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Thread: Reckoning Deleted Scenes (NC-17)

  1. #1
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Reckoning Deleted Scenes (NC-17)

    Title: Reckoning Delete Scenes NC-17
    Author: Letia84
    Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Content, Adult Language and Content
    Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Own by DC and Warner Brothers
    Summary: A different take on the 100th Episode.

    Part 1

    Lex Drunk Scene One

    “Here’s to me” Lex says tapping together the two crystal glasses he just filled with more scotch. He knew he shouldn’t be wasting such a fine scotch on a drunken stupor but he was a Luthor and they never did anything cheap.

    Lex downed the first glass then picked up the second. He turned to take a seat in front of the fire and to his surprise Chloe Sullivan was standing in the doorway of his study.

    “Oh great! The aspiring reporter has come to get an exclusive on the spoiled brat’s defeat.” Lex stumbles over his words feeling his body sway from side to side unable to control his stance.

    Chloe walks in and closes the door. She nervous and wasn’t sure what she would see if she came to see Lex but she wanted to see him. He need someone even if she wasn’t that someone anymore she wanted it be her. She knew losing the election would be hard on him.

    “That’s not what I came here for.” Chloe tried to keep her voice from wavering and took a few nervous steps in noticing him unable to control his stance.

    She never saw him like this. Lex was always calm, controlled, professional, and now he was drunk. His words were slurred and he could barley stand up straight.

    Lex stumbled towards her. He looks over her trendy suit, her neatly placed hair, and her high heeled shoes. He looks over her and his cock twitches at the sight of her.

    There was once a time when he could have ripped off her trendy suit, lifted her out of her high heeled shoes, and fucked her until her hair was a trampled mess but that seemed like ages ago.

    "What are you here for Chloe? You want a drink? Drown with me in my sorrows?” Lex holds his glass out to her.

    Chloe turns her nose up at the scotch filled glass. There was no way she wanted it. “No, thank you. I think you’ve had enough drink for the both of us.”

    Lex chuckles at her and takes a sip of his drink. He was no where near finished drinking tonight.

    Chloe takes the last few steps to get close enough to touch him. She pulls the glass away way from his lips wanting to comfort him with a kiss but fights the urge. “I’m sorry that you lost.”

    Lex jerks his hand away from her. He doesn’t need her pity. “Is that why you came here Chloe to pity me? Well I don’t need it.” He tries to turn away from her and she grabs him again.

    “You need someone. I use to be that someone you needed.” Chloe tries get through to him looking into his eyes but he’s not swayed by her at all.

    “Oh, that’s what you’re here for.” Lex pulls her body to him still holding his drink in one hand grabbing her waist with the other. “You’re here to give me a pity fuck. Take a stroll down memory lane.” He feels her shiver against his chest and sees the shift in her eyes. Sees that she aroused by him.

    Chloe yanks herself back from him almost making him spill the scotch on her. “No! That’s not what I came here for. I came because I know you need a friend right now.”

    Lex laughs at her words. “A friend! You’re my friend now. I don’t have any of those Chloe. Clark was never my friend. All his lies made sure of that. Lana please! I have done everything possible to get what I want out of that bitch and she won’t give me a thing. I’m so done with her. And you Chloe. You say you’re my friend.”

    Lex grabs her again and Chloe yanks her self away from him. She tries to catch her breath after being that close to Lex. He smells of scotch but she is still turned on by him. The heat from his body against hers is something she never thought she would feel again.

    Lex smirks at her knowing that she enjoyed him grabbing her. He knows the affect he has on Chloe’s body with just one look.

    He has no idea why but he wants to be cruel to her. Take out his pain on her. The woman he once told he loved and would never stop loving but not now. Right now she was there to pity him and that made him feel weak; that made him want to hurt her.

    “You came here to fuck me Chloe but why you ask yourself. After I treated you like shit. Told you I loved you then ignored you for months. Seeing me chase after Lana has been eating away at you. Just the thought of me with Lana makes you sick doesn’t. Makes you want to kill her for taking something that you thought was only for you. I was never your's Chloe. I could never be owned by someone like you.”

    Lex pauses to take a breath. In his inebriated state it’s hard to make a long speech. He can see the tears welling up in her eyes and he enjoys it.

    Chloe just stands there feeling her chest burning. Knowing everything he said was true. She does want to kill Lana. Lex was hers and now he’s being tainted by the self involved princess. The thought that she couldn't keep him made her heart ache. At one time she thought she had rule over his heart because he still had complete control over hers.

    She feels tears coming but pushes them back. Lex has treated her like she is worthless for the last time.

    Just as he was about to continue his speech Chloe grabs the glass from him tossing it into the fire causing it to flare up once the alcohol is released from the broken glass.

    “Don’t you dare say another word! No matter what you say I know you Lex. I know that you’re hurting right now. You’re wounded and you want someone to feel the same way you do but I won’t let you use me as your punching bag.” Chloe takes in a few deep breaths feeling her rage hit its peak.

    Lex jumps back once the fire flares up. He looks at Chloe’s chest heaving in out, her nostrils flared, the look of hurt in her eyes at his words.

    He wants her. He’s denied him self the pleasure of Chloe’s body long enough for stupid reasons. To maintain his self control, to get Clark’s secret out of Lana when it has become apparent she knows nothing, and to hide his weakness.

    The weakness that he feels when he is with her. The love that sits in the pit of his stomach whenever he sees her. The bruises he makes in his palms when he makes a fist to plant himself in place and to not go to her. The nights he spends alone in bed dreaming of her and stroking his length when he wakes up in the middle of the night wanting her.

    Lex has denied himself loving Chloe long enough.

    Chloe stares at him seeing the look of shock in his eyes when she tosses the glass then sees his face transform. She’s seen this look before he is aroused and hungry for her.

    “Chloe I know why you came here. I know what you want because I want it to.” Lex takes a few steps towards her.

    Chloe doesn’t move. She wants this, needs it. She has been craving it for so long. She has dream after dream of Lex looking at her this way and taking what is his. Taking her body and doing things to it she never thought possible.

    “Then take it Lex. If you know what you want take. Stop fighting it. Stop pushing me away.” Chloe yells at him out of desperation tried of him taking his time.

    She lunges at him seizing his lips almost swallowing him whole. Lex responds immediately sliding his tongue into her mouth licking over her teeth, flicking his tongue in and out of her.

    Lex pulls her to him by her ass grinding into center knowing she's wet for him already. Chloe can taste the alcohol in is mouth and places her hands between them undoing his pants. She drops them to floor and drops to her knees. She needs him in her mouth and takes him knowing he's to drunk to stop her.

    Lex grabs her shoulders feeling her take all of him into her warm wet mouth. “Ah fuck!” He yells when he looks down and sees her starting to bob her head up and down his length. He almost loses his balance the alcohol running through his veins keeping him from being in control of his stance.

    He clutches her hair in his hands getting her into the right rhythm jerking her the way he needs her. “Yes love. You know what to do.” He pants out throwing his head back letting Chloe bring him to climax.

    Chloe moans over his cock. She hallows out her cheeks and sucks on him without mercy letting him control the rhythm by jerking her head. She can hear him saying her name and loves the power she has over him right now. His release is under her control.

    They are lost in each other, in the moment, in their passion for one another, and don’t hear the door opening.

    They don’t see Lana Lang come in and the look of shock on her eyes when she sees Chloe on her knees with Lex’s cock in her mouth but they hear her cry out. “Oh my GOD!”

    Chloe jerks away from Lex and sees Lana. Lex lowers his head and sees her too and in unison they both yell at her. “Get the hell out of here!”

    Lana is in shock and runs away. She gets into her SUV and speeds off in shock at seeing the two of them like that. Lana thought Lex wanted her that she could come there tonight and support him after he lost the election.

    She knew she shouldn’t because she just told Clark she would be his wife but she enjoys the power she thought she had over Lex and wanted to indulge in it.

    Lana is driving fast on the slick highway and is in such shock she has to call Clark and tell him what she saw. She knows she shouldn’t be on the phone while driving but she does it anyway.

    She tries to dial Clark’s number but drops the phone once she gets the number in. She reaches down to pick it up and doesn’t see the yellow school bus coming her way and they collide.

    Lana Lang’s car is tossed and she is thrown from the car.

    Lana Lang’s life is exchanged for the life of Clark Kent and Jor-el has his reckoning.


    Part 2

    Daily Planet Scene Two
    Last edited by letia84; 26th January 2009 at 06:14.

  2. #2
    Members Jessie's Avatar
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene (NC-17)

    This is a very interesting take/missing scene from Reckoning. I like how you included some of the events from the episode - the glass in the fireplace. I'd like to believe that Lana wouldn't be the only person to check up on Lex after the election. So, thanks for having Chloe be that person. Does Chloe know Clark's secret in youir story?

  3. #3
    NS Full Member LaLa's Avatar
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene (NC-17)

    in wonder...why does it make me feel giddy? you know, in a "giggling-like-a-silly-school girl' kindda way? mmhhh...another mystery mouahahahah! DIE ANAL DIE!

    ...errr, well i trully enjoyed your fic! lol

  4. #4
    Members musicangel585's Avatar
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene (NC-17)

    Quote Originally Posted by letia84
    Lana Lang’s car is tossed and she is thrown from the car.

    Lana Lang’s life is exchanged for the life of Clark Kent and Jo-rel has his reckoning.
    Why oh why didn't this happen on the show! I was really hoping for it even though I knew it was pretty much a lost cause.

  5. #5
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene (NC-17)

    That was truly beautiful. More please.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Reckoning Deleted Scenes NC-17 Part 2 3/7/05

    Part 2

    Daily Planet Scene Two

    “All right, McFly, do you want to start with how or why?” Chloe closed the door to the back office in the Daily Planet basement completely stunned by Clark’s ability to tell the future.

    “Look my biological father let me go back in time so I can save Lana. He said I had one chance to do it.” Clark spoke franticly and had been frantic since last night when his father called telling him he found Lana’s car.

    Telling him Lana had crashed and she was dead.

    “Ok you went back in time but what does that change about what your biological father’s plan to take the life of someone close to you.” Chloe looked at him confused.

    Clark just played God for Lana Lang. She couldn’t believe that he wouldn’t think of the consequences of his action before he did what he did.

    “Chloe Jor-el is after Lana. I told her the truth about me and she said yes to marrying me. Now Jor-el wants to take her from me.” Clark punched his fist into a near by desk almost breaking it and couldn’t believe that he could lose Lana and had to do anything to save her.

    “Clark keep your self under control. I don’t have the money to pay the Planet for a broken desk. So what did you do today? Did you still…” Chloe cringed at the thought of Clark and Lana married.

    Chloe wasn’t in love with Clark anymore but just the thought of him having to put up with the fairy princess till death due them part made her feel bad for him. All these years and Clark still hadn’t seen though Lana’s games.

    “...asked her to marry you?” She managed to finish holding back her real feelings on the matter.

    “No!” Clark groaned. “She was in danger because I did so I didn’t do it again.”

    “Clark sorry but I don’t think that’s what happened. Where was Lana coming from when she crashed?” Chloe didn’t know why but she was helping Clark save Lana again.

    “The only place she could have been coming from was Lex’s mansion.” Clark gritted his teeth at the thought of Lex. He almost got Lana killed a few weeks ago and he knew now there was no turning back for them as friends.

    Chloe sighed and couldn’t believe Clark was once again blaming Lex for everything. “If you just asked her to marry you and she said yes why the hell was she leaving the Luthor mansion?”

    “I don’t know Chloe but she was trying to call and tell me. My phone rang but she didn’t say anything. Then my father called and said he found her dead.” Clark punched the desk again. He wasn’t going to lose Lana.

    “Clark you've changed the timeline of today. Now that you haven’t told Lana the truth someone else is going to die.” Chloe had to get through to him.

    Maybe it was Lana’s time. Maybe her actions finally caught up with her and she had to go. Chloe was trying to rationalize the reasons in her mind but there was only one. Lana was taking Lex away from her.

    Chloe couldn’t believe she was losing Lex to Lana Lang. Since they stopped seeing each other Lex had done nothing but chase after Lana. Lex pushed her away the minute he told her he loved her.

    Chloe knew it had to be his way of keeping her from making him lose control. She couldn’t stand being away from Lex but she settled into her life without him. Once he closed himself off from her she knew it would be almost impossible to get him back.

    After their last talk in the cave she knew he still had feelings for her. The look of hurt in his eyes when she wouldn’t tell him what really happened during the second meteor shower was always on her mind. She knew he was chasing Lana before because of her connection to the elements and the cave's writings but now it was just to hurt her for lying to him and to hurt her for making him feel.

    Chloe knew Lex better then he thought she did and making him lose control for a second when he gave in to his desires for her the first time they made love in the safe house he would push her away one day and he did the minute she got back to Smallville after Lionel’s trial.

    She wanted Lana out of the way so she could have what was hers' again. Since their talk in the cave all she could dream about was Lex and she wanted him back. Lana’s death was the perfect start.

    “I don’t care Chloe I have to save her. My dad said she got hit by a bus. I’ll just stop the bus.” Clark was settled with his plan he just wanted Chloe's reassurance that he was doing the right thing but he wasn’t getting that from her.

    “Clark I think you are doing this all wrong. Tell Lana the truth it’s the only way to really protect her. If she knows then she will trust you and you can tell her not go the mansion at all.” Chloe wanted to slap her self. She didn’t know why she kept helping Clark.

    “No I am sticking to my plan.” Clark looked at her searching for the friend he knew but he wasn’t seeing her.

    “Clark why did you even come here to tell me this? Your only concern is for Lana what about the rest of us that know your secret. Are we in danger too?” Chloe was getting anger. She was tried of Clark only thinking about Lana.

    “I don’t know Chloe but my priority is Lana’s safety everyone else comes second to that.” Clark tried to put his hand on Chloe’s shoulder to make her understand what Lana meant to him.

    Chloe jerked away from him. He just told her she didn’t matter. “I can’t believe you just said that. No on else matters to you but Lana. You just put someone else in danger for her. Whatever the reason she was going to see Lex she deserved to crash. She just said yes to be with you as your wife and she went to see another man. You said she tried to call while she was driving. Did you ever think that was why she crashed. She wasn’t paying attention to the rode.”

    Chloe was feeling her face getting red. If she could she would kill Clark right now for treating her like this; like she just didn’t matter.

    Clark could see Chloe getting up set. He wasn’t trying to do that but he couldn’t believe she was defending Lex. “Lana may have gone there because he lost the election she felt bad for him and he did something to her that made her crash.”

    “What! Lex lost!” Chloe couldn’t control her voice that pushed her over the edge. “I can’t believe you are blaming Lex. How do know what he did or what she saw if she went to the mansion?” Chloe knew if Lex lost she would go see him. He would need someone to be there for him. She use to be that person and felt like she could be that person for him if he lost.

    “It had to be him. What else could it be?” Clark was convinced it was Lex’s fault she crashed.

    “Clark Lana died because of what she did. She went to see Lex of her own free will. Completely trusting you knowing everything about you that she was looking for and she went to him.” Chloe shook him and tried make him see Lana killed her self not Lex.

    “No! You’re wrong Chloe. Stop defending Lex.” Clark threw her arms off of him.

    “Clark just get the hell away from me. I’m sick of this one sided view you have of everything. Lana crashed because of her actions. You have no clue if Lex had anything to do with it. She was careless and died. Now the rest of us that know you are in danger. Your biological father never said he wasn’t going to kill someone else in exchange for your life. You don’t care about anyone but Lana so why don't you just go to her.”

    Chloe walked out the office leaving Clark behind. That was it for her and Clark. She had to go see Lex. He was going to lose the election and she knew it would crush him. There was only one way to keep him from losing. It was time he stopped pushing her away.

    Chloe felt the only way to get him back was to tell him the truth and save him from losing to Mr. Kent. Telling one little secret was the key to getting him back in her life.


    Part 3

    Lex Drunk Scene Two

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene (NC-17)

    Wow, very unique and intiguing take on that scene/epi. Loved the twist with Chloe throwing the glass.

    I hope you update soon!

    : And as soon as I posted that, you updated! Ha. Goody for me

    My response to part II: Damn, Clark. WTF!?

  8. #8
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene NC-17 Part 2 3/7/06

    Oh my goodness I love this. More please I want more....

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene NC-17 Part 2 3/7/06

    Loved it! Can't wait to read the drunk scene.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Reckoning Deleted Scene NC-17 Part 2 3/7/06

    Wow great take on Reckoning! Can't wait to read more soon.

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