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Thread: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 16 Jun 2006

  1. #31
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 5/2

    A.N. i feel like i should apologize. this story has moved WAYYY beyond the confines of the episode 'truth', though it hasn't left the 3rd season yet. oh well. no real chlex in this chapter, but there's some good stuff coming up, so yeah. ta da!

    Lex watched as the strangely attractive blonde girl left the barn, then turned his attention to Clark. His friend smiled shyly and took a seat on the couch.
    “I thought you'd be out celebrating. Your dad's finally behind bars.”

    Lex winced at the boy’s naiveté. Clark has been involved in enough dangerous situations with his father that you’d think he’d know better by now.
    “My father has a battalion of lawyers more powerful than Caesar's army. He'll be out on bail in less than 48 hours.”

    Clark laughed in child-like disbelief as he got up to climb the stairs up to the loft, leaving Lex to trail along behind him. “I don't think the judge is gonna let a murderer back out on the street.”

    “Clark, the only way he'll be denied bail is if there's evidence at his bail hearing that he's an imminent threat to society.”

    “What about Chloe's voicemail? The one with your dad's confession on it. That could be pretty damaging.”

    Lex sighed in irritation. He had a million things he could be doing, and even the worst of them was far more pleasant than having to speak down to Clark as if he were explaining the situation to a five-year-old. If only Clark would just agree to testify, he could be on his way. “It will be for the grand jury. But in order to deny him bail, they need eyewitnesses,” He looked at Clark dully, then added, “people who have seen my father actually inflict harm. Unfortunately, anyone who's been privy to his darkest moments is either dead or unwilling to come forward.”

    Clark looked down guiltily, then snapped his eyes back up as if afraid Lex had witnessed his little internal conflict. Like Lex missed anything.

    “I'll come forward.”

    Lex feigned refusal, carefully wording his argument. “I appreciate the support, Clark, but they need an eyewitness.”

    “I saw him at Belle Reve.” He continued. Lex looked at him slyly. He already knew that, had seen it pulled from one of his memories. “I saw him order the doctor to increase your electroshock voltage. Even when the doctor said it could turn you into a vegetable.”

    Lex ground his teeth together violently. That, he hadn’t predicted. “How could you have seen that?” He asked stiffly.

    Clark clearly saw the anger behind Lex’s tense figure and immediately turned to the defense. “I snuck in to try to save you, but I was too late.” He took a step back as Lex moved in toward him menacingly.

    Forget that. He shouldn’t have even been surprised that Lionel would gamble with his own son’s life just to save face… but Clark had been there and he watched. Watched and never said a word. He focused his anger on Clark, using information he had pieced together from his flashbacks to regain lost ground.

    “You knew all along my father murdered his parents, didn't you?” He asked calmly. “And you never told me.”

    His friend’s face blushed deep red. “Lex-“

    “I always assumed there was a tacit agreement among friends to share that kind of information with each other.” He continued his accusation with sharp ferocity, causing Clark to affect a wounded look, and Lex knew what argument would be coming next.

    “Not when it can get your friend killed. Lex, your father threw you into a mental institution and fried your brain. If you found that out all over again, I thought he might kill you, and I couldn't live with that.” His blue eyes seemed so wide and honest that Lex found himself wanting desperately to believe him. The weakness only lasted a minute, all it took was a quick count of the many times Clark had lied—right to his face—with that same look. There’s always some reason or another, but when it came down to it, Clark was dishonest and Lex was sick of feeling like some scorned child left out of all the fun. He was tired of being lied to, he could figure out the truth himself. But that didn’t mean he would turn down Clark’s offer to stand trial. No, that was exactly what he needed. He rested a hand lightly on the flannel-clad shoulder.

    “You're a good friend, Clark. If you tell the judge what you just told me, my father will be exchanging his Armani for an orange jumpsuit.”

    Clark’s face split into a grateful smile, and it was all Lex could do not to slug him. “I'll be there. You can count on it.”

    With a sharp nod, Lex’s phone rang- right on time. As he answered the phone to a recorded alarm, he excused himself from the barn and walked back to his car. He would have his father behind bars and all the answers he could ask for, it was just a matter of time. He really shouldn’t be angry with Clark. After all, he had the loyalty of Clark’s best friend. Something Clark could hardly hold onto himself.

  2. #32
    Fanfic whore sinecure's Avatar
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 5/17

    Darn, no Chlex in this chapter, but I look forward to it coming soon!

    It's nice to see people's thoughts and reactions to things that actually happened on the show. I have a fondness for that, for seeing deeper into a character than the show can/does show us. It's fun to write too.

    Good story, quite interesting and I'm really looking forward to where you take it in regards to the Chlex relationship. Going farther than the show ever did with the extreme possibilities that they set up and then left lying on the dirty ground in a haphazard pile of uselessness.

  3. #33
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 5/17

    Woohoo that was good. More please..

    Hope :0
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #34
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 5/17

    I can't believe I missed this...

    Continue please, and quickly.

  5. #35
    Chlex Scribbler Alizaleven's Avatar
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 5/17

    So I have seen this episode now, and yeah I really like your story. Cant wait for an update

  6. #36
    Members Kitty Black Cat's Avatar
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 5/17

    No chlex but still very good. Ah the naive farm boy...you have to love him....or throw him a stick so he'll go away. Anyway, you did a great job with this chapter (obviously! You already did a great job with the last chapters so...) This story is great and I'ld just love to read more, so please please please please please please please write more soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #37
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 5/17

    A.N. If this sucks, please don't kill me. It's 2 am, I'm up with jetlag and may be partially insane from lack of sleep. I'm sorry. Love you all.

    Chloe raised a hand to her face, rubbing sleep away from her eyes. It was God knows what hour in the morning and she had been awakened with a hasty, annoyingly vague phone call from Lex Luthor himself, requesting her presence at this little sleepover study session. So now she was reading over the thick pile of papers cluttering her lap as she sprawled sideways over a chair in his office. Lex kept glancing up at her from the mess of files on his own desk, as if he had forgotten she was there. Never saying a word, just gulping down quick sips of some expensive liquor that she was sure tasted disgusting. And expensive. She should have turned off her phone before she went to bed.

    “Find anything?” Chloe asked.

    “Johns Hopkins. The Mayo Clinic.” He stood up and passed the file to her. After the papers were in her hand, he moved away to pace slowly around the room. “My father has knocked on the door of every major medical institution in the western world and was sent home each time without a cure.”

    Chloe took a peek inside the file and scanned over the company names printed at the top of the first sheet of paper. She watched the black ink print blur and spin around in front of her. If she was going to pull an all-nighter with Lex Luthor, he could at least have the courtesy to offer her some coffee.

    She took a breath and gave herself a sharp pinch on the leg in hopes of shocking herself awake. “I'm sensing you're having second thoughts.” She peered at him sharply over the mess of papers and watched as his body stiffened under the force of her scrutiny. He always felt like he had to be so tough and in control, he didn’t realize she was in the middle of this too, suffering alongside him. ‘But you have a home to go to,” she chided herself silently, ‘and a dad that loves you.’ “Lex, I understand if you want to back out. I mean, he needs to be punished for what he did, but he's still your father. And he's dying.”

    “Yeah,” he mocked coldly. “And he's going to draw his last breath in prison, not the VIP suite at Metropolis General.

    Chloe grumbled softly, but nodded. She had very little patience for Lex’s pseudo-cynical diatribes. She had seen him at his weakest points- fighting for his father’s love in the secrecy of his own office, rocking a blanket in his arms as he mourned his lost brother… you don’t forget these things. But she let it slide. It was late, she was tired, and they had both been through a lot. Even discounting the thick tension that had existed between them since that impetuous kiss thing that had happened… never mind that. Mistake. Well, not quite a mistake. More like… a handshake. A really nice handshake. She shook herself out of the fantasy of more such handshakes when she realized Lex had crept up behind her, dropping another file into her lap. As she flipped it open, she felt his hands grip her shoulders strongly.

    “Only if you're still willing to go through with this.”

    She scanned over the paper. A polaroid of a small safehouse was pinned to the top with a paperclip. Distinct directions for Chloe and her father were numbered down in separate columns. There was a black and white copy of an identification card…a man who looked vaguely familiar. Underneath the copy, small red letters spelled out “COMPROMISED”. The next page was a list of contact numbers. His hands radiated heat on bare skin, and left the rest of her skin feeling unpleasantly chilled. She fought the urge to shiver. “I don't think I like the sound of this.” Her head turned toward him sharply, in a demand for more information.

    He released her shoulders only to swiftly appear by her legs, which were still dangling off the opposite arm of the chair. “Chloe, a dying man has little to lose. My father used a bizarre blood platelet cocktail to raise the dead, then pinned the murders of the research team on his son. Who knows what tactics he'll use to avoid going to prison?”

    Chloe shrugged, beginning to feel uncomfortable sprawled out casually while Lex loomed over her. This wasn’t the plan, and Lex’s immediate willingness to gamble with her family’s safety was jarring. “Yeah, but the FBI guaranteed our safety.” She stressed. “I mean, they're putting me and my father in protective custody until after the trial.”

    He brought a hand to her knee and squeezed it gently. Chloe felt the blood rush to her face. “Then what?” He demanded, with a harder squeeze.

    Her leg jerked on instinct. She squirmed in the chair until she was hugging her legs against her chest, a childish gesture of defense, but one that brought a modicum of comfort nonetheless. “Lex, are you trying to scare me?” She asked, shooting him a quick glare of annoyance. Unfortunately, her typically on-point banter was weakened by a yawn that had managed to escape. She caught a sly smile flit across Lex’s face. It suited him. She returned the smile reluctantly. There came a point where even Chloe Sullivan was too exhausted to hold a grudge. She’d deal with this in the morning.

    “I'm worried about you, Chloe.” Lex admitted softly. “I want you to have all the facts before you walk into that courtroom.”

    Chloe squeezed her eyes shut tightly, silently building herself up for what she would have to do. It would tear her life apart…and her father’s. But as much as she wanted to—would have loved to—put the blame on Lionel Luthor, she knew she had gotten into this one herself. She felt warm, Scotch-scented breath tickle her face and when she opened her eyes, Lex was kneeling closer, inches away. She swallowed hard and looked him in the eye. “Your father's intimidated me long enough.” She caught the moment of hesitation spark in Lex’s face. A moment of uncertainty. “I'm not backing down.” She concluded. Lex hardened before her eyes.

    “Oh, don’t do that, Lex.” She broke the intensity with an annoyed swat in his direction. “I came out here in the middle of the night for this and now you’re going to be all pissy.”

    “ ‘Pissy’?” Lex echoed, disbelieving.

    “Yeah. Sulky. So just stop.” She rose her arms up above her head and arched her back into a stretch. “As fun as this has been, I think it’s time for me to go home. You know, my home? That place I used to live before I met the whole Luthor clan and got involved in their messy shenanigans and disturbed…” Her half-joking ramble was cut off as Lex leapt forward and kissed her. Her eyes widened in surprise but she quickly found herself reciprocating, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer, as close as he could possibly be. Suddenly, the alcohol-infused warmth he seemed to radiate couldn’t spread through her quickly enough. After a moment, he moved his lips down her jawline and along her neck and Chloe gasped for oxygen like she had forgotten the human instinct of breathing. Her head fell back as his lips touched softly near her ear.

    “Stay.” He whispered, kissing back up toward her cheek.

    “Wha'?” She mumbled, having also apparently lost all capacity for speech.

    “Stay.” He said a little louder, pulling away slightly to look at her. “Stay here.”

    “Lex, I…I can’t.” Well, maybe not all capacity for speech. “I can’t just stay here all night. My dad will freak if I’m not there when he wakes up. I do still go to school and we- ” Lex quickly pressed his lips back against hers and her argument turned into a muffled grumble. With a gentle shove, she pushed him away. “I have to go.” She jumped to her feet and scrambled to pull on her sweatshirt.

    “Chloe just wait a second.” He pulled the sweatshirt back away from her and held her arms still. “Look, I’m sorry. It’s been a rough couple of weeks and I shouldn’t have done that. Stay until it’s a little later in the morning. It’s dark, and- no offense- but your car is a piece of crap. Just stay.” Chloe stared at him blankly and he started to fidget. Not the kind of fidgeting normal people do, just small, subtle movements that only a well-trained eye could catch in the most stressful situations. It was strangely comforting.

    “My car is not a piece of crap.” She insisted quietly. “It’s a classic.”

    “For Christ’s sake, Chloe, will you just-” Chloe pitched herself forward and placed a surprisingly soft kiss directly on his mouth. So light, Lex wasn’t quite sure what had just happened.

    "I'll sleep on the couch." She said simply, before balling up her sweatshirt into a makeshift pillow and kicking off her shoes.

  8. #38
    Fanfic whore sinecure's Avatar
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 6/16

    Oh, and the Chlex it is a'comin'. It was a good chapter, it didn't suck at all. I love the interaction between them. I also really like how strong you have Chloe being. She doesn't just gaze at Lex and sigh dreamily, wishing she was in a relationship with him. It's nice to see the relationship grow slowly into something more.

  9. #39
    NS Full Member
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    Chlexville in my head

    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 6/16

    More! More! More kissing! No sleeping on the couch! Kiss again! NOW!

    Ahem, sorry, I'm a little hopped up on goofballs. No, seriously, I love a slow buildup to the Chlex, and I'm *not* a smut-aholic like sooooome people on these boards. But a little more mush would not be remiss.

    Your writing does not suck. That last scene was so sweet. Aww, make 'em kiss again, won't you?

  10. #40
    Members Kitty Black Cat's Avatar
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    Re: Truth ala Rockadaisy! (PG- for now) upd. 6/16

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Another super great chapter!!!!!! I loved the tension in this one. Things are heating up! I like the fact that Chloe says that she would like more "handshake" from Lex. This chapter is very well written, like always. You put interesting details and you can pratically see what's going on when you read your fic, so it's really good. I like the fact that you put that scene so late at night that Lex actually woke her up!!!! I thought it gace a weirdness to the situation as it makes you wonder what Lex actually wants and what's going on in that pretty bald head of his. Anyway, please please please please please write more soon!!!!!!

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