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Thread: Season four: Chlex style (PG-13) complete

  1. #11
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    16 Jan 2004
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    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/18*(PG-13)

    i liked you versons much better.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/18*(PG-13)

    Skipping ahead to bound!

    Lex Luthor was watching the television. The evening before was turning out to be a nightmare. ‘Why did I ever sleep with that girl? Chloe is going to kill me!’ Lex thought. ‘I just hope she didn’t watch the news. But she’s a reporter! She always watches the news! Damn, damn, damn!’ Chloe Sullivan burst open the doors to Lex’s office. She was enraged. She wanted nothing more then to rip his heart out. Stomp on his bald head, kill no less. She hated him right now. Lex had a sly grin on his face. He played innocent until proven guilty.

    “Hi Chloe, what’s up?” Lex said as normal as possible like this whole thing didn’t happen. Chloe didn’t by it one bit!
    “Don’t hi me Lex! What the hell did you do! Just because I can’t give it to you, you go and do it with some other bitch!” Chloe practically yelled in his face. Lex glanced to this side in defeat. He felt bad he really did. He was just caught in the “moment”. A moment that should’ve been with Chloe.
    “Chloe I’m,” Chloe cut her off.
    “Save it Luthor! I’m done with you!” With that said Chloe left. She would be back because she had no where to stay. Lex was heart broken. ‘Damn it!’ Lex and Chloe thought at the same time.

    Chloe was in her office at the Torch. She needed to get away from him. His smell still lingered on her clothes. Tears began streaming down her eyes. It was only the afternoon. The mansion was just a pit stop. Chloe sank into her chair and covered her eyes with her hands.

    Lex looked up when the doors open again in his office. This time it was Clark.

    “Clark. I take it you saw my walk of shame on the news?” Clark didn’t care about that. He cared about Chloe, and if she was alright.
    “Did you tell Chloe?” Clark said flat out. Lex looked to the ground again, and then back at Clark.
    “She broke up with me.”
    “Well gee I wonder why? What’s with you Lex? You go and sleep with another girl, when you already have one! What the hell are you doing? I thought you wanted this relationship to work!” Clark yelled. Lex had enough of yelling. He was ready to kick Clark out, but he remained his cool.
    “It was one of those times where you’re just caught in the moment, and that never happens.” Lex lied. Clark nodded his head. He was pissed at Lex.
    “The next time you decide to get back with Chloe, don’t hurt her. Because if you do, I’ll hurt you!” Clark threaten and left the mansion.
    When Clark got back to the Torch office before the bell rang, Chloe was doing her paper on the computer. Her eyes were a little red from crying.

    “What’s up Chlo? Are you alright?” Chloe sniffed and put her apple down. Clark went to put his arm around Chloe to comfort her. Chloe just looked at him and sobbed again.
    “That could’ve been me Clark! I wanted to be the one to, to,…to,” Chloe cried every tear she could. Clark now knew that Chloe really did love Lex Luthor. But why did she love him? Clark wanted nothing to him with right now, but he knew the best thing to do, was to help him out of this pickle.
    “After I went to Lex’s I went to the prison.” Chloe looked at Clark like what in the hell are you doing?
    “Clark! How could you do that? For all I care he can suffer!” Chloe got up and went to put some files away.
    “Chloe, that’s not the right attitude.”
    “I don’t care.” Chloe whined.
    “Chloe, you should help him.” Clark pressed in.
    “Why?” Chloe demanded.
    “Because he’s your boyfriend, and you love him!” Clark practically screamed. Then it hit her. Chloe was in love with Lex Luthor.

    “Then why he did sleep with that bitch?” Chloe yelled and sat back in her chair, and sighed.
    “I don’t know. But please Chloe. We have to help him.”

    After the eventful day of rescuing Lex from a ring of fire, Chloe walks in Lex’s office. He is by the fire going over some papers. Chloe is a little nervous but sits by him instead, and cuddles up next to him. Lex is confused as hell but doesn’t question it, so he wraps his arms around her.

    “Chloe, I’m so sorry.”
    “I’m sorry too.”
    “For what? You didn’t do anything.”
    “For saying those things. I want to be with you forever.” Chloe said. Lex was shocked. He wanted the same thing.
    “Me too Chlo.”
    “Lex, the next time you want to do it, let me know ok?” Chloe smiled at Lex. Lex smiled back.
    “I thought you didn’t want to do that stuff?” Lex asked. Chloe shrugged her shoulders.
    “I realized that I love you more then anything, and I feel that I’m ready.” Lex had a big smile on his face. All was forgiven as the two rested in each others company.

    The End.

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