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Thread: Lucky Charm (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Just a Guest!

    Lucky Charm (NC-17)

    MODERATOR'S NOTE: Several pages and posts of this thread were compromised or deleted by a hacker's attack, so here's a link to read the full story on a different server


    Title: Lucky Charm
    Author: scifichick774
    Rating: NC-17
    Category: Romance/Humor/Drama
    Spoilers: Anything that I’ve heard about the third season is fair game.
    Summary: Future fic. Chloe’s plans for her upcoming twenty-first birthday fall through, and she finds herself assigned to cover a conference that she can’t get out of. Chloe/Lex
    Disclaimer: Not mine, no infringement intended, please don’t sue.
    Feedback: YES!! REVIEW!!
    Archival: Sure – just let me know where.
    Author’s Note: Please don’t kill me. Please, please don’t kill me. I can think of no other way to put this than my muse needed smut. And since none of my other fics are at the point where that’s a viable option… Okay, you get the point. This won’t be a long one (less than ten chapters if it works out how I’ve planned it) and the smut should come fairly quickly. So, you know, don’t throw rocks at me or anything for starting a new fic.


    “You could always come home, you know,” Lana pointed out on the other end of the line.

    “Lana, my dad’s not even going to be in town. What would be the point of going to Smallville for my twenty-first birthday if he’s not even going to be there?” Chloe argued, balancing the phone between her head and shoulder as she spoke.

    “I could bake a cake or something.”

    Chloe let out a somewhat sour chuckle and started shuffling through the papers on her desk.

    “Well, as…dangerous…as that sounds, I think I’ll pass.”

    “You’re sure? I mean, doing *something* in Smallville is better than doing nothing at all.”

    ‘I so don’t need your pity,’ she thought to herself.

    Of course, the nagging little voice in the back of her head told her that she did indeed need Lana’s pity, or at least wanted it. Why else would she have tortured herself by calling Lana and admitting that her former plans for her twenty-first birthday went down the drain when she decided the guy she had seen for the last three weekends wasn’t worth a fourth? Or he was and she was just getting pickier about who she went out with.

    “I’m sure I can come up with something,” Chloe said. ‘Like going to the liquor store and getting drunk while I make fun of whatever’s on TV that night…God, I’m pathetic.’

    “I could come to Metropolis. We could have a girl’s night out,” Lana suggested sweetly.

    “No, no, that’s okay. Pete would kill me if I exposed you to big city life,” Chloe responded with a smile. Lana giggled.

    “You’re probably right,” she admitted. “I’d suggest that you give Clark a call, but ---”

    “Yeah,” Chloe agreed without Lana go into the specifics of the fallout of her friendship with Clark. There was no need to drudge up painful memories, especially when both the girls had moved on and the last time she had seen Clark he was still has inconsiderate toward her feelings as he had ever been.

    “Will you at least call and tell me what you ended up doing?”

    “You sure you want to know?” Chloe teased. ‘Hey, I’m a writer; I can come up with a decent lie to make Lana blush.’

    “I’m sure,” Lana said. “Even if it means you getting drunk and hooking up with some random guy – I want to know.”

    Chloe let out a laugh and brought her hand to the phone.

    “Okay, but you were warned. Listen, my boss is signaling me. I’ll have to talk to you later, okay?”

    “Okay. Byeee.”

    Chloe cringed ever so slightly as Lana’s chipper voice lilted through the phone. Sure, her friends on the internet would use cute little greetings like ‘byeee’ when they were instant messaging her, but Lana was the only person she knew who actually did it in person. It was a little frightening.


    Chloe snapped out of her thoughts and patted down her skirt to soothe it as she walked briskly to Perry White’s office. At first, graduating early and working for the planet right out of college had seemed like a dream come true, but the stories she had been assigned to for the last year had been nothing even close to as good as the ones she had written for the Metropolis University Oracle, or even for the Torch for that matter.

    She had seemed to get all the special interest stories, the ones with no substance, and no real need for a reporter at all. Chloe knew it was part of working her way up through the ranks, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

    “Sullivan, I have an assignment for you,” Perry White, her editor at The Daily Planet started as she walked into his office.

    “Okay,” she said. “But you do realize that I’m off for the weekend, right? Natalie in personnel already approved the days ---”

    “You’re a reporter, you go to the news, it doesn’t come to you,” White said. “It’s not like you can choose when it happens.”

    ‘If this is another story about some old lady and the number of cats she owns, I’m going to shoot myself,’ Chloe thought, only half-kidding.

    “Now, I need you to cover a convention.”

    “A convention,” Chloe repeated in a dry, unexcited voice. ‘Like I didn’t have to go to enough of those when I was living with my dad.’

    “Not just any convention, Sullivan,” White continued with an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm considering that he was talking to someone he considered to be a rookie. “They’re having meetings too.”

    ‘Woop-dee-doo,’ Chloe thought sarcastically. White stopped right in front of her and folded his arms across his chest as he gave her a scolding look.

    “This is the first really big thing I’ve given you and you look like your dog just died,” he commented. Chloe arched an eyebrow back at him.

    “No offense, sir, but a convention – even if it does include meetings – doesn’t sound like something ---”

    “There’s talk of some high-level mergers that might go down there, young lady.”

    Chloe furrowed her brow as she tried to think of what he could be talking about; her eyes suddenly widening with the realization of what was being said.

    “You’re sending me to Las Vegas?!”

    “You’ll need to leave first thing in the morning,” White said with a cocky smile and grabbed a piece of paper off the desk. “Take this down to personnel and they’ll give you your itinerary and all the reservation stuff they’ve set up for you.” Without another word, he turned his back on her and circled his desk to sit down. When he looked back up and saw her still standing there, he gave her a pointed glare. “Well? Go on,” he said, making a shooing motion with his hand.

    “Sir, I ---”

    “Look, I know you had a nice long weekend planned - probably were going to spend some time with your sweetheart - but we all make sacrifices in this business, Sullivan, and ---”

    Chloe held up her hand to stop him from saying anything else, and then proceeded to turn on her heel and leave the office.

    Her first ‘big assignment’ and it wouldn’t even require real investigative work. It was disappointing, but Chloe had to admit that the prospect of spending her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas was a hell of a lot better than what she had been considering doing – even if she did risk running into her dad.

    ‘Las Vegas has a lot of people,’ she told herself as she boarded the elevator to go down to the personnel office. ‘There’s no way I’ll run into him --- except that he’s *going* to the same conference that I’ve been assigned to cover.’ Chloe sighed and leaned back against the railing after she pushed the button for the floor she wanted.

    The elevator stopped and the doors opened to let someone else on board. Ian Connor, a reporter a few years her senior and the man she had cancelled her former birthday plans with, walked on and went to stand next to her even though there was plenty of room in the elevator car.

    “Sullivan,” he greeted with a cocky smirk.

    “Connor,” she retorted with a tiny grin.

    “So – change your mind about Saturday? No sense in spending your birthday alone,” he said, leaning a little closer to her. Chloe arched an eyebrow at him.

    “I never said I was going to spend it alone,” she pointed out in a mocking tone accompanied with a fake smile. Ian grabbed at his heart.

    “Ouch,” he said lightheartedly. “So, who’s the lucky guy?”

    Chloe turned to face the front of the elevator again and gave a light shrug of her shoulders.

    “Don’t know yet,” she said. “Perry’s sending me to Vegas to cover the convention.” She barely resisted laughing when she saw Ian’s jaw drop out of the corner of her eye.

    “Whoa. How’d you get that gig?”

    “It’s not like it’s going to take any real skill, Ian. All I have to do is report what happens. Now if I got to investigate ---”

    “No, I mean, every reporter for the planet has been clamoring for that piece. Free travel, free room and board, possible story of the year. How’d *you* get it?”

    Chloe narrowed her eyes at his accusatory tone.

    “I have no idea,” she admitted carefully. “I told Perry that I already requested this weekend off, but he was adamant about it.”

    “Okay, that seals it. You must be sleeping with somebody pretty big to ---”

    “Like I said, I have no idea why he wanted me for the assignment,” Chloe said, cutting him off. “If you want to know so badly, then maybe you should ask him.” The elevator doors opened and she strolled off, trying not to let his insinuation that she was sleeping with a higher-up get to her. “Email me and let me know what you find out.”
    Last edited by lexie; 8th June 2015 at 09:39.

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    The man behind the desk smiled courteously at Chloe as she stepped up to the counter.

    “Can I help you?”

    “Yeah. Chloe Sullivan – my paper should have made reservations for me,” Chloe answered absently as she set her rolling bag down beside her.

    The clerk typed a few things into his computer and his eyes widened a little when he saw the notes on file under her name. He glanced up at Chloe and was thankful that she seemed too preoccupied with digging through her purse to notice his slip-up.

    “Of course,” he said and printed out a sheet for her to sign. “Just need your signature by the ‘x’.”

    Chloe nodded and jotted her name down on the line where she was told to place it without reading over the paperwork first. She figured it was just a standard hotel agreement, so why bother spending more time at the front counter than she needed to?

    The man handed her a keycard stuffed into an envelope and smiled nervously at her as he gave her the room number she would be staying in and the directions on how to get there.

    “I hope you have a nice stay with us and if there’s anything I – we – can do to assist you, just let us know.”

    Chloe grinned and nodded, too tired from having to take a five a.m. flight too notice the clerk’s odd demeanor. The man watched her walk down the hall and onto the elevators he had pointed out before lifting up the phone and calling the number that was listed in the notes.


    “This is Paul down at the front desk. She just checked in.”

    “Thank you.”

    The phone line clicked off and Paul hung up the phone, smiling again at the next person who came up to the desk to check in.

    Chloe sighed and slid her keycard through the slot, waiting until the light turned green to turn the handle and enter her room. She raised her eyebrows in pleasant surprise when she saw that the paper had actually put her up in a nice room. It was a newer hotel, so she should have expected as much, but it was still a nice change from the dinky motel chains she had been stuck in for her last few location assignments.

    She started to put her clothes away, eyeballing which ones hadn’t withstood the trip well and might need to be ironed, when a knock came at the door. A delicate crease took over her brow, but she moved to answer the door anyway, her face contorting in stunned confusion when she saw who was on the other side.

    “Mr. Luthor?”

    “Lex,” he corrected with a light smirk. “I thought we’d already covered that – back when you were in high school if I’m not mistaken.”

    “Old habits die hard,” she half-apologized with a smile. “What are you doing here?”

    “Same thing as you I’d imagine; gotta love conferences and merger meetings.”

    Chloe let out a derisive snort.

    “Depends on who you are, I guess,” she said. “But what I actually meant was, what are you doing *here*, standing in the hallway in front of my room?”

    “Your dad mentioned you were coming,” he answered smoothly, glossing over how he may have obtained her room number since she had just arrived and hadn’t had time to tell anyone where she was located yet. “And I thought it might be nice to see a friendly face.” He tilted his head to the side as he looked at her. “Though, you don’t look that friendly. Bad coffee on the flight over?”

    Chloe couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head lightly.

    “Bad coffee, bad flight, bad assignment, bad timing for the bad assignment,” she grumbled. “The only good thing to come out of this is the room.” She made a sweeping motion with her arm and Lex glanced inside before nodding once.

    “It’s…cozy,” he said, causing Chloe to snicker. He moved a little closer to her, waiting for the silent invitation to come into her room that never came. “Why bad timing for the assignment?”

    “*Bad* timing for the *bad* assignment,” she corrected. “And it’s nothing important.” If her dad hadn’t seen it necessary to inform Lex that it was her birthday the next day then she didn’t feel the need to either.

    “Why do I get the feeling that you’re lying to me?”

    “Allow me to rephrase,” she said. “It’s nothing important to *you*.”

    “How do you know that if ---”

    “Lex,” Chloe said in a somewhat exasperated tone. “What are you really doing here?”

    “What are you doing for lunch?” he countered, ignoring her question.

    “I have no idea,” she answered. “Buffet probably; maybe meet up with my dad.” Lex nodded once.

    “I have reservations at the Italian place downstairs,” he said.

    “Of course you do,” Chloe replied with a smile.

    “Meet me there at one.”

    Chloe arched an eyebrow at him. For someone who supposedly shunned the public, she had run into Lex several times in the last couple of years, even had coffee with him a few times under the guise of catching up on old times, but despite the fact that she had accidentally met up with him on a startling number of occasions, she never questioned any ulterior motives he might have.

    She was Chloe Sullivan, his plant manager’s daughter, and that was it. He was being polite, she was being polite, and their so-called relationship as friendly acquaintances was basically just an excuse to banter with someone intelligent – at least that’s how *she* saw it.

    “That sounded remarkably *nothing* like a request,” she pointed out. Lex chuckled and gave her a genuine smile.

    “Glad we’re on the same page.”


    The lunch had gone well.

    They had talked about everything to nothing at all, and as always, it seemed amazingly comfortable. Chloe supposed part of that was the fact that she had never treated him as anything other than a normal person, that she didn’t fawn over him because of his money, that she was more impressed by his intellect than she was by his bank account.

    She shook her head lightly as she entered the casino. If anyone had told her back when she was in Smallville that chance meetings would lead to a friendly acquaintanceship with Lex Luthor, she’d have told them they were out of their minds.

    It bothered her that she was still thinking about the conversation they had over lunch. Lex was his usual witty self, but he seemed different…flirtatious; even more so than the other times that she ran into him. A sour chuckle released in her mind. Maybe Lana hadn’t had such a bad idea when she jokingly suggested that she get drunk and hook up with some random guy; God knew she probably needed it if she even entertained the idea that Lex had been flirting with her.

    Chloe rolled her eyes when she saw Lex standing at the end of a craps table with a few other wealthy men, all of them surrounded by the types of women that Lex usually dated – beautiful, but clearly only interested in his money, and probably vapid to boot.

    ‘Or at least *used* to date,’ Chloe thought to herself when she saw him become irritated that one of the women dared to touch his shoulder. It wasn’t like Lex to turn down female companionship unless he was already in a relationship, and since she hadn’t seen his name linked with anyone else’s, not even in a passing fling capacity, for a while; Chloe surmised that he must be involved with someone secretly.

    ‘Well, good for him,’ she thought. ‘If she’s willing to be out of the spotlight then she’s obviously not using him. I’ll have to congratulate him the next time I see him.’ Her eyes went back over to where the scantily clad models were turning their attentions to the other wealthy men at the table. ‘But not right now. No use in subjecting my self-esteem to that kind of torture.’

    She began to walk toward the slot machines, the cut of her dress moving with her to accentuate every curve she had. It was modest compared to the strips of fabric that the women around Lex’s table were wearing, but then again, how much skin did she really need to be showing to attract some random guy?

    ‘Especially if I’m drunk,’ she thought to herself and then glanced at the delicate watch on her bracelet. ‘Though I guess they won’t be able to legally serve me any alcohol for the next ten minutes…’


    The ringing of several machines drowned out the sound of Lex calling to her and he frowned when she didn’t turn around. He motioned to one of his guards and the rather burly man nodded once before following in Chloe’s tracks to retrieve her.

    “Miss?” he asked as he grabbed her arm from behind. Chloe spun around and gently, but firmly tugged her arm out of his grasp.

    “Yes?” she asked, stopping herself before she went into the ‘I have I.D.’ speech when she realized that he didn’t have any tags or badges on him to indicate that he was working for the casino. The man began to reach out to grab her elbow again and she narrowed her eyes, instinctively taking a step back away from him.

    “Mr. Luthor wants to see you,” he informed her, the tone of his voice leaving little room for argument.

    No sooner did the words come out of his mouth than Chloe saw Lex approaching them, only another bodyguard as an entourage. Chloe smiled at the all too familiar smirk that graced his lips.

    “You didn’t come by to say hello. I think I’m offended,” he said as he finally reached her.

    “I didn’t want to break up the party,” Chloe retorted, motioning to the table he had just been seated at. “Besides, I was going to go play slots.” Lex’s smirk only seemed to grow.

    “You realize you can’t do that *legally* for another…” he stalled as he glanced at the expensive watch on his wrist, “…four minutes.”

    Chloe’s look of surprise forced Lex to break out a genuine smile and he held his hand out to her.

    “Come on, you can be my lucky charm until then.”


  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    :worship2: fantastic stuff as always!! mmm, chloe and lex in las vegas!! yummy!! you write so much, but I love this one allready! :biggrin:

  4. #4
    NS Junior Member
    Join Date
    26 May 2003
    Okay just when I was about to start throwing ice cream at the computer scream, I saw the word smut, so as such.....you are forgiven. :biggrin: (Not that it really took a lot I mean, amazing writer, great story, the only drawback is that the other ones won't be updated as often, but you won't neglect them too long right? right? )


  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    uhhuh, and just how 'lucky' his her 'charm' :biggrin: Ok, i know, bad joke, but i couldn't resist!
    I'm loving this, and can't wait to read the next chapter!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    03 Aug 2003
    Okay chloe get a clue here miss.reporter. Love lex in this! so update soon.

    Also its not fair that you come up with all these great ideas for fics im still trying to find a plot that will keep my intrest for my frist chlex fanfic.

    Love it update soon

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Kris, you already know my love for this fic...but I had to profess it again. Now *points to keyboard* isn't there something that you should be doing right now?


  8. #8
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    *Sigh*...Ok, it's obvious that Lex is into Chloe. Keeping tabs on her? Knowing her birthday, etc... Clue IN Chloe! Now go and be that Lucky Charm he so desperately needs.

  9. #9
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    Ok, why would we be mad at you for starting another fic? especially a smut fic? It bogles the mind! Update soon!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Are you kidding, this is great! We all LOVE smut! Why would we mad at you? Update soon Please!


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