state.

    Heh. John actually seems like one of the more enthusiastic and proactive subs. He also seems to also be on the fast track of ‘fantastic sub’ training. Imagine having one’s palette trained to distinguish between the juices produced by an aroused female body. Does Bella pass him around to other doms (and subs) to get him trained properly in that regard? She seemed pleased to pass him over to Lex… perhaps that wasn’t a one-off thing…?

    I also remember he was also quite friendly with Chloe at the last party, AND he took such gossipy delight in poor Evangeline’s humiliation. I rather like him. So I also like Bella by extension.

    Lex's gaze narrowed a little more on the comment. He was almost tempted to offer the man an undiluted taste. Then again, he didn't intend to upset Bella by inferring anything.

    As he turned back to Chloe, he said, “If you don't go too far, you can have another taste after I've finished this demonstration, Bella.”
    ROTFLOL! Imagine Lex feeling insulted because John didn’t proclaim Chloe was the VERY best he’s ever tasted. This is taking his level of protectiveness and pride to new and interesting heights.

    “As we've established, she's already dripping wet for me,” he ran his fingers through her folds while he spoke. “Some of you might also have heard through the rumor mill that she is capable of taking a dildo of eleven inches in length and three inches wide up her ass.”

    A few appreciative murmurs throughout the crowd let him know that most of them had already known, but probably not quite believed.
    LOL! Oh he’s REALLY having fun right now. I never thought I would consider Lex to take such playful delight in his role and performance, but he’s really enjoying this.

    “I am willing and eager to take whatever you want to give me.” She wanted to feel everything that Lex had to offer to her. “I will spread myself as wide as is possible. Wider, with you guiding me. You can break me and then build me up again.”

    She felt another finger slip into her body. “I can take your whole hand, Lex, if it pleases you.”
    I guess any doubts Chloe might have had about Lex taking it too ‘easy’ on her have completely evaporated by now. It’s about time she learned a dom doesn’t have to be abusive to push his sub to challenging highs.

    There is NO way Chloe is ever going to settle for an uncouth slug like her old dom again. Oh please have her confront him just ONE time and give him a sound dressing down. I’d love to see that.

    Horace stared at Chloe’s pussy. The woman was so tiny, it must have taken quite a session to widen her up properly. His cock was already dripping. He looked around for Heidi and beckoned to her with his head.

    Once she was at his side, he ran his hand through her hair once before guiding her down to the floor. “Blow me slow and steady,” he muttered as he continued to watch the show on the stage.
    Heh. I remember Horace quite well. The poor man had to run off for his sub VERY early during Chloe’s performance last time. In fact, the other doms were making fun of his lack of control.

    I don’t know how this fellow treats his subs, so I haven’t decided whether I like him or not… but it’s difficult not to like someone who is obviously so openly enthusiastic about the lifestyle he’s immersed himself in. Even id he’s not SUPPOSED to be so open about his enthusiasm

    Lex concentrated on Chloe, putting the crowd mostly out of his mind. He had four fingers inside her now, and her pussy was stretching wide around them but with effort. The skin was tight around his fingers, so he slowed down his movements.

    “Very good Chloe,” he murmured lowly as he turned his fingers inside her, pulling them out a little to rub her juices over the tight skin. “Your effort pleases me.”

    He tucked his thumb into his palm and turned his hand again, so his knuckles were facing down. “Breathe out now,” he instructed as he began to apply more pressure.

    Lex watched as his fingers went in to the knuckles before they met resistance. He twisted his hand slightly, putting more pressure on the bottom of her cunt. “Breathe in.” He paused, keeping his hand still. “And out again.”

    Chloe followed Lex’s instructions and focused on her pussy. She needed the muscles to relax. Lex was almost inside. She would please him. She would make him proud. She was not going to fail him in front of a crowd of his friends.

    After a few more breaths, Chloe felt her pussy give and Lex’s hand slid inside of her.
    I couldn’t pick out any single paragraph over here that struck me as ‘the most powerful and evocative’ of the bunch. It wasn’t arousing… there was too much of an ‘owie’ factor for me to find it sensual, but it was magnificently detailed and powerfully written nonetheless. Excellent work here, BlueSabby!

    “Goodness, I'll pay you anything you want, Lex, just name the price.”

    She had to have that woman in her show, even if only once. Any price would be worth the income she could make with this one.
    I REALLY dislike Iggy. This is the one who compared subs to cars, right? The woman is a sleazy PIMP! She’s making a profit by selling tickets of sexual displays of her subs??!! That is disgusting! How is she able to get away with that?! It’s slave prostitution, plain and simple!

    It would be one thing of she was famed for putting on magnificent dom shows… but making money off her subs?! And I get they get NO-thing of whatever profits she makes off THEIR efforts! SLAVERY and Porstitution!!!

    Someone call the cops!!

    Sorry… I was just…. Really peeved off by this woman’s audacity.

    And I am SO glad she doesn’t stand a chance of getting Lex to agree to send in Chloe for ANY price. Quite honestly, what amount of money could she offer him anyway? The man is a friggen billionaire!

    If she really wants Chloe, she should start making some more imaginative offers rather than simply monetary numbers.

    A small whimper and moan was coming from her left. Iggy tore her eyes away from the display for a moment to see that Mary Ann was being fucked with a nice sized vibe to what looked like an impressive orgasm by Gary. “Lucky bitch,” she muttered before she remembered that she had brought two of her own subs to this get together.
    It was nice of Gary to ‘allow’ Mary Ann to orgasm to this display. I get the feeling most of the other doms are not in the mood to be as generous to their own subs right now. As evidenced by Iggy, who is only considering how best to orgasm using her subs.

    She brought ‘two’ of her subs to this gathering? How many does she have anyway?

    “Daisy, Roy.” She snapped her fingers and the two came readily to please her. Without a word, she pulled Roy behind her and put his hands on her chest, then pushed Daisy's face between her legs. Her eyes stayed riveted to the scene on the platform.
    hmmm. Despite the lack of respect I might have for doms who have harem fantasies… I can definitely see the benefits of having multiple subs.

    “More,” she breathed out. She could take a little more, she knew she could. She didn’t want to come even though her body felt far too wound up. She wanted to show everyone in the room what Lex could do. She wanted them to know that her body and her will belonged fully to Lex.
    Still owie! But I can see Chloe is enjoying how much she’s being pushed over here. She really is an impressive sub, and I can see why all the doms over here are on the verge of losing control of seeing submission of this caliber.

    I’d REALLY like to see what kind of GENUINE offers some of the doms make later. Something that ‘might’ actually tempt Lex more than a stupid, worthless number written on a cheque.

    hmmm. It would even be VERY interesting to see some doms trying to accost Chloe, behind Lex’s back, and find out what options she has for refusal (if any). She’s not wearing a collar, which means she might not have the same privileges and ‘rights of protection’ that Mary Ann has…?

    Bella usually didn’t like to be on her knees but this was a special occasion. She didn’t want to have to focus on keeping her balance at this time. John rammed into her hard. His hand was working her clit perfectly.

    “Now,” she whispered and her orgasm overtook her. She was quiet; she didn’t want to steal Lex’s thunder. She felt John empty inside of her. “Off,” she said.
    I suppose being on her knees really was the best position to be fucked and still enjoy the view in front of her. But despite her position, Bella was in full control at all times. Telling John when to make her orgasm and ordering him ‘off’ when she was done.

    Heh. AND she made it a point to make her orgasm as quiet as possible so as not to spoil the show. A funny insight into courtesies and control in the dom community. LOL!

    It was interesting to see this kind of interplay between a female dom and her own strong sub.

    She stood up, rounded him until he was in front of her and so she could still see Chloe. He was on his knees and she hooked one leg over his shoulder. “Eat.”
    Wow! I’d say Bella comes very near Lex with regards to maintaining control of sessions and sexual plays. She has an impressively dominating personality.

    His eyes followed her movements and he noticed the slight muscle tremors. He'd have to order her to lower her hips soon, before she got a cramp and had to suffer through it without being able to stretch.

    “Any more you want, you have to take yourself from now.”
    I’m getting more used to Lex being ultra-careful when handling Chloe and pushing her to new limits. But still, every sign and gesture to that effect makes me want to swoon and melt.

    This part was an interesting way of showing how a sub can also take control during a session. But isn’t Lex the one who is supposed to ‘know Chloe’s limits better than she knows them herself’. Giving her control over here ‘might’ be taken as breach in their arrangement.

    Lex kept his arm perfectly still as her fingers circled around it halfway up his forearm, then trailed them up to his elbow. Now that she knew how far inside he actually was, she might be a bit more careful with her own body.
    If she wanted to be able to judge her own limits and pleasures, she would have become a dom. Chloe is not the one who is supposed to be in charge of judging and making decisions about how much her body can handle.

    But it’s a minor infraction of the Arrangement, and as long as Chloe doesn’t seem to mind, it’s all good.

    He raised his right arm to wipe the sweat of his brow. The lights from above were heating up his dark clothing. The idea occurred to him to take off his shirt, but he wouldn't need that relief once he was back out of the lights.
    hmmm. Chloe is going to be spending a lot more time under those lights. I hope she’s kept properly hydrated.

    Gregory watched the couple in front of him avidly. He’d slowed down his thrusts into Maggie’s ass so he wouldn’t lose it just yet. He wanted to come when Chloe was allowed to. If she was allowed to.
    New characters here? I don’t remember any mention of this couple before this paragraph. It’s interesting to get an overview on the various ways by which the doms are satisfying themselves while watching the show.

    She moved her hips again but then felt pain so she stopped.

    That’s when the clapping began.

    Lex looked at his arm in amazement. There were only about two and a half inches left to his elbow. He swallowed heavily and kept his arm perfectly still. The wince of pain hadn't gone by unnoticed.
    OUCH! I can see why Lex gave Chloe temporary control over here. It was best not to take ANY chances while engaging in such potentially dangerous activities. I’m glad to see Chloe impressed all the other doms so much. It’s great to see her being properly appreciated for her skills, will power and determination.

    AND it’s wonderful to see her status rising within the ranks of this private club and community. Chloe will NEVER again have any trouble finding a dom.

    Provided she isn’t rendered hopelessly and helplessly brainwashed and addicted to Luthor.

    Lex took care to keep his arm as still as possible as he followed the motion of her hips. He braced his free hand on her knee as he shifted to his knees between her legs.

    “Breathe evenly now,” he instructed neutrally.

    Pulling out would be not much easier on her than going in. The hardest part would be removing his hand once he'd made it back down to the wrist. As he slowly started pulling out, he turned his arm so that his knuckles would face down again.

    Consciously, he tried to match his breathing to hers so it was easier to monitor for him if he needed to stop his movement.

    It took Lex about two minutes before he was out of her body. Chloe appreciated the slowness. She knew that he would rather cut off his arm than cause her any pain. She bit down on her lip once more as his hand finally was out of her body.
    I LOVED how BlueSabby covered the details about ‘coming out’ process with as much attention to detail as they described the ‘going in’. It was still powerful and mesmerizing.

    And I’m imagining all the doms were standing mouths agape, eyes glazed eyes… practically hypnotized by the sight in front of them. I am SO pleased Chloe performed so incredibly well. Every dom is going to bed filled with envy filled fantasies tonight.

    Lex would show the sub that Chloe wasn't merely third or fourth on any list. Her taste was exquisite.
    LOL at Lex being so damned determined to make sure John KNOWS his sub tastes better than any other in Metropolis.

    She watched as he plunged a few fingers roughly into her sub’s mouth.

    It was an invasion in the strictest sense of the word. But John didn’t much care when he tasted pure Chloe.

    It was much better than before.

    Bella watched John’s face. “Tell us,” she said.

    “Only second to you,” he replied levelly.
    It was an invasion, but I don’t think John has the same aversion to ‘being shared’ that Chloe does. He didn’t seem to mind this treatment from ‘a stranger dom’, but Chloe would have been frightfully displeased.

    There was no reason for her to be upset. He’d given her the privilege of his touch in so many other ways. His mouth on her cunt and tits was heavenly. His cock was perfect inside of her body. He had picked her.
    He wanted to use her.

    But he still hadn’t kissed her properly.
    I can understand Chloe’s chagrin and outrage. She views Lex’s touch as a privilege, but it’s just not ‘special’ if he’s just ‘giving it out’ for free to anyone that strikes his momentary fancy.

    Besides which, it is rather irritating that he shared something as intimate as a kiss with someone he doesn’t even like too much, while Chloe, who has been giving him such incredible amounts of satisfaction and pleasure, gets nothing.

    His gaze narrowed as he tried to figure out what was wrong. He had a suspicion what it could be, but decided it was better to get the information from the source.

    “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered as he stooped down in front of her. In a lower voice, he continued, speaking directly into her ear. “Tell me what has you so tense.”

    Chloe was displeased with herself. She hadn’t meant for Lex to see that she wasn’t happy about what he had done. She had no right to feel like that. It was beneath their arrangement. Petty. Not the action of a sub.
    Chloe might be amazing when it comes to hiding reactions and emotions, but she doesn’t stand a chance when confronted by Lex – Master of burying passions and feelings – Luthor.

    And it’s great to see he can even sense when she’s emotionally distressed about something as well as being able to discern physical discomfort and pain.

    “You gave Bella the privilege of a kiss,” she stated.

    He smirked. It was exactly what he'd expected. Chloe was right to assume that his kiss was a privilege. So far he hadn't granted it to any sub. Mostly for the simple reason that he didn't care to kiss a woman whose mouth was used to go down on anyone who ordered her to do so.

    Another, more sentimental reason was the fact that to him a kiss was something much more intimate than a quick fuck or a blow job.
    Who would have imagined dom-Lex still had some sense of sentimentality and romance left within him? This came as a pleasant surprise… There might be hope for romance and affection between them after all.

    And while I can understand why Lex wouldn’t have wanted to kiss the ‘temporary subs’ that he used during his visits to the club, doesn’t his perception change when it comes to dealing with ‘HIS’ sub?

    I guess it’s still far too soon in this arrangement for Lex to have formed that kind of an attachment to Chloe. He might believe her to be the best sub he’s ever been in charge of, but, at the end of the day, she’s still ‘just another sub’ to him.

    Just like Chloe views Lex only as ‘her current dom’. She might also believe him to be magnificent and painstaking in his duties, but he’s nothing special to her beyond that.

    I can’t wait until this arrangement starts getting confused and ‘tainted’ by sentimentality and affection. It would be interesting to see who admits to having feelings first, and how the other person reacts to such a revelation.

    Fun and scary times ahead. And I can’t wait to get to the torment. Please update quickly!

    The look on Lex’s face was beautiful. Mary Ann watched him avidly. She knew that most of the people’s focus would be on Chloe. But not hers. And probably not a few more subs, either.
    I thought this was an interesting insight. It makes perfect sense that while the doms would get seriously turned out by Chloe’s submission, the subs in the room would get their pleasure from watching a very powerful dom perfectly and completely control his charge, and then lose himself in the sensations brought on by said charge’s actions.

    “On your knees.” The words were whispered in her ear.
    erm… Wasn’t she ALREADY on her knees at this point? Mary Ann made the observation ‘Lex was clearly enthralled by the woman on her knees in front of him’ just before this tiny bit of dialogue.

    “Look at me,” he commanded between breaths.

    Her eyes went up to him immediately. “Fuck but you're gorgeous.”
    Oh wow! This moment of Lex ordering Chloe to ‘look at him’ struck me as the most intimate moment between them so far. They are definitely forming an emotional attachment and bond between them… albeit, slowly and in tiny increments. But it’s definitely quite strong.

    “Oh, fuck,” Iggy gasped. The woman in front of her knew no shame. She liked that in a sub. She also liked that she had one sub up her ass while the other toyed with her cunt.
    I was still enjoying watching the reactions of all the people watching the show. It was great seeing their perspectives and reactions. And it was really helpful in seeing what an amazing couple Chloe and Lex really are.

    Lex hissed as her digit made its way inside of his ass. Her finger probed forward a little and found his prostate. She relaxed her throat muscles right before she massaged the piece of flesh.

    Gary had come the moment he'd watched Chloe take Lex's cock all the way down her throat without so much as a hitch. Mary Ann still hadn't quite mastered that, but her hot mouth around his dick had been all that was necessary to push him over the edge.
    Heh. I remember this ‘trick’ of Chloe’s perfect blow job from one of the earlier sessions. The power of Lex’s orgasm took him by complete shock and surprise. And I’m glad to see he appreciates the technique as much as the first time it was done to him.

    His eyes were still riveted to the scene and he whistled under his breath as he watched Chloe's fingers go for gold. Lex was slamming brutally into her throat, roaring out his climax with her name. Gary had never seen the man lose it like that.

    Other subs had come to complain to him once in a while that he seemed unappreciative and cold. Mostly after they'd been discarded by Lex. Watching the man with Chloe, he didn't think she'd ever show up on his doorstep with a complaint about Lex.
    Gary’s observation made me VERY happy. It seems like Lex has finally met his match… In EVERY sense of the word possible.

    He pulled Mary Ann to her feet and wrapped an arm around her, pressing her back against him so she could watch. “I bet you that diamond necklace you've been whining about, she's gonna wear his collar before the month is out.”

    Mary Ann was silent, but he knew that she was seething by the way her body tensed up before she consciously relaxed it again.
    I imagine Mary Ann is peeved off by the fact that she’s NEVER going to get that diamond necklace now?

    Does Chloe get the option of refusal if a collar is presented to her? She doesn’t have any reason to refuse of course, but does she ‘technically’ have the right to do so? Does she get any added responsibilities with the collar along with the obvious privileges and ‘protection’ that I have inferred from this aspect of an arrangement?

    What would Lex gain from collaring her? He already has complete control and exclusive rights to her sexual life. What else does he stand to gain from fixing a collar onto his sub?

    Has he fixed a collar on any sub before?

    Thinking about what Gary had said, Mary Ann watched the scene before her. She had to agree. Lex was a highly controlled dom. She’d seen him at parties and he mostly looked bored until he came. And then he quickly dismissed whomever was servicing him.

    Not this time. Now he was gently extracting himself from Chloe’s mouth while he ran a hand over her head. When he looked down at the sub, panting and spent, he smirked.
    It is SO amazingly satisfying to see how Chloe can manage to have such a shocking and devastating effect on that famous Lex Luthor dom control. I get the feeling her status just shot up to ‘legendary’.

    “You may swallow.”

    “Oh, she’s good,” Horace said from Mary Ann’s side. “That one usually gets them.” He gave Heidi a pointed look.
    LOL! I liked this tiny byplay over here. It is SO much fun, and so interesting to see continuous reactions and comments from ‘the peanut gallery’ of this show.

    Chloe swallowed the rest of Lex down and then assumed her default kneeling position. Her hands fisted but nothing else moved when she felt the egg buzz violently to life.
    Good thing Lex waited until AFTER Chloe finished taking care of him. Coordination would have been difficult enough without having that egg in her vibrating while trying to deliver the perfect blowjob.

    But I remember last time how damned difficult it was for Chloe to maintain control over herself when Lex had a strategically placed feather inside her. NOW how is she supposed to keep a hold of herself.

    I desperately hope she doesn’t end this evening embarrassing herself (and Lex). Sooner or later, he’s going to end up setting the bar too high, and she’s bound to fail… which might signal the end of their Arrangement?

    Sheeesh! I’m STILL imagining new ways by which they get to their traumatic, devastating end. For some reason, I just find my thoughts heading towards angst and anguish in this fic. Or perhaps that’s just my preferences…?

    I’m evvviiiil! Deal with it!

    Please update soon. Like tomorrow? Pretty please????

  7. #527
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    Holy S***! That was one WOW of a chapter. I don’t really think that my brain is working properly. 1. I hope Chloe’s’ old dom is there to have it rubbed in his face what he is missing. 2. Chloe is totally is going to end up wearing the collar. 3. Dying to see if the jealousy factor is going to be playing a role . Not only in the direct sub/dom relationship but in factors outside that “lifestyle” if a situation was to come out.

  8. #528
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    11 Dec 2006

    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    Wow...I know it's been said ad nauseum, but damn, you two are absolutely amazing. In addition to filling a sadly empty niche in fic/fandom, you've crafted a deep, evocative, intense story whose debates have me as engaged at the story itself. Brava! It must've taken a good deal of gumption to start this, but I hope that you know how many folks are thoroughly enjoying the journey you're taking us on. Thank you so much!

    Can't wait for the next installment.

  9. #529
    NS Full Member
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    Talking Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    Good Lord that was an intense chapter. It was so wrong but so good!! Wonder what's next for Chloe.

  10. #530
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: The Arrangement (NC-17)

    Quote Originally Posted by tiger04 View Post
    I hope Chloe’s’ old dom is there to have it rubbed in his face what he is missing.
    Unless the 'old dom' gets an invite to one of Lex's private display parties, it doesn't seem very likely that he's going to have a chance to appreciate what a magnificent sub Chloe is... IF she is handled by a dom who knows what he's doing.

    I suppose it's possible Lex would extend as invitation for the sole purpose of 'showing up' the old dom. But it seems a little too much like petty taunting to be Lex's style.

    Chloe is totally is going to end up wearing the collar.
    Am I the only one who is hoping that Lex is abstain from 'rushing' into this kind of a commitment for at least a month? I just really want Mary Ann to get her diamond necklace

    But I agree that Chloe is most definitely going to be offered a collar. I'm still curious whether she has the option of saying 'no'. I'm still not sure about the details that differentiate a 'collared arrangement' from a 'non-collared' one, or what kind of added responsibilities fall on a collared sub, but it's possible that a sub might not want that in their Arrangement? Do they have the option of refusal... without breaking up with the dom?

    Every new chapter... every repeated reading brings more question that I'm just burning to have answered. Stop TORTURING me!!! Please update soon.

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