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Thread: Wild At Heart (NC17)

  1. #531
    Ummm.. .Chlex jaded-swan's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Jun 2003
    You know this is one of my all time favourite Chlex story so please update... I need a fix quick!

  2. #532
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    oh come on add more i love this fic

  3. #533
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 May 2003

    I can't wait to see what Lex will do to him!

  4. #534
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    I love this fic - but somehow I think you already know that!!! :biggrin: I hate your cliffys though, you're just too cruel!

    I found it interesting that Lionel's men referred to Chloe as the 'subject' does this mean test-subject I wonder? Are they going to experiment on her too? I can't wait for more!!! :yay3:

  5. #535
    Just a Guest!
    You have a true talent for suspence and plot twists :worship2:
    Introducing Lucas was unexpected (eh, at least I didn't see it coming), but now I can't wait to see how the story develops and what part he'll play. I wonder whether he'll want Lex to be cured.

    Heh, Lionel *will* suffer, no doubt about it


  6. #536
    NS Full Member Czech Angel's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 Jun 2003
    I swear you and those cliffhangers.
    Update soon

  7. #537
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Apologies for the delay in updating, but real life just sucks at the moment...Fiona

    ************************************************** ***********

    Chapter Forty – Missing

    “Is she here?” exclaimed Clark as he barged into the study.

    Both Lex and Lucas turned sharply to look at him.

    “Chloe, is she here?” repeated Clark.

    “No, she left about 45 minutes ago,” replied Lex getting up and making his way over to Clark, “she went looking for you. What happened?”

    “Your father has pictures of you and Chloe kissing,” began Clark, “and I overheard him talking…he’s hired someone to…to kidnap Chloe.”

    “Bastard,” growled Lex and pacing around the room. ‘Find her,’ his feral side screamed, ‘FIND HER.’ With a roar Lex smashed through the window in the study and took off running.

    “What the fuck?” exclaimed Lucas as he watched the figure of his brother disappear from sight. He shook his head and quickly grabbed his car keys from the table, “come on Kent, he’s probably headed towards Chloe’s house first, you can give me directions.”

    Clark was about to protest saying he could get to Chloe’s far quicker alone, but that would lead to awkward questions about how he got there. “Ok,” he said, “let’s hurry.”

    “My brother isn’t the only one who drives fast,” muttered Lucas as they ran out of the house.


    Lex raced through the fields towards Chloe’s house. ‘I knew it was a bad idea letting her leave,’ his feral side kept saying.

    “Shut up,” muttered Lex. He was going to kill his father for taking her, and if he hurt one hair on her head, he was going to kill him slowly. When he got to Chloe’s house, he saw her car in the driveway and her bag on the ground. He ran and picked it up. A faint hint of her scent hung in the air, so Lex surmised that it wasn’t that long ago when she was taken. He clenched his hand into a fist and slammed it down on the roof of the car, creating a rather large dent in the metal.

    He wanted to howl. He wanted to scream. Most of all, he wanted to unleash his claws and rip his father apart. He could feel them, itching to get out. He took a couple of deep breaths and the amber completely coloured his eyes. He growled when he heard the car pull up behind him.

    “We’re too late,” exclaimed Clark, as he and Lucas got out of the car and made their way over to him.

    Lex spun around to face them and both men gasped slightly at the completely animal look in his eyes. “Lionel is dead,” he snarled, and took off running once again.

    “Shit,” muttered Lucas, “we better go after him, and try and figure out how the hell we are suppose to calm him down.”

    “Chloe’s the only one I know able to calm him down,” replied Clark as they got back into Lucas’ car.

    “Yeah well, hopefully Lex will find her before finding Lionel and she can work her magic before Lex does the world a favour and takes Lionel Luthor out.” He put the car in drive, pressed down on the accelerator and with a screech of wheels took off after his brother.


    “Ouch,” groaned Chloe as she woke up to a pounding headache. She struggled to her feet and closed her eyes as a wave of dizziness and nausea surrounded her. “Bad idea Chloe,” she muttered. After a few moments she opened her eyes again.

    “Ok, a little better.” She rubbed her temples as she tried to piece together what had happened. Last thing she remembered was rushing to her car to get away from her house after listening to Clark’s message. And then there was blackness, followed by the waking up in this place with a pounding headache.

    “I’ve decided I don’t like being kidnapped,” she muttered as she began looking around the room she was in. There were no windows, and one door, which she assumed was locked. A bed, small chair and a table made up the furniture. “Not even a bathroom…stupid kidnappers.” Chloe also assumed the room was bugged and probably had a camera in it as well. And she’d bet it was Lionel Luthor who was currently watching her at the moment. Well she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of showing she was scared, or that she knew it was he behind her little kidnapping.

    Seeing no immediate way out, Chloe flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. ‘Hurry up Lex,’ she thought, ‘and please try not to kill anyone on the way.’


    Chloe was indeed correct, for in a different room in the building she was being kept in, Lionel Luthor sat looking at her on the monitor in front of him.

    “No screaming and shouting to be let out,” murmured Lionel as he watched Chloe lie down on the bed after looking around the room. “No demanding to know why she’s been kept here. Could it be Miss Sullivan that you know who has orchestrated this, and why it happened? And are you calm because you know Lex will come looking for you?”

    As he ran through those questions Lionel once again wondered how much this young woman meant to his son. He had no doubt that Lex was sleeping with the girl, but was it more than sex? He knew that wolf DNA had been used in Hagan’s formula and that wolves mated for life. Is that what she was? Was she Lex’s *mate*?

    “Well my dear,” he addressed the screen, “I’d better increase my security arrangements. If you are indeed his mate, there’s no telling how out of control Lex will be?”

    He smirked to himself as he picked up the phone to get more guards.


    “What the fuck?” exclaimed the man, as the door was kicked open.

    “Where is she?” snarked Lex, grabbing him by the throat and pushing him up against the wall.

    “Who? What?” spluttered the man using both his hands to try and push Lex away.

    “CHLOE…SULLIVAN…WHERE…IS…SHE?” said a growling Lex, slamming the man against the wall with each word. This was the sixth man that Lex had visited. He had set about going to every low life he knew worked for his father. The previous five knew nothing about Chloe but each had mentioned this guy’s name, saying he had being involved in making people *disappear* before.

    The moment Lex had arrived at Chloe’s place and knew she was gone he had willingly gave himself over to his feral side. The five unconscious men he had left in his wake where testament to that. Lionel seemed to have disappeared as well, but Lex guessed that he was wherever Chloe was being held.

    He could smell the fear coming off the man. “You have five seconds to tell me what you know, or I break your neck.”

    “B-B-But,” stammered the man.


    “I don’t know…”

    “Two…Three,” Lex squeezed his throat even harder.


    “Ok, ok,” choked out the man.

    Lex loosed his grip enough so the man could talk freely. “Tell me.”


    Lucas had been thinking along the same lines as Lex and he visited some of Lionel’s less than stellar *employees*. But the few he and Clark visited knew nothing. When they arrived at the third address they had a little more luck. They gave the name of a man know to be involved in kidnapping.

    “It’s our only lead,” said Clark as Lucas speeded towards the address. “I hope we get there before Lex does too much damage.”

    “Me too Kent, me too,” agreed Lucas.


    Chloe braced herself when she heard the door being opened. It swung open to reveal a smirking Lionel Luthor flanked by two large bodyguards.

    “Jeez, that scared of me?" she quipped.

    “Miss Sullivan,” said Lionel, “I don’t believe we’ve ever been properly introduced.”

    “Aren’t I lucky?” she replied, backing away from them. She tilted her head to see if there was a way she could get around them.

    Suddenly Lionel advanced on her and held her arm tightly. He reached up his other hand and pulled the collar of her shirt away from her neck. He had caught a glimpse of something on her neck when she had titled her head, but now he had a much better look. There, on the creamy skin of her neck, stood out a bite mark, Lionel could clearly see the teeth marks. He flicked his finger against it, and Chloe stamped her foot down on his causing him to release her arm.

    “Don’t touch me,” she spat out, moving out of his reach.

    Despite a throbbing pain in his foot, Lionel smirked at her, “I’ve seen all I need. You will be just perfect for luring Lex into my trap. He’s probably completely out of control looking for his *mate*.”

    “I’d be scared if I were you Mr Luthor,” Chloe called after him, “I’ve seen Lex out of control and believe me it’s not pretty.”

    Lionel left the room and one of the bodyguards began pulling the door shut.

    “I thought he was going to *rape* me,” she shouted out, “he was that wild.”

    The door had closed before Chloe could see the look of fear that crossed Lionel’s face at her statement. He quickly covered it up and began walking down the corridor, a part of him wondering just how much security he may need to protect himself from his son.
    'A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a TRUE friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'DAMN... that was fun!''

  8. #538
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #539
    Just a Guest!
    :biggrin: aghhhhhh, now lionel will DIE!!!!!!!!!&# 33;!!!!! go lex!! I hope he makes it slow and painful!!! but damn you as well with the cliffhangers!!!

  10. #540
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003
    update good. cliffhanger bad.
    More please :worship2:

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