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Thread: The Arrangement (NC-17) Updated: February 21, 2011

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    NS Full Member
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    The Arrangement (NC-17) Updated: February 21, 2011

    Title: The Arrangement
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Lex and Chloe enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement.
    Disclaimer: We do not own the characters on Smallville, the WB or any part of DC Comics. We make no profits from this story.

    A/N: Blue: Here is a new fic for all of you. It deals with very adult sexual situations. It is NC-17. I repeat NC-17. You got that? You still here? Ok. I guess I should take responsibility for this one or else Sabby will just rat me out later, anyway. Hope you enjoy it. The idea has been done in other fics but we've taken it a step further.

    A/N: Sabby: This fic is one of the reasons why the WB would never sell the show to us. And why the actors would never be on board for it either *G*. Like Blue said, this deals with real adult sexual themes. No hand holding and kissy faces here people. If Kink don't float your boat *stands up and makes nice flight attendant motions* You will find the exit button to your right, marked by an X as well as to your left marked by 'Naughty Seduction Forums'. In case of light headedness or nausea, we recommend you use your own bags and bring your own oxygen bottles. Everyone else, have fun with the Most. Depraved. Fic. Ever....Possibly.

    The part of the floor that she was focused on was perfectly clean, as was every other surface in the opulent apartment. The stainless steel appliances that she’d seen in the kitchen gleamed in the light as did the glass table in the bedroom. There was a place for everything and everything in its place.

    The grunting that filled the room was out of place. It wasn’t the sound of a high society man. It was the sound of an uncouth barbarian. But, she knew that happened to every man when he was in the midst of a good fuck. Or, at least what he considered to be a good fuck.

    The man’s taste had a lot to be desired. Not when it came to things of beauty, but when it came to sex.

    Chloe was doing all she could to help the situation, but when it came down to it, she was not the one in control of this. He was. But, it didn’t sound like that at the moment.

    “Is it good, do you like it,” the man behind her asked. He thrust two more times, a little more forcefully. “I just want to please you.”

    Yes, this was not going to work. At all. Besides the fact that she was bored and not even approaching an orgasm, what he was saying, what he was doing was clearly against what they had agreed to. What he said he wanted and what she really did want.

    Chloe was down on her knees in the living room, her head bowed and not wearing a stitch of clothing. The man behind her was president of one of those international banks that did a lot of business that Chloe was not familiar with.

    They’d met through the connections in the club. She’d just gotten out of a very bad arrangement and was looking to start a new one. She’d sifted through her candidates and picked this man. They’d started off slowly, and that suited her just fine, however she hadn’t listened to her instincts and it was coming back to bite her in the ass.

    “Yeah, yeah,” the man behind her groaned. “You take it.” He meant it to come off sounding strong and authoritative, but there was still the questioning tone that she had heard before as he ordered her down into this position.

    She kept looking at the space in front of her. Hoping against hope that he was just gearing up. But, no such luck.

    “You can touch yourself,” he said, his hips getting faster and faster. “If you want,” he added.

    That was it.

    “OK, no,” Chloe said. She started to squirm away from the man. He instantly let her go. She got to her feet and looked down at the man.

    He was attractive, in his late 30s. But looking up at her in a very confused manner, down on his knees a condom on his still erect penis.

    “I was under the impression that you were, a you know….” He waved his hand in the air.

    He couldn’t even say it.

    “And I was under the impression you liked to dominate your partners,” Chloe said. “I guess we were both wrong.”

    The man started to speak. “No,” Chloe said, again with force. “I tried to give you a chance but you’re clearly not comfortable with this. What? Did you just get dumped in a harsh way and were looking at this as a way to reclaim your manhood?”
    She’d seen it time and time again. But had thought that she’d researched this man properly enough. She’d been wrong. She knew that when she saw the look on his face. It was clear that she’d hit the nail on the head.

    “For Christ’s sake, you’ve got to be kidding me.” Chloe stalked over to the couch and coffee table area. She picked up her once forgotten glass of wine and downed the whole thing. “I can’t believe this,” she muttered under her breath as she started to get dressed. Not again.

    There were so many people out there who thought that this was just something to try once. There was nothing wrong with that, per se. For some people it was a one time thing, something to try out to spice up your life. But, not for Chloe.

    She was an accomplished, bright, witty and highly successful woman. But, when it came to sex, she liked to be dominated. It had taken her a long time, lots of soul searching and thousands of dollars in therapy for her to come to that conclusion. And to be comfortable with it. But she was there now and wasn’t about to go back.

    After realizing what she wanted, and realizing that there was nothing wrong with it under equally agreed upon circumstances, she’d gone out to find what she needed. As with everything in her life, Chloe had researched it thoroughly.

    She’d connected with her network and had found a man that could please her. They’d set up ground rules, safe words and everything had been going well. Until a few months ago.

    Once in the relationship, Chloe had no problem doing what she was told. It was what she liked, what helped her to get off in a way she’d never previously experienced. However, obeying a command was different when it went against the agreed rules in the arrangement.

    Chloe was not a threesome type girl. It didn’t appeal to her in the least. It was one reason that she’d had a problem finding a dom in the first place. Apparently threesomes were all the rage. So, when she found a man who agreed that they would be out of the picture and still had the qualities she looked for, she’d been happy.

    And that feeling had continued for the next eight months. But, then, he’d brought another woman into the room. She had no problem with people watching them in the act so she had just hoped that that was what was going on. It hadn’t been.

    She’d used the safe word immediately and then asked what was going on.

    Her dom had changed his mind, he’d explained. He needed this and wanted it and wanted her to be a part of it. But there was no way she could do that.

    After a long fight, they’d broken off their arrangement. She was still bitter about it. Especially after hearing that it had happened once before.

    And now this. If she couldn’t trust her network and contacts, she would have to move her home club. It was all so taxing that she didn’t want to think about it.

    “I thought you’d done this before,” she said.

    The man looked down at the floor. Not a good sign. “Well, technically, no. I mean, I’ve tied women up and role played but never…”

    “Completely dominated a woman,” Chloe finished for him. She didn’t want to get into this at the moment. She wanted to get out of here and lodge a formal complaint. This was no way to keep your members happy. In fact, she was downright livid.
    “Yeah,” he admitted in a defeatist tone. “But do you think you could…” he gestured to his dick.

    She couldn’t believe it. Chloe crossed her arms over her chest. “Tell me to do it,” she said. If he could muster up enough bravado, she just might.


    Anything that started with ‘um’ was not a directive. Chloe turned on her heels and left the apartment.

    In the elevator, she fumed at the unfairness of the situation. Why couldn’t she have a spot of good luck? It’d been nothing but bad luck since she’d broken it off from that first dom. At least he’d been what he claimed, though.

    Until the threesome, that was.

    Chloe stabbed the button for the lobby. She knew where she was going. The club. To set some things straight. She’d make her complaint, cut to the head of the line of the new pickings and then hopefully find a man to fuck her properly.

    Satisfied that things were taken care of, Chloe closed the door marked ‘Management.’ They’d been horrified at what she’d told them of her latest experience. They’d also told her that to lose her would be a pity. The Manager, as he was referred to, never by a real name, was a dom himself. He and his sub had been together for years. He had told her that they had no wish to lose someone like herself.

    Every club had a reputation in the city of Metropolis, and theirs was the best. It did not look good to have members jumping ship after two bad experiences. Word would get around. And other members might either leave as a protest or choose a different club if they were still deciding.

    She’d been promised first look at the new spate of doms. But, she didn’t have a good feeling about it.

    Sighing, Chloe went down to the floor.

    Her luck wasn’t getting any better. The usual suspects abound and no one new to keep her interest. She’d spoken to a few acquaintances. Turned down some offers and was leaving the club.

    As she walked out the front door, she saw a door opening that she’d never noticed before. It was tucked away under a set of stairs.

    It was just her imagination, she told herself once she was out on the street.

    But she knew that wasn’t true.

    Lex Luthor had walked through the door. She’d seen him.

    What was more important, however, was that he’d seen her.

    Lex entered the exclusive rooms of the club with a neutral expression, but his mind was caught on what he'd just seen. Or rather, who he had just seen exiting the public rooms of the club and getting into a taxi.

    Chloe Sullivan, he was sure of it.

    They had lost contact after his final move from Smallville back to Metropolis, but Lex never forgot a face. Especially not the face of a girl who had ultimately helped him get his father behind bars.

    He handed his jacket over to one of the servants and entered the main salon. His eyes roamed over the line of women waiting patiently against the far wall. All in all there were seven of them who had assumed the default position. Hands clasped firmly behind their backs, feet about shoulder width apart and their heads demurely bowed in submission. Most of them were brunette, as the owner knew his preferences, but there was a blonde and a redhead, already put slightly to the side, in case he chose something different for the night.

    Lex had mostly given up the lifestyle after he'd been exiled to Smallville, but from time to time, he still indulged in the pleasure of dominating a woman. If he'd asked his therapist, she could probably give him a slew of reasons for why he preferred this kind of sexual relationship over the average one, but Lex didn't really care for an explanation.

    He stepped up to the women and slowly passed by them, lifting the chin of the third for a moment, then dropping it. He scrutinized the fifth, gave the redhead a passing glance, then slowly returned down the line. He stopped in front of the second from the right and lifted her face, turned it to the left and back to the right to see her profile, then pressed his thumb against her bottom lip to open her mouth.

    “Passable,” he declared.

    “Step forward.” The girl stepped forward, head still gracefully bowed.

    “Kneel by the chair.” He indicated the large leather chair that sat in a comfortable looking sitting arrangement behind him. The girl immediately complied.

    Lex gave the other girls a dismissive glance. “The rest of you, leave.” He paid no attention to them as they were led back out of the room by two of the servants.

    He ignored the girl kneeling beside the chair as he settled down into the soft leather. His gaze narrowed in thought as he steepled his fingers, contemplating for a moment what he'd seen outside. Could it be that Chloe Sullivan followed the lifestyle? It wasn't too unfathomable, though. She'd always shown to have a great deal of spunk and a naturally dominant personality. Lex was intrigued.

    Still looking straight ahead, he commanded the girl. “Stand up and go to the Manager, tell him I want to speak with him, now.”

    He had decided to do some research while indulging in his little pleasure.

    The girl's eyes widened comically and she paused for a second before getting up. She was probably afraid she'd done something wrong already. Lex let her believe what she wanted and remained silent as the girl went to do his bidding.

    When she returned with Gary in tow she didn't have to be told to get back into the position he'd first ordered her to assume. The manager was a short, stocky built man with receding hairline and a genuine smile that belied the heavy gold hanging from his neck and wrists.

    ”Lex, what can I do for you?” Gary immediately approached and settled down onto the couch opposite him.

    Lex petted the girl's head to show his appreciation as he answered. “I've seen someone I know leave your club just as I came in, and I want to see her file.”

    “Now, Lex, you know the privacy of our clientele is most important to us. I am afraid I can't just...”

    Lex interrupted the man smoothly. “I can assure you that I'm not planning anything nefarious. It's merely that the lady in question is an old friend of mine and I'm a bit surprised to find that she's a member as well.” His hand stopped its petting and he crossed his legs as he folded them over his lap. “Chloe Sullivan.”

    Gary's eyebrows twitched at that and he looked uncomfortable for just a moment before his smile returned. Lex stored that information away, even more intrigued for it.

    “Like I said,” Gary was almost wheedling now, “This is not exactly...”

    Lex interrupted again. “I promise, whatever I see in the file will remain in good confidence. And of course I will compensate you for this uncommon service.”

    Gary sighed and Lex knew he had won. Though not an active member anymore, he still held some sway and his investment into this business was quite substantial.

    “I'll be back in a moment.” Gary stood up from his seat and went for the door. “Anything else I can do for one of our best costumers? I hope you're satisfied with your entertainment?” His question sounded genuinely interested and concerned.

    Lex smirked and inclined his head fractionally. “I'm sure I will be.”

    Gary nodded and left the room to get the file. Lex couldn't wait to get his hands on it.

    He turned his attention on the girl for the moment. She was still kneeling demurely at his feet, head bowed and hands clasped behind her back. “Stand up.”

    The girl got up and stood in the default position in front of him. He hadn't noticed much of her outfit before, too occupied with meandering thoughts, but he rectified that oversight now.

    She was wearing a tight leather corset that pushed up her chest and a slim thong that barely covered her pubis. Her slim legs were bare down to the black high heels encasing her feet.

    “Turn around.” She did as told and Lex enjoyed the view of her backside. She had a nice firm ass and a slim waistline. Crème white skin from bottom to top. “Bend over.”

    The girl obeyed his command, teetering dangerously on her heels for a moment as she tried to keep her balance while bent in half with nothing to hold on to.

    At that moment, Gary returned with the file in his hand.

    Lex ignored the girl in her uncomfortable position as he turned his attention to the man.

    “Here you go, Lex.” The file wasn't very thick, but that didn't necessarily say much. “It's just been updated. We had a bit of trouble in her case, trying to get her matched up.”

    Lex accepted the file and comment with a nod. “That'll be all for now.”

    The man nodded and left.

    Lex watched for a moment as the girl's legs started quivering, her muscles straining to hold the position. He reached out and trailed a hand up the inside of her thigh.

    “That's enough. Get back on your knees now, facing me.”

    He put the file at his side on the armrest and relaxed back into his seat, watching the girl as she practically collapsed to her knees and crawled around to face him.

    She was a pretty little thing and her tight little body and obedience caused arousal to twitch inside his pants. Her perky little breasts were flushed from the exertion of holding the awkward position he'd forced her into and her eyes were slightly watered.

    Lex smirked at the obedient little sub. “Take out my cock and suck it.”

    Her hands were sure as she opened the button and zipper of his pants and took him out. In deference to his plans, he'd forgone underwear, making it possibly a little too easy on her.

    Lex sighed in satisfaction as she gave his dick a couple of strokes, then leaned forward and took him in her mouth. Resting one hand on the top of her head, guiding her movements subtly where he wanted them, he turned his attention back to the file.

    He flipped open the light brown folder and took a look at the picture on top, recognizing the face from years ago. She hadn't changed much over the years. Her hair was a little longer.

    “Suck harder,” he absently commanded the head bobbing up and down in his lap as he started to scan the file.

    The sharply indrawn breath that came next was only partly thanks to the girl's renewed efforts. The words in stark black print that had jumped out at him were not what he had expected at all. Chloe Sullivan was not a dominatrix, like he had thought.

    She was a sub, and on the look out for a new dom.

    Lex's smirk widened as he continued reading the file with avid attention, forcing the wet mouth around his dick to take him deeper.

    “No, no,” Chloe said, “tell him that the boards went out early this morning. If they haven’t arrived downtown yet, call our courier service and find out where in the hell they are. Honestly, Phoebe, I would think you’d know not to bother me with such things.”

    She hung up the phone and let out an exasperated sigh. Her assistant was usually so good at handling things herself. But, this client was very demanding and very loud. He blustered at everyone. Chloe would be glad when they were done with him.

    After college, she’d gone into advertising. She’d just taken her skill at ferreting out the truth and turned it on its head. Lied to people in order to convince them that they needed things they didn’t. She was very good at it and paid accordingly. But, along with the big salary and the big office in the big building went big headaches.

    When her intercom sounded, she thought she might be in for another one.

    Phoebe informed her that Lex Luthor was waiting in her office. Without an appointment, her assistant added in a whisper.

    Chloe closed her eyes; she’d been expecting this for the last few days. Lex was nothing if not curious.

    “Send him in,” she said.

    Groaning, she got out of her chair and put her too high heels back on. She grabbed the suit jacket that had been placed over the back of her chair and put it back on, pulling the sleeves down straight.

    When Lex opened her door, she greeted him with an outstretched hand.

    “Lex,” she smiled her official business smile, “it’s nice to see you again.” She pumped his hand firmly and then released it. “Can I get you something to drink?”

    He smirked back and inclined his head. “Scotch, two ice cubes.”

    After his thorough perusal of her club file, he'd done his research and found out all there was to know about Chloe Sullivan outside of her sexual proclivities. She had made a name for herself in advertising and marketing, won a few awards and if things continued as they had gone for the last couple of years, she stood a chance to become partner at one of the top ten advertising companies of the country.

    Lex took his time looking her over in her business attire and noticed her interesting choice of shoes. They couldn't exactly be called business-sensible.

    “Before you ask what brings me here,” he continued as she handed him the drink. “I've seen your face recently and thought it was time to renew old acquaintances.”

    He gave her office a passing glance. It was typical management style, functional with a few modern art qualities mixed in. “You've come quite a way from the local high school newspaper and unpaid internships at the Planet.”

    Taking a swig from his scotch, his brow rose as he tasted the high quality liquor. “Excellent.”

    Ahh, so Lex was here to dance. She wondered what he wanted from her. It was very much like him to get right to it. That was more than fine with her. Once the conversation started, it would be over that much sooner.

    Chloe wasn’t ashamed about her lifestyle, she just didn’t think that everyone needed to know about it. People could be so judgmental, herself included, and thought that things of such a personal nature were best kept to oneself. She thought that Lex might agree with her on that one.

    Perhaps he was here just to question her about her visit. He was curious by nature. She wouldn’t worry until he gave her reason to.

    “Only the best for those who darken my doorway,” she responded. She walked over to her desk and sat down behind it, allowing Lex to look around her office at his leisure.

    “As for my success,” she leaned back a little in her chair and her smile widened, “I deserve it, I work very hard.”

    She gestured to the seat facing her desk and Lex sat in it. “Shall I play dumb and pretend that I don’t know where you’ve seen my face or would you prefer that we get right to it? I’m guessing the latter being that we’re both very busy people these days.”

    “So anxious to cut to the chase?” He took another swig of his drink and crossed his legs. “Very well, then.” He balanced the glass on his knee and looked her straight in the face.

    “I know you are looking for a new arrangement, due to unfortunate events concerning your previous one.”

    He'd mulled over the idea for about two days after he'd gotten through the research. But, truth be told, his decision had been made much earlier than that. Lex had decided he wanted to get back in the lifestyle and enter a firm arrangement the moment the opportunity had presented itself. The research and mulling had merely been to confirm his decision.

    Now, the ball was in Chloe's court. Of course, he still would have to test her, since no matter what the file stated, you could never be sure of the quality of a sub until you had checked them out thoroughly yourself.

    “I’d say I don’t believe it, my voice full of outrage, but that wouldn’t be the truth.” Still, Chloe was beyond angry that Lex had been able to get his hands on her file. The hard copies of those documents could do a world of damage to every single person that had one.

    Luthor was a powerful name and Lex was a powerful man. She wondered if he had to do anything but merely request her information before it was brought to him. No doubt by a nubile sub. Lex was clearly a dom. His manner screamed it. But she’d been wrong before so she tried not to assume.

    “And?” So, she was looking for a new arrangement. What did Lex intend to do with this information? Chloe also wondered how loud her voice would get and how many things she would throw once she got to the club. The Manager had some explaining to do.

    Lex's smirk grew a little more predatory as he noticed her growing ire. How a woman like her could turn into a sub was still somewhat of a mystery to him, but he would run with the information from the file.

    “And I also noticed that you were having trouble finding someone that meets your requirements.” He took another swig from his drink, then placed it back on his knee. “Perhaps because you don't have access to all possible matches, but merely those from the public rooms.”

    He cocked his head to the side. “I have to say, I'm a little surprised though. I have trouble imagining you as a willing submissive, despite what the file says.” He threw that last part of the sentence out casually, letting her know, or at least take a good guess at how deep his knowledge ran.

    “Well, Lex, I can’t say I’m surprised by that. You did always have trust issues.” She crossed her legs and continued to keep her temper as much as she could. Usually those sitting across from her were never able to pick up on it. However, Lex and she had passed in and out of each other’s lives for over ten years so the usual rules didn’t apply in this situation.

    “And perhaps not enough of an active imagination.” She knew that Lex wouldn’t take kindly to the dig whether or not he let her see it.

    For now, she tried not to dwell on the fact of what, exactly, was in her file. It would only work her up even more.

    His expression didn't falter. He knew she was lashing out because she felt uncomfortable and he liked to watch her squirming to keep her temper in check.

    “I can assure you, I have a very active imagination.” His eyes trailed over the part of her still visible above the desk and back to meet her gaze. “In any case, I've come here with a proposition.”

    Obviously, Chloe was still under the impression that he'd come here merely to satisfy his curiosity or to play a little power game. But the power game he had in mind reached far beyond this office.

    “I've grown a little disinterested in what the club has to offer in the way of nightly entertainment and I'm looking for a more permanent arrangement. Interested?”

    Chloe raised one eyebrow, a move she had actually swiped from him years ago. It usually served her well. Now, she wasn’t sure if it was more of a detriment to her in this conversation.

    Here she was, in her office, in broad daylight and Lex had just sprung this on her. But, part of what made her so good at her job was to deal with unexpected issues when they came up.

    “This hardly seems fair,” she started. She could see Lex’s eyes crawling all over her body already. She felt her body want to click into sub mode but she held it at bay. For now.

    “You’ve seen my file and yet I have no information on you. This is not the way that I usually make decisions such as these.” She cocked her head to the side and studied Lex. “Am I to assume that this meeting is what I’m to use in order to make my decision?’

    “This meeting is mutually beneficial,” he answered as he put his glass onto the table, then leaned back into his seat. “I may have read your file, but I never make an assessment or a decision based solely on printed information.”

    He brushed his hands and lost the smirk completely, assuming the neutral expression he wore when in his dominating role. The change in his tone of voice came automatically. “Stand up. Come over here and let me see you.”
    Last edited by sabby; 21st February 2011 at 20:52. Reason: Finished Story

  2. #2
    'Single and Sassy' OddEvens's Avatar
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    25 Feb 2004
    'Hotel California' is a great song. ;)

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    Oh My God.. this is so damn hot.. *blushes* yes it's true.. sometimes this kind of thing does it for me.. I think my closest friends know that already considering The Secretary is on of my all time favorite movies..

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    09 May 2005

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    WOW!!!!!! Excellent start!!!!! Love it, very hot. I chose well. Want more...please.

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    Oh my GOD!! I am sorry I voted for the sick Lex fic. This is so good. More please..

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    NS Full Member kimmie's Avatar
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    16 May 2005

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    Wow, oh wow! I just know i'm gonna love this, if the last line of this chapter was anything to go by! I will be a sub to Lex Luthor's dom any day of the week, I'm all for that arrangement!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    21 Oct 2003

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    My jaw has dropped to the floor. this is incredible. Please, please update soon. It is exactly what I needed for my first day of what looks to be an incredibly long nine weeks. I am begging you to please update soon.
    Chloe is a strong woman who just like to let go with a little submission (nothing wrong with that.) And Lex. Lex in this makes me drool.
    This looks like it is going to be your best story yet.
    I am going to look for the towel to keep next to my computer for what looks to be a droolworthy next chapter.

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
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    New York

    Talking Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    I wanted to resist you but when I saw your names under the title I knew I was going to be sucked right in to this story. Fantastic beginning.

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    He brushed his hands and lost the smirk completely, assuming the neutral expression he wore when in his dominating role. The change in his tone of voice came automatically. “Stand up. Come over here and let me see you.”
    I got a little Chill reading that last bit.

    GAH! I can't believe you stopped it there. I'm so gald I voted for this and I can't wait to see what Lex will make Chloe do.

    More Soon. Very soon. Like Right Now.

  9. #9
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    17 May 2005

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    wow what a great start I love it! I can hardly wait for another update please don't make us wait to long

  10. #10
    NS Junior Member sadie kate's Avatar
    Join Date
    29 Jan 2006

    Re: The Arrangement ***NC-17***

    *dies of hotness*

    Man alive, I can't wait for more.

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