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Thread: Scofield Standard Time (R) COMPLETED

  1. #21
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    Great update. I loved the scene with Lex, Lois, and Clark. All of them were very much in character as we see them on the show. I particularly love how there was so much going on in Lex's mind that wasn't revealed to Lois and Clark, leading them to make faulty assumptions about him. You handled the Chlex backstory really well. I'm looking forward to seeing how Lex is going to respond to Chloe and how he's going to figure into her plan. I can't wait to read more.

  2. #22
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    This gets better and better I can't wait until chapter 3.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #23
    NS Junior Member hellinean's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    At first i was angry at Lex .... but after i'm pround how he made Lois and Clark out of his house lol !
    I'm dying to know what Lex had in mind to help Chloe and how our poor chloe is !!!
    please update soon

  4. #24
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    Just read the first two updates and I'm already sucked into this fic. Love Prison break (mmmhhh Wentworth Miller) and think it's cool that you're giving the show's premise a Chlexy twist. So far very intriguing especially with regards to how much Lex knows about Chloe's plan * hee at the muffin peddler and farm boy comments to Lois and Clark* Excellent start and can't wait for more.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  5. #25
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    A/N: This chapter introduces the prison’s doctor, and we learn a little more about the plan.

    Chapter 3

    Dr. Kristin Bellick had the charts of all of the new inmates at Fox River brought to her so she could review them thoroughly. Dr. Bellick took pride in the work they did at the asylum, and she only wanted the best for the prisoners in her care.

    Even though she was a woman in her forties, Dr. Bellick had never lost any of her youthful enthusiasm towards psychiatry, but years spent in a penitentiary did stunt her optimism. Dr. Bellick was now a realist, and she knew that keeping the more violent offenders drugged was the only way to keep them under control, but she preferred to use a combination of anti-depressants and anti-psychotics along with therapy.

    She also believed in the prisoners being allowed ample time in the yard, because fresh air and sunshine did wonders for everyone’s mental health, and not just the inmates. She made sure that all of the hospital’s staff had plenty of yard time, and that her door was open if they ever needed to talk.

    Dr. Bellick knew that she was fortunate that Fox River had a good hearted warden, who believed in many of the same ideals that she did. Warden Bradley Hale was what some of the older staff doctors derisively referred to as a “bleeding heart liberal”, but Kristin Bellick was grateful that there was at least one other person behind these walls who didn’t want all of the inmates in straight jackets 24 hours a day..

    Dr. Bellick had been a psychiatrist for the last twenty years, and she had been working at the sanitarium for the past ten years, and while they had made great strides, they still had a long way to go to completely upgrade their mental facility. And thankfully, the warden agreed with her ideas on improved patient care wholeheartedly.

    Now, all she had to do was get the other staff member to get their mindsets into the 21st century, especially the orderlies. She had, on more than one occasion, seen the same orderly trying to overmedicate the more troublesome patients.

    Dr. Bellick made a mental note to ask the warden to have a talk with the young man, as she took her customary seat near the garden. She liked to sit off to the side so that she was close enough to observe the patients and staff, but far enough away to not be a distraction

    She sorted through her files, and paged through the new patients quickly. It never failed to amaze her how similar the inmate’s personal histories were, and how many of the same characteristics they all shared as well.

    The doctor didn’t see anything unusual until she got to Chloe Sullivan’s file. She stopped and studied the picture that accompanied the new inmate’s chart, and she was struck by how pretty the blond young woman was, and that she had such a lively expression on her face. Most of the people who were brought in looked dazed, and half-dead.

    Dr. Bellick read through the information provided on Chloe Sullivan, and she found herself even more intrigued. The young woman simply didn’t fit the profile of an inmate at Fox River. Ms. Sullivan had never been in trouble with the law in any capacity, and she didn’t have any type of juvenile record. She was a college student, who was also a cub reporter at The Daily Planet.

    Chloe Sullivan was raised by a single parent, her father, and Dr. Bellick noted that the space where her mother’s information should have been was left blank. Perhaps this was a reason for the sudden deterioration in Chloe’s mental health. But the doctor did not want to jump to conclusions before speaking to the girl, so she made another note to ask Chloe herself about this lapse.

    In fact, the more Dr. Bellick read about Chloe, the more she became convinced that there was more to this young woman then what was recorded on her chart. Again, she knew it was not wise to form any judgments, but there was a reason Chloe was here. She was clearly very troubled, and would probably need a lot of coaxing to get to the root of why she had tried to kill herself.

    Nodding her head, Dr. Bellick closed the file that she had been reading on Chloe Sullivan and vowed to help the girl anyway she could.


    Chloe knew that what she was doing was the very definition of crazy, but she also knew that she had to get her mom out of Fox River. Yes, her mom was mentally ill, but she also needed better care then she was likely to get in this particular facility.

    Especially after Chloe had learned about the myriad of mysterious deaths that had plagued the prison for the past ten years.

    She didn’t regret making this decision, but she did hate that she had to involve so many other people in her plan. Lois, Clark and Lex all knew pieces of what Chloe’s plan was, but only her dad knew the entire thing.

    When she first broached her idea to him, he hadn’t spoken to her for the rest of the night. He had been so angry and terrified that his couldn’t stop his hands from trembling, but at the same time, he was fiercely proud that his daughter would go to such lengths to help someone she thought was in danger.

    Gabe tried his best to get past his fears, and think as rationally as Chloe obviously had, so he came to her the next day, armed with questions. Unsurprisingly, Chloe had all of her research laid out for him on their kitchen table, and together, father and daughter went over all of the information she had uncovered in the last three months.

    He was still afraid for her, but he did feel better knowing that Chloe had involved Lex Luthor in the escape, as well as her cousin and Clark Kent. While he knew that Lois and Clark’s hearts were in the right place, they both lacked discipline. Lex, on the other hand, was a person who could be relied on to keep calm in any given situation.

    Chloe was also calm under pressure, so they made a good team. Unfortunately, she was also becoming a bit Machiavellian, because she had set it up that neither Lex or her cousin or Clark actually knew the full extent of what she was planning.

    She deliberately kept them in the dark, and only told them what they needed to know to be worried enough about her to work together, and hopefully, realize that Chloe had been up to something, and decide to work together.

    Gabe knew that Lois and Clark would be concerned, but he couldn’t help but feel that it would be Lex who would figure things out first. After all, he was a brilliant strategist, and Gabe knew that Chloe had been influenced by Lex’s attention to detail when she thought up her escape plan.

    But as for the three of them working together, Gabe had his doubts, but if Chloe felt it could be done, he would give her the time she requested.

    Gabe was not ashamed to admit that he liked the idea of someone as powerful and influential as Lex being on Chloe’s side. If it came down to it, he would need someone with enough power to cut through any red tape thrown at them when the time came to get Chloe and her mom released.

    If the plan went wrong, that is.

    And Gabe believed in preparing for the worst, because for all of Chloe’s meticulous planning, any part of her escape could easily go awry, and Gabe was not about to let Chloe rot in an insane asylum.

    Not when it wasn’t her time to anyway.

    Chloe’s plan brought all of Gabe’s secret worries, and his biggest worry was that not only would he have lost his wife to insanity, but also his little girl.

    The thought was enough to give him plenty of sleepless nights, but to now know that Chloe was locked up in a sanitarium, well Gabe was now relying on No Doze to get through his days.

    Gabe had done his best to protect Chloe from her mother’s mental illness, but his wife had taken care of it for him. She divorced Gabe, and then promptly turned her back on Chloe, preferring to pretend that she didn’t have a daughter.

    At first, Gabe had been furious, until he discovered that Chloe’s mom had entered into therapy, and that she couldn’t have contact with any family members. But, her illness was too far gone, and it was not long before she was permanently confined to an asylum.

    Gabe refused to think about Chloe’s chances of inheriting her mother’s insanity. He choose to think about the bright future that Chloe had ahead of her, and he knew that he wouldn’t get a proper nights rest until Chloe was out of that place, and back with him, living the life she was supposed to.
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 7th June 2009 at 04:05.

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  6. #26
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 3 1/6

    Kit that was a great update but Lex and Clark and Lois working together eekgood luck with that. LOL!!! I am so sacred for Chloe in this. I hope she comes out all right.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #27
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 3 1/6

    Thanks for the update. You've included some really intriguing exposition and an excellent set-up for the development of "the plan." I'm quite fascinated by this story and am looking forward to seeing how Chloe follows through with things and how Lex in particular will fit into it.

  8. #28
    seeking a happy ending. meeaz's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 3 1/6

    like zannie, i'm wondering how lex will fit into all this, but it's still great!

    maybe he can be the veronica of this series-who knows?
    <3 yams.

  9. #29
    NS Full Member katieandjason's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 3 1/6

    Whoa. This is an innovative concept, and wonderful incorporation of a side character we know nothing about. I can't wait to see where this goes, and if Lex lets Clark and Lois work with him.

  10. #30
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 3 1/6

    Gabe, aw, I love Gabe.

    And Lex, Clark, and Lois working together? That'll be interesting.

    Nice update

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