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Thread: Beloved - NC-17 - Complete

  1. #121
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    LOL @ Sab, oh yeah, all cute and innocent and what not.

    *whispers in ear* let me know where they hide it after you find out.


  2. #122
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    Lucas has officially gone bye-bye. All sorts of a lunatic isn't he? Wow. Yeah, everyone grab a shovel and trudge to the Luthor backyard, it's a grave digging partay!


  3. #123
    Members TestingFaith's Avatar
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    New York, NY
    Grave digging party??? I loves me grave digging parties...especially if the guy being burried is as evil as Lionel...

    Yay!!! **sings off key to the tune of "The Witch is Dead" from the Wizard of OZ"** Lionel is dead! Lionel is dead!

    Lily M. :sunny:

  4. #124
    NS Full Member
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    25 Nov 2002
    I love this fic so much I want to hug it!!! Please, for the sake of my sanity update this soon? Don't do the threat-thing, I can't stand not being without updates, especially from this fic. It's gotten one of those special places in my fic-luvin heart.

  5. #125
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.


    ....oh you want more review?

    ....ummm lets see... if I join in the grave digging party out the back of the mansion will you be pissed if I accidentally whack Lucas over the head with my shovel and send him flying to land unconcious in the magnificent bastards grave? *whistles as she shovels dirt over the bodies of the magnificent bastard and the not-so-magnificent psychpath*

    *singing* Ding-dong the bastard's dead! Which old bastard? The Magnificent Bastard! Ding-dong his psycho son is too!!!!! *skips merrily away back to her padded cell*

  6. #126
    NS Full Member krahmogh's Avatar
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    I too will be very unhappy if Chloe forgives Lucas for killing his own father without even thinking about it.

    I am loving this story!!!! Please update again soon.


  7. #127
    Just a Guest!
    “Why will it not open?!” Alexander snarled in frustration. His tone was enough to make Carrado take a couple of steps back, but James merely sighed.

    “We have already explained this to you, Alexander. The stars are not in the correct alignment,” he said as if he were speaking to a child. Alexander growled and drew his sword. The sharp blade pressed against James’s neck, but the younger man kept a cool expression. “I am her only brother. If you kill me, she will never come back to you.”

    “She will never *come back to me* regardless of what actions I take,” Alexander retorted knowingly. “That is why I need you to open the gate so that I may retrieve her.”

    “You would not need to retrieve her if you had done as I told you,” James scathingly shot back.

    Alexander lowered his sword, placed it back in its hilt, and frowned.

    “I was protecting her,” he said in his own defense. “Father would have ---”

    “I know,” James interrupted, uncharacteristic sympathy lining his voice. “But you should have left that duty to her father – provided Chloe’s escape instead of fighting beside someone who is a capable warrior in his own right.”

    Alexander turned away and closed his eyes.

    “Can a man not remedy his errors, James?”

    “Not always.”

    “And you believe this to be one of those times?”

    “It is difficult to say,” James replied. “From what I have observed, I believe she is having conflicting emotions about leaving this world and you behind, but ---”

    “But you do not know if she will willingly return,” Alexander finished for him.

    “I do not.”

    “You said she is having conflicting emotions,” Alexander said, turning to look at the young man he thought was his brother for so many years. “Does she have feeling for me beyond our mutual…physical attraction?”

    James frowned. It was not an easy question to answer, and one that he wasn’t entirely certain he should be entertaining to begin with.

    “James?” Alexander asked again when he received no response. James sighed.

    “I believe so,” he said quietly, causing a small smile to twitch at one corner of Alexander’s mouth. “But you need to know that she may not allow it to sway her decision.”

    “I only wish to have my wife back.”

    “I know,” James replied, thinking it wise not to delve into the discussion about how Chloe wasn’t actually brought there for him again.

    “Every day that passes, she spends her time with *him*, grows closer to *him*. She should be with *me*, not my brother!” Alexander yelled with growing impatience, spinning around to face James and Carrado. “*I* am her husband and *I* am her *king*!”

    James closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

    “We have been through this, Alexander,” he said with an exasperated sigh. “Your marriage is not valid in that world unless she acknowledges it as such.” He paused and gave Alexander a pointed look. “And in that realm, she has no king.”

    Alexander’s nostrils flared, but he knew there was nothing he could do about what James was saying, nothing but find a way to the other world and bring his wife back – whether she wanted to go with him or not.

    “She is no longer bound to you. If she refuses you and accepts another’s proposal…perhaps you should consider remarrying,” Carrado suggested, earning a wince from James and Alexander’s hand swiftly around his throat.

    Alexander squeezed tighter, only stopping when Carrado’s face changed colors and he knew the man was close to death. He let go and the monk dropped to the ground, gasping for air. Alexander turned and arched an eyebrow, daring him to say something, but the blonde man merely frowned.

    “If the stars are not in alignment here, then we will travel to where they are aligned,” Alexander informed him. “My wife is coming home.”

    James watched on stoically as Alexander left the room , his former ‘brother’s’ words echoing in his head.

    ‘Can a man not remedy his errors?’

    James ran a hand over his face. He was beginning to believe that he had made the greatest mistake of all in allowing Chloe to be brought back to their world in the first place. It had turned everyone’s lives upside down, and his inability to see what the future held in concern to his sister was maddening.

    ‘Not always.’

    “Not always,” he mumbled to himself right after thinking it. “Not always.”


    “Oh, my God.”

    Lucas looked over and frowned when he saw Chloe observing the scene in horrified shock. In his jealous rage, he had forgotten that Chloe had told him that if she took him back with her that the rules were different, that he wouldn’t be able to kill anyone or he would be sent away.

    ‘Surely there are exceptions,’ he thought to himself, quickly crossing over to where she was standing and placing his hands on her upper arms. Taking a chance that Chloe hadn’t heard his low, but threatening words to Lex, he began to speak to her quietly. “You were not here,” he said. “He would have exposed both of us and hurt Lex. I was merely protecting my new family.”

    Lex frowned. If Lucas’s words and tone sounded convincing to him when he knew the truth, then he couldn’t expect Chloe to be able to know it was a lie.

    Lucas leaned forward and kissed Chloe on the forehead and much to Lex’s chagrin, she seemed to lean into his touch.

    “You are pale,” Lucas said, running the back of his hand down her cheek.

    ‘Gee, I can’t imagine why,’ Lex thought sarcastically.

    Lucas pulled back a little, a worried frown on his lips.

    “And you look unwell. You need to rest.”

    Lex pursed his lips. Lucas’s concern for Chloe actually seemed touching in a twisted sort of way and he couldn’t help thinking that if he wasn’t interested in her that…

    ‘SOCIOPATH!’ a little voice inside his head screamed and he blinked away the other thoughts that had flit through his mind.

    “I appreciate the thought, but this isn’t my home,” Chloe said, giving Lucas a weak grin. “Not here.”

    “I forgot. I apologize,” Lucas said, running his hand over her cheek again. With a slight turn of his head, Lucas was looking at Lex. “I do not believe she is in the proper condition to operate her…car. May she sleep here in one of your guest rooms?”

    Lex nodded once.

    “Of course,” he agreed. “Why don’t you have one of the maids show her to a room and I’ll take care of the…” he paused and glanced at his father’s body, “…situation.”

    “Thanks, Lex,” Chloe said. “I’m…sorry.”

    Lex gave her a hint of a grin.

    “Go get some rest.”

    He watched as Lucas wrapped his arm around Chloe’s back as they walked out of the room and then pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number that he rarely used, but had memorized in case of emergencies.

    “I need a clean-up crew,” he said into the phone, his voice leaving no room for argument. Lex sucked in a breath as he prepared to step over a line he wasn’t sure he could ever be forgiven for. ‘If she could forgive Lucas then she can forgive me,’ he thought. “And send Meeker with you. I have something to discuss with him.”

    He clicked off the phone and turned his head toward the sound of the doorbell chiming.

    ‘Crap. That’s just what I need,’ he thought, moving out of the room and closing the large doors to it behind him.

    The butler answered the door, but Lex was close enough to see who was on the other side.

    “Clark,” he greeted, no friendliness in his tone whatsoever. “I thought you normally went around to the kitchen for deliveries?”

    “I need to talk to you,” Clark said, stepping by the butler, who swiftly shut the door and exited the foyer.

    “No offense, Clark, but I think we said everything that needed to be said the last time we talked.”

    “It’s about Chloe,” Clark said with a steely gaze.

    “What about her?”

    “She’s…changed…since she came back.”

    “Has she?” Lex asked. “Or is it just that she’s not following you around, pleading for you to notice her anymore?”

    Clark squared his jaw and stiffened his spine at Lex’s harsh tone.

    “Lucas is a bad influence on her,” he continued, outwardly ignoring Lex’s comment.

    “And you’d like me to do…what exactly?” Lex asked.

    “Keep him away from her!” Clark blurted out as if it was the easiest answer in the world.

    Lex scoffed and turned to start walking down a hallway, instinctually knowing that Clark would follow him and that he would be further away from the body Lucas had left behind.

    “You think I’m joking?” Clark practically yelled. “This is serious, Lex!”

    Lex pivoted on his heel and gave Clark a hard glare.

    “Chloe was *kidnapped* to an alternate reality, Clark – one that she almost didn’t escape from. *That’s* serious,” he said. “And now that she’s back, you expect everything to be like it was? You expect her to just to jump back into her old life like nothing happened?” He stopped and shook his head. “It’s never going to be that way again. In fact, it probably wouldn’t have stayed that way if she hadn’t been kidnapped at all. People evolve into their personalities and outgrow each other. That’s how life is.”

    Clark pursed his lips and stared at the young man who used to be his friend.

    “So, you’re not going to keep him away from her,” he said.

    Lex gave him a tight, bitter grin.

    “I hardly think that’s my place, do you, Clark?” he asked. “However, if you’d like to warn him away from her, be my guest. He just showed her to a room so she could rest and should be down any minute now.”

    Clark’s face fell a little and he eyed Lex questioningly.

    “Rest? Is she okay?”

    “Not that you’ve taken the time to notice, but she hasn’t been feeling well lately.”

    “Oh....Lana didn’t say anything.”

    “Correct me if I’m wrong, but Miss Lang spends the majority of her time at school, at work, or with you. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for socializing with the woman who took her into her home when she refused to escape this hellhole and simply move to Metropolis with her aunt,” Lex said pointedly and Clark squirmed uncomfortably.

    Lex glanced over at the grandfather clock in the hallway and then back to Clark.

    “I have a meeting in a little while,” Lex said. “If you’d like to stay and talk to Lucas, then I’ll tell him and you can take it outside. I’d prefer for there not to be any blood spilled in front of my business associates.”

    “I’m sure your ‘business associates’ are used to it,” Clark said snidely.

    “Not everything in the world lives up to your exacting moral standards, Clark. I won’t apologize for the things I’ve done, but I am sorry that you had to find out about it.”

    Clark shook his head despairingly.

    “I think I should leave,” he said.

    Lex nodded a couple of times in agreement.

    “I think that would be a good idea.”

    Lex watched as Clark left through the front door, letting out a small breath of relief when he heard the Kents’ truck start up and start to drive away.

    He had told the truth, he wasn’t sorry for the things he had done to get ahead in business, even if they were ruthless. He couldn’t even bring himself to feel sorry for what was soon going to happen to Lucas. Anything worth fighting for was worth fighting dirty for.

    And Chloe was worth it.


  8. #128
    NS Full Member
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    28 Feb 2003
    Ooooo, I'm so glad Lex is ready to fight for Chloe. I still haven't figured out who I want her with - Lex or Alexander. I do know that Sociopath!Lucas needs to go. :biggrin:

  9. #129
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.
    Originally posted by scifichick774@Sep 9 2003, 01:25 PM
    “Correct me if I’m wrong, but Miss Lang spends the majority of her time at school, at work, or with you. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for socializing with the woman who took her into her home when she refused to escape this hellhole and simply move to Metropolis with her aunt,” Lex said pointedly and Clark squirmed uncomfortably.
    BOOYAH!!! Score one for Lex!!! :tease: Take that Clarky boy!!! I absolutely loved the confrontation between Lex and Clark!

    I can't wait for Alexander to find a way to this dimension - a Lex/Alexander confrontation should be VERY interesting!!!

    I still wish something nasty would happen to Lucas though! How can Chloe actually still like the guy!

    Ooooh you make me so emotional! I can't wait for more!!!

  10. #130
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Ok where is chloe's head? Why wasn't she freaked out? What is wrong with that chick? :huh: Lucas needs to go. :tease:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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