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Thread: The Billionaires Club - R

  1. #1
    NS Full Member Chloe Luthor's Avatar
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    The Billionaires Club - R

    Title:The Billionaires Club
    Author: Louise
    Rating: NC-17
    Spoilers: None
    Category: Romance - Crossover with Justice League.
    Pairing: Chloe/Lex, Dinah/Oliver, Bruce/Selina
    Characters: Chloe, Lex, Dinah (Black Canary), Oliver (Green Arrow), Bruce, Selina.
    Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own Smallville or its characters. No infringement intended.
    Summary: AU. When Lex arrived in a private club to play poker with Bruce and Oliver, Dinah and Selina have a better idea to help Chloe to kill time.
    Dedication: To Angela for beta reading this fan fiction and helping me with my English and to the wonderful people from Naughty Seduction.

    Metropolis, 9 pm.

    Lex Luthor came to the city to relax for a while. No business, no evil plots, no dangerous schemes. He just wanted to relax for a while.

    He entered in a private club with his wife, Chloe Sullivan Luthor, and said as he smiles at her. "I'll see you in an hour, baby."

    "Good luck, Lex," Chloe smiles, giving him a passionate kiss.

    "I don't need luck, Chloe." Lex smirks at her before he enters the game room.

    He walks over to the poker table where he meets Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen, both waiting for him.

    "It's about time!" Oliver looks at him angrily. "Why did you take so long?"

    "Traffic," Lex explains with a smile.

    "I think he is afraid to lose his money to us, Oliver." Bruce chuckles, teasing Lex.

    "In your dreams, Wayne," Lex smirks. "Let's start."

    "Of course," Bruce smiles. "Did you bring the money?"

    "9 thousand like last time."

    "So, let's play!" Oliver smiles at both of them as he starts to deal the cards.

    In the hallway, Chloe is drinking a glass of wine when she sees two other blondes.

    "Hi… Do I know you?" She asks suspiciously.

    "Dinah Lance Queen and this is Selina Kyle Wayne." Dinah grins at her.

    "Of course, Oliver and Bruce's wives. So, how are you?"

    "Bored." Selina complains with an annoyed look. "I don't know why I can't stay at home with my cats."

    "Because Bruce knows what you would do, Selina." Dinah reminds her.

    "So, what are you planning to do during this time?" Chloe asks curiously as she takes another sip of her wine. "We still have an hour."

    Selina chuckles. "An hour? You are kidding right?" Chloe nods. "Ohhh… silly girl. It's your first time in this club right?" Chloe nods again. "Well, that explains a lot."

    "I don't understand."

    Dinah put her hand on Chloe's shoulder. "Chloe, last time they spent 3 hours in that room."

    "Oh…" Chloe seems surprised, "I didn't realize they spent that much time at the table. So, what do you want to do?"

    "We can get really drunk." Selina suggests, drinking another whisky. "And do something really stupid."

    "Like what?" Chloe asks intrigued.

    "I don't know. Interrupt their game and have sex in the bathroom or in another place." Selina points out with a naughty smile.

    "Are you crazy, Selina?" Dinah gives her a disapproving look.

    "Come on Dinah, work with me. You know how long the guys stay there when they are playing. Remember last time? 3 Hours! I love Bruce but I can't take that again. We have to take them out of there, soon!" Selina remembers her trying to convince Dinah to play with them.

    Chloe looks at them and smiles. "I think I will go with Selina's plan. We can call them with an emergency or something. What do you think?"

    "Sounds good to me," Selina smiles at Chloe. "So Dinah… What's it gonna be? Are you with us?"

    Dinah looks at them and sighs. "Okay. I'm in but I need to be more drunk than that."

    "That's not a problem! Waiter!" Chloe yells, calling the waiter. "More drinks, please!"


  2. #2
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    Good start I can't wait to read more.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    13 Jan 2004

    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    Great start! Can't wait to read what the soon to be three drunk ladies do next.
    Update soon.

  4. #4
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    Poor guys, I guess not one of them realized what a dangerous idea it is to bring those three blondes together I can't wait to see what exactly will they do. More, please.

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!

    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    i wonder where this story will lead. hope ya update soon.

  6. #6
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    Great start I can wait to see if they get drunk enough to put their idea in to action!

  7. #7
    ~Chlex Smutaholic~
    Join Date
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    Beneath Lex's Sheets

    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    Great start!!! PPMS!

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    Great beginning! Can't wait for more.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member teb85's Avatar
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    03 Jul 2005

    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    cool start ! I can't wait to see where this goes !!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    15 Feb 2005

    Re: The Billionaires Club - Nc-17

    oh my, this is a great beginning. i can not wait to see what chloe and the other girls do.

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